More and more soldierswere recruitedto come, hands and feetandwithstartingto dig the stones on thisbigpile of ruins.
越来越多的士兵被征召而来,一个个手脚并用开始挖这大堆废墟上的石块。Temüjinis injuredalthoughheavily, the idea of actuallyslightlynot having left, a paireagle-eyedis staring atthatpile of ruinsstubbornly.铁木真尽管受伤不轻,却丝毫没有离开的想法,一双鹰眼死死地盯着那堆废墟。
The quickcorpseswere dug, theyarefollow these expertwarriors in secret room, theydo not havecultivating of biggrandmasterto be, has the explosion is not naturally ableto escape by luckinsuchenclosed compartment.
很快一具具尸体被挖了出来,他们就是跟着进密室的那些高手武士,他们没有大宗师的修为,在那样密闭空间内发生爆炸自然无法幸免。Temüjinalwaysremains unmoved, heneedsto determine the Tongtian Wudeath: „Continuesto dig!”铁木真始终不为所动,他需要确定通天巫的死:“继续挖!”Alsoseparatedone, inflatteredalsoto be dugscarlet, the whole bodyclearsuch as the flesh of jadecared aboutburned blackonepiece, the bodycovered with blood, on the facehas also only been ableto recognizehisidentityvaguely.
又隔了一阵,里赤媚也被挖了出来,全身晶莹如玉的肌肤在意焦黑一片,身上早已血肉模糊,脸上也只能依稀认出他的身份。Insuchenclosed compartmenthas the explosion, hismovement artis high, has no place to hide, moreoverhepushes to the frontin the forefront, the explosion shockstrength that thereforereceivesis also biggest, takeshiscultivatingasto also assign the mourningbountifullyat the scene.
The Temüjineyelidpulled outpulling out, the sinkingsound said: „Continue!”铁木真眼皮抽了抽,沉声道:“继续!”
In seesflatters the tragic deathscarlet, Ba Sibaraisesimmediatelyfeeling of the like grieve for like, mustknow that heflattered in scarletwas usually on good terms, the both sidesmartial artswas about the same, quiteadmiredtohisexperiencewisdom, butsuch a characterdiedlike this.
见里赤媚惨死,八思巴顿时升起一种兔死狐悲之感,要知道他与里赤媚素来交好,双方武功伯仲之间,对他的见识智慧也相当佩服,可这样一个人物就这样死了。Heis clear, if nothunt downTongtian Wuodd/surplusevil outside, perhapsinthesecorpseswill have his position, inflatteredscarletusuallyis the trusted aide who Great Khan/sweatmosttrusted, maydieGreat Khan/sweatto lookfrom now onheandlooked the bodies of otherwarriorswere not different.
他清楚若非自己在外面搜捕通天巫余孽,恐怕这些尸体里面也会有他一个位置,里赤媚素来是大汗最信任的心腹,可死了过后大汗看他和看其他武士的尸体没什么两样。HeknowsnowGreat Khan/sweatmostcaresis the Tongtian Wulife and death, so long asTongtian Wudied, othersacrificesmanyalsorefused to balkagain.
他知道大汗如今最在意的就是通天巫的生死,只要通天巫死了,其他的牺牲再多也是在所不惜的。Surroundingsthesesoldiers have the Shamanismnumerousin abundancehands and feetandusing, separatedone, in the soldiercrowdresoundscheersintermittently, finallyfound the Tongtian Wucorpse.
The Temüjinfacial expressionmoves, quicklyovertakes, shoves open the soldier who surrounds, is gazing atthatbadly-damagedcorpse. Clothinghairstyleanything can only identifyreluctantly, reason thatcanconfirmhisstatus , because onhisfacethatgoldenmask.铁木真神情一动,急忙赶了过去,推开围观的士兵,注视着那具残破不堪的尸体。服饰发型什么的只能勉强辨认出来,之所以能确认他身份,就是因为他脸上那个黄金面具。
A Temüjinbrowwrinkle, in the heartsomewhatwas still worried,put out a handto pick off the mask on hisfacedirectly, the facial features of opposite party is also firedmuchby the high temperature, butin the foreheads can still seeitsappearance.铁木真眉头一皱,心中依然有些担心,直接伸手拿掉了他脸上的面具,对方的面容也被高温灼烧了不少,但眉宇间依然还是能看出其容貌。Pang Ban that hears the newsnods: „Indeedishe.”
闻讯过来的庞斑点了点头:“的确是他。”„Ha, diedfinally!”Temüjinrelaxes, althoughTongtian Wuinall daywears the mask, fewhas seenhisappearance/portraitpersonally, butthesepeopleexcludingTemüjinandPang Ban, theynaturallyrecognize.
