FSM :: Volume #15

#1497: Consort Crown prince( second)

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Cheng'an princess?” Hears this name, Song Qingshu original cavity anger vanishes suddenly without a trace, the subconsciousness looks toward behind, sees only one team of knight fresh clothes high-spirited horses to crowd around a gorgeous carriage, behind also follows some maidservant servants and so on, again behind is one group of belt/bring armor soldiers, can see astutely each one powerful, is in the army the expert. “成安郡主?”听到这个名字,宋青书本来一腔怒火忽然消失得无影无踪,下意识往后面看去,只见一队骑士鲜衣怒马簇拥着一辆华美的马车,后面还跟着些丫鬟奴仆之类的,再后面则是一群带甲士兵,看得出个个多精明强悍,是军中好手。 Song Qingshu looks diligently toward the carriage, what a pity his martial arts is high, does not have the means to put on the wall perspective/see through, is unable to see clearly is Yelu Nanxian. 宋青书努力往马车里望去,可惜他武功再高,也没办法穿墙透视,无法看清里面是不是耶律南仙 Brat, looks at anything to look, believed to dig your eye.” The knight sees Song Qingshu to pay no attention to itself, instead an eye shifty-eyed looks toward the carriage that side, cannot help but angry. “臭小子,看什么看,信不信挖了你的眼睛。”那骑士见宋青书不理自己,反而一双眼睛贼眉鼠眼往马车那边瞧,不由得大怒。 In Song Qingshu heart dark anger, at this moment in the carriage broadcasts a light sound: Ok, walks.” 宋青书心中暗怒,就在这时马车里传来一个淡淡的声音:“算了,走吧。” Song Qingshu hears one happily, listened indeed is the Yelu Nanxian sound, what made him feel strange, the beforehand Yelu Nanxian sound was gentle and charming, there is aloof makings, although now the sound is still delightful, but was actually short of nimble and resourceful in ordinary day, were many several interest is wanings desolate Szo. 宋青书听得一喜,听出了的确是耶律南仙的声音,不过让他奇怪的是,之前的耶律南仙声音娇柔动听,有一种超然物外的气质,如今声音虽然依然悦耳,可是却少了平日里的灵动,多了几丝意兴阑珊的萧索。 Pitifully only Yelu Nanxian said a few words will not have opened the mouth from now on again . Moreover the meaning of slightly not having made an appearance, the curtain screen of carriage has not drawn tiny bit. 只可惜耶律南仙说了一句话过后就再也没有开口了,而且丝毫没有露面的意思,马车的帘子一丝一毫都没有拉起来。 Gazes after the motorcade to enter a city gradually, when Song Qingshu is in a daze, Zhao Min arrives at his side to say taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: „, Solemn simultaneous/uniform king, martial arts in the world ranks among the best, unexpectedly by a soldier bullying.” 目送着车队渐渐进城,宋青书正发呆之际,赵敏来到他身边幸灾乐祸地说道:“啧啧,堂堂的齐王,武功天底下数一数二,居然被一个小兵给欺负了。” „Did dog bite your you also to bite?” Song Qingshu does not care said. “狗咬了你一口难道你也要咬回去么?”宋青书不在意地说道。 I, although will not nip, but will give it at least a stick.” Zhao Min snort/hum, the finger shot a stone bullet to the horse leg of that knight above, after the horse is frightened, stands erect, that knight unexpected under falls on the ground falls the mouthful is the blood. “我虽然不会咬回去,但起码会给它一棍子。”赵敏哼了一声,手指一弹一颗石子弹到了那骑士的马腿之上,马受惊后直立而起,那个骑士猝不及防之下摔在地上摔得满嘴都是血。 Giggle ~ Zhao Min exudes the intermittent euphonious laughter, at heart was then comfortable.” “咯咯~”赵敏发出阵阵银铃般的笑声,“这下心里舒服了。” Returning justice for injustice, the princess seriously is a hero.” Song Qingshu cannot bear give the thumbs-up. “以直报怨,郡主当真是女中豪杰。”宋青书也忍不住竖起了大拇指。 