FSM :: Volume #15

#1431: Treating an illness effective prescription

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? Sees the yellow jersey female to walk toward the carriage that side, in the Song Qingshu heart jumps, quickly blocked before her: This...... this is not quite convenient today, or another day.” ?见黄衫女往马车那边走去,宋青书心中一跳,急忙拦在了她面前:“这个……这个今天不太方便,要不改天吧。” Another day you will leave Lin'an, where do I to look for you?” Yellow jersey female white his eyes, sees him always to keep off before oneself, could not bear well one, what shameful secret in your carriage won't have?” Is saying while the look glances in the carriage direction. “改天你就离开临安了,我到哪里找你?”黄衫女白了他一眼,见他始终挡在自己面前,忍不住咦了一声,“你马车里不会有什么见不得人的秘密吧?”一边说着一边眼神往马车方向瞟。 Song Qingshu somewhat said afraid: What secret can I have? You are not do not know, I is very brightly great......” 宋青书有些心虚地说道:“我能有什么秘密?你又不是不知道,我这人光明伟岸得很……” The yellow jersey female actually does not listen to his idle talk, opened out his hand to walk toward the carriage directly. 黄衫女却不听他的废话,拨开他的手径直往马车走了过去。 Song Qingshu complained of hardship secretly, really can only prevent with the military force? 宋青书暗暗叫苦,难道真的只能用武力阻止? In he is in a dilemma, before fair such as the hand of jade slowly tucked up the carriage the curtain, reveals a pretty peerless face: This is Miss Yang that Qingshu often mentioned?” 正在他左右为难之际,一只白皙如玉的手缓缓撩开了马车前帘,露出一张秀丽绝伦的脸庞:“这位就是青书经常提到的杨姑娘么?” The yellow jersey female somewhat stops the footsteps surprised, how to emit such an outstandingly beautiful young girl suddenly: You...... are you?” 黄衫女有些吃惊地停下脚步,怎么突然冒出这样一个绝色少女:“你……你是?” I am the Qingshu wife, I called Ren Yingying.” The young girl smiles. “我是青书的妻子,我叫任盈盈。”那少女浅浅一笑。 Originally you are Sun Moon Divine Cult's Young Lady Ren.” The yellow jersey female complexion is somewhat strange, a while ago the Sun Moon Divine Cult's Saint paternal aunt assassinated Song Qingshu, finally is actually among the couples has clashes of opinion this matter to make noisily in the Lin'an city, she also heard, but has not thought that in these circumstances meets suddenly. “原来你就是日月神教的任大小姐。”黄衫女面色有些奇怪,前段时间日月神教的圣姑刺杀宋青书,最后却是夫妻间闹矛盾这件事在临安城中闹得沸沸扬扬,她也有所耳闻,只是没想到在这样的情况下突然碰面。 „Did elder sister seem like some words to Qingshu to say? Was inferior that the carriage sits together, happen to our sisters can also be intimate.” The Ren Yingying joke invited sweet. “姐姐似乎有话想对青书说?不如上马车来一起坐吧,正好我们姐妹也可以亲近亲近。”任盈盈笑语嫣然地邀请道。 The yellow jersey female face rises instantaneously red, made excuses beckons with the hand saying: „...... Does not use, is actually also all right, did not disturb your world.” Said that does not need the opposite party to reply, escapes also departs. 黄衫女一张脸瞬间涨得通红,支支吾吾地摆手道:“不……不用了,其实也没什么事,就不打扰你们二人世界了。”说完也不待对方回答,就逃也似地离去。 Looks form that the yellow jersey female is vanishing, Ren Yingying is astonished: How did she run?” 望着黄衫女消失的身影,任盈盈一脸愕然:“她怎么跑了?” Nearby Huang Rong chuckle: „An appearance of your big woman, others afraid under ran certainly.” 一旁的黄蓉轻笑一声:“你一副大妇的模样,人家心虚之下当然跑了。” Ren Yingying complexion one red, actually she also expects the yellow jersey female to come up embarrassed, therefore such invited the opposite party intentionally. 