Looks down the tip of the toewithotherperipherypeoplein reverential awe, for fear thatlooked that twoincurwhatfatal disasterto be different, Song Qingshuactuallycarefullookstoward, saw onlybehind the curtain screento have a gracefulformto walkindistinctlyslowly.
与周围其他人诚惶诚恐低头看着脚尖,生怕多看两眼招致什么杀身之祸不同,宋青书却仔细往里望去,只见帘子后面隐隐约约有一个曼妙的身影缓缓地走了进来。„Well, unexpectedlyisShen Bijun?”Althoughis away from the curtain screen unable to seeherappearance, butSong Qingshucanfrom the figure,sound of footstepsjudge whether the sameperson, especiallyon her typeresemblesorchidnon-to resemble the uniquedelicate fragrance of muskdeernon-muskdeer, is to make the personhearunforgettablily.
“咦,居然是沈璧君?”尽管隔着帘子看不到她的样子,但宋青书可以从身形、脚步声判断是否同一个人,特别是她身上那种似兰非兰似麝非麝的独特幽香,更是让人一闻难忘。„Goes forwardto playmostto excel, after shooting , outside arrives atand other results.”Beforethatstewardmade noiseto say.
“一个一个上前弹奏一曲自己最擅长的,弹完后到外面等结果。”之前那管家出声说道。UnexpectedlyisShen Bijun, whenappraises? Song Qingshuis somewhat surprised, butchanges mindthinksthisalsoinexpected, four artsafter allare the thing that the Han peopleexcel, perhaps the attainmentsentireCapital City on zither | Jeantechniquecannot discoveroneto compare favorably withShen Bijun, naturallynotcompared withshemore suitablecandidate.
居然是沈璧君当评审?宋青书有些吃惊,不过转念一想这也在意料之中,琴棋书画毕竟是汉人擅长的东西,在琴技上的造诣整个上京城恐怕都找不出一个比得上沈璧君的,自然没有比她更合适的人选了。Thengoes forwardto play, before Song Qingshu, somewhathas high morale, but a heartactuallysinksnowgradually, hemakes a last-ditch effortafter all, butrespondsiseach regionfamous experts, is gradually the zither | Jeansay/waydozensyears, zither | Jeanart/skillhisshorttimebe able to catch up can the can it be that?
接下来一个一个上前演奏,宋青书之前还有些斗志昂扬,可现在一颗心却渐渐下沉,他毕竟是临时抱佛脚,而来应聘的都是各地名家,无一不是浸淫琴道几十年的,琴艺又岂是他短时间能赶得上的?Althoughbeforewas a layman, butaftertwo daysenrolling in supplementary lessons, Song Qingshu can also be very easyto judge that zither | JeanJi the quality, heroughlyconsidered as finished, at leasteightpeopleon the scenewere better than hislevel, butthismove of musicianonlyrecruitedoneperson, oneselfultraleveldisplay was also perhaps hopelessagain.
虽然之前是个门外汉,但经过这两天的补习,宋青书也能很容易判断琴技好坏了,他大致算了一下,在场的至少有八个人比他水平好,而这次招琴师只招一人,自己再超水平发挥恐怕也没戏。Onlycanrely uponSoul Shifting (Bewitching) Great Technique? Song Qingshuis somewhat scruple, nowShen Bijunsitsbehind the numerousgauzecurtains, even the eyecould not see how to move to the soul? Let alonepresentsso manyeach regionfamous experts, everyoneis not a deaf person, ifoneselfcannot the obedience, bycheatingto wintheyto make is also a bigtrouble.
When is intertwining, suddenlyhears the stewardto shout„ZhaoWeiyi” the name, has been one's turnhim.
正纠结之际,忽然听到管家喊“赵惟一”的名字,原来已经轮到他了。Beforewas somewhat disturbed, heinsteadwas at the last moment quiet, oneselfexperiencedmanygreat storms, onlymusicianinterviewedwas considered asanything, evenfailedthinksagainothermethodwas.
之前有些忐忑,事到临头他反而平静下来,自己经历了多少大风大浪,区区一个琴师面试又算得了什么,就算失败了再想另外的方法就是。Sitscalmly, will play the song of beforehandpreparation, suddenlythinks before , studies the zither | Jeanto listen toZhao Minto mention, the zither | Jeanwill be the aspiration, the mind of playing a stringed musical instrumentpersonwill respond the image in tweedle.
心平气和地坐下来,正要弹奏之前准备的曲子,忽然间想到了之前学琴听赵敏提到过,琴为心声,弹琴人的胸襟就会反应到琴声中的意象。Nowdoes not compete the respectivezither | Jeantechniqueobjectively, but who looks in the Shen Bijunheartto shootwell, otherinterviewsheiswhodoes not know,sheknowsherstatus, has had the enormousadvantage.
