GLD :: Volume #13

#1291: Dragon Horn City

Holy City?! 圣城?! Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, he knows that Holy City is this world Human Race's Headquarters, inside experts as common as the clouds, even three Emperor Level realm Expert(s). 夏平挑了挑眉,他知道圣城是这个世界人族的大本营,里面强者如云,甚至还有三位帝级境界强者 If before is, perhaps, he is also interested in meeting, but knows that now Yu Qiqi their whereabout, he does not want to continue to lose the time in this place. 如果是之前的话,或许他还有兴趣去见见面,但是现在都知道鱼七七她们的下落,他也不想继续在这个地方耽误时间。 Next time, my also a little matter must do.” “下次吧,我还有点事要做。” Xia Ping beckons with the hand. 夏平摆摆手。 Having the matter can do? What makes?” Baili Hu curiously asked. “有事要做?去做什么?”百里虎好奇问道 Xia Ping slightly smiled: Goes to Dragon God City.” 夏平微微一笑:“去龙神城。” What?! 什么?! Baili Hu whole body did dumbfounded, go to Dragon God City? That is Drakonid Race's Headquarters, alerting is more stern than Holy City, six Drakonid Great Emperor guard, strength terrifying to not side. 百里虎整个人懵逼了,去龙神城?那可是龙人族的大本营,戒备比圣城还森严,还有六尊龙人大帝镇守,实力恐怖到没边。 Xia Ping goes to that place, isn't brings about own destruction?! 夏平去那地方,不是自寻死路吗?! However without he wants to say anything, next second of Xia Ping then soars to fly, rapid departure City Lord Mansion. 但是没等他想说点什么,下一秒夏平便腾空飞起,迅速的离开城主府 Guards Hundred Li City's also see this, but sees is Human Race Hero Xia draws, they have not said anything, each one very has chest, looks at Xia Ping of incomparable respect leaves. 百里城的护卫们也看到这一幕,但是见到是人族英雄夏,他们也没说什么,个个都是挺起胸膛,无比敬仰的看着夏平离开。 ............ ………… After a few days. 数日后 Dragon Horn City, this is a Drakonid Race main city Dragon God City outer circle giant city, it by the known as Dragon God City's gateway, a equivalent to war fort, was known as castle that will never downcast. 龙角城,这是龙人族主城龙神城外围的一座巨型城池,它被称之为龙神城的门户,相当于一座战争要塞,号称永不陷落的城堡。 To invade Dragon God City, only then captures Dragon Horn City to have the possibility, since however several tens of thousands years, Dragon Horn City had not been broken through, do not say that invades Dragon God City. 想要入侵龙神城,就只有攻陷龙角城才有可能,但是数万年以来,龙角城从来没被人攻破过,更不要说是入侵龙神城 Because also Dragon Horn City geography position is so important, therefore causes this city to be very lively, several tens of thousands years get down it to become the Drakonid Race's economic center, are very lively. 也因为龙角城地理位置如此重要,所以导致这座城池无比繁华,数万年下来它已经成为了龙人族的经济中心,无比繁华。 On this moment Dragon Horn City about hundred li (0.5 km) one main road, one team of Drakonid Army walk slowly, quantity over thousand, fully-armed, but they are following several tens of thousands human slave behind. 此刻龙角城百里开外一条主干道上,正有一队龙人军队缓缓走来,数量过千,全副武装,而他们身后则是跟随着数万个人类奴隶 They were broken through the Human Race city by Drakonid Army, is defeated is captured. 他们都是被龙人军队攻破人族城池,才失败被俘虏的。 at this time, these human slave whole body were tying up the steel shackles, there are both men and women, has always has young, but each one is emaciated, is angry powerless, obviously did not know by many days hungrily. 这时候,这些人类奴隶全身都被绑着钢铁镣铐,有男有女,有老有幼,但是个个都是面黄肌瘦,有气无力,显然都不知道被饿了多少天。 Their eyes are atheistic, does not have the hope to this world. 他们眼睛无神,已经对这个世界没有了希望。 