Hears the Huang Yaoshiwords, the Song QingshucomplexionblinkstoHuang Rongstrangely, Huang Rongalmostshameshas not looked for a crackto worm one's way into, what a pityhas no wayto refute, has the faceno longernot to visithim.
听到黄药师的话,宋青书脸色古怪地对黄蓉眨了眨眼睛,黄蓉羞得差点没找个地缝钻进去,可惜没法反驳,只好别过脸去不再看他。Is the pitifulworldparental love, the Song Qingshusecretsigh, in the Huang Yaoshireasonalsoappreciatesson-in-lawGuo Jingsentimentfor the good of the people and countryseriouslyobviouslyvery much, isas a father, in the emotionhestillloves dearlyfor the daughter.
当真是可怜天下父母心,宋青书暗暗感叹,黄药师理智上显然也很欣赏女婿郭靖为国为民的情操,可是作为一个父亲,情感上他依然替女儿心疼。Does not look after the household, possibly was also the Guo Jingonlysunspot, after allin " GodVulture » original worksHuang Rongencounteredthat a danger, several timeswas surrounded by perils, mostneeded the husbandto protecthewas busy the Xiangyangofficial business, notinherside, if not for the leadhaloas well asYang Guomanyrescued, the Huang Rongresultthinks that will be pitiful, this was also at the later generationforummanyRong'erfanscompares the unstated criticism a point.
不怎么顾家,可能也是郭靖唯一的黑点了吧,毕竟《神雕》原著中黄蓉遇到那么多次危险,数次险象环生,最需要丈夫保护的时候他都忙着襄阳的公事,不在她的身边,若不是主角光环以及杨过多番相救,黄蓉的结局想必会非常凄惨,这也是后世论坛上不少蓉儿迷比较腹诽的一点。Huang Yaoshisaidabout the daughterson-in-law'swords, alsostartedto recallsomepastandwife'spast events, finallysighedhoweversighs, put out the jadefluteto play, remotesentownlovesicknessbythis.黄药师说了一些关于女儿女婿的话过后,又开始回忆一些当年和妻子的往事,最后喟然一叹,拿出玉箫吹奏起来,以此遥寄自己的相思。Song Qingshusecretsigh , he althoughdoes not excel at the temperament, but can also hearthissongto be outstanding.宋青书暗暗感叹,他虽然不擅长音律,但也听得出这曲子不同凡响。Separateda while, the flutesoundmelodyfightschanges, resembles the faint smile, resemblessueslowly, supplewastemultifarious. In the Song Qingshuheart, stayeddullone: „Thismelodysomewhat seems to be strange, soto be how of pleasant to hear?”Has experiencedvariousprevious generationclassical music and popular music, to be honest the song of thisworldis very difficultto makehimhave the shockingfeeling, thisis an exception.
隔了一会儿,箫声调子斗变,似浅笑,似低诉,柔靡万端。宋青书心中一荡,呆了一呆:“这调子似乎有些古怪,怎么如此好听?”见识过前世各种古典音乐、流行音乐,说实话这个世界的曲子已经很难让他产生惊艳的感觉,偏偏此曲是个例外。Onlyhears the flutesoundto be gradually rapid, resemblingisurges the personto dance. Song Qingshuhearsone, the feelingis only red in the face, hundredlineage/veinBenstretch/open, in the heartin great surprise, siton the groundimmediately, in the revolution the breath.
只听得箫声渐渐急促,似是催人起舞。宋青书又听得一阵,只感面红耳赤,百脉贲张,不由心中大惊,当下坐在地上,运转内息。Initially when onlyfeels the heartancient bannerto shake, several timeswantsto leapsets outto dance with joy, butusedto meet the merit, mindgraduallyNingDing , the purpose in comingandempathize, inheart a piecespatialbright, piecedust, no matter whathisflutesoundswungagain, helistenedonlyin the mighty waveswith the sea and treetopwindto make a soundgenerallynotdifferent.
