FSM :: Volume #15

#1462: Unexpected disaster

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A Huang Rong elegant face was instantaneously red, is shames is embarrassed: How will I have such dream?” 黄蓉一张俏脸瞬间红了,又是羞又是窘:“我怎么会做这样的梦?” Suddenly detected that thigh there is somewhat unusual, the subconsciousness puts out a hand to touch, mounts flour gruel one big piece to make her wish one could a crack to worm one's way into. 忽然察觉到大腿那里有些异样,下意识伸手一摸,黏糊糊一大片让她恨不得有个地缝钻进去。 Has a dream, serves a need...... to be moved.” Huang Rong two cheeks burnt at this time fiercely, looked toward side afraid, Song Qingshu is sleeping soundly luckily, had not discovered that her difference, this breathes a sigh of relief slightly. “做个梦而已,用得着这么……这么动情么。”黄蓉此时两颊烫得厉害,心虚地往旁边看了看,幸好宋青书正在熟睡,没有发现她的异样,这才稍微舒了口气。 The whole body mounts the flour gruel discomfort somewhat, Huang Rong wants first to take a bath, but deeply, has naturally not facilitated to shout that now the servant prepares the water, moreover she just set out, thought that the whole body is much weaker, wants to come to exhaust her strength in dream all a moment ago. 浑身黏糊糊的有些难受,黄蓉想先去洗浴一番,不过如今也已经深了,自然不方便喊仆人准备水,而且她刚刚一起身,就觉得浑身酥软得厉害,想来刚才在梦中的一切已经耗尽了她的力气。 But she has to lie down, may pass through such little while twists and turns, could not fall asleep, calmly is looking at men's profile, cannot help but somewhat was suddenly crazy: Others said that the day has thought of the night to have a dream, is my dream to and him...... this my true idea?” 无奈之下她只好重新躺了下来,可经过这么会儿波折,却怎么也睡不着了,静静地望着身边男子侧脸,一时间不由得有些痴了:“人家都说日有所思夜有所梦,我梦到和他……难道这就是我内心的真实想法么?” Is impossible, this is impossible!” Then Huang Rong in like this was of disturbed in the mood and struggling to cross, the day also brightened gradually. “不可能,这绝不可能!”接下来黄蓉就在这样忐忑而又挣扎的心情中渡过,天也渐渐变亮了。 When Song Qingshu opens the eye, saw that the Huang Rong tired both eyes soulless appearance had a scare: Rong'er, you how?” 宋青书睁开眼睛,看到黄蓉一脸疲惫双目无神的样子被吓了一跳:“蓉儿,你怎么了?” Huang Rong wakes from that ignorant condition finally, sees the face of Song Qingshu, in the mind cannot help but appears on own initiative female crouches/submits Gui in his front picture, a face leapt one is also red: Not...... no.” 黄蓉终于从那种浑浑噩噩的状态中醒过来,看到宋青书的脸,脑海中不由自主地浮现出自己主动雌伏跪在他面前的画面,一张脸腾地一下又红了:“没……没什么。” Song Qingshu put out a hand to search her forehead, knit the brows: Somewhat feels hot, looked that on you as if are also many hot perspiration, after was yesterday's heavy rain, infected the cold?” 宋青书伸手探了探她的额头,皱眉道:“有些发烫,看你身上似乎又不少热汗,难道是昨天淋雨后感染了风寒?” „...... It is not.” Some Huang Rong look twinkles, are saying afraid, then set out to wear the coat, thought that a while must tell the servant prepared the hot water to wash, otherwise the body was too uncomfortable. “不……不是。”黄蓉眼神有些闪烁,心虚地说着,然后起身穿上了外套,心想等会儿一定要吩咐仆人准备热水洗漱一番,不然身上太难受了。 Was worried that was seen what unusuality by the opposite party, the Huang Rong hurried opens the mouth said: Is only because was worried that you had any illegal behavior last night, therefore could not sleep.” 担心被对方看出什么异常,黄蓉急忙开口道:“只是因为担心你昨晚有什么不轨的行为,所以一直睡不着觉。” Song Qingshu cannot help but smiles bitterly: In your heart isn't my trustworthy?” 