FSM :: Volume #16

#1507: Sisters of having same problem

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Although Li Qinglu quick concealed, but how does the response of that flash conceal the truth has observed in the room situation Song Qingshu? 李清露虽然很快就掩饰了过去,但那一瞬间的反应又岂瞒得过一直观察屋内情形的宋青书 Li Qinglu wields Xixia (Western Xia) Ascendant Hall, martial arts is the outstanding person of younger generation, what can make her so rude?” Treasured sword that Song Qingshu looking pensive, cuts iron like mud......” 李清露执掌西夏一品堂,武功又是年轻一代的佼佼者,什么能让她这么失态呢?”宋青书若有所思,“削铁如泥的宝刀……” „Do your one group of people hit women not to be victorious also the having a face strange weapon?” A Yelu Yixin expecting too much appearance, rolls to me!” “你们一群人打一个女人都打不过还有脸怪武器?”耶律乙辛一副恨铁不成钢的模样,“给我滚!” Li Qinglu makes noise to urge at the right moment: Wei king does not need to blame your son, on Jianghu (rivers and lakes) the capable person different gentleman must, moreover there is the advantage of weapon, the young master suffers a loss also no wonder he.” 李清露适时出声劝道:“魏王也不用责怪令公子,江湖上能人异士多得很,而且还有兵器之利,公子吃亏也怪不得他。” Hears her to speak for oneself, Yelyu Sui casts the grateful vision immediately, thought that this Princess Xixia (Western Xia) not only the person grows beautiful, unexpectedly is so also with good intention. 听到她替自己说话,耶律绥顿时投去感激的目光,心想这个西夏公主不仅人长得美,居然也这般善解人意。 Good, looks in the Princess Yinchuan share, this time forgave you, has not gone, do not delay us to discuss the proper business.” Yelu Yixin stared son one eyes ruthlessly. “好吧,看在银川公主的份上,这次就饶了你,还不快滚下去,别耽误我们谈正事。”耶律乙辛狠狠地瞪了儿子一眼。 Yelyu Sui is helpless, has resentful however to walk, after coming out, the mouth non-stop muttering: Recently the father was getting more and more severe, is in front of bystander not well for me over?” 耶律绥无奈,只好悻悻然地走了出去,出来之后,嘴里不停咕哝着:“最近父亲越来越严厉了,难道是当着外人的面不好替我出头?” At this time Li Qinglu in room caused a look with no trace, the subordinate understands early, with, all these had not hidden the truth from the eye of Song Qingshu quietly, hesitant, sees here unable to hear what valuable information, then quietly with. 此时屋中的李清露不露痕迹地使了一个眼神,早有一个手下心领神会,悄悄跟了出去,这一切没有瞒过宋青书的眼睛,犹豫了一下,见这里也听不到什么有价值的信息,便悄悄跟了上去。 Saw only that Xixia (Western Xia) person to catch up with Yelyu Sui quietly , the female information that makes a veiled attack inquired before him bumps into, reason that because just the Li Qinglu help spoke, Yelyu Sui also had enough favorable impression to the Xixia (Western Xia) person, before quick was then inspired the mood , the matter of described in detail. 只见那西夏人悄悄追上了耶律绥也,旁敲侧击地询问关于他之前碰到的女子信息,因为刚刚李清露帮忙说话的缘故,耶律绥也对西夏人有足够好感,很快便被引动情绪将之前发生的事情更加详细地描述了一遍。 Song Qingshu knits the brows secretly, thought that Li Qinglu cared this matter does do, is difficult to be inadequate wants to pacify for Yelyu also over, flatters Yelu Yixin? However he denied this guess quickly, she after all is solemn country princess, terrorizes men and take their women to flatter others for the playboys, rather lowers the stance. 宋青书暗暗皱眉,心想李清露这么关心这件事干什么,难不成想替耶律绥也出头,借此讨好耶律乙辛?不过他很快就否定了这种猜测,她毕竟是堂堂一国公主,替纨绔子弟欺男霸女来讨好别人,未免太放低姿态。 When is having doubts, the hall that side transmitted the sound, Song Qingshu quickly flashed one side, originally was Xixia (Western Xia) one group of came out, Yelu Yixin to demonstrate friendship, even also delivered to the entrance them. 正疑惑之际,大厅那边传来了动静,宋青书急忙闪到一旁,原来是西夏一行人出来了,耶律乙辛为了显示友谊,甚至还将他们送到了门口。 