初时只感心旌摇动,数次想跃起身来手舞足蹈一番,但用了一会功,心神渐渐宁定,到后来意与神会,心中一片空明,不着片尘,任他箫声再荡,他听来只与海中波涛、树梢风响一般无异。Song Qingshuopens eyesslowly, in the hearthas understood that the flutesoundthinkswas the famousbluesea tidelives the tune, actuallyto his boundary, it may be said thatis the external injuries influencedoes not invade, but the bluesea tidelived the tuneto be special, causes the desire of person of mostdeep place, initiallyskillfarhighGuo JingZhou Botongcould not bear the bluesea tideto live the tune, Guo Jinginsteadcanresist, becauseZhou Botonghas tried the matter of men and women, at that timeGuo Jingorvirgin.宋青书缓缓睁开眼来,心中已经明白刚才的箫声想必就是大名鼎鼎的碧海潮生曲了,其实到了他这个境界,可谓是外邪不侵,不过碧海潮生曲非常特别,是引起人最深处的欲望,当初功力远高郭靖的周伯通就受不了碧海潮生曲,郭靖反而能抗住,就因为周伯通尝试过男女之事,那时候郭靖还是处男一枚。Compared withZhou Botong, matter of Song Qingshuto the men and womencraves, ifwere inspired the desireincautiously, thatwill be perhaps out of control.
比起周伯通来说,宋青书对男女之事更为热衷,若是一不小心被引动欲望,那恐怕会一发不可收拾。FortunatelySong Qingshu the skillis deeper than Huang Yaoshinow, was just inspired the moodbyhim, respondedpromptlysubsidedmoving restlessly in within the body.
值得庆幸的是宋青书如今功力比黄药师深厚,刚刚被他引动了情绪,及时反应过来平息了体内的躁动。Fromhesitating, hears the earfireto havesound of the rapidgasping for breathsuddenly, turns the headto look, sees only the Huang Rongcheeksflushed, a pair of pupilas ifwants the water seepage, at this time the whole personas ifbonemeltedgenerally, partlydependedpartlylies down, inhecherished.
正自沉吟,忽听得耳边发出一阵急促喘气之声,转头望去,只见黄蓉脸颊潮红,一双眸子仿佛要渗出水来,此时整个人仿佛骨头都融了一般,半靠半躺在了他怀中。At this timethatvertical bamboo flutesoundinterestmoved fast, passed through many placestangled up, thenresembled a femalea whileto sigh, a whilemoaned, a while the soft and gentle wordswere also attentive, gentle voicecried out, in the flute the melodycompared withbewitchedto direct the mortal formjust now.
这时那洞箫声情致飘忽,缠绵宛转,便似一个女子一会儿叹息,一会儿呻吟,一会儿又软语温存、柔声叫唤,箫中曲调比适才更加勾魂引魄。InHuang Rongthis momentminda whileappeared the scene of pastwedding festivities, a whilerecallsJin Empirethattimematter, as the vertical bamboo flutemelodychanged, inhermindremainingallwasJin Empireall sorts ofpictures, after allthatwasmakeshermostshockmostis also afraidexciting, therefore the impressioncompared withotherthingsdeeply, was lived an influenceby the bluesea tide, as ifreturned tothenscene.黄蓉此刻脑海中一会儿浮现出当年洞房花烛的场景,一会儿又回忆起金国那次的事情,随着洞箫曲调变化,她脑海中剩下的全是金国种种画面了,毕竟那是让她最震撼最刺激也是最害怕的,所以印象要比其他事情深很多,以至于被碧海潮生曲影响,仿佛又回到了当时的场景。
The Huang Rongfairfleshhad caughtbright redunknowingly, withoutwearing the clothes, still the heathad/leftfragrantperspiration, in the eyes is completely the blurredcolor, feels the sideblazingmale character, could not bearturnhimto cherish, simultaneouslycould not helpkisstowardhimon.黄蓉白皙的肌肤已经不知不觉染上了一层嫣红,哪怕没有穿衣服,依然热出了一身香汗,双眼之中尽是迷离之色,感受到身边炽烈的阳刚之气,忍不住扭到了他怀中,同时情不自禁往他身上吻了上去。Song Qingshubyowncultivation deviation, just nowhad almost not been restrained the mindwith great difficulty, quicklypasses messageinto the densesay/way: „Rong'er, sobersquickly.”宋青书差点没被亲的走火入魔,好不容易方才收敛心神,急忙传音入密道:“蓉儿,快清醒过来。”What a pity during Huang Rongas iffell into the demonto be startled, did not haveto his summonresponse.
可惜黄蓉仿佛陷入了魔怔之中,对他的呼唤一点反应也没有。Song Qingshufeelsherbodyto be boiling hot, knows that shehad been livedto inspire the sentimentfireby the bluesea tideat this time, if not treatinstantly, is lightis getting sickgreatly, heavyoverstatedevendementeduntil death.宋青书感受到她的身体滚烫无比,知道她此时已经被碧海潮生曲引动了情火,若是不即刻治疗,轻着大病一场,重则走火入魔甚至癫狂至死。Hedoes not dareto delay, hurriedbybigwillresistanceseduction, whileinputsherwithin the bodyTrue Qicontinuously, making the aura that herwithin the bodysurgesgentle.
