„NowSongTing the armychangesrepeatedly, according tonews that the washclothesinstitutechecks, thisNorthern Expeditionhas been a foregone conclusion, thereforeappoints the servantto disperse the loyaltyforevenchapter of politicsandrightvice-marshalspecially, under the hestoneLiezhisouthern Ningxiawasopen/unsealYin, the exercise strategysouthguards againstSongTing the Northern Expedition.”
“如今宋廷军队频频异动,据浣衣院查到的消息,此次北伐已成定局,所以特此任命仆散忠义为平章政事兼右副元帅,纥石烈志宁南下任开封尹,经略南方防范宋廷北伐。”In the roomresounded a familiarsound, the Song Qingshuhearthatis„Tang Kuobian”sound, buthas the slight difference from trueTang Kuobian, only ifnaturallysideclosestperson, otherwisecannot listen.
屋中响起了一个熟悉的声音,宋青书听出了那是“唐括辩”的声音,只不过和真正的唐括辩有细微的区别,当然除非身边最亲密的人,否则也听不出来。Song Qingshulookstoward the study room by the windowslit, the person who sees only a Tang Kuobianappearancesitsinfirst, sideis standing a tallwhiterobeold man, impressively is westernpoisonousOuyang Feng.宋青书透过窗户缝隙往书房里望去,只见一个唐括辩模样的人坐在首位,旁边站着一个身材高大的白袍老者,赫然便是西毒欧阳锋。„Ouyang Fengstands here forfalseTang KuobianProtector, whataccident/surprisein order to avoidshehas,”Song Qingshusawpass/testkey/opening, „does not know that actuallynowisTang Kuobian that whodisguises as, does the songdecline with thanksisDaiqisi?”
“想必欧阳锋是站在这儿替假唐括辩护法的,以免她出什么意外,”宋青书一眼就看出了其中的关窍,“只是不知道如今究竟是谁假扮的唐括辩,歌璧还是黛绮丝?”Beforewas the songjadehas been camouflagingTang Kuobian, afterward after Daiqisiwas subdued, in additionshewas also good atbeing easyto accommodate the technique, thensentherto come backto share the songjade the pressure, does not know that two peoplecooperated to be good.
之前一直是歌璧在伪装成唐括辩,后来黛绮丝被收服后,加上她也擅长易容之术,便派她回来分担歌璧的压力,也不知道两人合作得好不好。Whoin the personas forstudy roomis, Song Qingshulooks atonequite a while, the minute/shareis not really clear, triedto judgefrom the chestsize, butlooked atonequite a while, inside„Tang Kuobian”chest is very even, usesto bind the chestand so on thing.
至于书房里的人到底是谁,宋青书看一半天,真的分不清楚,原本还试图从胸部的大小来判断,不过看了一半天,里面的“唐括辩”胸部都很平,想必是用了裹胸之类的东西。Song Qingshuno longerdistinguishessimply, butlooks in the room others, sees only one of them bigtall and strong, a wispmustbe similaroldyellowagainworldto be loyally ordinarywhite/in vain, recognizinghimis the Jin Empirestarservantlooseloyalty;Anotherperson of handsome, in the lookfillscalmfirm and resolute, isin the armystarhestoneLiezhi.宋青书索性不再分辨,而是看房间中其他人,只见其中一人高大魁梧,一缕白须仿佛老黄忠再世一般,认出他是金国名将仆散忠义;另一人相貌堂堂,眼神中充满沉稳坚毅,亦是军中名将纥石烈志宁。These twoarein the Jin Empirearmy a person of great ability and tremendous potential, in addition, is not lowin the royal governmentofficerposition, thenrecognizedbySong Qingshuone.
这两人是金国军中栋梁之才,再加上之前在朝廷官位就不低,是以宋青书一眼便认了出来。„Does not know that is the songdeclines with thanksisDaiqisi, at least the visionisgood.”Song Qingshuacclaimedsecretly, heremembers that historicallySouthern Song DynastythistimeNorthern Expeditiondefeatedinthesetwoindividualhandsprobably, naturallynowthisworldis extremely chaotic, hecannotdetermine whether according tohistoricallywill such develop, can only completelybiggestpreparediligently.