宋青书不由得苦笑不已:“在你心中我就这样不值得信赖么?” Huang Rong snort/hum, thinks dream that last night had, in the heart was even more agitated. 黄蓉哼了一声,想到昨晚做的梦,心中愈发烦躁起来。 Song Qingshu also turns over/stands up from the bed, wears after the clothes, runs up to near the window to look, is happy: Storm stopped unexpectedly!” 宋青书也从床上翻身下来,穿好衣裳过后,跑到窗边一看,不由喜道:“风暴居然停了!” Huang Rong is startled, this storm comes suddenly, goes also suddenly, must know that judged at the experience that on the island grows up by her since childhood, such storm often will continue for several days to be right. 黄蓉一怔,这风暴来得突然,去得也突然,要知道以她从小在海岛上长大的经验判断,这样的风暴往往会持续几天才对。 I must make the best use of the time to walk while this opportunity, otherwise the storm came, I have been stranded here.” Song Qingshu thinks that the Southern Song Dynasty royal government sharpened the knife to want the Northern Expedition, the Jin Empire that side to have too many things to arrange, leaves own time to be getting fewer and fewer. “趁这个机会我得抓紧时间走了,不然风暴又来了,我就会一直被困在这里了。”宋青书想到南宋朝廷磨刀霍霍要北伐,金国那边有太多的事情要布置,留给自己的时间越来越少了。 I did not keep you.” If yesterday, somewhat will be perhaps moved to such hurried distinction Huang Rong, is after evening's that absurd dream, now her some do not know how should face the opposite party, looks forward to him to depart earlier, like this she can well be quiet. “那我也不留你了。”若是昨天,对这样匆忙的分别黄蓉说不定还会有些怅然若失,可是经过晚上那个荒唐的梦,现在她都有些不知道该如何面对对方,巴不得他早点离去,这样她能好好平静一下。 Rong'er, in island good good nourishing fetus, the Central Plain now the bad risk extremely, you temporarily do not go back.” Song Qingshu thinks during the original works Huang Rong is pregnant, various dangers, cannot bear the reminder say. 蓉儿,你在岛上好好养胎,中原如今凶险万分,你暂时不要回去了。”宋青书想到原著中黄蓉怀孕期间遇到的各种危险,忍不住提醒道。 Un, I know.” Huang Rong nods scared witless. “嗯,我知道。”黄蓉魂不守舍地点了点头。 At this moment not far away remembered the melodious vertical bamboo flute sound suddenly, obviously Huang Yaoshi got out of bed, in the two people in abundance heart in room one cold. 就在这时不远处忽然又想起了悠扬的洞箫声,显然黄药师起床了,房中的两人纷纷心中一凛。 I really must walk, otherwise by your father was discovered I pass the night in your room, he did not go all out to be strange with me.” Song Qingshu quickly said, can foresee this type of frame really to hit is very undeserved, the opposite party goes all out to kill you, you actually cannot injure the opposite party. “我真得走了,不然被你爹发现我在你房中过夜,他不和我拼命才怪了。”宋青书急忙说道,可以预见这种架真打起来会很冤枉,对方拼了命要杀你,你却又不能伤了对方。 Huang Rong somewhat is also flurried, is pushing him after the room window there: You walk quickly, I did not keep you.” 黄蓉也有几分慌乱,推着他往屋后窗台那里去:“那你快走吧,我就不留你了。” The Song Qingshu figure flashed then to jump, some Huang Rong faint losing time, the opposite party revealed a face to come out: I had free time to come Peach Blossom Island to look your.” 宋青书身形一闪便跳了出去,黄蓉正隐隐有些失落的时候,对方又露了张脸出来:“我有空了会来桃花岛看你的。” Huang Rong spat one: Who wants you to look.” 黄蓉啐了一口:“谁要你看。” Song Qingshu laughs, no longer the stay vanished in out of the window. 宋青书哈哈一笑,不再停留消失在了窗外。 Before Huang Rong arrives at the window, looks direction that he is vanishing, suddenly some looks are complex. 黄蓉走到窗前望着他消失的方向,一时间有些神色复杂。 Rong'er, did I as if hear in your room to have the laughter of man?” At this moment, Huang Yaoshi pushed the door to walk, a face doubt is carefully examining everywhere. 