FSM :: Volume #15

#1491: Bets all

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The song jade sound is cold: flatter tiger especially your big courage, the record of the emperor's daily activities is the imperial family secret, besides the daily life shed person, cannot read the emperors at will, you dare the illicit intercourse official historian to read the record of the emperor's daily activities unexpectedly!” 歌璧声音冷冽无比:“阿虎特你好大的胆子,起居注乃皇室机密,除了起居舍人之外,连皇上都不能随意翻看,你竟然敢私通史官翻看起居注!” Pu Chaa tiger seems to have expected her to question especially, replied unhurriedly: That is because I am worried about the big gold/metal the national destiny, if the proof is I have groundless fears, I am willing to undertake the peeping record of the emperor's daily activities charge. Tang Kuobian, you ought to explain now.” 蒲察阿虎特似乎早就料到她会如此诘问,不慌不忙地答道:“那是因为我担心大金的国运,若是事后证明是我杞人忧天,我愿意承担偷看起居注的罪名。唐括辩,现在你总该解释一下了吧。” The song declines with thanks has not replied with enough time, Pu Chaa tiger continues to say especially: You will not also say that is because on the emperor has the wound to cause unable the favor and trust imperial concubine imperial concubine? Is what wound is so serious, my time led several Capital City famous doctors to come, making them give the emperor to diagnose.” 歌璧还没来得及答话,蒲察阿虎特又继续地说道:“你不会又说是因为皇上身上有伤导致不能宠信嫔妃吧?到底是什么伤这么严重,我这次带了几个京城名医来,让他们给皇上诊治一下。” Scoundrel, isn't your does not believe the diagnosis of imperial physician institute?” Under the song jade has the person to speak the rebuttal to say. “混账,你这不是不信太医院的诊断?”歌璧麾下另有人出言反驳道。 „The medical skill of imperial physicians I am naturally trustworthy, but the imperial physician institute under Tang Kuobian your control, I suspected whether very much they dare to speak the truth.” Pu Chaa tiger will direct the spearhead at Tang Kuobian especially again. “太医们的医术我自然是信得过的,不过太医院在唐括辩你的控制下,我很怀疑他们是否敢说实话。”蒲察阿虎特再次将矛头指向了唐括辩 In song Bi heart trembles, the imperial physician institute indeed was used various combining threats with inducements methods subduing by her, otherwise emperor so-called injury cannot conceal the truth. 歌璧心中一颤,太医院的确被她用各种威逼利诱的手段给收服了,不然皇帝所谓的“伤势”根本瞒不住。 You slander!” The song jade did not speak, naturally had his subordinate official charged with remonstrating with the emperor to help the slapping in the face weaponry, the quick both sides respective supporter of then quarrelled one group. “你这是污蔑!”歌璧不说话,自然有其麾下的言官帮忙打嘴仗,很快双方各自的支持者便吵成一团。 Another evidence.” Pu Chaa tiger was especially big voice to roar, the scene was instantaneously peaceful, each one is waiting for his new evidence. “还有另外一个证据。”蒲察阿虎特大着嗓门吼了一声,现场瞬间安静下来,个个都等着他的新证据。 Leads!” The crowd separates, several soldiers led the person who in several is waiting on to dress up to walk, some people were sharp-eyed recognized them is the person in imperial kitchen. “把人带上来!”人群分开,几个士兵带着几个内侍装扮的人走了出来,有人眼尖的认出了他们是御膳房的人。 Understands instantaneously the abacus of opposite party, Song Qingshu has to sigh at this time of Dongfang Muxue ability, for a long time disguised as a Kangxi flaw not to have the reveal unexpectedly, the aspects considered, oneself these detail places could not consider. 瞬间就明白了对方的算盘,宋青书这时候才不得不感叹东方暮雪能力之强,这么长时间假扮康熙居然一点破绽都没露,方方面面都考虑完了,自己这些细节地方就考虑不到。 „Before you, said is in front of everyone to say again!” Pu Chaa tiger especially snort/hum. “把你们之前说的在当着所有人的面再说一遍!”蒲察阿虎特哼了一声。 In that several waited on to look up song jade one, lowers the head afraid, the vision twinkle was uncertain. 那几个内侍抬头看了歌璧一眼,心虚地低下了头,目光闪烁不定。 „Under do not fear, is in the glare of the public eye he also to dare to eliminate a potential informant inadequately?” Pu Chaa tiger said, also has me let alone here, my subordinate these officers can protect you to be complete absolutely.” “不要怕,众目睽睽之下难道他还敢灭口不成?”蒲察阿虎特说道,“更何况还有我在这里,我麾下这些将士绝对能护你们周全。” Protecting you are complete!” “护你们周全!” Protecting you are complete!” “护你们周全!” ...... …… Surrounding soldier simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform shouts, the sound is uniform, obviously the morale spirited most peak, the person each complexion of Tang Kuobian here camp is not quite good. 周围的士兵齐齐喊道,声音整齐划一,显然正是士气昂扬的最巅峰,唐括辩这边阵营的人各个脸色就不太好。 Obtained the guarantee, in that several waits on that leads to embolden saying: We are the people in imperial kitchen, is always responsible for the diet of emperor, before the emperor liked drinking wine very much, but also likes eating thing of sheep treasure, the tiger penis these big making up especially, but after Hailing changes, we deliver according to the cuisine that the emperor usually likes, finally the emperor has not used the chopsticks makes us trade completely. From that day, the emperor taste is entirely different, instead likes the light fine food.” 得到了保证,那几个内侍领头的那位才壮着胆子说道:“我们是御膳房的人,一直以来负责皇上的饮食,以前皇上很喜欢饮酒,还特喜欢吃羊宝、虎鞭这些大补之物,可是海陵之变过后,我们按照皇上平日喜欢的菜式送上去,结果皇上连筷子都没动就让我们全部换过。从那天过后,皇上口味就截然不同,反而更喜欢清淡精致的菜肴。” The Song Qingshu complexion is strange, before thinking Wanyan dan , the taste is very heavy, unexpectedly often eats sheep treasure and so on thing, perhaps is the harem consumption are too many, needs to eat these things to make up the energy. 宋青书面色古怪,心想完颜亶以前口味还挺重的,居然经常吃羊宝之类的东西,恐怕是后宫耗费太多,需要吃这些东西补补精力吧。 Also pressed the song jade, initially saw this thing estimated quick was disgusting wants to spit. As for afterward Daiqisi, will not like eating sheep treasure tiger penis anything. 也难为歌璧了,当初看到这东西估计都快恶心得想吐了吧。至于后来的黛绮丝,想必也绝不会喜欢吃羊宝虎鞭什么的。 Looked at one toward song Bi that side, seeing only her brow is tight, obviously was brought back what not happy recollection. 往歌璧那边看了一眼,只见她眉头紧蹙,显然是被勾起了什么不愉快的回忆。 Everyone hears not to have,” this time Pu Chaa tiger Trone the sound said, person other things can change, but the taste likes and so on will not become so entirely different, biggest possibly before will be that person is not, that person!” “大家听到没有,”这时候蒲察阿虎特朗声说道,“一个人其他东西会变,可是口味喜好之类的绝不会变得这般截然不同,最大的可能就是那个人不是以前那个人!” One group of people look following his line of sight to Tang Kuobian, under the Tang Kuobian many look reveals the color of hesitation, obviously also some vacillations. 一群人顺着他的视线望向唐括辩,就连唐括辩旗下的不少人眼神中都露出犹疑之色,显然也有些动摇了。 The song jade after all is only women, although also understands a political skill, but after all is the flowers in greenhouse, has not experienced such weaponry, opposite party pressing on step by step has made her more and more nervous, only thought that in the brain a blank, usually in these scheme emperor plan partners read unable to think. 