HearsXueYirenwords, Song Qingshustares, where the firstresponsewasexposed, buttreatedsaw that the look of opposite partyhas not lookedtooneself, butlookedtostoodin the courtyard wallthatperson, just nowknows that herecognizedoneselfthatperson.
听到薛衣人的话,宋青书一愣,第一反应是自己哪里暴露了,不过待看到对方的眼神并没有望向自己而是望向了站在院墙上那人,方才知道他把那人认成了自己。ActuallythatpersoncameSong Qingshuto recognizeherisZhao Minis dressed as a man, after allsuchlongtimefriend, was constantly togethera while agostudy the zither | Jean, was even familiarwith the Zhao Minphysiquefootstepsbreathing, even ifshewears the mask, could not hide the truth from the eye of Song Qingshu.
其实那人一来宋青书就认出了她是赵敏女扮男装的,毕竟这么久时间朋友了,前段时间还朝夕相处学琴,对赵敏的体态甚至脚步呼吸声都再熟悉不过了,哪怕她戴着面具,也瞒不过宋青书的眼睛。Will admit mistakesas forXueYiren, mostlyisbecausesawon the Zhao Minfacethatsilvermask, mustknow that sometimesSong Qingshuavoidedtroubling, wears the maskto walkJianghu (rivers and lakes), the person who althoughknewwere not many, but the imperial citydivisionwas an intelligence agency of empire, checkedthismatter is also nothing unusual.
至于薛衣人之所以会认错,多半是因为看到赵敏脸上那张银色面具了,要知道宋青书有时候避免麻烦,会戴着面具行走江湖,虽然知道的人不多,但皇城司身为一个帝国的情报机关,查到这种事也不足为奇。On the contraryisnearbyChen Bijunis sizing upin the courtyard wallcurious„man”, theseyear of Song Qingshugiven namesit can be said thatspread overacross the country, for a long timehears aboutitsgiven nameincludinginboudoirinshe. In additionvariousFive Lakes Sectstorytellings of Sang Feihongperformhisdeedspublicizegreatly, Jiangnantheseboudoirwoman of quality and rich and powerful familythousand gold (daughter)spare timeoftenchattedhim, causedinJianghu (rivers and lakes) the mattertoChen Bijun that was not interested inalsotohimto producecuriously.
反倒是一旁的沈璧君充满好奇地打量着院墙上的“男人”,这些年宋青书的大名可以说是传遍大江南北,连在深闺中的她也久闻其大名。再加上桑飞虹的五湖门各种说书唱戏将他的事迹大为宣扬,江南那些深闺贵妇、豪门千金茶余饭后经常聊起他,致使本来对江湖中事不感兴趣的沈璧君也对他产生了好奇。Especiallybest friendLu Wushuang, mentionedeach timeSong Qingshuis the appearance that a fawnhits, described an unsurpassedbigherohim, makinghereven morein the mantothislegendhave the interest. Especiallyat this momentgot sucked into the evil clutches, Chen BijunthinksSong Qingshutheseexiled the immortalgeneralstory, immediatelyraised a hope.
特别是闺蜜陆无双,每次一提到宋青书都是一副小鹿撞撞的模样,将他描绘成一个盖世无双的大英雄,让她愈发对这个传说中的男人有兴趣了。特别是此刻深陷魔爪,沈璧君想到了宋青书那些谪仙一般的故事,顿时升起了一股期盼。Notices the Chen Bijunhope the look, Zhao Minshows a faint smiletoher, madeinstantaneouslyopposite partycomplexionslightlyred, nearbySong Qingshuis filled with emotion, Zhao Minthishandsomeappearancedisguises as the son of the influential, indeedhas the lethalityto the woman.
注意到沈璧君期盼的眼神,赵敏对她微微一笑,瞬间弄得对方脸色微红,一旁的宋青书不禁感慨万千,赵敏这唇红齿白的模样假扮成公子哥,的确对女人太有杀伤力。HoweversomeXueYirenactuallypuzzledcharacters and styles, in the lookrevealfranticon the contrary: „Long timehears aboutyour excellencygiven name, beforewantsto askyouto contend in martial artstwice the accident of sortsnot to achieve wishes, is undesirable that has happened more than three times, todayhas a lookisyoursword qiis actually fierce, ismytreasured swordis sharp.”
不过薛衣人却有些不解风情,眼神中反倒是流露出一种狂热:“久闻阁下大名,之前两次想找你比武都机缘巧合没有如愿,正所谓事不过三,今天就看看究竟是你的剑气厉害,还是我的宝剑锋利。”Beforetwiceblocked the palanquinto be persuaded somebody to leavebyyounger sisterXue BaochaiinLin' one timefacing the street, anotheronetimeoutside the Lin'ancityXixiaAscendant Hallsadcrispcool breeze, thereforeXueYirentohas not disputedwithSong Qingshuhas taken to heart, nowseeshimagain, thatstrength that in the heartsuppressederuptedinstantaneously, the coldlight flashgot uptogether, XueYirenalreadysword.
