FSM :: Volume #25

#2462: Repertoire

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The Song Qingshu hurried past examined: Wutong tree you how?” 宋青书急忙过去查看:“青桐你怎么了?” What a pity Huo Qingtong has not responded to him, but keeps trembling there. 可惜霍青桐并没有回应他,只是在那里不停地发抖。 The Song Qingshu hurried past looked for some fuels to make that the fire of high-piled firewood in a big way, the cold wind of cave entrance howled is blowing, he even noticed that had the snow in big flakes to fall gently in cave entrance slowly. 宋青书急忙过去找些柴火将火堆弄得大了些,不过洞口的寒风还是呼啸地吹着,他甚至看到有鹅毛大雪在洞口缓缓飘落。 Really damn!” Song Qingshu criticizes one, Western Region here weather is such strange, scorching sun overhead is obviously hot during the daytime, drops very fiercely to evening's temperature. “真是见鬼了!”宋青书暗骂一声,西域这边的天气就是这样奇怪,明明白天烈日当空热得很,一到晚上气温就下降得非常厉害。 Returns to side Huo Qingtong, Song Qingshu discovered that her situation has not been improved as before, is somewhat worried, is because the weather too cold reason is the fear that her wound was infected causes is cold? 回到霍青桐身边,宋青书发现她的情况依旧没有好转,不禁有些担心起来,到底是因为天气太冷的缘故还是她伤口被感染导致的畏寒? However makes her get down is not definitely good like this coldly, Song Qingshu hurried sits down in her side, lost her within the body the inner strength slowly. 不过让她这样冷下去肯定不行,宋青书急忙在她身旁坐下,将内力缓缓输到了她体内。 Felt the warm inner strength, the brow of Huo Qingtong tight wrinkle stretches finally slightly, in the stupor her subconsciousness wants to leave the warm place to be nearer, therefore turned over/stood up, rolled up directly his arms. 感受到温暖的内力,霍青桐紧皱的眉头终于稍稍舒展开来了,昏迷中她下意识想离温暖的地方近些,于是一个翻身,直接蜷缩到了他怀里。 Song Qingshu cannot help laughing, if were not clear that perhaps she indeed the unconsciousness, will regard the female seductress/evil spirit of greedy body her at this time. 宋青书哑然失笑,若非清楚她此时的确无意识,说不定会把她当成馋自己身子的女妖精呢。 He takes advantage of opportunity to paste her back, pastes her lower abdomen single-handedly, the employing two methods to achieve one goal inner strength is keeping transporting toward her within the body, the quick Huo Qingtong body shivering scope, finally the manner gradually becomes serenely is getting smaller tranquil. 他顺势一手贴着她后背,一手贴着她的小腹,双管齐下内力不停地往她体内输送着,很快霍青桐身子颤抖幅度越来越小,最后神态渐渐变得安详平静下来。 Also has not known how long, Huo Qingtong woke up slowly, discovered oneself lie down in the opposite party bosom, has a scare. 也不知道过了多久,霍青桐缓缓醒来,发现自己躺在对方怀中,不由吓了一跳。 Do not hit the person randomly, just was yourself drills to me is bad.” Song Qingshu quickly said. “你可别又乱打人啊,刚刚是你自己钻到我坏里的。”宋青书急忙说道。 Feels the warm inner strength that the vest and lower abdomen transmit, Huo Qingtong also remembered something fuzzily, somewhat is embarrassed: In your heart I am that the mindless person.” 感受到背心和小腹传来的温暖内力,霍青桐模模糊糊也想起了一些事情,不禁有些不好意思:“在你心中我就是那么不讲理的人么。” Song Qingshu said with a smile: Does not have the means that was frightened.” 