FSM :: Volume #15

#1441: Pushing the boat along

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? Duan Yanqing and the others are awed by the Song Qingshu martial arts value although, but after all, must live hand to mouth to eat in Ascendant Hall, if continues to stand by, will return to Xixia perhaps not to have the good fruit to eat from now on. ?段延庆等人尽管慑于宋青书的武功值,但毕竟以后还要在一品堂混饭吃,若是继续袖手旁观,回西夏过后恐怕没自己好果子吃了。 But has to call the companion to encircle together, simultaneously said distressfully: Young Master Song, but also looks do not feel embarrassed us.” 无奈之下只好招呼同伴一起围了过去,同时愁眉苦脸地说道:“宋公子,还望不要为难我们。” Song Qingshu lightly snort/hum: I am only and your princesses play now, if who dares not to know the limitation comes, do not blame me not being impolite to your princesses.” 宋青书淡淡地哼了一声:“我现在只是和你们公主玩玩,谁要是敢不识相地过来,别怪我对你们公主不客气。” Duan Yanqing and the others do not want to come, now had a pompous excuse to take advantage of opportunity then to stop: Some words are open to discuss, do not feel embarrassed our princesses.” 段延庆等人原本就不想过来,如今有个冠冕堂皇的借口顺势便停了下来:“有话好商量,千万不要为难我们公主。” Song Qingshu said with a smile lightly: I have not felt embarrassed her, but she hits a gambling to make.” 宋青书淡淡地笑道:“我又没有为难她,只是和她打一个赌约而已。” Princess Yinchuan shuts tightly the lip, half are the air/Qi, half are to shame, after all bets is about raises, now is so distressed is really awkward extremely. 银川公主紧闭嘴唇,一半是气的,一半是羞的,毕竟赌约是自己提出来的,如今这么狼狈实在是尴尬万分。 Didn't take the antidote to come out?” A Song Qingshu face said with a smile ridiculing. “还不拿解药出来么?”宋青书一脸戏谑地笑道。 The Princess Yinchuan rope sex crosses the face, in her bone is stubborn, really cannot have a long face to admit defeat. 银川公主索性别过脸去,她骨子里倔强得很,实在拉不下脸来认输。 Since did not say that I did swing?” Song Qingshu said that the sleeves then stroke, Princess Yinchuan cannot help but swings in the midair. “既然不说那我又摇了?”宋青书说完衣袖便是一拂,银川公主不由自主又在半空中荡起秋千来。 I do not give!” Although Princess Yinchuan had been shaken dizzy, she still relies on the heart to clench teeth to insist stubbornly. “我就不给!”尽管银川公主已经被晃得头昏眼花,她依然凭借着心中一股倔强咬牙坚持着。 Suddenly she feels on the face one cool, because originally is hanging upside down reason, the veil on her face cannot insist again, suddenly fell. 忽然她感觉到脸上一凉,原来因为倒挂着的缘故,她脸上的面纱再也坚持不住,忽然落了下来。 Song Qingshu one dull, Princess Yinchuan is long very beautifully, only if so also being insufficient makes him be in a daze, after all his these years has seen world outstandingly beautiful really many, reason that are so surprised, are because can visit her obviously are the young girls, but the five senses about actually bring a natural flattering intent in the same place, compared with the Qinhuai River in does not know that many Queen of Flowers must arouse a lot. 宋青书一呆,银川公主长得很美,若单是如此还不至于让他发呆,毕竟他这些年见过的人间绝色实在不少,之所以这么吃惊,是因为看得出来她明明是少女,可是五官合在一起却自带一丝天然的媚意,比秦淮河上不知道多少花魁都要撩人得多。 This flatters intent not to know that is pupil that her is long and flatters, the water sleek/moist lips of bringing happy expression brings, in the Song Qingshu heart deliberately considered, may know by Duan Yu that infatuated Fairy Big Sister, Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan appearance and Li Qiushui are similar, but mother and daughter were short in the legend on the Li Qiushui beautiful and bewitching air/Qi ; The Princess Yinchuan appearance and Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan are not similar, obviously she has not inherited the Li Qiushui appearance, but actually inherited on her to flatter intent overall. 