Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) of thisworlddoes not know that what's the matter, appearancestilluprighthonest, butinboneactuallydeceitfulsly, Song Qingshudoes not know that hewas seized the shedby the Ming Zunsameoldmonster, thinks that heopposedandtriedwithseveral timestohimselfin the deathtrap, in the heartagitated is also disinclinedto ponderseveral timesreason, death ends all troublessolvesthistroublesimply.
这个世界的虚竹不知道怎么回事,外貌依然忠厚老实但骨子里却奸诈狡猾,宋青书不知道他是不是被明尊一样的老妖怪夺舍了,想到他数次与自己作对、数次试图致自己于死地,心中烦躁也懒得去思考其中的缘由,索性一了百了解决掉这个麻烦。Naturallyhemaintainedsanehad not all extinguished the plan of Shaolin, Shaolinafter allwas the highly respected person in martial arts world, ifallextinguished the influencetooto be really big, butseveralpeoplemustremove, otherwisethere arethemto create difficulties, could not relaxwith the relations of Shaolin, Xuancheng (profound clear)andXu Zhu (empty bamboo)mustin the personexceptlist.
当然他保持了理智没有全灭少林的打算,少林毕竟是武林中的泰山北斗,若是全灭之影响实在太大,不过其中有几人必须要除掉,不然有他们从中作梗,与少林的关系始终缓和不了,玄澄、虚竹就是必除名单上的人。Xuancheng (profound clear) was just firmanti-Myriad Swords Return to Origin, was brokenIndestructible Vajra Bodybysword qidirectly, evenis not deadestimated that is still halfremnant, on the contrarywasXu Zhu (empty bamboo) is just not the sword qimain objective, althoughis injured, but after the woundwas good , will also be vivid, intended the firstgoalthento electhimbySong Qingshu.玄澄刚刚硬抗万剑归宗,被剑气正面打破金刚不坏体,即使不死估计也是半残,反倒是虚竹刚刚不是剑气主要目标,虽然受了伤,但是伤好之后又会生龙活虎,是以宋青书出手第一个目标便选了他。Profoundkind, sideZhengand the otherscalled out in alarmmakes noise, what a pitytheyare injuredin the body, at this timenoample forcestop, has only been ableto lookhelplesslysword qishootstowardXu Zhu (empty bamboo)on.
玄慈、方证等人惊呼出声,可惜他们受伤在身,此时根本已无余力阻拦,只能眼睁睁看着剑气往虚竹身上射去。Previousquarter that howeversword qiwill soon hit a target, before Xu Zhu (empty bamboo)body, suddenlyexudesripples, skinnymonk that wears the azurerobeemerged out of thin airin front ofhim, held their palms together: „Amitabha~”
不过剑气即将射中的前一刻,虚竹身前忽然泛起一层涟漪,一个身着青袍的枯瘦僧人凭空出现在了他前面,双手合十:“阿弥陀佛~”Beforeshot the pastthat saying that sword qias ifmetonesoft, was hardbarrier, severalsounds, sword qithendispersedinvisibledoes not have the trace.
之前射过去的那道剑气仿佛遇上了一层柔软之极,却又坚硬之极的屏障,嗤嗤几声响,剑气便散得无形无踪。„Sweeping the floormonk!” The Song Qingshupupilshrinks, recognizestheoldmonk who presentedis.
“扫地僧!”宋青书瞳孔一缩,认出了出现的这老僧是谁。„The Songscholar, did not seefor a long time.” The sweeping the floormonkshows a faint smile, firstopens the mouthactually.
“宋居士,好久不见。”扫地僧微微一笑,倒是抢先开了口。„Has seen the senior.”Song Qingshudoes not knowhispurpose in coming, suddenlydid not sayanything.
“见过前辈。”宋青书不知他来意,一时间也不好说什么。„Xu Zhu (empty bamboo)cannot untieis angrycorruptlycrazily, offended the scholar injured by the scholar, belonged to the punishment is deserved,”insweeping the floormonktonepresentedsympatheticalair/Qi, „thischildquitehad the originwithme, the old buddhist monkactuallycannotstand by, but alsolooked atSongJushito spare and not punish too severely.”
