FSM :: Volume #25

#2471: Alternative direction

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This record/native place La thinks of some righteousness Song Qingshu impressions, in history he is the Xixia (Western Xia) last years star, frustrated the Mongolia soldier/weapon front under the GuaZhou city several times, but I widowed to face death bravely to the difficult enemy enemy numerous finally. 这个籍辣思义宋青书有些印象,历史中他是西夏末年的名将,在瓜州城下数次挫败蒙古的兵锋,只是到了最后还是难敌敌众我寡英勇就义。 Such character appears, really means that Xixia (Western Xia) does want the perishing country? 这样的人物出现,难道真的意味着西夏要亡国么? Song Qingshu is quite sad, although on the day of he has expected will have, there is an own plan, but can succeed in his heart and lacks self-confidence, therefore to the road ahead is quite confused. 宋青书心情比较沉重,他虽然早就料到会有这一天,也有自己的计划,但能不能成功他心中并没有底,所以对前路还是相当迷茫的。 Hears him to decide that changes course to go to the sandbar toward east, Yuan Ziyi stares: Didn't rescue Kasili?” 听到他决定改道往东去沙洲,袁紫衣一愣:“不去救喀丝丽了么?” Then properly speaking sends under custody to go north, but now goes to the sandbar that Kasili one group of possibly walk, must toward east. 按理说押送喀丝丽的一行人最可能走的便是北上,而现在去沙洲,要一路往东。 Song Qingshu replied: Nowadays Temüjin toward east, Their group, even if goes north across Tianshan must certainly go in the Sha Chau direction finally, non-stop pursuing behind them with it, might as well first step go to GuaZhou, perhaps also compared with them first.” 宋青书答道:“现如今铁木真往东,他们一行人就算北上穿过天山最后肯定也是要往沙洲方向去的,与其在他们后面不停追,不如先一步前往瓜州,说不定还比他们先到。” Listened to him so saying that Yuan Ziyi also felt reasonable, then two people toward east along the oasis vanguard of coastal area of Tarim River. 听他这般说,袁紫衣也觉得有道理,然后两人一路往东沿着塔里木河沿岸的绿洲前行。 Two people speed away, after about several days, goes to a particularly burning hot place, the bonus is the Song Qingshu skill acquires understanding of esoteric teachings, now also feels the whole body quick heating. 两人一路疾驰,大约数天过后,来到一分外炎热的地方,饶是宋青书功力通玄,现在也感到浑身快热化了。 Yuan Ziyi cannot withstand, the whole person creakies. 袁紫衣更是不堪,整个人摇摇欲坠。 Two people have to hide to a shady sand dune tree shade, Song Qingshu gives Yuan Ziyi the canteen: You many?” 两人只好到一背阴沙丘树荫下面躲藏,宋青书将水壶递给袁紫衣:“你好些了么?” Yuan Ziyi drank several big mouths fiercely, just now catches one's breath: Excuse me, was a drag on your.” 袁紫衣猛地喝了几大口,方才缓过气来:“不好意思,拖你后腿了。” Song Qingshu shakes the head: Never mind, the prestige of nature, the impersonal force can contend, now this situation, was to perhaps have no way to hurry along during the daytime, we first rested, when walked in the evening again.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“不必介意,大自然之威,非人力所能抗衡,现在这情况,白天恐怕是没法赶路了,我们先休息,等到傍晚再走。” Yuan Ziyi nods: Here is the range of Turfan, year to year extremely hot incomparable, front that mountain, is Letage in domestic population, is the meaning of Hongshan. Right, Mt. Huoyan when the legend of Han people, it is the past Master Xuanzhuang learned from experienced people passed by.” 袁紫衣点了点头:“这里是吐鲁番的范围,常年酷热无比,前面那片山,就是当地人口中的克孜勒塔格,也就是红山的意思。对了,在汉人的传说中,它就是当年玄奘法师取经时路过的火焰山。” Mt. Huoyan?” Song Qingshu goes following the prestige, sees only distant place one continuous red mountain massifs, above infertile, the bird conceals the trace. At this time the red glowing sun in the sky, the russet mountain massif under the hot sun illumination, the sandstone brilliant flash, the blazing air current tumbling rises, like roaring flame flaming, the large flame pulls up the day, no wonder called Mt. Huoyan. “火焰山?”