宋青书笑道:“没办法,被打怕了。” Huo Qingtong air/Qi in advance strikes an attitude to hit, actually the facial expression stares, because she notices on the opposite party temples, foreheads close beads of sweat, associates to him transports the inner strength again for oneself, somewhat is tenderhearted: You are very certainly tired.” 霍青桐气得作势预打,却神情一愣,因为她注意到对方鬓间、额头上一层细细密密的汗珠,再联想到他替自己输送内力,不禁有些心软:“你一定很累吧。” Was saying pinched the sleeves to clean the beads of sweat on face for him gently, the movement was gentle and exquisite. 说着捏着衣袖轻轻替他擦拭起了脸上的汗珠,动作轻柔而细腻。 Song Qingshu stares: „Are you enticing me?” 宋青书一愣:“你这是在勾引我么?” Huo Qingtong movement one stiff, is angry: You speak are so always provoking!” 霍青桐动作一僵,恼道:“你这人说话总是这么让人生气!” Song Qingshu shrugs: Because woman falling in love will only let the man who she cries, rather than falling in love lets the man who she smiles.” 宋青书耸了耸肩:“因为女人只会爱上让她哭的男人,而不是爱上让她笑的男人。” Huo Qingtong has turned the head no longer to manage him, but was after a while tenderhearted: You first stop, I thought that you are also much more tired.” 霍青桐转过头去不再理他,不过过了一会儿还是心软了:“你先停一下吧,我看你也累得够呛。” Song Qingshu relaxes: Great-aunt you know finally loved dearly me.” He loosened both hands, wiped scratching the sweat on face, half front piece moistened. 宋青书松了一口气:“姑奶奶你终于知道心疼我了。”他松开了双手,将脸上的汗水擦了擦,半个衣襟都打湿了。 Huo Qingtong is quite embarrassed: How long you lost the inner strength to lose for me.” 霍青桐颇为不好意思:“你替我输内力输了多久。” Little said that also had 1-2 double-hour.” Song Qingshu hurried to drink water slow, after feeling he was injured, endurance not line, before changing into, he will not become this tired. “少说也有1-2时辰了吧。”宋青书赶紧喝了口水缓了缓,感觉他受伤后持久力也不怎么行了,换成以前他根本不会累成这样的。 Thank you.” Huo Qingtong said low voice. “谢谢你。”霍青桐小声说道。 You now how.” Song Qingshu asked. “你现在怎么样了。”宋青书问道。 Was much better.” Huo Qingtong nods, but tightened the clothes subconsciously. “好多了。”霍青桐点了点头,不过还是下意识紧了紧衣服。 Cold?” A Song Qingshu brow wrinkle. “还是冷么?”宋青书眉头一皱。 Huo Qingtong replied: Tianshan is this, is cold to the evening, only pitifully my travel bag, when was chased down fell, does not have many clothes.” 霍青桐答道:“天山这边就是这样,一到晚上就冷得很,只可惜我的行囊在被追杀的时候掉了,没有多的衣服。” Song Qingshu sinking sound said: I am injured, perhaps had no way one to warm up with the inner strength for you like in the evening.” If a evening's this, that then he had no way to hurry along, moreover will delay the time of recovery greatly, this was he is completely unacceptable, because after he must waited for the wound to be good, do an important matter. 宋青书沉声道:“我受了伤,恐怕没法像之前那样一晚上用内力替你取暖了。”如果一晚上这样,那接下来他就没法赶路了,而且也会大大拖延伤愈的时间,这是他完全不能接受的,因为他还要等伤好后干一件大事。 All right, I roast now catch fire not to have the issue.” Huo Qingtong moved the one side from his arms, adjusted bonfire with the branch, your wound was previous and Temüjin Pang Ban they creates?” “没事,我现在烤着火没问题。”霍青桐从他怀里挪到了一旁,用树枝调整了一下篝火,“你身上的伤是上次和铁木真庞斑他们造成的么?” „Do you also know?” Song Qingshu stares. “你也知道?”宋青书一愣。 Huo Qingtong purses the lips to smile: Your fought three big masters to pass on the world to know alone, how I can not know.” 