FSM :: Volume #25

#2475: Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance)

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A Song Qingshu face compels ignorant, what this young girl is saying, how can't a character understand? 宋青书一脸懵逼,这少女在说什么,怎么一个字都听不懂? What she said returns to the language,” on the Yuan Ziyi face also showed a relaxed smile, general idea/careless is the big brother who to say saved me to assign/life, were you envoy who the deity or Allah of space sent?’ “她说的是回语,”袁紫衣脸上也露出了一丝轻松的笑容,“大意是说‘救了我命的大哥,你是天上的神仙还是真主派来的使者?’” Song Qingshu thinks that initially Yali Xian and A'Man they also often said like this, the mouth also floats off a smile: You told her, I was a envoy who Allah sent.” 宋青书想到当初雅丽仙阿曼她们也动不动就这样说,嘴边也浮起一丝笑容:“你告诉她,我是真主派来的使者。” Yuan Ziyi stared his one eyes ruthlessly: You definitely are looked that she wants to seize the chance to profit attractively, is returning to Xinjiang, this words cannot speak irresponsibly, was punished by Allah carefully.” 袁紫衣狠狠瞪了他一眼:“你肯定是看她漂亮想趁机占便宜,在回疆,这种话不能乱说的,小心被真主惩罚。” She also said: Now is safe, can you let loose Kasili?” 顿了顿她又说道:“现在已经安全了,你可不可以将喀丝丽放开?” Kasili?” Song Qingshu stares, „is she Huo Qingtong younger sister, Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance)?” 喀丝丽?”宋青书一愣,“她就是霍青桐的妹妹,香香公主?” „Haven't you smelled her fragrance?” Yuan Ziyi shows the whites of the eyes. “你难道没闻到她身上的香气么?”袁紫衣翻了个白眼。 Where Song Qingshu can not smell, from started to smell that refreshing delicate fragrance a moment ago, but he is thinking Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) is sent under custody by the person who Bai Fanghua and other destiny taught, just saw this wave is the Tibet cavalry, he has not thought toward that aspect. 宋青书又哪会没闻到,从刚才开始一直闻到了那股沁人心脾的幽香,不过他想着香香公主是被白芳华等天命教的人押送,刚刚看到这波是吐蕃骑兵,他也没有往那方面想。 Yuan Ziyi held in the past from his arms Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance), then used the language to exchange with her, that Kasili entire process looked at Song Qingshu once for a while secretly, in the look filled curiously. 袁紫衣过去将香香公主从他怀里扶出来,然后又和她用回语交流了起来,那喀丝丽整个过程时不时偷偷看宋青书,眼神中充满了好奇。 Song Qingshu also filled curiously to her, he then has the opportunity to size up in this gold/metal book carefully the most beautiful woman, sees only her whole body flesh white like the white snow, Beehan person female is whiter, is not rough like these Western female skins simultaneously, the short distance observation, seriously is the muscle, if cream, brightly fluorescence. 宋青书同样对她充满了好奇,他这才有机会仔细打量这个金书中最美丽的女人,只见她浑身肌肤皓如白雪,比汉人女子更白一些,同时又不像那些西方女子皮肤粗糙,近距离观察,当真是肌若凝脂,灿然荧光。 Is joined to the whole body white clothing like the snow, bright-colored holy, the whole person does not look at the mortal, but like the female celestial, saintess of Heaven. 配上全身白衣如雪,明艳圣洁,整个人看着不似凡人,而像天界的仙女、圣女。 Her causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, in the foreheads also one immature shy flavors, two clearly opposite makings obtained the unification of unusual conditions on her obviously. 她明明倾国倾城,眉宇间却又有一种稚嫩青涩的韵味,两种截然相反的气质却在她身上得到了浑然天成的统一。 Perhaps because of just accident/surprise, her skirt suspended does not know that cut the skin by anything, reveals two fine tender thin straight calves, as if soaked in the milk is the same, is sending out the attractive favor and bright. 也许是因为刚刚的意外,她的裙摆不知被什么刮破,露出两条纤嫩细直的小腿,仿佛在牛奶中泡过一样,散发着诱人的润泽与剔透。 Song Qingshu looked at one to have a parched mouth immediately, a heart bang bang jumped, he does not understand some own why such responses, must know that facing flattering Shan Yuru of technique accomplishment, he can have room for maneuver, may see at present young girl several eyes, he then thought that was somewhat hard automatic control, as if returned to youngster period that type to be swayed by personal gains and losses. 宋青书看了一眼顿时口干舌燥,一颗心砰砰直跳,他也不明白自己为何有这样的反应,要知道面对媚术大成的单玉如,他都能进退自如,可才看到眼前少女几眼,他便觉得有些难以自控,仿佛回到了少年时期那种患得患失。 However his story is extraordinary, after is enchanted by him to calm down at first quickly, in heart secret vigilant, this young girl makings unusual conditions, in fiercest the flattering technique this world are fiercer. At this time Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) looked at him to say suddenly several, the sound was lively, Song Qingshu could not understand, can only looking of questionnaire to Yuan Ziyi. 