Song Qingshuadmiressecretly, Huo Qingtongworthilyis the famouskingfisher feathersyellow jersey, canmaintain the reasoninsuchsituation, notanxiouslyrevenging, butasks aboutyounger sister'smatter.宋青书暗暗佩服,霍青桐不愧是鼎鼎大名的翠羽黄衫,在这样的情形下还能保持理智,并没有急着报仇,而是询问妹妹的事情。Hesomewhatis also curious, Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance)isingold/metalbook the beautiful woman of mostlegend, does not know how is a style hair.
他也有几分好奇,香香公主是金书中最传奇的一位美人儿,不知道到底是怎么个美发。wavequicklysaid: „Irepliedyouwill let offme?”
波都急忙说道:“我回答了你就会放过我么?”Huo Qingtongcoldsound said: „Leeway that nowyouhave not bargained back and forth.”霍青桐冷声道:“现在没有你讨价还价的余地。”waveafter all is also a sidefierce and ambitious, the directelongatednecksaid: „Diesin any case, youmustkillkill, why do Iwantto tellyou?”
波都毕竟也是一方枭雄,直接伸长脖子说道:“反正都是一死,你要杀就杀,我干嘛要告诉你?”„You!”Huo Qingtongshort of breath, but the opposite partyreallydoes not fear death, shedoes not have the meanssuddenly.
“你!”霍青桐气急,可对方真不怕死了,她一时间也没有办法。Song Qingshuwent forwardto sayat this time: „Althoughdies, butdieshappyordies with great painhas the difference, do youknow that ourHan peopledynastieshave a penalty, buryinearth, onlycome out the headreveal, thencut an openingin the top of the head, towardinsidemercury, youguess that whatwill have?”宋青书这时上前说道:“虽然都是死,但死得痛快或者死得痛苦还是有区别的,你知不知道我们汉人王朝有一种刑罚,就是将人埋在土里,只将脑袋露出来,然后在头顶划开一个口子,往里面倒水银,你猜会发生什么?”waveswallows the salivadifficultly: „Whatwill have?”
波都艰难地咽了咽口水:“会发生什么?”Song Qingshusaid with a smile: „Pours intoafter the mercury, thatpersonmeets the whole bodyto itch, itchyitchyhestartsto struggle, but the whole bodywas buriedinearth, only then the top of the headhas a hole, thenhemade an effort a tread, the whole personflushedfromtop of the headthatwound, the including the skindid not want......”宋青书笑道:“灌入水银过后,那人会浑身发痒,痒啊痒啊他就开始挣扎,可全身都被埋在了土里,只有头顶有个洞,然后他用力一蹬,整个人就从头顶那伤口冲了出来,连皮都不要了……”„YourHan people is a devil!”wavecannot listenagain, covers the earsloudlyexclaims.
“你们汉人都是魔鬼!”波都再也听不下去,捂着耳朵大吼道。Song Qingshulookonecold: „Copes withyouto murder the devil who the brotherkills the nephew to use the method of devillike this! Ifyoudid not say, here 99similarmethods, youwill at least also sayeventually.”宋青书神色一冷:“对付你这样弑兄杀侄的魔鬼就要用魔鬼的法子!你要是不说,我这里至少还有九十九种类似的法子,你终究会说的。”„Isaid that Isaid!”waveflustered, heactuallyalsounderstands,every so oftenrefuses stubbornlyis the most dreadfulmatter, most fearful does not seek livehoodto ask unable, „the day before yesterdayIhad packed offherquietly, takes awayto present tributetoMangolia's Great Khan.”
“我说我说!”波都慌了,他其实也明白,很多时候死不是最可怕的事情,最可怕是求生不得求死不能,“前天我已经悄悄将她送走了,拿去进贡给蒙古大汗。”„What, sent off!” The Huo Qingtongwhole bodyis icy cold.
