FSM :: Volume #14

#1399: Substitute

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Hears the reply of Chen Yuanyuan, Ren Yingying and Luo Bing is startled, first two people have not expected her not to lose one's temper, secondly two people are curious the meaning in her words, Song Qingshu also in brothel? 听到陈圆圆的回答,任盈盈骆冰不禁一怔,一来两人没料到她没有动怒,二来两人好奇她话中的意思,难道宋青书还在开青楼? Thinks that this possibility, two female looks look bad to nearby Song Qingshu. 想到这种可能性,两女眼神不善地望向一旁的宋青书 Song Qingshu is awkward, hesitant long time just now replied embarrasedly: In some sense......, can indeed be my industry......” 宋青书一脸尴尬,犹豫半晌方才讪讪答道:“某种意义上来说……呃,的确可以算是我的产业……” He has not said, the Ren Yingying then air/Qi results in the powder face to be red: Your how this living son...... the matter lacking virtue also does!” Under her short of breath wants saying that has the son by the fart. Eye, but before arriving at the mouth thought suddenly this saying also is too rather vulgar, let alone by some chance in the future will and he...... that curse on oneself son? To change a statement rapidly. 他还没说完,任盈盈便气得粉脸通红:“你怎么这种生儿子……缺德的事情也做!”她原本气急之下想说生儿子被屁.眼的,不过临到嘴边忽然觉得这话未免也太粗俗,更何况万一将来自己和他……那岂不是诅咒到自己儿子身上去了?是以迅速改口。 Nearby Luo Bing feels very much the same way, but she did not say anything constrained by the status, at this moment saw Ren Yingying to open the mouth, she was also too busy the nod, obviously was also the similar view. 一旁的骆冰深有同感,不过囿于身份她不好说什么,此刻见任盈盈开口了,她也忙不迭点头,显然也是同样的看法。 After all is not quite same in this world and later generation, before Song Qingshu, that world is engaged in this group of little misses, except for few is being forced beside, majority are to seek after that industry brings in money the work to be quickly relaxed, goes out to work as a young white-collar laboriously, work more than half a year has not worked as young lady more than one month, how they are naturally clear should choose. 毕竟在这个世界和后世不太一样,宋青书以前那个世界从事这行的小姑娘,除了极少数是被迫的之外,大多数都是贪图那个行业来钱快还工作轻松,出去辛辛苦苦当个小白领,工作大半年还没有当小姐一个月多,她们自然清楚该怎么选择。 But this world Confucianism is in vogue now, only if has no recourse, otherwise few personal reasons are driven to prostitution, in some sense, these brothel females mostly are the pitiful person. 可如今这个世界礼教盛行,除非迫不得已,不然没几个人原因沦落风尘,某种意义上来说,那些青楼女子大多是可怜人。 With is the female, Ren Yingying they holds the heart of sympathy unavoidably, by hearing Song Qingshu is also engaged in this industry unexpectedly, will have that big response. 同为女性,任盈盈她们难免抱有同情之心,是以听到宋青书居然也在从事这一行业,才会有那么大反应。 The Song Qingshu forced smile said: In your hearts am I that forcing girls into prostitution big villain?” 宋青书苦笑道:“难道在你们心中我就是那种逼良为娼的大恶棍么?” Saw that Ren Yingying and Luo Bing simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform nods, the Song Qingshu complexion more became dark: Other places I cannot guarantee, but my affiliated these brothels do not have the force the matter, after all I do not want to gain through the brothel, but wants to form the information network using the environment of brothel good and bad people mixed up.” 看到任盈盈骆冰齐齐点了点头,宋青书脸色越发黑了起来:“其他地方我不敢保证,但是我旗下的那些青楼绝不存在强迫的事情,毕竟我并不是想通过青楼盈利,而只是想利用青楼鱼龙混杂的环境来组建信息网络。” The Ren Yingying complexion then slows down slightly, but could not bear snort/hum one: Uttered fine words, where you goes to look for so many female who wants the wandering about destitute travel fatigue?” 