„Whatbad?”Song Qingshuis confused.
“什么糟了?”宋青书一头雾水。Huang Rongquicklyexplained: „Ilongdo not liveinPeach Blossom Island, has forgottento look here weather, near the coastperchedmassivesea-birdsa moment ago, in the normal conditiontheyshouldprey onat this timeare right, startsto restearly, likely can the stormcome?”黄蓉急忙解释道:“我久不在桃花岛居住,已经忘了看这边的天气了,刚才海岸边栖息了大量海鸟,正常情况下它们这个时候应该在捕食才对,这么早开始休憩,很可能风暴要来了?”Song Qingshuis startled: „Canjudge the stormonthis? If by some chancewere onlythesebirdsfliestired.”Although the dayis a little cloudy, butmarineuneventful, like without appearance of typhoon.宋青书一怔:“就这样就能判断风暴?万一只是那些鸟儿飞累了呢。”天虽然有点阴沉,但海上风平浪静,不像有台风的样子。Seeshimto remain unmoved, Huang Rongair/Qiandanxious, drawshisround tripto walkwhilesaid: „Naturallynot onlyso, normal, when evening'smonsoonblowstoward the seaby the island , when the daytimemonsoonblowstoward the island by the sea, but the wind directionis oppositenow, showed that immediatelyhas the stormto approach.”
见他不为所动,黄蓉又气又急,一边拉着他往回走一边说道:“当然不仅仅如此,正常来说,晚上的时候风由岛上往海上吹,白天的时候风由海上往岛上吹,可如今风向偏偏相反,证明马上有风暴来临。”Song Qingshuonestartled, thought that tobecometo knowunder the astronomyto know the geographyto be good, oneselfmisstoointhisaspect, iflaterfights the naval battleto run intothissituationactuallynot to detect that todayahead of timewas bad.宋青书一惊,心想为将者当上知天文下知地理才行,自己在这方面差得太远,如果以后打海战遇到今天这种情况自己却没提前察觉就糟了。Just when wantsto sayanything, suddenly the strong windserupts, somewhatblow the person unable to open the eye, Song Qingshulooktoward the seashore, seeing onlyin the seais turbulent, onegroup of limitlessdark cloudsfastare closetowardherefrom the horizon, can seefaintlythunder.
正想说什么之际,忽然间狂风大作,吹得人都有些睁不开眼睛,宋青书往海边望去,只见海中波涛汹涌,一团无边无际的黑云从天边快速往这边接近,隐隐还看得到其中电闪雷鸣。Song Qingshu cannot help but dumbfounded: „Thischangealso was too rather rapid, justreturned the clear and boundless sky.”宋青书不由得目瞪口呆:“这变化未免也太快了吧,刚刚还晴空万里呢。”
The Huang Rongforced smilesaid: „Marineweatheristhis, fast changing, butthischange is too indeed unusualtoday, perhapsis the big stormunseen in dozens years, wewalkquickly.”黄蓉苦笑道:“海上的天气就是这样,瞬息万变,不过今天这变化的确太异常了些,恐怕是几十年不遇的大风暴,我们快走。”Song Qingshuis flabbergastedsecretly, but alsoin the previous generation, canhearvarioustypes of exaggeratingtyphoonsfourto plunder the coastevery year, has not thoughtunlucky, bumps intounexpectedlyskillfully.宋青书暗暗咂舌,还在前世的时候,每年都能听到各种夸张的台风肆掠沿海,没想到这么倒霉,居然这么巧撞见了。Huang Ronghas no longer spoken, drawsSong Qingshuthento runtoward the family/home in the woods, onlytheytook a walkpitifullya moment ago, had arrived at the mostfar-end of island, for a short timecould not have gone back.黄蓉已经不再说话,拉着宋青书便在树林中往家中跑去,只可惜她们刚才一路散步,已经到了岛的最远端,一时半会还回不去。Song Qingshumovement artis actually good, butthisPeach Blossom Islandeverywhereis the mechanism/organization, hedoes not recognize the road, wants , to be ableto flyin the midairquicklyquicklyin the past, what a pitynowthiswindis so big, somewhatblows the person unable to come to a stop, fliesin the midairnottaking advantage of the place of strength, hewas worriedvery much can oneselfbe blownto gobythisstrong windsdirectly.宋青书轻功倒是不错,不过这桃花岛处处是机关,他又不认得路,想快也快不起来,原本到可以飞到半空中过去,可惜如今这风这么大,吹得人都有些站不稳,飞到半空中没有借力之处,他很担心自己会不会被这狂风直接吹到海里去。Perhapsifonly thenhewill also try, buthasHuang Rongnowin the same place, shealsoharbors the pregnancy, iffallsfrom the midair, the consequenceis dreadful, does not dareto take riskbyhim.
