FSM :: Volume #15

#1437: Princess Xixia

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? The Huang Rong body one soft then goes toward side but actually, she harbors the pregnancy, if not throw down the consequence to be inconceivable carefully, when nearby Song Qingshu response is luckily quick enough, is at a crucial moment supports it, asked anxiously: You how?” ?黄蓉身子一软便往旁边倒去,她怀有身孕,若是不小心摔倒后果不堪设想,幸好旁边的宋青书反应足够快,千钧一发之际将其扶住,紧张地问道:“你怎么了?” I don't know either,” Huang Rong wants to shake the head, who knows the strength of continually shaking the head does not have, felt that the whole body does not have the strength.” “我也不知道,”黄蓉想摇头,谁知道连摇头的力气都没有,“只是感觉浑身没有力气。” At this time din-dong the sound also conveys from the side, originally was the guards of accompanying falls down. The Song Qingshu brow wrinkles to look toward the distant place, saw only the secret agents of imperial city division also but actually place, only then Xue Yiren also in the there strong brace. 此时叮叮咚咚的声音也从身边传来,原来是随行的护卫们纷纷倒在了地上。宋青书眉头一皱往远处望去,只见皇城司的密探也倒了一地,只有薛衣人独自一人还在那里强撑。 Sad crisp cool breeze!” Song Qingshu responded immediately, this is the Xixia Ascendant Hall fiercest toxicant, is colorless and tasteless, when you realized had been poisoned, after the poison , the whole body is incapable, can only allow to be oppressed. “悲酥清风!”宋青书马上反应了过来,这就是西夏一品堂最厉害的毒药,无色无味,当你意识到的时候已经中毒了,中毒后浑身无力,只能任人宰割。 Song Qingshu is flabbergasted secretly, this toxicant also is really fierce, flutters with the wind, they were poisoned including such far Huang Rong. 宋青书暗暗咂舌,这毒药还真是厉害,随风飘荡,连这么远的黄蓉他们都中毒了。 Sad crisp cool breeze!” Xue Yiren squeezed out several characters with clenched jaws, obviously he also thinks of that toxicant in Ascendant Hall legend. “悲酥清风!”薛衣人咬牙切齿地挤出了几个字,显然他也想到一品堂传说中的那个毒药。 Has saying that your imperial city division also really degenerated fiercely, remembered our Ascendant Hall sad crisp cool breeze at this time.” The young girl from the carriage, in the breeze the long skirt was finally floating, appearing the figure is graceful, only on the face is still covered with the veil pitifully, has not shown by the true colors, but that autumn waters double pupil showed under sufficiently the veil is what kind of beautiful face moon/month appearance. “不得不说你们皇城司还真是堕落得厉害,这个时候才想起我们一品堂的悲酥清风。”那少女终于从马车中走了出来,微风中长裙飘飘,显得身形婀娜多姿,只可惜脸上依然蒙着面纱,并没有以真面目示人,不过那秋水般的双瞳足以显示面纱之下是何等的花容月貌。 Xue Yiren uses the sword to puncture suddenly toward her on, the effect that because is just poisoned, before the swordsmanship does not have, like that sharp difficult to bear, sees only that young girl sleeves to stroke, then knocked down the long sword in his hand. 薛衣人忽然出剑往她身上刺去,只不过因为中毒的影响,剑法已无之前那般锋锐难当,只见那少女衣袖一拂,便打落了他手中的长剑。 Cold sleeve strokes the hole, good, the one breath that very good......” Xue Yiren to gather with great difficulty dispersed finally, falls down dejected cannot crawl again. “寒袖拂穴,好,很好……”薛衣人好不容易聚起的一口气终于散了,颓然地倒在地上再也爬不起来。 Big brother!” Sees him to drop down, Xue Baochai calls out in alarm makes noise, has the memory to start from her, this big brother is invincible existence, never expected that actually drops down now, she is sadly and was worried. “大哥!”