GWT :: Volume #6 神魔战争

#893: Doralia prison

The group star appears, dusk fall. 群星显现,暮色降临。 Tonight's Mania, being doomed will be a sleepless night. 今晚的曼尼亚,注定将是个不眠夜。 The lighting a lamp light shines in the city, from near to far. 点点灯光在城市中亮起,由近及远。 But is brighter than the light, is the flares of combustion. 而比灯光更加明亮的,是一支支燃烧的火把。 A flare gathering, like the limitless firefly insect, spreads on the street of spreading across unceasingly, extends to the distant place. 火把点点汇聚,如同无边无际的萤虫,在纵横交错的街道上不断蔓延,延伸向远方。 That is the angry people and enters the Mania rebellious armies. 那是愤怒的民众和进入曼尼亚的反抗军们。 They are waving the bright flag in the boundless dim light of night, moves toward the southeast of city unceasingly. 他们在苍茫的夜色中舞动着鲜艳的旗帜,朝着城市的东南方不断移动。 But in the end of path, stands erect the palatial castle in darkness, in the monster like darkness, is overlooking ancient king city. 而在道路的尽头,一座矗立在黑暗中的巍峨城堡,如同黑暗中的怪物,俯视着古老的王城。 That has does not extinguish fort the Doralia castle of name. 那是有着“不灭要塞”之称的多罗利亚城堡。 Doralia, in ancient Segers language pleasing is the border fort. 多罗利亚,在古赛格斯语中意为边境要塞。 This city wall is 20 meters fully, the turret has 50 meters high palatial castle fully, entire Mania highest construction besides eternal cathedral, is the commanding point of entire Mania city. 这座城墙足有二十米,塔楼足有五十米高的巍峨城堡,是除了永恒大教堂之外整个曼尼亚最高的建筑,也是整个曼尼亚城的制高点。 When Holy Mania Empire is a slave city-state alliance, this castle has stood firmly in the Mania city. 神圣曼尼亚帝国还是一个奴隶城邦联盟的时候,这座城堡就已经屹立于曼尼亚城。 At that time, Mania city-state alliance also city that merely only then Mania this was established by the slave of fleeing from calamity, but the Doralia castle was a military fort that Mania artificial resistance once slave-owner constructed. 那个时候,曼尼亚城邦联盟还仅仅只有曼尼亚这一座由逃难的奴隶建立起来的城市,而多罗利亚城堡则是曼尼亚人为抵抗曾经的奴隶主而修建起来的一座军事要塞。 Afterward, was selected as pretor the founding monarchy Charles I of sacred Mania to expand this fort, took it as own castle, and changed the city-state republican system for the hereditary king authority and legality. 后来,被选为执政官的神圣曼尼亚的开国君主卡尔一世扩建了这座要塞,将其作为自己的城堡,并改城邦共和制为世袭王权制。 He is centered on the Mania city, expands, finally set the record by slave's body, achievement emperor meritorious achievements one generation of miracle great feats. 他以曼尼亚城为中心,一路扩张,最终创下了以奴隶之身,成就帝王功业的一代奇迹伟绩。 But Doralia castle, therefore becomes one of the entire Holy Mania Empire empire authority symbols. 多罗利亚城堡,也因此成为了整个神圣曼尼亚帝国的帝国权威象征之一。 Naturally, the time has crossed the millenniums. 当然,时间已过千年。 The time is developing, the Magic technology unceasingly is also progressing. 时代在发展,魔法技术也在不断进步。 Until now, many aristocrats do not satisfy living in the ancient and gloomy castle, but likes, in the build has in Meili Manor of Magic defense barrier. 时至今日,很多贵族早已不满足于居住在古老、阴暗的城堡之中,而是更喜欢在布设有魔法防御屏障的美丽庄园里。 The defense function of Doralia castle, because also the unceasing expansion of empire, lost the significance gradually, no longer has the value of resisting the foreign enemy. 