蓉儿,我似乎听到了你房间里有男人的笑声?”就在这时,黄药师推门走了进来,一脸狐疑地四处审视着。 The Huang Rong heart jumps, quickly has turned round to squeeze a smile: Father, how in the daughter room will have the voice of man.” Is saying while cleaned Song Qingshu just to step on the footprint on window in behind quietly. 黄蓉心头一跳,急忙回过身去挤出一丝笑容:“爹,女儿房间里怎么会有男人的声音。”一边说着一边在背后悄悄擦拭掉宋青书刚刚踩在窗台上的脚印。 Yes?” Huang Yaoshi looked around to look to have achieved nothing, suddenly noticed exhausted on Huang Rong face, the startled say/way, how your facial expression must miss compared with yesterday.” “是么?”黄药师四处看了看一无所获,忽然注意到黄蓉脸上的疲惫,不由惊道,“你的气色怎么比昨天还要差了。” Last night had not had a good sleep,” a Huang Rong complexion red, real reason does not certainly facilitate saying that has to answer, possibly just came back is not familiar with.” “昨晚没有睡好,”黄蓉脸色一红,真实原因当然不方便讲,只好解释道,“可能是刚回来不太习惯吧。” And said Huang Rong and father display their wisdom and bravery, Song Qingshu had arrived at the seashore, yesterday Huang Rong gave him to explain the mechanism/organization on island, these jungle naturally could not block him. 且说黄蓉与父亲斗智斗勇的时候,宋青书已经来到了海边,昨天黄蓉给他讲解过岛上的机关,那些密林自然拦不住他。 Discovered to the seashore a wharf, when wants to come is the Peach Blossom Island person leaves the island uses, the people on island have many years of life at sea experiences, hides the ships in some hiding places, therefore not by yesterday's storm damage, Song Qingshu a boat will advance in the sea, suddenly actually somewhat worries. 到了海边发现了一个码头,想来是桃花岛的人出岛时所用,岛上的人有多年的海上生活经验,将船只藏在一些隐蔽处,因此没有被昨天的风暴损毁,宋青书将其中一艘小船推到了海中,忽然间却有些犯了难。 He tries the sail and oar on ship, actually does not grasp well the effort, can only spin same place. 他试了试船上的风帆和桨,却始终掌握不好力度,只能在原地打转。 Can return to the island to catch a mute servant to operate?” A Song Qingshu heavy line. “难道要回岛上去抓一个哑仆来操作么?”宋青书一头黑线。 However he cancelled this thought finally, mostly is he was worried that afterward the mute servant divulges today's matter, when the time comes the Huang Rong fame and integrity harms- although mute servant the mouth cannot say, but must transmit some news many methods, Song Qingshu really cannot achieve the cold blood to eliminate a potential informant, has to eliminate the thought of looking for the mute servant. 不过他最终还是打消了这个念头,主要是他担心事后哑仆泄露出今天的事情,到时候黄蓉名节有损-哑仆虽然口不能言,但是要传递消息还是有很多方法的,宋青书又实在做不到冷血地灭口,只好打消了找哑仆的念头。 Snort, in the past Dharma can a reed cross a river, haven't I been able a ship to cross the sea?” The Song Qingshu arrogance also came up, no longer uses the oar and sail simply, stimulates to movement the small boat offshore islands to go with the inner strength directly. “哼,当年达摩能一苇渡江,难道我还不能一船渡海么?”宋青书傲气也上来了,索性不再用桨和帆,直接用内力催动着小舟离岛而去。 Also thanks to arriving at this world many years, in addition, marches experience that goes to war, he set the leading the way direction by various knowledge, once otherwise making a mistake position, no matter what his inner strength is strong, cannot achieve transpacific definitely. 也多亏来到这个世界很多年了,再加上之前行军打仗的经验,他凭借各种知识确定了前行的方向,不然一旦搞错方位,任他内力再强,也决计做不到横渡太平洋。 Is good is not far from the mainland because of Peach Blossom Island, Song Qingshu looked for right the position, after several double-hour, finally mounted the shore. 