看到他倒下,薛宝钗惊叫出声,从她有记忆开始,这个大哥一直是个无敌的存在,没想到如今却倒下了,她又是伤心又是担心。 The Xixia young girl paces at the back of both hands back and forth, self-satisfied color that in the foreheads cannot stop: Knows why must with you disclose a moment ago so many Ascendant Hall information, first want and other sad crisp cool breeze efficacies to be effective, secondly is knows that you are unable to live departure, said that to you will listen to also indifferently, the deceased person to keep the secret in any case.” 西夏少女背着双手来回踱步,眉宇间止不住的得意之色:“知道刚才为什么要和你透露那么多一品堂的信息么,一来是要等悲酥清风药力见效,二来么是知道你们都无法活着离开,说给你们听也无所谓,反正死人是会保守秘密的。” My Xue Yiren world, has not thought vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered finally unexpectedly plants in a daughter baby hand.” Xue Yiren knows that today is hard to escape by luck, in the sound filled was resentful and helpless. “我薛衣人纵横天下,没想到最后居然栽在一个小女娃娃手里。”薛衣人知道今天难以幸免,声音中充满了愤懑与无奈。 Song Qingshu of distant place sighs secretly, let alone Xue Yiren, initially oneself and Bing Xue'er in the small thatched hut outside Kaifeng also the say/way of sad crisp cool breeze, this toxicant is really being virtually impossible to guard against. 远处的宋青书暗暗叹了一口气,别说薛衣人了,当初自己和冰雪儿在开封城外的小茅屋中也着了悲酥清风的道,这毒药实在是防不胜防。 At that time he obtained the antidote of sad crisp cool breeze from four big evil person there, but after a series of things, the antidote has not brought afterward on the body, luckily in his previous time the poison of Golden Devil Flower, solved that not to have after «Supreme Profound Scripture» the medicine may rescue the poison, suddenly discovered oneself hundred have not really invaded unexpectedly poisonously, does not know that was really Xiao Longnü (little dragon girl) fed him to eat Ouyang Feng the reason of passing rhinocero Land Dragon pill by «Supreme Profound Scripture» initially. 当时他从四大恶人那里得到了悲酥清风的解药,不过经过后来一系列的事情,解药早已没有带在身上,幸好他上次中了金波旬花之毒,以《太玄经》解掉那无药可救之毒后,猛然发现自己居然已经真的百毒不侵,不知道真是靠《太玄经》还是当初小龙女喂他吃了欧阳锋的通犀地龙丸的缘故。 Being ambitious is not high in the year, doesn't famous bloodstained clothing person why this understand?” The young girls sneer, then to told, took away Xue Yiren and his younger sister, others all killed.” “有志不在年高,鼎鼎大名的血衣人为何连这都不懂?”少女冷笑一声,然后对手下吩咐道,“把薛衣人和他妹妹带走,其余的人全杀了。” Song Qingshu of distant place is listening to the heart one cold, this little miss voice is tender and delicate, has not thought that such a ruthless spicy heart, kills so many brows not to need to wrinkle. 远处的宋青书听着心中一凛,这小姑娘声音娇嫩甜美,没想到有一颗这么狠辣的心,杀这么多人眉头都不待皱一下的。 Good good, this little miss I to have had a liking, no one must snatch with me.” Although on Yun Zhonghe the wound is still braving the blood, but still does not change its lascivious natural disposition. “好叻好叻,这个小姑娘我早就看上了,谁也不许跟我抢。”尽管云中鹤身上伤口还在冒血,但依然不改其好色的本性。 That Xixia young girl smiles one tenderly: Now was unable to you, when brought back to Ascendant Hall to interrogate was not then late to you.” 西夏少女娇笑一声:“现在还不能给你,等带回一品堂审问了再给你不迟。” Good good.” Looks at the Xue Baochai rich and smooth such as the flesh of jade, Yun Zhonghe is rubbing hands quickly is mouth-watering. “好叻好叻。”看着薛宝钗丰润如玉的肌肤,云中鹤搓着手都快流口水了。 You dare to move her me to make you die without the burial ground!” Xue Yiren voice cold like the ice, whole person as if a wild animal that selects the person to bite. “你敢动她我让你死无葬身之地!”