FWH :: Volume #8

#703: Hong Rongyan take action

The squeal encirclement of ear bank clay figurine, in the field of vision the scarlet pupil is approaching rapidly, Hong Rongyan seems calm as usual, but thought at heart the luck is not quite really good. 耳畔泥偶的尖叫声环绕,视野中赤瞳在迅速逼近,红容颜看上去镇定如常,但是心里觉得运气着实不太好。 Speed incredibly fast of scarlet pupil is incomparable, the distance of both sides pulls closer suddenly, at this time avoids already without enough time. 赤瞳的速度奇快无比,双方的距离急剧拉近,此时避开已经来不及。 And...... Hong Rongyan sees the scarlet pupil ice-cold indifferent eye pupil, he knows that at this time any living creature appears in front of the scarlet pupil, will cause the attack of scarlet pupil. 而且……红容颜看到赤瞳冰冷漠然的眼眸,他知道此时任何活物出现在赤瞳面前,都会引起赤瞳的攻击。 Thinks without enough time that Hong Rongyan took a deep breath, the eye pupil ray shines suddenly, shining. 来不及多想,红容颜深吸一口气,眼眸光芒骤然亮起,流光溢彩。 The dazzling ray pasts in his eye pupil, is similar to the colorful ray comes in swarms, they collect are revolving together continuous, present the vortex of variegated monster different light impressively. 璀璨夺目的光芒在他的眼眸中流转,如同五颜六色光芒蜂拥而至,它们汇集在一起旋转不休,赫然出现一个斑斓妖异的光之漩涡。 The Hong Rongyan body shakes slightly. 红容颜身体微微一震。 Together the light aperture is similar to shock-wave, is centered on his body, spreads to all around loudly. 一道淡淡的光圈如同冲击波般,以他身体为中心,向四周轰然扩散。 The aperture sweeps across silent, place visited, were many one point of strange gloss. 光圈席卷无声,所过之处,却多了一分奇异的光泽。 The deep blue sky seemed covered a light colored cellophane, some illusions, is somewhat strange. The pure white clouds also catch this light colored gloss, this makes it seem like the attractive colored cotton candy. 蔚蓝的天空仿佛被蒙上一层淡淡彩色的玻璃纸,有些梦幻,又有些诡异。洁白的云朵也染上这层淡淡的彩色光泽,这让它看上去就像诱人的彩色棉花糖。 Hong Rongyan unemotionally, fine busy face just like the carver under most outstanding sculpture, even can make people feel the marble ice-cold and exquisite sense of reality. The thin body stands upright straightly, cloak in airborne flap flap fluttering, jet black such as outer layer of black ink and bright red such as the inside lining of blood, is similar to the percolation in the rose that in the dim light of night is in full bloom, is beautiful and mysterious. 红容颜面无表情,精致无暇的脸庞宛如雕刻师手下最杰出的雕塑,甚至能让人感受到大理石冰冷而细腻的质感。削瘦的身体挺立笔直,披风在空中猎猎翻飞,漆黑如墨的外层和鲜红如血的内衬,如同浸透在夜色中怒放的玫瑰,美艳而神秘。 On shoulder clumsy clay figurine, is brandishing the short crude arm, seems very excited. Its mouth in oh Zhang Zhanghe, but any sound has not sent out. 肩膀上粗拙的泥偶,正在挥舞短小简陋的手臂,似乎很激动。它的嘴巴在哇啦哇啦张张合合,可是什么声音都没有发出。 Hong Rongyan does not want to fight loses concentration, simply seals up the mouth of clay figurine very much. 红容颜不想战斗的时候分神,很干脆把泥偶的嘴巴封住。 Has studied that long scarlet pupil, he fully realized fierce of this antiquity Demonic God. However thinks that can really and scarlet pupil fights, he is somewhat excited. Mu Shou Association is time-honored, research to God Blood can trace the remote time. Like Blood of God, each generation of Mu Shou Association elite, the Scarlet Pupil Emperor cheating enemy, fights with it in the world of fictionalizing. 研究了那么久的赤瞳,他深知这位上古魔神的厉害。不过想到能够真的和赤瞳交手,他还是有些激动。