FSM :: Volume #15

#1483: The graciousness of past

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Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) of this world does not know that what's the matter, appearance still upright honest, but in bone actually deceitful sly, Song Qingshu does not know that he was seized the shed by the Ming Zun same old monster, thinks that he opposed and tried with several times to himself in the deathtrap, in the heart agitated is also disinclined to ponder several times reason, death ends all troubles solves this trouble simply. 这个世界的虚竹不知道怎么回事,外貌依然忠厚老实但骨子里却奸诈狡猾,宋青书不知道他是不是被明尊一样的老妖怪夺舍了,想到他数次与自己作对、数次试图致自己于死地,心中烦躁也懒得去思考其中的缘由,索性一了百了解决掉这个麻烦。 Naturally he maintained sane had not all extinguished the plan of Shaolin, Shaolin after all was the highly respected person in martial arts world, if all extinguished the influence too to be really big, but several people must remove, otherwise there are them to create difficulties, could not relax with the relations of Shaolin, Xuancheng (profound clear) and Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) must in the person except list. 当然他保持了理智没有全灭少林的打算,少林毕竟是武林中的泰山北斗,若是全灭之影响实在太大,不过其中有几人必须要除掉,不然有他们从中作梗,与少林的关系始终缓和不了,玄澄虚竹就是必除名单上的人。 Xuancheng (profound clear) was just firm anti- Myriad Swords Return to Origin, was broken Indestructible Vajra Body by sword qi directly, even is not dead estimated that is still half remnant, on the contrary was Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) is just not the sword qi main objective, although is injured, but after the wound was good , will also be vivid, intended the first goal then to elect him by Song Qingshu. 玄澄刚刚硬抗万剑归宗,被剑气正面打破金刚不坏体,即使不死估计也是半残,反倒是虚竹刚刚不是剑气主要目标,虽然受了伤,但是伤好之后又会生龙活虎,是以宋青书出手第一个目标便选了他。 Profound kind, side Zheng and the others called out in alarm makes noise, what a pity they are injured in the body, at this time no ample force stop, has only been able to look helplessly sword qi shoots toward Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) on. 玄慈、方证等人惊呼出声,可惜他们受伤在身,此时根本已无余力阻拦,只能眼睁睁看着剑气虚竹身上射去。 Previous quarter that however sword qi will soon hit a target, before Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) body, suddenly exudes ripples, skinny monk that wears the azure robe emerged out of thin air in front of him, held their palms together: Amitabha ~ 不过剑气即将射中的前一刻,虚竹身前忽然泛起一层涟漪,一个身着青袍的枯瘦僧人凭空出现在了他前面,双手合十:“阿弥陀佛~” Before shot the past that saying that sword qi as if met one soft, was hard barrier, several sounds, sword qi then dispersed invisible does not have the trace. 之前射过去的那道剑气仿佛遇上了一层柔软之极,却又坚硬之极的屏障,嗤嗤几声响,剑气便散得无形无踪。 Sweeping the floor monk!” The Song Qingshu pupil shrinks, recognizes the old monk who presented is. “扫地僧!”宋青书瞳孔一缩,认出了出现的这老僧是谁。 „The Song scholar, did not see for a long time.” The sweeping the floor monk shows a faint smile, first opens the mouth actually. “宋居士,好久不见。”扫地僧微微一笑,倒是抢先开了口。 Has seen the senior.” Song Qingshu does not know his purpose in coming, suddenly did not say anything. “见过前辈。”宋青书不知他来意,一时间也不好说什么。 Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) cannot untie is angry corruptly crazily, offended the scholar injured by the scholar, belonged to the punishment is deserved,” in sweeping the floor monk tone presented sympathetical air/Qi, this child quite had the origin with me, the old buddhist monk actually cannot stand by, but also looked at Song Jushi to spare and not punish too severely.” 虚竹解不开贪嗔痴,冒犯了居士被居士所伤,原属罪有应得,”扫地僧语气中出现了一丝惋惜之气,“不过此子与我颇有渊源,老衲却不能袖手旁观,还望宋居士高抬贵手。” The Song Qingshu complexion changes, sweeping the floor monk attitude must guarantee Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) obvious, must know him, but in entire Jin(golden) book system is most famous also the most mystical expert, entire day under guarantees three to struggle existence, really does not allow to despise. 