As forthispalace maidsuchintenseHuang Rongphysical condition, actuallyalso is very why easyto think through, Zhao Goudoes not wantto makeGuo Jinghold the post of the Sichuanmilitary appointment, actuallydoes not wantreally the laneto have an accident, ifbecause of his reason of thisaction, causingHuang Rongto miscarryanything, suchcompels the Guo Jingrebellionsimply, once the newsleaks out, the imperialprestigeis also nothing left.
至于这宫女为何这么紧张黄蓉身体状况,其实也很容易想通,想必赵构只是不想让郭靖担任四川军职,却并不想真的弄出什么事来,若是因为他这次行动的缘故,导致黄蓉流产什么的,那样简直是逼得郭靖造反,而且一旦消息泄露出去,皇家威信也荡然无存。ThereforeHuang Rongslepta moment agounusualearly, in additionshehad saidis not healthy, the palace maidwill go backmoreto wantmoreto worryfrom now on, once the Huang Rongaccidentsentiment , this poor lifedid not have, quicklythenasked the imperial physicianto come, even ifstirred upHuang Rongto be angrywhen the time comescan ignoreso many.
因此刚才黄蓉反常地这么早睡觉,再加上她说过身体不舒服,那宫女回去过后越想越担心,一旦黄蓉出了什么事情,她这条小命也就没了,急忙便找了太医过来,就算到时候惹得黄蓉生气也顾不了那么多了。This timeHuang Rongis not only angry, but alsosomewhatashamed and resentfuldifficult to bear, oneselfthousandagainstten thousandguard, finallywas profited.
此时的黄蓉不仅生气,还有些羞愤难当,自己千防万防,结果还是被占了便宜。„Alsoasked the madameto extendto letme the handlineage/vein.”Sees the Huang Rongeyeto open the eyes, the imperial physiciansaiddirectly.
“还请夫人将手伸出来让我把一下脉。”见黄蓉眼睛睁着,那太医直接说道。Huang Rongcomplexiononered, at this timeshejusttook off the clothes, onceputs out a hand, the bodywas seenbyhim?黄蓉脸色一红,此时她刚脱了衣服,一旦伸出手去,岂不是身子都被他看见了?
The palace maidseesHuang Rongto be aloof, in the heartsomewhatis also anxious, sits to lift the quiltto the bedsideto takedirectlyherhand, althoughthis actis somewhat crude, butHuang Rongis a captive, offendsslightlyimmaterial.
那宫女见黄蓉无动于衷,心中也有些焦急,径直坐到床边想掀开被子将她的手拿出来,尽管此举有些粗暴,但黄蓉本来就是个阶下囚,稍微得罪一下也无关紧要。„Yeah~”saw with own eyes that maidservantwill soon lift the quilt, Huang Rongthinkswas seenoneselfwithSong Qingshuin the togetherappearance, a heartmentioned the throatstark nakedinstantaneously.
“哎~”眼见那侍女即将掀开被子,黄蓉想到被人看到自己赤身裸体和宋青书在一起的样子,一颗心瞬间提到了嗓子眼。Song Qingshuleapt upat this timeluckilysuddenlyfrom the bedding, the palace maid and imperial physicianhave not seen clearlyanythingwith enough time, had been selectedto faint.
幸好这时宋青书从被窝里忽然蹿出,那宫女和太医还没来得及看清什么,就已经被点晕了过去。Movestwo peopleone side, avoidsthrowing downmakes the sound, Song Qingshujust nowturns head a faceapology saying: „Justacted according to the special circumstances, hasto offendalsolooks atRong'er should not be offended.”
The Huang Rongred clouds ascendeddoublecheek, binds the quiltto siton the bed, in the lookcompletelygets angry: „Reallyisacts according to the special circumstances?”黄蓉霞飞双颊,裹着被子坐在床上,眼神之中尽是嗔怒:“真的是事急从权么?”Song Qingshuis startled: „What do you mean?”宋青书一怔:“什么意思?”Huang Rongsneers saying: „Iambecause the inner strengthwas sealed up, therefore the aural acuityis not as before, but can youthathighmartial arts, howpossiblywait tilltheir two peopleto get to the entranceto discover?”黄蓉冷笑道:“我是因为内力被封住了,所以耳力大不如前,不过你那么高的武功,怎么可能要等到他们二人走到门口了才发现?”
