Ren Yingyinghears the secretheartstartled, althoughthissoundis old, has a looking disdainfullyaggression, MuronghuangandMurong who Ke, Murong Chui, Murongvirtuevariouspeoplein addition the opposite partymentioned, washistorically the well-knowncharacter, who was thisperson?任盈盈听得暗暗心惊,这声音虽然苍老,却自有一股睥睨的霸气,再加上对方提到的慕容皝、慕容恪、慕容垂、慕容德诸人,都是历史上响当当的人物,这人到底是谁?Looked atonetowardHuang Rongthat side, seesinherlookalsoto disclosesimilarmeaning, butsheis not clear, shock of Huang Rongstillaboveher, becausehas listened tothispersonthatto kidnapherpersoninitially.
往黄蓉那边望了一眼,见她眼神中也透露出同样的意味,不过她并不清楚,黄蓉的震惊犹在她之上,因为已经听出了这人正是当初那个劫持她的人。IfSong Qingshuactuallyhas become aware, toconfirm the guess in heart, opened the rooftilecautiously, threepeoplecansee the situation in room.宋青书倒是若有所悟,为了验证心中的猜测,小心翼翼揭开了屋顶瓦片,三人得以看到屋中的情形。Sees onlyMurong Fuhaving hair dishevelledto standin the room, has a towering proudly into the skieswearing a maskold manbeforehim, the sidegroundalsofell a dagger, on the roofthreepeople, althoughdid not haveto seewith own eyeshadanythinga moment ago, butroughly can also guess correctly12, wasMurong Fuloses the martial arts contestto seize the graceful, after coming back, suddenlycould not look on the bright side of thingto receive death, was actually rescuedbyoppositethatwearing a maskold man.
只见慕容复披头散发站在屋中,在他面前有一个傲然挺立的蒙面老者,旁边地上还掉落了一把匕首,屋顶上三人虽然没有亲眼见到刚才发生了什么,但是大致也能猜到一二,想必是慕容复输了比武夺帅,回来后一时间想不开自寻短见,却被对面那个蒙面老者所救。Fourpeople who in the wearing a maskold manmouthmentionedallwere the Britishchief offenderkings in the past Yan, overawed the world, set the record of the imposingenterprise, was the Murong Fugenerations. When Murong Fuindizzy, angersendssuch asis crazyhears the names of thesefourancestorssuddenly, just like the overheaddrenches the nextbasincold water, thought: „My deceased fatherwarnedin years pastearnestly,assigns/lifemeto takerevivingGreat Yanas the life-longwill, todayIwith the temporaryindignation, receive death, myXianbeiMurong peoplehenceforthcertainlygeneration. Ido not have the son, whatGuangzongduplicate/restorescountrycould add?”Cannot help but conducts the back the forehead is the cold sweat, immediatelypays respectscrouches/submitsin the place, said: „The Murong Fuexperienceis insufficient, mustdeceive the seniorto show the right direction, the great kindness, will remember for the rest of one's life.”
The wearing a maskold manworshipped on bended kneesbyhimconfidently, said: „Since time immemorialbecame the great meritentrepreneur, which doesn't experienceuntold hardships? HanhaswhiteDengto sum the sleepiness, Tanggaozuhasto yield and give allegiance to the shame of Tujue, ifresemblesyouto direct the swordto shear, butis the narrow-mindedair/Qislenderman who thinks only of himself, what could also discussto found a countryto construct the base? Youreven/includingGoujian, Han Xinwere also inferior,isignorantnotknowsseriously.”
