FSM :: Volume #16

#1555: The immortal sound calls back the soul of the deceased

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Was seen through the thoughts, Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly: How do you accomplish?” 被识破心思,宋青书不禁讪讪笑了笑:“你怎么办到的?” Naturally was the immortal sound called back the soul of the deceased,” Su Quan smiled, somewhat happily to raise brightly and cleanly such as the chin of jade, „, although could not compare your Soul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Technique, but coped with only Yelü Hongji, that was also useful enough.” “当然是仙音摄魂了,”苏荃抿嘴一笑,有些得意地扬了扬光洁如玉的下巴,“虽然比不上你的移魂大法,可是对付区区一个耶律洪基,那也足够有用。” „Is Yelü Hongji so silly?” Song Qingshu asked curiously, although Yelü Hongji was historically the renowned unenlightened ruler, but looked before him, coped with the Xiao Feng method is very smart. 耶律洪基这么傻?”宋青书好奇地问道,耶律洪基虽然是历史上著名的昏君,但看他之前对付萧峰的手段还是挺机灵的嘛。 Therefore I also drew support from the fragrance of leopard Sanhuan mushroom to coordinate, when lets it came to here each time fall into an extremely happy fond dream, others took to his joy always not to have he himself to take to oneself big, therefore came my here , after each time he will be well satisfied, so that even more favor and trust I.” Su Quan opens dresses and applies makeup a platform center covert small box, put out a yellowish white interaction the mushroom that to hand over from inside. “所以我还借助了豹伞幻菇的香气来配合,让其每次来这里时都陷入一种极乐的美梦之中,别人带给他的快乐总没有他自己带给自己的大,所以每次来我这儿后他都会心满意足,以致愈发宠信我。”苏荃打开梳妆台中一个隐蔽的小盒子,从里面拿出一只黄白相间的蘑菇递了过来。 Leopard umbrella imaginary mushroom?” Before Song Qingshu thought of itself, one enters that fragrant and sweet that the room smells, cannot help but slowly nod. “豹伞幻菇?”宋青书想到了自己之前一进屋就闻到的那股甜香,不由得缓缓点头。 Explained after Su Quan, he also understands the origin of this mushroom, this mushroom grows on Divine Dragon Island, has the tan stripe shape because of above with the leopard mark, in addition its has to the imaginary toxicity, therefore acquires fame. 经过苏荃解释,他也明白了这蘑菇的来历,此菇生长在神龙岛上,因上面有黄褐色的条纹形同豹纹,再加上其有致幻毒性,所以得名。 Thinks that Yelü Hongji comes to here to have that anything dream each time, hits that anything machine secretly, Song Qingshu pays silent tribute for him, bumped into Su Quan this seductress unfortunately, Mr. of solemn country played in applauses. 想到耶律洪基每次来这里做那啥梦,打那啥机,宋青书就暗暗替他默哀,真是不幸碰上了苏荃这个妖女,堂堂一国之君被玩弄于鼓掌之间。 Heard you gave back to Yelü Hongji to have the son, but also was stood by him for the crown prince?” Song Qingshu thinks of an issue suddenly, knits the brows slightly. “可是听说你还给耶律洪基生了儿子,还被他立为太子?”宋青书忽然又想到一个问题,不由微微皱眉。 That is I the child who looks for from the outside peasant family, because has controlled Yelü Hongji, so long as handles the related court eunuch, wet nurse afterward, clever is not the difficult matter.” Su Quan is recounting calmly. “那是我从外面农家找来的孩子,因为已经控制了耶律洪基,只要事后搞定相关太监、嬷嬷,偷天换日并不是什么难事。”苏荃平静地述说着。 Song Qingshu actually understands tranquilly this behind does not know that has the blood of many court eunuch wet nurses, but thinks that she stemmed from Divine Dragon Cult that kills without batting an eye, such matter is also very difficult to castigate in her. 宋青书却明白这平静背后不知道有多少太监嬷嬷的鲜血,不过想到她本来就出自杀人不眨眼的神龙教,这样的事也很难苛责于她。 On the other hand Song Qingshu is also admires, must know oneself pretend to be Kangxi also braves the danger of a narrow escape, never expected that Su Quan imitates, unexpectedly does dramatically Liao Empire, because although must rely on the Yelü Hongji strength, has no way to take Kangxi like oneself, but generation it, in this deep palace sufficiently but how her woman achieved such situation to prove her ability and wisdom. 