FSM :: Volume #26

#2508: Suppression

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You...... you are...... are you......” Xue Baochai visit him shocking, somewhat speaks incoherently. “你……你是……是你……”薛宝钗震惊地看着他,有些语无伦次起来。 Song Qingshu actually understood her words: Good, is I.” 宋青书却听懂了她的话:“不错,是我。” Originally is you!” Xue Baochai white/shell Chijin bit, draws out the long sword then to puncture toward him filled with angrily. “原来是你!”薛宝钗贝齿紧咬,拔出长剑便满腔愤怒地往他刺了过来。 A Song Qingshu finger ball, the long sword in her hand then cannot act bashful, fell nearby ground, the sword blade was still shivering. 宋青书手指一弹,她手中的长剑便拿捏不住,落到了一旁地上,剑身犹自颤抖着。 I know that martial arts was bad you too unable to report the enmity, you must kill kill!” Xue Baochai complexion azure white, accepted fate directly raised the snow white slender neck. “我知道武功差你太远报不了仇,你要杀就杀吧!”薛宝钗脸色一阵青一阵白,直接认命地扬起了雪白修长的脖子。 Song Qingshu said lightly: I think that you misunderstood, Jia Baoyu is not I kills.” He naturally knows that the opposite party so will be why angry, therefore directly enters the subject. 宋青书淡淡地说道:“我想你误会了,贾宝玉不是我杀的。”他自然知道对方为何会这般愤怒,所以直接进入主题。 Also is not can anyone who you kill,” Xue Baochai however said bitterly, you killed him to pretend to be him to ambush into Jia Family again, drew in advance their information to be used to cope with them, finally rising Jia Family was defeated.” “不是你杀的还能有谁,”薛宝钗恨恨然地说道,“你杀了他再冒充他潜伏入贾家,探取他们的情报用来对付他们,最终如日中天的贾家落败。” What is more hateful pretended to be Jia Baoyu afterward, harmed various types to surrender, naturally this saying she may say. 更可恨的是后来冒充贾宝玉,害得自己各种投怀送抱,当然这话她可说不出口。 Song Qingshu shakes the head: Xue Miss you are a smart person, you must remember that I return to Jia Residence by the Jia Baoyu status before or after a Wudang mountain service.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“薛姑娘你是聪明人,你应当记得我以贾宝玉的身份回贾府到底是在武当山一役之前还是之后。” Xue Baochai stares, this remembers him in Jia Residence that later arrives, at that time Jia Residence was doomed ruined, indeed did not need him to pry what information again. 薛宝钗一愣,这才想起他是在之后到的贾府,那个时候贾府都注定破败了,的确也不需要他再去刺探什么情报了。 However she snort/hum: Who knows that what idea you have, the world know that simultaneous/uniform king loose clean, perhaps took a liking to Prospect Garden these pretty wife young ladies?” 不过她哼了一声:“谁知道你打得什么主意,世人都知道齐王风流倜傥,也许是瞧上了大观园里面那些漂亮的夫人小姐了呢?” Song Qingshu sighs: I in the eye so cannot withstand in Xue Miss, how could I have bullied what madame young lady, with you, you did not have the protection to me at that time, what did I make to you?” 宋青书叹了一口气:“我在薛姑娘眼中就如此不堪么,我何曾欺负过什么夫人小姐,就拿你来说,那时候你对我毫无防备,我对你做什么了么?” You have not made anything to me!” Xue Baochai over the face blushes, thought that at that time hugged also hugged, hugged also hugged, even has also kissed. “你还没对我做什么么!”薛宝钗满面羞红,心想那时候搂也搂了,抱也抱了,甚至还亲过。 „cough cough~” Song Qingshu coughed awkwardly two, „is mainly I displays too unusually was worried was seen the flaw. I have not at least gone bad you to be pure.” “咳咳~”宋青书尴尬地咳嗽了两声,“主要是我表现得太异样担心被看出破绽。至少我没有坏你清白吧。” Xue Baochai complexion azure red, but the opposite party indeed has not gone a step further. 薛宝钗脸色一阵青一阵红,不过对方的确没有更进一步。 Song Qingshu then said: I pretend to be Jia Baoyu to have other goal, kills his having someone else.” 宋青书这才说道:“我冒充贾宝玉是有另外的目的,杀他的另有其人。” Xue Baochai sneers two: If is not you kills, how you will so pretend to be resemble? If I have not remembered incorrectly, before simultaneous/uniform king, should not see Jia Baoyu.” 