好在桃花岛离大陆并不算远,宋青书找对了方位,几个时辰后终于登上了岸。 Comes ashore his even also farm in misconception of shaking, the complexion is ugly: Looked for the time study study to hold the boat to drive the ship, otherwise does the inverse image Jiu Mozhi such, has a skill in Wushu actually putting in order spatially almost by two little girls is buried in the water, then on tragedy.” 才上岸的时候他甚至还有一种地在晃的错觉,不由脸色难看:“等找个时候学学操舟驶船了,不然搞得像原著中鸠摩智那样,空有一身武艺却被两个小丫头片子给整得差点葬身水中,那就悲剧了。” Looked for a household of peasant family to query here geographic name in the , roughly estimated was not far from Ningbo too, then northbound went toward the west, day quick black time finally entered in Shanyincheng. 在附近找了一户农家问清了此处地名,大致估计了一下离宁波不算太远,便一路往西北行去,天快黑的时候终于进入了山阴城中。 It seems like the previous time Shen garden murder case has a great influence, the city gate soldier were more than several times the ordinary day.” Song Qingshu returns to here, first this place can be the road which must be taken that he goes north, secondly complied with Lu Wushuang to come back initially to look at her, rather lost/carrying world, does not lose the young person, does his how could being cruel enough make a little miss sad? “看来上次沈园的血案影响颇大,城门的士兵比平日里多了几倍。”宋青书之所以回到这里,一来是此地算得上是他北上的必经之路,二来么是当初答应了陆无双要回来看她,正所谓宁负天下,不负红颜,他又岂能忍心让一个小姑娘伤心失望? And said that at this time Lu Wushuang is in a daze in the room, the mouth non-stop muttering: Big Brother Song Big Brother Song, can you come to see me? I have towed is so long, tomorrow said that anything must leave.” 且说此时陆无双正在房中发呆,嘴里不停喃喃自语:“宋大哥宋大哥,你到底会不会来看我?我已经拖了这么久了,明天说什么也得动身了。” Originally she and Cheng Ying continues to rescue best friend Chen Bijun, originally should leave to embark early, but Lu Wushuang thinks that initially Song Qingshu just before leaving commitment, has found various excuses to tow. 原来她和程英约好继续去救闺蜜沈璧君,本来早该动身出发了,可是陆无双想到当初宋青书临走的承诺,一直找各种理由拖着不走。 Cheng Ying can only leave but in advance, making behind her follow, she can stay for several days in the north slope. 程英无奈之下只能先行动身,让她后面再跟上,她才能在山阴多呆几天。 Several times the prompting message that over the two days but Lu Wushuang had received the cousin, knows that cannot drag, decides then to leave to meet with the cousin early tomorrow morning. 可是这两天陆无双已经数次收到表姐的催促信息,知道再也不能拖下去了,决定明日一早便动身去与表姐会合。 Perhaps he has forgotten me.” Lu Wushuang said contentedly. “说不定他早就就把我忘了。”陆无双顾影自怜地说道。 Who forgot you?” At this moment near the ear broadcasts a familiar sound suddenly. “谁把你忘了啊?”就在这时耳边忽然传来一个熟悉的声音。 Lu Wushuang cannot believe turns head, on the stunned discovery window is sitting that long-awaited man. 陆无双不可置信地回头,愕然发现窗户上正坐着那个自己朝思暮想的男人。 Big Brother Song?” Lu Wushuang some shout indefinitely. 宋大哥?”陆无双有些不确定地喊道。 Unparalleled, making you wait for a long time.” Sees she inflamed eyes, Song Qingshu fills slightly said tender. “无双,让你久等了。”看到她微微红肿的眼睛,宋青书充满怜惜地说道。 Big Brother Song!” Determined oneself is not having a dream, Lu Wushuang cannot bear again, threw in the opposite party bosom excitedly, chirp cried. 宋大哥!”确定了自己不是在做梦,陆无双再也忍不住,激动地扑到了对方怀中,嘤嘤哭了起来。 