The Song Qingshueyebrowmoves, subsequentlysmiles bitterly saying: „Rong'eryouare really intelligent, even my wishful thinkingcannot hide the truth fromyou.”Originallyheindeedheard the sound that two peoplecamea moment agoearly, wantsto hideahead of time, the resultchanges the mindtemporarily, wantsto cometo push the boat along, who would have guessed thatwas seen throughbyHuang Rongoneunexpectedly.宋青书眉毛一动,继而苦笑道:“蓉儿你果然聪明,连我这点小心思都瞒不过你。”原来刚才他的确早早听到了两人过来的动静,原本是想提前躲的,结果临时又改变了主意,想来个顺水推舟,哪知道居然被黄蓉一眼识破。
The Huang Rongpowderfacecontains the ghost: „Surnamed Song, youhad said that will not disturbmylife, whatnowdoes thatis?”黄蓉粉脸含煞:“姓宋的,你说过不会打扰我的生活的,现在这么做又算什么?”Song Qingshusighs: „Ijustwantto be intimate with you, wholetsyoucontinuouslytomy not falseword usage, Idid not have the meansonly to offerthisbad plan.”宋青书叹了一口气:“我只不过想和你亲近一下,谁让你一直对我不假辞色,我没办法只能出此下策了。”„You!”HearshiswordsHuang Rongfilled with frustration/anger, coldly said that „you , if again impolitetome, Iwill tellElder Brother Jingdirectly.”
The Song Qingshubreathobstructs: „You, the Jin Empirematterwill not be doomed unable to conceal the truthas the matter stands, howto handle such impulsivematterbyRong'eryourintelligence.”宋青书呼吸一窒:“你不会的,这样一来金国的事情注定瞒不住,以蓉儿你的聪明又岂会做这样冲动的事情。”Huang Rongis unemotional: „Alwaysfeels betteris pesteredbyyoufor a lifetimeendlessly, the beforehandmatterIhave been unfair toElder Brother Jing, Ido not wantto doto be unfair tohismatteragain. Let aloneIbelieve that the Elder Brother Jingmoral behavior, hewill certainly forgivemy, will protectmein the rest of the time.”黄蓉面无表情:“总好过一辈子无休无止被你纠缠,之前的事情我已经对不起靖哥哥了,我不想再做对不起他的事情。更何况我相信靖哥哥的人品,他一定会原谅我的,也会在剩下的时间里保护好我的。”Song Qingshuis staring athereyecarefully, triesto judge that frominsideherthese wordssomewhatreal, finallysees is completely renouncing of hereyeground.宋青书仔细盯着她的眼睛,试图从里面判断出她这番话有几分是真的,结果看到的尽是她眼底的决绝。Suddenly the stubborntemperament in hisheartalsoflushed, snort/hum: „Rong'erdo not compelme, at the worstIhide the place that youwhilethisopportunityno onecould not find, playsimprisonsplayfor a lifetime!”
忽然间他心中的犟脾气也冲了上来,哼了一声:“蓉儿你可别逼我,大不了我趁这次机会把你藏到一个没人找得到的地方,玩一辈子监禁play!”„You!” The Huang Rongair/Qiresults in the chestto fluctuatesuddenly, althoughshehas not listened„to imprisonplay”suchphrase, butis not difficultto guess correctlymeaningbyherintelligence.
“你!”黄蓉气得胸脯急剧起伏起来,尽管她从没听过“监禁play”这样的字眼,但以她的聪明也不难猜出其中的意思。Althoughthought that thispossibilityis minimal, butHuang Ronghas really not daredto bet, was worried that by some chanceSong Qingshuhot bloodedabove, reallyimprisonsoneselfin a secret room, whenhissomething for one's own exclusive usefor a lifetime, oneselfalsoreallyhave no means.
