FSM :: Volume #25

#2449: None the Twin cities lord

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Looks that Ghale pill army firearm equipment rate/lead is so high, Song Qingshu filled with the anticipation to them, from before with their contacts, the following information, their firearm sources because of should be the Ross duchy West. 看着葛尔丹军队火器装备率那么高,宋青书对他们充满了期待,从之前和他们的接触,还有后续的情报来看,他们的火器来源因该是西方的罗斯公国。 Besides the firewall, their army also equipped many artilleries, but is not the common that unwieldy cannon, but ties up the small artillery on camel camelback, therefore is called the camel artillery. 除了火墙之外,他们军队还装备了不少火炮,不过不是常见的那种笨重大炮,而是绑在骆驼驼峰上的小炮,所以被称作骆驼炮。 The Mongolia army Western Expedition so many years, natural experience overdone, actually in the army also equipped, but this time goes to battle has not brought to come out, because wants the rapid march, bringing the artillery is not convenient, the situation that they often only then for a long time cannot capture in the besieged city just now assembles the artillery to come. 蒙古军队西征了这么多年,自然见识过火器,其实军队里也装备了些,但这次出征并没有带出来,因为要急行军,带火炮并不方便,他们往往只有在围城久攻不下的情况方才调集火炮过来。 However compared with the artillery, they likes with every time the artillery, because every time the artillery is a large-scale sling mechanism, often can make use of local materials the manufacture, does not affect their marching mobilities ; But the artillery of this age is unwieldy, moreover might, although is bigger than the artillery every time, but does not have the qualitative disparity, considering the mobile issue, Mongolia uses every time the artillery generally. 不过比起火炮,他们更喜欢用回回炮,因为回回炮是一种大型抛石机,往往可以就地取材制作,不影响他们的行军机动性;而这个年代的火炮过于笨重,而且威力虽比回回炮大些,但也没有质的差距,考虑到机动性问题,蒙古一般都使用回回炮。 As for the words of flintlock, the short distance might is big, but the firing distance is far less than the bow and arrow, in addition trades the ball to be troublesome, the cavalry charges only to suffice the flintlock to put one to two rounds to the present time estimation, grows up the nationality that on the horseback regarding Mongolia this since childhood is good at shooting arrows, naturally disdains to use the flintlock. 至于火枪的话,近距离威力是大,但射程远不如弓箭,再加上换弹麻烦,骑兵冲锋起来到眼前的时间估计只够火枪放一到两轮的,对于蒙古这样从小在马背上长大擅长射箭的民族,自然不屑使用火枪。 Sees only the Temüjin signal flag to wield, the subordinate great general leads timid Xue army to disperse directly, goes toward Ghale pill flank attack, waits for an opportunity to seek for the tumult and flaw, so long as there is an opportunity of flash that the Mongolia cavalry rips open a big opening like the shark common fiercely, fiercely attacks from that place. 只见铁木真令旗挥动,麾下大将带着怯薛军直接分散开来,往葛尔丹侧翼攻击而去,伺机寻找骚动与破绽,只要有那么一瞬间的机会,蒙古骑兵就像鲨鱼一般猛地撕开一个大口子,从那个地方猛攻。 In the battlefield the formation changes on to be easy the mistake, Mongolia army mobile strong random walk attack, several rounds the opponent is very easy to collapse. 战场上阵型变动本来就容易出差错,蒙古军队这种机动性超强的游走攻击,几轮下来对手很容易崩溃。 However Ghale pill is also one generation of stars, sees only him to transfer the army to deal with the attack of tidal arrival with the flintlock and camel artillery methodically. 不过葛尔丹也是一代名将,只见他有条不紊调动军队以火枪、骆驼炮来应对潮水般到来的攻击。 Mongolia attacked to suffer setbacks several times, therefore changes the strategy, using the bow and arrow firing distance advantage, fires from horseback toward the opposite party camp in one after another. 蒙古这边数次攻击受挫,于是改变策略,利用弓箭射程优势,一轮一轮地往对方阵营中骑射。 Looks that in the battlefield the bullet, bow and arrow such as the rain is common, has each flash does not know that many soldiers were harvested the life, Song Qingshu have to sigh facing the mighty force head confrontation, even if the big grandmaster also can only protect oneself, regardless of other these people your martial arts is high, comes up also to deliver the head/number of people, the martial arts height difference the time that lies in insisting long short. 看着战场中枪弹、弓箭如雨一般,每一瞬间都有不知道多少士兵被收割了生命,宋青书不得不感叹面对千军万马正面交锋,哪怕是大宗师也只能自保而已,其他那些人无论你武功多高,上去也只是送人头而已,武功高低区别就在于坚持的时间长还是短。 