The Song Qingshucomplexionchanges, sweeping the floormonkattitudemustguaranteeXu Zhu (empty bamboo)obvious, mustknowhim, butinentireJin(golden) book systemis most famousalso the most mysticalexpert, entire dayunderguaranteesthreeto struggleexistence, reallydoes not allowto despise.宋青书脸色一变,扫地僧这态度明摆着是要保下虚竹了,要知道他可是整个金书体系中最出名也最神秘的高手,全天下保三争一的存在,实在不容轻视。„IsaidXu Zhu (empty bamboo)to be young, unexpectedly an extremelywisemartial arts, evenis skilled in the Shaolin72unique skillsfaintly, originallyis the merit of senior.”At this momentSong Qingshuwhereis not clear, thisworldhas not hadtreasurejadechessgame, Xu Zhu (empty bamboo)actuallystillmysteriousmartial arts, thinks it over, only then the sweeping the floormonkhadthisskill.
The sweeping the floormonkshakes the head: „Thisfactionmartial artspasses from the Dharmaoldancestor. The Buddhismjuniorsstudymilitary, is strong and healthy body, Protectorcrouches/submitsdemon. When studiesanymartial arts, alwayshasmercybenevolentgoodreading. If not take the Buddhist studiesas the base, whenpracticing martial arts, injuresandsurely. Practices72unique skilllike thisexcellentmartiallearn/study, if not reduce and solveby the mercyBuddhist doctrineevery daywell distributed, then the vicious tendenciesthoroughinternal organs, are deeper and deeper, anyoutsidepoisonouswantsfiercehundredtimescompared withit. By for a lot ofyears, the Shaolindisciplecolorfulgentlemanpours forthsplendidlycertainly, actuallymostpracticesto33, no onecanrealize72unique skills.”
扫地僧摇了摇头:“本派武功传自达摩老祖。佛门子弟学武,乃在强身健体,护法伏魔。修习任何武功之时,总是心存慈悲仁善之念。倘若不以佛学为基,则练武之时,必定伤及自身。修炼七十二绝技这样的上乘武学,若是每日不以慈悲佛法调和化解,则戾气深入脏腑,愈陷愈深,比之任何外毒都要厉害百倍。是以千百年来,少林弟子精彩绝艳之士辈出,却最多练到十二三门,根本没有谁能练成七十二项绝技。”„Xu Zhu (empty bamboo)meetsso many, buttookskillfully, byLesser Formless Artstimulation of movement of Taoism, only then the shapes of 72unique skills, do not have the realities of 72unique skill, but the bonusisso, hehad also received the heavyinternal injury, now, waitsto separateyoungbut actuallyagain for severalyears, perhapshisinternal injuryoutbreak, can only bedridden with a lingering disease.”
The words saying in the fieldeveryoneterrifiedto change countenance, amongShaolinvariousmonks, except forprofoundkind, sideZhengand othersa fewknows that foundation, others do not know that whatXu Zhu (empty bamboo)usesisLesser Formless Art, whenalsointhistemplehad/left a youngstertalent that seriouslyis skilled in72unique skills, knows the truthat this time, thattypedisappointedcan be seen in speech and appearancewith the feeling of frustration, in addition , the disastrous defeatin the hand of Song Qingshu, the peoplewas full of the desperatemeaningimmediately.
一番话说得场中所有人悚然动容,少林诸僧当中,除了玄慈、方证等少数知道这其中的根底,其余人根本不知道虚竹用的是小无相功,还当本寺中当真出了一个精通七十二绝技的少年天才,此时得知真相,那种失望与挫败之感溢于言表,再加上之前惨败于宋青书之手,众人心里顿时充满了绝望之意。desolateYuanshansimilarly is also the complexionbig change, mustknow that hepracticesShaolinabsolute technique, theseyearsbodycertainacupuncture pointpainsare getting more and more serious, beforehealsothinks that injured the vitalitylong agoagain, in additionolderupted, has not thought that unexpectedlypractices the reason of Shaolinmartial arts.