虽然觉得这种可能性微乎其微,但黄蓉还真不敢赌,担心万一宋青书热血上头,真把自己囚禁在一间密室,当他一辈子的禁脔,自己还真没什么办法。Seeshersomewhatto be daunted , one side Song Qingshusnort/hum, thisarrivedto startto solve the clothes of thatpalace maid.
见她果真有几分被吓住,宋青书哼了一声,这才走到一旁开始解那宫女的衣裳来。„Are you...... youdoing?”Huang Rongin the brainis somewhat chaoticat this time, thought that hewas insufficientto wantwhileothersstuporto wreak havoctoher.
“你……你在干什么?”黄蓉此时脑子里有些混乱,心想他不至于想趁人家昏迷了对她施暴吧。„Youthink that Ido wantto do?”Song Qingshushows the whites of the eyes, the clothes that will take offthrewonher, „changedherclothes.”
“你以为我想干什么?”宋青书翻了个白眼,将脱下来的衣裳扔到了她身上,“把她的衣服换上。”A moment agowasbecause the fearful and apprehensivereasonhas not responded,thislittle whilecalmed downHuang Rongto understandhisintentioninstantaneously.
刚才是因为心惊肉跳的缘故没有反应过来,这会儿冷静下来黄蓉瞬间明白了他的意图。„Even but if Iwearherclothes, is still very easyto be recognized.”Huang Rongworried that said.
“可是就算我穿上她的衣服,也很容易被认出来的。”黄蓉不无担忧地说道。„Igiveyouto decoratea whileslightly, shouldnot have the issue.”Song Qingshucanbe easyto accommodateandthispalace maidheris exactly the same, butshehas not been the person on one's own side, in additionshe was too intelligent, Song Qingshuwas worried that shenoticeddisguise techniquewill speculate other thingsfrom now on, therefore can only makesomeconventionalcamouflagestoher.
“我等会儿给你稍微修饰一下,应该就没问题了。”宋青书原本可以将她易容得和这个宫女一模一样,不过她还算不上自己人,再加上她太聪明了,宋青书担心她看到易容术过后会推测出一些其他的事情,所以只能对她做一些常规的伪装。„Good.”Huang Rongputs out a handto meet the clothes, the bigpiecefairfleshexposesin the airinstantaneously, sherespondedimmediately,„youturn around.”
“那好吧。”黄蓉伸手去接衣服,大片白皙的肌肤瞬间暴露在空气中,她马上反应过来,“你转过身去。”Song Qingshuthistimehas not actually given to her, arrives at the bedsidedirectly, took up the clothesto put onforher: „Timeare not much, Ihave come out is so long, caused the suspicion of person with high aspirations, mustgo backimmediately.”宋青书这次却没有迁就她,直接走到床边,拿起衣服就替她穿了起来:“时间不多了,我已经出来这么久了,想必引起了有心人的怀疑,必须马上回去。”„Yeah, youlet loosemequickly.”When the quiltwas thrown the one sidebyhimdirectly, Huang Rongwas madandurgentlysaid.
“哎,你快放开我呀。”当被子直接被他扔到一旁时,黄蓉又气又急道。Song Qingshusaidlightly: „Do not be noisy, yourIlookin any casefrom top to bottomhave also looked, toucheshas also traced, kisses/intimatehas also kissed, it is necessaryto look on as an outsider?”Hehas understood,wrestles with witswithHuang Rong is really not the wisechoice, notTathagatabrokenby the strength, perhapseffect.宋青书淡淡地说道:“别闹,反正你浑身上下我看也看过,摸也摸过,亲也亲过,有必要这么见外么?”他已经明白,与黄蓉斗智实在不是什么明智的选择,还不如来个以力破巧,说不定还有奇效。„You!”Huang Ronghas almost not been madto faint, is the both sidesstrengthdifferenceis too big, herresistancedoes not have an effectcompletely.
“你!”黄蓉差点没有气晕过去,可是双方实力差别太大,她的反抗完全不起作用。But, sheonly thennon-stopcomforting itself: Had been lookedin any case, lookedagainas ifalsohas nothingonetime......