他不敢耽搁,急忙一边以大毅力抵抗诱惑,一边将真气源源不断输入她体内,让她体内激荡的气息平缓下来。Song Qingshu the skillis fiercenow, in additionsimilarmatterbumped intomuch-, although before , the femalewasbumps intomostlyurged the medicine of sentiment, but the bluesea tidelivedplayingeffectsandthesemedicinescannot missmany, hehad tried to find out that onereducing and solving means that controlled one's breathingslowly the body of Huang Rongby the air/Qi of Yin-Yang, shefinallyrestoredgraduallysoberly.宋青书如今功力何等厉害,再加上类似的事情碰到了不少-虽然以前女子多半是碰到中了催情之药,不过碧海潮生曲起到的效果和那些药也差不了多少,他早已摸索出了一套化解的办法,以阴阳之气慢慢调息黄蓉的身体,她终于渐渐恢复了清醒。Huang Rongopens the eyeslowly, discoveredoneselfshrinkin the Song Qingshubosom, evenvarioustypesare twininghimon own initiative, both sidesfleshbeing on intimate termsabsolutelydoes not have the tiny bithindrance, has almost not frightenedto call out in alarm.黄蓉缓缓睁开眼睛,发现自己缩在宋青书怀中,甚至各种主动缠绕着他,双方肌肤相亲完全没一丝一毫阻碍,差点没吓得惊叫出来。Howeversheto something alsomemories, knows that is notSong Qingshuconspirestoher, butisshesurrenderson own initiative. Whenrealizesthis point, herwhole personfaintedquickly, wished one could itselfdo not wake up, at this timeshedoes not know how shouldfacethisman.
The subconsciousnesswantsto leave the opposite party, butthata whileas ifexhausted all her strengthsa moment ago, this momentwhole bodyis incapableweakly, justsupportedandfallsin the Song Qingshubosom.
下意识想离对方远一点,但刚才那一会儿仿佛耗尽了她所有的力气,此刻浑身酥软无力,刚撑起来又跌到了宋青书怀中。„Where the petty people, rolltome!”At this moment, suddenlytransmittedcalling out of Huang Yaoshi.
“何方鼠辈,给我滚出来!”就在这时,忽然传来了黄药师的暴喝。Originallyfrom the beginninghemisses the late wife, tohad not discovered that in the tomb chamberhas the person, whenheplays the bluesea tideto live the tune, the recollectionwith the past events that the wifeloved for one another, the flutesounddid not rouse the Huang Rongsentimentfirein the pastcarefully, shenaturallybecame the loudbreathnot to hide the truth from the Huang Yaoshiinformer.
原来一开始他思念亡妻,到没发现墓室里面有人,不过当他吹奏碧海潮生曲,回忆当年与妻子相亲相爱的往事,箫声不小心勾动了黄蓉的情火,她变得粗重的呼吸自然瞒不过黄药师的耳目。Whenrealized that in the tomb chamberhas the person, the Huang Yaoshiheartis angry, becauseis holding a memorial service for the wife, hedoes not wantto interrupt the song, planned after finally, findsthatpersonto do accounts.
当意识到墓室中有人,黄药师心头大怒,不过因为在祭奠妻子,他并不想中断曲子,打算一曲终了后再找那人算账。Howeverhehad not planned that makesthatpersonfeel better, afterwarddeepened the skillintentionally, triesto livebent/tuneLuanqi the willby the bluesea tide, after allgoes into the wifetombto disturbherto rest, had touchedhisreverse scale, even ifwere not lost the willstill to gouge the eyesby the songto shear the tongue, finishes a job the footjust nowto solvehate of itsheart.