宋青书脸色一变,扫地僧这态度明摆着是要保下虚竹了,要知道他可是整个金书体系中最出名也最神秘的高手,全天下保三争一的存在,实在不容轻视。 I said Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) to be young, unexpectedly an extremely wise martial arts, even is skilled in the Shaolin 72 unique skills faintly, originally is the merit of senior.” At this moment Song Qingshu where is not clear, this world has not had treasure jade chessgame, Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) actually still mysterious martial arts, thinks it over, only then the sweeping the floor monk had this skill. “我就说虚竹年纪轻轻,居然一身极为高明的武功,甚至隐隐精通少林七十二绝技,原来是前辈的功劳。”事到如今宋青书哪里还不明白,这个世界没有发生珍珑棋局,虚竹却依然有一身神奇的武功,想来想去只有扫地僧有这个本事了。 The sweeping the floor monk shakes the head: This faction martial arts passes from the Dharma old ancestor. The Buddhism juniors study military, is strong and healthy body, Protector crouches/submits demon. When studies any martial arts, always has mercy benevolent good reading. If not take the Buddhist studies as the base, when practicing martial arts, injures and surely. Practices 72 unique skill like this excellent martial learn/study, if not reduce and solve by the mercy Buddhist doctrine every day well distributed, then the vicious tendencies thorough internal organs, are deeper and deeper, any outside poisonous wants fierce hundred times compared with it. By for a lot of years, the Shaolin disciple colorful gentleman pours forth splendidly certainly, actually most practices to 33, no one can realize 72 unique skills.” 扫地僧摇了摇头:“本派武功传自达摩老祖。佛门子弟学武,乃在强身健体,护法伏魔。修习任何武功之时,总是心存慈悲仁善之念。倘若不以佛学为基,则练武之时,必定伤及自身。修炼七十二绝技这样的上乘武学,若是每日不以慈悲佛法调和化解,则戾气深入脏腑,愈陷愈深,比之任何外毒都要厉害百倍。是以千百年来,少林弟子精彩绝艳之士辈出,却最多练到十二三门,根本没有谁能练成七十二项绝技。” Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) meets so many, but took skillfully, by Lesser Formless Art stimulation of movement of Taoism, only then the shapes of 72 unique skills, do not have the realities of 72 unique skill, but the bonus is so, he had also received the heavy internal injury, now, waits to separate young but actually again for several years, perhaps his internal injury outbreak, can only bedridden with a lingering disease.” 虚竹之所以会这么多门,只不过是取了巧,以道家的小无相功催动,只有七十二绝技的形,却没有七十二绝技之实,不过饶是如此,他也已经受了不轻的暗伤,如今年轻倒也罢了,等再隔几年,他身上暗伤发作,恐怕只能缠绵病榻了。” The words saying in the field everyone terrified to change countenance, among Shaolin various monks, except for profound kind, side Zheng and others a few knows that foundation, others do not know that what Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) uses is Lesser Formless Art, when also in this temple had/left a youngster talent that seriously is skilled in 72 unique skills, knows the truth at this time, that type disappointed can be seen in speech and appearance with the feeling of frustration, in addition , the disastrous defeat in the hand of Song Qingshu, the people was full of the desperate meaning immediately. 一番话说得场中所有人悚然动容,少林诸僧当中,除了玄慈、方证等少数知道这其中的根底,其余人根本不知道虚竹用的是小无相功,还当本寺中当真出了一个精通七十二绝技的少年天才,此时得知真相,那种失望与挫败之感溢于言表,再加上之前惨败于宋青书之手,众人心里顿时充满了绝望之意。 desolate Yuanshan similarly is also the complexion big change, must know that he practices Shaolin absolute technique, these years body certain acupuncture point pains are getting more and more serious, before he also thinks that injured the vitality long ago again, in addition old erupted, has not thought that unexpectedly practices the reason of Shaolin martial arts. 萧远山同样也是脸色大变,要知道他强练少林绝学,这些年来身体某些穴道病痛已经越来越严重,之前他还以为是早年重伤损了元气,再加上年纪大了爆发出来,没想到居然是强练少林武功的原因。 