无奈之下,她只有不停安慰自己:反正都被看过了,再多看一次似乎也没什么……After a while, Song Qingshutakes a smallbronze mirrorto putin front ofher: „Has done well, youhave a lookto havewhatflawagain.”Said that from now onwill also startto wear the clothes of thatimperial physician.
过了一会儿,宋青书拿着一个小铜镜放到她面前:“已经弄好了,你再看看有没有什么破绽。”说完过后自己也开始穿那太医的衣服。Looks at the woman in bronze mirror, on the Huang Rongfacerevealscolor of the surprise, has not thought that sofiddled withbyhim, unexpectedlywas somewhat similar to thatpalace maid, the lower abdomen that evensticks outincludingoneselfslightlywas also used the spaciousclothesto cover upbyhim, althoughcannot hide the truth from the person of sidebeing intimate with, butglaringlooks, the probability of getting by under false pretencesisverybig.
One side looksstartsSong Qingshu of become, in the Huang Rongeyeflashes through a complexcolor, althoughthismanwas sometimes more repugnant, butreallyhas the skillvery much.
看着一旁开始乔装成太医的宋青书,黄蓉眼中闪过一丝复杂之色,这个男人虽然有时候讨厌了些,但真的很有本事。After a while, the Song Qingshudisguisewas also good, thenwraps the clothes that Huang Rongtakes offcarelesslyonthatpalace maid, coversagainto the bedonwith the quiltherstopper, camouflagesHuang Rong the appearance that sleeps.
过了一会儿,宋青书也乔装好了,然后将黄蓉脱下来的衣服胡乱地套在那宫女身上,再把她塞到床上用被子盖起来,伪装成黄蓉正在睡觉的样子。As forthatimperial physician, the Song Qingshuwickedinterestwantsto come upto the bedhisalsostopper, perhapsbutconsidering thatwill harm the palace maidreputationas the matter stands, finallyhisstoppertobedunder.
至于那个太医,宋青书原本恶趣味地想将他也塞到床上去,但考虑到这样一来说不定会害了宫女名声,最后还是将他塞到了床底下。„A whilelowers the headto follow I am, was sure to remember that do not lookeverywhererandomly.” The Song Qingshusincereremindersaid.
“等会儿低着头跟着我就是,切记不要四处乱看。”宋青书正色提醒道。InHuang Rongheartonecold, thinks that followingdanger, hermindraised, now the urgent matterfirstgoes outto saysafelyagain,pouredcannot attend toblameshisactionagain.黄蓉心中一凛,想到接下来的危险,她心神提了起来,如今当务之急是先平安出去再说,倒也顾不得再责怪他刚才的举动了。Sawhertenseappearance, Song Qingshupattedherhandwith a smile: „Actuallyyoudo not needto worryso much,hasme, even ifexposedmeto leadyouto killto leave the palaceat the worst.”
看到她紧张的样子,宋青书笑着拍了拍她的手:“其实你也不必这么担心,有我在呢,就算暴露了大不了我带着你杀出宫去。”Huang Rongis startled, suddenlythought that the smile of manno longeris at present hateful, insteadeven morewarms, the heartproducedimpulsivesuddenly, wantsto expose the statusa whileintentionally, makingSong Qingshuleadto fight with all mightfromtremendous dangers and difficulties, thatsceneaffirmlife-longunforgettable.黄蓉一怔,忽然觉得眼前男人的笑容不再可恶,反而愈发温暖起来,心底忽然产生了一种冲动,想等会儿故意暴露身份,让宋青书带着自己从刀山火海里拼杀出去,那场景自己肯定终生难忘。Howevershepinched outthisthoughtquickly, inherheartclear, if the pastyoung girl, has not metElder Brother Jing, oneselfreallysowill be perhaps willful, butnoware the married woman......