I am still living you air/Qi ~ “我还在生你气呢~” „Weren't you speak with me?” “你不是都和我说话了么?” Who tells you to speak represented is not angry?” “谁告诉你说话了就代表不生气了?” ~ “呃~” Two people this is quarrelling to enter a city all the way, unknowingly arrived at Zhao Min that private residence. 两人就这样一路上拌着嘴进了城,不知不觉就来到了赵敏的那处私宅。 Seeing only in the garden the rock is unadorned, the stream pond is limpid, in the garden the room are not many, actually is really exquisite, Song Qingshu cannot help but sighed: Also has such refined place in the north, the princess is really the lofty person.” 只见园中山石古拙,溪池清澈,园中房间不多,却甚是精巧,宋青书不由得感叹道:“在北方还有这样雅致的地方,郡主果然是高雅之人。” Here actually only could be careless.” Zhao Min seemed recounting that an everyday event is common. “这里其实只算得上马马虎虎了。”赵敏仿佛只是在述说一件平常事一般。 Song Qingshu thinks she can do a green Liushan village in the desert, pouring also thought that at present this manor was not anything. 宋青书一想到她能在沙漠中搞出一个绿柳山庄,倒也觉得眼前这庄园不算什么了。 Zhao Min leads Song Qingshu to settle in the garden, then leads him to arrive at the study room, has the servant to serve tea early, the tea is the best quality goods Longjing tea of Jiangnan, Song Qingshu has to sigh, these top aristocrats will really enjoy, here house Zhao Min one year also not necessarily comes one time, various prepared things actually good, is really luxurious. 赵敏领着宋青书在园子里安顿下来,然后带着他来到书房,早有仆人奉茶上来,茶是江南的极品龙井,宋青书不得不感叹,这些顶级贵族真会享受,这里的宅子赵敏一年也未必来一次,备的各种东西却都是上好的,真是奢侈啊。 May not have to regard the ordinary servant to regard them as for these servant Song Qingshu, can be selected as goes to the capital the servant here secret foothold, each one is the Mongolia top secret agent. 至于那些仆人宋青书可没把他们当成普通仆人看待,能被选为上京这里秘密据点的仆人,想必个个都是蒙古的顶级密探。 Song Qingshu felt breath rhythm of these people quietly, really each one martial arts is not weak. 宋青书悄悄感受了一下这些人的呼吸韵律,果然个个武功不弱。 Sent away the servant, Zhao Min then opened the mouth saying: You besides knowing Murong Jingyue in going to the capital, hasn't had other information?” 屏退了下人,赵敏这才开口道:“你除了知道慕容景岳在上京之外,还有没有别的信息?” Song Qingshu knows that this is the matter that she most cares about, suddenly also received the supercilious expression: Obtained the news he to camouflage a Khitan official, but does not know what he camouflaged was.” 宋青书知道这是她最关心的事情,一时间也收起了玩世不恭的表情:“得到消息他应该伪装成了一个契丹官员,可是不知道他伪装的是谁。” Greatly faintly in towards/dynasty, no wonder I started Prince of Ruyang mansion all intelligence networks not to check his news before, originally he hides in Liao Empire.” Zhao Min said indignantly, she checked the places of three possibilities before, what a pity the proof is false, now wants to come him to hide in Mongolia the royal government of ally Khitan, agreed without consultation seriously under lamp black three characters. “大隐隐于朝,难怪我之前发动汝阳王府所有情报网也查不到他的消息,原来他藏身在辽国。”赵敏愤愤不平地说道,她之前查到了三个可能的地方,可惜事后证明都是假的,现在想来他藏身于蒙古的盟友契丹的朝廷之中,当真是暗合了“灯下黑”三个字。 But Khitan although now declines, but on the officials in Capital City 1000 800, do not find Murong Jingyue is also easier said than done.” The Song Qingshu forced smile said. “可是契丹如今虽然没落,但上京城的官员没有一千也有八百,要找到一个慕容景岳又谈何容易。”宋青书苦笑道。 So long as knows he here, can always clutch him.” Zhao Min said self-confident, in this year she was suffered unbearably by the Murong Jingyue toxicant, in looking for his whereabouts, in the heart has been suppressing one group of evil fires. “只要知道了他在这里,总能把他揪出来。”