Song Qingshu hesitant, finally decides to follow quietly after Li Qinglu and others, looked that actually she is up to mischief, after all the beforehand all somewhat are really unusual. 宋青书犹豫了一番,最终还是决定悄悄跟在李清露等人身后,看她究竟在搞什么鬼,毕竟之前的一切实在有些反常。 And said that at this time going to the capital suburbs, a simple and beautiful young married woman who wears the water blue fu fur garment stopped the footsteps suddenly: Your excellency was so long with me, should come?” The sound is clear, obviously is an extremely gentle female. 且说此时上京城郊,一个身披水蓝色的凫裘的清丽少妇忽然停下了脚步:“阁下跟了我这么久,也该现身了吧?”声音清脆柔腻,显然是一个极温柔的女子。 Little miss martial arts is really good, unexpectedly can discover my whereabouts.” After laughs, a black-clothed person jumps down from nearby tree, although is during the daytime, he is actually still hoodwinking the black turban, but from revealing the graying hair, could see that his age is big. “小姑娘果然武功不俗,居然能发现我的行踪。”一阵哈哈大笑过后,一个黑衣人从附近一棵树上跳了下来,虽然是白天,他却依然蒙着黑巾,不过从露出来的斑白头发,看得出他年纪已经不小了。 On the young married woman simple and beautiful face of flashes through one to blush, thought own children is several years old, shouted unexpectedly oneself little miss, but she also understands, this black-clothed person is perhaps old, shouts her little miss but actually also right: Does not know that what matter the senior does follow my behavior?” 少妇清丽的脸上闪过一丝红晕,心想自己孩子都几岁了,居然喊自己小姑娘,不过她也明白,这黑衣人恐怕年纪不小,喊她小姑娘倒也没错:“不知前辈一路跟着我所为何事?” The black-clothed person smiles: Also no other matters, want taking advantage of a treasured sword view that the madame carries.” Is saying while points at that blade that behind her is carrying. 那黑衣人笑了笑:“也没什么其他事,就是想借夫人背着的宝刀一观。”一边说着一边指着她背后背着的那柄刀。 The young married woman look changes, replied slightly neither arrogant nor servile: This is the late husband relic, inconveniences, but also looks at the senior to excuse me.” How she could not see that the opposite party is the blade comes for this reason, borrows a blade view as for anything, but is the polite speech. 少妇微微色变,不卑不亢地答道:“此乃先夫遗物,不便与人,还望前辈见谅。”她又如何看不出对方是为此刀而来,至于什么借刀一观,只不过是场面话而已。 That was really was a pity......” that black-clothed person sighed, the words had not said that the body advantage of terrain moved, the whole person just like a black Great Peng bird, blotted out the sky to throw toward the young married woman. “那真是太可惜了……”那黑衣人叹了口气,话还没说完身形便动了,整个人犹如一只黑色大鹏鸟,铺天盖地往少妇扑了过去。 The young married woman has alerted obviously, the wrist/skill shook a bell gold/metal Szo to attack toward the opposite party from an inconceivable angle, in black clothes person heart one cold, has in midway to change to evading this struck. 那少妇显然早已有所戒备,手腕一抖一条银铃金索以一个不可思议的角度往对方攻了过去,黑衣人心中一凛,只好中途变向躲过了这一击。 The young married women do not stay, in the hand Silver Bell and Golden Lock just like the flood dragon to mysteriously appear and disappear toward the opposite party to attack in the clouds, stirred up that black-clothed person to call out in alarm again and again: Little miss martial arts achieved this grade of boundary unexpectedly, is really impressive.” 少妇毫不停留,手中银铃金锁犹如云中蛟龙神出鬼没往对方攻了过去,惹得那黑衣人惊呼连连:“小姑娘武功居然达到了这等境界,实在是让人惊叹。” The young married woman does not have slightly the happiness, because she long rope in the hand has stimulated to movement the pinnacle, what a pity cannot do to the opposite party, obviously martial arts of black-clothed person was higher than her planned incessantly. 那少妇却没有丝毫高兴之情,因为她已经将手中长索催动到了极致,可惜还是奈何不了对方,显然黑衣人的武功比她高了不止一筹。 