牧首会历史悠久,对神血的研究可以追溯到遥远的时代。和神之血一样,每一代牧首会的精英,都把赤瞳帝做假想敌,在虚构的世界与之战斗。 But now, he actually must in the real world, fight with the scarlet pupil. 而如今,他却要在真实的世界,和赤瞳交手。 Yes, looks like in Hong Rongyan, the present scarlet pupil is the genuine scarlet pupil. Before has fought scarlet pupil, perhaps is Ai Hui's impedes, Xu Fuhuo is not thorough, making him be greatly disappointed. 是的,在红容颜看来,眼前的赤瞳才是真正的赤瞳。之前战斗过的赤瞳,也许是艾辉的掣肘,也许复活还未彻底,令他大失所望。 The present scarlet pupil, this is similar to the scarlet pupil of savage beast monster, is the genuine scarlet pupil. 现在的赤瞳,这个如同荒兽怪物的赤瞳,才是真正的赤瞳。 Has worked loose Demonic God of all shackles shackles. 一个挣脱了所有桎梏枷锁的魔神 Like this scarlet pupil, is valuable, can let all plans that Mu Shou Association accumulates, all imaginations, 11 were confirmed. 这样的赤瞳,才有价值,才能让牧首会积累的所有方案,所有假想,11被证实。 The scarlet pupil does not have to think that the glimmer of that [say / way] proliferation, absolutely does not have the least bit trace in his in the eyes. 赤瞳一无所觉,那道扩散的微光,在他眼中完全没有半点痕迹。 When the both sides from the sky connection, the scarlet pupil only thought that is similar to gentle comfortable breeze has stroked the face. 当双方在空中交汇时,赤瞳只觉得如同一阵柔和舒服的微风拂过面庞。 Does not have the least bit to guard, its intrudes this world. 没有半点防备,它一头闯入这个世界。 The present world is earth-shaking. 眼前的世界天翻地覆。 Scarlet pupil figure stagnates, the amygdaloidal eye pupil contracts suddenly. Its eye sharp degree goes far beyond humanity, it can see beyond several li (0.5km) in the air to float the tuck dive effortlessly the feather. The change of scenery so is at present obvious, won't it discover? 赤瞳身形一滞,杏仁状的眼瞳陡然收缩。它的眼睛锐利程度远远超过人类,它能毫不费力看到数里外空气中漂浮翻腾的羽毛。眼前景物的变化如此明显,它怎么会发现不了? This changes too suddenly, does not have the indication, it cannot respond at once, on the face appears short surprised uncertain. Except for the surrounding scenery outbreak change, but also makes the scarlet pupil somewhat unable to feel the brains, is it feels a very kind familiar feeling. 只是这番变化来得太突然,毫无征兆,一时之间它反应不过来,脸上出现短暂的惊疑不定。除了周围景物突然发生变化,还让赤瞳有些摸不着头脑的,是它感受到一种很亲切熟悉的感觉。 Scarlet pupil deflection head, locks the right not far away Hong Rongyan and Qiushui(autumn water), the vision ice-cold withers. 赤瞳偏转脑袋,锁定右侧不远处的红容颜秋水,目光冰冷肃杀。 Although periphery has the familiar feeling, but it actually from these two people, feels killing intent. 尽管周围有熟悉感,但是它却从这两人身上,感受到杀意 Hong Rongyan catches the subtle change of scarlet pupil facial expression keenly, the facial expression is invariable, the brain transfers fast. Position that they are, seems the distance scarlet pupil is not far, but after special camouflage, more similar blind spot. By the strength of scarlet pupil, can discover that their existences are natural. 红容颜敏锐地捕捉到赤瞳神情的细微变化,神情不变,脑子转得飞快。他们所在的位置,看上去距离赤瞳不远,但是经过特殊的伪装,更类似盲区。以赤瞳的实力,能发现他们的存在是理所当然。 Just...... The time needed compared with Hong Rongyan anticipated that wants much. 只不过……所用时间比红容颜预期要多一点。 Is it possible that changes becomes the monster to the scarlet pupil mental affected? 莫非变身成怪物对赤瞳的心智有所影响? This idea flashes past in the Hong Rongyan mind. 这个想法在红容颜脑海中一闪而过。 