GLD :: Volume #16

#1588: Heaven Weeping Blood Hand

pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Xia Ping depends oneself pair of Hell's Golden Crow pair of wings, is ordinary just like the Starry Sky spirit, unceasing Dodge energy beams, appear in front of Battleship instantaneously. 夏平仗着自己身上一双地狱金乌双翼,宛如星空幽灵一般,不断闪避一道道能量射线,瞬间就出现在一艘艘战舰面前。 These energy beams do not hit he, but he can actually with no difficulty tearing Battleship. 那些能量射线打不中他,但是他却可以轻而易举的撕裂战舰 Whenever he appears in front of Battleship, that Battleship will be torn, at the scene explosion, all split up and in pieces. 每当他出现在一艘战舰面前,那艘战舰就会被撕裂,当场爆炸,四分五裂 Even if some people not, when Battleship destruction death, but they after all are not Return to Truth Realm great expert, the body does not have Mountains and Rivers Bead such Magical Artifact, is unable to survive in the vacuum. 即使有的人没有在战舰毁灭的时候死亡,可是他们毕竟不是归真境大能,身上也没有山河珠这样的法宝,无法在真空存活。 Therefore, one by one strength formidable Red Scarf Thief passed away in vacuum condition among, this is the brutality of Universe war, is not born with dies, exist(ence) of few captives. 因此,一个个实力强大红巾贼都是在真空状态当中气绝身亡,这就是宇宙战争的残酷,不是生就是死,很少有俘虏的存在 Is the dozen minutes, over a hundred Battleship destroy, Red Scarf Thief lose seriously. 仅仅是十几分钟,就有上百艘战舰毁灭,红巾贼们损失惨重。 Aaah, kills him, kills this inexpensive type, unexpectedly destroyed our Red Scarf Thief over a hundred Battleship, absolutely irreconcilable.” 啊啊啊,杀死他,杀死这贱种,居然毁灭了我们红巾贼上百艘战舰,不共戴天啊。” How to kill, our Battleship laser cannon could not cope with him, his speed was too quick.” “怎么杀啊,我们战舰激光炮根本对付不了他,他的速度太快了。” Moreover the volume is too small, is unable to aim.” “而且体积太小,根本无法瞄准。” „Compared with the opposite party, our Battleship are extremely unwieldy, simply is a target, can only let person of attack.” “和对方一比,我们的战舰太过笨重,简直就是靶子,只能任人攻击。” Numerous Red Scarf Thief gnashing one's teeth, the anger to the extreme, they never has such sullen, share that the share that unexpectedly only then they come under attack, has not counterattacked. 众多红巾贼咬牙切齿,愤怒到极点,他们从来没这么憋屈过,居然就只有他们挨打的份,没有还击的份。 However this also has no alternative, originally Battleship weapon system to cope with Battleship, wants to cope with human, moreover speed extremely quick human, is really difficult, this and cannon hits the mosquito to have no difference. 但是这也无可奈何,本来战舰武器系统就是为了对付战舰,想对付人类,而且还是速度极快的人类,实在是太难,这和大炮打蚊子没什么区别。 chief, cannot, continuation let this brat act willfully this way, we must make a move, cuts to kill this villain, eradicates the future trouble.” vice-chief angrily shouted, he did not endure again. 首领,不能继续这样下去,继续让这小子为所欲为了,我们必须出手,将这凶徒斩杀,铲除后患。”一个副首领怒喝一声,他再也忍不了。 They for Red Scarf Thief do not know that makes many efforts, saw own elite seems like insect was stamped by one by one, they feel own heart in the drop blood. 他们为了红巾贼不知道付出多少心血,见到自己的精锐好像虫子似的被一个个踩死,他们感到自己心头都在滴血。 To make up for the loss of this Battleship, does not know that needs how much valuables and money. 想弥补回来这次战舰的损失,都不知道需要多少财宝。 Acts, butchered this fellow.” “出手,将这家伙宰了。” Red Scarf Thief chief Wu An could not sit still, this way, it is estimated that complete Battleship will be slaughtered by the enemy, when the time comes they were only the hoodlum commanders, hundred years is unable to make up for this loss. 红巾贼首领吴安也坐不住了,再这样下去,估计全部的战舰都会被对方屠戮一空,到时候他们就只是光棍司令了,百年都无法弥补回来这个损失。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! Finishes speaking, Red Scarf Thief Five Great Return to Truth Realm great expert acts, immediately flew from the Universe fort, arrives in front of Xia Ping instantaneously, preventing him from continuing destruction Battleship. 