任盈盈脸色这才稍微放缓,不过还是忍不住哼了一声:“说得好听,那你去哪里找那么多愿意流落风尘的女子?” Song Qingshu sighs: Now the world of this big struggle, the worldwide chaos, has tens of thousands of families to be with one's family broken up and decimated every day, does not know that how many orphan widows are born, the brothel where will be short of manpower?” 宋青书叹了一口气:“如今这大争之世,天下大乱,每天就有成千上万的家庭家破人亡,也不知道有多少孤儿寡女诞生,青楼又哪里会缺人?” They are so pitiful, do you also go to get so far as the brothel them?” Ren Yingying is looking angrily at him. “她们已经这么可怜了,你还去把她们弄到青楼去?”任盈盈怒视着他。 Compared with starving to death in roadside, is much better because of the result of brothel?” Song Qingshu replied lightly. “比起饿死在路边,在青楼的结局好得多吧?”宋青书淡淡答道。 Starving to death matter small being disloyal matter is big, regarding a female, what but also there is more important than the fame and integrity?” Ren Yingying does not agree with his logic obviously. “饿死事小失节事大,对于一个女子来说,还有什么比名节更重要的?”任盈盈显然不同意他的逻辑。 Yingying (full of/graceful), you from the small sumptuous lifestyle, without tasting the taste of starving, must know person close to starving to death, the feeling that living might as well die can compel him to make anything,” sees Ren Yingying complexion some is not unattractive, Song Qingshu the tone also became gentle, „, moreover I do not rescue their about their destiny, but gives them an opportunity of free choice.” 盈盈,你从小锦衣玉食,没有尝过挨饿的滋味,要知道人临近饿死的时候,那种生不如死的感觉会逼得他做出任何事情的,”见任盈盈脸色有些不好看,宋青书顿了顿语气也变得柔和起来,“而且我并不是救了她们就左右她们的命运,而是给她们一个自由选择的机会。” Opportunity of choice?” Ren Yingying is looking at him curiously. “选择的机会?”任盈盈好奇地望着他。 Song Qingshu explained: Right, I am not a philanthropist, is not white Jiu, needs them to use the work return life-saving efforts......, do not visit me with that look, does not compel them to go out to receive a guest, but starts from the maidservant, separates for 2-3 years later, they can choose to depart, can choose to remain to work as the clear keeper of the emperor's carriage, naturally can also remain to work as......” 宋青书解释道:“对,我并不是慈善家,也不是白救的,需要她们用劳动回报救命之恩……咳咳,别用那种眼神看我,不是逼她们出去接客,而是从丫鬟做起,隔2-3年后,她们可以选择离去,也可以选择留下来当清倌人,当然也可以留下来当……” He has not said that but the meaning is very obvious. 他并没有说完,但意思已经很明显。 When the time comes they definitely were the choice departed, who will also remain, when...... worked as that anything.” Ren Yingying complexion slightly red, snort/hum. “到时候她们肯定是选择离去了,谁还会留下来当……当那什么。”任盈盈脸色微红,哼了一声。 Miss Ren, your made a mistake,” originally has opened the mouth in one side silent Chen Yuanyuan suddenly, must know that most females did not have the family member, oneself also do not have the professional skill, left the asylum of brothel in this tumultuous times, the fate will be instead more pitiful, therefore most people are willing to remain finally.” 任小姐,你这就错了,”本来一直在一旁沉默的陈圆圆忽然开口了,“要知道大多数女子没了亲人,自己又没有一技之长,在这乱世之中离开了青楼的庇护,下场反而会更凄惨,所以大部分的人最后都愿意留下来。” Ren Yingying is puzzled, this remembers Chen Yuanyuan also has lived in the brothel the person, since she said like this that the fact mostly is so. 任盈盈一脸疑惑,这才想起陈圆圆也是在青楼里生活过的人,她既然这样说那么事实多半就是如此。 Compared with Ren Yingying keeping aloof until now, Luo Bing has undergone the tempering of life, somewhat was gradually clear. 