萧远山同样也是脸色大变,要知道他强练少林绝学,这些年来身体某些穴道病痛已经越来越严重,之前他还以为是早年重伤损了元气,再加上年纪大了爆发出来,没想到居然是强练少林武功的原因。As forSong Qingshu, hisprevious generationhas listened tothese words, this timeshockis far less thandesolateYuanshan and Shaolinmonks, buthealsoadmires the sweeping the floormonkto point outvery muchunexpectedlyconfidentlyXu Zhu (empty bamboo)isdepends uponLesser Formless Artto cheat, mustknowin the tumultuous times, if the youngdisciplesare skilled in the Shaolin72unique skills, ishowbigjoke, hashowvitalpolitical significance.
至于宋青书,他前世就听过这番话,此时的震撼远不如萧远山与少林众僧,不过他也很佩服扫地僧居然这么坦然指出虚竹是依靠小无相功作弊,要知道乱世之中,若有一年轻弟子精通少林七十二绝技,是多么大的噱头,有多么重要的政治意义。„Can seniorguaranteehimseriously?”Howeveradmiresis a matter, mustlet offXu Zhu (empty bamboo)is a different matter.
“前辈当真要保他?”不过佩服是一回事,要不要放过虚竹是另一回事了。„Good, good,”sweeping the floormonkholds their palms together, „alsolooked atSongJushito spare and not punish too severely.”
“善哉善哉,”扫地僧双手合十,“还望宋居士高抬贵手。”Althoughheboth eyesare atheistic, will standjust like an ordinaryold person in martial arts is not completely ordinarythere, butSong Qingshuactuallydoes not dareto belittle, only will then achieve his cultivatingfor the personjust nowcansee that the opposite partyhas given up affectation, will merge into one organic wholewith the worldaura, attackshimas ifto opposegeneralwith the world.
他虽然双目无神,站在那里犹如一个完全不会武功的普通老人一般,但宋青书却丝毫不敢小觑,只有达到他这种修为的人方才能看出对方已经返璞归真,与天地气息融为一体,攻击他就仿佛与天地作对一般。Howeveralthoughheis strong, Song Qingshudoes not havefears the psychologyslightly, the lookdeep placegraduallyraisinggolden colorray, as ifgoldenvillainis beatingfaintly.
不过他虽然强,宋青书却无丝毫惧怕心理,眼神深处渐渐升起金色光芒,仿佛有一个金色小人隐隐在跳动。Before a sweeping the floormonkalsocloudpoor business conditionslightappearance, whenhesawin the opposite partyeyesthatto wipe the golden color, the instantaneousbodytrembled, complexionbig change, becausehehad an extremelyintensesense of crisis, eachcell seems warning the danger of hisopposite partyfrom top to bottom.
The sweeping the floormonkcomplexionis dignified, does not know where changes a broomhorizontallybefore the body, before whole bodyauraalsono longerresembles, clouds the poor business conditionsto be lightlike that butwas the aurafull, as ifprepared the thunderto strikeat any time.
扫地僧脸色凝重,也不知道从哪里变出一个扫把横在身前,浑身气息也不再像之前那般云淡风轻,而是气息全开,仿佛随时准备雷霆一击。ButSong Qingshuhas not actedeventually, the golden color in lookretreatsgradually, finallyrestoresas usual: „After the pastLion Slaying Ceremony, mustdeceive the seniorto direct, thisbenevolencethis Songforeverkeeps firmly in mindin the heart.”Initially the veinscompletelybroke, dejectedunderobtained the sweeping the floormonkto show the right direction, in addition the opposite partylosthiswisp of True Qito preserve the heartlineage/vein, thismatterSong Qingshuin the heart, hewasonehas had the graciousness to report the person, is not naturally willingto fightwith the sweeping the floormonklife and deathinthisplace.
只不过宋青书终究没有出手,眼神之中的金色渐渐退去,最后恢复如常:“当年屠狮大会后,得蒙前辈指点,这番恩情宋某始终牢记于心。”当初筋脉尽断,心灰意冷之下得到扫地僧指点迷津,再加上对方输了他一缕真气保住心脉,这件事宋青书一直记在心中,他是一个有恩必报之人,自然不愿意在此地与扫地僧生死相斗。„Todaylooks that forgivestheironetimein the face of senior, but...... hewill not have saidnext time”, but the meaninghas can be seen in speech and appearance.