薛宝钗冷笑两声:“若非是你杀的,你又岂会冒充得如此相像?如果我没记错的话,齐王之前应该没见过贾宝玉才是吧。” Who said that I have not seen,” Song Qingshu replied, Xue Miss in the imperial city division, should be clear about me in the past the poison of Golden Devil Flower.” “谁说我没见过,”宋青书答道,“薛姑娘在皇城司,应该清楚我当年中了金波旬花之毒吧。” Xue Baochai un, this matter made in the past noisily very greatly, everyone thinks that he died, he indeed goes into hiding for many months, who knows that behind actually appears suddenly, martial arts also goes a step further, everyone was guessing that during that time he exactly what happened. 薛宝钗嗯了一声,当年这件事沸沸扬扬闹得很大,所有人都以为他死了,他的确销声匿迹好多个月,谁知道后面却又忽然横空出世,武功还更进一步,所有人都在猜测那段时间他到底发生了什么事情。 Song Qingshu explained: At that time I escaped, touch a passenger steamer, then people of the accident of sorts by knight island was kidnapped in the island......” 宋青书解释道:“当时我一路逃亡,摸上来一条客船,然后机缘巧合被侠客岛的人劫持到了岛上……” He the matter of will roughly say at that time, including witnessed afterward Jia Baoyu is killed the incident at present, how naturally neglected Qi Fang to compel the poisonous romantic detail for him. 他大致将那时候发生的事情说了一遍,包括后来目睹贾宝玉在眼前被杀一事,当然忽略掉了戚芳是如何替他逼毒的香艳细节。 Finally knew that the truth of Jia Baoyu death, Xue Baochai had tears streaming down the face unknowingly: My precious jade, you died on the knight island silently.” 终于得知贾宝玉死亡的真相,薛宝钗不知不觉泪流满面:“我的宝玉,原来你无声无息死在了侠客岛上。” Who that black-clothed person is!” Xue Baochai quickly looks to him. “那个黑衣人到底是谁!”薛宝钗急忙看向他。 Song Qingshu does not have the direct reaction, instead tells the matter on Wudang mountain: This issue Jia Shidao has also been pondering, his from the beginning suspicion is Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng for the hand under family right of inheritance, but the Jia Lian two people of bases do not have this ability, therefore he suspected that is Jia Shedong hand, therefore designed to remove Jia She on the Wudang mountain.” 宋青书没有直接回答,反而又将武当山上的事情娓娓道来:“这个问题贾似道也一直在思考,他一开始怀疑是贾琏、王熙凤为了家族继承权下的手,但是贾琏二人根本没有这个能力,所以他怀疑是贾赦动的手,于是在武当山上设计除掉了贾赦。” „Before Jia She just before the end the words demonstration is not under him the hand, this matter I can also testify, because that person of committing murder is young, is not Jia She such old man.” “不过贾赦临终前的话显示不是他下的手,此事我也可以作证,因为那行凶之人年纪不大,绝非贾赦那样的老者。” Actually is that who?” During Xue Baochai is in shocks extremely, before a lot her, does not know, the imperial city division is fierce, no matter but in the knight island on the Wudang mountain the matter , the few people on the scene know. “那究竟是谁?”薛宝钗正处于极度震惊之中,很多事情她之前并不知道,皇城司再厉害,但不管是侠客岛上还是武当山上发生的事情,只有在场极少数人知道。 Actually in your heart has the suspicion, why also to ask something already known,” Song Qingshu sighs, must judge that who the murderer was, had a simplest principle, that most made a profit is.” “其实你心中早已有了猜想,又何必明知故问呢,”宋青书叹了一口气,“要判断凶手是谁,有个最简单的原则,那就是最获利就是谁。” But I thought that you completely have enormously possibly is a murderer!” Xue Baochai somewhat had actually vacillated, but said. “可我觉得你完全也有极大可能是凶手!”薛宝钗其实已经有些动摇了,不过还是说道。 I have the witness, at that time Zhou Zhiruo on the scene did not say, she after all is my wife, testified does not keep a promise,” Song Qingshu said, in addition had Wan Family young lady of the house Qi Fang, you can ask her to try to prove.” “我有证人,当时在场的周芷若就不说了,她毕竟是我妻子,作证也不算数,”宋青书说道,“另外还有万家的少奶奶戚芳,你可以找她求证的。” Who does not know that perhaps big of simultaneous/uniform king charm, that Wan Family young lady of the house and your this solitary one male widow were together for a long time, are conquered by you, the words that she spoke how I can believe.” Xue Baochai said. “谁不知道齐王魅力之大,那个万家少奶奶和你孤男寡女相处这么久,恐怕早就被你征服了,她说的话我又怎么能信。”