FSM :: Volume #15

#1478: To win

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Song Qingshu shakes the head: I just did not say, by the Murong Fu skill, but could also not kill profound Grandmaster sad.” Profound sad, although in the original works is only the dragon embroidered costume that has not entered the stage dies, but its martial arts has actually been underestimated, all sorts of signs showed, he was at that time the Shaolin Temple sweeping the floor monk and profound kind under third expert, after all the Murong Bo sneak attack in first, falls unexpectedly leeward, finally only then by putting forth unique skill Big Dipper Turns and Stars Shift killed the opposite party unexpectedly. 宋青书摇了摇头:“我刚刚不是说了么,以慕容复的功力,还杀不了玄悲大师。”玄悲虽然在原著中只是个没出场就死的龙套,但其武功却一直被低估了,种种迹象表明,他是当时少林寺扫地僧、玄慈之下第三高手,毕竟慕容博偷袭在先,居然还落入下风,最后只有靠使出绝技斗转星移才出其不意杀了对方。 The Murong Bo goal is to provoke various nations dispute, must kill unreliably with Solitary Yang Finger sad, pitifully profound sad martial arts is too only high, his Solitary Yang Finger practices not proficiently, finally is surrounded by perils, must use the special unique skill, shifted blame the inadequate on the contrary pit own son. 慕容博的目的是挑起列国纷争,本是要用一阳指杀玄悲的,只可惜玄悲武功太高,他一阳指练得又不到家,最终险象环生,必须使出独门绝技,嫁祸不成反倒坑了自己的儿子。 But you did not say that profound dies of the hand of Big Dipper Turns and Stars Shift sadly?” The Xiao Feng doubts, responded suddenly, was Murong Bo!” “可你不是说玄悲死于斗转星移之手么?”萧峰疑惑不已,忽然间反应过来,“难道是慕容博!” Good.” Song Qingshu nods, roughly spoke the Murong Bo playing dead incident. “不错。”宋青书点了点头,将慕容博假死一事大致讲了一遍。 This!” The Xiao Feng ten fingers pinch make a sound, the eyes are completely the angry vision. “这狗贼!”萧峰十指捏得直响,双眼尽是愤怒的目光。 Unexpectedly is he!” desolate Yuanshan has almost not fainted, knew that in these years in unexpectedly is own big personal enemy who Shaolin Temple and he fights, must know that initially he saw Murong Bo to steal the Confucian classics in Shaolin Temple, thinks that he is the Shaolin enemy, the enemy of enemy is a friend, therefore he directs his martial arts in secret, contended in martial arts about 100 moves Murong Bo then unable to support until 300 moves still to make no distinction between victory and defeat compared with the acrobatic fighting for the first time for the third time. “居然是他!”萧远山也差点没有晕过去,得知这几十年来在少林寺和他交手的居然是自己的大仇人,要知道当初他见慕容博少林寺偷经书,认为他是少林敌人,正所谓敌人的敌人就是朋友,于是他暗中指点他武功,第一次比武一百招左右慕容博便支持不住直到第三次比武打了三百招依然不分胜负。 Thinks because causes personal enemy martial arts to progress by leaps and bounds under oneself direction, desolate Yuanshan air/Qi simply quickly spits blood. 想到因为在自己指点下导致仇人武功突飞猛进,萧远山简直快气得吐血。 At this time Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) opens the mouth to say suddenly: Matter temple about Venerable Murong must check to come to light, perhaps but the plot has, but the Xiao father and son murder is also real, desolate Yuanshan is stealing the study this temple 72 unique skills let alone, if puts them to leave, when the time comes martial arts divulging to alien race, what in the future will cruelly harm will be the Central Plain common people, this temple cannot work as this person condemned for all time in any event.” 此时虚竹忽然开口道:“关于慕容老先生的事情本寺必会查个水落石出,不过阴谋或许有,但萧氏父子杀人也是真,更何况萧远山偷学本寺七十二绝技,若是放他们离开,到时候武功泄露给异族,将来残害的是中原百姓,本寺无论如何不能当这个千古罪人。” Good, cannot put the Xiao father and son to leave.” After Shaolin Temple various monk just heard the Song Qingshu words, somewhat hesitates, now listened to Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) to say strengthened the idea instantaneously. “不错,不能放萧氏父子离开。”