The Song Qingshuto praisesighedheartfeltly: „Rong'er, youare really beautiful.”宋青书不禁由衷地赞叹道:“蓉儿,你真美。”
The Huang Rongheartjumps, suddenlyfeltoneselfgive shelter tohimhereis a mistake: „Iam nottheseby the little miss who youdeceive, oneselfwasha bit faster, Ilook forcleanclothestoyou.”黄蓉心头一跳,忽然觉得自己收留他在这里就是一个错误:“我可不是那些被你骗的小姑娘,自己快点去洗吧,我给你找件干净的衣服。”Song Qingshujumps downfrom the window: „Thiswetdá dá the clotheswere indeed uncomfortable.”Thentook off the clothesto drillin the bathbarrelneatly and quickly.宋青书从窗台上跳下来:“这湿哒哒的衣服的确难受死了。”三下五除二便脱掉衣服钻到了浴桶之中。Huang Rongcomplexiononered, quickly one side arriveslooks for the clothes, no longerlookstoward that side.黄蓉脸色一红,急忙走到一旁找衣服,不再往那边看。„Thiswateris quite fragrant.”Rocks the water splash of bathbarrel, Song Qingshucannot be bearingsay with emotion.
“这水好香啊。”晃动着浴桶的水花,宋青书忍不住感慨道。Hearshiswords, Huang Rongalmostdoes not haveoneto fall down, discoveredoneclothesto throwfrom the closetdirectlyright in the face: „Washesa bit faster, leavesthatmanywords.”
听到他的话,黄蓉差点没一头栽倒,从衣柜里找出一套衣服直接劈头盖脸扔了过去:“快点洗,别那么多话。”Song Qingshuquick of eye and handholds, said with a smileslightly: „Is thisGuobrother'sclothes?”宋青书眼疾手快一把抓住,微微笑道:“这是郭兄的衣服么?”Huang Rongnods: „Previousoldclothes, do not shut out.”黄蓉点了点头:“之前的旧衣服,你不要嫌弃。”Song Qingshusaidwith a smile: „Guobrotherhas used the thing, wantsto come the qualityto be definitely excellent, whereIwill shut out.”宋青书笑着说道:“郭兄用过的东西,想来质量肯定是极好的,我又哪会嫌弃呢。”Huang Ronggot angrystaredhisoneeyes, how unable to listen to the wordsintentto refer tobyherintelligence and ability, when will get angry, outsideheardHuang Yaoshi the sound of passes messagefrom afar: „Rong'er, goodto come outto eat meal, the fathermakes the medicine that preventing miscarriagedrove out the coldtoyouspecially.”黄蓉嗔怒地瞪了他一眼,以她的聪明才智又岂会听不出话里意有所指,正要发怒之际,外面远远传来黄药师的传音之声:“蓉儿,好了就出来吃饭,爹特意给你熬了安胎驱寒的药。”„Came~”Huang Rongcomplied withone, thenstaresSong Qingshuto saylow voice,„Ifirstwent out, do not makewhatmoveto be discoveredsmartly.”
“来了~”黄蓉应了一声,然后瞪着宋青书小声说道,“我先出去了,你自己机灵点,别弄出什么动静被发现了。”Song Qingshuwaves: „Relax, Ido not wantto be caught up withonetimebyyour fatheragain.”宋青书挥了挥手:“放心吧,我可不想再被你爹赶一次。”Huang Rongthenhad a coatto bindon the bodyto walk, simultaneouslydiscretelypass/testHaomen.黄蓉这才披了一件外套裹在身上走了出去,同时谨慎地关好门。
After shewalks, Song Qingshualsofeltinsipidly, even/includingYutongwater was also somewhat changing colorswhile convenientseveralpoints, washedthento crawlto wear the clothesfast.
她一走之后,宋青书也觉得有些索然无味,顺带着连浴桶里的水也失色了几分,快速洗完了便爬出来穿好衣服了。In a whileseveralmuteservantspush the doorto come, movedbathbarreland otherthings, hidesSong Qingshuinwardrobehas torejoiceownspeedis fastenough, otherwisewas hitbythesemuteservantssomewhatwas troublesome.