霍青桐抿嘴微笑:“你一人独斗三位大宗师早已传得天下皆知,我又岂会不知道。” Pitifully was hit dingily escapes.” Song Qingshu sighs, in the mind appears a Dugu Qiubai sword to strike to kill the Meng Chixing picture, thought that does not know when oneself can achieve such situation. “可惜还是被打得灰溜溜逃跑了。”宋青书叹了一口气,脑海中又浮现出独孤求败一剑击杀蒙赤行的画面,心想不知道自己什么时候才能做到这样的地步。 Two people also chatted a while, bonfire getting smaller, after all before Song Qingshu anxiously life-saving, picks how much fuels without enough time, now outside heavy snow was floating, picks the fuel unable to use. 两人又聊了一会儿,篝火越来越小,毕竟之前宋青书急着救人,也来不及捡多少柴火,现在外面大雪飘飘,捡来柴火也不能用了。 Song Qingshu notices on Huo Qingtong to start to shiver slightly, then said: Comes, I do not want just the inner strength of that two double-hour to waste.” 宋青书注意到霍青桐身上又开始轻微颤抖起来,便说道:“过来吧,我可不想刚刚那两个时辰的内力白费了。” Huo Qingtong bites the lip: But you will unable to support.” 霍青桐咬了咬嘴唇:“可是你会支持不住的。” Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: All right, I lose a while rest a while to be again good.” 宋青书微微一笑:“没事,我输一会儿再休息一会儿就好。” Huo Qingtong shakes the head: Then we must hurry along to inform the tribe, how if you were exhausted the line.” 霍青桐摇了摇头:“接下来我们还要赶路去通知部落,你要是累坏了怎么行。” Song Qingshu sighs: You are dying, should not be thinking tribe, to me, your entire tribe might as well your one person are important.” 宋青书叹了一口气:“你都快死了,就别想着部落了,对我来说,你们整个部落都还不如你一个人重要。” The Huo Qingtong heart jumps, the look looked at his one eyes complex: You to each women this?” 霍青桐心头一跳,神色复杂地看了他一眼:“你对每个女人都这样么?” Song Qingshu shakes the head: No, I only to attractive miss this.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“不,我只对漂亮姑娘这样。” You always such not proper,” Huo Qingtong tittered smiles, may in the tribe have my younger sister, was she much more attractive than me, you changes the idea like this?” “你这人总是这么没正经,”霍青桐噗嗤一笑,“可部落里还有我妹妹,她比我漂亮得多,这样你是不是就改主意了?” Princess Xiangxiang (Princess Fragrance),” Song Qingshu nods, that changes to the entire tribe to be inferior that your two sisters are important.” 香香公主啊,”宋青书点了点头,“那就改为整个部落都不如你们姐妹俩重要。” You also are really shameless.” “你这人还真是无耻。” Thanks the praise.” “谢谢夸奖。” Quick two people fell into silent, that pile of bonfires are also put out gradually, entire cave thoroughly dark. 很快两人陷入了沉默,那堆篝火也渐渐熄灭,整个山洞彻底暗了下来。 Comes, is your hero insufficient is so shy?” Song Qingshu cannot help laughing. “过来吧,你一个女中豪杰不至于这么害羞吧?”宋青书哑然失笑。 Who was shy!” Huo Qingtong snort/hum, moved side him, hesitant, actually you do not need to consume the inner strength.” “谁害羞了!”霍青桐哼了一声,挪到了他身边,犹豫了一下,“其实你不必耗费内力的。” „Do you want to freeze to death?” Song Qingshu stares, he has the inner strength to protect the body, is the opposite party weak now, where receives? “那你岂不是要冻死?”宋青书一愣,他有内力护体,对方如今虚弱得很,哪里受得住? Huo Qingtong has turned head, sound slightly inaudible: You can...... be able to hug me,...... warms up with the body temperature on the line.” 霍青桐扭过头去,声音微不可闻:“你可以……可以抱着我,用体温……取暖就行。” Good.” Song Qingshu smiled, drew oneself to cherish her. “好啊。”宋青书笑了,一把将她拉到了自己怀中。 