Arrived Dragon Horn City, your slave walked quickly a bit faster, walks slowly one step, Father breaks your legs.” Drakonid Military Officer shouted loudly, urged that these human slave walked quickly. “快到龙角城了,你们这些奴隶快点走,慢走一步,老子就打断你们的腿。”一位龙人将领大声喝道,催促这些人类奴隶快走。 No, is not good, walked for three days and three nights, but also the water drop has not moistened, I could not have taken a walk.”, Has human slave unable to bear day after day rushing about immediately again, immediately falls down. “不,不行了,都走了三天三夜,还滴水未沾,我已经走不动了。”啪的一下,当即就有人类奴隶再也受不了连日的奔波,顿时就倒在地上。 Bang! 砰! human slave just fell down, side has the Drakonid soldier to pull out whip on origin immediately, a whip pulled out, was foul-mouthed: a group of humans dog shit, takes several roads, without having the several days food, here chatty, here pretends unable to take a walk, one by one is lazybones, cannot take a walk projects on you to move.” 人类奴隶才刚刚倒在地上,旁边就有龙人士兵立即抽出身上的鞭子,一鞭就抽了过去,骂骂咧咧:“一群人类狗屎,才走几步路,才没吃几天饭,就在这里唧唧歪歪,在这里假装走不动,一个个都是懒骨头,走不动就打到你们动。” His whip whip pulled out, will pour in ground human slave pulls out body blasting open, blood is dripping, since pitiful yell repeatedly, crawls from the ground till the opposite party rapidly. 他一鞭一鞭的抽了过去,将倒在地上的人类奴隶抽得皮肉炸裂,鲜血淋漓,惨叫连连,直到对方迅速从地上爬起为止。 However also some human slave, because is extremely hungry, cannot withstand hot sun Ignite, falls down directly, the neck one crookedly, is unable to get up again, obviously died thoroughly. 但是也有的人类奴隶因为太过饥饿,承受不住烈日灼烧,直接就倒在地上,脖子一歪,再也无法起来,显然彻底断气。 Feigning death, your mother's also feigns death here, immediately rolls to Father, your human only then gives us Drakonid Race, when slave share, when except that slave, you have what value.” The Drakonid soldier was foul-mouthed, still pulled out that human corpse(s) vigorously, almost pulled out all split up and in pieces to stop. “装死是吧,你他妈还在这里装死,立即给老子滚起来,你们人类就只有给我们龙人族奴隶的份,除了当奴隶,你们还有什么价值。”龙人士兵骂骂咧咧,依然大力抽那具人类尸体,抽得都差不多四分五裂了才停止下来。 Bah, but also really died, was really cheap you.” “呸,还真的死了,真是便宜你了。” That Drakonid soldier discovered that pulls out to this degree, that human does not get up, obviously has died again cannot die, but he does not care, in any case here tens of thousands human slave, dying several are not anything. 龙人士兵发现抽到这种程度,那人类都不起来,显然已经死得不能再死了,不过他也不在意,反正这里有几万个人类奴隶,死几个不算什么。 bastard!” 混蛋!” Numerous human slave are gets hold of fist, gnashing one's teeth, the chest cavity has one group of fury to surge, a human companion who looks at died, they raise immediately a feeling of like grieve for like. 众多人类奴隶都是握紧拳头,咬牙切齿,胸腔有着一团怒火涌动,看着死去的一位人类同伴,他们顿时升起一丝兔死狐悲的感觉。 Once entered Dragon Horn City, their whole life ended, is impossible to escape, the generation after generations must be treated as slave to direct by Drakonid Race. 一旦进入了龙角城,他们这辈子就完了,再也不可能逃出来,生生世世都得被龙人族当做奴隶使唤。 However they also know, Drakonid is really formidable, is not they can contend. 但是他们也知道,龙人实在是太强大,不是他们能抗衡的。 Even the Human Race city was broken through by these Drakonid Army effortless, now their unarmed and defenseless, how is also this crowd of Drakonid opponent. 人族城池都被这些龙人军队轻松攻破,现在他们手无寸铁,又如何是这群龙人的对手。 "forget about it, do not kill them, but these precious cargo of Sir, in the future is to sell the high price, if kills them, making the Sir lose massive wealth, when the time comes only you are perhaps held responsible. ” “算了,别打死他们,这些可是大人的珍贵货物,将来是要卖出高价的,如果打死他们,让大人损失大量钱财,到时候恐怕唯你是问。” Drakonid Captain start to talk said, prevents the behavior of that group of Drakonid soldiers. 