不过他也没打算让那人好过,后来故意加深了功力,试图以碧海潮生曲乱其心志,毕竟闯入妻子墓穴打扰她安息,已经碰触了他的逆鳞,就算不被曲子迷失心志也要挖眼割舌,断手断脚方才解其心头之恨。Huang Yaoshihad not suspected that the opposite partyisHuang Rong, after allHuang RongandGuo Jing are always together, manyyearshave not returned toPeach Blossom Island, if are really Huang Rong, oneselfjustcame in the opposite partywill come outto recognize each other, sowill not reveal only part of the truth, thereforeheunder the pain the cruel methods, has not been forgiving.黄药师并没有怀疑对方是黄蓉,毕竟黄蓉与郭靖形影不离,已经很多年没有回过桃花岛了,而且如果真的是黄蓉的话,自己刚刚进来的时候对方就会出来相认了,不会这般藏头露尾,所以他才痛下狠手,一点都没有留情。HoweverwhatmakesHuang Yaoshinot think, thatpersoncould not somewhat have supportedobviously, whoknows that the situationsuddenly is also after a while steady, even ifhestimulated to movement the skillafterwardagain, is unable to affect the opposite partyslightestas before. Meanwhile the anger in hisheartis getting more and more abundant, could not bearfinallyagainmustmake a movetohidden placethatperson.
不过让黄药师没想到的是,明明那人已经有些支撑不住了,谁知道过了一会儿情况忽然又平稳下来,哪怕他后来再催动功力,依旧无法影响对方分毫。同时他心中的怒意越来越盛,一曲终了再也忍不住就要对暗处那人出手了。Hearssoundair-splitting, Song Qingshushouts the badsecretly, knows that had been discoveredbyHuang Yaoshi, no longerconceals the trail, graspsnearbyclothesto binddirectlyonHuang Rong, simultaneouslyhas bought the clothesregardingin the waist.
听到破空之声,宋青书暗暗叫糟,知道已经被黄药师发现了,也不再掩饰形迹,直接抓起一旁衣服裹在黄蓉身上,同时扯过自己衣服围绕在腰间。At this timeHuang Yaoshi a palmhad divided, Song Qingshuhasto lift the palmto welcomebut, bang a loud sound, the entiretomb chamberas ifshookshaking.
这个时候黄药师已经一掌劈了过来,宋青书无奈之下只好举掌迎去,砰的一声巨响,整个墓室仿佛都晃了晃。„How a person?”ThisflashHuang Yaoshilooksplit visionhas looked at the person's shadow of anotherperson, butwithoutseeing clearly the Huang Rongappearance, butbountifulsoalsomakeshimshockincomparably, becauseheonlyfelta moment agoobviously a person, whydid have a personbaseless? Isthispersonis skilled in the technique or the skillconcealmentauraaboveoneself.
“怎么还有一个人?”这一瞬间黄药师眼神余光已经瞄到了另外一个人的人影,但没看清楚黄蓉的样貌,不过饶是如此也让他震惊无比,因为他刚才明明只感觉到了一个人,为什么凭空多出了一个人?是这人精通隐匿气息之术还是功力在自己之上。Song Qingshuquicklyexplainedwhilethistime: „The Huangdaolord, before actuallyall theseare the misunderstanding......”, lookedsoap operatimewhyhecould not bearcomplain the person in playnot to say the key pointeach time, mustspeaksomeuselessidle talk. Untilexperiencing personally, just nowunderstands that intensesituation, allare the responses of instinct.宋青书趁这功夫急忙解释起来:“黄岛主,其实这一切都是误会……”以前看电视剧的时候他每次都忍不住吐槽剧中的人为什么不说重点,偏偏要说一些没有用的废话。直到身临其境,方才明白那种紧张的情况,一切都是本能的反应。Aftershockfrom the beginning, Huang Yaoshihas recognizedHuang Rongat this moment, the line of sightwill fallonsheexposedfragrantshoulderoutsideslightlystunnedfrom now on, can look athercarelesslyto keep off the clothesin the chest front......
经过一开始的震惊,黄药师此刻已经认出了黄蓉,微微错愕过后视线落到了她裸露在外的香肩上,看得出来她只是草草将衣服挡在胸前……SawagainSong Qingshuis nakedat this time the upper body, the lower part...... was also clothesencirclescarelessly, Huang Yaoshigot angryto wantinstantaneouslycrazily: „Verysuffers to deathobscenely!”
再看到宋青书此时赤裸着上身,下半身……也是一件衣服草草围了一圈,黄药师瞬间发怒欲狂:“淫贼受死!”Said that thenthrewtowardSong Qingshu, acts is fiercestkillingincurs. Song Qingshulookonecold, facing the one of the Five Greatsall-out attack, does not dareto be negligent, quicklyputs out a handto meet head-on.
