GLD :: Volume #13

#1293: Cranks up meat pie

Lord Commander!” 统领大人!” Many Drakonid soldiers are frighten courage entirely cracks, whole body are trembling, this is King Level Drakonid, although they are not considered as that formidable King, but that is also King, besides Emperor Level to Expert(s). 众多龙人士兵都是吓得肝胆俱裂,浑身都在哆嗦,这可是王者级龙人啊,虽然他们不算是强大王者,但是那也是王者,除了帝级之外的至强者 All in Dragon God Continent equivalent to Feudal Vassal general exist(ence), usually falls from the sky is the serious important matters, now unexpectedly instantaneously by killed three, dying is also lowlier than the weed. 个个在龙神大陆相当于诸侯一般的存在,平常陨落一个都是不得了的大事,现在居然被瞬间被灭杀三个,死得比杂草还卑贱。 Quickly, goes to the Dragon Horn City request assistance in a big hurry quickly, has the Human Race Expert(s) invasion, has the Human Race Expert(s) invasion.” Drakonid Captain yells loudly, immediately sends out S.O.S., requested that Dragon Horn City King comes out to rescue. “快快快,快去龙角城请求支援,有人族强者入侵,有人族强者入侵啊。”一个龙人队长大声叫喊起来,立即发出求救信号,请求龙角城王者出来救援。 He knew three King Level Commander by instant kill, even their these Drakonid soldiers bundled together, was not the this human opponent, their only one by one function, was the protracted time, waited for Dragon Horn City Kings to come out. 他知道三个王者级统领都被秒杀了,即使他们这些龙人士兵捆在一起,都不是这个人类的对手,他们唯一一点作用,就是拖延时间,等龙角城王者们出来。 In addition, they have no means. 除此之外,他们没任何办法。 Was too strong, is really Sir Xia!” “太强了,真的是夏大人!” The Gongsun Yang and the others kind is also dumbstruck, if the name has the possibility to be the same, but the strength is impossible to create a false impression, can instantaneous instant kill three King Level Drakonid Expert(s), except for hearsay among Xia Ping, but can also anyone. 公孙阳等人类也是目瞪口呆,如果说名字有可能相同,但是实力是不可能造假的,能够瞬间秒杀三尊王者级龙人强者,除了传闻当中夏平,还能有谁。 Starting off!” “上路吧!” Facing the group charges of over a thousand Drakonid soldiers, Xia Ping's body Magic Power erupts, Void is a palm. 面对上千龙人士兵的集团冲锋,夏平身上法力爆发出来,虚空便是一掌 Martial Dao Divine Ability-- Great Yin-Yang Shaking Monument Hand! 武道神通——大阴阳摔碑手 Void among, transforms black and white color big hand immediately, hiding the sky and covering the earth , is 2-3 km, Yin-Yang qi flow fusion together, changes into giant millstone. 虚空当中,立即幻化出一只黑白色大手,遮天蔽日,两三,阴阳气流融合在一起,化为一个巨型磨盘 But this millstone gets down from the midair steamroll, is carrying terrifying strength, obliterates all. 而这个磨盘从半空碾压下来,携带着恐怖的力量,磨灭一切。 Thump! 咚! Is a palm, is ordinary like World collision together, immediately over a thousand Drakonid soldiers, together with they are riding savage beast, immediately was patted into meat pie, gets sucked like this in the ground. 仅仅是一掌,如同天地碰撞在一起一般,当即上千位龙人士兵,连同他们骑着的蛮兽,立即被拍成一张馅饼,就这样深陷在地面上。 Even in the ground presents huge palm print, is five km, cracks appear, densely packed, does not know that spreads to far, the crack like Abyss, the stone falls, for a long time does not have the echo, as if this a palm strength has penetrated Earth general. 甚至地面上出现一只巨大的掌印,长达五公里,一道道裂缝浮现,密密麻麻,都不知道蔓延到多远,裂缝如同深渊,石头掉落下去,很长时间都没有回声,似乎这一掌力量已经击穿了大地一般。 Moreover this a palm strength simply as wonderful as peak, besides the Drakonid soldier, other humans slave unscathed, holds the vigor by the perfect control, has not leaked. 而且这一掌力量简直妙到巅峰,除了龙人士兵之外,其他人类奴隶毫发无损,掌劲被完美的掌控起来,没有丝毫外泄。 