蒙面老者坦然受他跪拜,说道:“古来成大功业者,哪一个不历尽千辛万苦?汉高祖有白登求和之困,唐高祖有降顺突厥之辱,倘若都似你这么引剑一割,只不过是个心窄气狭的自了汉罢了,还谈得上甚么开国建基?你连勾践、韩信也不如,当真是无知无识之极。”Murong Fuis kneelinglistening to reason, terrifiedalarmed and afraid: „Thissenioras ifknowsinmyheart the aspiration, unexpectedlyand otherfounding a countrylordto comparebyHan, Tanggaozuthis.”Said: „Murong Fuknewwrong!”慕容复跪着受教,悚然惊惧:“这位前辈似乎知道我心中抱负,居然以汉高祖、唐高祖这等开国之主来相比拟。”说道:“慕容复知错了!”
The wearing a maskold mansaid: „Gets up!”
蒙面老者道:“起来!”Murong Fuknockedthreeheadsrespectfully, stands up.慕容复恭恭敬敬磕了三个头,站起身来。
The wearing a maskold mansaid: „Handed down in the familymartial artsmysteriousfinemysterious of yourGusuMurong people, matchless, butyouhave not studiedproficiently, lookedcarefully!”Extends the index finger, oniceimaginary pointtowardroofthree.
蒙面老者道:“你姑苏慕容氏的家传武功神奇精奥,举世无匹,只不过你没学到家而已,瞧仔细了!”伸出食指,往屋顶上凌虚点了三下。Felt that tworefer to the windcomingswiftly and fiercely, the Song Qingshulookconcentrates, grabs with both hands the shoulder of Ren YingyingandHuang Rong, the figuredodged.
感觉到两道凌厉指风迎面而来,宋青书眼神一凝,两手抓住任盈盈和黄蓉的肩膀,身形一闪躲了过去。Afterthisnoisy, Murong Fualsodetectedoutsideto have the person, but the attentionwas attractedby the hole of roof, was flabbergastedtowearing a maskold manmove of might.
经过这一闹,慕容复也察觉到了外面有人,不过注意力还是被屋顶的窟窿所吸引,对蒙面老者这一招的威力咂舌不已。Onlylistens tothatwearing a maskold manclear and resonant voice saying: „This is yourMurong Family‚ginseng/partakeaboutreferring to’! In the past the old manlocatedfromyourancestorsstudy, had a smattering of knowledgeandlearnssomefur/superficial knowledge, Murong peoplewonderfulmartial arts in additiondid not knowalso many. Hehe, depending onyouryoung fellowa littlenegligiblemagical skill, thencreatesunder the GusuMurong people‚withothersay/way, but alsobody’given name?”
只听那蒙面老者朗声说道:“这便是你慕容家的‘参合指’!当年老夫从你先人处学来,也不过一知半解、学到一些皮毛而已,慕容氏此外的神妙武功不知还有多少。嘿嘿,难道凭你少年人这一点儿微末道行,便创得下姑苏慕容氏‘以彼之道,还施彼身’的大名么?”„The word of seniorjust likeis enlightened, does not knowseniorrespected name, howshouldcall?”Murong Fusaidadmiringly.
“前辈之言犹如醍醐灌顶,不知前辈高姓大名,该如何称呼?”慕容复心悦诚服地说道。„Old manis only and elders of yourMurong Familyclanknew, the namedoes not raise.”Thatwearing a maskold manrepliedlightly, then one side shiftedis looking at the entrancedirection, „twomidnightyour honorable selfvisited, why notto come in a to chat?”
“老夫只是和你慕容家族的长辈认识,名字不提也罢。”那蒙面老者淡淡地答道,然后转向一旁望着门口方向,“两位半夜大驾光临,何不进来一叙?”Huang RongandRen Yingyingheardhiswordsto look atSong Qingshuonesurprised, the breathing rapidly a pointwere discovered the trailbythatpersona moment agoslightly, obviouslyhigh of hismartial arts, whoknows that hehas not discoveredexistence of Song Qingshuunexpectedlyfrom the start.
