Yelü Hongjicoldsnort/humbrokeXiao Feng saying: „Golden Serpent Campclearlyknows that forms an allianceto nearwithourGreat Liao, actuallyadmitsYelu Qithatrevoltingfeudal official, ishisheartmayexecuteseriously!”耶律洪基冷哼一声打断了萧峰所言:“金蛇营明知道与我们大辽结盟在即,却接纳耶律齐那个叛臣,当真是其心可诛!”„Even ifGolden Serpent Camphas ulterior motives, the goodtime of nownot condemning, after weattacktogetherextinguishedJin Empire, theninvitesothernationaltogetherconverging attackthey, after alltheseyear of Golden Serpent Campsitin a big way, no matter the peripheralwhichcountryfelt the threat......”Xiao Fengstilldo best to convinceto urge.
“就算金蛇营心怀叵测,现在也不是问罪的好时机,等我们一起攻灭了金国后,再邀约其他国家一起夹击他们,毕竟这些年金蛇营坐大,不管是周边哪个国家都感受到了威胁……”萧峰依然苦口婆心地劝道。Song Qingshu of out of the windowbreathes a sigh of reliefsecretly, Liao Empireis notXiao Fengis in powerluckilynow, otherwisealso is really the serious hidden trouble. The words saying that Xiao Fengthisboyalso is really, oneselfsavehimagain and again, finallyhesoplansusunexpectedly.
窗外的宋青书暗暗舒了一口气,幸好如今辽国不是萧峰掌权,不然还真是心腹大患。话说萧峰这厮还真是,自己三番五次救他,结果他居然这般算计我们。Naturallyhealsoknows that oneselfblameis unreasonable, after allthisis the official business, Xiao Feng, ifforowncountrydid not consider that was notXiao Feng, variouswashislord, does not have anywas worthcastigating.
当然他也知道自己的责怪没有道理,毕竟这是公事,萧峰若是不为自己国家考虑那就不是萧峰了,正所谓各为其主,没有什么值得苛责的。Comes as a surprise toSong Qingshu, insideYelü Hongjihas not refuted, butnodsto saysuddenly: „Righteousnessyounger brotheralsosaidis reasonable, few days agowas laborious......”
出乎宋青书意料,里面的耶律洪基并没有反驳,而是忽然点头道:“义弟说得也有道理,前些日子辛苦了……”Thenis the rulers and ministershas a good time, the scene of harmony happiness, makingSong Qingshu of out of the windowsomewhatabsent-minded, but alsothinks that Yelü Hongjiwas really persuadedbyhim, leavesafterXiao Feng, Yelü Hongjireceived the smileinstantaneously: „Weiking, has not thought that reallymadeyougiveto say!”
接下来又是君臣尽欢,其乐融融的场景,让窗外的宋青书有些恍惚,还以为耶律洪基真的被他说动了,直到萧峰离开后,耶律洪基瞬间收起了笑容:“魏王,没想到真让你给说中了!”„Your majestywise~”YelyuBhardwalkedfrom the screen, hejusthidverywell, the auraalsocoversveryperfectly, Xiao Fenghas not discoveredhim.
“陛下英明~”耶律乙辛从屏风后面走了出来,他刚刚藏得非常好,气息也掩盖得十分完美,萧峰并没有发现他。Song Qingshuthenrealized that the performance of Yelü Hongjiwas just acting in a play, has tosigh with emotion itselfto belittle the wisdom of ancient, althoughYelü Hongjiishistorically the famousstupidgeneration, buthe was also such longemperor, shouldhave the citymansion and method.宋青书这才意识到刚刚耶律洪基的表现都是在做戏,不得不感慨自己还是小觑了古人的智慧,耶律洪基虽然是历史上有名的昏庸之辈,可他也当了这么久的皇帝,该有的城府与手段还是有的。„IrritatedUs, owedWeto sharewithhim the landscape, hehid malicious intent under a fair countenanceunexpectedly!”Yelü Hongjimoresaidmoreair/Qi, pounded a teacupconveniently.
“气死朕了,亏朕将江山与他分享,他居然包藏祸心!”耶律洪基越说越气,顺手又砸了一个茶杯。YelyuYixinsaidat the right moment: „The emperorpleaseappease anger, happen to the emperor's son-in-lawdesolateXiamoyounger sisterenters the palacetoday, the emperorcanhave a look.”
耶律乙辛适时说道:“皇上请息怒,正好驸马萧霞抹的妹妹今天进宫了,皇上可以去看看。”„Snort, before desolatered cloudswipes, colludes withYelu Qito plot a rebellion, Ihave not askedhimto do accounts, heoffers the younger sisterto seek personal gloryactuallysmartlyon own initiative.”Yelü Hongjinaturally can also seeanything that hetakes advantage.