少林寺诸僧刚刚听到宋青书话后有些犹豫,如今听完虚竹所言瞬间坚定了想法。 Song Qingshu knits the brows secretly, this Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) not inverse image that honest simple and honest lesser monk, was he also being seized the shed like Zhang Wuji by which old monster? 宋青书暗暗皱眉,这个虚竹可不像原著中那个老实憨厚的小和尚啊,难道他也像张无忌那样被哪个老妖怪夺舍了? Zhao Min on tree curls the lip secretly, if the Xiao father and son killed Tan Tan woman Zhao Qiansun wait/etc some Jianghu (rivers and lakes) mixed fish, Shaolin estimated that also sets the example, not necessarily must leave behind them, even they killed the profound painstakingly Grandmaster, Shaolin may also look that endures patiently in the Song Qingshu face temporarily, but desolate Yuanshan was stolen the study 72 unique skills, this is the life of Shaolin. The plant root, is the career foundation in Jianghu (rivers and lakes), now perhaps comes Zhang Sanfeng and Wang Chongyang no matter uses. 树上的赵敏暗暗撇嘴,如果萧氏父子只是杀了谭公谭婆赵钱孙等等一些江湖杂鱼,少林估计也就做做样子,不一定非要留下他们,甚至他们杀了玄苦大师,少林也有可能看在宋青书的面子上暂时忍耐,不过萧远山偷学了七十二绝技,这可是少林的命.根子,是他们在江湖中安身立命之本,现在恐怕连张三丰王重阳来了都不管用。 You feared that desolate Yuanshan will cruelly harm the Han people common people to the Khitan soldiers martial arts instruction in the future?” Song Qingshu asked. “你们怕萧远山将武功传授给契丹士兵将来残害汉人百姓是吧?”宋青书反问道。 Naturally!” A Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) woeful appearance, „the present divine land perishes, our Shaolin since old times was the martial arts world leader, the nature, when strove for the world common people, guarded in not however.” “自然!”虚竹一副悲天悯人的模样,“如今神州沉沦,我们少林自古为武林领袖,自然当为天下百姓出一份力,防范于未然。” Good to strive, good to fear that desolate Yuanshan teaches to the Khitan soldier,” in the Song Qingshu tone suddenly were many to mock the meaning, „the alien race person in your mouth still knows the rare book that will obtain taught to the ordinary soldier, the rich country strengthening of the armed forces, made the contribution to the national interest, 72 unique skills that but your hands grasped the genuine, how could the soldier who these martial arts passed to our Han people, when let them to alien race cavalry was insufficient not to protect oneself the strength?” “好一个出一份力,好一个怕萧远山传授给契丹士兵,”宋青书语气中忽然多了一丝讥诮之意,“你们口中的异族人尚知道将得到的秘籍传授给普通士兵,富国强军,为国家利益做贡献,可你们手握正版的七十二绝技,何曾将这些武功传给我们汉人的士兵,让他们对上异族铁骑时不至于没有自保之力?” You!” Shaolin various monk is at a loss for words for a while, must know that giving up study of various schools usually safeguarded strictly, the non- in disciple does not pass on, for fear that gives up study divulging, for a lot of years various factions are so, without whom will be meaningful, who knows that a Song Qingshu big hat buckles, making them not know how to refute. “你!”少林诸僧一时语塞,要知道各门派的绝学素来看管极严,非内门弟子不传,生怕绝学泄露,千百年来各门各派都是如此,没谁会有意义,谁知道宋青书一顶大帽子扣下来,让他们不知道如何反驳。 If the common school, returned to his one to have the problem to be good directly, on Jianghu (rivers and lakes) which school giving up study to divulge to an outsider? But they brag Shaolin of martial arts world highly respected person, if acknowledged because of sectarianism, but not giving up study to give the person to cause the Han people soldier to be humiliated by the alien race person cavalry, this charge they may be unable to withstand. 