多罗利亚城堡的防御作用,也因为帝国的不断扩张,渐渐失去了意义,不再有抵抗外敌的价值。 Also is therefore, this indestructible castle gradually by the crown land, turned into the imperial prison, detains the political offender of resistance imperial family and aristocrat specially, as well as with the heathen who Eternal Church opposes. 也是因此,这座坚不可摧的城堡渐渐由王室领地,变成了皇家监狱,专门关押反抗皇室与贵族的政治犯,以及与永恒教会作对的异教徒。 Henceforth, the Doralia castle prison regarding empire's people, becomes place of fearful legend, was feared, was awed...... 从此,多罗利亚城堡监狱对于帝国的民众来说,就成为了一个可怕的传说之地,被人恐惧,被人敬畏…… It looks like presses in a Manny City People heart mountain, making one not gasp for breath ; It seems like the devil in surveillance entire city, making one become angry while talking about it. 它就像是压在曼尼城民众心头的一座大山,让人喘不过气来;又像是监视整个城市的魔鬼,令人谈之色变。 In the ordinary day day, on the street near Doralia castle prison, rarely sees the pedestrian, has, but comes and goes the soldier of inspection. 在平日的日子里,就连多罗利亚城堡监狱附近的街道上,都很少看到行人,有的,只是来来往往巡视的士兵。 But today, is different. 但今天,却不一样。 Doralia castle, outside fort. 多罗利亚城堡,要塞之外。 War-stricken, camouflages the sky from time to time, from time to time reveals the star light. 硝烟滚滚,时而遮蔽天空,时而露出星光。 On street, flame, even if in the dim light of night , under can see the flame to shine the dense and numerous crowds. 街道上,火光点点,哪怕是在夜色中,也能看到火焰照耀下密密麻麻的人群。 Has the fully-armed empire soldier, has the military might to hire the knight uncommonly, has civilians who hold high the flag, there is a wanderer who the clothes hit did not know many patches. 有全副武装的帝国士兵,有威武不凡的雇佣骑士,有高举旗帜的平民,也有衣服打了不知道多少补丁的流浪者。 People have always have few, there are both men and women, only same, is that ties up on the right arm, splendid golden sleeve emblem under shining of star light and flare. 人们有老有少,有男有女,唯一相同的,就是那绑在右臂上的,在星光和火把的照耀下熠熠生辉的金色袖章。 They are waving various weapons, was shouting similar slogan, in the Doralia castle prison toward darkness flushes away...... 他们挥舞着各不相同的武器,喊着同样的口号,朝着黑暗中的多罗利亚城堡监狱冲去…… Life long live! Captures Doralia!” “生命万岁!攻下多罗利亚!” Life long live! Captures Doralia!” “生命万岁!攻下多罗利亚!” The slogan like the tsunami, submerged the darkness. 呐喊声如同海啸,淹没了黑暗。 In the Doralia tall turret, looks at that to be similar to the vast ocean common crowd, guards the aristocrat military officers and soldiers in facial expression castle shocks. 多罗利亚高大的塔楼上,看着那如同汪洋大海一般的人群,守卫城堡的贵族军官和士兵们神情震撼。 Warden Sir! The city gate of outer city was captured by the insurgents! The rebel army has entered the city, is coercing the rioter to catch up to here!” “监狱长大人!外城的城门被暴动者攻下了!叛军已经入城,正在裹挟着暴民向我们这里赶来!” The signalling soldier tumbled, arrives stood in the turret, before looking out the warden body of distant place, said startled. 传信的士兵连滚带爬,来到了站在塔楼上,遥望着远方的监狱长身前,惊慌地说道。 Rebel army? Rebel army where comes?” “叛军?哪来的叛军?” The warden face of noble birth compels ignorant. 贵族出身的监狱长一脸懵逼。 Guards! Is the guards! What they put on is standard equipment of guards, perhaps was the seventh guard regiment rebellion outside city! Moreover, probably mercenary form!” “近卫军!