“也不知道是歌璧还是黛绮丝,至少眼光还是挺好的。”宋青书暗暗赞叹,他记忆中历史上南宋这次的北伐好像就是败在这两个人手里,当然如今这个世界太过混乱,他不敢确定是否会按照历史上那样发展,只能尽自己最大努力来准备。At this timein„Tang Kuobian”opened the mouth: „According to the reliable information that the washclothesinstitutefound out, Southern Song DynastythistimealsorelatedRed Jacket Armysecretly, when the time comesRed Jacket Armywill also launch an attackmostly. Youwith the Red Jacket Armycombat, are meritoriousyear to year, thistimeappointsyouto comfortto causeas the Shandong Roadseriesarmy, to guard againstRed Jacket Army.”
这时里面“唐括辩”又开口了:“据浣衣院探得的可靠消息,南宋此次还暗暗联系了红袄军,到时候红袄军多半也会发难。阿海,你常年和红袄军作战,战功卓著,这次就任命你为山东路统军安抚使,防备红袄军。”„Many thanks the marshal, endmustnot fail in one's mission!”Young peoplesaidjoyfully.
“多谢都元帅,末将必不辱命!”一个年轻人欣喜地说道。Song Qingshuthinkscarefully,remembersvaguelythisyoung peopleare the grandson who the servantdisperses the loyalty, asking the servantto disperseAntei, childhood name, was the outstanding person of Jin Empireyounger generation, was known as the famein the army.宋青书仔细想了想,依稀记得这个年轻人是仆散忠义的孙子,叫仆散安贞,小名阿海,是金国年轻一代的佼佼者,在军中素有名气。In the roomTang Kuobiancontinuesto arrange saying: „Wanyangathersreaches, youwere usually brave, thistimearrangesyouto assume the north, guards againstMongolia and Liao Empirechange.”
屋里唐括辩继续安排道:“完颜合达,你素来骁勇善战,这次安排你坐镇北方,防备蒙古、辽国异动。”Song QingshurecognizesthisWanyanto gatherreaches, initiallyafterHailingcoup d'etat, because ofsubstituting one thing for another, Song Qingshuemperorguardbig infusion of new blood, joined the armypromoteda group ofskill in Wushuexcelbravewarriors, WanyanHedawas one of them. Initiallyselectedhim, a reasonisSong Qingshuremembersone of starsWanyanHedais the Jin Empirelater period and Mongoliacombat, pitifullyMongolia was extremely only powerful, helplessfinallydying in battlebattlefield.宋青书认得这个完颜合达,当初海陵政变过后,因为李代桃僵,宋青书将皇上身边的护卫大换血,从军中重新提拔了一批武艺高强骁勇善战的勇士,完颜合达就是其中之一。当初之所以选中他,还有个原因是宋青书记得完颜合达是金国晚期和蒙古作战的名将之一,只可惜蒙古太过强盛,最终无奈战死沙场。„Endwill receive an order!”WanyanHedarepliedsubmissively.
“末将领命!”完颜合达拱手答道。Nearbyservantdisperses the loyaltyto open the mouthto saysuddenly: „Marshal, Mongoliasoldier/weaponfrontwhat kind of, WanyanHeda did experienceafter allwas still shallow, sendinghimto assume the north to be not satisfactory?” Others alwaysbecome a ghost, how unable to see that thisisTang Kuobianis promoting the trusted subordinate, ifusuallyinhepoureddoes not sayanything, butthistimeconcerned the nationallife and death, hehas toraise.
一旁的仆散忠义忽然开口道:“元帅,蒙古兵锋何等了得,完颜合达毕竟经验尚浅,派他去坐镇北方会不会欠妥?”他人老成精,如何看不出这是唐括辩在提拔亲信,若是平日里他倒也不说什么,可是这次关乎国家生死存亡,他不得不提。WanyanHedacomplexiononestiff, but the opposite partyisin the army the old people, the prestige was very usually high, was not his rookiecompares.