如果是一般门派,直接回他一句有毛病就行了,江湖上哪个门派会将绝学外传?可他们是自诩武林泰山北斗的少林,若是承认因为门户之见而不把绝学授人导致汉人士兵被异族人骑兵欺凌,这罪名他们可承受不起。 Grandmaster side Zheng shouted Buddha, then said: simultaneous/uniform king some does not know, practices the martial arts of our Shaolin to need very good foundation, moreover earlier the progress is slow, cultivates the Buddhist doctrine that each martial arts also needs to correspond afterward to reduce and solve, otherwise very easy wound , is not only useless, instead is harmful. But the army needs the simple direct effective and quick training means that therefore this temple martial arts is not suitable to teach to them.” 方证大师喊了一声佛号,接着说道:“齐王有所不知,练习我们少林的武功需要很好的基础,而且前期进步缓慢,修炼到后来每一门武功还需要对应的佛法化解,不然很容易伤及自身,不仅无益,反而有害。而军队需要简单直接见效又快的训练办法,因此本寺武功不适合传授给他们。” various monk hears to nod in abundance, the side card Buddhist doctrine is profound, the manner benign countenance, usually loved for the people in the temple, this said is fair, explained calling to account of opposite party ingeniously. 诸僧听得纷纷点头,方证佛法精深,为人慈眉善目,在寺中素来为众人爱戴,这番说得合情合理,巧妙地解答了对方的责问。 Although has no favorable impression to others, but the opposite party proves this genial senior monk Song Qingshu somewhat to respect actually, but is related to the Xiao Feng fathers'and sons' life today, he also can only offend: Since according to the Grandmaster said that martial arts of expensive/noble temple did not suit in the army promotes, why feared that desolate Yuanshan did go back to pass to Khitan the soldier?” 虽然对其他人没什么好感,但对方证这个和善的老和尚宋青书倒是有几分敬重,不过今天事关萧峰父子的性命,他也只能得罪了:“既然按大师所言,贵寺的武功并不适合在军中推广,为何一口一个怕萧远山回去传给契丹士兵呢?” This......” side Zheng usually was not the capable in argument gentleman, suddenly cannot help but at a loss for words. “这……”方证素来不是能言善辩之士,一时间不由得语塞。 Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) quickly said: Although this temple martial arts does not suit in the army to promote, but Khitan people military ways of running a school number and Central Plain are different, if they have the law of what improvement, changes to suit the soldier to cultivate this temple martial arts, when the time comes regretted on the evening again.” 虚竹急忙说道:“虽然本寺武功不适合军中推广,但契丹人武学路数与中原不同,万一他们有什么改良之法,将本寺武功改得适合士兵修炼,到时候再后悔就晚了。” The Zhao Min secret nod on tree, this lesser monk is shifty-eyed, although is a little repugnant, but pours is also very capable in argument. 树上的赵敏暗暗点头,这小和尚贼眉鼠眼虽然有点讨厌,但倒也挺能言善辩的。 Nearby Xuancheng (profound clear) cannot repress finally, said loudly: Surnamed Song, you have a glib tongue want to take off/escape the crime for the Xiao father and son, tells you no way, today this temple so many experts, where will make you work? Said that previous time damages " Muscle-Changing Scripture » Sanskrit incident had not done accounts with you!” 一旁的玄澄终于按捺不住,大声说道:“姓宋的,你巧舌如簧就是想替萧氏父子脱罪而已,告诉你门都没有,今天本寺这么多高手在,哪会让你得逞?说起来上次损毁《易筋经》梵文原本一事都还没跟你算账呢!” Hears «Muscle-Changing Scripture», A'Zi opens mouth, tries saying that now Sanskrit originally in Song Qingshu there, such Shaolin Temple people can definitely hit with Song Qingshu, oneself one group of can also seize the chance to escape. 听到《易筋经》,阿紫张了张嘴,试图说如今梵文原本在宋青书那里,这样少林寺众人必然会和宋青书打起来,自己一行人也能趁机逃脱。 However she long time, does not know worries hesitant stemming from what seed/type has not finally said that was only secret snort/hum one, if you no matter we, I got into the water you together! She comes Xingxiu Sect, plans this matter not to have the guilty conscience at heart. 