任盈盈脸色一红,其实她也料到黄衫女不好意思上来,所以才那样故意邀请对方的。 Song Qingshu laughs, drilled in the car(riage): Yingying (full of/graceful) you are smart, otherwise was seen Madam Guo by her in the carriage, may be big troublesome.” 宋青书哈哈一笑,重新钻回了车里:“还是盈盈你机灵,不然被她看到郭夫人在马车里,麻烦可就大了。” Huang Rong smiles: In Young Lady Ren surface delicate, in the bone is very insightful.” 黄蓉抿嘴一笑:“任大小姐表面上柔柔弱弱的,骨子里却通透得很呢。” Ren Yingying blushes bashfully, collecting flexure she is itchy: Sister Huang you also teased me.” 任盈盈一阵羞赧,凑过去挠她痒痒:“黄姐姐你也来取笑我。” Looks the scene that two females create a disturbance, Song Qingshu feels particularly pleasant, as if notices the vision that he ponders, two females stopped creating a disturbance gradually. 看着两女打闹的场景,宋青书觉得分外赏心悦目,似乎注意到他玩味的目光,两女渐渐停止了打闹。 Song Qingshu then coughs to reduce and solve lightly awkwardly: Yellow jersey female thinks by her master yellow clothes, when the spear/gun causes, does not know after the yellow clothes also do have anything, move.” 宋青书这才轻咳一声化解尴尬:“黄衫女想必是被她师父黄裳当枪使的,也不知道黄裳还有没有什么后招。” Huang Rong knits the brows to say suddenly: Initially the emperor caught me, was worried that the Elder Brother Jing martial arts contest won, but contends in martial arts to seize the graceful to cross now, settles down, the Sichuan military authority has fallen into Wu Tiande hand, do the yellow clothes have the necessity to turn me not to put?” 黄蓉忽然皱眉说道:“当初皇帝之所以抓我,就是担心靖哥哥比武赢了,可如今比武夺帅已过,尘埃落定,四川军权已落入吴天德手中,黄裳还有必要扭着我不放么?” Song Qingshu is startled: „A your such saying probably also reasonable.” 宋青书一怔:“你这样一说好像也有道理。” Ren Yingying said in the one side: Rather letter/believes its has, incredible its does not have, Zhao Gou somewhat seems to have dreaded Qingshu let alone, not being able to preserve under the pretext of this matter looks for Qingshu to be troublesome, in brief the careful protection always does not have the blunder.” 任盈盈却在一旁说道:“正所谓宁可信其有,不可信其无,更何况赵构似乎一直有些忌惮青书,保不住以此事为借口找青书麻烦,总之小心防备总无大错。” The Huang Rong nod agrees: Good, your worry is not groundless.” 黄蓉点头表示同意:“不错,你的担心不无道理。” We will leave the Lin'an city in any case tomorrow, last day of discrete point also no at the worst.” The Song Qingshu sinking sound said, the final three people unanimously agreed to handle affairs as scheduled. “反正明天我们就离开临安城了,最后一天的时间谨慎点也没什么大不了的。”宋青书沉声说道,最后三人还是一致同意按照原计划行事。 Quick arrived at He Tieshou heaven on earth, because there is Song Qingshu to hit the passing through photo to Lin'an Government specially, a series of hands continuously do the rapidness, several days time has begun to take shape, how long it seems like could not want to start doing business officially. 很快就来到了何铁手的“天上人间”,因为有宋青书特意向临安官场打过关照,一系列手续办得非常之快,短短几天的功夫已经初具规模,看来要不了多久就能正式开业了。 Connected with He Tieshou, she has known Song Qingshu soon to depart, by not too big surprise. Because accompanies also has Ren Yingying, she is not good to express that and between Song Qingshu unusual relations, chatted several to be busy at own matter casually. 何铁手交接了一下,她早已知晓宋青书即将离去,是以没有太大的意外。因为随行的还有任盈盈,她也不好表示出和宋青书之间非同一般的关系,随便聊了几句就去忙自己的事情了。 