Sure enough, has settled on her makes a move way after this period of time that black-clothed person, suddenly the figure flashes, makes the attack of young married woman fail continuously, several breath time have bullied into her three chi (0.33 m). 果不其然,经过这段时间那黑衣人已经看准了她出招的路数,忽然身形一闪,连续让少妇的攻击落空,几个呼吸时间已经欺入她身旁三尺之内。 Such near distance that long rope does not have the opportunity, the young married woman is hurried, but is not chaotic, drew out the back long blade directly, this blade cutting edge only reveals half foot, the sixth branch sees the desolate together azure light lasing, when that blade draws out the sheath, the cold light twinkle is uncertain, bountiful does not dare to offend its front by martial arts of black-clothed person, after crying out strangely, falls back on beyond one zhang (3.33 m). 这么近的距离那长索已经没了用武之地,少妇慌而不乱,直接拔出了背后的长刀,此刀刃口只露出半尺,巳见冷森森一道青光激射而出,待那刀刃拔出鞘来,寒光闪烁不定,饶是以黑衣人的武功也不敢直撄其锋,怪叫一声后退到一丈之外。 Looks the cold light that on the knife is glittering, black-clothed person to praise sighed: Really is the treasured sword in legend.” 望着刀身上闪烁的寒光,黑衣人赞叹道:“果然是传说中的宝刀。” Young married woman brow slightly pressed, thinks late husband this blade, although is also the rare good blade, but the fame in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) is actually well below slaughter dragon blade, does not know that this person of blade why so careful. 少妇眉头微蹙,心想先夫这把刀虽然也是难得的好刀,但在江湖中的名气却远远不如屠龙刀,也不知道这人为何对此刀如此上心。 „Can little miss listen to the story of talent can arouse jealousy?” The black-clothed person making a move, is not instead opening the mouth to say anxiously. “小姑娘可听过怀璧其罪的故事?”黑衣人并不急着出手,反而开口道。 Has naturally listened.” Young married women light snort/hum, simultaneously with rapt attention alert, at present this black-clothed person martial arts strange tall, if beforehand, perhaps have not been an opponent, passed on master Menzhi the high marvelous ability to give itself thanks to that person, this can support such for a long time. Thinks that cultivates that marvelous ability the process, in the young married woman simple and beautiful facial features of floats charming blushing suddenly. “自然听过。”少妇轻哼一声,同时凝神戒备,眼前这黑衣人武功奇高,若是以前的自己,恐怕早已不是对手,多亏那人传了师门至高神功给自己,这才能支持这么久。想到修炼那门神功的过程,少妇清丽的面容上忽然浮上一层妩媚的红晕。 The bonus is that black-clothed person is old, at this time also somewhat absent-minded: Is the human world is really outstandingly beautiful.” 饶是那黑衣人年纪已大,此时也不禁有些失神:“真乃人间绝色。” However he experiences for a long time the storm after all, then thinks quickly oneself goal, opens the mouth saying: This is not you can have the blade, will keep in the hand only to draw on the disaster to you reluctantly.” 不过他毕竟久经风浪,很快便想到了自己此行的目的,开口道:“这把刀不是你能拥有的,勉强留在手里只会给你招来灾祸。” The young married women sneer again and again: I cannot have, can you have?” 少妇冷笑连连:“我不能拥有,你就能拥有了么?” The black-clothed person cross the hands behind the back to stand, said proudly: Old man naturally has the skill to defend this blade.” 黑衣人负手而立,傲然道:“老夫自然有本事守住这柄刀。” The young married women get angry: Late husband relic, how could, has itself skill to take!” 少妇怒道:“先夫遗物,岂能给人,有本事就自己来取吧!” The black-clothed person look transfers coldly: „The old man offended.” Acts again, the palm wind that his speed as well as acts, compared with also wanted quick strong one time a moment ago, the young married woman can also in the treasured sword by the hand strive the support from the beginning, but after twenty moves, she makes a move to start dark to stagnate, as if will be attacked to hit by the opposite party momentarily. 黑衣人眼神转冷:“那老夫就得罪了。”再次出手,他的速度以及出手的掌风,比刚才还要快强一倍,少妇一开始还能凭借手中宝刀勉力支撑,可二十几招过后,她出手已开始晦滞,仿佛随时都会被对方攻击击中。 