不过他毕竟阅历非凡,经过最初的迷醉他很快定下心来,心中暗暗警惕,这少女气质浑然天成,却比这世上最厉害的媚术都要厉害。这时香香公主忽然望着他说了几句,声音轻快活泼,宋青书听不懂,只能征询似的望向袁紫衣 Yuan Ziyi turns head, the complexion said strangely: Kasili said that front hero, why you have stared at my leg to look, like this should boldly ~ 袁紫衣回过头来,面色古怪地说道:“喀丝丽说‘面前的英雄啊,你为什么一直盯着我的腿看,这样的大胆该不该~’” „cough cough~” Song Qingshu has almost not choked, but he had restored calmly, said with a smile slightly, „, because attractive, therefore could not bear looked at several.” “咳咳~”宋青书差点没呛到,不过他已经恢复了镇定,微微笑道,“因为好看,所以忍不住多看了几眼。” Yuan Ziyi is dumbfounded, has not expected him simply not embarrassed, she somewhat had to admire, must know that the warrior of wooden table Department, each noticed the Kasili likely dull goose was common, if heard Kasili just that type to rebuke, perhaps has been burning with impatience the explanation. 袁紫衣目瞪口呆,没料到他根本没有不好意思,她都有些心生佩服了,要知道木桌伦部的勇士,每个看到喀丝丽都像呆头鹅一般,如果听到喀丝丽刚刚那种嗔怪,恐怕早就心急火燎解释了。 Translates the language his words, on the Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) face flesh one group of pink colors spreads slowly, but she has not spoken the blame. 将他的话翻译成回语,香香公主脸上肌肤一团粉红之色缓缓蔓延开来,不过她并没有出言责怪。 Why asks her in the Tibet manpower.” Song Qingshu restores from her beautiful appearance shock, remembered the proper business quickly. “问问她为什么会在吐蕃人手里。”宋青书从她美貌震惊中恢复,很快想起了正事。 Yuan Ziyi nods, quickly exchanges with Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance), then just now replied: Kasili said that sent under custody her Mongolia person team to be hit by the attacks of these Tibet people a short time ago, then mostly was killed, was Bai Fanghua of head and others escapes. Then these Tibet people lead her to go south, bumped into us.” 袁紫衣点了点头,急忙和香香公主交流起来,然后方才答道:“喀丝丽说押送她的蒙古人队伍前不久遭受了这些吐蕃人的袭击,然后大多被杀死,为首的白芳华等少数几人逃脱。然后这些吐蕃人带着她南下,就碰到了我们。” Song Qingshu deliberately considered secretly, just he detected this group of Tibet warriors are not weak, not only the bow horse is adept, but also many Vajrayana experts, no wonder can teach in the hand to snatch Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) from the destiny. 宋青书暗暗寻思,刚刚他就察觉到这群吐蕃武士不弱,不仅弓马娴熟,而且有不少密宗高手,难怪能从天命教手中将香香公主抢回来。 Asks that these Tibet people do bully her?” What Song Qingshu somewhat is of curious the goals these Tibet people are, saves others? Didn't oneself just kill the wrong person? “问问这些吐蕃人有没有欺负她?”宋青书有些好奇这些吐蕃人的目的是什么,难道是救人?那自己刚刚不是杀错人了? Yuan Ziyi inquired Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance), then replied: Kasili said that these people are very from the beginning ominous, but her good words persuaded several, these people were very polite to her.” 袁紫衣询问了香香公主,然后答道:“喀丝丽说这些人一开始挺凶的,但她好言相劝几句,那些人都对她很礼貌。” Song Qingshu stares, just these cavalry devils, frequently wanted the eliminating a potential informant passer-by, really not like the person who that listening good words persuaded. 宋青书一愣,刚刚这些骑兵凶神恶煞的,动不动就要灭口路人,实在不像那种听好言相劝的人啊。 It seems like knows that his doubts, Yuan Ziyi explained: Big Brother Song you have not to know, this is the Kasili unique charm, she gentle gentle a few words, actually resemble are the most stern order are ordinary, calling the person is unable to defy, in the Mu Zhuolun section is so, wants to come these people no exception.” 似乎是知道他的疑惑,袁紫衣解释道:“宋大哥你有所不知,这就是喀丝丽的独特魅力,她温婉柔和的一句话,却似是最严峻的命令一般,叫人无法违抗,在木卓伦部就是如此,想来这些人也不例外。” Song Qingshu feels relaxed immediately, must know that even he almost the mind fell into enemy hands a moment ago, on this woman indeed a charm that makes people unable to reject. 宋青书顿时释然,要知道连他刚才都差点心神失守,这女人身上的确有一种让人无法拒绝的魅力。 Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) also said several, Yuan Ziyi nods, added: Right, Kasili said that these people do not seem like Tibet, but called what gu boy subordinate.” 香香公主又说了几句,袁紫衣点点头,补充道:“对了,喀丝丽说那些人好像不是吐蕃的,而是叫什么唃厮啰的手下。” gu boy!” Song Qingshu is suddenly enlighted, no wonder could not think through, how Tibet possibly is away from several thousand li (0.5 km) and luxuriant Kunlun Mountains rushes to here to begin, was the gu boy does not have the issue. “唃厮啰!”宋青书恍然大悟,难怪一直想不通,吐蕃怎么可能隔着数千里和莽莽昆仑跑到这里来动手,是唃厮啰就没问题了。 gu boy the domain in Qinghai, is neighbors with Xixia (Western Xia), kidnaps Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) on the road, the nature is easy to accomplish. 