不过她犹豫半晌,不知道出于何种顾虑最终没有说出来,只是暗暗哼了一声,若是你不管我们,我就把你一起拖下水!她出身星宿派,计划这种事情心里毫无负罪感。 Song Qingshu naturally does not know oneself almost by A'Zi selling, but sneers to Xuancheng (profound clear) again and again: Said that a half of the day must speak by the strength finally, oh, that dozen of half-day mouth weaponry why.” 宋青书自然不知道自己差点被阿紫给卖了,而是对玄澄冷笑连连:“说一半天最后还是要靠实力说话,唉,那打一半天嘴仗到底为何。” Snort!” The Xuancheng (profound clear) frock wields, obviously asked for advice fierce of his mouth artillery, is not willing to make the struggle of argument with him again, but his clothes one pulled out by desolate Yuanshan leather whip a moment ago ruthlessly, at this time one after another, the appearance particularly is tattered funny. “哼!”玄澄僧袍一挥,显然是领教了他嘴炮的厉害,不愿意再与他做口舌之争,不过他身上的衣服刚才被萧远山的皮鞭一顿狠抽,此时破破烂烂一条一条的,样子分外滑稽。 Xiao Feng after all is the friend of mine, I cannot sit by and do nothing, this,” the Song Qingshu proposition said that „, if the tangled warfare gets up rather to injure and innocent, was inferior that we choose one person to come out respectively, if we won, you put them to leave ; If you won, Xiao father and son whatever the expensive/noble temple handles, how?” 萧峰毕竟是我的朋友,我不能坐视不理,这样吧,”宋青书提议道,“若是混战起来未免伤及无辜,不如我们就各选一人出来,如果我们赢了,你们就放他们离开;若是你们赢了,那萧氏父子就任由贵寺处置,如何?” Shaolin various monk look at each other in blank dismay, saw dreading in opposite party eyes, high of Song Qingshu martial arts, on Golden Serpent Congress they had experienced to cross, following had several social dealings, it may be said that was immeasurably deep, in field expert, although were many, but no one has grasped to Song Qingshu. 少林诸僧面面相觑,都看出了对方眼中的忌惮,宋青书武功之高,金蛇大会上他们已经见识过了,后续更是又打了几次交道,可谓是深不可测,场中高手虽多,但对上宋青书谁也没有把握。 Even the Xuancheng (profound clear) such crazy people somewhat hesitate, although he has the self-confidence, but this war relates to giving up study and prestige of Shaolin, he does not dare the rash. 玄澄这样狂的人都有些犹豫起来,他虽然非常有自信,可是此战关系到少林的绝学与声誉,他可不敢孟浪。 Amitabha ~ hears to open the mouth to say spatially, high of donor martial arts, has moved Jianghu (rivers and lakes), why to take a temple to show again.” “阿弥陀佛~”空闻开口道,“施主武功之高,早已名动江湖,何必再拿本寺来彰显呢。” Song Qingshu shrugs: Meaning that I have not really shown off now, but wants to help the friend, this, you thought that a war decides the victory and defeat to have no way to accept, how does that change to three to fight? Your my both sides have three people respectively, won the number of times many calculation victories, how?” 宋青书耸耸肩:“我现在还真没有显摆的意思,只是想帮朋友而已,这样吧,你们觉得一战定胜负没法接受,那就改为三战如何?你我双方各出三人,赢得次数多的算胜,如何?” Hears his proposition, some Shaolin various monk meanings moves, passes message into the intimate friendship to flow in abundance. 听到他这个提议,少林诸僧不禁有些意动,纷纷传音入密交流起来。 In their opinion, now Xiao Feng has been seriously injured, although can also strive the support, but oneself is casual a expert to be able to win steadily, other A'Zhu A'Zi martial arts are mean, is not worth mentioning. Like this, has not fought won steadily, this time bets the possibility that approximately wins to be very big. 在他们看来,如今萧峰已受重伤,虽然还能勉力支持,但自己这边随便出一个高手应该能稳赢,其他的阿朱阿紫武功低微,根本不值一提。这样算起来,还未战就稳赢了一场,这次赌约赢的可能性很大。 However raised the objection unreliably kindly, although they can win steadily, but the opposite party had/left Song Qingshu, can win mostly steadily, that victory and defeat key lies and at desolate Yuanshan competition. Just looked at desolate Yuanshan and Xuancheng (profound clear) showdown, did anyone of you have the confidence to win him steadily? 