宋青书循声望去,只见远处一片连绵不绝的红色山体,上面寸草不生,飞鸟匿踪。此时红日当空,赤褐色的山体在烈日照射下,砂岩灼灼闪光,炽热的气流翻滚上升,就像烈焰熊熊,火舌撩天,难怪叫火焰山。 Although this place is bleak, but is not desolate, Yuan Ziyi just passed by asked the native to buy some fruits and melons, catches one's breath then to cut two people to eat slightly. 此地虽然荒凉,但并不是毫无人烟,袁紫衣刚刚路过的时候找当地人买了些瓜果,稍稍缓过气来便切来两人吃了。 The sweet juice makes two people hot weather intent solve slightly, to preserve physical strength, two people then depended on the tree to rest. 甘甜的汁水让两人暑意稍解,为了保存体力,两人便靠着树睡了起来。 But without two double-hour two people awoke, in broad daylight after all is very difficult to fall asleep. 只不过没两个时辰两人就醒了,大白天的毕竟很难睡着。 Song Qingshu worried that Xixia (Western Xia) that side matter, suddenly the atmosphere seems somewhat depressed. 宋青书担忧西夏那边的事情,一时间气氛显得有些沉闷。 Yuan Ziyi looked at his one eyes quietly, hesitant, asked: Big Brother Song, I have my presumptuous request.” 袁紫衣悄悄看了他一眼,犹豫了一下,问道:“宋大哥,我有个不情之请。” What matter?” Song Qingshu stares, these Tianyi Road travel together, two people related wound actually ripe much. “什么事情?”宋青书一愣,这些天一路同行,两人关系倒是熟络了不少。 Before I think own martial arts is good, but in this Yeerqiang city, with these experts to, just now knows oneself are how useless, at that time Big Brother Song rushed promptly, all of us perhaps bad violent treachery,” Yuan Ziyi recalled the situation still to have a lingering fear at that time, „, therefore wants to ask Big Brother Song to direct martial arts, such I can also protect the person who oneself want to protect in the future.” “以前我本来以为自己武功还算不错的,但这次叶尔羌城中,和那些高手对上,方才知道自己是多么没用,那时要不是宋大哥及时赶到,我们所有人恐怕都已经糟了毒手,”袁紫衣回忆起当时情形依然心有余悸,“所以想请宋大哥指点一下武功,这样将来我也能保护自己想保护的人。” martial arts?” Song Qingshu has not expected her to set such request actually. “武功?”宋青书倒是没料到她会提出这样的要求。 Isn't good?” A Yuan Ziyi face is looking at him tight. “不行么?”袁紫衣一脸紧张地望着他。 „It is not not good,” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile, is only your internal strength heart law is the Daoism orthodox school, your grandfather gives you foundation to hit quite solid, as cultivates is longer, the might will also be bigger, there is no way to change in a short time ; As for your martial arts, White Boa Whip Skill is also top martial learn/study who in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) ranks among the best, moreover I look am very suitable you, practices other martial arts again, unavoidably will bite off more than one can chew.” “也不是不行,”宋青书微微一笑,“只是你的内功心法是玄门正宗,你爷爷给你根基打得相当牢实,随着修炼越久,威力也会越大,这个没法短时间内改变;至于你的武功,白蟒鞭法也是江湖中数一数二的顶尖武学,而且我看挺适合你的,再练其他的武功,难免会贪多嚼不烂。” But, I can correct actually your some catching up skills, should be able to enhance in a short time much your martial arts.” “不过,我倒是可以纠正一下你一些发力技巧,应该可以在短时间内将你武功提高不少。” Yuan Ziyi listened to front of him saying that when also he turns down himself, when is somewhat losing hears his latter, is delighted: Many thanks Big Brother Song!” 袁紫衣原本听他前面说的,还当他是婉拒自己,正有些失落之时听到他后一句,不禁喜出望外:“多谢宋大哥!” She in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) is also a expert, clear, even if this time practiced the new internal strength or martial arts, was still very difficult to enhance in a short time, but catching up skill these were different, even can the short time make her martial arts might enhance most. 她自己在江湖中也算个高手,清楚就算这时练新的内功或者武功,也很难短时间内提高,但发力技巧这些却不同,甚至可以短时间让她的武功威力提高大半。 