门外的黄蓉和任盈盈听到他的话吃惊地望了宋青书一眼,她们刚才只是稍微呼吸急促了一点就被那人发现了踪迹,可见他武功之高,谁知道他居然压根没发现宋青书的存在。„GusuMurong people‚withothersay/way, but alsobody’ the given namenaturallyis notYoung Master Murongsets the record,”was called the necessity that brokenone's manner while in office and in retirementSong Qingshuhas not naturally concealed, bringstwofemalewalkstoward, while said that „VenerableMurong the worldovercamethisbigprestigeto be very satisfiedin the pastvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, why can actually soreveal only part of the truthnow, is in front ofsonnot to dareto indicate the status?”
“姑苏慕容氏‘以彼之道,还施彼身’的大名自然不是慕容公子创下的,”被叫破行藏宋青书自然也没有掩饰的必要,带着两女一边往里走去,一边说道,“慕容老先生当年纵横天下打下这偌大的威名好不惬意,为何如今却要这般藏头露尾,当着儿子的面也不敢表明身份?”Hears the Song Qingshuwords, thatwearing a maskold manfiguretrembles, before look, thatunflusteredvanishesinstantaneouslydoes not see, what replaces it isdeepshockandfear.
听到宋青书的话,那蒙面老者身形一颤,眼神之中之前那种从容不迫瞬间消失不见,取而代之的是深深的震惊与恐惧。Howeverat this time the shock of Murong Fuabovehim, heard the Song Qingshuwords, helooks at the wearing a maskold manjoyfully: „Is father, you?”
The wearing a maskold manactually the least bitrespondshistimenot to haveat this time, butis staring at the entrancestubbornly, the whole bodyis critical situationis alertinggenerally.
蒙面老者此时却半点搭理他的功夫也没有,而是死死盯着门口,浑身如临大敌一般戒备着。Song Qingshuis leadingRen YingyingandHuang Rongwalkstoward the entrance, has not arrived, the front door seemed openedby a pair of invisiblebig hand, makingboth sidesmeet face to facefinally.宋青书领着任盈盈与黄蓉往门口走去,还没走到,大门仿佛被一双无形的大手推开,让双方终于打了个照面。„Murong Bo, wemet.” The Song Qingshucloudpoor business conditionssaid with a smilelightly, hisboth handslost/carrying after behind, as if the whole bodyhave not guarded, but the opposite partygathered the potentialto strikesimplyhas not actually started.
“慕容博,我们又见面了。”宋青书云淡风轻地笑道,他双手负在身后,仿佛浑身都没有防备,可是对方蓄势一击却根本没有发动。Thatwearing a maskold mancoldsnort/hum, does not have the hiddenstatusnecessityat this time, unties the mask, really is Murong Bo.
那蒙面老者冷哼了一声,此时已经没有隐藏身份的必要,解开面罩,果然便是慕容博。„Father!”Murong Fuis pleasantly surprised, quicklymoves forward to meet somebody, at this timehad the having mind filled withwords to withhimsay.
“爹!”慕容复又惊又喜,急忙迎了上去,此时有满腹的话要和他说。Murong Bolifted the handto stophim: „Otherwordswill sayin the future,firstcoped withthisarchenemyto saytogetherat presentagain.”慕容博抬手制止了他:“其他话日后再说,先一起对付眼前这个大敌再说。”InMurong Fuheartonestartled, inhisimpression the fatheris a being conceitedperson, in additionheknows that fathermartial artshigh, is really unable to imagine the fatherto sayunexpectedlyfrom the beginningwith the personwordsjointly.慕容复心中一惊,他印象中父亲一直是一个自视甚高的人,再加上他知道父亲武功有多高,实在无法想象父亲居然一开始就会说出与人联手的话来。AlthoughMurong FudefeatedinJianghu (rivers and lakes)in recent yearsseveral times, buthe is still inJianghu (rivers and lakes) the top player, self-confident and fathercollaborates, evenQiao Fengsuchexpertcanendto kill, reallycannot think throughalsohasanything to maketheirfather and sonfear.慕容复虽然近年来在江湖中数次战败,但他依然是江湖中顶尖高手,自信和父亲联手,连乔峰这样的高手都能完杀,实在想不通还有什么能让他们父子怕的。However when thisappearance, somewhatvacillatedinstantaneously, mustknow that theseyearsheandSong Qingshuhas hadseveral times ofsocial dealings, very clearopposite partyis immeasurably deep.