比起任盈盈一直以来的高高在上,骆冰经受过生活的磨炼,渐渐也有些明白了。 Moreover regarding all brothels, will raise lots of goons, first protects the guest safety, on the other hand is copes with these not obedient female......” the Chen Yuanyuan beautiful woman slightly pressed, as if recalled what not happy story, many sisters are not willing to receive a guest from the beginning, but the brothel will make these goons...... violent they or the medication confuses...... insults them, seized they most precious thing, such, most people often accepted fate, but some minority temper were staunch, finally will choose to commit suicide......” she to be regarded Queen of Flowers same training, has not experienced this tragedy actually, but. She has not experienced has not represented has not seen, similar matter almost will happen in the brothel daily. “而且对于所有青楼来说,都会豢养大量的打手,一来是保护客人安全,另一方面就是来对付那些不听话的女子……”陈圆圆娥眉微蹙,仿佛回忆起了什么不愉快的见闻,“很多姐妹一开始也是不愿意接客的,但是青楼会让那些打手……强暴她们或者用药迷……污辱她们,夺走她们最珍贵的东西,那样过后,大多数人往往就认命了,但还是有少数性子刚烈的,最后会选择自尽……”她一直是被当成花魁一样培养,倒是没有经历过这种惨事,可是她没经历过不代表没见过,类似的事情几乎天天都会在青楼里发生。 Chen Yuanyuan Youyou (faintly/spookily) sighed one: If your brothel really can achieve does not force the female, regarding these cruel fate people, does not know that is the big kindness.” 陈圆圆幽幽叹了一眼:“若是你的青楼真的能做到不强迫女子,对于那些苦命人来说,不知道是多大的恩德。” The Song Qingshu complexion one austere, sincere said: Round elder sister may feel relieved greatly, I swore in this, did not allow they have behavior that forces the female, all allow somebody to have his own way voluntarily.” 宋青书脸色一肃,正色说道:“圆圆姐大可放心,我在此立誓,绝不容许他们有强迫女子的行为,一切听凭自愿。” Un, I believe you.” Contacts this period of time with Song Qingshu, Chen Yuanyuan was clear that he will not cheat himself in this above, crashes into the travel fatigue as for these females when the time comes voluntarily, she cannot control, is different from Ren Yingying, loves leisure and hates work in some brothel life a long time her also many females clearly, is greedy for money the name, indeed voluntary will be the prostitute. “嗯,我相信你。”与宋青书接触这段时间,陈圆圆清楚他不会在这上面哄骗自己,至于到时候那些女子自愿坠入风尘,她也管不了,不同于任盈盈,在青楼生活很长一段时间的她清楚还有很多女子好逸恶劳,贪财好名,的确会自愿为妓的。 „Is that round elder sister willing to help now?” Song Qingshu happy say/way. “那圆圆姐现在愿意帮忙了?”宋青书喜道。 Un ~ Chen Yuanyuan shows the happy expression that slender promotes, I also want to experience your brothel what's the matter, but can also you say from side inspector general is real.” “嗯~”陈圆圆露出一丝狭促的笑意,“我也想见识一下你的青楼是怎么回事,还可以从旁监督你说的是不是真的。” That does not have the issue, when the time comes gives you an imperial sword, if discovered similar behavior, you are held responsible with me!” Experienced one after another bad news, currently finally has a good news, Song Qingshu clear by Chen Yuanyuan in the experience and understanding of industry, has her to direct from side, the He Qing brothel business a level higher, when the time comes the information network also establishes quickly. “那没问题,到时候给你一把尚方宝剑,若是发现了类似的行为,你拿我是问!”经历了接二连三的坏消息,现在终于有个好消息了,宋青书清楚以陈圆圆在业界的经验与认识,有她从旁指点,何晴的青楼业务会更上一层楼,到时候信息网络也建立得更快。 