完颜合达脸色一僵,不过对方是军中耆老,威望素来很高,不是他一个新人比得了的。Tang Kuobianexplained: „Mongoliareassigns the main forceWestern Expeditionnow, without the energycares about the Central Plain. Even ifthere is an armyto go south, is still the firstbrigadeauxiliary military forcessets the exampleat most, aboutreachingexperience, althoughis shallow, butusuallybrave, the putting out a handcolleagueloves, copes withthisaspectto have more than enough to spare.”唐括辩解释道:“蒙古如今抽调主力西征,没有精力顾及中原这边。就算有军队南下,也顶多是一旅偏师做做样子,合达经验虽浅,但素来骁勇,伸手同僚爱戴,应付这局面绰绰有余。”
The servantsdisperse the loyaltyto knit the brows: „Even if the Mongoliaarmywill not go south, thatKhitan, southinstituteGreat King Xiao Fengis brave, ifcommands troopsbyhim, WanyanHedaperhapsis not an opponent.”
仆散忠义皱眉道:“就算蒙古大军不会南下,那契丹呢,南院大王萧峰骁勇善战,若是由他领兵,完颜合达恐怕不是对手。”Tang Kuobianreplied: „The Khitanthat sideIhave other arrangements, to makethemhave no timeto lose concentrationwhen the time comesto go south.”唐括辩答道:“契丹那边我另有安排,到时候会让他们无暇分神南下。”„?” The servantsdisperse the loyaltyandhestoneLiezhilook at each otherone, in the look are completely the curiouscolors.
“哦?”仆散忠义和纥石烈志宁对视一眼,眼神中尽是好奇之色。Tang Kuobiansaid with a smile: „At this timerelatessignificantly, rathernewsdivulgingcausesto fall short, thereforeis unable to state clearlytoeveryonetemporarily.”唐括辩笑道:“此时关系重大,未免消息泄露导致功亏一篑,所以暂时无法向各位言明。”„Since the marshalhasto decide the ideaearly, wedid not sayanything.” The servantlooseloyaltyreplied, butin the tonesomewhatthought otherwise.
“既然元帅早有定计,我们也不好说什么。”仆散忠义答道,不过语气中还是有些不以为然。Tang Kuobianthinksto add: „Nowaround the biggold/metal the big powersobserve the situation, the star of older generationpassed awayin abundance, nowin the armysometalenttemporary shortages, justshouldseize the chanceto promotein the army the rising starto deal with the crisisvigorously, but the rising starhas the potentialagain, if not quenchingin the battlefield , is very finally hard to bring aboutfor the truestarlong.”唐括辩想了想补充道:“如今大金周围列强环视,老一辈的名将又纷纷过世,如今军中人才有些青黄不接,正应该趁机大力提拔军中新秀应对危局,而新秀再有潜力,若是不在战场中淬炼,最终也很难成长为真正的名将。”
The servantsdisperse the loyaltythento nod: „Good, the marshalsaidreasonable.”
仆散忠义这才点头不已:“不错,元帅说的有道理。”At this timehestoneLiezhiopened the mouthto saysuddenly: „Marshal, compared withLiao EmpireandRed Jacket Army, eastGolden Serpent Campthreatensis bigger, before Song Qingshu, defeats the Qing Empire100,000armies, latterrouts the Li KexiuJiangnanPro-green camp, nowsubordinatefertile soilthousand li (500 km), the well-trained soldiers and ample supply, in additionjustbySongTingfengforsimultaneous/uniformking, it may be said thatwas the prestigereachedmostpeaka short time ago, ifheattackedfrom the east side, thatmaybe bigtroublesome.”
The servantsdisperse the loyaltyalsoto echo saying: „Good, moreoverhearsthispersonnot onlyresorts to armslike the god, but alsomartial artsis unparalleled, meets some skills of controlling the forces of nature, ifheleads troopsto come, nothisopponent.”