The Song Qingshu not clearHuang Rongthis timepsychological activity, deeplyinspiresfirstgoes out, thencomes backto imitate the words of thatimperial physicianto saya moment ago: „Wifebecomes the illness/quickanxiously, in additionsheharbors the pregnancybody is quite weak, I the formula that goes topreventing miscarriageto maintain mental tranquilitywas good, youget medicinewithmetogether.”宋青书倒不清楚黄蓉此时的心理活动,深吸一口气先出了门,然后回过头来模仿着刚才那太医的话说道:“夫人是忧虑成疾,再加上她怀有身孕身子比较虚弱,我去开个安胎养神的方子就行了,你跟我一起去抓药吧。”Huang Rongrespondedalsoquickly, quicklylowered the headto study the voice of thatpalace maidto replylow voice: „Yes~”黄蓉反应也快,急忙低着头学着那宫女的声音小声答道:“是~”Nearbyguardlookedtoward from the entrance, discovered that „Huang Rong”is lyingon the bedrests, pourshas not felt embarrassedtwo people, waving of askedthemto leave.
附近的侍卫从门口往里看了看,发现“黄蓉”正躺在床上休息,倒也没有为难两人,挥了挥手让他们走了。Song QingshublinkstoHuang Rongquietly, hintsherto follow, thenfromattending toguidesinfrontwalksoutward.宋青书悄悄对黄蓉眨了眨眼,示意她跟上,然后自顾在前面带路往外走去。
A Huang Rongheartactuallyjumped the throat, in the heartdarkangry: Thisperson of courageis really big, when was so frivolous.黄蓉一颗心却跳到了嗓子眼,心中暗恼:这人胆子真大,都什么时候了还这般轻浮。Two peoplein tandem, thiswalkslowlyoutward, will soon leave the courtyardshortly, Huang Rongjust about torelaxes, suddenlyguardleadershouts: „Waits for!”
The Huang Ronginstantaneouswhole bodyfine hairexploded, thought that canfall short? Simultaneouslycomplainedsecretly: The bastarddoes not knowisintentionalorforgot, unexpectedlyhas not untiedoneselfban, initiallysolemnMasterBeggars’ Sectlacks the strength to truss up a chickennow, the casualstrongpointpalace maidscanoverpowerher, morewantsto besorrowful.黄蓉瞬间浑身汗毛都炸了起来,心想完了,难道要功亏一篑么?同时暗暗埋怨:那混蛋也不知道是故意的还是忘了,居然没有解开自己身上的禁制,当初堂堂的丐帮帮主如今可谓是手无缚鸡之力,随便一个健硕点的宫女都能制服她,越想越是悲哀。„Thisbastarddefinitelyisintentionally!”Huang Rongtastesquickly, as the matter standsoneself can only depend uponhim, is easierto have the dependence and favorable impressionin the situation of dangertohim, is really a bastard.
“这混蛋肯定是故意的!”黄蓉很快就回过味来,这样一来自己只能依靠他,在危险的情况下更容易对他产生依赖与好感,真是个混蛋啊。„Whatmatter?”Song Qingshuhas turned headto ask.
“什么事啊?”宋青书回过头问道。„Withoutshoutingyou,”thatguardlooked that has not looked athisoneeyes, walkedtowardHuang Rongdirectly, in the lookreveals a fierydesire, „Cuier, howIsuddenlydiscovered that yourstatureimproved, walksthisto walk with a self-important air, the buttocksturnturn, turned the Elder Brothersoulquicklyto fly.”
“没喊你,”那侍卫看都没看他一眼,直接往黄蓉走了过去,眼神中露出一丝火热的欲望,“小翠儿,我怎么突然发现你身材变好了,走路这一步三摇的,屁股扭啊扭的,扭得哥哥魂都快飞出来了。”Hiswordsobtainechoing of surroundingguard: „Right, nowwasto only look at a backmakes the elder brotherssomewhat unable to dominate.”
他的话得到周围侍卫的附和:“对啊,如今光是看个背影就让哥哥们有些把持不住了。”Song Qingshusuddenly, notownchanged/easyappearance/allowhad problemsimmediately, butis, althoughcandecorate the face of Huang Rong, is actually not ableto changehergracefulstature.宋青书顿时恍然,原来并不是自己的易容出了问题,而是自己虽然能修饰黄蓉的脸,却无法改变她曼妙的身材。
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