若只有他一人说不定还会去试试,可如今有黄蓉在一起,她又怀有身孕,万一从半空中摔下来,后果不堪设想,是以他不敢冒险。Two peoplerunlike this, suddenlyHuang Rongstopped, covers the bellyto show a faceuncomfortableexpression.
两人就这样一路小跑,忽然间黄蓉停了下来,捂着肚子露出一脸难受的表情。„What's wrong?”Song Qingshuquickly asked that „moved the pregnancy nauseau?”
“怎么了?”宋青书急忙问道,“是不是动了胎气?”Huang Rongnods, somewhatsaidweakly: „Possibly.”黄蓉点了点头,有些虚弱地说道:“可能吧。”Song Qingshudoes not dareto neglect, quicklypushes the palaceto invigorate the bloodtoher, True Qiinputstoherwithin the bodyslowly, long timefrom now onshewill just now open the eye.宋青书不敢怠慢,急忙给她推宫活血,真气缓缓输入到她体内,良久过后她方才睁开眼睛。„Was all right, wecontinue.”Huang Rongsomewhatsaidexhaustedly.
“没事了,我们继续走吧。”黄蓉有些疲惫地说道。Song Qingshubrowslightlywrinkle: „OrIhugyouto walk, so as to avoida whilemoved the pregnancy nauseau.”宋青书眉头微皱:“要不我抱着你走吧,免得一会儿又动了胎气。”Hearshiswords, Huang Rongcomplexionslightlyred, shaking the head, althoughsoundsomewhatweak, but the tone is very firm: „Does not use, Ican get away.”
听到他的话,黄蓉脸色微红,摇了摇头,声音虽然有些虚弱但是语气却很坚决:“不用,我自己走得了。”Song Qingshuknows that shedoes not want toomanybodycontactswith, smiles bitterly, no longerdemands, followsto walkinherbehind.宋青书知道她不想和自己有太多身体接触,苦笑一声,也不再强求,跟在她身后走着。Howeverdelaysafterthislittle while, the stormhad approached, whatthenSong Qingshuexperiencedis the heavy raincommonheavy rain, thisraingot down, two peoplebecame the drenched chickeninstantaneously.
不过经过这会儿耽搁,风暴已经来临了,接下来宋青书可谓见识了什么叫瓢泼一般的大雨,这雨一下来,两人瞬间就成了落汤鸡。Is mixing with the strong windsagain, visibilityonly thenseveralmeters, is deepthanks to the Song Qingshuskill, suddenlyhas the policetrillion, blockeddirectlyin front ofHuang Rong, a palmtoward the in the airdetachment, the just rightbig tree, was held a strengthracketbyhimat this time, flew about onezhang (3.33 m).
再夹杂着狂风,能见度只有几米而已,也多亏宋青书功力深厚,忽然心生警兆,直接拦在了黄蓉面前,一掌往空中劈去,这时候正好一棵大树倒了下来,被他掌力一拍,飞到了一丈开外。„It is not good, like thiswalkedwas too dangerous, whenreferred tobeing uncertain a big treeorfalls the stoneto fall, Iuncertaineverycandiscoveronetime.”Song Qingshuexclaimednear the Huang Rongearloudly, at this time the strong windsfourplunderedeverywhere, even ifwere close, did not roarloudlycannot hear.
“不行,这样走太危险了,指不定什么时候一棵大树或者落石掉下来,我也不一定每一次都能发现。”宋青书在黄蓉耳边大声吼道,此时到处狂风肆掠,哪怕近在咫尺,不大声吼根本听不到。„Iknow a place, comeswithme.”Huang Rongagreedobviouslyhisjudgment, holds onhimto runtowardnearbyalley, at this timeshepouredcannot attend towhatmen and womengiving and receivingdoes not kiss, the visibility was too low, in addition the maze on island, iftwo peoplewere away frompull open35meters, it is estimated that the nextsecondwill lose the trace of opposite party.