Chen Yuanyuan saw that the arrival of Song Qingshu is somewhat surprised, this thinks that he runs to have an affair, until seeing accompanying Ren Yingying just now knows oneself thought the branch. 陈圆圆看到宋青书的到来有些吃惊,本以为他跑来偷香窃玉的,直到看到随行的任盈盈方才知道自己想岔了。 Round elder sister, before previous time I have raised, must make your mother and daughter say goodbye, tomorrow I must enter the palace, when the time comes you and I go in together.” Song Qingshu explained the purpose in coming directly. “圆圆姐,上次我提过走之前要让你们母女再见一下,明天我要入宫,到时候你和我一起进去吧。”宋青书直接道明了来意。 Real?” Chen Yuanyuan is the pleasant surprise is anxious, pleasantly surprised has the opportunity to see A'Ke again, anxious is the imperial palace guards sternly, if her status exposure consequence is dreadful. “真的么?”陈圆圆又是惊喜又是紧张,惊喜的是有机会能再次见到阿珂,紧张的则是皇宫守卫森严,万一她身份败露后果就不堪设想。 A Song Qingshu heavy line: Round elder sister can you come to select the response of construction opinion? I will also deceive you to be inadequate.” 宋青书一头黑线:“圆圆姐你可不可以来点有建设意见的反应?难道我还会骗你不成。” Round elder sister, do not manage him, this person sometimes is such repugnant.” Ren Yingying walks up to hold the arm of Chen Yuanyuan, „our time comes to take you to go back specially, will prepare for the tomorrow's matter.” “圆圆姐,别理他,这人有时候就是这么讨厌。”任盈盈走上前去扶着陈圆圆的手臂,“我们这次过来就是特意接你回去,为明天的事情做准备的。” Chen Yuanyuan moves the itself/Ben to hide Song Qingshu, now has Ren Yingying, she naturally does not need to worry again, to see daughter let alone, hides Song Qingshu is secondary. 陈圆圆搬出来住本就是为了躲宋青书的,如今有任盈盈在,她自然不用再担心,更何况是为了见到女儿,躲不躲宋青书已经是次要的了。 Quick Chen Yuanyuan then tidied up a clothing to follow they to go out, after on carriage, saw that Huang Rong cannot help but startled. 很快陈圆圆便收拾了一下衣物跟着他们出去,上了马车后看到黄蓉不由得吃了一惊。 Ren Yingying the thoughts were exquisite, see that explained the beforehand matter, Chen Yuanyuan then understands Huang Rong might stare by the yellow clothes. 任盈盈本就心思细腻,见状将之前的事情解释了一遍,陈圆圆这才明白黄蓉有可能被黄裳盯上了。 That person is very repugnant.” Chen Yuanyuan also almost died under the yellow clothes palm initially, to somewhat share a common hatred. “那个人真的很讨厌。”陈圆圆当初也差点死在黄裳掌下,是以有些同仇敌忾。 Sometimes the woman is that strange, because a common interest, quick from the beginning is slightly estranged to being thick as thieves. 有时候女人就是那么奇怪,就因为一个共同话题,很快就从一开始的略显生分到打得火热。 Listens to several female Yingying Yanyan, Song Qingshu to have fun actually, in the carriage was a little crowded, now are many a person, even more was crowded. 听着几女莺莺燕燕,宋青书倒是乐在其中,原本马车之中都有点挤了,如今多了一个人,就愈发挤了。 Song Qingshu as if returned to the scene of previous generation early peak crowded public transportation subway, only different was at that time the surrounding person is the men of whole body kakidrosis, but periphery present each one was the fragrant big beautiful women. 宋青书仿佛又回到了前世早高峰挤公交地铁的场景,唯一不同的就是那时周围的人都是满身臭汗的男人,而如今周围的个个都是香喷喷的大美女。 A while spills the Ren Yingying small hand, a while traces the waist of Chen Yuanyuan, even also bumps Huang Rong occasionally, Song Qingshu takes seriously to feel oneself are similar to the heaven is common. 一会儿拉拉任盈盈的小手,一会儿摸摸陈圆圆的腰,甚至偶尔还碰一下黄蓉,宋青书当真觉得自己如同在天堂一般。 