FSM :: Volume #16

#1519: Filthy chaotic harem

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Said that Yuan Chengzhi of this world also a little compels painstakingly.” The Song Qingshu secret sigh, first is dies of the hand of Dongfang Muxue, then the wife was received by oneself, now found a new lover, finally can only visit her helplessly by other man various favor and trusts. “说起来这个世界的袁承志还有点苦逼啊。”宋青书暗暗感叹,先是“死于”东方暮雪之手,接着妻子又被自己接收了,如今找到一个新的爱人,结果又只能眼睁睁看着她被别的男人各种宠信。 However he changes mind thinks, in this imperial authority supreme world, Xiao Zhonghui can still maintain the true feelings to it, even sweet Mao the put to death by dismemberment risk with his lover's rendezvous, this friendship fears in this world also few men to have this to have luck. 不过他转念一想,在这个皇权至上的世界,萧中慧依然能对其保持真情,甚至甘冒被凌迟的风险与他幽会,这份情谊恐怕这世上也没几个男人有这份幸运拥有。 Big Brother Yuan ~ Xiao Zhonghui raised the head, in the eye reveals color of the resolution suddenly, untied the waistband directly, outside clothes fell gradually, revealed the clear fair shoulder. 袁大哥~”萧中慧抬起头,眼中忽然露出一丝坚定之色,直接解开了腰带,外面的衣服渐渐滑落,露出了圆润白皙的肩头。 Xia Qingqing looks at the complexion one red, quickly puts out a hand to cover the eye of Song Qingshu, makes Song Qingshu aerobic and funny: On a reveal shoulder, you, if saw that there puts on the female student of bikini not to my eyeball dig.” 夏青青看得脸色一红,急忙伸手来捂宋青书的眼睛,弄得宋青书又好气又好笑:“就露个肩而已,你要是看到我们那儿穿比基尼的女生还不得把我眼珠挖出来啊。” Xia Qingqing spat one, said low voice: I, no matter, you cannot look in any case.” 夏青青啐了一口,小声说道:“我不管,反正你不能看。” A Song Qingshu face ponders looks at her: Said should not look should be you, your husband following and are other women affectionate?” 宋青书一脸玩味地看着她:“说起来不该看的应该是你吧,你丈夫正在下面和其他女人卿卿我我呢?” Xia Qingqing stared his one eyes ill-humoredly, obviously to him mentioned intentionally husband two characters are somewhat discontented: We walk.” 夏青青没好气地瞪了他一眼,显然对他故意提到“丈夫”二字有些不满:“我们走吧。” Walks?” Song Qingshu is startled, do not see Yuan Chengzhi?” “走?”宋青书一怔,“你不是要见袁承志么?” Xia Qingqing feels relaxed smiles: Helping one another in difficult time to might as well forget in Jianghu (rivers and lakes), since Big Brother Yuan had found his real love now, why I do disturb them again? Adds everyone's worry?” 夏青青释然一笑:“相濡以沫不如相忘于江湖,既然袁大哥现在已经找到他的真爱,我又何必再去打扰他们?平添大家的烦恼?” Song Qingshu looked at her one eyes accidentally/surprisingly: Never expected that your present ideological consciousness also very high?” 宋青书意外地看了她一眼:“没想到你现在思想觉悟还挺高的啊?” Walked,” Xia Qingqing drew his one not to draw, stared his one eyes ill-humoredly, „do you also want to listen to the corner here?” “走了,”夏青青拉了他一把没拉动,没好气地瞪了他一眼,“难道你还想在这里听墙角么?” Song Qingshu sighs: I want to listen to the corner actually, but your Big Brother Yuan is stubborn, is not necessarily able to solve the character and style.” 宋青书叹了一口气:“我倒是想听墙角,不过你那位袁大哥是个榆木疙瘩,未必会那么解风情啊。” Xia Qingqing stares, looks down toward below, really saw Yuan Chengzhi starts various types to shirk, aerobic and funny: Seriously is stubborn!” The girls this degree he also refused on own initiative, is the people who let look at worries seriously. 夏青青一愣,低头往下面看去,果然见到袁承志又开始各种推脱,不禁又好气又好笑:“当真是个榆木疙瘩!”人家姑娘都主动都这种程度了他还推三阻四,当真是让看的人都着急。 Walks, the matter between their young lovers, we anxiously also useless.” Song Qingshu holds the hand of Xia Qingqing, the gentle voice was saying. “走吧,他们小情侣之间的事,我们急也没用。”宋青书拉着夏青青的手,柔声说道。 Un ~ Xia Qingqing nods, finally looked at Yuan Chengzhi one, since now he had found his happiness, oneself also this put down thoroughly. “嗯~”夏青青点了点头,最后看了袁承志一眼,如今既然他已经找到了他的幸福,自己也该彻底放下了。 