“今日就看在前辈的面子上饶过他们一次,不过下次……”他并没有说完,但意思已经溢于言表。„Many thanksSongscholar.” The sweeping the floormonkscratched the cold sweatsecretly, somewhaterraticallylooked atSong Qingshuonesurprisedly, justdoes not know that what's the matter, thatlife and deathsense of crisis was too intense, since hismartial arts great accomplishment, has never hadsimilarfeeling.
The sweeping the floormonkbragged that knows somethingtoworldmartiallearn/study, wasSong Qingshua moment ago the golden light in look, it may be said thatwashears something never heard of beforeto see what one never saw before, does not know that waswhatmartiallearn/study.
扫地僧自诩对天下武学略知一二,可是宋青书刚才眼神中的金光,可谓是闻所未闻见所未见,根本不知道是什么武学。Really after is the Yangtze River , before the wavepushes the wave, the sweeping the floormonksighssecretly, turns aroundto saytokindand the othersunreliably: „Wewalk.”
果然是长江后浪推前浪,扫地僧暗暗叹了一口气,转身对玄慈等人说道:“我们走吧。”„Did thiswalk?”Profoundkindis startled, the sweeping the floormonkinhisheartisinvincibleexistence, even if the Song Qingshumartial artsis high, possiblyis not the opponent of sweeping the floormonk, „, butintempleso many severe wounds......”
“就这样就走了?”玄慈一怔,在他心中扫地僧就是无敌的存在,哪怕宋青书武功再高,也不可能是扫地僧的对手,“可是寺中这么多人重伤……”Hiswordshave not said,holdsXuancheng (profound clear)monkto call out in alarm: „Senior BrotherXuancheng (profound clear) the meridiansallbroke!”
The „Ah!”Shaolinmonkscall out in alarmin abundance, mustknow that Xuancheng (profound clear)is the Shaolinoutwardlyonfirstexpert, now the meridianscompletelybreak, obviouslymartial artshas abandoned, mustknow that inJianghu (rivers and lakes)persondisabled personmartial artsmaybe big enmitycompared with the life and death, butthesepeopleknew that is not the Song Qingshuopponent, hasto seek helplookingto the sweeping the floormonk, anticipated that heactsto uphold the justice.“啊!”少林众僧纷纷惊呼,要知道玄澄是少林明面上的第一高手,如今经脉尽断,显然武功已经废了,要知道江湖中人废人武功可比生死大仇,只不过这些人自知不是宋青书对手,只好求助似的望向扫地僧,期待他出面主持公道。Whoknows that the sweeping the floormonkshakes the headto sayslowly: „Thistemple72unique skills, eachtimecan the offending somebodystrategic point, take the personlife, swift and fierceruthlessspicy, goes all out the day, ineachunique skill, musthave the correspondingmercyBuddhist doctrineto reduce and solve. Thistruthtemplemonkalso is not but actually well-known, but after a personpracticesto45unique skills, comprehensioninZenprinciple, naturallywill receive the barrier. InmyShaolinFaction, that is called‚martialXuezhang’, ‚seesbarriertruthto be the same withknowledge that’leaving the sectdo not send. The must knowBuddhist doctrineis askingto cross the world, martial artsis askingto take a life, bothrun counter, mutualrestraint. Only the Buddhist doctrineis higher, reading of mercyis more abundant, the martial artsunique skillcanpracticemoremuch, butcultivated/repairedforonso the boundaryeminent monk, actuallydisdainedvariousmanystudyfiercemurdermethods.”
The sweeping the floormonkalsosaid: „Inthistemple, naturallyalso some people of Buddhist doctrinescultivate/repairtoinsufficient, actuallystrongerfrom the muchstudyexcellentmartial arts, butwill practicewill get down, will not overstate, will be the internal injuryis then difficultto recover. InitiallyGrandmasterXuancheng (profound clear)came to the Buddhist scripturespavilionto sortto take the militarystudyancient book, the old buddhist monkthreeremindersinhim, hewere once besottedthroughout, nowhas been difficult to change. Eventodaydoes not injureinSongJushi the hand, withinthreeyearshein one night, veinsentirelybroken, will still become the disabled personsuddenly.”