赵敏充满自信地说道,这一年来她被慕容景岳的毒药折磨得够呛,一直在找他的下落,心中早已憋着一团邪火。 Then Zhao Min calls here head, then prepares to plant the material of Capital City respectively analyzes, while inquired them about getting up the confidence of some Capital City official aristocrats, Song Qingshu somewhat was on the contrary idle in one side. 接下来赵敏将这里的负责人召集起来,然后准备各种上京城的资料一边分析,一边询问他们关于上京城一些官员贵族的信心,宋青书反倒在一旁有些无所事事。 I investigate to look that to outside can have anything to harvest.” Song Qingshu cannot bear open the mouth to say. “我到外面去调查一下看会不会有什么收获吧。”宋青书忍不住开口道。 The Zhao Min knitting the brows head, she does not think that such little while time Song Qingshu goes out to check anything, but sees him unable to help dull here, in addition here after all is the Mongolia secret intelligence foothold, making him have inconvenient dull here, therefore then agreement. 赵敏皱了皱眉头,她不认为这么会儿功夫宋青书出去就能查到什么,不过见他呆在这里也帮不上忙,再加上这里毕竟是蒙古的秘密情报据点,让他呆在这里也多有不便,于是便同意了。 Song Qingshu comes out from the garden, in going to Capital City strolled, besides understanding here local conditions and social customs indeed anything harvested does not have. 宋青书从园子里出来,在上京城闲逛了一阵,除了了解了一下这边的风土人情之外的确什么收获也没有。 You hear have not had, the Cheng'an princess must marry the Xixia crown prince immediately!” The chat contents of time several Khitan people passed by a tavern attracted Song Qingshu instantaneously. “你们听说过没有,成安郡主马上要嫁给西夏的太子了!”路过一家酒馆的时候几个契丹人的聊天内容瞬间吸引了宋青书 Cheng'an princess martial arts person of high skill and beautiful, if the angel, were really cheap Xixia that brat.” One of them said indignantly. “成安郡主武功又高人又美若天仙,真是便宜西夏那臭小子了。”其中一人愤愤不平地说道。 Another Khitan people sighed: Also is my Great Liao today we are no longer as we have been, unexpectedly request in Xixia this past attached vassal state.” 另一个契丹人叹了口气:“也是我大辽今非昔比,居然要求于西夏这个昔日的附属藩国。” Xixia this person with no mind of his own, to my Great Liao low eyebrow along the eye, Jin Empire one, changed the entrance before finally immediately, the country that like this double dealings is perfidious, marries the Cheng'an princess that side, will not be a double loss.” 西夏这个墙头草,之前对我大辽低眉顺目,结果金国一来,立马改换门庭,这样两面三刀背信弃义的国家,把成安郡主嫁到那边,不会赔了夫人又折兵吧。” „The Xixia person married the Cheng'an princess, if not fulfill the commitment, father goes all out also to kill the Lingzhou city.” 西夏人娶了成安郡主,若是不履行承诺,老子拼了命也要杀到灵州城去。” „, You must have that skill might as well to make under the emperor the aim bestow you princess!” “切,你要有那个本事还不如让皇上下旨把郡主赐给你呢!” ...... …… When heard several people's discussions, in the Song Qingshu heart appears Yelu Nanxian to depart initially renouncing, thinks a moment ago city gate dejected in her voice, suddenly in the heart was turbulent, cannot repress again, inquired on the road Wei Wangfu in the direction, was then burning with impatience toward that side hurries. 听到几个人的讨论,宋青书心中浮现出耶律南仙当初离去时的决绝,想到了刚才城门口她声音中的心灰意冷,一时间心中波涛汹涌,再也按捺不住,在路上打听了一下魏王府所在方向,便心急火燎往那边赶去。 Wei Wangfu occupied an enormous dwelling in inch of land worth an inch of gold on Capital City, Yelyu Yixin can be inferred in the Liao Empire power and influence. Although Wei Wangfu guards sternly, but by the Song Qingshu present martial arts, imperial palace round trip free, dives secretly the mansion under the cover of dim light of night is not a difficult matter. 