如今并非是客观比拼各自的琴技,而是看沈璧君心中谁弹得最好,其他的面试者连她是谁都不知道,自己知道了她的身份,已经占了极大的优势。Shen Bijunwas kidnapped the foreign country, a personis living the life of being in a precarious statepoor, fillsin a terrified wayto the futurewith the fear, will miss the hometownmostly, andworried......沈璧君被劫持到异国他乡,一个人孤苦无依过着朝不保夕的生活,对未来充满惶恐与害怕,多半会思念家乡并且心事重重……RoughlyestimatesShen Bijunthis timemood, the Song Qingshuthenhearthasto decide the idea, naturallycannotshoot the homesicknessdirectlyand so on song, the ancient civilizationwas fastidious about a tactafter all, thinks that anythingcannotcome straight to the pointto express. Thereforehestartsto play«HasThinking», «HadThinking»is the Han Dynastyancient melody, the rhythmwas persuasive, thissongmost wonderfulwill have the differenteffectsaccording to the difference of audience.
大致揣摩沈璧君此时的心情,宋青书便心有定计,当然不能直接弹思乡之类的曲子,毕竟古代文化都讲究一个委婉,想什么不能那么开门见山表达出来。于是他开始弹奏一曲《有所思》,《有所思》是汉代古曲,节奏婉转,这曲子最妙的就是根据听众的不同会有不同的效果。Iflives the happypersonto listentothesecarelessly, theyonlywill feelinsipid, the person but who iflistens to happen to have the thoughtsto be sorrowful, thatmaybe serious, is very easyto stimulatein the opposite partyheartto think,will be lovelornthinksin the pastwith the tips of sweetheart, in the family/homewill have the funeralto think the affection of deceased, as forthis timeShen Bijun, it may be said thatwas a concernwicker basket......
若是对那些大大咧咧活得开开心心的人听,他们只会觉得淡而无味,但如果听的人正好有心思哀愁,那可不得了,很容易激发起对方心中所想,失恋了就会想到以往和情人的点点滴滴,家中有丧事就会想到逝者的慈爱,至于此时的沈璧君,可谓是心事一箩筐……Sure enough, after the tweedlemakes a sound, sat well there Shen Bijunfiguretremblessuddenly, with the persuasivemelody, shecould not even bearput out the handkerchiefto wipetearsgently.
果不其然,琴声响起来后,原本还端坐在那里的沈璧君忽然身形一颤,随着婉转的曲调,她甚至忍不住拿出了手帕轻轻擦拭起眼泪来。MustknowShen Bijunsuchthousand gold (daughter)young ladysince childhoodtodeportmentand so on requestis quite strict, at this timethishad shown that this timemoodsurgedextremely.
要知道沈璧君这样的千金大小姐从小对仪态之类的要求极为严格,此时这样已经证明她此时情绪极为激荡了。Song Qingshuseespossible, unknowinglyalsointegratedin the inner strength the tweedle, enabling the tweedleto have the penetrating power, cantouch the soul of person, don'tsaidisShen Bijun, in the fieldothermusicianshavemuchshow the confusedcomplexlook, obviouslywas also brought back the concernby the tweedle.宋青书一见有戏,不知不觉将内力也融入了琴声之中,使得琴声更加有穿透力,更能触及人的灵魂,莫说是沈璧君,就连场中其他琴师有不少都露出迷茫复杂的神色,显然也是被琴声勾起了心事。Has not ended, gauzecurtainfollowingShen Bijunactuallysets outsuddenly, under the maidservanttakes caredepartsin a hurry, looks at the outsidemusicianto be dumbfounded.
“这什么情况?”„Howto walk, didn't wehave the performance?”
“怎么走了,我们还没演奏呢?”Onegroup of peopletalked in whispers, beforethatstewardhas come outto announce: „Interviewhad ended, everyonegoes back.”
一群人窃窃私语的时候,之前那管家已经出来宣布了:“面试已经结束了,大家回去吧。”„Whatsituation, did thisend?”
“什么情况,这就完了?”„But haven't weshot?”
“可我们还没弹呢?”Onegroup of peopleimmediatelyin an uproar, butsawexpression that stewardcoldly, everyonerealized that hereisWeiWangfu, does not dareto be dissolute, hasto walkdejectedly.
一群人顿时哗然,不过看到那管家冷冷的表情,大家才意识到这里是魏王府,一个个不敢放肆,只好垂头丧气地走了。AlthoughSong Qingshuhadseveralpoints of confidence, buthad not determined,does not know to walk, the stewardstopped by callinghimluckily: „ZhaoWeiyi, youcomewithme.”宋青书虽然有了几分信心,但还没确定,不知道要不要走,幸好那管家过来喊住了他:“赵惟一是吧,你跟我来。”„It seems likethisbettingright.”In the Song Qingshuheart a bigstonefalls to the groundfinally.