As for Song Qingshu, his previous generation has listened to these words, this time shock is far less than desolate Yuanshan and Shaolin monks, but he also admires the sweeping the floor monk to point out very much unexpectedly confidently Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) is depends upon Lesser Formless Art to cheat, must know in the tumultuous times, if the young disciples are skilled in the Shaolin 72 unique skills, is how big joke, has how vital political significance. 至于宋青书,他前世就听过这番话,此时的震撼远不如萧远山与少林众僧,不过他也很佩服扫地僧居然这么坦然指出虚竹是依靠小无相功作弊,要知道乱世之中,若有一年轻弟子精通少林七十二绝技,是多么大的噱头,有多么重要的政治意义。 „Can senior guarantee him seriously?” However admires is a matter, must let off Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) is a different matter. “前辈当真要保他?”不过佩服是一回事,要不要放过虚竹是另一回事了。 Good, good,” sweeping the floor monk holds their palms together, also looked at Song Jushi to spare and not punish too severely.” “善哉善哉,”扫地僧双手合十,“还望宋居士高抬贵手。” Although he both eyes are atheistic, will stand just like an ordinary old person in martial arts is not completely ordinary there, but Song Qingshu actually does not dare to belittle, only will then achieve his cultivating for the person just now can see that the opposite party has given up affectation, will merge into one organic whole with the world aura, attacks him as if to oppose general with the world. 他虽然双目无神,站在那里犹如一个完全不会武功的普通老人一般,但宋青书却丝毫不敢小觑,只有达到他这种修为的人方才能看出对方已经返璞归真,与天地气息融为一体,攻击他就仿佛与天地作对一般。 However although he is strong, Song Qingshu does not have fears the psychology slightly, the look deep place gradually raising golden color ray, as if golden villain is beating faintly. 不过他虽然强,宋青书却无丝毫惧怕心理,眼神深处渐渐升起金色光芒,仿佛有一个金色小人隐隐在跳动。 Before a sweeping the floor monk also cloud poor business conditions light appearance, when he saw in the opposite party eyes that to wipe the golden color, the instantaneous body trembled, complexion big change, because he had an extremely intense sense of crisis, each cell seems warning the danger of his opposite party from top to bottom. 之前扫地僧还一副云淡风轻的样子,不过当他看到对方眼中那抹金色,瞬间身子一颤,脸色大变,因为他产生了一种极为强烈的危机感,浑身上下每一个细胞仿佛都在警告着他对方的危险。 The sweeping the floor monk complexion is dignified, does not know where changes a broom horizontally before the body, before whole body aura also no longer resembles, clouds the poor business conditions to be light like that but was the aura full, as if prepared the thunder to strike at any time. 扫地僧脸色凝重,也不知道从哪里变出一个扫把横在身前,浑身气息也不再像之前那般云淡风轻,而是气息全开,仿佛随时准备雷霆一击。 But Song Qingshu has not acted eventually, the golden color in look retreats gradually, finally restores as usual: „After the past Lion Slaying Ceremony, must deceive the senior to direct, this benevolence this Song forever keeps firmly in mind in the heart.” Initially the veins completely broke, dejected under obtained the sweeping the floor monk to show the right direction, in addition the opposite party lost his wisp of True Qi to preserve the heart lineage/vein, this matter Song Qingshu in the heart, he was one has had the graciousness to report the person, is not naturally willing to fight with the sweeping the floor monk life and death in this place. 只不过宋青书终究没有出手,眼神之中的金色渐渐退去,最后恢复如常:“当年屠狮大会后,得蒙前辈指点,这番恩情宋某始终牢记于心。”当初筋脉尽断,心灰意冷之下得到扫地僧指点迷津,再加上对方输了他一缕真气保住心脉,这件事宋青书一直记在心中,他是一个有恩必报之人,自然不愿意在此地与扫地僧生死相斗。 Today looks that forgives their one time in the face of senior, but...... he will not have said next time, but the meaning has can be seen in speech and appearance. “今日就看在前辈的面子上饶过他们一次,不过下次……”他并没有说完,但意思已经溢于言表。 Many thanks Song scholar.” The sweeping the floor monk scratched the cold sweat secretly, somewhat erratically looked at Song Qingshu one surprisedly, just does not know that what's the matter, that life and death sense of crisis was too intense, since his martial arts great accomplishment, has never had similar feeling. “多谢宋居士。”扫地僧暗暗擦了擦冷汗,有些惊疑不定地看了宋青书一眼,刚刚也不知道是怎么回事,那种生死危机感实在太强烈了,自从他武功大成之后从来没有过类似的感觉。 