After thesemuteservantstidy up the thinggoes out, Song Qingshuis bored to death, is disinclinedto come outfrom the closet, perhapsis is extremely for the last few days tired, stayeda whilethensomewhatto be strandedintentto upwellininside, lay downininsidesimplyrested.
待那些哑仆收拾好东西出去后,宋青书百无聊赖,也懒得从衣柜里出来,也许是连日来太过劳累,在里面待了一会儿便有些困意上涌,索性躺在里面睡了过去。Alsohas not knownhow long, Huang Rongpushed the doorto come, saw that insidethingwas tidied up, even/includingYutongalsovanished into thin air, cannot help but the complexionchanges, simultaneouslyrebukes oneselfsecretly: Was givento disrupt the state of mindbyhim, unexpectedlyhas not prevented the servant to tidy up.
也不知过了多久,黄蓉推门进来,看到里面东西被收拾了一遍,连浴桶也不翼而飞了,不由得脸色微变,同时暗暗自责:都是被他给扰乱了心绪,居然没有预防到仆人会来收拾。„Did heleave?”Huang Rongcloses the door, roughlylookedin the room, has not seen the Song Qingshutrace, cannot help butmuttered.
“难道他离开了?”黄蓉关上房门,在房间里大致看了看,没有看到宋青书的踪影,不由得喃喃自语。Sheevenrushed towindowthere that beforehandSong Qingshupresentedto shove opennosed, stillhas not only seen the voice of opposite partypitifully.
她甚至跑到之前宋青书出现的窗户那里推开了查探了一番,只可惜依然没有见到对方的声音。„It seems likereallywalked.”Huang Rongwas implicatedin the table, Youyou (faintly/spookily)sighs.
“看来真的走了。”黄蓉在桌旁坐了下来,幽幽叹了一口气。„Suddenlydiscovereddoesn't give upme?”At this timenear the earbroadcast a facetioussoundsuddenly.
“是不是忽然发现舍不得我啊?”这时候耳边忽然传来一个戏谑的声音。Huang Ronghad a scare, turns aroundto discover that Song Qingshuis sittingin the wardrobe the faint smilelooks at itself.黄蓉被吓了一跳,转过身来发现宋青书正坐在衣橱中似笑非笑地看着自己。„Mustdie!”Huang Rongis striking one's chestgently, gets angry saying that „does not know the person who is pregnantcannot stand upto frighten.”
The Song Qingshucomplexionchanges, quicklyjumpsfrom the wardrobe, askedkindly: „Are youall right?”宋青书脸色微变,急忙从衣橱中跳出来,关切地问道:“你没事吧?”„All right,”Huang Rongcannot help butspreads outwithhim, toreduce and solveawkwardlypulls out a thingto give the opposite partyfrom the bosom, „a today'sdayhas not eaten the thing, hungry, thisgivesyou.”
“没事,”黄蓉不由自主与他拉开点距离,为了化解尴尬从怀中掏出一物递给对方,“今天一天都没吃东西,饿了吧,这个给你。”Song Qingshureceiveslooked,discoveredin a handkerchiefis wrappingsomefinedesserts, becausewas being wrappedby the handkerchief, has placedin the bosom, hasmuchdamages.宋青书接过来一看,发现一条手帕里包裹着一些精致的点心,不过因为被手帕包着,又一直放在怀中,已经有不少都破损了。Hiseyebrowmoves, says with a smile: „Yourbody temperature, hot.”
The Huang Rongpeachcheeklivesdizzy, asks to seize: „Did not eateven.”黄蓉桃腮生晕,伸手就要去夺回来:“不吃就算了。”
The Song Qingshumovementis quicker, the handoneshrankto hidetowardbehind: „Whosaid that Ido not eat.”Is sayingwhilethrewonetoward the mouth, the jarsoundjarair/Qisaid,„, the Peach Blossom Islanddessertis really delicious.”宋青书动作更快,手往后面一缩躲了过去:“谁说我不吃啊。”一边说着一边往嘴里扔了一块,瓮声瓮气地说道,“嗯,桃花岛的点心果然好吃。”Hearshimto commend, the Huang Rongcorners of the mouthappearto smile faintly, sympathizedonecup of waterto hand over: „Careful, be not choking.”