The servantsdisperseAnteito be young and impetuous, usuallyinfewconvincing, nowheard the grandfatherso saying that unexpectedly an objectiondid not have, obviouslyalsoapprovedhisjudgment.
The Song Qingshucomplexion of out of the windowis strange, hearsbehind the personsoto appraise itself, does not know that this/shouldhappy...... this/shouldhappy, the feeling that thistypelistens secretlyface to faceis marvelous.
窗外的宋青书面色古怪,听到人背后如此评价自己,不知道该高兴还是……该高兴呢,这种当面偷听的感觉非常奇妙。Ouyang Feng in roomhears the Song Qingshuname, could not bearcoughtwo, obviouslyboreverylaboriously, Tang Kuobianill-humoredlywhitehiseyes, thensaid: „The Golden Serpent Campthat sideyoudo not needto worry,thisgracefulhasto decide the idea, guaranteessurnamed Songdoes not fightto draw back.”
The servantsdisperse the loyaltyandhestoneLiezhiare even more surprised, butsees the appearance that Tang Kuobianis as deep as a well, obviouslydoes not planto tellthem the truth, secretheartstartled, before thisTang Kuobian, does not show one's self, whenHailingcoup d'etatis sudden appearanceto become the biggestwinner, now seems like not lucky.
仆散忠义和纥石烈志宁愈发惊讶,不过见唐括辩高深莫测的模样,显然不打算将实情告诉他们,不由暗暗心惊,这个唐括辩之前不显山露水,可是海陵政变时异军突起成为最大的赢家,如今看来绝非侥幸。Followingonegroup of peoplealsochatted the details in somemilitary affairs, after the timealmost, servantdispersedloyaltyand the othersthento set outto say goodbye, after theywalked, Ouyang Fengopened the mouthfinally: „Golden Serpent Campbut actually, thesepeople, althoughdreadsitsgreat strength, butwas not clear that Songboyandyourrelations, on the contraryisthat sideLiao Empire, youhaveanythingto plan to makethemhave no timeto go south.”
接下来一群人又聊了一些军务上的细节,时间差不多后仆散忠义等人便起身告辞了,他们走后欧阳锋终于开口了:“金蛇营倒也罢了,那些人虽然忌惮它的强大,但并不清楚宋小子和你的关系,反倒是辽国那边,你到底有什么计划能让他们无暇南下。”„I don't know either, butsuchexcusesendsthem.”„Tang Kuobian”this timerestored the gentle and charmingnicesound, Song Qingshulistened tothatinstantaneouslyis the sound of songjade.
“我也不知道啊,只是这样的说辞把他们打发走而已。”“唐括辩”这时恢复了娇柔动听的声音,宋青书瞬间就听出了那是歌璧的声音。„Crossedme is not familiar withyouto withstand/top the face of Songboysuchfor a long timewiththisprettytonespeech,” a Ouyang Fengchill, „whythatyousaid,sent a great generalto guard againstLiao Empire is not gooddirectly?”
The songjadeshakes the head: „Southern Song Dynastythat sidethistime was almost to planto cause the downfall of the nation, ourmain forcesalso can only place the south;In additionguards againstRed Jacket Army, MongoliaandXixia, but also the remainingmilitaryare beset with problems, hears the Liao Empiresoutherninstitutekingto be brave, whomourheresendsto go tonofunction. In the confidential letter that beforeQingshucametellsmehimto take care of the threat of Liao Empire, thereforeIsuchsaid.”
歌璧摇了摇头:“南宋那边这次几乎是打算倾国而出,我们的主力也只能放在南方;再加上防备红袄军、蒙古、西夏,还剩下的兵力可谓是捉襟见肘,听闻辽国的南院大王骁勇善战,我们这边派谁去都没什么作用。之前青书来的密信里面告诉我他会解决辽国的威胁,所以我才那样说。”„Originallywas the idea of Songboy,”Ouyang Fengcoldsnort/hum, „thisbratwill really work as the waving the arms aboutstorekeepersuddenly, Jin Empirewasyoursistersis handling, the Golden Serpent Campthat sidewasnineprincessesis handling, islittle misssurnamed Zhouis also handlingincluding the place of Yangzhourecentlyobtained, heunderwas a womanizeractuallynaturalall over the sky.”