Also crossed several moves, the black-clothed person aims at a flaw finally, a palm according to above the knife, the young married woman such as by thunder Shi, the whole person was dropped the ground. 又过了数招,黑衣人终于瞅准一个破绽,一掌按在了刀身之上,少妇如遭雷噬,整个人跌落到了地上。 black-clothed person time not to the opportunity that she pants for breath, attacked to try the blade to seize directly, this time young married woman within the body vitality turned wells up, must restored the strength to be least also takes after three breath, at this time which also had the strength of resistance? 黑衣人这次没有给她喘息的机会,直接攻了过去试图将刀夺下来,此时的少妇体内气血翻涌,要恢复战力最少也要三个呼吸过后,这时哪还有反抗之力? Saw that the black-clothed person will soon work, suddenly not far away hears one to scold tenderly, the black-clothed person split vision sweeps to thing of lasing a golden color. 眼看黑衣人即将得逞,忽然不远处传来一声娇叱,黑衣人余光扫到一金色之物激射而来。 He does not dare to pull rank, can only give up attacking, turned over/stood up to seize, looks to insert that golden dart on one side tree, suddenly some color deteriorations: Golden snake awl!” 他不敢托大,只能放弃进攻,一个翻身夺了过去,看着插在一旁树上的那根金色飞镖,一时间有些变色:“金蛇锥!” Elder Sister Bing Xue'er, you are all right.” At this time delicate eyebrows phoenix, the female of jade cheek cherry lips supported that young married woman in the past, although she also combed the chignon of young married woman, but the cheek skin is fair and healthy-looking, wants compared with the young girl seriously snow white fresh-faced. 冰雪儿姐姐,你没事吧。”此时一个秀眉凤目,玉颊樱唇的女子过去扶住了那少妇,尽管她自己也是梳了少妇的发髻,不过脸蛋皮肤白里透红,当真是比少女还要雪白粉嫩。 „Is Qingqing (light green), you?” The young married woman is pleasantly surprised, this little while time she has recuperated along within the body True Qi, what makes her happy is this time runs into the acquaintance. 青青,是你?”那少妇又惊又喜,这会儿功夫她已经调理顺了体内真气,不过更让她高兴的是此时遇到熟人。 Originally this young married woman is long-separated for a long time Hu Yidao widow Bing Xue'er, initially after she and Song Qingshu distinguished, these years have been searching in secret the clue that killed husband personal enemy Murong Jingyue, checked on Capital City gradually, who knows that just entered a city to bump into playboys to go forward to sexually harass, she will teach the opposite party one to think from now on these male servant mouths claimed he was Wei king young master, knows that the Yelu Yixin power and influence was dreadful, to avoid troubling, she planned to go out of town to hide the lying low head, who knows that just went out of town shortly after entangling by this mysterious black-clothed person. 原来这少妇就是阔别已久的胡一刀的遗孀冰雪儿,当初她与宋青书分别后,这些年一直在暗中查找着杀夫仇人慕容景岳的线索,渐渐地查到了上京城这边来,谁知道刚进城就碰到了一纨绔子弟上前调戏,她教训了对方一顿过后想到那些家丁口中声称他是魏王的公子,知道耶律乙辛权势滔天,为了避免麻烦,她打算出城躲躲风头,谁知道刚出城没多久就被这神秘黑衣人给缠上了。 As for other this flesh fair and healthy-looking woman naturally was Xia Qingqing, initially she prepared to look for Dongfang Muxue to hold the enmity of Yuan Chengzhi, finally from the Dongfang Muxue mouth knew that Yuan Chengzhi was very possible not dead, she was pleasantly surprised with Dongfang Muxue returned to Yanjing together, when helps the opposite party processed the politics start to investigate the Yuan Chengzhi's information, finally checked some people to go to Capital City to see the person who and Yuan Chengzhi looked like very much, therefore she then started to catch up toward here. 至于另外这个肌肤白里透红的女人自然就是夏青青了,当初她本来准备找东方暮雪袁承志之仇,结果从东方暮雪口中得知袁承志很可能没死,她又惊又喜与东方暮雪一起回到了燕京,帮对方处理政事之余开始调查袁承志的信息,最后查到有人在上京城见过和袁承志很像的人,于是她便启程往这边赶来。 