“哈哈哈,终于死了!”铁木真松了一口气,通天巫虽然整日里戴着面具,没几个人见过他的真容,但这些人不包括铁木真和庞斑,他们自然认得出来。Temüjinonlyfeels the depressedair/Qi in beforehandheartto sweep away, was seriously injurednot to carecontinually, the clear and resonant voicelaughedseveral, just nowtold: „Thesewarriorin abundanceelaborate funerals . Moreover the officerrisesfirst-level, the positionis inheritedbyhisheirrelative. Flattersnot to have the heiras forinscarlet, consecrates the heropavilionit, for generationsenjoyedmybigMongoliaempireincense and candle.”铁木真只觉得之前心中的郁结之气一扫而空,连身受重伤也不在意了,朗声大笑几声,方才吩咐道:“这些勇士纷纷厚葬,另外官升一级,职位由其子嗣亲属继承。至于里赤媚没有子嗣,将其供奉进功臣阁,世世代代享受我大蒙古帝国香火。”Ba Sibathenfelt better, althoughthisGreat Khan/sweatis not the generousbenevolentlord, butis willingto give the subordinate the high office and high pay, whythisis the surrendered generals in so manycountriesis also willingfor the reason that heworks oneself to death.八思巴这才好受了些,这位大汗虽然不是什么宽厚仁慈之主,但舍得给部下高官厚禄,这也是为什么那么多国家的降将愿意为他卖命的原因。„Emperormaster, the Tongtian Wupartisangivesyouto be responsible.”Temüjinthislittle whileremembered to return to the palacefinallyto heal from a wound, butTongtian Wuwas always regarded as the serious hidden troublebyhim, except thatnowfinally, thoughtimmediatelywalkedwantsvividly.
“帝师,通天巫党羽就交给你来负责。”铁木真这会儿终于想起要回宫养伤了,不过一直以来通天巫都被他视为心腹大患,如今终于除去,顿时觉得走路都要轻快了许多。Beyondseveralli (0.5 km) a quiet and remotehouse, a shadowput out a bigblood, onlyhearshimto saybitterly: „Thisenmitydid not report, vowingwas not the person!”
The mysteriousold man who nearbywears the capeholdshim, giveshimto transport the inner strengththerapywhilesaid: „ReveresLord, youare injuredsignificantly, perhapsin a short timehad no wayto recover.”
边上一个身着斗篷的神秘老者扶着他,一边给他输送内力疗伤一边说道:“尊主,你受伤非浅,恐怕短时间内都没法复原了。”„Relax, mycan it be that crudedisciple, before withoutrecovering, will not act,”shadowsaidbitterly,„does not knowwherethistimemade the careless mistake, disclosing secret informationmakesthemcope withSong Qingshuobviously, whyactstomesuddenly.”
“放心吧,我又岂是那种鲁莽之徒,没养好伤之前是不会出手的,”黑影恨恨地说道,“只是不知道这次哪里出了纰漏,明明通风报信让他们去对付宋青书的,为什么突然对我出手。”IfSong Qingshuhere, can definitely recognizetwo peopleimmediately, wears the mysteriousold man of capeisin the mountainold personHuoshan, butthisshadow, thenvanishedverylongMing Zun.
若是宋青书在这里,肯定立马就能认出两人,身着斗篷的神秘老者是山中老人霍山,而这黑影,则是消失了很久的明尊了。„Possiblyis the personcalculates that was inferior the daycalculates,”inmountain the old personsighs, „was only a pity before us, abandoned that bigtimeto displaceTongtian Wu, has not thought that thisfalling short, ourbeforehandplansperhaps must comeagain.”
“可能就是人算不如天算吧,”山中老人叹了一口气,“只可惜我们之前废了那么大工夫才将通天巫取而代之,没想到这次功亏一篑,我们之前的计划恐怕全都要重来了。”Ming Zunsmiledone: „At leastattracted a Tongtian Wuskillto makemerestore the peakstrength, relax, whenmyinjuryrestored, tookcultivating of biggrandmasterasto be why easy.”明尊笑了一声:“至少吸了通天巫一身功力让我恢复到了巅峰实力,放心吧,等我伤势恢复,以大宗师的修为干什么都容易。”Initiallyhewas close toTongtian Wuon own initiative, Tongtian Wuplannedto cope withTemüjin, hadsuch a powerfulhelper is not glad? Therefore under thenreceiveshim.
The Ming Zunmartial artsis also high, the concernis also meticulous, completes the taskto be attractiveeach time, graduallywon the trust of Tongtian Wu.明尊武功又高,心事又缜密,每次完成任务都漂漂亮亮的,逐渐取得了通天巫的信任。Afterwardfound an opportunity, Ming Zunsneak attacksTongtian Wu, mustknow that inhe and mountain the old peoplewas good atassassinating, it may be said thatwas the kings of twogenerations of killer, didto sneak attackthatto strikejointly to killabsolutely.
The bonusisTongtian Wutakescultivating of biggrandmasterto capsizeasalsoin the sewers, forcefullybyMing Zunby the Absorbing Stars Great Techniquesuck dry a skill. ThenMing Zunput on the Tongtian Wumask, startsto pretend to behisstatus.