Song Qingshu somewhat is suddenly puzzled, although the Mongolia army is strong, but marched for several days around the clock, now the battle efficiency falls short greatly, why Temüjin will make the army put into the fight immediately, rather than makes them rest a evening, restored the energy to fight? 宋青书忽然有些不解,蒙古军队虽强,但这些天昼夜不停行军,如今战斗力大打折扣,为什么铁木真会马上让军队投入战斗,而不是让他们休息一晚,恢复了精力在战斗? His doubts soon obtained the explanation, under Director Ghale pill fought several rounds to decline into with Mongolia army leeward, but rear area the camp had the tumult suddenly, this tumult expanded gradually, his entire formation had the feeling that one type must collapse momentarily. 他的疑惑很快得到了解答,葛尔丹指挥麾下和蒙古军队大战了数轮都没落入下风,可忽然后方阵营起了骚动,紧接着这骚动渐渐扩大,他的整个阵型都有一种随时要崩溃的感觉。 Rear area Song Qingshu was sharp-eyed, sees them to lean from afar presented young tiger troops, on the flag besides some totem, but also wrote some characters, did not only know their writing pitifully, but looked that the attires of these people dressed up with Ghale pill's subordinate seem similar. 宋青书目光锐利,远远望见他们侧后方出现了一彪人马,旗帜上除了一些图腾之外,还写了一些字,只可惜不认识他们的文字,但看那些人的衣着装扮和葛尔丹的麾下似乎差不多。 Temüjin of not far away laughs: Plan really rushed absurdly, Ghale pill losing battle has decided that passes on me to make, initiates the charge of decisive battle.” 不远处的铁木真哈哈大笑:“策妄果然赶到了,葛尔丹败局已定,传我令下去,发起决战的冲锋。” Said when unexpectedly first a person progresses to rush over toward Ghale pill Camp, sees Great Khan/sweat to take the lead to charge, soldier instantaneous morale hundred times of Mongolia officers, called to wield the weapon to start to charge. 说完竟然当先一人策马往葛尔丹阵营冲了过去,见大汗带头冲锋,蒙古将士的士兵瞬间士气百倍,一个个嗷嗷叫地挥动武器开始冲锋。 Song Qingshu is involved, has to follow the tidal current to rush. 宋青书身在其中,也不得不跟随潮流冲了上去。 He is observing Temüjin all the way in secret, seeing only him, although as the big grandmaster, in the battlefield is not unarmed, has not displayed his bloodshed white bones, but grasps spindle, is almost one spear/gun one, selects any to block the person before his body. 一路上他都在暗中观察铁木真,只见他虽然身为大宗师,战场上却并不赤手空拳,也没有施展他的血海白骨,而是手持苏鲁锭,几乎是一枪一个,挑掉任何拦在他身前的人。 The Mongolian meaning of spindle is lance, is the symbol of Mongolia war-god. Spindle generally is the black and white two colors, is called La Sulu spindle respectively and investigates Gansu spindle, is black and white the meaning, the black is symbolizing the war and strength, the white is symbolizing the peace and authority. 苏鲁锭的蒙语意思是“矛”,是蒙古战神的标志。苏鲁锭一般是黑白两色,分别叫做“哈喇苏鲁锭”和“查干苏鲁锭”,就是“黑”和“白”的意思,黑色象征着战争与力量,白色象征着和平和权威。 At this time Temüjin is brandishing the black spindle, as if brandishes the god of death sickle to be the same, no one is he, as soon as the enemy of gathering. 此时铁木真挥舞着黑色的苏鲁锭,就仿佛挥舞着死神的镰刀一般,没人是他一合之敌。 Ghale pill's army was finally chaotic, starts to collapse, Temüjin saw from afar Ghale pill's commander's flag is, loudly shouts: Ghale pill, looked where you toward escape!” 葛尔丹的军队终于乱了,纷纷开始崩溃,铁木真远远看到了葛尔丹的帅旗所在,不由大喝一声:“葛尔丹,看你往哪里逃!” Ghale pill ghost braves greatly, although he is also a expert, the subordinate warrior is not weak, but where compares favorably with the Temüjin big grandmaster to lead one group of top players like this, therefore cannot attend to the army, transfers the horse's head to escape directly, keeps the mountain not to fear that does not have the firewood fever, after oneself escape, draws in the subordinate to do to haggle over again. 葛尔丹亡魂大冒,他虽然也算个高手,麾下武士也不算弱,但哪里比得上铁木真这样的大宗师带着一群顶尖高手,于是也顾不得军队,直接调转马头逃亡,留得青山在不怕没柴烧,等自己逃出去后收拢部下再做计较。 Temüjin also thinks obviously this, Ghale pill such as stray cur escaped from Naimanbu initially, since result several years pulled such big influence unexpectedly, this time cannot make initially that mistake obviously again. 铁木真显然也想到了这点,当初葛尔丹如丧家之犬从乃蛮部逃亡,结果几年时间竟然又拉扯起了这么大势力,这次显然不能再犯当初那个错误了。 Saw that Ghale pill must be caught up, suddenly does not have in Twin cities to run out of young tiger troops, is killing directly toward Temüjin. 眼看着葛尔丹要被追上,忽然无双城中冲出一彪人马,径直往铁木真所在杀来。 