话音刚落,红巾贼五大归真境大能出手,立即从宇宙要塞飞了出来,瞬间就来到夏平面前,阻止他继续破坏战舰 Sees only these five people of appearances, immediately erupts the Return to Truth Realm rank the strength, by one group of energy surrounding, seemed to be formed the independent space all over the body, can in the vacuum free survival. 只见这五人一出现,立即爆发出归真境级别的实力,通体被一团能量包围,仿佛形成了独立的空间,能在真空自由自在的生存。 Meanwhile the strength of their Nascent Divinity fill the air, communicates Universe, forms Formation, all around huge Void energy floods into their body crazily, grows continually. 同时他们的元神之力弥漫出来,沟通宇宙,形成阵法,四周庞大的虚空能量疯狂涌入他们的身体,生生不息。 As if this moment these five are not human, but is five Revered God is ordinary. 仿佛此刻这五个并不是人类,而是五尊神祗一般。 Evil Creature, stop, kills my Red Scarf Thief, immediately suffers to death!” 孽畜,住手,杀我红巾贼,立即受死!” Red Scarf Thief chief Wu An angrily shouted, his disagreement/not with Xia Ping idle talk, kills radically directly. 红巾贼首领吴安怒喝一声,他根本不和夏平废话,直接袭杀过去。 Martial Dao Divine Ability Heaven Weeping Blood Hand! 武道神通苍天泣血手 His a palm strikes, big hand covers the vault of heaven, contain endless Martial Arts mysteries, almost wraps planet, palm all around presents densely packed formidable rune. 一掌击下,大手覆盖苍穹,蕴含着无尽的武学奥秘,几乎将一颗星球都包裹起来,巴掌四周出现密密麻麻强大符文 Among faintly, a surrounding area several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) vacuum was filled by blood-colored, as if the vault of heaven is sobbing, drops blood, like ascending the sky is yowling, has the desperate flavor, as if must bury this piece of World. 隐隐约约之间,方圆数万里的真空都被血色弥漫,仿佛苍穹在哭泣,滴落血液,如同上天在恸哭,带着惨烈的味道,仿佛要埋葬这片天地 This is top Divine Ability that Wu An has, he sweeps away all directions all rivals by this Divine Ability Method, created the illustrious prestige, a palm struck, sky and the earth turning upside down. 这便是吴安具备的顶级神通,凭借这门神通他横扫四面八方所有敌手,创造了赫赫威名,一掌击下,天翻地覆 Great Yin-Yang Shaking Monument Hand! 大阴阳摔碑手 Xia Ping also acted, consciousness deep place, Yin-Yang talisman are shivering, transmits endless Martial Arts mysteries, Yin-Yang qi flow condenses from Void deep place. 夏平也出手了,意识深处,一枚枚阴阳符箓在颤动,传递出无尽的武学奥秘,阴阳气流虚空深处凝聚出来。 Whiz! 嗖! His a palm patted, the Yin-Yang two air/Qi condense black and white color millstone, the all kinds trigram shape appear, earth, wind, water and fire, Ze thunder universe, deducts simultaneously unceasingly. 一掌拍了过去,阴阳二气凝聚成黑白色磨盘,各种卦象出现,地风水火,泽雷乾坤,同时不断演绎。 And finally, huge palm appeared unexpectedly natural picture scroll, the mountain, the river, the mountain valley, desert, sea, the sky wait/etc., the work of the Gods of all kinds nature, outstanding people and magical soil, endless good fortune is one of them. 到了最后,巨大的巴掌居然浮现了一副自然的画卷,高山,长河,山谷,沙漠,大海,天空等等,各种大自然的鬼斧神工,人杰地灵,无尽造化都在其中。 Yin Yang Cycle, Sun and Moon takes turn, covered and contained everything wait/etc. inconceivable aura fills the air, appears in Xia Ping's palm among, kills instantaneously toward Wu An. 阴阳轮转,日月交替,包罗万象等等不可思议的气息弥漫出来,出现在夏平的手掌当中,瞬间就朝着吴安袭杀过去。 Thump! 咚! Two big hand hit in Void, hits Earth general like the comet, erupts the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering sound, has the fluctuation of terrifying, goes out toward all directions spreading, affects several tens of thousands li (0.5 km). 两只大手虚空撞击,如同彗星撞击地球一般,爆发出惊天动地的声响,产生恐怖的波动,朝着四面八方扩散出去,波及数万里。 