歌璧毕竟只是一介女流,虽然也懂一点权术,但毕竟是温室里的花朵,从来没有经历过这样的阵仗,对方步步紧逼让她越来越慌,只觉得脑中一片空白,平日里那些计谋帝王心术一条偶读想不起来。 Song Qingshu sent greetings at this time luckily into densely, hears his sound, the song jade gradually is then calm. 幸好这时宋青书传音入密,听到他的声音,歌璧这才渐渐镇定下来。 flatter tiger special, you are his heart may execute seriously, consults the record of the emperor's daily activities of emperor secretly, is investigates side emperor near to wait on, is this matter that an official can handle? You have the non- feudal official's heart!” The song Bi Yizheng expression scolds to say. “阿虎特,你当真是其心可诛,又是偷偷查阅皇上的起居注,又是调查皇上身边的近侍,这是一个臣子能做的事情么?你是不是早就有了不臣之心!”歌璧义正言辞地叱责道。 Ha, by the present you still in attending to about other,” Pu Chaa tiger especially supine Tianchang smiles, flatter tiger especially loyal, the livelihood may reflect, great ancestor emperor Emperor Taizong has mystical powers in the day can also understand, all these that I make for the landscape of big gold/metal, do not think the power that great ancestor emperor Emperor Taizong wins laboriously falls into bystander's hand!” “哈哈哈,到现在你还在顾左右而言其他,”蒲察阿虎特仰天长笑,“阿虎特的忠心,日月可鉴,太祖皇帝太宗皇帝在天有灵也能明白,我所做的这一切就是为了大金的江山,不想太祖皇帝太宗皇帝辛辛苦苦打下的江山落入外人之手!” The song jade sneers: You kept on proclaiming for the big gold/metal, but the great ancestor emperor established the iron rule in the past, the foreign subject waited on to collude in, when its crime executed! You not only buy over the daily life shed person now, and is responsible for the emperor diet with the imperial kitchen in waits on to collude, has violated sought the counter crime!” 歌璧冷笑起来:“你口口声声为了大金,可是太祖皇帝当年立下铁律,外臣与内侍勾结,其罪当诛!你如今既收买起居舍人,又与御膳房负责皇上饮食的内侍勾结,已经犯了谋逆之罪!” The Pu Chaa tiger special complexion changes, without expecting by the opposite party instead army, in the past the great ancestor had indeed set such custom, but in fact exists in name only, each generation of powerful minister which don't buy over the informers in how many palaces? This matter is very difficult to catch the evidence, the emperor also turns a blind eye, he is negligent for a while, for a while starts under big crowd of people to bring to light relations of both sides unexpectedly. 蒲察阿虎特脸色微变,没料到被对方反将一军,当年太祖的确立下过这样的规矩,但实际上形同虚设,每一代的权臣哪个不收买几个宫里的眼线?这种事情很难抓到证据,皇帝也睁一只眼闭一只眼,以至于他一时大意,一时兴起居然大庭广众之下将双方的关系挑明。 However his time is confident, how long is affected by this interlude: Snort, if showed that the emperor is not the person pretends to be, I am willing to accept the punishment. However if proved the emperor was......” he who the person pretended to be, the tone was dense: Sir Tang Kuo, this is the big crime that executes the nine generations.” 不过他此次信心十足,并没有被这个插曲影响多久:“哼,若是证明皇上并非人冒充,我甘愿领受责罚。不过若是证明了皇上是人冒充的……”他顿了顿,语气森然:“唐括大人,这可是诛九族的大罪。” You do not need to stir up me intentionally, clear purified oneself, such being the case, that made the emperor decide.” The song jade arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to the imperial palace. “你不必故意激我,正所谓清者自清,既然如此,那就让皇上定夺。”歌璧冲内廷拱了拱手。 Seeing his tone is so assured, Pu Chaa tiger somewhat hesitates especially on the contrary, but he responded quickly: Snort, blustered!” 