Before Song Qingshuenters the imperial palace, conceived a bigpileprobablyto meet the aspect that even the coming instatusthoughton the plan of exposition, buthas not thought ofthis.宋青书进皇宫前设想了一大堆可能遇到的局面,甚至连一进来身份就暴露的预案都想好了,可是偏偏没有想到这一茬。
Did the namemove the world,female friendnumerousGolden Serpent King to be deliveredunexpectedlyhandled matters conscientiously the roomto castrate? Ifsomebystandersknow that perhapsthismatterwill laugh aloud.
名动天下、红颜知己众多的金蛇王居然被送到了敬事房阉割?如果有外人知道这件事恐怕会笑掉大牙吧。„Cracking a joke, Iam a musician, is notworks as the court eunuch.” A Song Qingshuheavy line, the subconsciousnesswill move the footstepsin the future, had only been blockedfrombehindpitifully.
“开什么玩笑,我是乐师,又不是来当太监的。”宋青书一头黑线,下意识往后挪动脚步,只可惜早已被人从后面拦住。„Commonmusiciandoes not certainly needto castrate, dowrymusician but who your typemustwork as the imperial concubine, usuallyincomes and goes out the palace chambersfrequently, howdoesn't castrate the line?”Leadsthatperson that hecomesto explain.
“一般的乐师当然不用去势,不过你这种要当妃子的陪嫁乐师,平日里经常出入宫闱,不去势怎么行呢?”领他来的那人解释起来。However the oldcourt eunuch in roomsees is not strangeobviously, somenotpatientlysnort/hum: „Do not rub gently, somebehindpeopleare also waiting.”
不过屋里的老太监显然见惯不怪,有些不耐烦地哼了一声:“别磨磨蹭蹭的,后面还有人等着呢。”Hefinishes speaking, severalcourt eunuchesongrab the hand of Song Qingshu, wantsto tie uphimin„surgery table”on, the Song Qingshucomplexionchanges, althoughhewantsto submerge the imperial palacenosingMurong Jingyuenews, even ifsacrificedsomenot to refuse under any circumstances, butdid not includeto sacrifice the lifeblood of manabsolutely!
他话音刚落,几个太监就过来抓住宋青书的手,想将他绑在“手术台”上,宋青书脸色一变,他虽然想潜入皇宫查探慕容景岳的消息,哪怕牺牲一些也在所不辞,不过绝对不包括牺牲男人的命根子!Onlyseveralcourt eunuchesnaturallycannot blockSong Qingshu, hewas deliberately consideringisshakesto flytheythento kill the imperial palace, suddenlygets a sudden inspiration, can definitely brainwashtothesepeoplewithSoul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Technique, makingintheirsubconsciousthinkoneselfalreadythatanything, thiscancontinueownduty.
When will display, suddenlyoutsideheard the knock, in the room the peoplestopped, the gateopened a plump and fair-complectedcourt eunuchto standin the entrance, looked that the clothingappearancecould feelhim the positionin the palace is not low.
The oldcourt eunuch in roomis a deadface, saw that the opposite partyquicklywelcomedwith a laugh, flattering of thatrapid changeconditionmakesSong Qingshufeel sicksecretly.
屋中的老太监原本是一副死人脸,看到对方急忙笑呵呵地迎了出去,那幅迅速转变的谄媚之态让宋青书暗暗作呕。Two peoplechattedseverallow voice, the oldcourt eunuchlooks the embarrassmentsuddenly: „Thisfearssomeinceremony/etiquettenot to gather.”
两人小声聊了几句,老太监忽然面露难色:“这恐怕有些于礼不合。”„Nowin the palaceis lacking the musician, was sheared such a bladebyyou, at leasttwomonthscannot get out of bed, the day lilywas when the time comes cool.” The court eunuchsawhimalso to sayanything, does not wavepatiently, „felt relieved that had anything Ito withstand/top.”
“如今宫中正缺琴师,被你割了这么一刀,至少两个月下不了床,到时候黄花菜都凉了。”那太监见他还要说什么,不耐烦地挥了挥手,“放心吧,有什么事我顶着。”Sees the wordsspeaking ofthis, thatoldcourt eunuchdid not sayanything, has, whatever the opposite partytook away.