不过这的样貌时,瞬间就有些动摇了,要知道这些年他与宋青书打过数次交道,非常清楚对方有多么深不可测。„BrotherSong, do not know that what matterthis timecomesbehavior?”Seeing the fathersaw that Song Qingshucomesto play out, Murong Fusecretheartstartled, quicklygoes forwardto attempt the moderateatmosphere, after allheandSong Qingshualsosomewhatfriendship.
“宋兄弟,不知此番前来所为何事?”见父亲见到宋青书一来就剑拔弩张,慕容复暗暗心惊,急忙上前试图缓和气氛,毕竟他与宋青书还有几分交情。Song Qingshusmiles: „Young Master Murongdoes not needto be worried, my timeis notlooksyour, butlooks foryour father.”宋青书笑了笑:“慕容公子不必担心,我这次并不是来找你的,而是找令尊的。”Murong Fuspeechless, thought that youlook formeandaskmy fatherto have the difference, can Ialsostand by?慕容复一阵无语,心想你找我和找我爹有区别么,难道我还能袖手旁观?Murong Bofacial skintwitches, coldsoundsaid: „The previousJin Empiregratitude and grudges have yourItwoclear, whatthistimeyoumade?”慕容博脸皮一阵抽搐,冷声说道:“上次金国的恩怨你我已经两清,这次你又来做什么?”„Twoclear? Onlyfearsnot necessarily.”Song Qingshulooked athisbroken finger, „youdefinitelywish one could the enmity of mytearing to shredsreportbroken fingerat this time.”
“两清?只怕未必吧。”宋青书看了看他的断指,“你此时肯定恨不得把我碎尸万段报断指之仇吧。”„What!”Murong Fuin great surprise, before actually the father and sonrecognize each other, henoticed the opposite partyto have a fingerto be cut off, actuallywhat kind ofexpertat that timewas also startled to injure the finger of thismysteriousexpert, has not thought that unexpectedlywasSong Qingshu.
“什么!”慕容复大惊,其实父子相认之前他就注意到对方有根手指断掉了,当时还吃惊究竟怎样的高手才能伤了这神秘高手的手指,没想到居然是宋青书。„It is not as skillful as others, cannot complain aboutothers.”Murong Bohid the hatred in eye very well.
“技不如人,怨不得别人。”慕容博很好地掩藏了眼中的怨毒。„Youdo not needto indicate the attitudeanxiously, my timeis notcalculates the old debt,”Song Qingshusmiles, points atHuang Rong saying that „Madam Guoismyfriend, thistimeIforherover.”
The Murong Bocomplexionchanges: „Ido not know that youare sayinganything.”慕容博脸色微变:“我不知道你在说什么。”„Yes?”In the Song Qingshutonewere manyto ridicule the meaning, „your excellency was also inJianghu (rivers and lakes) the well-knowncharacter, whysodaresto do is not at all?”
“是么?”宋青书语气中多了一丝讥讽之意,“阁下也是江湖中响当当的人物,何必这般敢做而不敢当?”„With a wish to incriminatehas no lack of a pretext,” the Murong Boangersaid,„does not knowhowyoudo planover?”