“我知道一个地方,跟我来。”黄蓉显然同意他的判断,一把拉住他往旁边一条小路跑去,这时候她倒也顾不上什么男女授受不亲,能见度实在太低,再加上岛上的迷阵,若是两人距离拉开个三五米,估计下一秒就会失去对方的踪影了。Song Qingshuprotectsaroundher, blocksmoststrong windswith the bodyforher, once for a whilealsostrokes the breakbranchandflying sand and rocks that somein the airfliesrandomlyand so onthing.宋青书护在她周围,用身体替她挡住大部分狂风,时不时还拂开一些空中乱飞的断裂树枝、飞沙走石之类的东西。„Goes inquickly.”Walkeda while, Huang Rongsaidsuddenly.
“快进去。”走了一会儿,黄蓉忽然说道。Song Qingshuthendiscovered the room that at present the stonebuilds, is different from thesehousestyles that beforesees, felt strangesecretly: „Howinthiswoodsto have such a stone building, moreover is the modelingso strange?”宋青书这才发现眼前有一座石头砌成的屋子,与之前见到的那些房子风格迥异,不由暗暗奇怪:“这树林中怎么会有这么一处石屋,而且造型这么古怪?”Whenheenteredsuddenly the complexionchanged, originallyat this timehe justlookedclearly, whichat presentiswhatstone building, obviouslywas a bedstonegrave, before the grave, had a tombstone, abovebook„the Peach Blossom Islandfemaleis advocatingfragrance of tombFeng”severalcharacters.
当他走进了忽然脸色一变,原来这时他方才看真切,眼前哪是什么石屋啊,明明就是一座石坟,坟前还有一个墓碑,上面书着“桃花岛女主冯氏之香冢”几个字。„It seems likeherewasHuang YaoshiwifeFengHeng the institute of dying.”Song Qingshuhas not expectedwill come here, suddenlyis somewhat in a daze.
“看来这里就是黄药师的夫人冯蘅的长眠之所了。”宋青书没料到会走到这里,一时间有些发愣。„Comes ina bit faster.”Huang Rongopenedby the grave a door, quicklyshouted that hegoes.
“快点进来吧。”黄蓉打开了墓旁一扇门,急忙喊他进去。Song Qingshuknows the grave of average person, only then a numerous, but the graves of someprincesdolike the palace, insidehas the enormousspace, Huang Yaoshi, althoughhas no wayto look like the emperorto useso manymanpower and resourceslike that but also is insufficientlikely the ordinary familiesobviously, insidespacecultivatesin a big way.宋青书知道普通人的墓只有一个分众,但一些帝王将相的墓做得像宫殿一样,里面有着极大的空间,黄药师虽然没法像皇帝那般动用那么多人力物力,但显然也不至于像普通人家,里面的空间还是修得蛮大的。Afterpassing through the gate, Huang Rongconvenientclosesstone gate, the violent storm that beforefourplunderedwas isolatedoutsideinstantaneously, Song Qingshuhas tosigh, no wonderearlytheseprimitive menmustmake the house, indeedhad the security sensein the house.
进门过后,黄蓉顺手将石门关上,之前肆掠的狂风暴雨瞬间被隔离到了外面,宋青书不得不感叹,难怪早期那些原始人要造房子,在房子里面的确更有安全感呐。Song Qingshusizes upall around, the attentionis then laid asideinmidpointthatinner and outer coffinquicklyattracts, knowsinthatshouldlie downwasFengHeng.宋青书打量四周,注意力很快便被放置在正中央那棺椁所吸引,知道那里面应该躺着的就是冯蘅了。Saw onlyHuang Rongto walk, kneltkowtowson the ground: „Mother, the daughtercame backto look atyou.”Long agoshecame backhereto cryeach timelikely the tearsperson, nowwith the agegrows, the bearing capacity was also but actually better, buton the face was still full of the movedcolor.
只见黄蓉走了过去,跪在地上磕了个头:“娘,女儿回来看您了。”早年她每次回来这里都哭得像个泪人,如今随着年岁增长,承受能力倒也好了些,不过脸上依然充满了伤感之色。Suddenlyshehearsbang bangtwo, sees onlySong Qingshualsoto kneelin the sidekowtows, cannot help but scared: „Do youkowtowto do?”