另一方面宋青书也是佩服不已,要知道自己冒充康熙也是冒着九死一生的危险,没想到苏荃依样画葫芦,居然在辽国这边做得有声有色,虽然因为要借助耶律洪基的力量,没法像自己那样取康熙而代之,可她一个弱女子在这深宫之中做到此等地步已经足以证明她的才智如何了。 Sees Song Qingshu to hesitate does not speak, Su Quan somewhat was immediately hurried: Qingshu, you do not believe me, that is really not my child, does not believe you to try.” 宋青书一直沉吟不语,苏荃顿时有些慌了:“青书,你是不是不相信我,那真不是我的孩子,不信你可以试试啊。” This how trial?” Song Qingshu cannot help laughing, this is not the later generation, without DNA detecting technology, only then what drop of blood acknowledges as relatives, completely far-fetched thing. “这个怎么试?”宋青书哑然失笑,这又不是后世,没有DNA检测技术,只有什么滴血认亲,完全不靠谱的玩意。 Su Quan surface flood Tao Hong (pink), untied the front piece to draw gently downward, bit the lip saying: Now that crown prince several months of big, if I lives, I have not been weaned, you can try personally.” 苏荃面泛桃红,轻轻解开了衣襟往下拉了拉,咬着嘴唇说道:“现在那太子才几个月大,如果是我生的话,我还没断奶呢,你可以亲自来试一试。” Her sound originally charming moving, otherwise has no way to cultivate/repair the becoming an immortal sound to call back the soul of the deceased such similar Soul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Technique thing, now tender feelings honey intent says is sweet and greasy, hears in the Song Qingshu heart. 她的声音本来就娇媚动人,不然没法修成仙音摄魂这样类似移魂大法的东西,如今柔情蜜意说出来更是又甜又腻,听得宋青书心中一荡。 Tries to try!” The Song Qingshu throat somewhat becomes dry, two people are very respectively long, the short separation wins newly-married, especially Su Quan flattered intent to be infinite, threw to come up her to press on the bed directly...... “试试就试试!”宋青书喉咙有些发干,两人已经分别很久了,正所谓小别胜新婚,特别是苏荃本来就媚意无限,直接就扑了上去将她压到了床上…… Two people fool around together when the dragon bed, ship will enter the lane, suddenly outside broadcasts „the emperor harnessed the sound, two people quickly set out to reorganize the disorderly clothes flustered. 两人在龙床上厮混,正要船儿入巷之际,忽然外面传来了“皇上驾到”的声音,两人急忙慌慌张张起身整理凌乱的衣服。 This damn, how this at crucial moment to come back.” Su Quan surface flood peach blossom, is taking away the clothes knot while spat lightly, in the bright and intelligent double pupil almost dropped out the water. “这该死的,怎么这关键时候回来了。”苏荃面泛桃花,一边扣着衣服扣子一边轻啐不已,水汪汪的双眸中差点滴出水来。 „Do I want first to hide?” Song Qingshu at this time the mood was also the day the dog, did with own woman intimate result looks like the adulterer to be dashed common, was really depressed. “我要不要先躲一躲?”宋青书此时心情也是日了狗,和自己的女人亲热结果搞得像奸夫被撞破一般,真是郁闷了。 Does not use flustered, you stand behind the screen, I process the trouble quickly.” Su Quan puts on the imitation leather mask, reorganized somewhat disorderly hair and ensure no too big flaw then quickly set out to welcome. “不用慌张,你站到屏风后面去,我很快处理掉麻烦。”苏荃重新戴上假皮面具,整理了一下有些凌乱的头发,确保没什么太大的破绽便急忙起身迎了出去。 At this time Yelü Hongji the stride had happen to walked, said joyfully: Empress, We one processed to catch up with the Xiao Feng remnants of faction nonstop, was accidental is pleasantly surprised?” 正好这个时候耶律洪基已经大步走了进来,满面春风地说道:“皇后,朕一将萧峰的余党都处理完了就马不停蹄赶了过来,意不意外惊不惊喜?” Hid did not spit one in Song Qingshu of hidden place harmless: Snort, if you quick several steps catch up again, looks that your empress and I am rolling the bed sheet, is that really accidental is pleasantly surprised. 躲在暗处的宋青书不无恶意地啐了一口:哼,你要是再快几步赶来,看着你的皇后和我在滚床单,那才真是意不意外惊不惊喜。 Su Quan pulled up wisp of dangling hair(s), Yingying (full of/graceful) good a ritual: „The emperor is really vigorous and resolute, processes such big case quickly.” 苏荃撩了撩一缕垂下的发丝,盈盈行了一礼:“皇上果然雷厉风行,这么快就处理完这么大一件案子。” Also is not seeing you anxiously.” Yelü Hongji discovered that today's Xiao Guanyin as if also wants the gorgeous three points compared with the ordinary day , the peach cheek wants to faint, especially that bright and intelligent big eye as if to send out the silent seduction. “还不是急着来见你么。”