FSM :: Volume #15

#1424: Madame's invitation

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Guo Jing hears the word great happiness: So good, Peach Blossom Island both lonesome and quiet and safe, Rong'er you happen to there relieved nourishing fetus.” Peach Blossom Island is situated in the boundless sea, in the island also various types of art of making oneself invisible art of making oneself invisible mechanisms/organizations, don't said the average person, even if the expert of Five Greats rank went to the island, without the Peach Blossom Island mechanism/organization layout chart, is still very easy to fall in inside. Let Huang Rong return to Peach Blossom Island, is really the means of satisfying both sides. 郭靖闻言大喜:“如此甚好,桃花岛既幽静又安全,蓉儿你正好在那里安心养胎。”桃花岛坐落于茫茫大海,岛上又各种奇门遁甲机关,莫说普通人,就算是五绝级别的高手上了岛,没有桃花岛机关布局图,也很容易陷在里面。让黄蓉桃花岛,实在是两全其美的办法。 Huang Rong was a bright, present situation does not facilitate at present obviously returns to Xiangyang again, Peach Blossom Island was the place that she grew up since childhood, similarly was also she most joyful place, compared with staying in simultaneous/uniform palace all day in trepidation, does not know where was better to go, best the Flying Pigeon pass on the book to make the father come back when the time comes, has the eastern evil Huang Yaoshi protection, no matter the disciple of ganef...... Song Qingshu does not dare to act unreasonably. 黄蓉也是眼前一亮,如今的局势显然不方便再回襄阳了,桃花岛是她从小长大的地方,同样也是她最快乐的地方,比起呆在齐王府整日里提心吊胆,不知道要好到哪里去了,最好到时候飞鸽传书让父亲回来,有东邪黄药师保护,不管是宵小之徒还是……宋青书都不敢乱来。 Sees two people to respond, Song Qingshu shows a faint smile: That decided.” Now Southern Song Dynasty Northern Expedition was about to begin, he must leave Jin Empire to wield the general situation as soon as possible, if otherwise the Southern Song Dynasty army with irresistible force, oneself changed into Jin Empire operation laboriously comes to naught. Since leaves Lin'an, keeps Huang Rong not to feel relieved here, leads her to walk simply together. Lin'an leaves Peach Blossom Island is not far in any case, waits comes back from Peach Blossom Island, but can also while convenient pass by Yangzhou to arrange that side matter. 看到两人反应,宋青书微微一笑:“那就这么决定了。”如今南宋北伐在即,他也得尽快动身回金国执掌大局,不然若是南宋部队一路势如破竹,自己辛辛苦苦在金国经营的局面就化为一场空了。既然离开临安,留黄蓉在这里也不放心,索性带她一起走。反正临安离桃花岛也不远,等从桃花岛回来的时候,还能顺便路过扬州安排一下那边的事情。 Really troubles Brother Song.” A Guo Jing face said apologetically, obviously he himself will soon leave to go to Zhenjiang, actually can only make others escort the wife, making him very embarrassed. “真的是麻烦宋兄弟了。”郭靖一脸歉然地说道,显然他自己即将动身前往镇江,却只能让别人护送妻子,让他非常不好意思。 Song Qingshu smiles: „The slight effort, Guo brother does not need to worry about.” 宋青书笑了笑:“举手之劳,郭兄不必挂怀。” Sees the husband to thank Song Qingshu each time, in the Huang Rong heart 10,000 uncomfortable, but cannot state clearly to the husband, has to change the topic: Elder Brother Jing, listens to the time that you said is Han Tuozhou recommends you, when the palace advance headquarters vice directors cause, Jia Shidao also obtained certainly the news, can he therefore the envious hatred in you? Can go to his there to explain?” 每次看到丈夫感谢宋青书,黄蓉心中就一万个不爽,但又不能对丈夫言明,只好岔开话题道:“靖哥哥,听你说的这次是韩侂胄推荐你当殿前司副指挥使,贾似道肯定也得到了消息,他会不会因此嫉恨于你?