Over the following several days, Luo Bing starts to be busy at forming the preparation of minute/share of rudder, Chen Yuanyuan also forms in one's mind to transform the plan of brothel in the study room, Song Qingshu has given the Ren Yingying warm support meridians, other time go out the nosing Huang Rong news, a progress does not only have pitifully. 接下来几天,骆冰开始忙组建分舵的前期准备,陈圆圆也在书房里构思改造青楼的计划,宋青书则一直给任盈盈温养经脉,其余时间就出去查探黄蓉的消息,只可惜一点进展都没有。 And said in Rong Guofu Private study, Jia Shidao looks at whole face reckless dregs Guo Jing, knits the brows: These days frequently cannot see your person's shadow, the martial arts contest seizes the graceful date to approach, how does your win when the time comes?” 且说荣国府内书房中,贾似道看着满脸胡渣的郭靖,不禁皱眉道:“这段时间经常看不到你的人影,比武夺帅的日期临近,你这样到时候怎么取胜?” Guo Jing shakes the head, a face is scared: Compared with Rong'er, the martial arts contest seized to lead and be considered as anything.” 郭靖摇了摇头,一脸失魂落魄:“比起蓉儿,比武夺帅又算得了什么。” The Jia Shidao comfort said: I know that you care about the wife, but I have sent people to search her whereabouts everywhere, believes that quick had the news.” 贾似道安慰道:“我知道你关心妻子,不过我已经派人在四处查找她的下落了,相信很快就有消息了。” Soon has news that to mean that did not have the news,” always somewhat simple-hearted Guo Jing this little while brain actually transfers very quickly, is not good, I must look for her.” Said that then walks outward. “很快有消息那就意味着还没有消息,”一向有些木讷的郭靖这会儿脑筋却转得挺快,“不行,我要去找她。”说完便往外走去。 The Jia Shidao heart dark anger, oneself prepare such for a long time, where the matter of win can, because Huang Rong puts to the running water, but he not only uses outwardly on strength, even the information network of knight island also used, but still does not have her whereabouts, in his heart, has felt Huang Rong more unfortunate than fortunate, but had not spoken the truth with Guo Jing. 贾似道心头暗怒,自己筹划这么久,志在必得的事情哪能因为一个黄蓉付诸流水,可是他不仅动用明面上的力量,甚至连侠客岛的情报网络也动用了,可是依然没有她的下落,在他心中,早已觉得黄蓉凶多吉少,只是一直没跟郭靖说实话而已。 Man real man what Huan does not have the wife, even if Faction Master Huang really had/left what accident/surprise, at the worst I give you to introduce a marriage, takes care of the talent and beauty, if you like, my several daughters you can still select casually, even I can also make you marry the princess......” Jia Shidao not saying that was broken by Guo Jing angrily: “男子汉大丈夫何患无妻,就算黄帮主真的出了什么意外,大不了我给你重新介绍一门亲事,保管才貌双全,若是你喜欢,我的几位女儿你也可以随便挑,甚至我还能让你娶到公主……”贾似道的话还没说完,就被郭靖愤怒地打断了: Sufficed! So long as I Rong'er, any other females in Guo's eyes are the range chicken earthenware dogs.” “够了!我只要蓉儿,其他任何女子在郭某眼中不过是土鸡瓦狗而已。” Jia Shidao by the appearance of his more dead than alive was made the heart suppressed evil fire, listening to him so saying that could not bear sneer again: Originally in your heart, my daughter also range chicken earthenware dog?” 贾似道本就被他要死不活的样子弄得心头憋了一股邪火,听他这般说再也忍不住冷笑起来:“原来在你心中,我的女儿也不过土鸡瓦狗?” Guo Jing is startled, knows oneself spoke incorrectly the words, but his time heart is agitated, does not want to explain, arched said submissively lightly: Guo careless person, if there is a place that anything offends to look at Sir Jia to take on, the time early, Guo do not inquire the Rong'er news, said goodbye.” 郭靖一怔,知道自己说错了话,不过他此时心头烦躁,也不想解释,拱了拱手淡淡说道:“郭某粗人一个,若有什么得罪的地方望贾大人担待,时间不早了,郭某要去打探蓉儿的消息了,告辞。” Said that does not need the opposite party to respond, with long hurried strides walked. 说完也不待对方回应,大步流星走了出去。 