Two people this walks toward the imperial palace outside, this time Xia Qingqing thought that until now presses the big stone on heart to move away, from top to bottom relaxed incomparable, is cheerful and lively with Song Qingshu all the way, once for a while also in he bosom scatters the little while to be tender, as if returned to the young girl period. 两人就这样一路往皇宫外走去,此时的夏青青觉得一直以来压在心上的大石被移走,浑身上下轻松无比,一路上与宋青书有说有笑,时不时还在他怀中撒会儿娇,仿佛又回到了少女时期。 The Song Qingshu suddenly look changes, drew Xia Qingqing to hide in nearby rockery shadow, the Xia Qingqing heart jumped, when only he must make anything in this place, the face was instantaneously red, thought that Big Brother Song was getting more and more absurd, but in her heart also somewhat anticipated at the same time faintly. 宋青书忽然神色一变,拉着夏青青躲到了一旁假山阴影之中,夏青青心头一跳,只当他要在这地方做什么,脸瞬间就红了,心想宋大哥越来越荒唐了,不过与此同时她心中也隐隐有些期待起来。 The quick noisy sound resounds, Xia Qingqing one then discovered a brigade waits on Weiyi Road slightly to run to go in palace direction, she only knows oneself thought the branch, spits the tongue secretly, rejoiced in secret Song Qingshu does not know own idea, was really disgraced. 很快一片嘈杂的声音响起,夏青青一愣这才发现有一大队侍卫一路往内宫方向小跑而去,她这才知道自己想岔了,不禁暗暗吐了吐舌头,暗中庆幸宋青书不知道自己刚才的想法,真是丢死人了。 At this time the Song Qingshu sinking sound said: Direction that since they run, mostly toward Consort writing there.” 此时宋青书沉声说道:“从他们跑去的方向来看,多半是往文妃那里去的。” „Ah?” Xia Qingqing also immerses in shaming the embarrassed aftertaste, suddenly has not responded. “啊?”夏青青还沉浸在羞窘的余韵之中,一时间还没怎么反应过来。 Song Qingshu explained: Before Xiao Banhe was indicated and confirmed to participate in the plotting a rebellion incident, perhaps now has involved daughter Xiao Zhonghui.” 宋青书解释道:“之前萧半和被指认参与了谋反一事,恐怕如今已经牵扯到了女儿萧中慧了。” „, They were dangerous.” Thinks that now lover's rendezvous of Xiao Zhonghui and Yuan Chengzhi in the room, these guards are hitting in the past? She has a mind to warn, but thinks oneself just said puts down, the result hears the beforehand husband to have the danger, quickly runs, where Song Qingshu puts in? “啊,那他们岂不是危险了。”想到如今萧中慧袁承志正在房中幽会,这些侍卫过去岂不是撞个正着?她有心回去示警,可是又想到自己刚说放下,结果一听到以前丈夫有危险,又急忙跑回去,把宋青书置于何地? Suddenly is swayed by personal gains and losses, cannot help but stayed in same place. Song Qingshu as if knows her idea, said with a smile: Walks, we go back to have a look.” 一时间患得患失,不由得呆在了原地。宋青书仿佛知道了她的想法,笑着说道:“走吧,我们回去看看。” Thank you, Big Brother Song.” Xia Qingqing somewhat choked said, she knows Song Qingshu and Yuan Chengzhi usually did not have the friendship, moreover to a certain extent both enemies, played a trick to encircle in Jinling Yuan Chengzhi partner initially have killed him, the Mount Tai congress called various school of experts to attack, now Song Qingshu saves him, looked completely in the share of convening. “谢谢你,宋大哥。”夏青青有些哽咽地说道,她知道宋青书袁承志素无交情,而且某种程度上来说双方还是敌人,当初在金陵袁承志伙还设局围杀过他,泰山大会更是召集了各派高手相攻,如今宋青书救他,完全是看在召集的份上。 Song Qingshu scratched the tear stains on her cheeks: Ok, I do not think you, for other man cries.” 宋青书擦了擦她脸颊上的泪痕:“好了,我可不想你为了别的男人哭。” Xia Qingqing pursing the lips lip of: Others cry for you.” 夏青青抿了抿嘴唇:“人家是为了你哭的。” Song Qingshu laughs: For your words also value.” Said that is hugging her soft slender waist, Location overtakes toward Consort writing. 宋青书哈哈一笑:“为了你这句话也值了。”说完搂着她柔软的纤腰,一路往文妃所在地赶了过去。 However when they rush, discovered that late one step, originally was several other directions is ahead of time several teams of guards, first surrounded the resting palace of Consort writing all round, now Yuan Chengzhi protects Xiao Zhonghui after behind, with is doing the guard to confront. 不过当他们赶到的时候,发现还是晚了一步,原来是另外几个方向提前来了几队侍卫,抢先将文妃的寝宫团团包围,如今袁承志萧中慧护在身后,正与一干侍卫对峙。 