是近卫军!他们穿的是近卫军的制式装备,恐怕是城外的第七近卫军团叛乱了!不仅如此,好像还有佣兵的身影!” The signalling soldier said rapidly. 传信兵急促地说道。 Listened to his words, the warden stared in a big way the eye, is unable to believe completely. 听了他的话,监狱长瞪大了眼睛,满是无法置信。 He deeply inspires, takes up to be from the Elven Forest telescope, distant is looking to the castle outside. 他深吸了一口气,拿起产自精灵之森的望远镜,对着城堡之外遥遥一望。 But under star light and flame, when the warden sees clearly that seventh guard regiment symbolic silver armor, sees clearly with them together after mercenary and resident who own direction wells up, the quick facial expression changes, held breath cold air. 而在星光与火焰之下,当监狱长看清楚那第七近卫军团标志性的银甲,看清与他们一同朝着自己的方向涌来的佣兵与市民之后,很快神情微变,倒吸了一口凉气。 Suddenly, his facial expression is even more serious. 一时间,他的神情越发严肃。 Everyone obeys orders! Enters the highest alert condition! Asked the Daniel Your Excellency start to defend Magic! The archer and Magic Crystal Cannon cannoneer prepares, do not put these rebel armies!” “所有人听令!进入最高警戒状态!请丹尼尔阁下启动防御魔法!弓箭手和魔晶炮炮手准备,不要将这些叛军放进来!” The warden looked at the direction of inner city, watched the weather, stops doing the direction sword, drinks. 监狱长看了看内城的方向,又看了看天色,抽出手中的指挥剑,喝到。 With his order, muzzle profound Magic Crystal Cannon were put up by the garrison troops, aimed at the street outside castle, aims people that on the street continually welled up. 随着他的一声令下,一架架炮口幽深的魔晶炮被守军们架了起来,对准了城堡外的街道,对准了街道上不断涌来的民众。 The archers also tighten the bowstring, on the frame arrow, aimed surrounded the residents and soldiers in castle gradually. 弓箭手们也拉紧弓弦,架上箭矢,瞄准了渐渐包围城堡的市民和士兵们。 In the darkness, stands the castle garrison troops in turret, with gradually encircles castle's rebellious army, confronted. 黑暗之中,站在塔楼上的城堡守军,和逐渐合围城堡的反抗军,对峙了起来。 Outside person, leaves here quickly, goes forward again step words, we must open fire to put the arrow!” “外面的人,快离开这里,再前进一步的话,我们就要开炮放箭了!” Looks that outside the castle more gathers more crowds, warden scalp tingles, depresses alarmed and afraid in heart, the use amplifies Magic to shout loudly. 看着城堡外越聚越多的人群,监狱长头皮发麻,压下心中的惊惧,利用扩音魔法大喝道。 The Doralia castle is indestructible. 多罗利亚城堡坚不可摧。 The person but who outside the city gathers was really many. 但城外聚过来的人实在是太多了。 Facing this tens of thousands of resisters, even if the warden is very confident to the castle, will unable to bear because of this exaggerating scene is fearful and apprehensive. 面对这成千上万的反抗者,哪怕监狱长对城堡很有信心,也会忍不住因这个夸张的场面心惊肉跳。 But outside castle, in dense and numerous crowds. 而在城堡之外,密密麻麻的人群中。 Quick, people separate to the both sides, several mercenary appearance Class Holder stations. 很快,人们向两侧分开,几名佣兵打扮的职业者站了出来。 The leaders, are not others, is hunting dog Tim. 为首者,不是别人,正是“猎犬”提姆。 But in his side, but also stands several to wear the eagle’s beak hood, mysterious person who cannot see clearly the appearance. 而在他的身旁,还站着几名身披鹰嘴兜帽,看不清样子的神秘人。 