魏王府在寸土寸金的上京城内占了一片极大的宅院,耶律乙辛在辽国的权势可见一斑。虽然魏王府守卫森严,但以宋青书如今的武功,皇宫都来去自如,在夜色的掩护下偷偷潜进府邸并不是难事。 These year of various sinkings made Song Qingshu become the expert in architectural composition, roughly sized up to guess correctly the place that the female member was, sought for the past, finally found the Yelu Nanxian boudoir. 这些年各种潜入让宋青书成了建筑布局方面的专家,大致打量一下就猜出了内眷所在的地方,一路寻找过去,终于找到了耶律南仙的闺房。 Well, how does the entrance have the guard to defend?” Sees courtyard entrance these belt/bring blade guards, Song Qingshu is startled, must know that outside the general official mansion inner apartments the dwelling separates, the inner apartments are the female family members are , the guard cannot enter the inner apartments. “咦,怎么门口都有侍卫守着?”看到院子门口那些带刀侍卫,宋青书不禁一怔,要知道一般官员府邸内宅外宅是分开的,内宅是女眷所在,侍卫是不能进内宅的。 Had an accident?” Song Qingshu cannot bear again, movement art stimulates to movement the pinnacle, flew into the courtyard from the midair directly, where these guards expect some people able to fly from their heads silently, does not know that what happened. “难道出什么事了?”宋青书再也忍不住,轻功催动到极致,直接从半空飞进了院子,这些侍卫哪料到有人能无声无息从他们头上飞过,根本不知道发生了什么事。 After entering the courtyard, saw from afar Yelu Nanxian sits on the window looks at the bright moonlight of space to be in a daze, in the evening the cold wind flap flap blows her clothes sleeve to be floating, as if will jump down momentarily general from above, Song Qingshu one anxious, quickly flew to throw in the room her from the window in the past. 进了院子后,远远看到耶律南仙坐在窗户上望着天上的明月发呆,晚上寒风猎猎吹得她衣袂飘飘,仿佛随时会从上面跳下来一般,宋青书一急,急忙飞过去将她从窗户上扑到了屋内。 Is attacked suddenly, Yelu Nanxian is also in great surprise, the instinct waves to start to counter-attack, her martial arts ranked among the best in the Liao Empire younger generation, only if bumps into becomes famous a Jianghu (rivers and lakes) many years of grandmaster, otherwise self-preservation no worries. 骤然遇袭,耶律南仙也是大惊,本能地挥手开始反击,她武功在辽国年轻一代中本就数一数二,除非碰到一些成名江湖多年的宗师,否则自保无虞。 Pitifully only she just lifted the hand to discover when oneself were trigged by the opposite party, the panic-stricken desire called for help, the appearance that suddenly recognized the opposite party, was startled: Qingshu?” 只可惜她刚抬手发现自己就被对方制住了,正惊骇欲呼救之时,忽然认出了对方的样子,不由一怔:“青书?” Song Qingshu quickly said: Has do not jump from an upper story, all that anything cannot look on the bright side of thing have me, will have me not to make you marry Crown Prince Xixia.” 宋青书急忙说道:“有什么想不开的也别跳楼啊,一切有我呢,有我在不会让你嫁给西夏太子的。” The Yelu Nanxian facial expression is strange: You think that I do want to jump from an upper story?” 耶律南仙神情古怪:“你以为我要跳楼?” Isn't?” Song Qingshu also realized gradually oneself possibly made a Black Dragon/mishap. “难道不是?”宋青书也渐渐意识到自己可能弄了个乌龙。 Why do I want to jump from an upper story?” Yelu Nanxian shoved open him, said lightly. “我为什么要跳楼?”耶律南仙推开了他,淡淡地说道。 „, You were compelled to marry Crown Prince Xixia, is incapable of revolting, suddenly could not look on the bright side of thing......” Song Qingshu more saying that more did not have the energy. “呃,你被逼嫁给西夏太子,又无力反抗,一时间想不开……”宋青书越说越没底气。 