唃厮啰的地盘在青海一带,与西夏比邻而居,在路上劫持香香公主,自然容易办到。 Various clans and tribes that the gu boy commands actually are also the Tibet people, but has not lived that side Tibet, but for a long time occupies Qinghai, the both sides clothing are similar, he also somewhat admitted mistakes suddenly. 唃厮啰统领的各部族其实也是吐蕃人,只是没有居住在西藏那边,而是久居青海,双方服饰类似,他一时间也有些认错了。 Why however can the gu boy rob Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance)? Must know that Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) obvious is gives Temüjin something for one's own exclusive use, the gu boy is also insufficient again lasciviously so bold? Let alone previous time in Xixia (Western Xia), they as if also somewhat flirts with the eyes with Mongolia, how also to draw fire to oneself at this time. 不过唃厮啰为什么会来抢夺香香公主?要知道香香公主明摆着是送给铁木真的禁脔,唃厮啰再好色也不至于这般胆大包天吧?更何况上次在西夏,他们似乎和蒙古还有些眉来眼去的,又岂会在这个时候引火烧身。 Song Qingshu said own doubts, Yuan Ziyi inquired to Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance), Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) shakes the head slightly, on the face is completely the vacant color, obviously does not know these. 宋青书将自己的疑惑说了,袁紫衣香香公主询问,香香公主微微摇了摇头,脸上尽是茫然之色,显然并不知道这些。 Song Qingshu then arrives at these gu male servants that side the warrior, just many people from speeding along immediately falls the severe wound dead, but many people are also living. 宋青书便走到那些唃厮啰武士那边,刚刚不少人从飞驰的马上摔下来重伤而死,但也有不少人还活着。 Why do you want to kidnap Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance)?” Song Qingshu asked. “你们为什么要劫持香香公主?”宋青书问道。 A few years ago gu boy to resist the Xixia (Western Xia) Emperor Jingzong of Western Xia, was on good terms with the Song Dynasty relations, therefore in the tribe also many people spoke Chinese, heard his inquiry, some people replied: Our leaders heard that Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance) is the world's most beautiful woman, must therefore snatch to be the princess her.” 前些年唃厮啰为了对抗西夏李元昊,和宋朝关系交好,所以部落中也不少人会汉语,听到他的询问,有人答道:“我们首领听说香香公主是世上最美丽的女人,所以要将她抢回去作王妃。” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle, Xixia (Western Xia) lived with the bride's family before, he has contacted the gu boy, knows that he is one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, not possible for female sexual attractiveness so non- wisdom. 宋青书眉头一皱,之前西夏招亲的时候,他接触过唃厮啰,知道他是一代枭雄,绝不可能为了女色如此不智。 No matter but how he inquired, these warriors stated categorically is this. 可不管他如何询问,那些武士一口咬定了是这样。 Song Qingshu is also disinclined rubbish with them, displays Soul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Technique to press for an answer directly, finally knew truth, originally they are the gu boy under discuss flee( the meaning of Prime Minister Tibet) warm Buqi the subordinate. 宋青书也懒得和他们废话,直接施展移魂大法逼问,终于得知了事情的真相,原来他们是唃厮啰麾下论逋(吐蕃宰相的意思)温逋奇的部下。 warm Buqi is the tribe leader of place of Qingtang, because gu boy the arrival can only step down to the second line, he is unwilling to remove the gu boy to displace. 温逋奇原本是青唐之地的部落首领,因为唃厮啰的到来只能退居二线,他心有不甘要除掉唃厮啰取而代之。 But these year of gu male servants west the eastern expedition ask for the prestige to be getting higher and higher, he is very difficult to start, happen to recently Mongolia invaded Xixia (Western Xia), he smelled the good opportunity suddenly, decided that pretends to be the gu boy the name to rob Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance), causes Temüjin to be angry to crusade against, he can seize the chance to overthrow the gu boy with the aid of Mongolia person east wind, oneself displace. 可这些年唃厮啰东征西讨威望越来越高,他很难下手,正好最近蒙古入侵西夏,他忽然嗅到了好机会,决定冒充唃厮啰之名抢夺香香公主,引得铁木真大怒来讨伐,他就能借助蒙古人这股东风趁机推翻唃厮啰,自己取而代之。 Later returns to Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance), flatters Temüjin, surrenders to its name fence, warm Buqi does not have the ambition of compete world in any case, so long as can become Qingtang to advocate him to satisfy, but Mongolia these years kindly treat the vassal state to win great reputation, he did not worry that Mongolia will annex him. 之后再将香香公主送回,借此讨好铁木真,向其称藩投降,反正温逋奇也没有逐鹿天下的野心,只要能当上青唐之主他就满足了,而蒙古这些年善待藩属名声在外,他也不担心蒙古会吞并他。
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