薛宝钗说道。 The Song Qingshu forced smile said: You must say like this I did not have the means that we were constantly together after all were so long, why you rather believe that others are not willing to believe the words that I spoke.” 宋青书苦笑道:“你要这样说我就没办法了,我们毕竟朝夕相处了那么久,为什么你宁愿相信别人都不愿意信我说的话呢。” Xue Baochai is biting the lip: Because you and I in all establish on the lie together, how I can believe words that you spoke. If you do not have other evidence, this matter was needless to say again, either put me, either killed me.” 薛宝钗咬着嘴唇:“因为你和我在一起全都是建立在谎言上面的,我又如何能相信你说的话。你要是没有其他证据,这件事就不用再说了,要么放了我,要么杀了我把。” Song Qingshu some toothaches, this woman oil salt does not enter immediately really troubles, wants to come is because before , pretended to be the Jia Baoyu matter to deceive to suppress her, so that I say that now what she did not believe. 宋青书顿时有些牙疼,这女人油盐不进实在麻烦,想来是因为之前冒充贾宝玉的事情把她骗狠了,以致现在我说什么她都不信了。 „A person!” Song Qingshu suddenly heart one bright. “还有一个人!”宋青书忽然心头一亮。 Who?” Xue Baochai quickly pursues asks. “谁?”薛宝钗急忙追问道。 „The Jia Shidao chief staff, Liao Yingzhong,” Song Qingshu said, he and Jia Shidao are most intimate, definitely knows in detail, moreover previous time I mix in Jia Residence by the Jia Baoyu status, he had also complained with me northern static king Chenji seized under Jia Shidao most under.” 贾似道的首席幕僚,廖莹中,”宋青书说道,“他和贾似道最亲近,肯定知道得最详细,而且上次我以贾宝玉的身份混入贾府,他还跟我抱怨过北静王趁机夺走了贾似道麾下大部分麾下。” The Xue Baochai suddenly complexion changes, quickly said: Quickly, leading me to go to the city south suburb.” 薛宝钗忽然脸色一变,急忙说道:“快,带我去城南郊外。” Why?” Song Qingshu stares. “为什么?”宋青书一愣。 Before obtained the news, Liao Yingzhong hides in city south suburb residents, the killers of imperial city division are hurrying to execute him.” Xue Baochai said fast. “之前得到消息,廖莹中躲在城南郊外一处民宅,皇城司的杀手正在赶去处决他。”薛宝钗快速说道。 Song Qingshu is also the complexion changes, does not dare to have any delaying, copies out her waist then to hurry to toward the city south. 宋青书也是脸色一变,不敢有任何耽搁,一手抄起她的腰肢便往城南赶去。 Xue Baochai complexion one red, originally will say anything, suddenly has the flash to be absent-minded, initially he was also hugging in Xixia (Western Xia) like this own, this feeling that familiar. 薛宝钗脸色一红,本来正要说什么,却忽然有一瞬间恍惚,当初在在西夏他也是这样抱着自己的,这种感觉是那么的熟悉。 Song Qingshu actually has no time to think these, Liao Yingzhong is a quite essential character, even if to not testify, as his Jia Shidao chief staff, is worth rescuing. 宋青书却无暇想这些,廖莹中是一个相当关键的人物,哪怕不是为了作证,以他贾似道首席幕僚的身份,也值得相救。 After half double-hour, in a suburbs ruined temple, the killers of imperial city division place, the whole body is the wound Liao Yingzhong look looks at the present man complex: Has not thought that finally was you saved me.” 半个时辰过后,城郊一处破庙之中,皇城司的杀手倒了一地,浑身是伤的廖莹中则神色复杂地看着眼前的男人:“没想到最后是你救了我。” Mister Liao should be clear that in the world does not have eternal enemy truth.” Came the person naturally is Song Qingshu, what was lucky was rushes at the last minute promptly. “想必廖先生应该清楚世上没有永恒的敌人这个道理。”来人自然便是宋青书了,万幸的是在最后一刻及时赶到。 Liao Yingzhong nods: Good, now also only then you can help us revenge!” 廖莹中点了点头:“不错,如今也只有你能帮我们报仇了!” However his complexion suddenly becomes strange, is looking around Xue Baochai: But she why here?” 