“什么,送走了!”霍青桐浑身冰凉。waveis too busy the nod: „Yes, becauseKasilimakes the pledge, whorevengessheto marrythatpersonforher, you are also clearKasilito havemanymento admireon the prairie, Iwill be worriedto cause troublein the course of time, therefore the arrangedpersonwill send totoward the Mongoliabigcampherquietly, will then save others here layoutwaiting.”
波都忙不迭点头:“是的,因为喀丝丽立下誓言,谁替她报仇她就嫁给那人,你也清楚喀丝丽在草原上有多少男子爱慕,我担心日久生变,于是安排人悄悄将她往蒙古大营送去,然后再在这边布局等待来救人的。”„Whathesaidisreally?”Song Qingshucoldlylookstocomplete(ly)Yejingand the others.
“他说的可是真的?”宋青书冷冷地看向毕夜惊等人。complete(ly)Yejingis too busynods: „Good, escorted my masterniece'streasureapprentice.”Witnesseda moment ago the opposite partystruck the scene that killedevilBuddhabellZhongyou, whichhisalsodared the thought of raisingleast bitresistance. Althoughhismartial artscompared withbellmiddleroamingtall, butis much higher, both sides are also a expert of rank, butthisfellowactedto be aboutheto looka moment agocannot see clearly, heknowstrue understandingto hitalso dead.
毕夜惊忙不迭地点头:“不错,护送的正是我那师侄女的宝贝徒弟。”刚才目睹对方击杀邪佛钟仲游的场景,他哪还敢升起半点反抗的念头。他武功虽然比钟仲游高,但高得有限,双方也是一个等级的高手,可这家伙刚才动作快得他看都看不清,他知道真打起来也是一死而已。„Bai Fanghua?” A Song Qingshubrowwrinkle.
“白芳华?”宋青书眉头一皱。„Yes, Young Master Songalsoknewher.”complete(ly)Yealarmedcomplainedsecretly, no wonderJianghu (rivers and lakes)saidwhatthiswas surnamed Songwasamorist, it seems like that the in the worldprettywomanheknew.
“是的,原来宋公子也知道她。”毕夜惊心中却暗暗吐槽,难怪江湖都说这个姓宋的是好色之徒,看来天底下漂亮的女人他都知道啊。„Whichroadtakes?”Huo Qingtongquicklyasked.
“走得哪条路?”霍青桐急忙问道。„Theygo northalong the Yarkand River, as forwhichroad that behindtakes, shouldbeBai Fanghuaarranges, Iam not clear.”wavereplied, „I who shouldsayhad said that onlystrove to me a happiness!”
“她们沿着叶尔羌河北上,至于后面走的哪条路,应该是白芳华安排的,我就不清楚了。”波都答道,“该说的我已经说了,只求给我一个痛快!”„Good, after youdie, whereaboutsmy fatherandmy brotherapologized!”Huo Qingtongnotslightlyhesitant, the handhad the bladeto fallthenunderstood the life of opposite party.
“好,你死后自己去向我爹和我哥赔罪!”霍青桐没有丝毫犹豫,手起刀落便了解了对方的性命。Song Qingshuis flabbergastedsecretly, goes on an expedition the star in battlefieldworthily, thismurdered the resolution to be fiercer.宋青书暗暗咂舌,不愧是征战沙场的名将,这杀伐决断可比自己猛多了。„How do thesepeopleprocess?”Huo Qingtongis raising the sword of belt/bringblood, coldlylooks around complete(ly)Yejingand the others.
“这些人怎么处理?”霍青桐提着带血的剑,冷冷地看着一旁的毕夜惊等人。complete(ly)Yejingandhot sunflameand the othersretrocedesecretlyonestep, matter of life and death, even ifknew perfectly well that did not beat must wrestle.
毕夜惊和烈日炎等人暗暗后退一步,生死攸关,哪怕明知不敌也要搏一搏了。Song Qingshulooked attheironeeyeslightly: „Justsaidonlyexecutes the chief culprit, youwalk.”宋青书淡淡地看了他们一眼:“刚刚说了只诛首恶,你们走吧。”Theyafter allareShan Yuruandrune/symbolYaohong the same side, before thesetwowomen, helpedhimbe many, ifturned aroundto cutto kill a cleanness the experts in theirschool, is not always so sincere.