“哼,萧霞抹之前勾结耶律齐谋反,我还没找他算账呢,他倒是机灵主动献妹求荣。”耶律洪基自然也看得出他打的什么算盘。„Emperor's son-in-lawstarts a new life is also rare . Moreover the peony that the younger sister of emperor's son-in-lawbecomes famous, hears the Elder Brotherto commit a crime, is willingto forgivefor the Elder Brotheron own initiative, the words that your majestywantsto punishmight as wellhave the angerallonthatbeautiful woman, to be how could it not be beautiful.”YelyuYixinhas double meaningsaid,hearingSong Qingshuto be dumbfounded, thinks the countries on theseprairiesreally to be more openinthisaspect, where do these officials of Han peopledynastydareto discuss the matter in thisaspectwith the emperor?
“驸马迷途知返也属难得,而且驸马的妹妹出了名的国色天香,听到哥哥犯事,主动愿意替哥哥恕罪,陛下想惩罚的话不如将怒火尽数发在那美人儿身上,岂不美哉。”耶律乙辛一语双关地说道,听得门外的宋青书目瞪口呆,心想这些草原上的国家在这方面果然要开放许多,汉人王朝的那些臣子哪敢和皇帝谈论这方面的事?SomeYelü Hongjireallymeaningsmove: „Snort, howWehave a look in thislegend the beautiful woman of causing the downfall of the nationbeautiful womanto grow, ifyouhavehalf a wordlies, when the time comesIpunishyouanddesolateXiamotogether!”耶律洪基果然有些意动:“哼,朕就去看看这位传说中倾国倾城的美人儿长得怎样,如果你有半句虚言,到时候我把你和萧霞抹一起治罪!”
The YelyuYixinhurriedsaliva the facewas saying: „How darefeudal officialdeceives the emperor, taking care of the emperoris satisfied.”Song Qingshuhears the browbigwrinkle, howthinksYelu Nanxianfatherthismorality, does not know how to give birth toshesuchfreshrefineddaughter.
耶律乙辛急忙涎着脸说道:“臣又岂敢欺瞒皇上呢,保管皇上满意。”门外的宋青书听得眉头大皱,心想耶律南仙的父亲怎么这副德性,也不知道怎么生出她这样清新脱俗的女儿的。QuickYelyuYixinthensaid goodbyeto the emperor, looks the back that hedeparted, Song Qingshuwants with probehisonewhilethisopportunity, butYelü Hongjialsostarted a journey the resting palace that at this timewent toChen Bijunto be, hehesitated, tagged along afterYelü Hongjito goeventually.
很快耶律乙辛便向皇帝告辞,看着他离去的背影,宋青书本想趁这个机会跟上去试探他一番的,不过此时耶律洪基也起驾前往沈璧君所在的寝宫,他不禁犹豫了一下,终究还是尾随着耶律洪基而去。Ifhedoes not knowChen Bijunbut actually, buttwo peoplewere togetherafter allwere so long, justheralsoadventurevisited„injury”, let aloneinitiallywhenShenGardenhas promisedher father, helpinghimrescueChen Bijunto get out ofmisery.
他要是不认识沈璧君倒也罢了,可两人毕竟相处这么久了,刚刚她还冒险来探望“受伤”的自己,更何况当初在沈园的时候答应过她爹,帮他救沈璧君脱离苦海。Puts outthatjade braceletfrom the bosom, Song Qingshusighs, decidesfirstto helphereventually.
从怀中拿出那支玉镯,宋青书叹了一口气,终究还是决定先帮她一把。Andsaid that Chen Bijuninpalaceuneasy, sheentered the palace the surface of Emperoreven/includingnot to seesuchfor a long time, does not know, howshouldsurvivein the imperial palace.
且说沈璧君正在宫中惴惴不安,她进宫这么久了连皇帝的面都还没见到过,不知道以后在皇宫里该怎么生存下去。ThinksoneselftorevengeforShen Jia, inherheartflashes throughvacant, do oneselfchooselike thiswiselyreally? Althoughsheis the young lady of being confined at home, butafter all is officials'family/home, under is influenced by what one sees and hearsknows that presentLiao Empirehas been on the decline, the self-preservationsomewhatis difficult, but also is really capable ofhelpinghimtake revenge?
想到自己为了替沈家报仇,她心中不禁闪过一阵茫然,自己这样选择真的明智么?她虽然是足不出户的大小姐,但毕竟是官宦之家,耳濡目染之下知道如今的辽国已是日薄西山,自保都有些困难,还真的有能力帮助他复仇么?Butshedoes not haveothermeansin addition, nowLiennanSongpeoplemustkillher, was doomedsheto be abandonedby the country, now can only count onwasLiao Empire.
可除此之外她也没有别的办法,如今连南宋朝廷的人都要杀她,注定了她已经被国家抛弃,如今唯一能指望的就是辽国了。At this timeinhermindappearedsuddenly the sound of thatlateglance, butanticipatedjustto raisethenpinches outbyherreason: „Song QingshuandIam neither relative nor kin, whymustbrave such bigdangerto helpme, moreoverheard that herecentlyjustbecameSong Empiresimultaneous/uniformking, howalsoto offend a countryformywoman?”