不过他脸色忽然变得奇怪,望着一旁的薛宝钗:“可她为什么在这里?” Song Qingshu said the purpose in coming, Liao Yingzhong replied: So that's how it is, I have been investigating young master’s whereabout, before has suspected many people, these things that but now and you say verify, I determined the murderer who kills the young master certainly is the northern static king!” 宋青书将来意说了一遍,廖莹中答道:“原来如此,我一直在调查公子的下落,之前怀疑过很多人,但如今和你们说的那些事情相印证,我确定了杀害公子的凶手一定是北静王!” Friendly what enjoying of knight island punishes the wicked envoy to be most famous is Zhang San and Li Si (anybody), but on them also has Zhao Da and Qian Er, Zhao Da is the northern static king. The young master has an accident that time, the northern static king should not be in the island properly speaking, but I checked him afterward not in Lin'an, without in north slope your family place, during that time his whereabouts disappearance, obviously is because he submerged the knight island secretly, to assassinate young master, therefore did not have the alibi.” “侠客岛的赏善罚恶使者最出名的是张三李四,但他们上面还有赵大钱二,赵大便是北静王。公子出事那次,北静王按理说应该不在岛上,但我后来查到他既没在临安,也没在山阴的府上,那段时间他的行踪‘消失’了,显然就是因为他偷偷潜入了侠客岛,为了刺杀公子,所以才没了不在场证明。” But these are only your statement of only one of the parties, moreover now you resemble the sea with northern static king Choushen, you unavoidably to cope with him will tell some lies intentionally.” Xue Baochai knits the brows to say. “可这些只是你的一面之词,而且如今你和北静王仇深似海,你难免为了对付他会故意说些假话。”薛宝钗皱眉道。 Liao Yingzhong deeply looked at her one eyes: Valuable miss, I am looking at you and precious jade since childhood grows up, looks at your friends from childhood, said that disrespecting words, I regard my son and future daughter-in-law you from the bottom of the heart regard, how also to deceive you with this matter. If you have not believed that I can lead you to look at the related record, but Jia Residence is copied now, must look for these records somewhat to be troublesome.” 廖莹中深深地看了她一眼:“宝姑娘,我从小看着你和宝玉长大,看着你们青梅竹马,说句不敬的话,我从心底是把你们当成我的儿子和未来儿媳看待的,又怎么会用这件事来骗你。你要是还不信的话,我可以带你去看相关的记录,只不过如今贾府被抄了,要找这些记录可能有些麻烦。” Does not need.” The Xue Baochai complexion Yin clear change, she has actually believed that comes her of imperial city division, never does not have the analysis capability, is not willing to believe that this possibility, what to do at this moment I can, our Xue Family thorough and northern static king Bang arrived on a ship, how could I because of oneself private grudges, making the entire family be buried along with the dead!” “不必了。”薛宝钗脸色阴晴变化,其实她早已信了,出身皇城司的她,又何尝没有分析能力,一直只是不愿意相信这种可能而已,“事到如今我能怎么办,我们薛家已经彻底和北静王绑到了一条船上,我又岂能因一己私怨,让整个家族陪葬么!” Actually must solve this method is also easy.” Liao Yingzhong said suddenly. “其实要解决这个方法也容易。”廖莹中忽然说道。 How to solve?” Xue Baochai stares. “怎么解决?”薛宝钗一愣。 Liao Yingzhong said: „The foundation of your Xue Family and northern static king alliance is you and Xue Baoqin two sisters marries him to be the leaning imperial concubine, since northern static king can marries, why simultaneous/uniform king can't marry?” 廖莹中说道:“你们薛家和北静王联盟的基础便是你和薛宝琴两姐妹嫁给他做侧妃,既然北静王可以嫁,为什么齐王不可以嫁?” Song Qingshu thought that has not looked, does this fellow have the matchmaker attribute? 宋青书心想没看出来呀,这家伙还有月老属性? Xue Baochai actually shames and gets angry: How this can suddenly change, let alone I no one want to marry!” 