薛衣人声音寒冷如冰,整个人仿佛一头择人而噬的野兽。 Perhaps if usually I also feared that your three points, now in you sad crisp cool breeze, is similar to a tiger that did not have the tooth, whom frightens.” Yun Zhonghe disdain said. “若是平时我也许还怕你三分,现在你中了悲酥清风,就如同一个没了牙的老虎,吓唬谁啊。”云中鹤不屑地说道。 Xue Yiren cold snort/hum, the imposing manner starts to rise suddenly suddenly, nearby Xixia young girl has the protection luckily early, the instantaneous past sealed up his acupuncture point: Why your excellency this is, burns a skill, even if saved your younger sister, you still turned into a disabled person from a top player.” 薛衣人冷哼一声,忽然气势又开始暴涨,幸好一旁的西夏少女早有防备,瞬间过去封住了他的穴道:“阁下这又是何必呢,燃烧一身功力就算救了你妹妹,你也从一个顶级高手变成一个废人了。” Does not need you to be hypocritical!” Xue Yiren look is even more cold, what a pity was slow a moment ago one step, otherwise the stimulation of movement whole body skill must kill Yun Zhonghe this obscene thief. “不需要你假仁假义!”薛衣人眼神愈发寒冷,可惜刚才慢了一步,不然催动浑身功力也要击毙云中鹤这淫贼。 Big brother you do not need to manage me.” Thinks that was caught the pitiful destiny that Xixia face, Xue Baochai is determined to bite the tongue instantaneously to commit suicide, what a pity the young girl points at strokes gently, the strength that her mouth hemp bites continually did not have. “大哥你不用管我。”想到被抓到西夏自己面临的凄惨命运,薛宝钗瞬间下定决心就要咬舌自尽,可惜那少女手指轻轻一拂,她嘴巴一麻连咬的力气都没有了。 At this moment she was despaired thoroughly, a heart also sank the valley land, was the secret agent she has completed the consciousness of dying, even also the expectation attended the meeting the aspect of facing is damaged purely, when really arrived at this moment, she discovered that she has not imagined is so strong. 这一刻她是彻底绝望了,一颗心也沉到了谷地,身为密探她早已做好了死的觉悟,甚至也预料到会面临清白受损的局面,可这一刻真的到来之际,她发现自己还是没有想象中那么坚强。 Suddenly she at present one bright, happen to saw the carriage of distant place from this angle, because has seen one time, she recognized the symbol of simultaneous/uniform palace instantaneously, quickly summoned: Also looks at simultaneous/uniform king to intend to rescue!” 忽然她眼前一亮,从这个角度正好看到了远处的马车,因为见过一次,她瞬间认出了齐王府的标志,急忙呼唤道:“还望齐王出手相救!” Such remarks, presents everyone to turn head, because both sides confronted a moment ago at a crucial moment, no one has the time to lose concentration to notice Song Qingshu one group of dozens zhang (3.33 m) away. 此言一出,在场所有人纷纷回过头去,因为刚才双方对峙千钧一发,谁也没有功夫分神注意到数十丈外的宋青书一行人。 The relations that because Huang Rong faints, Song Qingshu leads her to return to the carriage, pours is seen by the people, since at this time had been discovered, that has not been naturally hiding the necessity, held Huang Rong to sit in the carriage: You rest here, I help you look for the antidote.” 因为黄蓉晕倒的关系,宋青书已经带着她回到了马车之中,倒也没被众人看到,此时既然已经被发现,那自然没有藏着的必要了,扶着黄蓉坐在马车之中:“你在这里休息一下,我去帮你找解药。” Yourself were careful.” Huang Rong cannot bear the reminder say, the guards who after all now accompany incurred, the Xixia that side overwhelms with numerical strength. “你自己小心。”黄蓉忍不住提醒道,毕竟如今随行的护卫都中招了,西夏那边人多势众。 Relax.” Song Qingshu shows a warm smile, then got down the carriage toward the field in the past. “放心吧。”宋青书露出一丝温暖的笑容,然后便下了马车往场中走了过去。 