Three female shazams result in the red clouds ascended double cheek very much, but why does not know, each actually pretends to continue to chat nothing happened generally, has almost not been glad Song Qingshu to have a good laugh. 三女很快变得霞飞双颊,但不知道为何,各个却假装什么都没发生一般继续聊天,差点没乐得宋青书仰天大笑。 What a pity the joyful time always crosses that quickly, the carriage returned to the simultaneous/uniform palace quickly, gets out from now on Huang Rong and Chen Yuanyuan returns to the room as if by prior agreement, leaves behind Song Qingshu and Ren Yingying look at each other in blank dismay. 可惜快乐的时间总是过得那么快,马车很快就回到了齐王府中,下车过后黄蓉陈圆圆都不约而同回到自己房中,留下宋青书任盈盈面面相觑。 Song Qingshu was scared: What is their runs?” 宋青书傻眼了:“她们这是跑什么呀?” Ren Yingying is blushing to spit one: Who made you touch me on the vehicle a moment ago, was definitely seen by them, for did not make us awkward, they left certainly.” 任盈盈红着脸啐了一口:“谁让你刚才在车上就来摸我,肯定被她们看到了,为了不让我们尴尬,她们当然离开了。” This......” the Song Qingshu secret unstated criticism, actually the two also worried similarly the matter was seen by other person. “这样啊……”宋青书暗暗腹诽,其实那两人同样也担心刚才的事情被另外的人看见了吧。 Also possibly is they thinks that you must leave, leaves behind the time to live alone to us intentionally.” Because Ren Yingying is injured to appear the somewhat pale cheeks to be glowing red at this time, two elder sister people are really good.” “也可能是她们想到你要离开了,故意给我们留下时间独处的。”任盈盈因为受伤显得有些苍白的脸颊此时却是红彤彤的,“两位姐姐人真好。” A Song Qingshu face is strange, thought that if you know your man and their true relations, looked that you can also be so optimistic. 宋青书一脸古怪,心想要是你知道了你男人和她俩的真正关系,看你还会不会这么乐观。 However thinks that immediately must separate, Song Qingshu also starts to be moved, the young girl hugs into the bosom gently at present: Yingying (full of/graceful), was laborious you.” 不过想到马上要分离了,宋青书也开始伤感起来,轻轻将眼前少女搂入怀中:“盈盈,接下来辛苦你了。” „It is not laborious,” Ren Yingying shakes the head, nine princesses, have the matter that the week...... Sister Zhou handles more are more tired.” Thinks that Zhou Zhiruo is his first wife wife, in her heart somewhat is low-spirited. “不辛苦,”任盈盈摇了摇头,“九公主、还有周……周姐姐做的事情更多更累。”想到周芷若才是他的原配妻子,她心中就有些黯然。 Right, Jin Empire song Princess Bi......” Ren Yingying thought of anything suddenly, could not bear snort/hum one lightly. “对了,还有金国的歌璧公主……”任盈盈忽然想到什么,忍不住轻哼了一声。 How my did Yingying (full of/graceful) turn into the small vinegar jar?” Song Qingshu blows her tip of the nose grinningly. “我的盈盈怎么变成了小醋坛子?”宋青书笑嘻嘻地刮了刮她的鼻尖。 On the Ren Yingying face a heat, quickly shoves open him: Do not be in the courtyard, Sister Huang and round elder sister can see.” 任盈盈脸上一热,急忙把他推开:“别在院子里,黄姐姐和圆圆姐看得到。” Song Qingshu responded also quickly, the taking advantage of opportunity connection got down: We return to the room.” 宋青书反应也快,顺势接口下去:“那我们回屋里。” „Ah?” Ren Yingying is startled, has not responded, had been drawn in the room by Song Qingshu, the dull appearance added several points of lovable. “啊?”任盈盈一怔,还没反应过来,已经被宋青书拉着进了屋里,呆呆的样子平添了几分可爱。 