The stewardssevencircleeightto circle, leadshimto an extremelyremotedwelling, thenthreatens saying: „Boy, insidehonored personmustseeyou, is anxioussincerelyownstatus, ifoffensivehonored person, in the eveningthrowsoutside you city the mass grave.”
管家七绕八绕,将他带到一处极为偏僻的宅院中,然后威胁道:“小子,里面的贵人要见你,急得谨记自己的身份,若是唐突了贵人,晚上就把你扔到城外乱葬岗去。”„Is is~”Song Qingshuships out a timidappearance, whiledeliberately considers: Shen Bijunhad been shiftedWeiWangfu, it seems likeYelu Yixinindeedpreparedto deliverto enter the palaceher, on the one hand the heart of securedesolatered cloudswiping, on the one handcan the influencethoroughharem , the powerful ministerneedin the palaceto have a being in good gracesimperial concubineto assistafter allthrough the agesis good.
“是是是~”宋青书一边装出一副唯唯诺诺的样子,一边寻思:沈璧君已经被转移到了魏王府里,看来耶律乙辛的确准备将她送进宫了,一方面安萧霞抹之心,一方面可以将势力深入后宫之中,毕竟古往今来权臣都需要宫中有个得宠的妃子相助才行。ButShen Bijunwas graspedbythem, howsoobedientaccording toYelu Yixinand the othersinstructionconduct? After doesn't fearsheenters the palace, to the emperorexplainsall?
只不过沈璧君是被他们抓来的,又岂会这般听话地按照耶律乙辛等人的指示行事?不怕她进宫后对皇帝道明一切么?Ponderedthislittle whiletime, Song Qingshuhad walked, Shen Bijunpartlyis relying onpartlysitsin an alcove, looked at the southdirectionto be in a daze, the sidealsotwoappearanceprettymaidservantsstoodinone sidetake care, butbyShen Bijun, no one'sattentiononthem.
沉思这会儿功夫,宋青书已经走了进去,沈璧君正半倚半坐在一个亭子里,望着南边的方向发呆,旁边还有两个容貌俏丽的丫鬟立在一旁服侍,不过挨着沈璧君,没人的注意力会在她们身上。Although before Song Qingshu, has seenShen Bijunonetime, butthistimeonlysees a profile, stillcannot help but feelshockingincomparable, whatsheputs onis not the speciallymagnificentclothes, butregardless ofwhatclothes, so long asputsinherbody, will change the scoregoing outcolor.
尽管宋青书之前见过沈璧君一次,而这次只见到一个侧脸,依然不免觉得惊艳无比,她穿的并不是什么特别华丽的衣服,但无论什么样的衣服,只要穿在她的身上,都会变得分外出色。Shehas not wornanyjewelry, on the facehas not scratched the powder, because to her, the jewelry and powderis unnecessary. Regardless of the preciousjewelrycannotdivideherbrilliance, regardless of the noblepowdercannotincreaseheronepoint of beautyagain.
她并没有戴任何首饰,脸上更没有擦脂粉,因为对她来说,珠宝和脂粉都是多余的。无论多珍贵的珠宝都不能分去她本身的光彩,无论多高贵的脂粉也不能再增加她一分美丽。Song Qingshuhas seenmanyoutstandingly beautifulbeautiful women, butmostlyis the herofemale in Jianghu (rivers and lakes), volumelikeShen Bijungentle,beautiful, makingsin a lady, is actually firstsight.宋青书见过不少绝色美人,但大多是江湖中的侠女,像沈璧君这样集温柔、美丽、气质于一身的大家闺秀,却是第一次见到。ActuallyNan Lan,Cheng Yaojia can also beladybut actually, butCheng Yaojiais notoutstandingly beautiful, Nan Lanismarriedwoman, the makings of whole personhas very bigdifferenceinShen Bijunafter all, perhaps before only then, seesXue Baochai that to place on a parinLin'an, butsawXue Baochaiin the other aspect of imperial citydivision, the mark of herladyis not obvious.
其实南兰、程瑶迦倒也算得上大家闺秀,不过程瑶迦算不上绝色,南兰则毕竟是已婚妇人,整个人的气质于沈璧君还是有很大的不同,或许只有之前在临安见到的薛宝钗可以相提并论,不过见到了薛宝钗在皇城司的另一面,她身上大家闺秀的印记就没那么明显了。Was remindedby the maidservant, Shen Bijunthenturns head, a pair of beautifulpupilis taking a look athimcuriously, the gentle voiceasked: „Were youSong people?”
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