Along the way in the past, meteorites were shaken the smashing, even more than ten Battleship evade it less also to be shaken one pile of scrap iron instantaneously, inside Red Scarf Thief was also killed by shock completely, changes into ashes. 沿途过去,一颗颗陨石被震成粉碎,甚至有十几艘战舰避之不及也瞬间被震成一堆废铁,里面的红巾贼也被全部震死,化为齑粉 If treats in planet fights, perhaps entire planet will be hit heaven falls and earth splits. 如果待在星球战斗的话,恐怕整颗星球都会被打得天崩地裂 As soon as two people hit, is one after another backing up several kilometers. 两人一撞,也是纷纷倒退数公里。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” The Wu An eye reveals bright light, shows the unimaginable look: „ Your Martial Dao realm is also Golden Core Realm Middle Stage, in also formidable Rank compared with the material, may also be only Golden Core Realm. 吴安眼睛露出一丝精光,露出匪夷所思的神色:“你的武道境界也就是金丹境中期罢了,比资料上还强大一个等级,可也只是金丹境 However now can with my Return to Truth Realm Middle Stage to putting together a palm unexpectedly, even does not fall disadvantageous position, your such Golden Core True Master simply is an extremely rare and unprecedented event, you absolutely are not ordinary True Disciple, said, what status your in the end is? ” 但是现在居然能和我这个归真境中期对拼一掌,甚至都不落下风,你这样的金丹真人简直闻所未闻,你绝对不是普通真传弟子,说,你到底是什么身份?” He had the deep suspicion to the Xia Ping's status, so formidable fighting strength, absolutely is not to be trifled with. 他对夏平的身份起了深深的怀疑,如此强大战斗力,绝对不是等闲之辈 Before such formidable cultivator, does not have the least bit fame, an extremely rare and unprecedented event, how wants to think that is a strange matter. 这么强大修炼者之前却没半点名气,闻所未闻,怎么想都觉得是一件奇怪的事。 chief, did not need to guess, I had known his true identity.” 首领,不用猜了,我已经知道了他的真实身份。” Nearby vice-chief start to talk said: „ a moment ago this a palm should be legend among Great Yin-Yang Shaking Monument Hand, Universe Sect's supreme Secret Art, universe Saint's adept Divine Ability, has been lost for several tens of thousands years. 旁边的副首领开口道:“刚才一掌应该是传说当中大阴阳摔碑掌,乾坤派的至高绝学,乾坤圣人的拿手神通,已经失传了数万年。 It is said recently obtained this Martial Dao Divine Ability inheritance person only then, that is Dark North Saint's disciple Xia Ping, if I have not guessed that wrong, this fellow is Xia Ping, Yang Budong is only his false status. ” 据说最近得到了这门武道神通传承的人就只有一个,那就是北冥圣人的弟子夏平,如果我没猜错的话,这家伙就是夏平,杨不动只是他的虚假身份。” His eye reveals bright light, he is the Red Scarf Thief's brain truster, grasped numerous news, might be considered as is learned, merely is several breath, he saw many tricks from Xia Ping's Martial Arts among. 他眼睛露出一丝精光,他是红巾贼的智囊,掌握了众多消息,堪称是博古通今,仅仅是几个呼吸,他就从夏平的武学当中看出了诸多猫腻。 Xia Ping?!” 夏平?!” Wu An body shakes, he has also listened to this Dark North disciple Saint's name obviously, initially this matter vibrated nearby dozens Star Territory, was known by the countless big influence. 吴安身体一震,他显然也听过这北冥弟子圣人的名字,当初这件事可是震动了附近数十个星域,被无数大势力知晓。 He as Red Scarf Thief chief, must pay attention. 他身为红巾贼首领,不可能不关注。 no way, before remembering for more than two years, this Xia Ping just joined Universe Sect to become Saint disciple, at that time was Violet Palace Realm, now the short more than two years in the past, promote Golden Core Realm Middle Stage, was too absurd.” 不会吧,记得两年多前,这夏平才刚刚加入乾坤派成为圣人弟子,那时候才是紫府境,现在短短两年多过去,就晋升到了金丹境中期,太荒谬了。” Wu An simply cannot believe that such really compares the false information to make one shock, he even cannot help but spreads the intent of intense envy from the innermost feelings, between the person and person why are so how unfair. 吴安简直不敢相信,这样的真相比虚假消息更加令人震撼,他甚至不由得从内心蔓延出强烈的嫉妒之意,人和人之间怎么为什么这么不公平。
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