You play White Boa Whip Skill to show me.” Song Qingshu by hints her to train to the one side on the tree. “你耍一遍白蟒鞭法给我看看。”宋青书靠在树上示意她到一旁演练。 Good ~ Yuan Ziyi takes down the waist long whip to start every gesture and motions to display, because the opportunity is rare, therefore she hit 12 spirit, in the hand the long whip was really such as the silver dragon goes to sea, the whole person high and low fluttering also just like the purple elf. “好~”袁紫衣取下腰间长鞭开始一招一式施展起来,因为机会难得,所以她打起了十二分精神,手中长鞭真是如银龙出海,整个人上下翻飞也犹如紫色精灵。 Song Qingshu looks repeatedly nods, at present the waist of young girl really soft, un, just when turned over/stood up the vibration of chest front also seems plentiful...... 宋青书看得频频点头,眼前少女的腰肢是真的软,嗯,刚刚翻身时胸前的抖动似乎也挺丰满的…… White Boa Whip Skill is also the Zhou Zhiruo special skill, he is familiar, but two people display the makings to be critically different, the Zhou Zhiruo relative makings are more elegantly beautiful, displays White Boa Whip Skill always some ghosts air/Qi densely, luckily the person attractively, can be the attractive female ghost ; 白蟒鞭法也是周芷若的看家本领,他可谓再熟悉不过,不过两人施展起来气质大为不同,周芷若相对气质冷艳一些,施展白蟒鞭法总有些鬼气森森,幸好人长得漂亮,可以算得上是倩女幽魂; On this set of whip technique is inferior to Zhou Zhiruo as for attainments of Yuan Ziyi obviously, but is also quite good, her appearance is delightful, Ziyi (purple clothes) appears the enthusiasm again in addition, waves to have the popularity compared with Zhou Zhiruo many, looks that looks like charming romantic Western Region to dance Ji. 至于袁紫衣在这套鞭法上造诣显然不如周芷若,但也相当不错,她长相甜美,再加上一席紫衣显得热情,舞动起来比周芷若要有人气得多,看着更像一个娇媚香艳的西域舞姬。 Yuan Ziyi sees him to nod, the heart great happiness, the performance even more goes all out. 袁紫衣见他点头,不由芳心大喜,表演得越发卖力起来。 One set of style fires off, Yuan Ziyi is much more tired, receives the long whip, a face hopes that is looking at him: Big Brother Song, what kind of?” 一套招式打完,袁紫衣累得香汗淋漓,收起长鞭,一脸期盼地望着他:“宋大哥,怎么样?” „Very soft.” Song Qingshu replied subconsciously, “挺软的。”宋青书下意识答道, Yuan Ziyi is bewildered: „? Was said that I makes a move was too a moment ago soft?” 袁紫衣一脸茫然:“啊?难道是说我刚才出招太软了么?” „,” Song Qingshu bite back train of thought that sincere said that overall also good, but you are young, some catching up way some issues. Naturally, originally with your aptitude, separates several years to should also to be able again to comprehend.” “咳咳,”宋青书急忙收回思绪,正色说道,“整体上还不错,不过你年纪还小,其中一些发力方式有些问题。当然,本来以你的资质,再隔几年自己应该也能领悟到。” Also looks at the Big Brother Song direction.” Yuan Ziyi blinks, in the look was full of the joyous feelings, at present the man is in the world peak existence, can obtain his several directions, exceeds itself to train hard for ten years. “还望宋大哥指点。”袁紫衣眨了眨眼睛,眼神里充满了喜悦之情,眼前男子是天底下最顶尖的存在,能得到他几句指点,胜过自己苦练十年。 Song Qingshu somewhat hesitates: My method possibly makes you somewhat shy uncomfortable, perhaps you will misunderstand.” 宋青书有些犹豫:“不过我的法子可能让你有些害羞难受,恐怕你会误会。” Yuan Ziyi quickly said: How I will blame you, Big Brother Song does not need to be anxious, I will coordinate good Big Brother Song.” 袁紫衣急忙说道:“我怎么会怪你呢,宋大哥不必忧虑,我会配合好宋大哥的。” Good, you stand not to move.” Song Qingshu stood from the tree shade, arrived at Yuan Ziyi behind, do not use the whip, displayed a moment ago that move of beautiful calligraphy.” “那好吧,你站好别动。”宋青书从树荫下站了起来,来到了袁紫衣身后,“不要用鞭子,施展刚才那招笔走龙蛇。” Yuan Ziyi un, the both legs split slightly, although this move with whip, but quite the strength of test waist. 