The Song Qingshuheavy line of out of the window, thought that yoursmellyfrogserves a needlike thisto be blackI.
The songjadespokeluckilyforhim: „Qingshutravels aroundinvarious nations, mustbalanceallinfluence, meanwhileexpands itselfwith every effort, walksin the steel wireeach time, even the slightest misstepbeyond redemption. OtherIam not clear, at leasthetook the bigriskinJin Empireinitially, Iwas clear.”
幸好歌璧却替他说话起来:“青书周游于列国之间,要平衡各方势力,同时还尽力壮大自身,每次都是在钢丝上行走,稍有不慎就万劫不复。其他的我不清楚,至少当初他在金国的时候冒了多大的风险,我却是再清楚不过了。”Song Qingshuheardin the heartto be full of the warm feeling, thought that the songjade was really the best quality goodswife, not onlycausing the downfall of the nationbeautiful woman, but also was with good intention, was really inten thousanddoes not haveone.宋青书听得心中充满了暖意,心想歌璧真是个极品妻子,不仅倾国倾城,而且善解人意,实在是万中无一啊。Ouyang Fengsnort/hum: „Does not knowsurnamed Songfilledwhatmagic potionto your women, is dead set ontohim, ifmyKe'erhashishalf...... is not right, hashe10%skills, is insufficientto reducetothatpitifulresult.”欧阳锋哼了一声:“也不知道姓宋的给你们这些女人灌了什么迷魂汤,一个个对他死心塌地,要是我的克儿有他一半……不对,有他10%的本事,也不至于沦落到那种悲惨结局。”Song Qingshusighssecretly, thought that the Ouyang Kedeathishislifetimeheartknot, does not know how canreduce and solvehim and hatred between Mr. and Mrs.Guo JingHuang Rong, oh......宋青书暗暗叹了一口气,心想欧阳克的死是他一生的心结,也不知道怎么才能化解他与郭靖黄蓉夫妇之间的仇恨,唉……„Who!” The Ouyang Fenglooksharplike the blade, the whole personflushedtoward the windowsuddenlyinstantaneously.
“谁!”欧阳锋忽然眼神锐利如刀,整个人瞬间往窗户这边冲了过来。Felt the inner strength of moving mountainsto well up, Song Qingshuwas startledexplainedwithout enough time,quicklytransported the skillto move forward to meet somebody.
感受到排山倒海的内力涌了过来,宋青书大吃一惊来不及解释,急忙运起功力迎了上去。Was stirred upby the inner strength, the windowexplodesto shootinstantaneously, two peoplethenfoughtinstantaneouslyseveralmoves, Ouyang Fengkept offby the strength of counter-shaking, drew backthreestepsjust nowto come to a stopcontinually, on the facerevealedcolorwith amazement, whenhesaw clearly the Song Qingshuappearance, the complexionthenrelaxed: „Originallyis your brat!”
被内力所激,窗户瞬间爆射开来,两人瞬间便交手了数招,欧阳锋被反震之力挡了回去,连退三步方才重新站稳,脸上露出骇然之色,不过当他看清宋青书样貌,脸色这才缓和下来:“原来是你这个臭小子!”Song Qingshusaidwith a smile: „Does not seelong time, yourmartial artsonalsoa yet higher goal, Ijustsighedsecretlyam discoveredbyyouunexpectedly.”宋青书笑着说道:“多日不见,你的武功又上一层楼了,我只不过是暗暗叹了口气居然就被你发现了。”„Does not needto givemeto toot one's own horn, had not been shakenbyyouretrocededseveralsteps.”Ouyang Fengwas usually proud, is unattractivetothisresultcomplexionsome.
“不用给我脸上贴金,还不是被你震得后退了数步。”欧阳锋素来自负,对这个结果脸色有些不好看。„Qingshu~”songjadealsorespondedat this time,shoutedonethento cherishto throwtowardhimtenderly.
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