The Song Qingshu wicked interest thinks: Does not know that which two people developed in the room to a moment ago, when can not be oneself was broken by these Imperial Palace guards? That may really want the life, in the past when Zhao Gou was favoring the empress frightening the life does not lift by suddenly Jin Bing of arrival......” 宋青书不无恶趣味地想到:“也不知道两人刚才在房间里发展到哪一步了,会不会正在神魂颠倒之际被这些大内侍卫打断?那可真是要了命了,当年赵构就是正在宠幸后妃时被忽然到来的金兵给吓得一生不举……” However he carefully looks, discovered two people clothes were neat, pour like do not put on the appearance of clothes in a hurry, in the heart raise for several points to admire to Yuan Chengzhi actually, although lost recalled, but was still a moral noble and pure gentleman. 不过他仔细看去,发现两人衣裳整齐,倒也不像仓促之间穿衣服的样子,心中对袁承志倒是升起了几分佩服,虽然失忆了但依然是个品性高洁的君子。 Yuan Guannan, you dares private to enter the empress resting palace, may know that this is the big crime of decapitation!” How many guard leaders look at each other in blank dismay, their times are ordered to catch Consort writing, who would have guessed that bumps into this matter unexpectedly, must know that in the imperial palace is to know few is safer, now has the scandal of doubtful filthy chaotic palace, they not startled? “袁冠南,你竟敢私入后妃寝宫,可知道这是杀头的大罪!”几名侍卫头领面面相觑,他们这次是奉命来抓文妃的,哪知道居然撞见这档子事,要知道皇宫里是知道得越少越安全,如今发生疑似秽乱宫廷的丑闻,他们如何不惊? If not those present are many enough, they will even be worried about to eliminate a potential informant by the emperor afterward. 若非在场的人足够多,他们甚至都会担心事后被皇帝灭口呢。 Xiao Zhonghui pale incomparable, at this time the delicate body somewhat trembles in the cold wind slightly, is Yuan Chengzhi is quite on the contrary calm, the clear and resonant voice replied: desolate commands reply, before the subordinate is only, did not see that carefully a black-clothed person the empress resting palace sneaks toward Consort writing stealthily, I worried that the empress has what danger, therefore quickly caught up.” 萧中慧脸色苍白无比,此时纤弱的身子在寒风中微微有些发颤,反倒是袁承志比较镇定,朗声答道:“回禀萧统领,属下只是之前不小心看到一个黑衣人鬼鬼祟祟往文妃娘娘寝宫这么潜入,我担心娘娘有什么危险,所以就急忙赶了过来。” Hides gives the thumbs-up to Xia Qingqing in Song Qingshu of not far away, said with a smile lightly: Surnamed Yuan in sentimental, although is stubborn, but responded that is really not actually slow, this duty changed the ability to take a broad view at world also few.” 躲在不远处的宋青书夏青青竖起了大拇指,轻笑道:“姓袁的在感情方面虽然是个榆木疙瘩,但反应倒是真不慢,这份应变能力放眼天下也没几个了。” That natural, said before Big Brother Yuan, leads one group of motley crew and Manchu-Qing Dynasty socializes for many years,” the Xia Qingqing complexion has the proud look faintly, but quick is then depressed, perhaps now this aspect, is not his 1-2 words explains clear.” “那当然,好歹说袁大哥以前也带着一帮乌合之众和满清周旋多年,”夏青青脸色隐隐有骄傲神色,不过很快便沮丧起来,“不过如今这局面,恐怕不是他1-2话解释得清的。” Several guard leaders exchanged a look, cold sound said: Also had others to see that black-clothed person?” 几个侍卫首领交换了一下眼神,冷声道:“还有没有其他人看到了那黑衣人?” The Yuan Chengzhi breath obstructs, finally shakes the head slowly: At that time the situation was urgent, I inform the companion without enough time.” 袁承志呼吸一窒,最终缓缓地摇了摇头:“当时情况紧急,我来不及通知同伴。” Song Qingshu of distant place light well: „The dialogue from them looks like the Yuan Chengzhi outwardly on status is the guard in imperial palace, is right, only then this can stay in the imperial palace for a long time, with writing Consort pair of night/lodge amphibious.” 远处的宋青书轻咦了一声:“从他们之间的对话看来袁承志明面上的身份是皇宫里的侍卫啊,也对,只有这样才能长期呆在皇宫之中,与文妃双宿双栖。” Nearby Xia Qingqing pulled his sleeves anxiously: „Should Big Brother Song, now what to do?” 一旁的夏青青焦急地扯了扯他的衣袖:“宋大哥,现在该怎么办?” Song Qingshu patted her hand: Don't be upset, how first has a look at the following situation to develop.” 