之前两次一次是在临安当街拦轿被妹妹薛宝钗劝走,另一次则是在临安城外中了西夏一品堂的悲酥清风,所以薛衣人对没有与宋青书较量一直耿耿于怀,如今再次见到他,心中憋的那股劲头瞬间爆发,一道寒光闪起,薛衣人已然出剑。Thisswordjust like the blue skywhite cloudsnot to have the flawstainless. Thismove, potential of the swordis from bottom to top magnificent, hasmarrowcoldTouevensword qi, the point of swordfearfultocannotresist!
这一剑犹如青天白云无瑕无垢。此招自下而上,一剑之势辉煌迅急,拥有连骨髓都冷透的剑气,剑之锋芒可怕到不能抵挡!Zhao Minsees only the swordlightto fly up at angletogetherslantingly, such as the startledglowis as fast as lightning, such as the rainbowpasses through the day, on the face the smileslightlyhas not changed, underChen Bijunlooks at the feeling of bigSenqin, thoughtoneselfare away fromis made the whole bodyto become tenderby the momentum of thissword, hehas not actually wrinkled a point the brow, reallyjust like the character who in the legendexiles the immortallike that.赵敏只见一道剑光斜斜飞来,如惊芒掣电,如长虹经天,脸上笑容丝毫未变,底下的沈璧君看得大生钦佩之感,心想自己隔着这么远都被这一剑的声势弄得浑身发软,他却连眉头也没皱上一分,果然是犹如传说中那般谪仙的人物。Chen Bijunadmires, Zhao Mincomplained of hardshipsecretly, shenotdoes not wantto move, butwasopposite partysword is too terrifying, the air of herwhole bodyas ifsolidifiedgenerally, shewantsto moveactuallydiscovered that the whole body like selected the holeto be the same, the fear in bonemadehernot move.沈璧君佩服不已,赵敏却是暗暗叫苦,她并非不想动,而是对方这一剑实在太恐怖,她周身的空气仿佛都凝固了一般,她想动却发现浑身如同被点了穴一般,骨子里的恐惧让她根本动不了。„Is thisdying?”In the Zhao Minbrainvacant, onlyhas a thought.
“这就要死了么?”赵敏脑中一片茫然,只剩下一个念头。Alsohas a big shockbySong Qingshu that hecomplainedat this time, hehas not seen the Ximen Chuixueswordgodto smile, has not seenbeyondleafGucheng the day the flyingimmortal, butwantsto comethesetwoswordsmanship is also about the same as XueYirenthesword.
被他埋怨的宋青书此时也是大惊失色,他没见过西门吹雪的剑神一笑,没见过叶孤城的天外飞仙,但想来这两位的剑法也不过与薛衣人的这一剑伯仲之间。Henaturallycannotlook on that the Zhao Minfragrantdisappearingjadeperishes, puts out a handto wield, in the aircongealsazuresword qito appearbefore the Zhao Minbodyinstantaneouslytogether, blocked a XueYirenthisShi Potianstartledswordforcefully.
他自然不能坐视赵敏香消玉殒,伸手一挥,空气中瞬间凝结出一道青色的剑气出现在赵敏身前,硬生生挡住了薛衣人这石破天惊的一剑。Butafter all is sword qi that heis away fromsends, althoughcanblock a XueYirenswordreluctantly, actuallycannotdrive backhim.
只不过毕竟是他隔着这么远发的剑气,虽然能勉强挡住薛衣人的一剑,却并不能逼退他。At this timeXueYirensurprisedis not under him: „Well, hestands there handhas not even lifted, unexpectedlyinvisibledoes not haveto congealthistogetherto be swift and fierceincomparablesword qi, hismartial artsalreadyhightothissituation.”
此时薛衣人的惊讶丝毫不在他之下:“咦,他站在那里连手都没有抬一下,居然无形无相凝结出这样一道凌厉无匹的剑气,他的武功已经高到了这种地步了。”Althoughhecandetect that opposite partythissword qiwantsonto plancompared withhisswordtogetherweakly, what is terrifyingwas the opposite partyused a swordat will, even the eyedid not have the winkinghandnot to move, thismadehimfeel that the opposite partyincomparablywas as deep as a well, thereforealsosomewhatdreadedsuddenlybut actually,does not dareto continueto act.
他虽然能察觉到对方这一道剑气比起他的剑要弱上一筹,但恐怖的是对方只是随意出了一剑,连眼睛都没眨手都没动过,这就让他觉得对方无比高深莫测了,所以一时间倒也有些忌惮,不敢继续出手。Justno matterXueYirenorChen Bijun, entire energyinthataction, thereforehadthismisunderstanding.