The sweeping the floor monk bragged that knows something to world martial learn/study, was Song Qingshu a moment ago the golden light in look, it may be said that was hears something never heard of before to see what one never saw before, does not know that was what martial learn/study. 扫地僧自诩对天下武学略知一二,可是宋青书刚才眼神中的金光,可谓是闻所未闻见所未见,根本不知道是什么武学。 Really after is the Yangtze River , before the wave pushes the wave, the sweeping the floor monk sighs secretly, turns around to say to kind and the others unreliably: We walk.” 果然是长江后浪推前浪,扫地僧暗暗叹了一口气,转身对玄慈等人说道:“我们走吧。” „Did this walk?” Profound kind is startled, the sweeping the floor monk in his heart is invincible existence, even if the Song Qingshu martial arts is high, possibly is not the opponent of sweeping the floor monk, „, but in temple so many severe wounds......” “就这样就走了?”玄慈一怔,在他心中扫地僧就是无敌的存在,哪怕宋青书武功再高,也不可能是扫地僧的对手,“可是寺中这么多人重伤……” His words have not said, holds Xuancheng (profound clear) monk to call out in alarm: Senior Brother Xuancheng (profound clear) the meridians all broke!” 他话还没说完,一个去扶玄澄僧人惊呼出来:“玄澄师兄经脉全断了!” The „Ah!” Shaolin monks call out in alarm in abundance, must know that Xuancheng (profound clear) is the Shaolin outwardly on first expert, now the meridians completely break, obviously martial arts has abandoned, must know that in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) person disabled person martial arts may be big enmity compared with the life and death, but these people knew that is not the Song Qingshu opponent, has to seek help looking to the sweeping the floor monk, anticipated that he acts to uphold the justice. “啊!”少林众僧纷纷惊呼,要知道玄澄是少林明面上的第一高手,如今经脉尽断,显然武功已经废了,要知道江湖中人废人武功可比生死大仇,只不过这些人自知不是宋青书对手,只好求助似的望向扫地僧,期待他出面主持公道。 Who knows that the sweeping the floor monk shakes the head to say slowly: This temple 72 unique skills, each time can the offending somebody strategic point, take the person life, swift and fierce ruthless spicy, goes all out the day, in each unique skill, must have the corresponding mercy Buddhist doctrine to reduce and solve. This truth temple monk also is not but actually well-known, but after a person practices to 45 unique skills, comprehension in Zen principle, naturally will receive the barrier. In my Shaolin Faction, that is called martial Xuezhang, sees barrier truth to be the same with knowledge that’ leaving the sect do not send. The must know Buddhist doctrine is asking to cross the world, martial arts is asking to take a life, both run counter, mutual restraint. Only the Buddhist doctrine is higher, reading of mercy is more abundant, the martial arts unique skill can practice more much, but cultivated/repaired for on so the boundary eminent monk, actually disdained various many study fierce murder methods.” 谁知道扫地僧缓缓摇头道:“本寺七十二项绝技,每一项功夫都能伤人要害、取人性命,凌厉狠辣,大干天和,是以每一项绝技,均须有相应的慈悲佛法为之化解。这道理本寺僧人倒也并非人人皆知,只是一人练到四五项绝技之后,在禅理上的领悟,自然而然的会受到障碍。在我少林派,那便叫作‘武学障’,与别宗别派的‘知见障’道理相同。须知佛法在求渡世,武功在求杀生,两者背道而驰,相互克制。只有佛法越高,慈悲之念越盛,武功绝技才能练得越多,但修为上到了如此境界的高僧,却又不屑去多学各种厉害的杀人法门了。” The sweeping the floor monk also said: In this temple, naturally also some people of Buddhist doctrines cultivate/repair to insufficient, actually stronger from the much study excellent martial arts, but will practice will get down, will not overstate, will be the internal injury is then difficult to recover. Initially Grandmaster Xuancheng (profound clear) came to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to sort to take the military study ancient book, the old buddhist monk three reminders in him, he were once besotted throughout, now has been difficult to change. Even today does not injure in Song Jushi the hand, within three years he in one night, veins entirely broken, will still become the disabled person suddenly.” 扫地僧又道:“本寺之中,自然也有人佛法修为不足,却要强自多学上乘武功的,但练将下去,不是走火入魔,便是内伤难愈。