要不要去他那里解释一下?” Guo Jing shakes the head: I have not done to be unfair to his matter, feared that what he does make? Let alone I wholeheartedly am a country, is not his Jia Shidao private feudal official, what having is good to explain?” 郭靖摇了摇头:“我又没做对不起他的事,怕他做什么?更何况我一心为国,又不是他贾似道的私臣,有什么好解释的?” So many year of Huang Rong have been clear about the matter that in the husband bone recognizes certainly to hold on to the last, in addition her thinks that husband martial arts the person of high skill looks is also good, even if Jia Shidao has should not dare to make anything discontentedly, therefore had not insisted again. 这么多年黄蓉早已清楚丈夫骨子里认定的事情一定会坚持到底,再加上她想到丈夫武功又高人望又好,贾似道就算有不满应该也不敢做什么,所以就没有再坚持。 Young Master Song, among our couples also some private words must say, can ask you to avoid?” The Huang Rong vision brilliant looks at Song Qingshu suddenly. 宋公子,我们夫妻之间还有一些私密话要说,可不可以请你回避一下?”黄蓉忽然目光灼灼地看着宋青书 Naturally does not have the issue.” Although on the Song Qingshu mouth is smiling, in the heart is actually depressed incomparable, Huang Rong this definitely is intentionally, even intentionally but how knows her to be able? Among the couples spoke, can oneself hold true by staying here? “当然没问题。”宋青书嘴上虽然在笑,心中却是郁闷无比,黄蓉这肯定是故意的,不过就算知道她故意又能怎么样?人家夫妻间说话,自己能有什么理由留在这里? Song Qingshu goes to the back garden, suddenly hears a delightful sound: Is who annoys you is not happy?” 宋青书来到后花园,忽然听到一个悦耳的声音:“是谁惹你不高兴了啊?” Then looks, sees only Ren Yingying to stand in not far away dimple timidly such as visits him flower, shines under early morning sunlight, in the flower compared with entire garden adds to be tender and beautiful. 回头望去,只见任盈盈怯生生地站在不远处笑靥如花地看着他,在清晨阳光照耀下,比整个花园里的花加起来都还要娇艳。 My Yingying (full of/graceful) is good.” Song Qingshu walked to support into the bosom her, sighed secretly she was really careful such as sends, depressed can be looked by her including oneself heart. “还是我的盈盈好。”宋青书走了过去一把将她拥入怀中,暗暗感叹她真是心细如发,连自己心中郁闷都能被她看出来。 Was hugged by him in the bosom, Ren Yingying greatly is immediately bashful, quickly shoves open him: This, be not seen by others.” 被他搂在怀中,任盈盈顿时大羞,急忙推开他:“别这样,被别人看到了。” Where has anyone,” Song Qingshu said discontentedly, let alone you are my justifiable wife, how even if were seen.” “哪有什么人啊,”宋青书不满地说道,“更何况你是我名正言顺的妻子,就算被人看到了又怎么了。” Lets loose me, really has the person.” The Ren Yingying complexion is getting more and more red. “放开我,真的有人啊。”任盈盈脸色越来越红。 Where has the person.” Song Qingshu hehe said with a smile, in the Ren Yingying bone was shy and acts with constraint, oneself liked looking at she charming infinite appearance. “哪有人啊。”宋青书嘿嘿笑道,任盈盈骨子里非常害羞与矜持,自己就喜欢看她娇羞无限的模样。 Circle...... round elder sister.” Ren Yingying said suddenly awkwardly. “圆……圆圆姐。”任盈盈忽然尴尬地说道。 In Song Qingshu heart one startled, turns around, sees only a having a beautiful face beautiful woman to stand in the corridor corner faint smile is looking at two people, who isn't Chen Yuanyuan is? 宋青书心中一惊,转身过去,只见一个眉目如画的佳人正站在走廊转角处似笑非笑地望着两人,不是陈圆圆又是谁? Disturbed you embarrassed, you continued.” Chen Yuanyuan said that turns around to strike an attitude to want. “不好意思打扰你们了,你们继续。”陈圆圆说完转身作势欲走。 Song Qingshu somewhat is awkward, he actually heard some people to come, but the subconsciousness thought is a maidservant, who would have guessed that was Chen Yuanyuan. Thinks that yesterday just provoked her, now meets face to face somewhat is afraid, if she complained to Ren Yingying, told her oneself that evil thought that did the image of oneself wise supernatural might collapse loudly? However changes mind thinks, in the Ren Yingying mind, the own vivid and wise supernatural might can't touch on slightly? 