见他语气如此笃定,蒲察阿虎特反倒有些迟疑起来,不过他很快就反应过来:“哼,虚张声势!” He has 99% assurances, in the imperial palace that is false, so long as exposed that person of true colors, some people will not naturally investigate the own this matter of overstepping. 他有90%九的把握,皇宫里那位是假的,只要揭露了那人的真面目,自然也不会有人追究自己这逾越之事。 The song jade says suddenly: Does not know how flatter tiger you do want to prove the truth of emperor especially?” 歌璧忽然开口说道:“不知道阿虎特你想怎么证明皇上的真伪?” Pu Chaa tiger smiles especially, waves to behind several people of introduced: This was the emperor past wet nurse, this court eunuch leader who was in the former imperial palace resigns on account of age and returns to one's home place, these were the sovereign uncles in imperial clan, was looks at the emperor to grow up, naturally cannot the admitting mistakes person.” 蒲察阿虎特笑了笑,一挥手对身后几人介绍道:“这位是皇上当年的乳娘,这位是之前皇宫中告老还乡的太监首领,这几位是宗室里的皇叔,都是看着皇上长大的,自然不会认错人。” Song jade secret heart startled, the opposite party really prepares completely, this is must compel: These people are you look, if they spoke irresponsibly when the time comes against one's conscience, what to do called white black?” 歌璧暗暗心惊,对方果然准备周全,这是要把人往死里逼啊:“这些人是你找来的,万一他们到时候昧着良心乱说,指鹿为马怎么办?” Pu Chaa tiger sneers to say especially: These are my big Jin Empire most seniors of noble character and high prestige, please be motionless they depending on my face, hears the emperor to substitute one thing for another, therefore then the agreement comes to find out.” 蒲察阿虎特冷笑道:“这几位是我大金国最德高望重的前辈,凭我的面子还请不动他们,也只是听到皇上有可能被人李代桃僵,所以这才同意前来一探究竟。” At this time that several old men also scolded the song jade, reviewed a next past scenery while convenient, the song jade then thought gradually, although these people were not person situated in high, was each one qualifications is very old, to a certain extent can indeed control the public opinion direction. 这时那几个老者也纷纷叱责歌璧,顺便回顾了一下当年的风光,歌璧这才渐渐想起来,这些人虽然不是什么位居高位之人,可是个个资格很老,某种程度上的确能掌控舆论方向。 Does not know that side Qingshu can deal with.” The song jade somewhat worried that looks in the imperial palace direction. “也不知道青书那边能不能应付得了。”歌璧有些担忧地往内廷的方向望去。 At this time Song Qingshu has dived quietly in the palace, that side the emperor resting palace is led the person in wash clothes institute to defend airtight by Wanyan Ping, Wanyan Ping discussed various countermeasures in the room and Daiqisi. 此时宋青书早已悄悄潜进了内宫,皇帝寝宫那边由完颜萍带着浣衣院的人守得密不透风,完颜萍则在屋里和黛绮丝商量各种对策。 Pitifully only this time Pu Chaa tiger comes prepared especially, passes on the news that to be getting more and more disadvantageous to them from outside, making on several female faces cover the cloud of gloom all. 只可惜这次蒲察阿虎特有备而来,从外面传回来的消息对她们越来越不利,让几个女人脸上尽数笼罩着愁云。 Who?” Daiqisi martial arts tall some, soon realize after all improper, stern-faced looks toward some not far away place. “谁?”黛绮丝武功毕竟高些,很快意识到不妥,一脸凝重往不远处某个地方望去。 In Wanyan Ping heart one startled, drew out the waist short sword to turn around, must know that outside was the expert in wash clothes institute is all defending, the opposite party can also sneak, was what kind of fearfulness. 完颜萍心中一惊,也拔出了腰间短刀转过身去,要知道外面全是浣衣院的高手守着,对方还能潜入进来,是何等的可怕。 For a long time does not see, how to meet greets me like this.” Song Qingshu located with a smile from the shadow. “好久不见,怎们一见面就这样迎接我啊。”宋青书笑着从阴影处走了出来。 