忽然她听到砰砰两声,只见宋青书也跪在身旁磕头,不由得傻眼了:“你磕头干什么?”„Youkowtowed, I must certainlyknock.”Song Qingshusaidseriously.
A Huang Rongfacerisesinstantaneouslyred, shamesandgets angryimmediately: „Nonsense!”Mustknowinthisworldalsoonher husband, hermanwill followsheto give mother to kowtowtogether, Song Qingshuthisbehaviormakeshernot know what to dosimply.黄蓉一张脸瞬间涨得通红,顿时又羞又怒:“胡闹!”要知道这世上也就她的丈夫,她的男人才会跟着她一起给母亲磕头,宋青书这番行为让她简直不知如何是好。„Rong'eryoudo not needto think,”Song Qingshushows a faint smile, „Ihad heardlong beforeyour mother'sdeeds, was full of the respecttoher, as the younger generationpays a visitheronealso should be.”
“蓉儿你不必多想,”宋青书微微一笑,“我很早以前就听说过令堂的事迹,对她充满了敬佩之情,身为晚辈拜见她一下也是应该的。”Huang Rongsnort/hum, a lot ofgot angryto have no wayto manifest suddenly, moreoverseeshim the respectto mother, the look cannot help but gentle.黄蓉哼了一声,一肚子嗔怒没法发作,而且看到他对母亲的尊重,眼神不由得柔和了些。Worshipsafter mother, Huang Ronggets to the entrance, opensstone gategently, looks atoutsideviolent storm the scene, cannot help butlooks the worried look: „Does not know when the stormcanstand still.”
拜祭完母亲过后,黄蓉走到门口,轻轻打开石门,看着外面狂风暴雨的场景,不由得面露忧色:“也不知道风暴什么时候能停歇。”„Yougrow upin the seashoresince childhood, doesn't have a generalspeculation?”Song Qingshualsowalked.
“你从小在海边长大,难道没有个大概的推测么?”宋青书也走了过去。Huang Rongshakes the head: „Thissaid that perhapssometimessometimes, a dayon the past, will not continue about tendayscertainly, can only meet one's fate with resignation.”黄蓉摇了摇头:“这说不准的,有时候一天就过去了,有时候说不定会持续十天左右,只能听天由命了。”Reason that becauseopens the door, outsidewindblows, the Huang Rongwhole bodycannot help butshivers.
因为开门的缘故,外面的风吹进来,黄蓉浑身不由自主打了个冷颤。Originallya moment agoheavy rain downpour, two people, althoughis dashing about wildly, maystilldrench the drenched chicken, in the wind and rainbut actually, oneis just idlenow, the instantaneousdiscoverywhole bodyclothes the tightposton the body, the windhas blown, is the biting coldcoldness.
原来刚才大雨倾盆而下,两人虽然在一路狂奔,可依然淋成了落汤鸡,刚刚在风雨中倒也罢了,如今一空闲下来,瞬间发现浑身衣服早已紧紧贴在身上,风一吹来,便是彻骨的寒冷。Sees the Huang Rongbodysomewhatto tremble, Song Qingshuplansto have the coatonher, butlooks at the wetclothes, cannot help butsmiles bitterly, can only give up.
见黄蓉身子有些发抖,宋青书打算将外套披在她身上,不过看着湿漉漉的衣服,不由得苦笑起来,只能作罢。„Whenthiswind and raindoes not knowstops, it seems likefor a short timecould not go out, firstlights a fireto dry the clothes.”Song Qingshusaid.
“这风雨也不知道什么时候停,看来一时半会儿是出不去了,先生火将衣服烘干吧。”宋青书说道。„Herelights a fire?”Huang Rongis somewhat scruple, after allhereisher mother'smausoleum.
“在这里生火?”黄蓉有些迟疑,毕竟这里是她母亲的陵墓。Song Qingshuurged: „Youharbor the pregnancynow, the bodyresistivitywas not good, ifdid not infect the coldcarefully, when the time comes is not only you, evenyourbellychildwill have the danger, your motherhas mystical powersin the day, definitelydoes not think that the daughter and grandchildbump into the danger.”宋青书劝道:“你现在怀有身孕,身体抵抗力本就不行,若是不小心感染了风寒,到时候不光是你,连你肚子里的孩子也会有危险,令堂在天有灵,肯定也不想自己女儿和外孙碰到危险吧。”Perhapsifonly then, Huang Rongreallysupportedon, butthinks the child who belly, the maternalinstinctmadeherfinallyagree.