听到他称赞,黄蓉嘴角浮现一丝浅笑,体贴地倒了一杯水递过去:“小心点,别噎着。”Water of Song Qingshuin the cuptosses down, cannot bearsigh with emotion: „Person. The wifewill really sympathize the personcompared with the young girl.”宋青书将杯中水一饮而尽,忍不住感慨道:“人.妻果然比少女更会体贴人。”
A Huang Rongpair of wonderfuleyestaredhisoneeyes, obviouslyis somewhat discontentedwith his name: „My fatheris very astute, Ido not dare the belt/bringfood and wineunderhisnoseto giveyou, can only look forsomedessertsin the kitchen, youmake to put up withsuddenly.”黄蓉一双妙目瞪了他一眼,显然对他这个称呼有些不满:“我爹很精明,我不敢在他眼皮底下带酒菜给你,只能在厨房找来一些点心,你将就一下吧。”„Inotthatprecious as gold.” In Song Qingshuraises hand the cakes and pastries, „let alonethisthing is very more delicious, youdo?”
“我可没那么金贵。”宋青书扬了扬手里的糕点,“更何况这东西挺好吃的,你做的么?”„To result inbeautiful, Imaynot havethattime.”Huang Rongturned an attractivesupercilious look.
“想得美,我可没那个功夫。”黄蓉翻了一个好看的白眼。Song Qingshuquiteshakes the headregrettably: „Long timeheard that Rong'ercookunparalleled in the world, what a pitydid not have the thing that thisluck of having good things to eattastesyouto makepersonally.”宋青书颇为遗憾地摇了摇头:“久闻蓉儿厨艺天下无双,可惜一直没这个口福尝到你亲手做的东西。”Huang Rongopens mouth, buthas not pledgedanythingfinally.黄蓉张了张嘴,可最终还是没有承诺什么。„Was bad, what to doif nearby my fatherdid pass bysuddenlyhearsyoursound?”Huang Rongrealizesthismajorproblemsuddenly.
“糟了,万一我爹忽然路过附近听到你的声音怎么办?”黄蓉忽然意识到这个大问题。Song Qingshushakes the head: „Relax, mypresentinternal energyfull, ifsomepeopleare close tohere, Iwill detectahead of time.”宋青书摇了摇头:“放心吧,我现在气机全开,若有人接近这里,我会提前察觉的。”Huang Rongvisitshimsurprisedly: „Butmy fatheris not the commonexpert.”Shesaid is tactful, mustknowHuang Yaoshi, butCentral Plainone of the Five Greats, situated in the world mosttop player, thereforesheworriedvery muchSong Qingshucannotdiscoverpromptly the opposite partyapproached.黄蓉惊讶地看着他:“可是我爹不是一般的高手。”她说得已经很委婉了,要知道黄药师可是中原五绝之一,位于天下最顶尖高手之列,所以她很担心宋青书不能及时发现对方靠近。„Shouldnot have the issue.”Song Qingshusaidlightly, in the tonehasaloofmakings.
“应该也没有问题的。”宋青书淡淡地说道,语气中有一种超然的气质。Huang Ronglooks the unusual look, finallysighs: „Does not knowyouto be young, howmartial artspractices.”黄蓉面露异色,最终叹了一口气:“也不知道你年纪轻轻,武功是怎么练的。”Song Qingshusmilinglysaid: „Actuallydid not mind that toldyoumeto practice the method of martial arts, feared that youare not willingto listen.”宋青书笑眯眯地说道:“其实不介意告诉你我练武功的方法,就怕你不愿意听。”Huang Rongis startled: „HowIam not possibly willingto listen.”She is also inJianghu (rivers and lakes) the person, let alone the temperhas been more curiousabout the unknownthing, howcannot be carefultosuchsecret?黄蓉一怔:“我怎么可能不愿意听。”她也是江湖中人,更何况性子一直对未知事物充满好奇,对这样的秘密又岂会不上心?„Youcollect, Itoldyou.”In the Song Qingshusmile seems hidingothermeaning.