说完便往宋青书扑了过去,一出手便是最厉害的杀招。宋青书神色一凛,面对五绝之一全力攻击,丝毫不敢大意,急忙伸手迎战。Two peoplefrequent each otherfightinstantaneouslydozensmoves, evenmadeto be surrounded by perilsseveral times, nearbyHuang Ronglooksisashamed and resentfullyandwas worried: „Do not hit~”
两人你来我往瞬间交手数十招,甚至数次弄得险象环生,一旁的黄蓉看得又是羞愤又是担心:“不要打了~”„Rong'er, thisobsceneverydaresto bullyyou, Iam certainly cut to pieceshimtoday.”Huang Yaoshi is still at the wild with ragecondition, whenonly the daughterwas insultedbythisman, whichalsohasusuallyin the half a pointnaturalbearing.
“蓉儿,这淫贼敢欺负你,我今天一定将他千刀万剐。”黄药师依然处于狂怒状态,只当女儿被这男子污辱,哪还有平日里半分潇洒气度。Said that takes upin the hand the jadefluteto gotoward the Song Qingshuwhole bodyacupuncture pointpoint, the stanceis elegant, just likedancing lightly, sword, althoughnaturalelegant, at this momentis actually full ofmurderous aura, ifhit the markbyit, perhapsdoes not dieis the severe wound.
说完拿起手中玉箫往宋青书浑身穴道点去,姿态飘逸,宛若翩翩起舞,剑式虽然潇洒俊雅,此刻却饱含杀气,若是被其点中,恐怕非死即重伤。Song Qingshualsocomplained of hardshipsecretly, at this timeheis pulling„apron”single-handedly the blockinglower part, only then a handopposed the enemy, because the pantshave not put on, causingitsfastmovement is very difficultto display- naturally, ifSong Qingshuenoughwere not concerned about face can also the full housedash, butthinks that the appearance of suchlight/onlybuttocksmetotherHuang RongandHuang Yaoshisees, hisonechill, toonlyorganizeto dodgein the place of mind/square inch, strictly adheres to the gateway.宋青书也是暗暗叫苦,此时他一手扯着“围裙”遮挡下半身,只有一只手对敌,因为裤子没穿好,导致其迅捷的身法也很难发挥出来-当然,如果宋青书足够不要脸也是可以满场飞奔的,不过想到那样光屁股的样子会别黄蓉和黄药师看到,他就一阵恶寒,是以只在方寸之地腾挪闪躲,谨守门户。Huang Yaoshibecomes famouseasily for manyyearscan it be thatwithitgeneration, the jadefluteswordsmanshipisgraduallymanyyears, at this timedisplaysto be as good asinJianghu (rivers and lakes)completelythesetopsword techniquefamous experts.黄药师成名多年岂是易与之辈,玉箫剑法更是浸淫多年,此时施展出来完全不亚于江湖中那些顶尖的剑术名家。Bountifuldeals withalsoto have a headacheby the Song Qingshuboundaryvery much, fightsdozensmovesto aim at an opportunityfinally, put forthsword qito truncate the smallhalfjadeflute.
饶是以宋青书的境界应付起来也很头疼,相斗数十招终于瞅准一个机会,使出剑气削断了小半截玉箫。Huang Yaoshislightlyonestunned, buthisvertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedJianghu (rivers and lakes)dozensyears of experiencecan it be thateasywith, displayson the smallhalfjadeflute that the snapping fingersmagical powersunique skillshotthatto fallinstantaneously, thathalfjadeflutejust like the flying arrowto hit the Song Qingshulegto be curvedinstantaneously.黄药师微微一错愕,不过他纵横江湖数十年的经验岂是易与,瞬间施展出弹指神通绝技弹到了那掉落的小半截玉箫上面,那半截玉箫犹如离弦之箭瞬间击中了宋青书腿弯。
Under Song Qingshusuffers from the platemovingconveniently, does not hidewithout enough time, onlythought that legcurvedhempwhole personstaggers, whereHuang Yaoshiwill let up such goodopportunity, the instantaneouspalmstrikestowardhiscrown of the head, hethinks that the scene, thinksSong Qingshuexecuted the violentto the daughter, at this timenurses hatredto act, has not been forgivingslightly.宋青书苦于下盘移动不方便,来不及躲过去,只觉得腿弯一麻整个人不由一个趔趄,黄药师哪会放过这么好的机会,瞬间一掌往他天灵盖击去,他想到刚才的场景,以为宋青书对女儿施了暴,此时含恨出手,丝毫没有留情。
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