这股媚意也不知道是她那又长又媚的眸子,还是自带笑意的水润双唇带来的,宋青书心中寻思,由段誉那么痴迷神仙姐姐可知,李青萝王语嫣样貌和李秋水相似,不过她们母女俩少了传说中李秋水身上的妖冶之气;银川公主外貌与李青萝王语嫣并不怎么相似,可见她并没有继承李秋水的外貌,可是却全盘继承了她身上那股媚意。 Princess Yinchuan this time being startled still above him, must know that these years the Xixia people pass on her to live the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, unparalleled in the world, but has looked at few of her appearance truly, looks at the man of her appearance not to have, now unexpectedly looks at a purity by Song Qingshu, she is not also surprised, how to be angry? 银川公主此时的吃惊犹在他之上,要知道这些年来西夏人都传她生得倾国倾城,天下无双,但真正看过她样貌的寥寥无几,看过她样貌的男子更是没有,如今居然被宋青书看了个一清二楚,她又如何不吃惊,如何不愤怒? Her the angle is turning away from the people at this time luckily, is just now insufficient to be seen by others. But was short of the veil, she always thought that the whole person did not have the security sense instantaneously, immediately urgently said: Has not covered to me quickly!” 幸好此时她的角度背对着众人,方才不至于被其他人看见。可是少了面纱,她总觉得整个人瞬间没了安全感,顿时急道:“还不快给我蒙上!” Song Qingshu could not bear smile: You grow not ugly, why to fear that others do see?” 宋青书忍不住笑了起来:“你长得又不丑,干嘛怕别人看见?” You do not understand, my appearance cannot be seen by others.” Seeing him is aloof, Princess Yinchuan must be about to cry anxiously. “你不懂,我的样貌不能被别人看见。”见他无动于衷,银川公主急得快哭了。 The Song Qingshu eyebrow raises, shows a strange happy expression: What's wrong, you also made vowing, the man who first has looked at your appearance, killed him either, either marries him?” 宋青书眉毛一扬,露出一丝古怪的笑意:“怎么,难道你也立下了一个誓言,第一个看过你容貌的男子,要么就杀了他,要么就嫁给他?” Princess Yinchuan complexion one red, bites the lip not to say a word. 银川公主脸色一红,咬着嘴唇一言不发。 Song Qingshu continues the accent to say with a smile: If so, I push someone take on a difficult job to receive you to be my 108 room/house concubines.” 宋青书继续调笑道:“如果真是这样,那我勉为其难收你做我的一百零八房小妾吧。” Princess Yinchuan could not bear again: Surnamed Song, despicable! Lower reaches! Shameless! You is a from head to tail big bastard!” 银川公主再也忍不住了:“姓宋的,卑鄙!下流!无耻!你就是个彻头彻尾的大混蛋!” The Xixia Ascendant Hall person look at each other in blank dismay, they have not seen this princess is so rude, these year of Princess Yinchuan wield Ascendant Hall, the method is wise, is maturely experienced completely makes one unable to realize she is also only a young little miss. 西夏一品堂的人面面相觑,他们还从来没见过这位公主如此失态过,这些年银川公主执掌一品堂,手段高明,成熟老练得让人完全意识不到她还只是个年纪轻轻的小姑娘。 Good, covers to you are, you must scold me again your mouth borderland.” In front of so many people so to be scolded by a little miss in a seductive voice, Song Qingshu simply is a heavy line. “好了好了,给你蒙上就是,你要再骂我就把你嘴塞上。”当着这么多人的面被一个小姑娘这般娇声娇气地骂着,宋青书简直是一头黑线。 His threat really plays the role, Princess Yinchuan thought own this time is distressed enough, if were stopped up the mouth...... to think again that scene she is somewhat afraid. 他的威胁果然起到了作用,银川公主心想自己此时已经足够狼狈了,若是再被堵住嘴巴……一想到那场景她就有些不寒而栗。 Seeing her is finally peaceful, Song Qingshu then breathes a sigh of relief, picks up the ground the gauze kerchief to walk: Do not move, I obstruct to you.” 