He does not have to think that loses concentration in front of the scarlet pupil, that and courts death anything not to distinguish. 他没有多想,在赤瞳面前分神,那和找死没什么区别。 The form of scarlet pupil is suddenly fuzzy. 赤瞳的身影陡然模糊。 Almost subconscious, the Hong Rongyan both eyes ray rises suddenly, both hands empty press forward. 几乎下意识,红容颜双目光芒暴涨,双手向前虚按。 Bang! 砰! Just likes the startling thunderclap blasts out in the ear, a field of vision fuzziness of Hong Rongyan. 恍如惊雷在耳边炸开,红容颜的视野一阵模糊。 20 ten feets away, figure of scarlet pupil frames in the midair, the spider web crack, is centered on its Ping Pu to spread to all around. 20丈外,赤瞳的身形定格在半空中,蛛网般的裂纹,以它为中心平铺向四周扩散。 There has a wall, wall that not being able to see. 那里有一堵墙,一堵看不见的墙。 It appears very suddenly, the scarlet pupil had not even realized that solid runs upon. The impulse of scarlet pupil also manifests at this time without doubt, on the wall that this not being able to see the spider web crack is the best evidence. 它出现得非常突然,赤瞳甚至没有察觉,结结实实一头撞上。赤瞳的冲击力此时也体现无疑,这堵看不见的墙上蛛网般裂纹是最好的证据。 Hong Rongyan is very calm, as if looks but not see the alarmed crack. 红容颜很镇定,似乎对触目惊心的裂纹视而不见。 The sudden hit makes the scarlet pupil somewhat dumbstruck, but the body powerful resilience, after letting its just several seconds, then restores as usual. The attack suffers setbacks, not only has not made scarlet pupil be discouraged, instead arouses its ominous. 突如其来的撞击让赤瞳有些发懵,但是身体强悍的恢复能力,让它只不过数秒之后便恢复如常。攻击受挫不仅没有让赤瞳气馁,反而激起它的凶性。 It raises head fiercely the long and loud cry, throws like lightning toward Hong Rongyan. 它猛地仰头长啸,闪电般朝红容颜扑去。 ######## ######## Is preparing to hold up Xiao Buyu of butcher knife to Sky Leaf Unit, suddenly hears calling out of distant place, the heart jumps, fiercely revolution of figure: Walks! Has a look!” 正准备向天叶部举起屠刀的肖不遇,忽然听到远处的嚎叫,心脏一跳,猛地一转身形:“走!去看看!” He does not know one so will care why to that monster. Even for this monster, gives up killing the excellent good opportunities of these Sky Leaf Unit new military recruits. 他也不知道自己为什么会对那头怪物如此在意。甚至为了这头怪物,放弃干掉这些天叶部菜鸟的绝佳良机。 One were certainly insane! 自己一定是疯了! His innermost feelings were cursing, brought the team to fly without hesitation in the direction that roaring to transmit. 他内心在咒骂,却毫不犹豫带着队伍朝咆哮传来的方向飞去。 Xu Jing who the fright decides slightly, looks at blood cultivator that the sky flies away, relaxed. His in the eyes raises wipes the haze, has mixed feelings. The blood cultivator's strength is inferior to their many obviously, the performance actually is more outstanding than them. 惊魂稍定的徐靖,看着天空飞走的血修,松了一口气。他眼中升起一抹阴霾,心情复杂。血修的实力明明不如他们许多,表现却比他们要出色许多。 If a moment ago the blood cultivator team dived, Xu Jing was conceivable, they will fall into the chaotic dangerous the region. 刚才倘若血修队伍俯冲下来,徐靖可以想象,他们会陷入何等混乱危险的境地。 Forced smile reappearing face. 苦笑浮现脸庞。 He is not does not know where the issue leaves, everyone knows, good means that but no one has solved. Sky Leaf Unit was too immature, they were also too immature, be only the time and fights unceasingly, can make them adapt to the battlefield gradually. 他不是不知道问题出在哪里,每个人都知道,可谁也没有解决的好办法。天叶部实在太稚嫩了,他们也太稚嫩了,只有时间和不断战斗,才能让他们渐渐适应战场。 Not having the shortcut may walk. 没有捷径可走。 