薛宝钗却是又羞又怒:“这怎么能突然改变,何况我谁都不想嫁!” Liao Yingzhong sinking sound said: Xue Miss may probably consider to be clear, from the perspective of woman, simultaneous/uniform king which aspect, no matter from compares the northern static king to be more outstanding ; Looking from the angle of family interest, since now simultaneous/uniform king has not died, is doomed the northern static king all plans comes to naught, your Xue Family changes the entrance now also with enough time, when if the northern static king suffers a defeat and flees trades again, perhaps without enough time.” 廖莹中沉声道:“薛姑娘可要考虑清楚了,从女人的角度来看,齐王不管从哪方面都比北静王要优秀一些;从家族利益的角度看,如今齐王既然没死,注定北静王的所有谋划都是一场空,你们薛家现在改换门庭还来得及,如果等到北静王败亡的时候再换,恐怕就来不及了。” Xue Baochai is startled, after the opposite party, a few words spoke in her mind actually, now Xue Family also has the capital of bargaining, when if settles down, all late. 薛宝钗一怔,对方后一句话倒是说到了她心坎上,如今薛家还有讨价还价的资本,如果等到尘埃落定,一切都晚了。 However she is somewhat hesitant: Snort, we are also not necessarily able to lose.” 不过她还是有些犹豫:“哼,我们也未必会输。” Liao Yingzhong sneers two: Originally some of my suspicions, have looked now the arriving in full king is safe and sound I even more to determine, he has been luring the snake from its hole, waits for the secret northern static king to jump, now had arrived at the draw in a net time.” 廖莹中冷笑两声:“本来我一直有个猜想,如今看到齐王安然无恙我越发确定,他一直是在引蛇出洞,等着幕后的北静王跳出来,现在已经到了收网的时候。” He now only defective is the name of finishing an apprenticeship, but this reputation I have, in my hand has the northern static king to collude with Pan Ren, Pan Bing to coerce the evidence that the crown prince revolts to bring death.” “他现在唯一欠缺的就是出师之名而已,可这个名头我有,我手里有北静王勾结潘壬、潘丙裹挟太子造反送死的证据。” „Do this words take seriously?” Song Qingshu has not expected also has such unexpected happiness, had this to add on the account that Shi Xiangyun provided again, has been able to hammer dead justifiablily the northern static king. “此话当真?”宋青书没料到还有这样的意外之喜,有了这个再加上史湘云提供的账册,已经可以名正言顺锤死北静王了。 Naturally real.” Liao Yingzhong said with clenched jaws, initially I detected northern static king Anan bought the former subordinates of master to start to him to guard, this Jia Family was stirred up to help the Guo Jing rebellion, he strove a lot, what a pity Jia Zhen Jia Lian these people were too stupid, I know that they had been hoodwinked the eyes by the benefit, then gave up the persuasion, but prepared to guard early, this found the related evidence.” “当然是真的。”廖莹中咬牙切齿地说道,“当初我察觉到北静王暗暗收买相爷的旧部就开始对他防范了,这次贾家被煽动起来帮助郭靖造反,其中他没少出力,可惜贾珍贾琏这些人太蠢,我知道他们已经被利益蒙蔽了双眼,便放弃了劝说,而是早早做准备防范,这才找到了相关的证据。” Said, he long sighs, looks at Xue Baochai saying: This time your Xue Family harms very miserably Jia Family, if not looks at you to grow up since childhood, you and in the precious jade relations that good situation, I do not want to say so many with you. This was the last chance, you must grasp.” 说完后他长长地叹了一口气,望着薛宝钗说道:“这次你们薛家贾家害得很惨,若非是从小看你长大,你和宝玉关系又那么好的情况下,我才不想和你说这么多。这是最后的机会了,你一定要把握住。” Xue Baochai bites the red lip tightly, on the attractive cheek actually is completely the color of struggling, she looks to Song Qingshu: „Isn't precious jade really you kills?” 薛宝钗紧咬红唇,漂亮的脸蛋儿上却尽是挣扎之色,她望向宋青书:“宝玉真的不是你杀的?” Song Qingshu shakes the head: In your heart has the judgment, I said many again also useless.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“想必你心中自有判断,我说再多也没用。” Xue Baochai hesitant, suddenly asked: What meaning are you to this matter?” Just said that a face was completely red like putting on the rouge. 薛宝钗犹豫了一下,忽然问道:“那你对这件事是什么意思?”刚说完一张脸便红得像涂满了胭脂一样。 Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: „The Elder Sister Bao peony, looks after to Xixia (Western Xia) let alone on the way devotedly......” 宋青书微微一笑:“宝姐姐国色天香,更何况到西夏途中悉心照顾……” Xue Baochai shames embarrassedly: That is not to you......” 薛宝钗羞窘不已:“那又不是对你……” Song Qingshu said: No matter what, your gentleness and sympathizes my impression to be very profound, so long as the young lady nods, I naturally am wish for earnestly.” 宋青书说道:“不管怎样,你的温柔和体贴我印象很深刻,所以只要小姐点头,我自然是求之不得的。” Xue Baochai lowers the head suddenly: I am not because likes you, is only for the family.” 薛宝钗忽然低下了头:“我并不是因为喜欢你,只是为了家族。” The Song Qingshu direct past held her hand: You will like my.” 宋青书直接过去牵住她的手:“你会喜欢我的。” Xue Baochai has a scare, the subconsciousness wants to shrink the hand, was actually grasped closely, a heart jumps crazily, thought that this fellow self-confident appearance also is really a little under punches. 薛宝钗吓了一跳,下意识想将手缩回去,却被抓得紧紧的,一颗芳心狂跳,心想这家伙这自信的样子还真是有点欠揍。 However compares the northern static king, actually this fellow looks to be pleasing to the eyes. 不过相比起北静王,倒是这家伙看着顺眼一些。 Nearby Liao Yingzhong sighs secretly, if precious jade also in good...... 一旁的廖莹中暗暗叹了一口气,要是宝玉还在多好啊…… Xue Baochai thinks of anything suddenly, said: But I could not represent the family, my father was not necessarily able to agree.” 薛宝钗忽然想到什么,说道:“可是我代表不了家族,我爹未必会同意。” Song Qingshu smiles lightly: Your father is a smart person, he will agree.” Simultaneously in the heart supplemented one secretly, if did not agree, till he will project on him to agree. 宋青书淡淡一笑:“你爹是聪明人,他会同意的。”同时心中暗暗补充了一句,如果不同意,他会打到他同意为止。 Then Song Qingshu brought Liao Yingzhong, Xue Baochai to arrive at Xue Family together quietly. 接下来宋青书带着廖莹中薛宝钗一起悄悄到了薛家 Xue Family high and low does not know that had anything, only knows that from the beginning the master thunder is angry, expert Zhongyuan Yidianhong of your family place, even closes up Xue Yiren that heals from a wound to hurry to toward the study room, but fell into a while quietly. 薛家上下不知道发生了什么,只知道一开始老爷雷霆大怒,府上的高手中原一点红、甚至闭关养伤的薛衣人都往书房赶去,但没过多久就陷入了沉静。 Finally the master comes out the complexion is tranquil, cannot see any appearance getting angry, but ancient well without ripples orders send, simultaneously summoned some direct descendant trusted aide private talks in secret for a long time. 最后老爷出来的时候脸色平静,看不出任何发怒的样子,只是古井不波一道道命令发出去,同时暗中召见了一些嫡系心腹密谈了许久。 The 2nd day toward the meeting above, started to discuss the new Monarch incident, although the false emperor was abandoned, but Zhao Gou had died in the beforehand civil strife, the crown prince also died, river bank king Geng died in a early morning Wudang mountain service, both successors of Zhao Gou preparation died in secret. 第二日朝会之上,开始商讨新君一事,伪帝虽然被废了,但赵构已经在之前的内乱中死了,太子也死了,沂王更是在一早的武当山一役死了,赵构原本暗中准备的两个继承人都死了。 But he himself cannot give birth, without the heir, everyone starts to discuss that whom suddenly sets up is an enemy. 而他自己又不能生育,没有子嗣,一时间大家开始商讨到底立谁为敌。 In the deliberation hall some people proposed several relate nearer several masters with Zhao Gou this lineage/vein, but by other person by various reason denials, until some people proposed suddenly northern static king Zhao Shicheng is the Emperor Taizong great-great-grandson Zhao Zhongshi son, Renzong Emperor's tenth female Qin Lu Guo da sister of the emperor's great nephew, moreover exterminated the Later Zhou Dynasty remnants of faction to rebel during this time plays the decisive effect, therefore might as well set up him for the emperor. 