No matter the Xixia Ascendant Hall the person of person or Southern Song Dynasty imperial city division, just saw him obviously also about dozens zhang (3.33 m), finally the eye winked he then to appear in front, in abundance in heart one cold. 不管是西夏一品堂的人还是南宋皇城司的人,刚刚明明看到他还在数十丈开外,结果眼睛一眨他便出现在了面前,纷纷心中一凛。 Looks at the physique slender moving young girl, Song Qingshu says at present slowly: My companion and was affected the mackerel shad by the sad crisp cool breeze of miss, but also looks at the miss to grant the antidote.” 看着眼前身姿窈窕动人的少女,宋青书缓缓说道:“我的同伴和手下被姑娘的悲酥清风殃及池鱼,还望姑娘赐予解药。” Four big evil people saw clearly at this time finally appearance that comes the person, when the discovery is Song Qingshu, four people of withdrawing several steps, a face panic-stricken color, is beyond control they to respond as if by prior agreement like this, they have not been short with Song Qingshu have had to do, knows that this time he not can stir up. 四大恶人此时终于看清了来人的样貌,当发现是宋青书时,四人不约而同地退后数步,一脸惊骇之色,由不得他们这样反应,他们没少和宋青书打过交道,知道此时的他远非自己能惹得起的。 The Xixia young girl notices Duan Yanqing and the others the responses, is startled secretly, must know that four big evil people were usually arbitrary, to become famous in the Ascendant Hall experts superciliously, never expected that fears the opposite party at this time unexpectedly, can see this fearing is the thorough marrow. 西夏少女注意到段延庆等人的反应,不由暗暗吃惊,要知道四大恶人素来蛮横,在一品堂众高手中也是以心高气傲出名,没想到此时居然这么惧怕对方,看得出这种惧怕是深入骨髓的。 Although has a heavy heart, on the Xixia young girl face a response does not have, instead asked: Originally your excellency was these years Song Qingshu that moved the world.” 尽管心情沉重,西夏少女脸上却一点反应也没有,反而问道:“原来阁下就是这几年名动天下的宋青书啊。” Name moves the world is not at all, is below.” Song Qingshu puts out a hand to attract, her Xue Baochai seemed held to fly toward him by an invisible big hand. “名动天下不敢当,正是在下。”宋青书伸手一吸,她身旁的薛宝钗仿佛被一只无形的大手抓住往他飞去。 The Xixia young girl is startled, quickly soars to fly to hold a Xue Baochai foot, wants to tow her, who knows that in the hand transmits a great strength, her whole person staggers, cannot help but also pulled together. 西夏少女大吃一惊,急忙腾空飞起抓住薛宝钗一只脚,本想将她拖回去,谁知道手上传来一股巨力,她整个人一个踉跄,不由自主也被一同扯了过去。 Song Qingshu supported the Xue Baochai slender waist to protect gently her behind, a hand extended to grasp loses the Xixia young girl who the center of gravity fell. 宋青书一手轻轻托住薛宝钗的纤腰将她护到了身后,一只手伸出去抓失去重心跌过来的西夏少女。 People many experts on the scene, but how many people simply have not seen clearly Song Qingshu to act, sees only him, as soon as lifts the hand, the next quarter then made contact with the shoulder of Xixia young girl. 在场众人不乏高手,可很多人根本没看清宋青书是如何出手的,只见他一抬起手,下一刻便搭上了西夏少女的肩头。 Princess!” The Xixia Ascendant Hall people have a big shock, if this young girl had what accident, they return to the home to only have the dead end. “公主!”西夏一品堂众人纷纷大惊失色,若是这少女有了什么闪失,他们回到国内只有死路一条。 That Xixia young girl somewhat is also surprised, has not expected the such quick shoulder to be made, but she responded also quickly, a tip of the toe point, displayed one set of very ingenious step to escape forcefully about one zhang (3.33 m). 西夏少女也有些吃惊,没料到自己这么快肩头被制,不过她反应也快,脚尖一点,施展出一套非常巧妙的步伐硬生生逃到了一丈开外。 