The Song Qingshudirect reactionhe, has not instead shifted toHuang Rong, askedgently: „Madam Guo, how do youplanto handlehim?”宋青书并没有直接回答他,反而转向黄蓉,温柔地问道:“郭夫人,你打算怎么处置他?”„This”Huang Ronggreatlyis instantaneously embarrassed, firstSong Qingshuis in front ofso manypeopleto askherlike this, makingherheartbeataccelerateseveraltimesinstantaneously, secondopposite partyissuewas very difficultto reply,actuallythinks the opposite partycauses the instigator who the husbandlost such good opportunity, shewished one couldto dismember a bodyit, butMurong Bowas prestigiousinJianghu (rivers and lakes), was the expert of grandmasterrank, don'tsaidher own, wasElder Brother Jingwalks, may notask forwell, to killsuch an sectdivision levelcharacter, wasfantasy story.
“这”黄蓉瞬间大窘,一来是宋青书当着这么多人的面这样问她,让她心跳瞬间加速了几倍,二来是对方这个问题很难回答,其实一想到对方是导致丈夫失去这么好机会的始作俑者,她就恨不得将其大卸八块,可偏偏慕容博在江湖中威名赫赫,是宗师级别的高手,莫说她自己,就是靖哥哥找上门去,都不一定能讨得了好,要想杀这样一个宗师级人物,更是天方夜谭。Song Qingshuhelpedherrevengesheto be very grateful, how couldalsoto proposeletitsawkwardrequest.宋青书帮她报仇她已经很感激了,又岂能提出让其为难的要求呢。Huang Ronghad not repliedwith enough time,Murong Bois actually angry: „Previoustimewas wonhalf a loaf of Kung-fubyyou, is it possible thatyoureallythink that ateto decideme?”Heafter all is the expert in expert, has the pride of grandmaster, was swindledson'ssurfaceto be disregardedto regardbySong Qingshuagainto treatbutchers the fish meatto be usedto flatter a womangenerally, where can hebearsuchinsult?黄蓉还没有来得及回答,慕容博却是大怒:“上次被你胜了一招半式,莫非你真以为吃定我了?”他毕竟是高手中的高手,有着宗师的自傲,再加上当着儿子的面被宋青书无视当成待宰鱼肉一般用来讨好一个女人,他又哪里受得了这样的侮辱?As forprevioustimeloses to the hand of Song Qingshu, the Murong Bosummaryispulls rank, thinks that ginseng/partakeaboutreferring toinvincibly, goes toandsword qi of opposite partymeets the tough head-on with toughness, ifbrings into full playGusuMurong Bohundredcharacteristics, avoidsmeeting the tough head-on with toughnessdirectly, not necessarilycannotfight, thistimealsohas the sonto assistlet alone, the father and sontwocollaborate, on this daynextwithin can wherenot?
至于上次败于宋青书之手,慕容博事后总结是自己太托大,以为参合指无敌,去和对方的剑气硬碰硬,若是充分发挥姑苏慕容博通百家的特点,避免正面硬碰硬,未必不能一战,更何况这次还有儿子相助,父子两联手,这天下间何处去不得?Song Qingshuturns head: „Saiduselessly, hithas known.”Experiencedthistimematter, hekeeps such a in the hidden placeto raise a matter that the tigercreates disasterto the top player who oneselfare full of the hatredclearly, taking advantage ofthistimeforHuang Rongover, thoroughlysettlesthisgratitude and grudgessimply.宋青书回过头来:“多说无益,打过了才知道。”经历了这次的事情,他清楚留这样一个对自己充满怨毒的顶尖高手在暗处是多么养虎为患的一件事情,索性借这次替黄蓉出头,将这段恩怨彻底了结。Hisvoicefalls, the whole personthenappearedin the Murong Fubodypreviouswants the holeto grasptowardhim. Hedecidessecondto massacre a personfrom the beginning, otherwisetheirfather and sonreallysomewhatare jointly troublesome.