朝堂上有人提出了几个和赵构这一脉关系更近的几个宗师,但都被另外的人以各种理由否定,直到有人忽然提出北静王赵士程太宗皇帝玄孙赵仲湜之子,仁宗皇帝第十女秦鲁国大长公主的侄孙,而且在此番剿灭后周余党叛乱之中起到了决定性作用,所以不如立他为帝。 North static king naturally leaves ranks a face not to express immediately modestly appropriately, after all his bloodlines relations somewhat are really far from the emperor system, but cannot support various group of official various types to refer to the classics to indicate that he has the cauldron to decide the merit of universe, is the new Mr.'s only candidate. 北静王当然是马上出列一脸谦虚地表示不合适,毕竟他血脉关系离帝系实在有些远,但架不住各路官员各种引经据典表明他有鼎定乾坤之功,是新君的不二人选。 Imperial Court these minister which are not the worldly people, each one saw this is a play that he directs and perform, although is somewhat discontented, but emperor crown prince dies now, simultaneous/uniform king also died, the northern static king has controlled the general situation, who dares to jump to remove his stage. 朝中这些大臣哪个不是人精,个个都看出了这是他自导自演的一出戏,虽有些不满,但如今皇帝太子死了,齐王也死了,北静王早已掌控大局,谁敢跳出来拆他的台。 Saw when northern static king true must be tacitly approved becomes new Monarch, as the ginseng/partake knows the politics Xue Ji suddenly to come out to accuse opposite party dozens big crimes, said that the beforehand all these are his plots, two plot a rebellion, supports Guo Jing to mount the imperial throne, plots to murder the emperor, crown prince, is he is controlling secretly. 眼看着北静王真要被默认当上新君之时,身为参知政事的薛极忽然出来指控对方数十条大罪,说之前这一切都是他的阴谋,贾史两家谋反,扶持郭靖登上帝位,谋害皇帝、太子,都是他在幕后操控。 His makes noise, the audience in an uproar, these things that the opposite party discloses are extremely scary, although some people had had the guess before secretly, but also is only restricted in the guess, does not dare to ponder, now Xue Ji takes the lead, other series of officials also come out to impeach the northern static king in abundance, various evidence 11, the process is detailed, all people immediately on letter/believes. 他这一出声,全场哗然,对方爆料的这些事情太过骇人,虽然之前有些人暗暗有过猜测,但也仅限于猜测而已,都没敢细想,如今薛极带了头,一系列其他官员也纷纷出来弹劾北静王,将各种证据一一道来,过程详实无比,所有的人立马就信了。 Only strange is Xue Family disagrees the northern static king is one group, his sudden treachery quarrels, is it possible that is Xue Ji wants to be the emperor? But this clarified was impossible. 唯一奇怪的就是薛家不和北静王是一伙的么,他怎么突然倒戈相向,莫非是薛极自己想当皇帝?可这摆明了不可能啊。 Xue Ji also swallows at this time, since complied with and Song Qingshu cooperation, naturally must set up proof of allegiance, moreover Liao Yingzhong has also analyzed with him, before these matter Xue Family participated a lot, to preserve Xue Family to be safe afterward, he can only advance on the northern static king all matters thoroughly, therefore he has to take risk to take the lead in launching an attack. 薛极此时也是有苦难言,既然答应了和宋青书合作,自然要立投名状,而且廖莹中也和他分析过,之前那些事薛家没少参与,要想事后保住薛家平安,他只能彻底将所有事都推到北静王身上去,所以他不得不冒险带头发难。 Northern static king startled and anger, he has not thought that Xue Ji will betray him suddenly, but he could ignore inquisition reason at this moment, but handles now the chaotic aspect as soon as possible. 北静王又惊又怒,他万万没想到薛极会突然背叛他,不过事到如今他也顾不得探究其中的原因了,而是尽快搞定如今混乱的局面。 Comes the person, Xue Ji to spread rumors and mislead the people, takes to me!” “来人,薛极妖言惑众,给我拿下!” Xue Ji is actually unhurriedly: My Song Dynasty from founding a nation to start, never having the minister to be punished for an offense because of the word, the northern static king as the Taizong descendants, this custom will not know.” 