Recognized Tim's identity, the warden was angry immediately: 认出了提姆的身份,监狱长顿时大怒: Tim? You know that what you are making?! Your present action, in blatantly with the empire is an enemy, in blatantly with the church is an enemy!” “提姆?你知道你在做什么吗?!你现在的行动,是在公然与帝国为敌,是在公然与教会为敌!” However, hunting dog Tim actually shakes the head merely gently: 不过,“猎犬”提姆却仅仅是轻轻摇了摇头: Sir Eichendorff, the pointless words do not say much.” “艾兴多夫大人,没有意义的话不要多说了。” Saying, his facial expression one austere: 说着,他神情一肃: Opens the front door of castle, surrenders to us, otherwise, we wanted the storm......, but the words of storm, cannot guarantee everyone the security after fight victory.” “打开城堡的大门,向我们投降,不然的话,我们就要强攻了……而强攻的话,就不能保证各位在战斗胜利之后的安全了。” The warden stares slightly, was air/Qi smiles. 监狱长微微一愣,然后被气笑了。 That overwhelming majorities nice equipment no people of his vision on under the turret has swept continually, cold snort/hum: 他的目光在塔楼下那绝大多数连像样的装备都没有的民众身上扫过,冷哼了一声: One group of motley crew! Depending on you, wants to attack the Doralia castle prison?!” “一群乌合之众!就凭你们,也想要攻打多罗利亚城堡监狱吗?!” The language finishes, he has turned around, is ordering to say to the castle in soldier: 语毕,他转过身,对着城堡上的士兵命令道: Open fire! Puts the arrow! Let these rioters know the fate of rebellion!” “开炮!放箭!让这些暴民知道叛乱的下场!” With his order, the crackle of gunfire resounds together, along with such as rain general arrow, falls into the crowd outside castle. 随着他的一声令下,炮声齐齐响起,伴随着如雨一般的箭矢,落入城堡外的人群。 Suddenly, the flame that the Magic Power explosion causes explodes in the crowd, the frontline rebellious army drops down in the arrow rain. 一时间,魔力爆炸引起的火光在人群中炸起,最前方的反抗军在箭雨中纷纷倒下。 Looks the scene that the companion died in battle frigidly, besieged the resister in Doralia castle to go haywire instantaneously, started to back up unceasingly. 看着同伴惨烈战死的场面,围攻多罗利亚城堡的反抗者瞬间陷入了混乱,开始不断倒退。 Tim facial expression one austere. “提姆”神情一肃。 He arrow that will shoot cuts down, while shouts greatly: 他一边将射来的箭矢砍倒,一边大喊道: Everyone seeks for the bunker! Stand firm! Do not be chaotic! Stands firm!” “大家寻找掩体!稳住!不要乱!稳住!” But later, he looked that wears the mysterious person of hood to the side: 而随后,他看向了身旁戴着兜帽的神秘人: Sir Cyber!” 赛博大人!” The mysterious person of his side nods, shouts in some direction: 他身旁的神秘人点了点头,又朝着某个方向喊道: Dongdong! Prepares to attack a city!” 苳苳!准备攻城!” A call, on the street several hundred meters away, the crowd makes way slowly, heavy Magic Crystal Cannon were pushed by the rebellious army. 一声呐喊,数百米之外的街道上,人群缓缓让开,一辆辆重型魔晶炮被反抗军推了出来。 Sees heavy Magic Crystal Cannon that on that street presents, the warden facial expression changes, calls out in alarm: 看到那街道上出现的重型魔晶炮,监狱长神情微变,一声惊呼: elf demon crystal heavy artillery!” 精灵魔晶重炮!” elf demon crystal heavy artillery...... 精灵魔晶重炮…… That is only then Elven Forest elf has one heavy artillery that when attacked the demon regiment a while ago gives full play of power and strength. 那是只有精灵之森精灵才有的一种重炮,在前段时间攻打恶魔军团的时候大发神威。 Even if in Mania, the Doralia wardens heard, has looked for the picture album specially, has looked in this legend the appearance of heavy artillery. 