见她终于安静下来,宋青书这才舒了一口气,捡起地上的纱巾走了过去:“别动,我给你遮好。” Princess Yinchuan changes the normal state, turned into a peaceful young girl, when the opposite party for her again is the veil, the eyelash trembles lightly, obviously in the heart tight incomparable. 银川公主一改常态,变成了一位安静的少女,当对方替她重新系面纱的时候,睫毛轻颤不已,显然心中紧张无比。 Thanked me a bit faster, not only forgot old grievances, but also rendered good for evil.” Song Qingshu grips the veil for her, somewhat happily said with a smile. “快点感谢我吧,不仅不念旧恶,还以德报怨。”宋青书替她扎好面纱,有些得意地笑道。 Thanked......” the Princess Yinchuan words to tell only half, in the phoenix eye flashed through a cunning ray suddenly, the small waist turned, the whole person hit toward his hand. “谢……”银川公主话说到一半,丹凤眼中忽然闪过一丝狡黠的光芒,小蛮腰一扭,整个人往他手上撞去。 When sees in her look the unusual ray, Song Qingshu did not realize wonderfully, what a pity late one step, his is giving her is the veil, the hand was too near to her face, wants to hide cannot avoid. 当看到她眼神中异样的光芒,宋青书就意识到不妙,可惜还是晚了一步,他的正在给她系面纱,手离她的脸太近了,想躲都躲不开。 Freely only then the contact of flash, but both sides understand that flash bumped into the same place a moment ago. 尽管只有一刹那的接触,但双方都明白刚才那一瞬间碰到一起了。 You lost!” The depression in Princess Yinchuan eye pupil sweeps away, performing is the happy expression that the sinister plot works. “你输了!”银川公主眼眸中的郁闷一扫而空,尽是奸计得逞的笑意。 Song Qingshu looked at own hand, above as if also remains on the opposite party cheek the young slippery touch, long time from now on will not have said the words. 宋青书看了看自己的手,上面似乎还残留着对方脸蛋儿上幼滑的触感,良久过后没说出话来。 The imperial city division people scolded its shameless, could not bear get angry including always gentle Xue Baochai: Your this seductress quite does not have the conscience, simultaneous/uniform king good intention helps you, you instead return evil for good, what this and does Zhongshan wolf have to distinguish?” 皇城司众人纷纷骂其无耻,连一向温柔的薛宝钗也忍不住怒道:“你这妖女好没良心,齐王好心好意帮你,你反而恩将仇报,这和中山狼有什么区别?” In the Princess Yinchuan look flashes through a feeling of anger, but on mouth actually cold snort/hum: In battlefield which you spoke so many reasons, lost lost, is willing to bet to concede.” 银川公主眼神中闪过一丝恼意,不过嘴上却冷哼一声:“战场上哪和你讲这么多原因,输了就是输了,愿赌服输。” Xue Baochai must say anything again, Song Qingshu prevented her: Many thanks Xue Miss spoke for me, but Princess Yinchuan said is reasonable, lost lost, should not find the excuse.” 薛宝钗还要再说什么,宋青书阻止了她:“多谢薛姑娘为我说话,不过银川公主说得有道理,输了就是输了,不该找理由。” Said that is calm and composed even in press of work looks at Princess Yinchuan: Princess is intelligent, this Song admires.” Actually takes his cultivating as, although a moment ago the matter got up hastily, but if really must avoid or hide, but that flash he thought that needed the Xixia help to divert Sichuan, therefore Princess Yinchuan one group of cannot be detained by the imperial city division, such Southern Song Dynasty had the hostage in the hand, Xixia is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, perhaps really does not dare to make anything to Sichuan. 说完好整以暇地看着银川公主:“公主聪明机智,宋某佩服不已。”其实以他的修为,刚才虽然事起仓促,但若真要躲开还是躲得开的,不过那一瞬间他想了很多,需要西夏帮忙牵制住四川,所以银川公主一行人不能被皇城司留住,那样南宋有人质在手,西夏投鼠忌器,说不定真不敢对四川做什么了。 But he now in name eventually was simultaneous/uniform king of Southern Song Dynasty, at this time has been able to control Ascendant Hall these people obvious, if let go them directly, when the time comes not good to explain to Lin'an. 