The warm fragrant soft jade in the bosom, Song Qingshu pats the back of young girl to comfort gently, but some facial colors are suddenly strange, does not know that is the reason of oyster last night ate by the Huang Rong exciting sequela, present he was quite sensitive, hugs the body of young girl to have the response instantaneously. 温香软玉在怀,宋青书轻轻拍着少女的背安慰起来,不过忽然有些面色古怪,不知道是昨晚吃的生蚝的缘故还是被黄蓉刺激的后遗症,如今的他极为敏感,搂着少女的身体瞬间就有了反应。 Lu Wushuang also realized anything obviously, the charmingly angry body was even more soft. 陆无双显然也意识到了什么,娇嗔一声身子愈发柔软了。 Saw that in the room the atmosphere is getting more and more ambiguous, the Song Qingshu ear moves suddenly, the look looked dignifiedly to the room: Some people came.” 眼看着屋中气氛越来越暧昧,宋青书忽然耳朵一动,神色凝重地望向了屋外:“有人来了。” Lu Wushuang is startled, outside this little while time heard the noise gradually, opens a fine drawn the window door, found that one group of bailiffs walked toward here. 陆无双一怔,这会儿功夫外面渐渐传来了嘈杂声,把窗门推开一个细缝,发现一群捕快往这边走了过来。 Big Brother Song you first hide.” Lu Wushuang after all is the unmarried girl, if were known the tryst man in the boudoir, she did not have the face to see the person. 宋大哥你先躲一下吧。”陆无双毕竟是个黄花闺女,如果被人知道在闺房中私会男人,她也没脸见人了。 Song Qingshu nods, oneself status is sensitive, now indeed not suitable met face to face with the Southern Song Dynasty official character. 宋青书点点头,自己身份敏感,如今的确不宜和南宋官方的人物打照面。 He hides well shortly , the gate was then shoved open from outside, is the first oval face, the phoenix eye, the appearance is lush, impressively is Miss Xue Jia Xue Baochai. 他藏好没多久,门便被从外面推开了,为首鹅蛋脸,丹凤眼,容貌丰美,赫然便是薛家大小姐薛宝钗 How will she come to here?” The Song Qingshu doubts of hidden place. “她怎么会来这儿?”暗处的宋青书疑惑不已。 The quick Xue Baochai words then untied his anxiety: Land miss, we suspected that you are concerned with Shen garden extermination case, but also looks at you to follow us.” 很快薛宝钗的话便解开了他的疑虑:“陆姑娘,我们怀疑你和沈园灭门案有关,还望你跟我们走一趟。” Lu Wushuang has not sobered from the joy, reports to the emperor the sad news to be startled: What did you say?” 陆无双还没从刚才的喜悦中清醒过来,奏闻噩耗不由一怔:“你说什么?” Also looks at the land miss to excuse me,” Xue Baochai said lightly, our imperial city division accepts Shen garden extermination case, investigates after this period of time, finally found some clues, happening in the evening, some people noticed that you and your cousin hurry to Shen garden direction, I questioned the maidservant in your home specially, in the evening you and your cousins have not come back, therefore you have the significant suspicion of committing a crime.” “还望陆姑娘见谅,”薛宝钗淡淡说道,“我们皇城司接受沈园灭门案,经过这段时间排查,终于找到一些线索,案发当晚,有人看到你和你表姐往沈园方向赶去,我特意查问了贵府中的丫鬟,当晚你和你表姐都没有回来,所以你们有犯案的重大嫌疑。” Nonsense,” Lu Wushuang is frank, immediately refuted, I and my cousin were investigate Bi Monarch to be missing a case, said again, Bi Monarch was our good friends, how we will harm her family member!” “胡说八道,”陆无双本来就是个直性子,当即反驳道,“我和我表姐是去调查璧君失踪一案的,再说了,璧君是我们的好朋友,我们岂会害她家人!” Because you and Chen Bijun relate closely, therefore we suspected that you have being able to withdraw responsibility with this case.” Saw Lu Wushuang also to say anything again, Xue Baochai waved directly, had what words to go back with us to say again, carried off!” “就因为你们和沈璧君关系密切,所以我们怀疑你们和此案有脱不开的干系。”见陆无双还要再说什么,薛宝钗直接一挥手,“有什么话跟我们回去再说,带走!”
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