宋青书不禁有些尴尬,他其实听到有人过来了,不过下意识以为是丫鬟,哪知道是陈圆圆。想到昨天刚惹恼了她,如今打了个照面不禁有些心虚,万一她向任盈盈告状,把自己那邪恶的念头告诉了她,自己英明神武的形象岂不是轰然倒塌?不过转念一想,在任盈盈的心目中,自己的形象和英明神武沾不上边吧? Was dashed by Chen Yuanyuan, Ren Yingying is greatly bashful, does not know the strength of where coming, shoves open Song Qingshu, was red is having little right to run grabbed the hand of Chen Yuanyuan in the past: Round elder sister, I happen to have the matter to look for you.” Said that no longer then looks at Song Qingshu one, pulled Chen Yuanyuan to vanish in the corridor end. 陈圆圆撞破,任盈盈大羞,也不知道哪来的力气,一把将宋青书推开,红着脸小跑过去抓住陈圆圆的手:“圆圆姐,我正好有事找你呢。”说完不再回头看宋青书一眼,挽着陈圆圆消失在了走廊尽头。 Song Qingshu remains is in-situ stunned, is really three monks does not have the water to eat, after this issue, will only get stronger and stronger, must think the means solution. 宋青书留在原地一脸错愕,真是三个和尚没水吃,这个问题以后只会愈演愈烈,得想个办法解决啊。 Opens reports the king, Han sends people to ask the king to cross a mansion to chat.” The distant place runs a maidservant to play to say. “启禀大王,韩相派人请大王过府一叙。”远处跑来个丫鬟奏道。 Knew.” Song Qingshu was deliberately considering Huang Rong and Guo Jing are chatting, Ren Yingying and Chen Yuanyuan in the same place, keeps in the mansion also depressed, might as well ventilates to Han tuo zhou there. “知道了。”宋青书寻思着黄蓉郭靖在聊天,任盈盈又和陈圆圆在一起,留在府中也郁闷,还不如到韩侂胄那里透透气。 Quick arrived at Han Residence, Song Qingshu arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest: Does not know that what matter Jeff does ask me to come so-called?” 很快就到了韩府,宋青书拱了拱手:“不知节夫找我过来所谓何事?” Is all right cannot look for you?” Han tuo zhou smiles, some people delivered me to order the good tea, shouted that you taste.” “没事就不能找你么?”韩侂胄笑了笑,“有人送了我点好茶,喊你来尝尝。” Can Jeff becomes the good tea be been definitely precious,” perhaps, if previous generation Song Qingshu really did not have the city not to flow in the tea leaves of market to this type to be interested valuably very much, but present he tasted one then to put casually, Jeff shouted that I came solely am not drink tea.” “能被节夫成为好茶的肯定非常名贵,”若是前世宋青书说不定还真对这种有价无市根本不会流入市场的茶叶很感兴趣,但如今的他随便尝了一口便放了下来,“节夫喊我过来不单单是喝茶的吧。” It seems like anything cannot hide the truth from you.” Han tuo zhou shows a faint smile, thinks that Qingshu you should hear the royal government to prepare the matter of Northern Expedition.” “看来什么都瞒不过你。”韩侂胄微微一笑,“想必青书你应该有所耳闻朝廷在准备北伐的事情吧。” Good.” Song Qingshu nods, somewhat is sad, although knows that according to historical development, Han Tuozhou this Northern Expedition Jin Empire will end in failure, but the ghost knows that this chaotic world can also defer to the history to develop, he must be well prepared to deal with Southern Song Dynasty's Northern Expedition. “不错。”宋青书点点头,心情却有些沉重,尽管知道按照历史发展,韩侂胄此次北伐金国会以失败告终,但鬼知道这个混乱的世界会不会还按照历史来发展,他必须做好一切准备应对南宋的北伐。 Jin Empire is powerful, perhaps solely to succeed depending on a strength of very difficult Northern Expedition our country, therefore needs Qingshu your Golden Serpent Camp to help our helping hand.” Han tuo zhou said. 金国毕竟强盛,单单凭我们一国之力恐怕很难北伐成功,所以需要青书你的金蛇营助我们一臂之力。”韩侂胄说道。 