扫地僧又道:“本寺之中,自然也有人佛法修为不足,却要强自多学上乘武功的,但练将下去,不是走火入魔,便是内伤难愈。当初玄澄大师来藏经阁拣取武学典籍,老衲曾三次提醒于他,他始终执迷不悟,如今早已积重难返。就算今天不伤在宋居士手中,三年之内他也会在一夜之间,突然筋脉俱断,成为废人。”„Amitabha!”ManyShaolineminent monks on the scene, hearswordfrom now onterrifiedonestartledis somewhat filled with wisdom, as ifhas comprehendedfaintly.
The color of sweeping the floormonkeyesrevealmercy: „Actually, the human attributesare all spatial, the colorbodyis injured, henceforthcannotpractice martial arts, heamends the Buddhist doctrineindustriously, from thishowevermustcomprehend, solidturns misfortune into a blessing. IffellowGrandmastersrigidwere abandonedwithhismartial arts, was really.”
扫地僧眼露慈悲之色:“其实,五蕴皆空,色身受伤,从此不能练武,他勤修佛法,由此而得开悟,实是因祸得福。各位大师若还是执着与他武功被废,实在是着相了。”sideZhengfirstclearlybecomes aware, holds their palms together: „Many thanksrelease.”Othermonksalsotastegradually, echoes together.
The sweeping the floormonknods, looks the gratifiedcolor: „Wewalk.”
扫地僧点点头,面露欣慰之色:“我们走吧。”„ButdesolateYuanshanwas stolen the studythistemplemartiallearn/study, iffalls into the alien racepersonhand......”spatialhearsZhongto feel badweakly, may be unable to bearopen the mouthto inquire.
“可是萧远山偷学了本寺武学,万一落入异族人手中……”空闻重伤气弱,可还是忍不住开口相询。Such remarksXiao Fengfather and sonin abundancelook changes, becausetheyhad seenmonk that thispresentssuddenlysimplyisimmeasurably deep, ifreallystartstodesolateYuanshan, perhaps......
The sweeping the floormonkthenlooked atdesolateHajime Tooyamaeyes, opens the mouth saying: „desolatescholar, youon the lower abdomenbeamgate ’, can the Taiyitwoholes, feel the faintpainrecently ‚?”
扫地僧回头看了萧远山一眼,开口道:“萧居士,你近来小腹上‘梁门’、‘太乙’两穴,可感到隐隐疼痛么?”desolateYuanshanwhole bodyonecold, said: „Godmonkclearlysees, isso.”
The sweeping the floormonkalsosaid: „You‚Guanyuanhole’onnumbness, recentlyactuallyhow?”
扫地僧又道:“你‘关元穴’上的麻木不仁,近来却又如何?”desolateYuanshanissurprised, tremblingsound said: „Thisnumbplacetenyears ago onlysmallfingerbig,...... has almost the tearimto be bignownow.”
The sweeping the floormonksighs: „The old buddhist monkhad saida moment ago, relatesthistemplemartial arts, mustreduce and solve the vicious tendencieswith the correspondingBuddhist doctrine, desolatescholarhad arrived at the cultivation deviationedge.”
扫地僧叹了一口气:“刚才老衲已经说了,联系本寺武功,必须用相应佛法化解戾气,萧居士已经到了走火入魔的边缘。”Xiao Fengfather and sonsimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformonestartled, Xiao Fenghas a mindto open the mouthto pray for rescue, butthinks that justalsowrestledwith the Shaolin Templelifeloathsome appearance, thisrequested how the incidentcannot open the mouth.萧峰父子齐齐一惊,萧峰有心开口求救,不过想到刚刚还与少林寺的人生死相搏,这相求一事如何也开不了口。
The sweeping the floormonkthenas ifto the Xiaofather and sonsaid that alsoas ifwarnedShaolinvariousmonk: „Practicesthistemplemilitarystudy to have the correspondingBuddhist doctrineto reduce and solve, otherwisenot onlyinsteadleaves a legacy of troubleuselesslyinfinitely, desolatescholarwill not maketo harm the acting without wisdom of Khitansoldier. Ifreallyhas the Khitansoldiers to cultivate/repaircosttemplemartial arts, provedinhisheartto have the heart of enoughmercy, the Buddhist doctrinetraininghad arrived at the extremelyhighboundary, suchthistemplemartial artswas studiedto gobythem is still immaterialeven.”
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