“你凑过来,我告诉你。”宋青书笑容中仿佛隐藏着别的意味。Whoknows that Huang Rongnot onlydoes not come, insteadin the futurewill shrinkshrinking, somealertsvisithim: „Whycancollectis so near?”
谁知道黄蓉不仅不过来,反而往后缩了缩,有些戒备地看着他:“干嘛要凑那么近?”Song Qingshuis as deep as a wellsaid: „The lawdoes not pass onsixears, ifyouare not interested, thateven.”宋青书高深莫测地说道:“正所谓法不传六耳,如果你不感兴趣,那就算了吧。”Huang Ronglooks the color of struggling, finally the curiosity in heartis in the upper hand, collectedhesitant: „Do not deceiveme.”黄蓉面露挣扎之色,最终还是心中的好奇占了上风,犹犹豫豫地凑了过去:“你可别糊弄我。”Song Qingshusmiles, justgatheredbyherear, askedonherto havelightdelicate fragrance, has tosigh that Huang Rong was really the volume of the world good fortuneinone, even ifgot married for manyyears, the body was also much more fragrant than manyyoung girls.宋青书笑了笑,刚凑到她耳旁,就问道她身上有一股淡淡的清香,不得不感叹黄蓉果然是集天地造化于一身,哪怕成亲多年,身上也比很多少女芬芳得多。„Themartial arts that Icultivationisneeds......”Song Qingshuto whisperinherear, the lipas ifmustbump intoherearlobeto be common.
“我修炼的这门武功是需要……”宋青书在她耳边低语,嘴唇仿佛都要碰到她的耳垂一般。Feels the steam that the sidemanexhales, on the Huang Rongfairneck the naked eyefloats offto blushobviously, will somewhat hidehidingflurriedlyin the future: „Ok, Ido not wantto listen.”
感受到身边男人呼出的热气,黄蓉白皙的脖子上肉眼可见浮起一层红晕,有些慌乱地往后躲了躲:“算了,我不想听了。”Song Qingshushrugs, no longerreluctantly. Huang Rongtoscatter the awkwardatmosphere in room, directsin the topicotherplacesintentionally, thentwo peoplealsochatat will.宋青书耸了耸肩,也不再勉强。黄蓉为了驱散房间里的尴尬气氛,故意将话题引到其他地方上,接下来两人又随意地聊起天来。How longlike thischatteddid not know, Huang Ronghad a yawn, suddenlyasked: „Wherein the evening do yourest?”
这样聊了不知道多久,黄蓉打了个哈欠,忽然问道:“晚上你睡哪里?”Song Qingshucalmlyvisitsher: „Does not know that youdo give shelter tome?”宋青书静静地看着她:“不知道你收不收留我?”Huang Rongspatone, is blushing saying: „HowIfacilitateto keepyou.”黄蓉啐了一口,红着脸说道:“我怎么方便留你。”Song Qingshureferred tooutsidestillnot the storm of standing stillsign: „But the outsidestormis so big, but alsosuchheavy rain, yousowill not be cruel-heartedmedrive out.”宋青书指了指外面依然没有停歇迹象的风暴:“可是外面风暴这么大,还这么大雨,你不会这么狠心把我赶出去吧。”„Ileadyouto go to the big or smallmilitarytheirroom.”Huang Rongsets out saying that mustknowPeach Blossom Islandwas swindledwas occupied bytheircouple, Ke Zhene, Guo Fu, the big or smallmilitaryalsoservantsinitially, wherewill lack the house.