刚刚不管是薛衣人还是沈璧君,全部精力都在那的举动,所以才有了这番误会。At this timeZhao Minis saved from death, the backwas all soakedby the cold sweat, in the heartscoldedhalf deadSong Qingshu: „Laterdoes not pretend to besurnamed Song, cracked a jokewith the lifesimply, day in day outthisbastardannoysiswhatenemies.”
此时赵敏死里逃生,后背全被冷汗所浸湿,心中不禁将宋青书骂了个半死:“以后再也不冒充姓宋的了,简直是拿生命开玩笑,这混蛋一天到晚惹的都是什么对头。”XueYirenhesitates, not far awayheard the noisyshout, obviouslymadesuchlongWeiWangfudefense capacityto respondfinally,large numbers ofexpertsare catching uptohere, althoughhismartial artswas high, butdoublefistdifficultenemyfour, so manyguardsto catch upeventually, healso can only walkforoncounts.
薛衣人正犹豫间,不远处传来了嘈杂的呼喊声,显然闹了这么久魏王府的防卫力量终于反应过来,大批高手正赶向这里,他武功虽高,但终究双拳难敌四手,这么多侍卫赶过来,他也只能走为上计。„Next timewill choose the timeplace that no onedisturbs, getswith the simultaneous/uniformkingagainfully.”XueYirenarchedcupping one hand in the other across the chest, the tonealsobecomesrespects a point, althoughafter allthistimehas not hit, butcopes with a sword that thisinvisibledoes not have, has let the opponent who heregards the sameranksufficiently.
“下次选个没人打扰的时间地点,再与齐王酣畅淋漓地打上一场。”薛衣人拱了拱手,语气也变得敬重一分,毕竟这次虽然没有打起来,但对付这无形无相的一剑,已经足以让他当成同等级的对手。Zhao Min can only maintain the lighthappy expressionreluctantly, after XueYirendeparts, just nowstaredSong Qingshuoneill-humoredly , the preparationturns aroundto depart.赵敏只能勉强维持住淡淡的笑意,待薛衣人离去后,方才没好气地瞪了宋青书一眼,也准备转身离去。However this resemblesone that tenderasis angryto fallin the differentpersoneyesnaturallycanevolve the differentmeanings, Song Qingshunaturallycan understandmeaning, becausehenowandChen Bijunstands, causingChen Bijunto think that thislookstoher.
不过她这似娇似嗔的一眼落在不同人眼里自然会演化成不同的意思,宋青书自然看得懂其中的含义,可是因为他现在和沈璧君站在一起,导致沈璧君以为这一眼是看向她的。Zhao Minhad a double polefor the thrillingeyepupil, againdepending on the remaining prestige that foughta moment ago, thisfallsin the Chen Bijuneyeisto letherheartbeatseriouslyaccelerates, has a parched mouth.赵敏本来就有一双极为动人心魄的眼眸,再挟刚才一战的余威,这一眼落在沈璧君眼里当真是让她心跳加速,口干舌燥。Saw that hemustwalk, Chen Bijundoes not know the courage of wherecoming, went forwardonestepto stop by callinghim: „Young Master Song!”
看到他要走,沈璧君也不知道哪来的勇气,上前一步喊住了他:“宋公子!”Zhao Minstops the footsteps, the turning headfaint smile is staring ather: „Has the matter, bigbeautiful woman?”赵敏停下脚步,回过头来似笑非笑地盯着她:“有事么,大美人儿?”NearbySong Qingshu, Zhao Minis going againsthisstatusto pull upyounger sisterdepressedat this time, alwaysmakeshimfeelstrange.
A Chen Bijuncheeksheat, ifbumped into the pastsays the dissoluteyoung master of frivolouslanguagelike this, shewill leave in a huffimmediately, but why thistimedoes not know, a feeling of hervitality/angry, insteadYingying (full of/graceful)has not actually done obeisance: „Girlisin the palacewaits on the censorShenflamedaughter, nowShenexterminated an entire family, Iwas plunderedoutside the thousand li (500 km), at this timehas had no way out, looking at the young mastercanlend a handto assist.”沈璧君脸颊一热,若是以往碰到这样口出轻薄之语的浪荡公子,她会立即拂袖而去,可这次不知道为什么,她却并没有一丝生气的感觉,反而盈盈一拜:“小女子乃殿中侍御史沈炎之女,如今沈家被灭门,我又被掳掠到千里之外,此时已经走投无路,望公子能出手相助。”Hersound was quite interesting to listen, at this timerecalls with deep feelingto grieve for the dead, the soundis even more pretty, anymanwill hearto be perhaps tenderhearted, the object who onlyshethis timevindicatedpitifullywas a woman, saw onlyZhao Minto replylightly: „Why do Iwantto helpyou?”
( This chapterends)
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