Brother-in-law!” On Wanyan Ping face dignified changed into instantaneously joyfully, jumping for joy cherished to throw toward him. “姐夫!”完颜萍脸上的凝重瞬间化为了欣喜,雀跃的往他怀中扑了过去。 Duckweed ~ Song Qingshu hugs the body that the young girl is shivering slightly, in the heart the secret feeling, she knows obviously I am not true Wanyan Ping, but is not willing to change a statement, is commemorates that in heart to hold to read. “萍儿~”宋青书搂着少女微微颤抖的身体,心中暗暗感慨,她明明知道我不是真正的完颜萍,但还是不愿意改口,想必就是纪念心中的那个执念吧。 Daiqisi in the past in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) was purple garment Dragon King that colorful broadcast, caused in innumerable Jianghu (rivers and lakes) the person is not oneself ; In the deliberation hall is the charming and sultry peach blossom madame, making many sons of the rich or influential compete to bow. By comparing to Wanyan Ping must act with constraint, moreover cooperation that between she and Song Qingshu more shapes accords to his need, the sentiment is not pure, to reveal with very difficult resembles young girl true feelings like that. 黛绮丝当年在江湖中是艳名远播的紫衫龙王,引得无数江湖中人神魂颠倒;在朝堂则是风情万种的桃花夫人,让多少王孙公子竞折腰。是以比起完颜萍要矜持许多,而且她与宋青书之间更多像各取所需的合作关系,感情并没有那么纯粹,是以很难像少女那般真情流露。 Song Qingshu notices her side also to have a beautiful woman, recognizing her is the Persian Ming Cult splendor moon/month causes, the wonderful wind causes to cause with the class/flow cloud in the Hailingwang coup d'etat, she is the only survivor, Daiqisi leads the Song Qingshu duty to come back energetically the mansion, the side desperately short of manpower, then caused to put the splendor moon/month, spending a method to subdue. 宋青书注意到她身旁还有个美艳的女人,认出了她是波斯明教的辉月使,妙风使和流云使死在海陵王政变之中,她是唯一的幸存者,黛绮丝领着宋青书的任务回来大兴府,身边急缺人手,便将辉月使放了出来,花了一番手段收服。 Now the situation is somewhat difficult, this time Pu Chaa tiger comes prepared especially, perhaps without is so easy to deal with.” When two people hugged similarly, Daiqisi coughed lightly, said. “现在情况有些棘手了,这次蒲察阿虎特有备而来,恐怕没那么容易应付过去。”待两人拥抱得差不多了,黛绮丝轻咳一声,开口说道。 My this time comes to handle this matter,” Song Qingshu gave her a reassurance look, then gives me.” “我这次过来就是为了处理这件事的,”宋青书给了她一个放心的眼神,“接下来都交给我吧。” How do you plan to do?” Daiqisi is curious, from just obtained the news that the opposite party wet-nurse and court eunuches looked for in childhood Wanyan Dan, even if he is easy to accommodate the resembles again, but Wanyan Dan many physiological characteristics have no way to camouflage. “你打算怎么做?”黛绮丝好奇起来,从刚刚得到的消息来看,对方将完颜亶小时候身边的乳母、太监都找来了,就算他易容得再像,可是完颜亶的很多生理特征根本没法伪装啊。 Perhaps especially now Wanyan Dan changes to one pile of white bones, temporarily imitates is impossible. 特别是如今完颜亶恐怕都化作一堆白骨了,临时去模仿也不可能了。 Is ready to cope with anything to resist by whatever means available, always has the law of dealing.” Song Qingshu will not have planned to make a clean breast, more is this instead more makes Daiqisi and the others think mysterious. “兵来将挡水来土掩,总有应对之法的。”宋青书并没有将计划和盘托出,越是这样反而越让黛绮丝等人觉得神秘。 „After other words, said, first starts to give my changed/easy appearance/allow.” This no small matter, Daiqisi is female's body, a while if can inspect first to expose? Only can go into action by Song Qingshu. “其他的话之后再说,先开始给我易容吧。”这次非同小可,黛绮丝又是女子之身,万一等会儿要检查岂不是第一时间就暴露?是以宋青书只能自己出马。
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