哪怕是在曼尼亚,多罗利亚的监狱长都有所耳闻,专门找过画册,看过这传说中重炮的模样。 It is said that in Northern Dominion besieges in the decisive battle of demon fort finally, elves merely is an artillery, drove out the demons city wall...... 据说,在南方领最后围攻恶魔要塞的决战中,精灵们仅仅是一炮,就轰开了恶魔们的城墙…… However today, he does not have to think oneself ran into this terrifying opponent in the battlefield. 然而今天,他却没想到自己在战场上遇到了这恐怖的对手。 Thinks that the might of elf demon crystal heavy artillery, the complexion of warden is even more pale. 想到精灵魔晶重炮的威力,监狱长的脸色越发苍白。 But the next quarter, the rebellious armies inspired the Magic engraved inscription, the barrel gathering of intermittent brilliance in heavy Magic Crystal Cannon, along with deafening thundering, Magic Crystal Cannon emitted terrifying elemental bullet. 而下一刻,反抗军们引动了魔法铭文,阵阵光辉在重型魔晶炮的炮身汇聚,伴随着震耳欲聋的轰鸣,魔晶炮喷吐出了恐怖的元素弹 The radical explosion blasts out on the wall of Doralia castle, the entire castle seems to be shivering. 剧烈的爆炸在多罗利亚城堡的墙体上炸开,整个城堡似乎都在颤抖。 The soldiers in turret in vibration unstab, had bad luck to be fallen elemental bullet in city wall directly rips the fragment. 塔楼上的士兵们在震动中东倒西歪,更有倒霉者直接被落在城墙上的元素弹撕成了碎片。 But after several thunder, the firm castle surface had presented a fissure...... 而数道轰鸣过后,坚固的城堡表面已经出现了一丝裂痕…… „It is not good!” “不好!” Is feeling the tremor of castle, the warden facial expression big change, he pulls up a tumbling messenger, exclaimed: 感受着城堡的颤动,监狱长神情大变,他一把拉起一个连滚带爬的传令兵,吼道: Doesn't have?! Defense didn't Magic of Sir Daniel have?!” “没有好吗?!丹尼尔大人的防御魔法还没有好吗?!” Prepared...... to prepare! Just Sir Daniel in meditate, just set aside the hand to come......” “准备了……正在准备了!刚刚丹尼尔大人在冥想,刚刚才腾出手来……” The soldiers in a terrified way said. 士兵惶恐地说道。 meditate?! When also in meditate! These strange Legend Mage!” 冥想?!都什么时候了还在冥想!这些性格古怪的传奇法师!” The warden was foul-mouthed. 监狱长骂骂咧咧道。 But he just scolded, has a series of crackles of gunfire to transmit from the castle, the entire castle shivers again. 而他刚一骂完,就又有一连串的炮声从城堡外传来,整座城堡再次颤抖起来。 Warden is hiding the fire, while holds up own direction sword, the order said: 监狱长一边躲着炮火,一边举起自己的指挥剑,命令道: Puts the arrow! Gives my putting arrow ruthlessly! Open fire! Open fire!” “放箭!给我狠狠的放箭!开炮!开炮!” Inside and outside the castle, the both sides fire shared the honor, fell into the fierce battle. 城堡内外,双方炮火齐名,陷入了剧烈的交战。 Rounds of elemental bullet fall into the Doralia castle, blooms up and down the fireworks general brilliance in the castle. 一发发元素弹落入多罗利亚城堡,在城堡上下绽放起朵朵烟花一般的光辉。 But in besieging the crowd of castle, the explosion also transmits unceasingly, every thunders one time, had a piece of resister to be ripped the fragment in the pitiful yell sound. 而在围攻城堡的人群中,爆炸也不断传来,每一次轰鸣,都有一片反抗者在惨叫声中被撕成了碎片。 Finally, when another round of elemental bullet concentrates the section of city wall in Doralia castle, that 20-meter city wall, finally collapse. 终于,当又一发元素弹集中多罗利亚城堡的一截城墙的时候,那高达20米的城墙,终于倒塌了。 Sees this, warden complexion one white, but in the rebellious army , then the morale inspires. 