袁紫衣嗯了一声,双腿微微叉开,这一招虽然是用鞭,但是相当考验腰部的力量。 Suddenly her whole body one stiff, because she detected that a pair of big hand caressed her thigh: Big Brother Song do you do?” The sound somewhat trembles. 忽然她浑身一僵,因为她察觉到一双大手抚上了她的大腿:“宋大哥你干什么?”声音都有些发颤起来。 Song Qingshu swayed from side to side several centimeters toward side her thigh muscle slightly, adjusted an angle, then said: Remembers now this posture, although only then one inch difference, but the intention feels change, tries to have a look at what difference again one time.” 宋青书将她大腿肌肉往旁边稍微扭动了几厘米,调整了一下角度,然后说道:“记住现在这个姿势,虽然只有一寸的区别,但用心感受其中的变化,再试一次看看有什么不同。” Yuan Ziyi only knows oneself thought the branch, is blushing saying: Good!” 袁紫衣这才知道自己想岔了,红着脸说道:“好!” Therefore she probed is displaying a beautiful calligraphy again, the midway thigh returned to the posture that oneself were familiar with subconsciously, closely was actually gripped by the opposite party, cannot move the slightest, but she can actually obviously feel a strength passed from the thigh, then coordinated swaying from side to side of waist, passed to the inner strength of wrist/skill to be bigger than before least 20%, if wielded the long whip, the might increases will be more. 于是她试探着再施展了一次笔走龙蛇,中途大腿下意识回到自己习惯的姿势,却被对方紧紧握住,根本动不了分毫,但她却能明显感觉到一股劲力从大腿传了上来,然后配合腰身的扭动,传到手腕的内力比之前大了至少百分之二十,如果挥动长鞭,威力增加得会更多。 The Song Qingshu sound resounds again: You just the subconsciousness returned to the original that condition, I am impossible to grab you to correct each time like this, must therefore remember difference by yourself, many practices to form the muscle to remember.” 宋青书声音再次响起:“你刚刚下意识又回到原来那种状态,我不可能每次都这样抓着你纠正,所以还是要靠你自己记住其中的区别,多加练习形成肌肉记忆。” Many thanks Big Brother Song ~ the Yuan Ziyi cheeks are crimson, thought oneself misunderstood the opposite party a moment ago. “多谢宋大哥~”袁紫衣脸颊绯红,心想自己刚才真是误会对方了。 Then that attracts attention to blow the willow catkin you to display again.” “接下来那招风吹柳絮你再施展一下。” Un ~ “嗯~” Yuan Ziyi just displayed, the body stiffened, because he detected that the big hand of opposite party about one step uppers shift, if other men dare to this, she to have the blade to fall early while you are at it, but Big Brother Song this...... 袁紫衣刚施展完,身子又僵住了,因为他察觉到对方的大手近一步上移,若是其他男子敢对她这样,她早就手起刀落了,可宋大哥这样…… She can only comfort the opposite party to direct him, but the sound cannot stop to tremble: „Should Big Brother Song, how correct now?” 她只能安慰自己对方是在指点他,可声音还是止不住发颤起来:“宋大哥,现在该如何改正?” Song Qingshu corrects the muscle posture and angle for her, while said: Woman joint inborn is softer than the man, must therefore use this advantage. Moreover because the female must produce the descendant, the pelvis is relatively spacious, the thurl is outward more prominent than the man, therefore inborn is broader than the male range in derailing, must make full use of good this, all your style movements can quick one step, the expert contend, perhaps on difference that frontline.” 宋青书一边替她纠正肌肉姿势和角度,一边说道:“女人关节天生比男人柔软,所以要利用好这个优势。另外由于女子要生产后代,盆骨相对宽大,髋关节比男人往外突出一些,因此在横向移动方面天生比男子范围广一些,要充分利用好这点,你的所有招式动作都能快一步,高手相争,说不定就差那一线。” Feels the movement of his hand, the Yuan Ziyi entire journey is being to blush low voice un un is responding, she is not clear is Mt. Huoyan or anything's reason, her whole body as if must be lit roasts ripe. 感受着他手的移动,袁紫衣全程都是红着脸小声嗯嗯地回应着,她不清楚到底是火焰山还是什么的缘故,她全身似乎都要被点燃烤熟了。
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