Looks the back that he is departing, Jia Shidao cannot bear finally, puts out a hand a racket, the Jingdezhen Official ware teacups of value 120 money change into the fragment powder instantaneously: Absurd, simply is absurd!” 望着他离去的背影,贾似道终于忍不住,伸手一拍,价值百两银子的景德镇官窑茶杯瞬间化为齑粉:“岂有此理,简直是岂有此理!” At this time in staff deserted/few Ying walked from the screen, the forced smile said: Why did your majesty so tolerate him?” 这个时候幕僚廖莹中从屏风后面走了出来,苦笑道:“主公又何必这般容忍他?” Does not endure and has what means that who lets him is this martial arts contest seizes to lead our only candidates.” Jia Shidao complexion gloomy like water. “不忍又有什么办法,谁让他是这次比武夺帅我们唯一的候选人。”贾似道脸色阴沉如水。 Only, not necessarily,” in deserted/few Ying chuckle, „did your majesty forget couple of days ago palace advance headquarters to direct to make the prince leap that replacer who Sir king recommended?” “唯一,未必吧,”廖莹中轻笑一声,“主公难道忘了前两天殿前司都指挥使王子腾王大人推荐的那位替代者么?” Their Wang Family and Murong Family have the relations by marriage to relate, naturally can help the speech, but Murong Fu this child in the Jianghu (rivers and lakes) reputation, although is big, is actually only the impressive on the outside but lacking substance.” Jia Shidao coldly said. “他们王家慕容家有姻亲关系,自然会帮着说话,不过慕容复此子在江湖名声虽大,却只是虚有其表而已。”贾似道冷冷说道。 Northern Qiao Feng, south Murong, the Young Master Murong martial arts I am have seen, although is not the grandmaster rank, however also calculated in the younger generation outstandingly.” In deserted/few Ying replied. “正所谓北乔峰,南慕容,慕容公子的武功我是见过的,虽然算不上宗师级别,但是在年轻一代也算出类拔萃了吧。”廖莹中答道。 He is what outstanding, not to mention the age compared with he small Song Qingshu, his pats the horse could not have caught up,” Jia Shidao snort/hum one, even Wu Tiande that boy, he is not an opponent.” “他算什么出类拔萃,且不说年纪比他还小的宋青书,他拍马就赶不上,”贾似道哼了一声,“就算是吴天德那小子,他也不是对手。” In deserted/few Ying smiles bitterly: Song Qingshu that evildoer/monstrous talent don't said the younger generation, is counted the senior person of high skill, can exceed his was also perhaps few, Murong Fu is very more normal than him, solemn southern Murong is insufficient unknown Wu Tiande not to can always be victorious continually.” 廖莹中苦笑起来:“宋青书那个妖孽莫说年轻一代,就是算上前辈高人,能胜过他的恐怕也屈指可数了,慕容复比不过他很正常,不过堂堂的南慕容总不至于连一向名不见经传的吴天德也打不过吧。” Jia Shidao shakes the head: I see their two people to act respectively, if the fair showdown, Murong Fu must defeat without doubt.” 贾似道摇了摇头:“我分别见过他们两人出手,若是公平对决,慕容复必败无疑。” In deserted/few Ying is stern-faced: Your majesty, since said like this, that sure right.” 廖莹中一脸凝重:“主公既然这样说,那肯定没错了。” The Jia Shidao heart is even more agitated: If really can change players, where I use to receive the air/Qi of Guo Jing this gruff donkey, I look at his, had not found Huang Rong, the martial arts contest seizes to lead him even not to participate.” 贾似道心头愈发烦躁:“若是真的能换人,我哪用受郭靖这个倔驴的气,我看他这样子,没找到黄蓉,比武夺帅他甚至都不会参加。” In deserted/few Ying said suddenly: Is it possible that before your majesty forgot us, aims at Wu Tiande's plan, although fair showdown Murong Fu is not his opponent, but if adds on us to help from side again?” 廖莹中忽然说道:“主公莫非忘了我们之前针对吴天德的计划么,虽然公平对决慕容复不是他的对手,可如果再加上我们从旁帮忙呢?” Jia Shidao at present one bright: Right, asked northern static king come over to discuss quickly!” 贾似道眼前一亮:“对,快去请北静王过来商议!”
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