不过玄慈提出了异议,他们虽然能稳赢一场,但对方出了宋青书,多半也能稳赢一场,那胜负关键就在于和萧远山的比试上。刚刚看了萧远山与玄澄的对决,你们谁有信心能稳胜他么? Several other eminent monks are silent, although they bragged that does not lose desolate Yuanshan, but must win him, does not have the full assurance, this stand relations are major, no one dares to take risk. 其余几位高僧沉默不语,他们虽然自诩不输萧远山,但要赢下他,却没有十足的把握,此站关系重大,谁也不敢冒险。 Eventually Xu Zhu (empty bamboo) proposed that one's own side has completely the advantage, why puts the excellent advantage not to use, can conduct with them selects to decide the victory and defeat only? Xuancheng (profound clear) echoes immediately, profound kind and the others also nod in abundance. 最终虚竹提出己方占尽优势,为何放着大好的优势不用,非要和他们进行单挑定胜负?玄澄随即附和,玄慈等人也纷纷点头。 Finally the discussion has decided that the profound kind opens the mouth said: In Xiao father and son hand contaminated the blood of too many martial arts world person of same belief, but also was truant this faction martial arts, this temple cannot ignores it leave. If the simultaneous/uniform king can stand by, previously our gratitude and grudges wrote off, but can also win the friendship of our Shaolin.” 最终商议已定,玄慈开口道:“萧氏父子手上沾染了太多武林同道的血,还偷学了本派武功,本寺决不能放任其离开。若是齐王能袖手旁观,此前我们双方的恩怨一笔勾销,还能赢得我们少林的友谊。” Song Qingshu has to acknowledge, his proposition somewhat attraction, Shaolin millennium ancient temples, have the huge rallying point in the martial arts world, if obtains their assisting surely is even more powerful. 宋青书不得不承认,他的提议还是有几分吸引力的,少林千年古刹,在武林中有着巨大的号召力,若是得到他们的相助必定是如虎添翼。 However he is not three -year-old child, what can an illusory friendship commitment control to use? He is clear, the fundamental conflict of both sides is irreconcilable: Shaolin needs to look to be able the powerhouse union of unify the whole world, when the time comes they can also when production costs rise, prices rise too become the national religion, the benefit has been expanded enormously, now own influence relatively entire world is very small and weak, naturally within is not at them to plan. 不过他不是三岁的小孩子,一个虚无飘渺的友谊承诺管得了什么用?他非常清楚,双方的根本矛盾冲突不可调和:少林是需要找能一统天下的强者联合,到时候他们也能水涨船高成为国教,利益得到极大扩张,如今自己的势力相对整个天下还很弱小,自然不在他们计划之内。 Now all sorts of signs showed, what in Shaolin eye possibly unified world is Mongolia...... this is also actually indisputable, no matter historically Zen or Quanzhen Sect, or each sect of West, works according to ability to Mangolia's Great Khan does missionary work, because Mangolia's Great Khan believed in some taught, that teaching position will become very aloof, various world places can open the temple, the offer that various types granted, landed property and follower was inexhaustible. 如今种种迹象表明,少林眼中最可能统一天下的是蒙古……其实这也无可厚非,历史上不管是禅宗还是全真教,又或者西方的各个教派,都各尽所能向蒙古大汗传教,因为蒙古大汗信奉了某教,那个教的地位就会变得非常超然,天下各处都能开寺庙,各种赏赐、田产、信徒的奉献更是取之不尽。 But Zen and Quanzhen Sect fight one quite a while, is Vajrayana receives Mangolia's Great Khan to favor finally on the contrary...... 只不过禅宗和全真教斗一半天,最后反倒是密宗更受蒙古大汗青睐…… Especially thinks that the beforehand Shaolin specially arranges Chen Youliang this board game piece to try to contain the influence, Song Qingshu even more is then uncomfortable: So, is solemn Shaolin hitting by the idea of multi- win?” 特别是想到之前少林特意安排陈友谅这枚棋子试图遏制自己势力,宋青书便愈发不爽:“如此看来,堂堂少林是打着以多取胜的主意?”
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