My mother, was too strong, a palm on killed over a thousand Drakonid soldiers, was patted into meat pie directly!” human slave was frightened complexion to be pale, when he has seen so formidable King. “我的妈,太强了,一掌灭杀上千龙人士兵,直接被拍成馅饼!”一个人类奴隶被吓得脸色惨白,他什么时候见过如此强大王者 It is estimated that only has legend among Martial Dao Great Emperor to be able with it to compare. 估计就只有传说当中武道大帝才能与之比拟。 Too berserk, over a thousand Drakonid soldiers, even to escape cannot escape.” Many human slave tremble, these Drakonid soldiers have many fighting strength, is not clearer than them. “太狂暴了,上千龙人士兵即使想逃都逃不掉。”不少人类奴隶都是战栗,这些龙人士兵拥有多少战斗力,没有比他们更加清楚了。 These Drakonid soldiers are elite, battle strength are all tyrannical, can hit three same rank human soldier. 这些龙人士兵个个都是精锐,战力强横,能一个打三个同阶人类战士 Moreover they form groups, strength of charge, defeat their ten thousand people of Army, kill Human Race soldier like cutting grass sufficiently general, simply is invincible. 而且他们成群结队,一个冲锋的力量,就足以击溃他们万人军队,杀人族战士如同割草一般,简直所向披靡 Some people once said that Drakonid ten thousand, ten thousand Wudi(Invincible), this has proven Drakonid Race's formidable sufficiently, indeed is this side World Overlord, occupied the 70% above land. 有人曾说龙人不过万,过万则无敌,这足以证明龙人族的强大,的确是这方天地霸主,占据了七成以上的土地。 However is this tyrannical Army, unexpectedly was patted by Xia Ping a palm, becomes meat pie. 但是就是这样的强横军队,居然被夏平一掌就拍死了,成为馅饼 The bonus is their imagination is rich, cannot think that such matter will happen. 饶是他们想象力再丰富,也想不到这样的事会发生。 Really is legend among Human Race hero, this strength is not false.” “果然是传说当中人族英雄,这实力不是假的。” Distant place, Gongsun Yang respect looks at Xia Ping, like seeing own idol is ordinary, has such Wudi(Invincible) strength, indeed had the Great Emperor's Wudi(Invincible) stance. 远处,公孙阳敬仰的看着夏平,如同看到自己偶像一般,有这样的无敌实力,的确有了大帝的无敌姿态。 „Is front then Dragon Horn City?” “前面便是龙角城?” Whiz, after a slap pats these Drakonid soldiers, Xia Ping arrived in front of Gongsun Yang directly, at least has Divine Ability Realm Middle Stage cultivation base his sensation to this Gongsun Yang, is this crowd of human slave strongest. 嗖的一声,一巴掌拍死这些龙人士兵之后,夏平直接就来到了公孙阳面前,他感知到这公孙阳至少有神通境中期修为,是这群人类奴隶最强者。 Believes that inquired this person issue, can definitely know answer that oneself want to know. 相信询问这个人问题,肯定能知道自己想知道的答案。 Right, front is Dragon Horn City, is Dragon God City's gateway city, wants to enter Dragon God City to first stride in Dragon Horn City.” Hears Xia Ping's to question, the information that Gongsun Yang will know altogether said. “没错,前面就是龙角城,是龙神城的门户城市,想进入龙神城就必须先跨入龙角城。”听到夏平的问话,公孙阳一股脑将自己知道的情报说了出来。 Good, it seems like my not going astray road.” “太好了,看来我没走错路。” Xia Ping nodded. 夏平点点头 Sir, does not know that you do come Dragon God City to do?” Thinks, Gongsun Yang subconsciously asked. “大人,不知道你来龙神城想干什么?”想了想,公孙阳下意识的问道。 Xia Ping crosses the hands behind the back to stand: Does not have other matter, I want to look for Drakonid Great Emperor to dispute, is look have an undeserved reputation.” 夏平负手而立:“也没别的事,我就是想找龙人大帝较量较量,看看是不是浪得虚名。” What?! 什么?! Hears this saying, is not only Gongsun Yang, nearby human slave was shocked. 听到这话,不仅是公孙阳,旁边的人类奴隶都是惊呆了。 