宋青书拍了拍她的手:“不要慌,先看看接下来事态如何发展。” Informs the companion without enough time,” one guard leader cold snort/hum one, this is only your statement of only one of the parties, now we have not seen the black-clothed person, only sees you in the resting palace of empress!” “来不及通知同伴,”其中一个侍卫首领冷哼一声,“这只是你的一面之词,现在我们没看到黑衣人,只看到你在娘娘的寝宫!” Yuan Chengzhi looks the embarrassment, today is really negligent, without thinking suddenly to have so many guards to clash suddenly, causing him to have no way to depart, was stopped up, looks at the present situation, can only kill mostly, but harmed Xiaohui as the matter stands, does not know that she is willing to walk with. 袁承志面露难色,今天实在大意了,没想到忽然会有这么多侍卫忽然冲了过来,导致他根本没法离去,被堵了个正着,看如今的情形,多半只能杀出去了,只是这样一来就害了小慧,也不知道她愿不愿意和自己一起走。 Was speechless!” When guard leader cold snort/hum, will order to apprehend him, suddenly not far away shadow flashes, a black-clothed person appears to escape impressively in another direction. “无话可说了吧!”那侍卫首领冷哼一声,正要下令捉拿他时,忽然不远处黑影一闪,一个黑衣人赫然出现往另一个方向逃去。 Really has the black-clothed person?” don't said that is the guard on the scene, Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui somewhat were also scared. “真有黑衣人?”莫说是在场的侍卫,就连袁承志萧中慧也有些傻眼了。 Minute a squad person pursues that black-clothed person!” The guard leader quickly ordered, quick one team of guards quickly pursued in the direction that the black-clothed person escaped, but same place still keeps 110 guards. “分一小队人去追那黑衣人!”那侍卫首领急忙下令道,很快一队侍卫急忙往黑衣人逃跑的方向追了过去,不过原地依然留着百十个侍卫。 A Yuan Chengzhi brow wrinkle: Your what is this? How not to pursue the assassin, so many people dull here.” 袁承志眉头一皱:“你们这是什么意思?怎么不去追刺客,还有这么多人呆在这里。” The guard leader grins fiendishly: Because our times are ordered to apprehend Consort writing the empress!” 那侍卫首领狞笑一声:“因为我们这次是奉命捉拿文妃娘娘的!” Such remarks, Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui look changes, Xiao Zhonghui goes forward one step saying: Does not know that what matter this palace did violate to work fellow generals to come?” 此言一出,袁承志萧中慧纷纷色变,萧中慧上前一步说道:“不知本宫到底犯了什么事要劳动各位将军前来?” She becomes the noble concubine to have one year, among the graces has an elegant bearing, shakes many guards in abundance to lower the head. 她当上贵妃已有一年有余,举手投足之间自有一种雍容华贵的气度,震得不少侍卫纷纷低了头。 We presented Mr. left Yili complete(ly) order, the case needs to ask the empress to go to investigate.” Another guard young leader replied. “我们奉了左夷离毕大人的命令,有一个案件需要请娘娘前去调查。”另一个侍卫小头领答道。 Yuan Chengzhi snort/hum, kept off before the Xiao Zhonghui body: Absurd, Consort writing is the empress descendant of the imperial family status honored? Only left Yili does finish, what qualifications manages has to the empress? Drew back 10,000 steps saying that what matter even if the empress really violated, still had The Great Bureau of Vigilance, where was one's turn trivial foreign to meddle to complete(ly) Yuan?” 袁承志哼了一声,挡在了萧中慧身前:“岂有此理,文妃娘娘金枝玉叶身份何等尊贵?区区一个左夷离毕,有什么资格管到娘娘?退一万步说,就算娘娘真的犯了什么事,也自有大惕隐司,哪轮到区区夷离毕院插手?” Foreign to complete(ly) Yuan are the Liao Empire Ministry of Justice, The Great Bureau of Vigilance is the management imperial family and latter clan business, feels certainly by Yuan Chengzhi strange exceptionally, where can these of unknown origin to carry off Xiao Zhonghui. 夷离毕院就是辽国的刑部,大惕隐司则是管理皇族、后族事务,是以袁承志当然觉得古怪异常,哪能让这些来历不明的人把萧中慧带走。 The guard leader raises hand a gold medal: This is the emperor personally orders, is left finish institute plenary powers processing this time matter by foreign, if anybody dares to stop, executes summarily! Moreover Yuan Guannan comes and goes out the empress resting palace, suspicious, simultaneously grasped delivered to foreign to go to complete(ly) Yuan!” 那侍卫头领扬了扬手中一块金牌:“这是皇上亲自下令,由夷离毕院全权处理这次的事情,任何人若敢阻拦,格杀勿论!另外袁冠南出入后妃寝宫,形迹可疑,一起抓了送到夷离毕院去!”
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