可是他如今名义上终究是南宋的齐王,此时明摆着已能控制住一品堂这些人,若是直接将他们放走,到时候不好向临安各方交待。 Therefore he has been deliberately considering how not only can put the Xixia person to leave, by imperial city division the means of person suspicion, no clue, has not only been discovered pitifully skillfully Princess Yinchuan small scheme, his then pushing the boat along made her work. 因此他一直在寻思怎么既能放西夏人离开,又不会被皇城司的人怀疑的办法,只可惜一直没什么头绪,这么巧发现了银川公主的小计谋,他便顺水推舟让她得逞了。 Princess Yinchuan does not know all these, hears the praise of Song Qingshu, the chin raises, happily snort/hum: That is natural, has not put me to get down quickly!” 银川公主并不知道这一切,听到宋青书的夸奖,不禁下巴一扬,得意地哼了一声:“那是当然,还不快放我下来!” Does not know reason that swayed a moment ago, is she is extremely self-satisfied, this little while body sways from side to side, suddenly a small porcelain bottle falls from her chest, Song Qingshu quick of eye and hand one grasped. 不知道是刚才摇晃的缘故,还是她太过得意,这会儿身子一扭动,忽然一个小瓷瓶从她胸口掉落出来,宋青书眼疾手快一把抓了过来。 Song Qingshu in the hand, above also remains the body temperature of young girl, he does not only have this leisure time appreciation pitifully, takes down the stopper to smell directly: Many thanks the princess bestows the antidote!” 宋青书拿在手中,上面还残留着少女的体温,只可惜他没这个闲暇功夫欣赏,直接取下瓶塞闻了闻:“多谢公主赐解药!” He had seen the antidote of sad crisp cool breeze before, naturally obtains the genuine and fake. 他以前见过悲酥清风的解药,自然分得出真假。 Princess Yinchuan was very annoying, notices him to hear a moment ago when bottle expression that knit the brows, was discontented: Bottle that this princess's arms fall, is so smelly?” 银川公主却十分懊恼,注意到他刚才闻瓶子时那皱眉的表情,更是不满了:“本公主的怀里掉出来的瓶子,有这么臭么?” Song Qingshu is startled: „Isn't the antidote of sad crisp cool breeze, the odor is difficult to bear?” 宋青书一怔:“悲酥清风的解药,不就是恶臭难当么?” Princess Yinchuan then understands oneself thought the branch, some said shamefully and angrily: Has not put me to get down quickly.” 银川公主这才明白自己想岔了,有些恼羞成怒地说道:“还不快放我下来。” Song Qingshu nods, draws the Xue Baochai waistband to shake, an art untied fetter on her foot, the Princess Yinchuan whole person fell instantaneously toward the ground. 宋青书点了点头,拉着薛宝钗的腰带一抖,一股巧劲解开了她脚上的束缚,银川公主整个人瞬间往地上掉去。 ~ Princess Yinchuan, although is the Ascendant Hall female spy, but after all is a young girl, saw with own eyes that own face must come a close contact with the land, frightened unable to bear call. “啊~”银川公主虽然是一品堂的女特务,但毕竟还是个少女,眼见自己的脸要跟大地来个亲密接触,吓得忍不住叫了起来。 Request of Song Qingshu on her waist, her whole person transferred luckily gently again from head to foot. 幸好宋青书在她腰上轻轻一托,她整个人重新头上脚下转了过来。 Just comes to a stop, Princess Yinchuan then hit ruthlessly toward the Song Qingshu bosom: You definitely are intentionally.” 甫一站稳,银川公主便狠狠地往宋青书怀里撞了一把:“你肯定是故意的。” Song Qingshu could not bear smile: Xue Miss had not really spoken incorrectly a moment ago, you also really return evil for good.” 宋青书忍不住笑了起来:“刚才薛姑娘果然没有说错,你这人还真是恩将仇报啊。” On the Princess Yinchuan face a heat, the back passes away: Unties for me.” She just tied hands behind the back both hands by Song Qingshu, why does not know, she does not want to lose face makes the subordinate help untie, naturally is more impossible to seek help from the person of imperial city division, finally decides to seek help Song Qingshu. 银川公主脸上一热,背过身去:“替我解开。”