若只有自己一人,黄蓉说不定真的就强撑了,可是一想到肚子里的孩子,母性的本能让她终于同意了。Song Qingshustartsto collect the materialto get up, the outsidewind and rainis so big, the branchwood/blockheadhas moisteneddefinitelycannotuse, in the mausoleum can also collectmanythingsluckily.宋青书开始收集材料起来,外面风雨这么大,树枝木头早已打湿肯定不能用了,幸好陵墓里面还能收集到不少东西。OriginallySong Qingshuprojects on the inner and outer coffinfrontincense tableto come up the idea, butwas categorically rejectedbyHuang Rong, luckily other lumber of placecollectionbut actuallyalsosufficient, hehad not insistedagain.
The fire of high-piled firewoodlivedquickly, two peoplefeelseveralpoints of warm feelingimmediately.
火堆很快生了起来,两人顿时感到几分暖意。„Takes offto roast the clothes, the wetclothespastelike thison the bodyare easyto fall ill.”Song Qingshusaid.
“把衣服脱下来烤吧,湿衣服这样贴在身上容易生病的。”宋青书说道。„Ah?”Huang Rongcannot help butvisitshimsurprised.“啊?”黄蓉不由得吃惊地看着他。Song Qingshucannot bearshow the whites of the eyes: „Couple of days agooutsideShanyinchengnotalsothis? Your ownideologically impureis clean.”宋青书忍不住翻了个白眼:“前两天在山阴城外不也这样么?你自己思想不纯洁。”Huang Ronghad almost not felt stifled, who is unchaste? Insufficientlytohisproposition, in the heartsomemeaningsmoves.黄蓉差点没被憋死,到底是谁不纯洁?不够对他的提议,心中不禁有些意动。„Relax, will not peepyour, Ihonorable gentlemanmust.”Song Qingshuknows that herscruples, added.
“放心吧,不会偷看你的,我这人正人君子得很。”宋青书知道她的顾忌,补充道。Huang Ronglooked athisoneeyesill-humoredly, thought that whathonorable gentlemanyoudo calculate? Since howeverthis period of timeheactuallytoownfullShouli, moreoverthinks that the matter of north slopesuburbs, shehesitant, nodseventually: „Yougoto that side, cannotturn head.”黄蓉没好气地看了他一眼,心想你算哪门子正人君子?不过这段时间以来他倒是对自己满守礼的,而且想到山阴城郊的事情,她犹豫了下,终究还是点了点头:“那你到那边去,不许回头。”Song Qingshushrugged: „Relax.”Was sayingcircledanother side of the inner and outer coffin, as ifvanished the trail.宋青书摊了摊手:“放心吧。”说着绕到了棺椁另一侧,仿佛消失了踪迹。Huang Rongthenrelaxes, the rustling soundstartsto take off the clothes, takes up the women's clothingto keep offbefore the body, whilelookscautiouslytowardanother side,seeshimnot to peep, just nowfelt relieved that warms by a fire.黄蓉这才松了一口气,悉悉索索开始脱下衣服,一边拿起衣裙挡在身前,一边小心翼翼地往另一边看去,见他没有偷看,方才放心地烤火起来。„Helpsmyclothesalsoroastwhile convenient.”Atthis time, onegroup of clothesthrewfromanother side.
The Huang Ronginstinctgraspsin the hand, fixes the eyes onlooked,cannot help butshamesandgets angry: „Did youalsotake off the clothes?”黄蓉本能地抓在手中,定睛一看,不由得又羞又怒:“你也把衣服脱了?”----
----This chapteris just writing the terrifyingviolent storm, finallyin the realitybumped into the earthquake......
本章刚好在写恐怖的狂风暴雨,结果现实中碰上地震了......Monksymboltimediscoveredsuddenlyis very dizzy, thenfelt that the entirebuildingis swaying, quicklyran. Afterwardknewisthat sideJiuzhaigouhas the earthquake, the complementary wavesaffectedhere. Finallyhopethisearthquakehas not causedwhatcasualties, in front of the disaster, the strength of person was too tiny.
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