见话说到这份上,那老太监也不好说啥,只好任由对方将人带走。Song Qingshufollowsbehindthatcourt eunuch, in the heart is actually surprisedincomparable, hisskillis profound, the entrancetwo peopletalkednot to hide the truth fromhiseara moment ago, the opposite partytake awayhisreason, althoughis seemingly reasonable, butin factactuallycannot stand firmly.宋青书跟在那太监后面,心中却是惊讶无比,他功力高深,刚才门口两人对话瞒不过他的耳朵,对方领走他的理由虽然看似合理,但实际上却根本站不住脚。Mustknow that in the deepimperial groundssmall side gateguardsstrictlyto the man, does not pay attentionslightlyis the head people are then billowing, thiscourt eunuchinpalaceposition, althoughis not low, butdoes not needto take such bigriskfor of being neither relative nor kin.
要知道深宫禁闱之中对男人防范得有多严,稍微不注意便是人头滚滚,这太监在宫中职位虽然不低,但也没必要为了非亲非故的自己冒这么大的风险。Only if......
除非……Song Qingshuthinksmovieversion«Deer and Cauldron» that suddenly the previous generationlooks, Wei Xiaobao is also whenmustbe castratedwas taken into the palaceby the seagreatlyrichly, butreason that the seais greatly richdid not mind that hedoes haveis castrated , because needsto sendhimto go, when the cannon fodderbrings death.宋青书忽然想到前世看的电影版《鹿鼎记》,韦小宝也就是在要被阉割的时候被海大富带进了宫,而海大富之所以不介意他有没有被阉割,是因为需要派他去当炮灰送死。Could not livein any case for severaldays, castrates the difference is not big.
反正也活不了几天了,阉不阉区别也不大了。Song Qingshuterrifiedonestartled, it seems like that this court eunuch is also harbors evil intentions. In the heartmoves, is probingasking: „How did father-in-lawcall?”宋青书悚然一惊,看来这位太监也是居心叵测啊。心中一动,试探着问道:“公公怎么称呼?”„Iis surnamed Gao.” The court eunuchreplied.
“洒家姓高。”那太监答道。„Todaymany thanksfather-in-lawtall,”Song Qingshufollowingnonchalantalsosays, „alsoaskedfather-in-lawtallto thankWeikingforme.”
The court eunuchstares, obviouslysomewhatis also accidental, butnods: „WeiWangpaiyoucome, definitelyalsotrustsyou, is well dry, young fellow.”
那太监一愣,显然也有些意外,不过还是点了点头:“魏王派你来,肯定也是信得过你,好好干,小伙子。”„ReallyisYelu Yixin!”Song Qingshuexpectsishe, takeshiscultivating to seeat presentthiscourt eunuchas the natureis only an average person, is not„seafather-in-law” the class/flow, inwaits on the courageto be big, without the truthdaresto dosuchmatter, somepeopleincitemostly, butmosthas the suspicion was Yelu Yixin.
“果然是耶律乙辛!”宋青书就料到是他,以他的修为自然看得出眼前这位太监只是一个普通人,绝不是“海公公”之流,一个内侍胆子再大,也没道理敢做这样的事,多半是有人授意,而最有嫌疑的便是耶律乙辛了。After allhethought of every meansto gather the musicianbefore, but alsogoesto catchto threatenZhaoWeiyiparentalwife and childrenspecially, will not donotstudiously, wantsto beto makehimnowenter the palaceto complete a matter of a narrow escape, buthas not received the noticenow, temporarilyhas not knownmustmakehimmakeanything.
毕竟他之前费尽心思招揽琴师,还特意去将赵惟一的父母妻儿抓来威胁,绝不会做无用功,现在想来就是要让他进宫完成一件九死一生的事情,只不过现在还没接到通知,暂时还不知道要让他做什么。Was ledsevenin the imperial palaceto circleeightto circlebyfather-in-lawtallarrives at a courtyard, the opposite partysaid: „For these daysyouwere first restinghere, somepeoplewill deliver the foodto comeon time, are all rightdo not run around, after all the normal personwas castrated for 1-2months unable to get out of bedfrom now on, do not fallin the having a mindpersoneyesis suspected.”
被高公公领着在皇宫里七绕八绕来到一处院子,对方说道:“这几天你就在这里先休息着,有人会按时送饭过来,没事别到处乱跑,毕竟正常人被去势过后1-2月都下不了床,别落在有心人眼中被怀疑。”Song Qingshuwas also worried the work of musiciancanmakehimacthasinconvenientmuch, nowwas arrangedno oneto controlinthissecludedplace, happen towishes for earnestly.宋青书本来还担心乐师的工作会让他行动多有不便,如今被安排在这僻静的地方没人管束,正好求之不得。Packs offGaogong, was deliberately consideringnosesto the palace, suddenlyheard the sound of knocking on a door, Song Qingshuwas startled: At this timewhocanlook forhim?