当初玄澄大师来藏经阁拣取武学典籍,老衲曾三次提醒于他,他始终执迷不悟,如今早已积重难返。就算今天不伤在宋居士手中,三年之内他也会在一夜之间,突然筋脉俱断,成为废人。” Amitabha!” Many Shaolin eminent monks on the scene, hears word from now on terrified one startled is somewhat filled with wisdom, as if has comprehended faintly. “阿弥陀佛!”在场的不乏少林高僧,闻言过后悚然一惊之余又有些醍醐灌顶,仿佛隐隐有所领悟。 The color of sweeping the floor monk eyes reveal mercy: Actually, the human attributes are all spatial, the color body is injured, henceforth cannot practice martial arts, he amends the Buddhist doctrine industriously, from this however must comprehend, solid turns misfortune into a blessing. If fellow Grandmasters rigid were abandoned with his martial arts, was really.” 扫地僧眼露慈悲之色:“其实,五蕴皆空,色身受伤,从此不能练武,他勤修佛法,由此而得开悟,实是因祸得福。各位大师若还是执着与他武功被废,实在是着相了。” side Zheng first clearly becomes aware, holds their palms together: Many thanks release.” Other monks also taste gradually, echoes together. 方证首先明悟过来,双手合十:“多谢开释。”其余众僧也渐渐回味过来,齐齐附和。 The sweeping the floor monk nods, looks the gratified color: We walk.” 扫地僧点点头,面露欣慰之色:“我们走吧。” But desolate Yuanshan was stolen the study this temple martial learn/study, if falls into the alien race person hand......” spatial hears Zhong to feel bad weakly, may be unable to bear open the mouth to inquire. “可是萧远山偷学了本寺武学,万一落入异族人手中……”空闻重伤气弱,可还是忍不住开口相询。 Such remarks Xiao Feng father and son in abundance look changes, because they had seen monk that this presents suddenly simply is immeasurably deep, if really starts to desolate Yuanshan, perhaps...... 此言一出萧峰父子纷纷色变,因为他们已经看出了这个忽然出现的僧人简直是深不可测,若是真对萧远山下手,恐怕…… The sweeping the floor monk then looked at desolate Hajime Tooyama eyes, opens the mouth saying: desolate scholar, you on the lower abdomen beam gate ’, can the Taiyi two holes, feel the faint pain recently ‚?” 扫地僧回头看了萧远山一眼,开口道:“萧居士,你近来小腹上‘梁门’、‘太乙’两穴,可感到隐隐疼痛么?” desolate Yuanshan whole body one cold, said: God monk clearly sees, is so.” 萧远山全身一凛,道:“神僧明见,正是这般。” The sweeping the floor monk also said: You Guanyuan hole on numbness, recently actually how?” 扫地僧又道:“你‘关元穴’上的麻木不仁,近来却又如何?” desolate Yuanshan is surprised, trembling sound said: This numb place ten years ago only small finger big,...... has almost the tea rim to be big now now.” 萧远山更是惊讶,颤声道:“这麻木处十年前只小指头般大一块,现下……现下几乎有茶杯口大了。” The sweeping the floor monk sighs: „The old buddhist monk had said a moment ago, relates this temple martial arts, must reduce and solve the vicious tendencies with the corresponding Buddhist doctrine, desolate scholar had arrived at the cultivation deviation edge.” 扫地僧叹了一口气:“刚才老衲已经说了,联系本寺武功,必须用相应佛法化解戾气,萧居士已经到了走火入魔的边缘。” Xiao Feng father and son simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform one startled, Xiao Feng has a mind to open the mouth to pray for rescue, but thinks that just also wrestled with the Shaolin Temple life loathsome appearance, this requested how the incident cannot open the mouth. 萧峰父子齐齐一惊,萧峰有心开口求救,不过想到刚刚还与少林寺的人生死相搏,这相求一事如何也开不了口。 The sweeping the floor monk then as if to the Xiao father and son said that also as if warned Shaolin various monk: Practices this temple military study to have the corresponding Buddhist doctrine to reduce and solve, otherwise not only instead leaves a legacy of trouble uselessly infinitely, desolate scholar will not make to harm the acting without wisdom of Khitan soldier. If really has the Khitan soldiers to cultivate/repair cost temple martial arts, proved in his heart to have the heart of enough mercy, the Buddhist doctrine training had arrived at the extremely high boundary, such this temple martial arts was studied to go by them is still immaterial even.” 扫地僧接下来仿佛对萧氏父子说又仿佛告诫少林诸僧:“修行本寺武学必须有相应佛法化解,不然不仅无益反而遗祸无穷,想必萧居士也不会做出损害契丹士兵的不智之举。如果真有契丹士兵能修成本寺武功,证明他心中已有足够慈悲之心,佛法修养已到了极高境界,那样就算本寺武功被他们学去也无关紧要了。”
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