Two people just established the relations, was naturally inseparable just like touches the honey to be the same, hugs in the same place said that the talk between lovers can say one most of the day, Song Qingshu as if found previous generation first love that feeling, by solely held her soft body to think that enormous satisfaction, the anxious color had not proposed again anything requested. 两人刚确立关系,自然如胶似漆犹如摸了蜜一般,搂在一起说情话都能说一大半天,宋青书仿佛找回了前世初恋那种感觉,是以单单抱着她柔软的身子就觉得是极大的满足,并没有再急色地提出什么要求。 Feels his gentleness, Ren Yingying is even more affected, thought that this thinks he is so lascivious, has not thought that was misunderstands him...... such to think, in the heart the affections even more were thick several points. 感受到他的温柔,任盈盈愈发感动,心想本以为他那么好色的,没想到是自己误会他了……这样一想,心中爱意愈发浓了几分。 Song Qingshu has not expected under the willow tree the benefit also to have such effect one time unexpectedly, at this time he what is worried is another issue: Yingying (full of/graceful), I gives you luck therapy after this period of time, now the state has stabilized, after I leave Lin'an, you must practice me to teach you daily, this martial arts can make the person youth be based, has an advantage to the life that you lose, the Free and Unfettered Sect successors all longevity very much, their internal strength have the originality in life let alone.” 宋青书倒没有料到柳下惠一次居然还有这样的奇效,此时他更担心的是另一个问题:“盈盈,经过这段时间我给你运气疗伤,如今你的伤情已经稳定下来,我离开临安后,你一定要日日练习我教你的,这门武功能让人青春常驻,想必对你损耗的寿元有所好处,更何况逍遥派的传人个个都长寿得很,想必他们的内功在寿元方面有独到之处。” I will practice daily, others......” think that Song Qingshu in the energy on oneself consuming, Ren Yingying is then moved this period of time, blurted out, others also want to accompany together with your appearance.” “我会天天练习的,人家……”想到宋青书这段时间在自己身上耗费的精力,任盈盈便感动不已,脱口而出道,“人家还想和你长相厮守呢。” Hears the young girl so affection continuous words, which Song Qingshu can also bear, lowers the head to kiss at present the red lip of tender and beautiful desire drop. 听到少女如此情意绵绵的话,宋青书哪还忍得住,低头直接吻住了眼前娇艳欲滴的红唇。 ~ long time from now on Ren Yingying will just now shove open man, the gentle voice said, actually this period of time I good to be many, a while ago I will often think the whole person is light, as if the wind blows must appearance but actually, especially in coldness from bone, but thinks that today the whole body is warm.” “唔唔~”良久过后任盈盈方才将身上的男人推开,柔声说道,“其实这段时间我已经好了很多了,前段时间我经常会觉得整个人轻飘飘的,仿佛风一吹就要倒的样子,特别是有一种发自骨子里的寒冷,可今天却觉得浑身暖洋洋的。” The Song Qingshu look is strange: Was not last night and my intimate reason, did that thing have to make up for the function of life?” 宋青书神色古怪:“不会是昨晚和我亲热的缘故吧,难道那东西还有弥补寿元的作用?” Ren Yingying has not responded from the beginning, suddenly finally understands the meaning in his words, almost shames has not choked to death him: Your this bastard spoke what nonsense!” 任盈盈一开始还没有反应过来,忽然间终于明白了他话中的意思,羞得差点没掐死他:“你这混蛋说什么胡话呢!” The Song Qingshu facial skin is actually thick enough: Hehe, since there is an effect, it seems like must before I leave to you make up the body much......” 宋青书脸皮倒是够厚:“嘿嘿,既然有效果,看来要趁我离开前多多给你补一下身子……” After hybrid female anchor live broadcast, forgets to close the camera private life video to be exposed! Online looks:!! 混血女主播直播后忘关摄像头私生活视频遭曝光!在线看:!!
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