After openingdoor, hewas more surprised, whatbecausestandsin the entranceisShen Bijun.
打开房门后他更吃惊了,因为站在门口的是沈璧君。„MissShen?”Song Qingshusomewhatis certainly accidental, becausetodayis the day that sheenters the palace, although the presentdouble-houremperoris having an audience with the emperorto be insufficientwithhernuptial chamberanything, butis also insufficient to run all over the place.
“沈小姐?”宋青书当然有些意外,因为今天是她进宫的日子,虽然如今的时辰皇帝正在上朝不至于和她洞房什么的,但也不至于能这么乱跑吧。„Mr.Zhao~”Shen Bijuncalledhisonesoftly, the facial expressionis somewhat strange, finallyis full of the apology saying that „sorry, Mr.Zhao, Ialsoknew that a short time agoyouwere sent to...... send to......”
“赵先生~”沈璧君柔柔地唤了他一声,神情有些古怪,最后充满歉意地说道,“对不起,赵先生,我也是前不久才得知你被送去……送去……”Regardinglady, thatplace some are really difficult, butSong Qingshualsounderstands that the opposite partyalsoknowsoneselfwas deliveredto handle matters conscientiously the matter of room.
对于大家闺秀来说,那种地方实在有些难以启齿,不过宋青书也明白过来对方也知道了自己被送到敬事房的事情。„Iwantto rescueyour, butyoualsoknow that Iam unable to defend oneselfnow, moreoverenters the palacealsono oneto listenmy, therefore......”on the Shen Bijunfacewas full offeeling sorry, after all the presentpersonjustsavedheryesterday, becausefinallytodayownreasonreceived the manbiggesthumiliation, shedoes not know how shouldcomfort the opposite party.
“我本来想救你的,不过你也知道我现在自身难保,而且才进宫也没人会听我的,所以……”沈璧君脸上充满了歉疚,毕竟眼前之人昨天刚救了她,结果今天因为自己的缘故受了男人最大的屈辱,她都不知道该怎么安慰对方。„Young ladydoes not needto care, thisis the destiny that Iam doomed.”Song Qingshuself-ridiculessmiles, comfortsherto comeon the contrary, naturallythisisbecausehehad not been injuredtruly, whichotherwisealsohas the moodto respond the opposite party.
“小姐不必放在心上,这本就是我注定的命运。”宋青书自嘲一笑,反倒安慰起她来,当然这是因为他并没有受到真正的伤害,不然的话哪还有心情搭理对方。Meanwhilehealsosighs with emotionShen Bijunafter all is the boudoiryoung lady, reallydoes not havetoomanyphysiologicalgeneral knowledge, otherwiselooked that hehas a ruddy complexionnow can also standchatswithherhere, canknow that hisnottherewas sheared an appearance of blade.
同时他也感慨沈璧君毕竟是深闺大小姐,实在没有太多生理常识,不然看他如今面色红润还能站在这里和她聊天,也可以知道他绝非那里被割了一刀的样子。Two peoplealsochattedseveral, Shen Bijunjust nowsaidapologetically: „Mr.Zhao, my timeasks the palace maidto delivermeto comesecretly, Imustgo back, cannotharmothers.”
两人又聊了几句,沈璧君方才歉然说道:“赵先生,我这次是偷偷找宫女送我过来的,我必须回去了,不能害了别人。”Is sayingwhileslipped off a jade braceletstopper in wrist/skillto the Song Qingshuhandin: „I have nothingnowcanhelpyou, thisjade braceletalsovaluemoney, youtook awayto tradeboughtsometonicsto raise the body, in the palaceactually must spendeverywhere.”
一边说着一边褪下手腕上的一个玉镯塞到了宋青书手中:“我现在也没什么能帮到你的,这个玉镯还值点钱,你拿去换了买些补品来养一下身子,宫中其实也是处处要花钱的呢。”Said that does not needheto opposethento departin a hurry, graspsstillhas the jade bracelet of bodyresidual heat, Song Qingshusomewhatdoes not know whether to laugh or cry, thisgirlheart is actually very good.
说完也不待他反对便匆匆离去,握着尚带有身体余温的玉镯,宋青书不禁有些哭笑不得,这小妮子心倒是挺善良的。Received the jade bracelet, the Song Qingshuattentionreturned to the proper business, decided that went toemperorthereto nosewellwhilethisopportunity, hehad a feelingfaintly, canobtain any usefulinformationfromtheremostly.
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