这个时候她脑海里忽然浮现出那晚惊鸿一瞥的声音,不过期待刚刚升起便被她的理智掐灭了:“宋青书和我非亲非故,为什么要冒着这么大危险帮我,而且听说他最近刚成为宋国的齐王,又岂会为了我一个女人而得罪一个国家?”Ifsaid before , shesomewhatis also proudtooneselfappearancein the north slope, butthis period of timebitter experience all her crushes for onepointto be unworthyproudly, makingherrealize that intheseperson in powereyes, beautyand so on thingishowis not valuable, wait/etccansacrificeherfor the power, prestigewithout hesitation.
Outside sheis recalling with deep feelinggrieves for the dead, suddenlyhearscontinuously„the emperorlong live” the sound, cannot help butstoodintense, a heartbang bangjumpsfiercely, does not knowhowoneselfshouldfacetheman who comes ina while.
她正在感怀伤逝的时候,忽然听到外面此起彼伏的“皇上万万岁”的声音,不由得紧张地站了起来,一颗心砰砰地跳得厉害,不知道自己该如何面对等会儿进来的这个男人。Whydoes not know, shebacks downsuddenly, feltoneselfpromisedYelyuYixinto enter the palacetooto be really careless, wassheis also clear, at this momentwherealsohad the leeway of reneging on a promise.
不知道为什么,她忽然打起退堂鼓来,觉得自己答应耶律乙辛进宫来实在太草率了,可是她也清楚,事到如今哪里还有反悔的余地。QuickYelü Hongjientered the resting palace, Chen Bijunstudied the appearance of surroundingpalace maidalsoto bend the waist a ritual, in the heartdoes not dareto look at the opposite partygoodanxiously, onlydaresto stare at a groundboth feet.
很快耶律洪基走进了寝宫,沈璧君学着周围宫女的样子也弯腰行了一礼,心中紧张地根本不敢看对方,只敢盯着地上一双脚。„Raised the head.”Saw the Chen Bijunbeautiful figure, in the Yelü Hongjiheartsatisfiedsevenpoints, wantsto see the beautiful face, hewas an emperor, naturallydid not use any tactfulmethod, ordereddirectlywell.
“抬起头来。”看到沈璧君的倩影,耶律洪基心中就满意了七分,更想一睹芳容,他是皇帝,自然不用什么委婉的法子,直接下命令就好。In the Chen Bijunheartflashes through a humiliation, mustknow that in the pastshewas the Shanyinchengrenownedbeautiful woman, allsons of the rich or influentialwantto seeher to think of every meansat the same time, butsheactuallymustdrivingraising the head of like the cargomake the mancarefully examinenow.沈璧君心中闪过一丝屈辱,要知道当年她可是山阴城远近闻名的美人,所有的王孙公子想见她一面都要费尽心机,可如今她却要像货物一样主动抬起头来让男人审视。Butshedoes not haveotherchoice, hasto raise the headslowly, reveals the elegantface that suitabletenderwas angrysuitably, looks at the Yelü Hongjiinstantaneousbreathto become the loudseveralpoints.
可她也没有别的选择,只好缓缓抬头,露出了一张宜娇宜嗔的俏脸,看得耶律洪基瞬间呼吸都变得粗重几分。Helistened todesolatered cloudsto wipe, YelyuYixinand so onto describe that beforeshehas the causing the downfall of the nationbeautiful womanhow, actuallyhas not cared, after all is 95revering, whatwomanhasn't seen? Especiallyoneselfempressis a beautiful woman of causing the downfall of the nationbeautiful woman, hedoes not believethiswomanbeautifulto result inoneselfempress.
他之前听萧霞抹啊、耶律乙辛之类形容她有多么倾国倾城,其实并没有太在意,毕竟身为九五之尊,什么样的女人没见过?特别是自己的皇后就是一个倾国倾城的美人儿,他不信这女人美得过自己的皇后。HoweverwhenChen Bijunraised the head, Yelü Hongjiunderstandsinstantaneouslyoneselfmade a mistake, thiswoman before himallwomen who seeare prettier, even the empressonlyappearance of his peony, mustbe not as good as a point, naturally the empressinbornthatobsequious attitude of is also far from the shyyoung girlcompares favorably at present, generally speakingtwo peoplebamboochrysanthemumexcels atwinning the field.
不过当沈璧君抬起头来的时候,耶律洪基瞬间明白自己错了,这个女人比他之前见到的所有女人都要漂亮,甚至连他那国色天香的皇后单凭容貌,也要略逊一分,当然皇后天生的那股媚态也远非眼前青涩少女比得上的,总的来说两人梅兰竹菊更擅胜场。„Youdraw back!” The Yelü Hongjilower abdomenraisesinstantaneouslyonegroup of flame, in the court eunuchpalace maidtowardroomwavesdirectly.
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