Rising Waves Micro Step, Princess?” Song Qingshu has not pursued, on the face appeared a pondering smile. 凌波微步,公主?”宋青书并没有追过去,脸上浮现出了一丝玩味的微笑。 At this time that Xixia young girl feels arm Faliang suddenly, then looked at the discovery, because escaped from the opposite party hand bottom a moment ago forcefully, causing on the shoulder the half sleeve to tear off, the polished fragrant shoulder exposed in the middle of the air, even if on her face is covered with the veil, can still see the dizzy on her face to be red. 此时那西夏少女忽然觉得手臂发良,回头一看发现因为刚才硬生生从对方手底逃脱,导致肩膀上半截袖子都被扯掉了,珠圆玉润的香肩暴露在了空气当中,哪怕她脸上蒙着面纱,依然可以看到她脸上的晕红。 Ye Erniang quickly takes clothes to throw over on her, the young girl is binding the clothes, is staring Song Qingshu wickedly: Lecher!” If trades to be others, she has overrun to take the opposite party life, was the Song Qingshu prestige outside, in addition that is to really shake her a moment ago, in her heart dreaded that does not dare to overrun again harebrainedly. 叶二娘急忙拿过一件衣服披在她身上,那少女裹着衣裳,恶狠狠地瞪着宋青书:“登徒子!”若换作其他人,她早已冲过去取了对方性命,可是宋青书威名在外,再加上刚才那一手实在是震到了她,她心中忌惮也不敢再冒冒失失冲过去。 Song Qingshu looks in the hand also to remain the young girl body fragrant half sleeves, said ill-humoredly: Who makes your Xixia clothes quality so bad, drew gently broke, if you were not happy that at the worst I bought ten eight for you again am.” 宋青书看着手中还残留着少女体香的半截衣袖,没好气地说道:“谁让你们西夏衣服质量这么差,轻轻一拉就破了,你要是不高兴大不了我再给你买十件八件就是。” You!” The Xixia young girl had almost not been irritated, but she quickly restored calmly, coldly said, has not thought famous Song Qingshu, unexpectedly is the frivolous disciple who a spoken language selects lightly.” “你!”西夏少女差点没有被气死,不过她很快恢复了镇定,冷冷地说道,“没想到鼎鼎大名的宋青书,居然是一个言语轻挑的轻浮之徒。” Song Qingshu does not care: Perhaps miss is comes to the Central Plain to come little, I have half of reputations is the lascivious is perhaps lascivious, now is this very normal? Let alone as far as I know the Xixia woman be much more open than the Song Dynasty female, not on the reveal arm, as for?” 宋青书也不在意:“姑娘恐怕是来中原来得少,我这人有一半的名声恐怕就是贪花好色,如今这样岂不是很正常么?更何况据我所知西夏女人要比大宋女子开放得多,不就露露胳膊,至于么?” After this is Song Qingshu arrives at this world, is also most uncomfortable, the woman often reveals an arm, or the reveal pajamas, anything had not seen obviously, actually does like losing loyally, really should make them go to the later generation to see these bikini anything. 这也是宋青书来到这个世界后最不爽的,女人往往露个胳膊,或者露露睡衣,明明啥也没看到,却搞得像失贞一样,真该让她们去后世见见那些比基尼泳装什么的。 Xixia young girl almost by his these words not choking: Unexpectedly places on a par this palace and common folk female!” 西夏少女差点没有被他这句话给噎死:“居然将本宫与一般民间女子相提并论!” Song Qingshu then recovers: Right, hasn't consulted the miss fine reputation with enough time? Listens to them to call your princess, does not know that which princess you are Xixia?” Although in the heart had the guess, but the Xixia imperial family has ten princesses, but also cannot determine the status. 宋青书这才回过神来:“对了,还没来得及请教姑娘芳名呢?听他们喊你公主,不知道你是西夏哪位公主?”尽管心中有了猜测,但西夏皇室有十来位公主,还并不能确定身份。 Xixia young girl cold snort/hum: You bosom also hug a woman to ask that the name of another woman, did not think lacks sincerity?” 西夏少女冷哼一声:“你怀中还抱着一个女人却问另外一个女人的名字,不觉得缺乏诚意么?”
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