他们毕竟是单玉如和符瑶红的同门,这两个女人之前帮了他不少,如果转身把她们门派里的高手斩杀个干净,总是不那么厚道。Moreovertheyare the Ali Bugesubordinates, butAli Buge and Kublai Khanbattlefiercely, hedoes not wantto underminetwo peoplebalances, as forevilBuddhabellZhongyou, thislasciviousshamelessfellowprevioustimealsoalmostbulliesShan Yuru, damn.
另外他们是阿里不哥的手下,而阿里不哥和忽必烈争斗得厉害,他可不想打破两人的平衡,至于邪佛钟仲游,这好色无耻的家伙上次都还差点欺负单玉如呢,早就该死了。complete(ly)Yejing and hot sunflameis delighted: „Many thanks the young master, the young masterspares and not punishes too severelytoday, another daysettledgenerous reward!”
毕夜惊和烈日炎喜出望外:“多谢公子,公子今日高抬贵手,他日定当厚报!”Said that two peoplelead the person who the destinyis teachingto departin a hurry.
说完两人带着天命教的人匆匆离去。Huo Qingtonghas not saidanything, the doganxious must jump the wall, nowin the city their strengthistoofew, if not take the conciliationmeasureto be very easyto have an accident.霍青桐并没有说什么,狗急了还要跳墙呢,如今城中他们的力量还是太少,如果不采取怀柔措施很容易出事。ThenHuo Qingtongdraws in the former subordinates, starts the chaotic situation in peacefulFucheng, Song Qingshuhelpstreat and cureYuan Shixiaoand the others.
接下来霍青桐收拢旧部,开始安抚城中的乱局,宋青书则帮忙救治袁士霄等人。LaterHuo Qingtongput body in coffinfather and elder brothers'skeleton, meanwhileburied a large numbers ofthisdying in battlewarrior.
之后霍青桐收殓了父兄的骸骨,同时还安葬了一大批这次战死的勇士。Song Qingshutheninvitedthemto go toLingjiu Palaceto staytemporarily, Lingjiu PalaceinTianshan, was not farfromheretoo . Moreover the luxuriantmountainalsohelpedhide.宋青书便邀请他们去灵鹫宫暂时住下,灵鹫宫在天山,离这里不算太远,而且莽莽大山也便于隐藏。ThisHuo Qingtonghas not refused, leading the remainingpeopleto leave the Yeerqiangcitytonorth. Thisdoes not have the matter of means that the wooden tableinteriorcivil strife, in addition, was ambushed the main forcecasualtyin the mountain valleycompletely, the tribe is only left oversomeold, weak, sick, and disablednow, will be incapable ofresisting the forthcomingMongoliaarmyradically.
这次霍青桐倒没有拒绝,带着剩下的人一路向北离开了叶尔羌城。这也是没办法的事情,木桌伦内部内乱,再加上之前在山谷被伏击主力死伤殆尽,如今部落只剩下些老弱病残,根本无力对抗即将到来的蒙古大军。Song Qingshualsowantsto bring the ironto extend the sectionsame place, when maywaits forhimto go out of townto seek, discovered that the ironextends the people of sectionto be reminded of dear ones who have left, wantsto comewasinitiallyrescues the A'Manmother and daughterafter the cityLordmansion, was worried that was led the armyto retaliatebywave, thereforein a hurrywithdrawal.
原本宋青书还想带着铁延部一起的,可等他出城去寻找时,发现铁延部的人已经人去楼空,想来是当初从城主府救出阿曼母女后,担心被波都率大军报复,于是匆匆撤走了。Song Qingshuis somewhat regrettable, healsofondly rememberedinitially and Yali Xianlovely time, what a pityrecently the important matterwas encumbered, had no free timeto look forthemradically.宋青书有些遗憾,他还多怀念当初和雅丽仙的美好时光的,可惜最近要事缠身,根本没空去寻找她们。Onlycanwait forin the future the foregone conclusion, comes back the prairieto continue the predestined affinity again, butdoes not know when the time comesshecanrecognizeme, after allsherememberswhatis the moon reflection in the waterlarge amount......