饶是通天巫以大宗师的修为也阴沟里翻了船,硬生生被明尊以吸星大法吸干了一身的功力。然后明尊就戴上了通天巫的面具,开始冒充他的身份。As fordiscardingTongtian Wu, henotanxiouslykilling, butclosesin the secret roominterrogates and torturesallhissecrets, graduallydrew out his instituteto study.
至于废掉的通天巫,他并没有急着杀,而是关在密室里拷问所有他的秘密,逐渐套出了他一身所学。Has not thought that thistime can also be usedto escape, Ming Zunthought that reallymustthankhimwell, diedalso to helpcontinuallybusily.
没想到这次还能用来金蝉脱壳,明尊觉得真要好好谢谢他,连死了也能帮到忙。„Youcontinueto ambushsideHulagu Khan, followinghasanythingto changeinformsyouagain.”Ming Zuntold.
“你继续潜伏在旭烈兀身旁吧,后续有什么变化再通知你。”明尊吩咐道。In the mountain the old personnods, hesitantonesaid: „That sideMing Cultreallydoesn't manage?”
A Ming Zunfaceindifferently: „Now the Mongoliainfluenceis getting bigger and bigger, Central PlainMing Cultonly then the ability to parrydoes not have the strength to hit back, itspotentialis doomedlimitedly, stays there to accompanythemto destroytogether? The ambushinMongolia, displacesfrom the interioris easier.”明尊一脸漠然:“如今蒙古势力越来越大,中原明教这边只有招架之功而无还手之力,它的潜力注定有限,留在那里陪他们一起毁灭么?还是潜伏在蒙古内部,从内部取而代之更容易。”In the mountain the old personsaid: „Hulagu Khanafter the tour of previousXixia (Western Xia), no matter the influenceor the prestige, loseseriously, now the goalis to trade.”
山中老人说道:“旭烈兀经过上次西夏之行,不管是势力还是威望,都损失严重,如今目标是不是要换一换了。”„Naturallymusttrade,”Ming Zunsnort/hum, in the lookbloomednone, „Hulagu Khan can only be the Western Regionkingat the most, wherecompares favorably withto become the master of entireworld, ifTemüjinsome dayknows the power that hewinslaboriously, actuallydid the bridal clothesformefinally, does not know that whathecanbe mad, hahahaha, pū......”
“当然要换,”明尊哼了一声,眼神之中绽放出精光,“旭烈兀顶天了只能做西域的国王,哪比得上成为整个天下的主人,要是铁木真有朝一日知道他辛辛苦苦打下的江山,最后却为我做了嫁衣,不知道他会气成什么样,哈哈哈哈,噗……”Saw that hismouthspitsinblackXueshan the old persononestartled: „Howreveredto advocateyou?”
The Ming Zuncomplexionis gloomy: „Before thatgroup of fellowsunexpectedly, stillintoxicatesin the tea, seriouslyisdespicable.”明尊脸色阴沉:“那群家伙竟然之前还在茶里下了毒,当真是卑鄙至极。”„Thatwhat to do, Igo to the palaceto helpyoulook for the antidote.”In the mountain the old personsets outto say.
“那怎么办,我去宫里帮你找解药。”山中老人起身道。„Does not use.”Ming Zunbeckons with the hand, „thiscould not kill by poison, at mostto spendXieshi.”If the opposite partyentered the palaceto alarmTemüjin, thatbeforehandperfectescapingmaywaste.
“不用。”明尊摆了摆手,“这点毒死不了,顶多费些事罢了。”要是对方进宫惊动了铁木真,那之前完美的金蝉脱壳可就白费了。„ThatLordthis period of timeheals from a woundwell, needs anything to makemesend.”In the mountain the old persongood a ritualthendrew backtohimquietly.
“那尊主这段时间好好养伤,需要什么东西让我送来。”山中老人向他行了一礼便悄无声息退了出去。Ming Zuncontrols one's breathingTrue Qi, whiledeliberately considers: Whichreceivesround trip?明尊一边调息真气,一边寻思:接下来去哪儿呢?Andsaid that Song Qingshuhears the giantsound that Shamanismtransmits, hears the newsto catch uptowardhere, mustarriveshortly, was actually blockedby the beautiful figuretogether.
且说宋青书听到萨满教这边传来的巨大动静,闻讯往这边赶来,眼看要到了,却被一道倩影拦住。Looks at the white clothingsuch as the female of immortal, Song Qingshuis smilingat present: „Has seen the decorative leather harnessmiss.”
望着眼前白衣如仙的女子,宋青书笑了笑:“见过靳姑娘。”Jin Bingyuncalmlyis looking at carefullyhim, long timelattersighedgently: „Yourperforming skill is very good.”靳冰云静静地端详着他,良久后才轻轻一叹:“你的演技真的很好。”
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