Yelu Nanxian looked at his one eyes, replied: I am voluntary.” 耶律南仙看了他一眼,答道:“我自愿的。” The words of „Ah?” Song Qingshu full belly were compelled instantaneously. “啊?”宋青书满肚子的话瞬间被逼了回去。 Quick he responded, some said shamefully and angrily: „It is not good, I cannot make you marry other men.” 很快他反应过来,有些恼羞成怒地说道:“不行,我不能让你嫁给其他男人。” You are really overbearing,” matter that Yelu Nanxian knitting the brows head, previous time bullied me has not asked you to do accounts, you also arrange my matter unexpectedly.” “你这人真霸道,”耶律南仙皱了皱眉头,“上次欺负了我的事还没找你算账呢,你居然还来安排我的事。” The Song Qingshu breath obstructs, thinks that previous time at the matter of Yangzhou, somewhat said awkwardly: „The previous time matter is I am unfair to you, but that is really an accident/surprise......” 宋青书呼吸一窒,想到上次在扬州的事情,不禁有些尴尬地说道:“上次的事情是我对不起你,不过那真是个意外……” Yelu Nanxian broke him: Accidental/Surprised also good , matter has happened intentionally in any case, said again these are also useless.” 耶律南仙打断了他:“意外也好,故意也罢,反正事情已经发生,再说这些也无用。” This actually,” the Song Qingshu forced smile said, „the Nanxian (southern Immortal) younger sister, you felt relieved I will be responsible.” “这倒是,”宋青书苦笑道,“南仙妹子,你放心我会负责的。” Yelu Nanxian complexion slightly red, spat one: Who wants you to be responsible for!” 耶律南仙脸色微红,啐了一口:“谁要你负责!” That late......” Song Qingshu just opened the mouth, Yelu Nanxian broke him: Female your Han people female so many customs on our prairie, that late matter have not happened happened, I do not need you to be responsible, do not think that I...... will regard myself your person with you like the Han people female like that.” “那晚……”宋青书刚刚开口,耶律南仙就打断了他:“我们草原上的女子没你们汉人女子那么多规矩,那晚的事情发生了就发生了,我不需要你负责,你也别以为我会像汉人女子那般和你……就会把自己当成你的人。” Naturally cannot.” Song Qingshu sincere said that person who his later generation passes through, how also to think both sides had the relations, can in the same place? A later generation night- The sentiment, makes that anything should not be too common. “当然不会。”宋青书正色说道,他一个后世穿越的人,又岂会觉得双方发生了关系,就一定要在一起?后世一夜--情、约那啥不要太常见。 Ok, you can walk.” Yelu Nanxian stands near the window, the moonlight sprinkled on her face as if put on a quiet sparkling stone light, I will soon become Consort Xixia crown prince after all, cannot fall the person pretext.” “好了,你可以走了。”耶律南仙站在窗边,月光洒在她脸上仿佛披上了一层静谧的莹光,“我毕竟即将成为西夏太子妃,不能落人口实。” Sees her lightly such as the vision of water, Song Qingshu somewhat is angry: „Have you seen that Crown Prince Xixia?” 看到她平淡如水的目光,宋青书不禁有些恼怒起来:“你见过那个西夏太子?” No.” Yelu Nanxian shakes the head. “没有。”耶律南仙摇了摇头。 Sees has not seen, why doesn't he marry?” The Song Qingshu anger said. “见都没见过,为什么非他不嫁?”宋青书怒道。 „The opposite party as a country crown prince, the status does not calculate that brought disgrace on me, let alone Emperor Xixia is older, before long he can ascend the throne, when the time comes I am an empress, does not know how many women envy unable to envy, why don't I marry?” On the Yelu Nanxian face is hanging one happy expression, seems recounting one with the irrelevant matter. “对方身为一国太子,身份也不算辱没了我,更何况西夏皇帝年老,过不了几年他就能登基,到时候我就是皇后,也不知道多少女人羡慕都羡慕不来,我为什么不嫁?”耶律南仙脸上挂着一丝浅浅的笑意,仿佛在述说着一件与自己毫不相关的事情。
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