Because in the battlefield is too chaotic, in addition Temüjin chases down Ghale pill to chase down too ruthlessly, somewhat comes apart with the follow-up unit, naturally his such cultivating is, pours does not care about this minor matter, in any case Ghale pill already like stray cur, but the people in no Twin cities kill now, actually many some variables. 因为战场上太混乱,加上铁木真追杀葛尔丹追杀得太狠,与后续部队有些脱节,当然他那样的修为,倒也不在意这点小事,反正葛尔丹已如丧家之犬,不过如今无双城的人杀到,倒是多了些变数。 Sees only works as first person without Twin cities fiercely incomparable, two hands as if installed the iron arm to be common, brandish to just like two big iron hammers, Mongolia soldier touching must die, he behind one group of white clothing youngster, uniform sword, just like the meat grinder was ordinary, close to fluttered on the flesh slightly. 只见无双城当先一人勇猛无比,两只手仿佛装了铁臂一般,挥舞起来犹如两个大铁锤,蒙古士兵触之必死,他身后一群白衣少年,整齐划一的剑阵,犹如绞肉机一般,稍微靠近就血肉翻飞。 Song Qingshu looks at present one brightly, these youngster sword indeed good, if can promote in the army in the future wantonly, that was invincible? 宋青书看得眼前一亮,这些少年剑阵的确不错,如果将来能在军队中大肆推广,那岂不是无敌了? Ali Buge subordinate expert happen to that direction, for beams with joy in front of Great Khan/sweat, is bellowing in abundance rushing. What forefront is old acquaintance night owlet sheep corner, locks soul Jupiter solemnly. 阿里不哥麾下的高手正好在那个方向,为了在大汗面前露脸,一个个纷纷大吼着冲了上去。最前面的是老熟人“夜枭”羊棱,“锁魂太岁”都穆。 The destiny teaches four big experts, the jade owlet seizes in the soul, Shan Yuru was subdued by him, seizes mortal form solution rune/symbol when the Xixia (Western Xia) inn besieges the Double Cultivation mansion by him to be cut to kill, was broken the hand solemnly, sheep Leng was seriously injured, looks at their time appearances, after this period of time training, injured is good? 天命教四大高手,玉枭夺魂中,单玉如被他收服,“夺魄”解符在西夏客栈围攻双修府时被他斩杀,都穆被打断了手,羊棱受了重伤,看他们此时模样,经过这段时间修养,难道伤已经好了? Previous time besieges me to call this account to be just about in Xixia (Western Xia) to calculate with you!” None Twin cities, when first that guy angrily roars, brandishes the both arms to hammer toward two people. “上次在西夏围攻我鸣儿这笔账正要和你们算呢!”无双城当先那大汉怒吼一声,挥舞着双臂往两人锤去。 sheep Lenghe Mu put out the weapon to clamp together, but just a contact, their weapons then broke off are struck to fly, then hammered one, in two population the blood spurted to fly crazily. 羊棱和都穆一起拿出兵器夹了上去,可刚一接触,他们的兵器便折断被击飞,然后一锤一个,两人口中鲜血狂喷飞了出去。 The Song Qingshu vision concentrates, sheep Lenghe Mu came under the influence of previous Xixia (Western Xia) injury obviously, but how to say again cultivated/repaired to also be close to the grandmaster, unexpectedly was not the enemy of opposite party gathering, others cultivated/repaired to tread on the big grandmaster boundary for half. 宋青书目光一凝,羊棱和都穆显然是受到了上次西夏伤势的影响,但再怎么说修为也接近宗师了,竟然不是对方一合之敌,他人修为已经半只脚踏进大宗师境了。 Invincible tyrant hand is really fierce, but,” Temüjin cold snort/hum, alone this solitary one side, Ghale pill attacks you, do you also save him unexpectedly?” “无敌霸手果然厉害,不过,”铁木真冷哼一声,“独孤一方,葛尔丹攻打你们,你竟然还来救他?” Song Qingshu suddenly, this person is the no Twin cities city Lord alone this solitary one side, this cultivates for indeed! 宋青书恍然,这人原来就是无双城城主独孤一方,这修为的确可以! The alone this solitary one side laughs: „Before we and Ghale pill, is only some misunderstanding, before the common enemy, these was not anything in the past.” 独孤一方哈哈大笑:“我们与葛尔丹之前只是有些误会而已,在共同的敌人面前,过去那些也算不上什么。” Originally before , they had known the news that Mongolia intrudes on, had started to discuss truth everyone who over the two days the truce matters concerned jointly, the lip cold tooth perishes again after all understands, but they have not thought that Temüjin army unexpectedly this arrives, making them discuss radically without enough time detail. 原来之前他们已经得知了蒙古进犯的消息,这两天已经开始商谈停战重新联手的事宜,毕竟唇寒齿亡的道理大家都懂,但他们万万没想到铁木真军队竟然这块就到来,让他们根本来不及商量其中细节。 Temüjin cold sound said: Hears without Twin cities in a big way has several absolute technique, this/Ben 11 asks for advice today!” 铁木真冷声道:“听闻无双城有几大绝学,本汗今天一一领教!” At this moment, his Meng Chixing progressed: Great Khan/sweat, you have the wound in the body, he gave me.” 就在这时,他身边的蒙赤行策马走了出来:“大汗,你有伤在身,他就交给我了。”
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