The Huo Qingtong itself/Ben thinks that he also meets in the surface to decline, who would have guessed that he is so impolite, somewhat shames angry: You tempted me to say intentionally like this.” 霍青桐本以为他还会表面上推辞一下的,哪知道他这么不客气,不禁有些羞恼:“你是不是故意引诱我这样说的。” Song Qingshu shakes the head: That is because in your heart good, giving up makes me waste the inner strength.” 宋青书摇了摇头:“那是因为你心中善良,舍不得让我空耗内力。” Huo Qingtong white/shell Chiqing bites: Beforehand reaches an agreement, passed tonight, no one must mention this matter, cannot say with others.” 霍青桐贝齿轻咬:“事先说好,过了今晚,谁也不许提这件事,更不能和别人说。” Knew, you have the fiance, I will not go bad your reputation.” Song Qingshu hugs her in the bosom, is warming her with the thermal energy of chest. “知道了,你是有未婚夫的嘛,我不会坏你名声的。”宋青书将她搂在怀中,用胸膛的热力温暖着她。 Hears fiance several characters, in the Huo Qingtong eye flashes through low-spirited, but she has not said anything, in the cave belongs to tranquilly. 听到未婚夫几个字,霍青桐眼中闪过一丝黯然,不过她并未说什么,山洞里重新归于宁静。 Also after a while, feels she somewhat icy cold body, Song Qingshu said: This is not good, is away from the clothes heat unable to pass to you.” 又过了一会儿,感受到她有些冰凉的身体,宋青书说道:“这样不行啊,隔着衣服热量也传不到你身上去。” PS: Some words saying in the public number, but many people have not added the public number, therefore here said again: PS:有些话在公众号说了一遍,但很多人没加公众号,所以这里再说一下: The A'Qing prototype is «Wu and Yue kingdoms Swordsman» 30 Three Musketeers first Zhao Chunv, «Even Monster Biography» that simultaneously in Luo Guanzhong, Feng Menglong compile, she is the Jiutian Xuannu (Mysterious Lady of The Nine Heavens) incarnation, in the Jin Yong novel system, A'Qing this character always sits quietly first, other anything Shi Potian and sweeping the floor monk, Zhang Sanfeng struggle second again, she is the aloof character, does not lead her to play by the military generally, naturally later opened Shi Potian that hung also a little to exceed the range of knight-errant, but in the «Ode to Gallantry» book, will also be clear about Zhang Sanfeng, Dharma compound for the martial arts world myth, to a certain extent Shi Potian again fiercely also and this. Two similar. 阿青的原型是《吴越剑客》三十三剑客之首赵处女,同时在罗贯中、冯梦龙编撰的《平妖传》中,她是九天玄女的化身,在金庸小说体系中,阿青这个人物向来是稳坐第一,其他什么石破天、扫地僧、张三丰再争第二,她本来就是超然的人物,论武一般都不带她玩的,当然后期开挂的石破天也有点超过武侠的范围了,但在《侠客行》书中,还明确将张三丰、达摩并列为武林神话,某种程度上石破天再厉害也和这两位差不多。 Therefore in I opinion, the A'Qing military force value is the hassle-free gold/metal book first, only if not write her, since she enters the stage must certainly follow her first position, in addition on her original myth color, therefore in the book establishes her within the body to have the Jiutian Xuannu (Mysterious Lady of The Nine Heavens) consciousness projection, is equivalent to existence of protection human world destiny. Puts in order in this book or the knight-errant range, do not transfer the immortal hero. 所以在我个人看来,阿青的武力值是毫无争议的金书第一,除非不写她,既然她出场肯定要遵循她第一的地位,加上她身上本来的神话色彩,所以书中设定她体内有九天玄女意识投影,相当于一个守护人间气运的存在。整本书还是武侠范围内,并不是要转仙侠。
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