The groupwent north for day, Huo Qingtongthenrequested that Song Qingshuhelpedhimrescueyounger sisterKasili, nowbrings the large unit, the speedradicallyquickly, if the timetowedfor a long time, making the younger sisterfall into Temüjin, thatrescuedon the eveningagain.
一行人北上走了一天,霍青桐便请求宋青书帮他去救妹妹喀丝丽,如今带着大部队,速度根本快不起来,如果时间拖久了,让妹妹落入铁木真手里,那再救就晚了。Shealsowantsto gotogether, what a pitysheis also shouldering the livelihood of tribepeople, can only firstgoto settlethem, has no wayto gotogether.
原本她也是想一起去的,可惜她还肩负着部落众人的生计,只能先去安顿他们,没法一同前往。Song QingshuandshedescribedMisty Peak's Lingjiu Palacein detailis, thenpulled the leaderrefers toworked as the faith tokentoher, so as to avoid being regarded the enemyby the Lingjiu Palaceperson.宋青书和她详细描述了缥缈峰灵鹫宫的所在,然后又把掌门扳指给了她当信物,免得被灵鹫宫的人当成敌人。Huo Qingtongsaid goodbyewithhim, two peopleactuallycould be the newly-marriednewlyweds, originallymostwas inseparable: „After Isettled the clansman, thenlooks foryou.”霍青桐依依不舍地和他告别,两人其实算得上新婚燕尔,本来正是最如胶似漆的时候:“等我安顿好族人后,便来找你。”Song Qingshucaressedherhairgently: „Youdo not needto worry, this period of timeheals from a woundwell, I ensure canhelpyourescueKasili.”宋青书轻轻抚了抚她的头发:“你也不必太着急,这段时间好好养伤,我保证会帮你救出喀丝丽的。”„Un~”Huo Qingtongis looking athimaffectionately, in the lookcompletelydoes not abandon.
“嗯~”霍青桐深情地望着他,眼神里尽是不舍。At this timeYuan Shixiaoled the granddaughterto walk, said: „KasilithatchildIalsolikesvery much, onlyIcarry the severe wound unable to travel togetherpitifully, butwealsowantto strive, makesZiyi (purple clothes)accompanyyouto gotogether, hermartial artsis good, when the time comescomes across anything alsoto helpyouhitto overcome the hand.”
这时袁士霄带着孙女走了过来,开口说道:“喀丝丽那孩子我也很喜欢,只可惜我身负重伤无法同行,但我们也想出一份力,就让紫衣陪你一起去吧,她武功还算不错,到时候遇到什么事情也可以帮你打打下手。”NearbyYuan Ziyiis helpless, keepspulling the lower hem corner, obviously the moodis quite flurried.
--„Sixonhave said the matter of new bookin the publicnumberlikemonk”, butmanyreadershave not added the publicnumber, thereforeheresaidagain, on 21st of this month is also this Thursday, mynewentertainers'guildin the Chinese net, onnovelappissuedvertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered that timeold bookaffirmationcannot terminate, it is estimated thatmetdoubleopenssome time.
在公众号“六如和尚”上说过新书的事情了,不过很多读者没加公众号,所以这里再说一下,这个月21号也就是本周四,我的新书会在纵横中文网,纵横小说app上发布,那个时间老书肯定完结不了,估计会双开一段时间。OriginallyIwantto be latesend the new bookagain, at leastwaited for the old bookto finish, butwebsitehad the authorto open the new bookevery month, related tooperatedthat sideresources, the programarrangedvery muchfully, whensent the bookis notIdecides.
The old bookpoured intoIsixyears of painstaking care, Iwill certainly guarantee a completeresult.
老书倾注了我六年的心血,我一定会保证有个圆满的结局。Everyone can also raise the new bookwhilethis period of time, whenold booktermination, the new book was also almost fat, hopes that everyonecanlike!
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