看到这一幕,监狱长脸色一白,而反抗军中则士气一振。 City wall collapsed! Charge! Charges to the castle! Quickly! While the present, under quick attack Doralia!” “城墙塌了!冲锋!向城堡冲锋!快!趁现在,快攻下多罗利亚!” Hunting dog Tim lifts the sword to shout loudly. “猎犬”提姆举剑高呼道。 With his order, the rebellious armies hold high the red flag, at the same time cried out, is waving the weapon, while is putting up the scaling ladder, to/clashes toward the war-stricken Doralia castle. 随着他的一声令下,反抗军们高举起红色的旗帜,一边呐喊,一边挥舞着武器,一边架着云梯,朝着硝烟滚滚的多罗利亚城堡冲来。 arrow of both sides flies to shoot unceasingly, slogan just like startling thunderclap. 双方的箭矢不断飞射,呐喊声宛若惊雷。 Braves the fire and arrow, the guards, mercenary, adventurer and ordinary resident advances uninterruptedly. 冒着炮火和箭矢,近卫军、佣兵、冒险者和普通的市民前赴后继。 They dropped down group by group, whenever the front person drops down, the following person will follow, received in their hands again that already tattered the flag under coverage of arrow and fire, flushes away to the Doralia castle...... 他们倒下了一批又一批,然而每当前面的人倒下,后面的人都会跟上,再次接过他们手中那早已在箭矢和炮火的覆盖下破破烂烂的旗帜,向多罗利亚城堡冲去…… Life long live! Captures Doralia!” “生命万岁!攻下多罗利亚!” The rebellious armies cried out angrily. 反抗军们愤怒地呐喊道。 In that slogan, as if erupts is constraining for a long time infinite anger, like volcano of spout. 那呐喊声中,似乎爆发着压抑许久的无穷怒火,如同喷涌的火山。 Life long live! Captures Doralia!” “生命万岁!攻下多罗利亚!” The slogan continuously, from young youngster, to the late in life old person, high of angry roaring and woman of man drinks to interwine, gathered like the tsunami common call, some flash even pressed the fierce fire that had erupted unceasingly. 呐喊声此起彼伏,小到十几岁的少年,大到迟暮的老人,男人的怒吼和女人的高喝交织在一起,汇聚成了如同海啸一般的呼声,某一瞬间甚至压过了不断爆发的猛烈炮火。 In that has under the momentous general imposing manner slogan, the garrison troops in Doralia castle feel the castle under body as if to shiver. 在那有着排山倒海一般气势的呐喊声下,多罗利亚城堡上的守军们感受到身下的城堡似乎都在颤动。 Finally, after does not know sacrificed many people, carries the scaling ladder, is going against the rebellious army of arrow and fire rushed to under the Doralia castle! 终于,在不知牺牲了多少人之后,扛着云梯,顶着箭矢和炮火的反抗军冲到了多罗利亚城堡之下! Blocks them! Blocks them quickly!” “挡住他们!快挡住他们!” In the castle, the warden wields the direction sword, wear a look of panic-stricken, roared hoarsely. 城堡上,监狱长挥动指挥剑,面带惊恐,声嘶力竭地咆哮道。 However, besieged the resistance weapons and rations of castle is too many. 然而,围攻城堡的反抗军实在是太多了。 When the limitless people from gather in all directions, when the crude scaling ladder builds one after another in the breakage city wall, a garrison troops side, the situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn instantaneously. 当无边无际的民众从四面八方汇聚过来,当一架又一架简陋的云梯搭在破裂的城墙上,守军一方的,局势瞬间急转直下。 However, in flushing mounts the city wall in the forefront rebellious army finally, with the prison garrison troops fighting the time , the pale blue light beam, shoots up to the sky together suddenly...... 然而,就在冲在最前面的反抗军终于登上城墙,与监狱守军战斗起来的时候,一道淡蓝色的光柱,突然冲天而起…… The quiet blue ray covered the entire Doralia castle gradually, a vast strength is centered on the castle spreads. 