Song Qingshu heart say/way came, in the surface actually maintains composure: „The Golden Serpent Camp widowed soldier, between the gold/metal and Song two great nations battled, our strength really missed too.” 宋青书心道“来了”,表面上却不动声色:“金蛇营地寡兵微,金、宋两个大国之间交战,我们实力实在差得太远。” Han tuo zhou haha said with a smile: Qingshu you were too modest, initially hadn't the Manchu-Qing Dynasty 100,000 armies been hit by your Golden Serpent Camp are annihilated? Moreover Qingshu you may feel relieved greatly, this time a main force that attacks Jin Empire definitely is we, your Golden Serpent Camp only needs to attack from east to west, the flank coordination is good.” 韩侂胄哈哈笑道:“青书你太谦虚了,当初满清十万大军还不是被你们金蛇营打得全军覆没?而且青书你大可放心,这次攻击金国的主力肯定是我们,你们金蛇营只需要从东往西攻,侧翼配合就好。” The Song Qingshu forced smile said: Because of previous and a Manchu-Qing Dynasty war, causing our potential to become the water and fire, has to guard against the Manchu-Qing Dynasty army to go south frequently, perhaps without many ample forces can attack Jin Empire.” 宋青书苦笑道:“正因为上次与满清一战,导致我们双方势成水火,不得不时刻防备着满清大军南下,恐怕没有多少余力能进攻金国。” You may feel relieved about this Qingshu greatly, now Pingxi king Wu Sangui with my Song Dynasty alliance, has been engaging in fierce battle to be just luxurious with Manchu-Qing Dynasty now, Manchu-Qing Dynasty is tired out from the press simply does not have the energy to go south.” Han tuo zhou answered with a smile. “关于这点青书你大可放心,如今平西王吴三桂已与我大宋联盟,如今正和满清鏖战正酣,满清疲于奔命根本没有精力南下。”韩侂胄笑着解释道。 Sees Song Qingshu also to have the anxiety, Han Tuozhou then said: Also can divulge the details to you, this time actually also has another influence on attack Jin Empire together.” 宋青书还有疑虑,韩侂胄接着说道:“还可以给你透个底,这次其实还有另外一支势力一起攻打金国的。” Song Qingshu responded instantaneously: Liao Empire?” Mongolia the strategic contraction policy, the main energy at the Western Expedition, Xixia usually is neutral now, relates with Jin Empire also very well, other Tibet and Dali are beyond control, then was only left over Liao Empire. 宋青书瞬间反应过来:“辽国?”蒙古如今战略收缩,主要精力都在西征上,西夏素来中立,与金国关系还挺好,其他的吐蕃、大理鞭长莫及,那么只剩下辽国了。 Qingshu is really intelligent.” Before Han tuo zhou sets out to arrive at the window, is looking at the north distantly, this time our tripartite influence collaborates, can surely destruction Jin Empire, with the shame of snow Jingkang!” 青书果然聪明。”韩侂胄起身来到窗前,遥遥望着北方,“此番我们三方势力联手,必定可以覆灭金国,以雪靖康之耻!” Song Qingshu forced smile, if heard Southern Song Dynasty to attack Jin Empire in the previous generation, thinks that the shame of snow Jingkang, he will lift both hands both feet to approve, but now Jin Empire is his it's in the bag, naturally was another attitude. 宋青书苦笑不已,若是在前世听到南宋进攻金国,想雪靖康之耻,他会举双手双脚赞成,可如今金国已经是他的囊中之物,自然就是另外一种态度了。 Liao Empire......” Song Qingshu also looks to the north, actually Southern Song Dynasty here Northern Expedition he has the law of dealing probably, but if Liao Empire attacks from the north side, that really somewhat is thorny. 辽国……”宋青书同样望向北方,其实南宋这边的北伐他大概已经有了应对之法,但是如果辽国从北边进攻,那还真有些棘手。 Seeing Song Qingshu is silent, when Han Tuozhou only he has not set firm resolve, cannot bear say: Qingshu, you by to seal/confer Qiwang, it may be said that are an extremely official, but the emperor had not opened the mouth to give you and two little princesses bestows the marriage, you should know that is why.” 