一个龙人队长开口道,阻止那群龙人士兵的行为。 Yes, Captain.” “是的,队长。” Many Drakonid soldiers receive an order immediately, although they do not care about these human slave lives, but still quite dreads regarding that Drakonid Noble, after all the opposite party controlled their life and death. 众多龙人士兵立即领命,虽然他们不在乎这些人类奴隶的死活,但是对于那位龙人贵族依然是相当畏惧,毕竟对方掌控了他们生死 Stirs up Drakonid Noble to be furious, they fear will have to take the consequences. 惹得龙人贵族震怒,他们恐怕吃不了兜着走 Captain, recently that matter real? It is said that has Drakonid Army to attack the human city, the result loss is serious, hundred Drakonid King were strangled to death all, million elite was slaughtered by Human Race Army.” “不过队长,最近那件事是不是真的?据说有龙人军队攻打人类城池,结果损失惨重,百位龙人王者被尽数绞杀,百万精锐都被人族军队屠戮一空。” Has Drakonid soldier curiously asked, because this fact was too big, could not conceal, made the entire Dragon God Continent's life know all of a sudden. 龙人士兵好奇问道,因为这件事实在是太大了,根本隐瞒不住,一下子就让整个龙神大陆的生灵知晓。 Even their these soldiers also learn of many news, therefore this also makes them hate human, loses King's to vent Drakonid Race angrily on these human slave. 连他们这些士兵也得知不少消息,所以这也让他们更加痛恨人类,将龙人族损失王者的愤怒发泄在这些人类奴隶身上。 „.” “是真的。” Drakonid Captain nodded: I listened to some Mr. Noble to say this matter, presented Human Race King it is said that battle strength was tyrannical, endures to compare Great Emperor, the name calls Xia Ping.” 龙人队长点点头:“我听一些贵族老爷说过这件事,据说出现了一尊人族王者,战力强横,堪比大帝,名字叫夏平。” Is he acts, killed hundred Drakonid King.” “就是他一人出手,灭杀了百位龙人王者。” What?! 什么?! Has the Drakonid soldier to shock saying: „The difficult Daoist clan to present fourth Great Emperor to be inadequate?” 龙人士兵震惊道:“难道人族要出现第四位大帝不成?” Now Drakonid Race has the advantage, six Great Emperor, but Human Race three, if are many, perhaps among the disparity with Drakonid Race was not that big. 现在龙人族占据优势,有六位大帝,而人族才有三位,如果再多出一位的话,恐怕和龙人族之间的差距就不是那么大了。 maybe, if given time, Human Race will also present fifth, sixth Great Emperor. 说不定,假以时日,人族还会出现第五位,第六位大帝 In this case, how their Drakonid Race also dominates Dragon God Continent. 这样的话,他们龙人族还怎么称霸龙神大陆 Numerous human slave hear this saying, is secret excited, joyful, although they become the captive, but hears so many Drakonid King by killed, still makes them very excited, thought that the big enmity must report. 众多人类奴隶听到这话,都是暗暗兴奋,欣喜不已,虽然他们成为了阶下囚,但是听到如此多龙人王者灭杀,依然让他们无比兴奋,觉得大仇得报。 Do not worry.” “别担心。” Drakonid Captain sneered: This matter has caused Great Emperor to be furious, issued Drakonid Kill Order, even Great Emperor will act personally, must strangle this Human Race disaster in cradle among. How long it is estimated that could not want, this Human Race Xia Ping will die, but also found out fourth Great Emperor, simply had a dream.” 龙人队长冷笑一声:“这件事已经引起了大帝震怒,下达了龙人必杀令,甚至连大帝都会亲自出手,要将这个人族祸害扼杀在摇篮当中。估计要不了多长时间,这人族夏平就会死翘翘了,还想出第四位大帝,简直是做梦。” Many Drakonid soldiers are nodded, if Drakonid Great Emperor acts, no matter that human multi- monstrous talent | Evildoer, must die without doubt. 众多龙人士兵都是点点头,如果是龙人大帝出手的话,不管那人类妖孽,都必死无疑。
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