Was deliberately considering words that all the way Dongfang Muxue and she spoke, how even found Yuan Chengzhi, you can also return to and him has come? 一路上都在寻思东方暮雪和她说的话,就算找到了袁承志又如何,难道你还能回到过去和他重新来过? Xia Qingqing is also very confused, innumerable late at night she is engaging in introspection, if Yuan Chengzhi is also living, between him and Song Qingshu she will elect anyone, although the reason told is in itself Madam Yuan, but she actually discovered that Song Qingshu occupies own atrium completely, although his very unfaithful/stamen, glib...... 夏青青也很迷茫,无数个深夜她都在扪心自问,如果袁承志还活着,在他与宋青书之间她会选谁,虽然理智告诉自己是袁夫人,可她却发现宋青书已经完全占据了自己的心房,虽然他很花心,又油嘴滑舌…… I also really am a bad woman......”, although in the heart had the choice, but her decision goes to the capital, determines the Yuan Chengzhi's whereabouts, thoroughly settled own past. When is swayed by personal gains and losses, suddenly hears not far away to hear the fighting sound, running to look to discover that one of them is Bing Xue'er, initially just and Song Qingshu good on time, two people have met, although knows that she is the Hu Yidao widow, but also knows relations between her and Song Qingshu. “我还真是个坏女人啊……”尽管心中有了选择,但是她还是决定来上京一趟,确定袁承志的下落,彻底了结自己的过去。正患得患失之际,忽然听到不远处传来打斗声,跑过去一看发现其中一人是冰雪儿,当初刚和宋青书好上的时候,两人见过面,虽然知道她是胡一刀的遗孀,但也知道她和宋青书之间的关系。 Because two people with are the widows, therefore somewhat has same problem, although two female present could have been love rival to a certain extent, but they being rivals for sexual favor meaning does not have, instead takes as the friend the opposite party. 正因为两人同为遗孀,所以有些同病相怜,虽然某种程度上两女如今已算得上情敌,可是她们却一点争风吃醋的意思也没有,反而把对方引为知己。 Sees Bing Xue'er to be in danger, how Xia Qingqing will stand by, was several golden snake awls shoots to go out to save her directly. 看到冰雪儿遇险,夏青青岂会袖手旁观,直接就是几记金蛇锥射了出去救下她。 Golden snake sword!” Sees in the Xia Qingqing hand the glittering sword, the black-clothed person hesitates instantaneously, he fears new Xia Qingqing actually not, although she martial arts is not weak, but two females jointly are not the opponents. What he dreads is behind Xia Qingqing that Man Golden Serpent King Song Qingshu. “金蛇剑!”看到夏青青手中金光闪闪的剑,黑衣人瞬间迟疑起来,他倒不是怕新来的夏青青,她虽然武功不弱,但两女联手都不是自己对手。他忌惮的是夏青青背后的那个男人-金蛇王宋青书 Although Song Qingshu and Xia Qingqing have not publicized the relations, but everyone is not a blind person, more or less also guessed correctly, always some baseless rumors passed on, because Song Qingshu these year of performance were extremely powerful, without whom thought that had what improper, instead thought that Xia Qingqing with him is natural, the beautiful woman matched the hero. 尽管宋青书夏青青从来没有公开过关系,但大家又不是瞎子,或多或少也猜到了些,总有些风言风语传出来,不过因为宋青书这些年表现太过强大,也没谁觉得有什么不妥,反而觉得夏青青跟了他才是理所当然,美女配英雄嘛。 Your excellency, since recognizes is the golden snake sword, but can also continue to hit?” Xia Qingqing also dreaded that martial arts of this person, for fear that compelled sharply to come a fight in which both sides perish him when the time comes. “阁下既然认得是金蛇剑,还要继续打下去么?”夏青青也忌惮此人的武功,生怕把他逼急了到时候来个鱼死网破。 The black-clothed person look the hesitant color, but the vision falls to the Bing Xue'er hand above the treasured sword, the look finally becomes firm: What old man asked was only this blade, looked in the Golden Serpent King face, you gave me the blade, I ensure did not injure your hair.” 黑衣人面露犹豫之色,不过目光落到冰雪儿手中宝刀之上,眼神最终又变得坚定起来:“老夫所求的只是这把刀而已,看在金蛇王的面子上,你们把刀交给我,我保证不伤你们一根头发。”
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