They have thought Xia Ping comes here all kinds reason, including wants to rescue massive human slave, wants to carry out the enemy destruction action, or has what secret Mission. 他们想过夏平来这里的各种理由,包括想解救大量的人类奴隶,想搞敌方破坏行动,或者是有什么秘密任务 However kills their didn't expect, Xia Ping wants to enter Dragon God City unexpectedly, looks for the Drakonid Great Emperor contest. 但是打死他们都没想到,夏平居然想进入龙神城,找龙人大帝较量。 If Xia Ping is not Human Race hero, they definitely think that this fellow head has the issue, thorough was insane. 如果夏平不是人族英雄,他们肯定以为这家伙脑袋有问题,彻底疯了。 Dragon God City that is somewhere, Dragon God Clan Headquarters, six big Emperor Level Expert(s), countless Drakonid King, goes in addition this place, is not courting death or anything. 龙神城那是什么地方,龙神族大本营,有六大帝级强者,除此之外还有无数龙人王者,进去这个地方,不是找死还是什么。 Xia Ping acts suddenly, Void is a palm, depresses gently, fearful strength covers on nearby human. 夏平忽然出手,虚空便是一掌,轻轻压下,可怕的力量笼罩在附近的人类身上。 Thump! 咚! Immediately, Gongsun Yang and the others felt own body shakes gently, the body all kinds steel shackles were shaken all split up and in pieces, one after another fall in the ground. 当即,公孙阳等人感到自己身体轻轻一震,身上各种钢铁镣铐都被震得四分五裂,纷纷掉落在地面上。 But they also capture the freedom finally, immediately each one is the great happiness. 而他们也终于夺取回来自由,顿时个个都是大喜。 Un, ok, you are now free, immediately leaves this place.” “嗯,好了,现在你们自由了,立即离开这个地方。” Xia Ping beckons with the hand, was saying to Gongsun Yang and the others: Naturally, here is Drakonid Race territory, surroundings possibly presents the Drakonid Race pursuing troops, can live, but must look at you.” 夏平摆了摆手,对着公孙阳等人说道:“当然,这里是龙人族地盘,周围都可能出现龙人族追兵,能否活下来,还得看你们。” Sir, don't worry, the Sirs rescue from Drakonid Race us, escapes this matter we naturally to do!” “大人,不用担心,大人都将我们从龙人族手里解救出来,逃跑这种事我们自然会做!” Right, if were also caught up by the Drakonid soldier, then also only blames us to have bad luck.” “对啊,如果还被龙人士兵追上,那么也只怪我们倒霉。” „Does the Sir really plan Dragon God City? That is a dangerous spot.” “不过大人真的打算去龙神城吗?那可是龙潭虎穴。” Gongsun Yang and the others gets hold of fist, but their a little worry looks at Xia Ping. 公孙阳等人都握紧拳头,不过他们还是有点担心的看着夏平 Whiz! 嗖! The Xia Ping anything words had not said, turns around then to leave. 夏平什么话也没说,转身便离开。 This!” “这!” a group of people is stunned. 一群人愕然。 "forget about it, the Sir naturally has Sir own arrangement, is not one's turn us to manage, how we think to escape from the Drakonid Race territory, this is arduous Mission. ” “算了,大人自然有大人自己的安排,也轮不到我们来管,我们还是想想如何逃出龙人族领地吧,这可是一件艰巨的任务。” Gongsun Yang looks at people. 公孙阳看着众人。 Yes, Sir Gongsun.” “是的,公孙大人。” The people are nodded. 众人都是点点头 ............ ………… But at this time, Dragon Horn City City Lord Mansion, here is actually an appearance of put on a show of peace and prosperity, is holding the banquet. 这时候,龙角城城主府,这里却是一副歌舞升平的样子,正在举办宴会。 At this moment was gathering massive Drakonid King, they were summoned by Dragon Horn City City Lord Ba Dike, plans to discuss that Drakonid Kill Order matter, this is the influence entire Drakonid Race's important matter. 此刻正聚集了大量的龙人王者,他们被龙角城城主巴蒂克召唤过来,打算商谈龙人必杀令的事情,这是影响整个龙人族的大事。 Basically, Dragon Horn City several hundred Drakonid King arrived, majestic and grandiose, equivalent to Dragon Horn City's High Level conference. 基本上,龙角城数百位龙人王者都抵达了,浩浩荡荡,相当于龙角城的高层会议。
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