Now what to do?” “现在怎么办?” The voice of teammate interrupts Xu Jing train of thought that he manages to take care of the mentality, said: We also in the past had a look.” 队友的声音打断徐靖的思绪,他理了理思路,道:“我们也过去看看。” Xu Jingzheng prepares to leave, discovered that periphery is somewhat peaceful, has turned away, when he sees the companions somewhat pale complexion, figure stagnates. 徐靖正准备动身,发现周围有些安静,转过脸来,当他看到同伴们有些苍白的脸色,身形一滞。 Is only has a look. Maintains the distance with other people, has any sound also to respond that they may be inferior to us by the strength.” “只是去看看。和其他人保持距离,有什么动静也能反应过来,论实力他们可不如我们。” The facial expression that the teammates relax falls on Xu Jing in the eyes, his heart bitterly and astringently heavier several points. 队友们纷纷松一口气的神情落在徐靖眼中,他心头苦涩更重了几分。 This fight, making everybody confidence suffer setbacks. 这场战斗,让大伙信心受挫。 When they rush, by the present picture shock. 当他们赶到时,被眼前的景象震惊。 But ahead of time a Xiao Buyu squad of arrival, where also very to goes compared with them, the blood cultivator officers are dumbfounded, almost nobody notes Sky Leaf Unit's to arrive. 而提前一步抵达的肖不遇小队,也比他们好不到哪里去,血修将士们目瞪口呆,几乎没有人注意到天叶部的到来。 The Xiao Buyu facial expression is pale, in the eye is passing the fear, he as if thinks the arrived any fearful matter. 肖不遇神情苍白,眼睛中透着恐惧,他似乎想到了什么可怕的事情。 ######## ######## The eye of Hong Rongyan that pair of shining stares at front scarlet pupil stubbornly, the facial expression is passing dignifiedly. 红容颜那双流光溢彩的眼睛死死盯着面前的赤瞳,神情透着凝重。 The clay figurine on his shoulder, already lost the beforehand liveliness, keeps silent. 他肩膀上的泥偶,早就失去之前的活跃,噤若寒蝉。 In the front midair, the scarlet pupil seems the appearance is pitiful, the whole body is the bloodstain. However its pupil does not have the least bit to fluctuate, coldly stares at Hong Rongyan, the murderous intention is overflowing. 前方半空中,赤瞳看上去模样凄惨,浑身都是血迹。但是它的眸子却没有半点波动,冷冷地盯着红容颜,杀机四溢。 Its wound, heals at the naked eye obvious speed, in an instant then complete such as beginning. 它身上的伤口,以肉眼可见的速度愈合,转眼间便完好如初。 Really fearful cicatrization ability! 真是可怕的愈合能力! The huge pressure like moving mountains front surface throws, Hong Rongyan remains unmoved. Even if behind on the Qiushui(autumn water) glittering and translucent carving body, together the fearsome scar from left shoulder slanting to the left abdomen, almost succeeds in giving up two sections. 巨大的压力如排山倒海般迎面扑来,红容颜不为所动。哪怕身后秋水晶莹剔透的身体上,一道可怖伤痕从右肩斜拉至左侧腹部,差点断成两截。 The most crucial time, Qiushui(autumn water) keeps off the scarlet pupil to strike for him with the body fatally. 最关键的时刻,秋水用身体为他挡下赤瞳致命一击。 Hong Rongyan still remains unmoved, because he judges approximately, immediately scarlet pupil at any condition. 红容颜依然不为所动,因为他大致判断出来,当下赤瞳处在什么状态。 Few people understand scarlet pupil compared with him. 很少有人比他更了解赤瞳。 If he has not guessed that wrong, the scarlet pupil should activate in God Blood some blood spiritual power, opened blood refining. The blood spiritual power scale that the within the body surges is extremely astonishing, only then God Blood possibly achieves. 如果他没有猜错的话,赤瞳应该是激活了神血中些血灵力,开启了血炼。其体内激荡的血灵力规模极其惊人,只有神血才可能达到。 blood refining, besides, scarlet pupil another astonishing achievement that made one covet. 