薛极却是不慌不忙:“我大宋自立国开始,从来没有大臣因言获罪,北静王身为太宗子孙,不会连这个规矩都不知道吧。” Northern static king snort/hum: Now tumultuous times from working as with severe laws, our big Song Dynasty is with great difficulty tranquil, you spread rumors and mislead the people here, does not know that who received to mislead, must subvert my Song Dynasty landscape obvious, how could this king sat by and did nothing.” 北静王哼了一声:“如今乱世自当用重典,我们大宋朝好不容易才平静下来,你在这里妖言惑众,也不知道是受了何人蛊惑,明摆着要颠覆我大宋江山,本王又岂能坐视不理。” Xue Ji scolded simply directly: Zhao Shicheng, you kill one's sovereign to kill the crown prince, to usurp the throne, added own representative Song Dynasty landscape, won't your conscience be painful?” 薛极索性直接骂道:“赵士程,你弑君杀太子,就是为了篡位,还说自己代表大宋江山,你的良心不会痛么?” The northern static king complexion body jumps, takes over wields, big group of guards come to probably apprehend Xue Ji, the Xue Ji complexion changes, although Xue Family the influence is big, but on the government, does not have many strengths in this imperial palace. 北静王脸色皮肉直跳,直接手一挥,一大堆侍卫进来要捉拿薛极,薛极脸色微变,薛家虽然势力不小,但都是在官场上,在这皇宫中却没多少力量。 At this moment, another team of soldiers flushed to come in him to protect, saw only the Wang Ziteng stand: Northern static king, Xue Ji said a moment ago is really investigates false knows, now you are so anxious, is plans to silence a witness of crime?” 就在这时,另一队士兵冲了进来将他护住,只见王子腾站了出来:“北静王,刚才薛极所言到底是真是假调查了才知道,如今你这么急,是打算杀人灭口么?” Sees him to jump, the northern static king knows oneself fall into a trap, Xue Ji has cooperated with him, if really checks, definitely cannot conceal the truth, at this moment he can only steel one's heart: Comes the person, some people of disaster court discipline, catch them, in case of revolting, executes summarily!” 看到他跳出来,北静王何尝不知道自己落入了陷阱,薛极一直和他合作,要是真的查下去,肯定瞒不住,事到如今他只能心一横:“来人啊,有人祸乱朝纲,将他们都抓起来,如遇反抗,格杀勿论!” He knows, even if today handled all these, the baseless rumor will also spread, before painstakingly planned dozens years of virtuous kings also to meet the reputation to be destroyed in a moment. 他何尝不知道,今天哪怕搞定了这一切,风言风语也会传开,之前苦心经营几十年的贤王也会名声毁于一旦。 But now could not have attended to these, if cannot suppress all promptly, oneself will be more beyond redemption. 但现在已经顾不得这些了,要是不能及时镇压一切,那自己更会万劫不复。 Only then do you have the person?” Wang Ziteng sneers, comes, kills one's sovereign to seize rebelling of position to grasp this, if there is a resistance to execute summarily.” “只有你有人么?”王子腾冷笑一声,“来呀,将这个弑君夺位的逆贼抓起来,如有反抗格杀勿论。” Wang Ziteng runs the palace advance headquarters, before this period of time he has stood by, therefore made one neglect his existence feeling, now leaves the mountain directly, the people discovered that his subordinate did not compare the strength of northern static king to be few. 王子腾掌管殿前司,之前这段时间他一直做壁上观,所以让人忽略了他的存在感,如今直接出山,众人才发现他的手下不比北静王的力量少。 both sides soldiers of hand/subordinate spell to make one group quickly, suddenly pours is also close, only to be left over these officials to shrink is trembling. 双方手下的士兵很快拼作一团,一时间倒也难分胜负,只剩下那些文臣缩在一脚瑟瑟发抖。 Northern static king Lengxiao said: Wang Ziteng, Xue Ji, you think that this can overthrow me? You have not thought why under Guo Jing numerous strong competitors, were actually stilled by me in a short time?” 北静王冷笑道:“王子腾,薛极,你们以为这样就能打倒我了?你们没想过为什么郭靖麾下高手如云,却被我短时间内平定了?” Old ancestor, Senior Lin, this time chaotic situation, but also please make a move to suppress!” “老祖,林前辈,此番乱局,还请你们出手镇压!”
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