他话音一落,整个人便出现在慕容复身前一把往他要穴抓了过去。他打定主意一开始秒杀掉一个人,不然他们父子联手还真有些麻烦。Murong Fuonlythought that at present a flower, has not respondedwith enough time the opposite partyhas overrun tofront, in the heartsighedonesecretly: „Icome to the end of one's destiny!”慕容复只觉得眼前一花,还没来得及反应对方已经攻到了面前,心中暗叹一声:“我命休矣!”Murong Bofromwas then readyluckilya moment ago, before was Song Qingshuhas foughtwhenJin Empire, knewhisspeed the terrifying, thereforehad the protectionfrom the beginning, was at a crucial momentkept off the attackfor the son, two peoplemadeonegroupon the warinstantaneously.
幸好慕容博从刚才便蓄势待发,之前在金国更是和宋青书交过手,知道他速度的恐怖,所以一开始有了防备,千钧一发之际替儿子挡下了攻击,两人瞬间就战作一团。Murong Boafter all is inJianghu (rivers and lakes) the peakthatgroup of experts, in additionGusuMurong Familystudyorigin, were many for dozensyearsexperiencesnear the enemy, to can also blockSong Qingshubut actuallyreluctantly, buthecomplained of hardshipsimultaneouslysecretly, foughtamongthesemoveshehad detected that killingintent of opposite party, knowsperhapsthistimecannotbe friendly, buthisoptimismfrom the beginningalsodisappearsnowthoroughly, was clear that used the skillseven, perhapsdozensmoves of thencanbyhim the system.慕容博毕竟是江湖中最顶尖的那批高手,再加上姑苏慕容家学渊源,多了几十年的临敌经验,是以倒也勉强能挡住宋青书,不过他同时暗暗叫苦,交手这几招间他已经察觉出来了对方的杀意,知道此次恐怕不能善了,而他一开始的乐观情绪现在也彻底消失,清楚自己就算使出浑身解数,恐怕不出数十招自己便会被他所制。Song Qingshusomewhatis also depressedat this time, in the original works the sweeping the floormonkcan the secondkillMurong Bo, butoneselfandhefoughtseveral times, was clear that had no wayto achievesecondto kill. Howeverhedoes not thinkoneselfwere worse than the sweeping the floormonk, was mainly the sweeping the floormonkobservesMurong Bodozensyearsin secret, was cleartohismartial arts, the weaknessnaturally was also clear, in additionthat timeMurong Bohas somewhat overstated, thereforewas killedby the second is actually variousreasonaccident of sortscreates.宋青书此时也有些郁闷,原著中扫地僧能秒杀慕容博,可是自己和他交手数次,都清楚根本没法做到秒杀。不过他倒不认为自己比扫地僧差了,主要是扫地僧暗中观察慕容博数十年,对他武功一清二楚,弱点自然也是一清二楚,再加上那时的慕容博已经有些走火入魔,因此被秒杀其实是多方面原因机缘巧合造成的。Thislittle whiletimeMurong Furespondedfinally,saw the fatherto fallfrom the beginningfaintlyleeward, quicklydrew a swordto rush: „Cannotinjuremy father!”
这会儿功夫慕容复终于反应过来,见父亲一开始就隐隐落入下风,急忙拔剑冲了上去:“不许伤我爹!”Inanother sideHuang Rongheartonestartled, beforecontended in martial artsto seizeto leadherto look, the Murong Fuitself/Benwas is only weaker than Qiao Feng a top player, in additionobtainedEighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the strengthincreased, in additionbecomes famousdozensyears of Murong Bo, the father and soncollaborates the Song Qingshumartial artsperhaps unable to resistagainhigh.
另一边的黄蓉心中一惊,之前比武夺帅她看了,慕容复本就是只比乔峰弱一线的顶尖高手,再加上得到了降龙十八掌,实力更是大增,再加上成名数十年的慕容博,这父子俩联手宋青书武功再高恐怕也会抵挡不住啊。Will overrun the help, whoknows that justleft, in the stomachthenmovessuddenly, letsitswaistabdomennumb and aching, the formhas tostopimmediately, at this timenearbyRen Yingyingheld onher, smileswas saying: „Madam Guofelt relieved that Qingshudoes not have the issue.”(.)
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