血炼,除了外,赤瞳另一项令人觊觎的惊人成就。 In the blood refining domain, nobody can place on a par with the scarlet pupil. Emperor Saint, is learns 12 fur. 血炼的领域,没有人能够和赤瞳相提并论。就连帝圣,也不过是学到12分毛皮而已。 The incomparably astonishing cicatrization and reproductive property, mean the body of present scarlet pupil almost not dying. 无比惊人的愈合、再生能力,意味着眼前的赤瞳几乎是不死之身。 It was but obvious, stimulated the blood refining scarlet pupil, mental was greatly affected. God Blood, is he refining up the blood of innumerable savage beast. And is containing incomparably vast and pure blood spiritual power, but also survives a beastly nature similarly. When refining up the absorption slowly, suppresses the beastly nature to the scarlet pupil, is not a problem. So thoroughly activates blood refining, scarlet pupil will receive in God Blood unavoidably the remaining beastly nature influence. 可是很显然,激发了血炼的赤瞳,心智受到极大的影响。神血,是他炼化无数荒兽之血而成。其中蕴含着无比浩瀚而精纯的血灵力,但同样也残存一丝兽性。当徐徐炼化吸收时,压制兽性对赤瞳来说,丝毫不成问题。如此彻底激活血炼,赤瞳难免会受到神血中残余兽性的影响。 Hong Rongyan does not understand why the scarlet pupil can take risk? 红容颜不明白赤瞳为何要冒险? What danger does the could it be that scarlet pupil meet arrived? 难道赤瞳遇到了什么危险? Hong Rongyan guessed secretly that likely had is the Ai Hui at the point of death genitals scarlet pupil, forcing the scarlet pupil to the sword walk the slant. 红容颜暗自猜测,有很可能是艾辉临死前阴了赤瞳一把,逼迫赤瞳不得不剑走偏锋。 To others, has the scarlet pupil of body of dying almost unable to defeat at present. However regarding Hong Rongyan, mental that scarlet pupil not measures deceitfully, is more dangerous than his powerful body. 对别人而言,眼前拥有不死之身的赤瞳几乎是无法战胜的。但是对于红容颜而言,赤瞳狡诈莫测的心智,远比其强悍身体更加危险。 His corners of the mouth bring back the arc that wipes micro cannot be looked up suddenly. 他的嘴角忽然勾起一抹微不可查的弧线。 After the probe, he had found to cope with the scarlet pupil the means. 经过试探,他已经找到对付赤瞳的办法。 The scarlet pupil suddenly discovered that the present scenery starts to revolve, dizzy, regarding male revolving of that wear black cloak. The sky is revolving, the clouds are revolving, the present all are revolving. 赤瞳忽然发现眼前的景物开始旋转,天旋地转,围绕着那个穿着黑色披风的男子旋转。天空在旋转,云朵在旋转,眼前的一切都在旋转。 Only then that man has not revolved. 只有那个男人没有旋转。 The scarlet pupil roars, throws fiercely toward Hong Rongyan. 赤瞳怒吼一声,猛地朝红容颜扑去。 But when he just flushed two steps, the feeling body loses the control, as if falls into a rapid vortex. It extends both hands, wants to hold anything, however anything cannot hold. 但时他刚刚冲出去两步,就感觉身体失去控制,仿佛掉入一个湍急的漩涡之中。它伸出双手,想要抓住什么,然而什么都抓不住。 It wants to roar, but discovered panic-stricken the mouth cannot make any sound. 它想咆哮,但是惊恐地发现嘴巴发不出任何声音。 It goes all out to struggle, wants to stand firm figure, even if holds one to borrow the strength the place to be also good. 它拼命地挣扎,想要稳住身形,哪怕抓住一个可以借力的地方也好。 How regardless of it waves both hands, but anything has not held. 无论它如何挥舞双手,可是什么都没有抓住。 The dizzy feeling in expectation has not arrived, instead is the inexplicable familiar feeling is wrapping it. 预想中的晕眩感并没有到来,反而是莫名的熟悉感包裹着它。 Good familiar feeling, but why cannot think...... 好熟悉的感觉,可是为什么想不起来……
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