耶律洪基发现今天的萧观音似乎比平日里还要艳丽三分,桃腮欲晕、特别是那水汪汪的大眼睛仿佛散发着无声的诱惑。 „Has empress gone to sleep?” Yelü Hongji notices her clothes a little fold, the hair somewhat is also scattered in disorder, but he has not thought, at this time the normal person had also gone to sleep, moreover on such Xiao Guanyin has a pretty flavor. “皇后已经睡下了么?”耶律洪基注意到她的衣裳有点褶皱,头发也有些散乱,不过他并没有多想,这时正常人本来也已经睡下了,而且这样的萧观音身上更有一种楚楚动人的韵味。 Un, the servants think that tonight the emperor must pass the night in the governing study room, therefore went to sleep in advance, now loses the deportment untidy, but also looks at the emperor to forgive.” Su Quan is blinking the big eye, in the tone fills pretty condition. “嗯,臣妾以为今晚皇上要在御书房过夜了,所以就先行睡下了,如今衣衫不整失了仪态,还望皇上恕罪。”苏荃眨巴着大眼睛,语气中充满楚楚动人之态。 Haha, might as well, We like the empress clothes not entire appearance.” Yelü Hongji said that while puts out a hand to hug her. “哈哈,无妨无妨,朕就喜欢皇后衣裳不整的样子。”耶律洪基一边说一边伸手想去搂她。 However the Su Quan small waist turned then to hide with no trace: Male and female servants take care of your majesty to take off coat.” 不过苏荃小腰一扭便不露痕迹地躲了过去:“臣妾服侍陛下宽衣。” Okay good ~ Yelü Hongji nods with a laugh, somewhat opens both hands impatiently. “好好好~”耶律洪基笑呵呵地点头,有些迫不及待张开双手。 Su Quan first lit one to fumigate with incense to the one side, Song Qingshu was sharp-eyed, recognizing that mixed the sandalwood of leopard Sanhuan mushroom powder, originally he went into action to handle Yelü Hongji quickly, but how he also wants to have a look at Su Quan usually to cope with Yelü Hongji, therefore was also glad to see a play in the one side. 苏荃先是到一旁点燃了一盏熏香,宋青书眼尖,认出了那是混了豹伞幻菇粉末的檀香,本来他出马可以更快搞定耶律洪基,不过他也想看看苏荃平日里到底是如何对付耶律洪基的,所以也乐得在一旁看戏。 Didn't have?” Sees her quite a while not to have the sound, Yelü Hongji somewhat was discontented. “还没好么?”见她半天没有动静,耶律洪基不禁有些不满了。 Came to come, your majesty does not be anxious, the servants must prepare well.” Su Quan as if acts like a spoiled brat common. “来了来了,陛下别急嘛,臣妾要好好准备一下。”苏荃仿佛撒娇一般。 Even Song Qingshu of hidden place hears in the heart, this time sound said that the tactful point called to be sweet and whine, said that the straightforward point was the show and flattering, which man can not be excited? 连暗处的宋青书都听得心中一荡,她此时的声音说委婉点叫又甜又嗲,说直白点就是又骚又媚,哪个男人能不心动? Okay good, how the empress you said how.” Yelü Hongji really started the non-verbal communication. “好好好,皇后你说怎样就怎样。”耶律洪基果然开始色授魂与了。 „The emperor looked that others are beautiful today?” The Su Quan greasy sound asked. “皇上看人家今天美不美?”苏荃腻声问道。 Yelü Hongji is too busy the nod: beautiful is satisfactory, in the world all women compare not emperor's father .” 耶律洪基忙不迭点头:“美美美,天底下所有女人都比不上皇后。” „Can't Consort Hui who even/including new enters the palace compare the servants?” Su Quan said that while the sleeves have stroked his cheek. “连新进宫的惠妃也比不上臣妾么?”苏荃一边说一边衣袖拂过他的面颊。 Originally Yelü Hongji somewhat is scruple, but smells on her sleeves that special fragrance, the look also starts becomes blurred: Naturally cannot compare.” 本来耶律洪基还有几分迟疑,不过闻到她衣袖上那股特殊香味,眼神也开始变得迷离起来:“当然比不上。” Su Quan sweet smiles: Or do the servants dance a dance to your majesty?” 苏荃甜甜一笑:“要不臣妾给陛下跳一支舞吧?” Also danced what dance at this time, we come directly.” Yelü Hongji the both arms close up the plan to hug her impatiently. “都这个时候了还跳什么舞啊,我们直接来吧。”耶律洪基性急又双臂合拢打算抱她。 Pitifully only the Su Quan martial arts excels, where will be grasped by him? Dodged then to hide about several chi (0.33 m) gently: Male and female servants jump while take off the clothes ~ 只可惜苏荃武功高强,哪会被他抱住?轻轻一闪便躲到了数尺开外:“臣妾一边跳一边脱衣服哦~” Yelü Hongji swallows the saliva, has not flowed out the nosebleed to come on the difference: We must appreciate well.” 耶律洪基咽了咽口水,就差没流出鼻血来了:“那朕要好好欣赏欣赏。”
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