宋青书沉默不语,韩侂胄只当他还没下定决心,忍不住说道:“青书,你受封齐王,可谓是位极人臣,但皇上一直没有开口给你和两位小公主赐婚,你应该知道是为什么吧。” Naturally knows.” Song Qingshu sighs, actually Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan were the chips in Southern Song Dynasty, compelling to work for them, after crusaded against Jin Empire succeeded, under the meeting the aim bestows the marriage. “当然知道。”宋青书叹了一口气,其实赵瑚儿赵媛媛都是南宋手里的筹码,逼着自己替他们打工,待讨伐金国成功过后,才会下旨赐婚的。 Han tuo zhou nods: Since the ancient times does not have simultaneously the precedent that two princesses marry an emperor's son-in-law, only then you establish rare achievement for the royal government, just now can block the world long mouth.” 韩侂胄点点头:“自古以来从没有两位公主同时嫁给一个驸马的先例,只有你替朝廷立下不世之功,方才能堵住天下悠悠之口啊。” Our province, Golden Serpent Camp will coordinate the royal government to dispatch troops when the time comes.” Thinks that Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan like the frightened fawn general look, Song Qingshu then have tender, simultaneously rebukes oneself secretly, oneself came to Lin'an is so long, unexpectedly has not gone to look at them one time, they do not know that was sad. “我省得,到时候金蛇营会配合朝廷出兵。”想到赵瑚儿赵媛媛如同受惊小鹿一般的眼神,宋青书便心生怜惜,同时暗暗自责,自己来临安这么久了,居然一次都没去看过她们,她们也不知道有多么伤心。 Dispatches troops to the incident as for Golden Serpent Camp, when the time comes is present at work does not strive simply. 至于金蛇营出兵一事,到时候出工不出力多简单。 Han tuo zhou actually does not know that his calculation, hears the word great happiness: Has Qingshu you to assist, what worries the important matter to be inadequate, hahahaha ~ 韩侂胄却不知道他的盘算,闻言大喜:“有青书你相助,何愁大事不成,哈哈哈哈~” Sees he high-spirited in high spirits appearance, Song Qingshu sighs secretly, Han Tuozhou was too optimistic about the Northern Expedition, historically before his Northern Expedition, is smug, finally the Northern Expedition will come from impeding of royal government internal political opponent to let him from now on such as the falling mire, in addition Jin Empire is powerful, shortly after the Northern Expedition then ends in failure, Han Tuozhou also seized the opportunity the injustice to kill by the political opponent, finally in the history book was also infiltrated the disloyal subject biography. 看到他意气风发兴高采烈的样子,宋青书暗暗叹了一口气,韩侂胄对北伐太乐观了,历史上他北伐前也是踌躇满志,结果北伐过后来自朝廷内部政敌的掣肘让他如陷泥潭,再加上金国强大,没多久北伐便以失败告终,韩侂胄也被政敌乘机冤杀,最后史书中还被打入了奸臣列传。 Naturally all these Song Qingshu have no way to state clearly, until leaving Han Residence, his is quite sad. 当然这一切宋青书也没法明说,直到离开韩府,他的心情都还颇为沉重。 „, Although I will also destroy your Northern Expedition to succeed, but the good and evil intersects, finally must save your life.” Song Qingshu is deliberately considering secretly. “也罢,虽然我也会破坏你北伐成功,但好歹相交一场,最后总要保住你性命。”宋青书暗暗寻思着。 At this time, suddenly the pretty maids slightly ran over, advanced a ritual, just now said: Young master, my family madame is invited.” 这个时候,忽然有一个娇俏的婢女小跑过来,先行了一礼,方才说道:“公子,我家夫人有请。” Who is your family wife?” Song Qingshu strange say/way. “你家夫人是谁?”宋青书奇道。 The maids looked around to look, some were: Madame status is special, does not facilitate to disclose, you saw knew.” 婢女四处看了看,有些为难道:“夫人身份特殊,不方便透露,您见了就知道了。” „? This is but actually interesting,” the Song Qingshu eyebrow raised, his boldness because of one's skill, pours not to fear that what trap, gave the hand signal of invitation conveniently, guides.” “哦?这倒有趣,”宋青书眉毛扬了扬,他艺高人胆大,倒也不怕有什么陷阱,随手做了个请的手势,“带路吧。”
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