幽蓝色的光芒渐渐笼罩了整个多罗利亚城堡,一股浩瀚的力量以城堡为中心扩散开来。 In line of sight that in the rebellious armies shock, sees only the entire Doralia castle to send out the light brilliance , these by the place that the fire destroys, starts to recover unexpectedly slowly. 在反抗军们震撼的视线中,只见整座多罗利亚城堡散发出淡淡的光辉,紧接着,那些被炮火毁坏的地方,竟然开始缓缓复原。 But at the same time, in the rebellious army sudden body pain in climb city wall, self-ignition of pale blue flame on them. 而与此同时,在攀登城墙的反抗军突然身体一痛,淡蓝色的火焰在他们身上自燃。 With a series of pitiful yells, they are common together with the scaling ladder, is reduced to ashes in the flame. 伴随着一连串的惨叫,他们连同云梯一般,在火焰中化为了灰烬。 Sees this terrifying, suddenly, the rebellious army above street, a peace. 看到这恐怖的一幕,一时间,街道之上的反抗军,一片安静。 Legend solidification magic arts...... Doralia barrier!” 传奇固化法术……【多罗利亚壁垒】!” Hunting dog Tim pupil shrinks suddenly. “猎犬”提姆瞳孔突缩。 Doralia is honored as does not extinguish the fort, and is not only because it has the ratio general castle to be bigger, firmer city wall. 多罗利亚被誉为不灭要塞,并不仅仅是因为它有比一般的城堡更加高大,也更加坚固的城墙。 But because it has entire Segers World unique solidification Magic one to create and solidify by the Magic-Martial double cultivating Carl Great Emperor personally, the collection defense, recovers and attacks as one Legend Magic- Doralia barrier. 而是因为它有着整个赛格斯世界独一无二的固化魔法一个由魔武双修的卡尔大帝亲自创造并固化的,集防御、复原与攻击为一体的传奇魔法-【多罗利亚壁垒】。 Although this solidifies Magic to have the starting time and for long, the radiation range small, must by Legend Mage control and other drawbacks, but after it starts, Doralia will be the invincible condition. 虽然这道固化魔法有着启动时间及为漫长、辐射范围小、必须由传奇法师操控等弊端,但当它启动之后,多罗利亚就将是无敌状态。 But above the castle, witnessed the warden who the castle changes stared in a big way the eye, the facial expression quickly changes was very excited and excited. 而在城堡之上,目睹城堡变化的监狱长则瞪大了眼睛,神情很快变得激动而兴奋。 He ha haha laughed, but that is carefree smiles, quick turned into grinning fiendishly. 他哈哈哈地大笑了起来,而那畅快得笑,很快就变成了狞笑。 Saw only his hatred to look to the rebellious army outside city, held up the long sword again, drank to the garrison troops: 只见他怨毒地看向了城外的反抗军,再次举起长剑,对守军喝到: Defended the Magic start! Open fire! Eliminates these damn rebel armies!” “防御魔法启动了!开炮!消灭这些该死的叛军!” However, just ordered in him shortly , the castle actually transmitted an unrest. 然而,就在他刚刚命令没多久,城堡内部却传来了一阵骚乱。 The warden knits the brows slightly, the doubts looked to behind, actually saw soldier full head is the blood, a face tumbled to run over startled. 监狱长微微皱眉,疑惑地看向了身后,却看到一名士兵满头是血,一脸惊慌地连滚带爬跑了过来。 His facial expression is panic-stricken , as if also brings several points of vacant faintly: 他神情惊恐,隐隐地,似乎还带着几分茫然: Warden Sir! It is not good! The prisoners rebellion in dungeon! They ran out of the dungeon, entered the castle!” “监狱长大人!不好了!地牢里的囚犯们暴动了!他们冲出了地牢,打进了城堡!” What did you say?!” “你说什么?!” Warden instantaneously startled. 监狱长瞬间愕然。
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