A Song Qingshubrowwrinkle: „Big or mediummilitary? Does not live, Iam worriedto contaminateonthem the unluckiness.”宋青书眉头一皱:“大小武?不住,我担心沾染他们身上的晦气。”Huang Ronghad almost not had food stuck in the throat, butactuallysheis not very satisfiedthattwosillyapprentices, thought that Song Qingshusuchcharactercannot have a liking forthem is very normal.黄蓉差点没被噎住,不过其实她也不是很满意那两个傻徒弟,心想宋青书这样的人物看不上他俩也很正常。„Ileadyouto go to the father-in-lawKeroom.”Huang Rong added that „, becausehewas the Elder Brother Jingmaster, Elder Brother Jing was very respectablehe, the roomanythingthinggavehimto preparewell, recentlyhewent outto play, happen tolivedtoyou.”
“那我带你去住柯公公的房间吧。”黄蓉补充道,“因为他是靖哥哥的师父,靖哥哥很尊敬他,房间什么东西都给他准备得最好的,最近他外出游玩去了,正好给你住。”„That is smelly and gruffblind personold man?”Song Qingshusnort/hum, „Idid not likehim, continuously.”
“那个又臭又倔的瞎子老头?”宋青书哼了一声,“我不喜欢他,不住。”„IfmadeElder Brother Jinghear, perhapshecanwithyourwelltheory.”Huang Rongsmiles, actuallyshedid not likeKe Zhene, butis not goodto revealconcerned about the Guo Jingreason, nowheardSong Qingshuso saying that cannot help but big feeling of friend.
“若是让靖哥哥听见了,他恐怕会和你好好理论一番。”黄蓉抿嘴一笑,其实她一直不怎么喜欢柯镇恶,只不过碍于郭靖的缘故不好表露出来而已,如今听得宋青书这般说,不由得大起知己之感。„Ok, makingyoulive in Room Fu'er.”Huang Rongsaidreluctantly, originallymanyvacant room, becauseno onehas lived, insidebasicbeddinganythingdoes not havecontinually, the dustismany, nowis always impossibleto arrangeon a grand scale, after allwill not pay attentionto alarmher fatherslightly.
“算了,让你住芙儿吧。”黄蓉无奈地说道,原本还有不少空房,不过因为一直没人住,里面连基本的被褥什么都没有,灰尘更是不少,如今总不可能大张旗鼓去布置,毕竟稍不注意就会惊动她爹。As for the Guo Furoom, becausecut off the Yang Guoarmincidentsheto come backto lie low until something blows overa while ago, lived insome timeinPeach Blossom Island, mustgo toLin'anuntilHuang RongandGuo Jing, Huang Rongwas worried that Peach Blossom Islandtowas nearnearAntai, informsherto departquietlyahead of time, thereforeshejustwalkedshortly, in the room the beddingis complete, was being caredby the servantcarefully, the natural conditionis best.
至于郭芙的房间,因为前段时间砍断杨过手臂一事她回来避风头,在桃花岛住了一段时间,直到黄蓉和郭靖要去临安了,黄蓉担心桃花岛离临安太近了,悄悄通知她提前离去,所以她刚走没多久,屋子里被褥齐全,也被仆人精心护理着,自然条件最好。Song Qingshubrowslightlywrinkle: „Guo Fuis the miss who has not married, does mygrown manrush toherboudoirto live to be not quite good?”宋青书眉头微皱:“郭芙还是个未出阁的姑娘,我一个大男人跑到她闺房住会不会不太好?”„You the gentlemangot upat this timeactually,”Huang Rongshows the whites of the eyes, „how, do youalsowantto livein my roominadequate?”
“你这个时候倒是君子起来了,”黄蓉翻了个白眼,“怎么,难道你还想住在我这房间里不成?”Song Qingshunodsseriously: „Good, Ifelt that yourhereis the bestchoice.”宋青书一本正经地点了点头:“不错,我觉得住在你这里是最好的选择。”Huang Rongexcitedlylook changes: „What?”黄蓉勃然色变:“什么?”„Youfirstleaveanxiously the vitality/angry,”Song Qingshuhurriedcomfortingsaid,„youthink, your fatherso manyyear of chapter of Peach Blossom Island, have not revisitednowold, definitelythoughts constantly welling up, ifcannot sleepto strollin the eveningeverywhere, I am very easyto be discovered? Only thenyourheresafest, after allbecomes the fathernotgreater part of the nightindaughterroom.”
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