她刚刚被宋青书反缚住了双手,不知道为何,她又不想丢脸地让下属帮忙解开,当然更不可能求助于皇城司的人,最终还是决定求助宋青书 Song Qingshu smiles for her unties the fetter: Or this waistband treated as commemorating to me.” 宋青书笑了笑替她解开束缚:“要不这腰带给我当做纪念了。” Princess Yinchuan seized: „To result in beautiful!” Reorganizes after the good women's clothing, she turned around to return to the carriage. 银川公主一把夺了过去:“想得美!”重新整理好衣裙过后,她转身回到了马车之中。 Since bet Princess this/Ben to win a moment ago, now leaves should not have the opinion?” Returns to after the carriage, Princess Yinchuan as if changed that calm spy chief. “既然刚才的赌约本公主赢了,现在离开应该没意见吧?”回到马车过后,银川公主仿佛又变回了那个冷静的特务头子。 Naturally, the princess does as you please!” Song Qingshu made a posture of invitation. “当然,公主请便!”宋青书做了一个请的姿势。 simultaneous/uniform king cannot leave trouble for the future!” The people of imperial city division call out in alarm in abundance make noise. “齐王不可放虎归山!”皇城司的人纷纷惊呼出声。 Song Qingshu smiles lightly: this Song usually was person of the effective and influential word, since had said that she won the competition to put them to depart, that will put them to depart.” 宋青书淡淡一笑:“宋某素来是一个一言九鼎之人,既然说过她赢得比赛放她们离去,那就会放他们离去。” He spoke in this share, the people of imperial city division were not good to say anything again. 他都说到这个份上了,皇城司的人也不好再说什么。 In the carriage broadcast the Princess Yinchuan sound suddenly: I suddenly discovered that you are a interesting person, later arrived at Xixia to look for me.” 马车里忽然传来了银川公主的声音:“我忽然发现你这人还是一个蛮有意思的人,以后到西夏了可以来找我。” Song Qingshu nods slightly: Has the opportunity of saying goodbye inevitably.” 宋青书微微颔首:“必然有再见的机会。” I am waiting ~ the Ascendant Hall person crowds around the carriage to depart quickly, is only left over in the air to transmit intermittent smiles tenderly. “我等着~”一品堂的人很快簇拥着马车离去,只剩下空气中传来的阵阵娇笑。 Song Qingshu then turns head to say to the Xue Baochai brother and sister: I first gave my companion to solve the poison, then came back to save you.” The figure flashes, then returned to own carriage. 宋青书这才回过头来对薛宝钗兄妹说道:“我先去给我的同伴解了毒,再回来救你们。”说完身形一闪,便回到了自己的马车之中。 Gathers the Huang Rong tip of the nose the antidote, because the antidote is too smelly, in addition she because originally is pregnant to violate the nausea, these two superimposed her unable to bear near the carriage retch finally. 将解药凑到黄蓉鼻尖,因为解药太臭,再加上她本就因为怀孕犯恶心,这两相叠加她终于忍不住在马车边上干呕了起来。 Song Qingshu is patting her back gently, while delivered the canteen: Made the madame wait for a long time.” 宋青书一边轻轻拍着她的背,一边将水壶送了过来:“让夫人久等了。” Huang Rong restored the strength gradually, in the look were also of many color teasing: You sexually harass the little misses in the enthusiasm, naturally could not remember my sinking own old woman.” 黄蓉渐渐恢复了力气,眼神之中也多了一丝戏谑之色:“你调戏人家小姑娘正在兴头上,自然记不住我这种沉了亲的老女人了。” --- --- Really sorry, today the Chongqing evil wind is intermittent, that wind was too terrifying, does arrives like the end. In my family four French windows were all blown to break, the entire living room was the glass, in the son hand is also all delimited, was not luckily serious, has not fallen to pound the person, otherwise the consequence was really inconceivable. 实在抱歉,今天重庆妖风阵阵,那个风实在太恐怖了,搞得像末日降临一样。我家里四扇落地窗全被吹破了,整个客厅全是玻璃,儿子手上也被划到了,幸好不严重,也没有落下去砸到人,不然后果真是不堪设想。 Today in tidying up family/home, without means many, but also looks at everyone to excuse me 今天在收拾家里,没办法多更了,还望各位见谅
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