FWH :: Volume #7

#695: True blood cultivator

Faint trace black fog continuously, wells up from various Ai Hui whole body places, submerges the She Yu beat in along the fingertip continuously the heart. 丝丝缕缕的黑雾,从艾辉全身各处涌来,源源不断沿着指尖没入佘妤跳动的心脏内。 The bright heart beats even more cheerfully, it like one forever the monster of not being able to fill belly, greed(y) swallows to slurp each wisp of black fog. As swallows unceasing increase of black fog quantity, the sound that it beats also has the change, becomes more powerful short, turning from pū pū pū bang bang bang, inside was making an effort to sound like the cheek drum. 鲜活的心脏跳动得愈发欢快,它就像一头永远填不饱肚子的怪兽,贪婪地吞噬吸食着每一缕的黑雾。随着吞噬黑雾数量的不断增多,它跳动的声音也在发生变化,变得更加有力短促,从“噗噗噗”变成“嘭嘭嘭”,里面就像有一面皮鼓在被用力敲响。 Rich black fog that the Ai Hui whole body winds around was thinner, his body exposes. 艾辉周身缭绕的浓郁黑雾稀薄了许多,他的身体重新暴露出来。 Suddenly, the Ai Hui's body trembles. 忽然,艾辉的身体一颤。 Heart of She Yu beat seemed frightened, stops immediately. After a breath, it starts to beat, jumps faster powerful, is competing for own food like wild beast. 佘妤跳动的心脏仿佛受到惊吓,立马停顿住。一个呼吸之后,它开始重新跳动,跳得更加迅捷有力,就像一头野兽在争夺自己的食物。 Under black fog of winding around, Ai Hui still likes the sculpture to be motionless. The exposed skin seems thoroughly the paleness of morbid state, suddenly, a blue vein violent splits the bulge. It is swaying from side to side, is going all out the means to want from the light epithelium to drill like a little finger thick or thin black earthworm. Blood vessel storms split the bulge, the smooth skin is similar to the gully is in an instant densely covered, seems very fearsome. 缭绕的黑雾之下,艾辉依然有如雕塑一动不动。裸露的皮肤看上去透着病态的苍白,忽然,一根青筋暴绽凸起。它在扭动,就像一条小指粗细的黑色蚯蚓正在拼命相办法想从薄薄的皮膜之下钻出来。紧接着一根根血管暴绽凸起,光滑的皮肤转眼间如同沟壑密布,看上去十分可怖。 kā kā kā. 咔咔咔 The bone of whole body is sending out groan unceasingly, seems has an invisible big hand to grip him stubbornly. 全身的骨头在不断发出呻吟,好似有一只无形的大手在死死攥着他。 The blood vessel appears to underline in the Ai Hui whole body, his cheeks, corner of the eye and forehead, crawled completely dense and numerous green earthworm. The Ai Hui's face is not handsome, but exceptionally is ugly at this time. 血管在艾辉全身浮现突显,就连他的脸颊、眼角、脑门,都爬满了密密麻麻的青色“蚯蚓”。艾辉的脸算不上英俊,但是此时却异常丑陋。 His body keeps shaking like the screen, probably some innumerable monsters, howl in his body within the body galloping. 他的身体像筛子一样抖个不停,好像有无数怪物,在他的身体内奔腾呼啸。 The cheeks under eyelid explode suddenly, seems by the sharp bit is delimited, the light bloodstain seeps, changes to together the slender red bloodstain. 啪,眼睑下的脸颊突然爆裂,就好似被锋利的刀片划过,淡淡的血痕沁出,化作一道纤细的红色血痕。 This light sound, is similar to a signal. 这一声轻响,如同一个信号。 pā pā pā, the bloodstain continuously appears on the Ai Hui's body, seems the bits of innumerable not being able to see dances in the air revolving regarding him, is cutting his body. 啪啪啪,血痕在艾辉的身体上不断出现,好似无数看不见的刀片围绕着他飞舞旋转,切割着他的身体。 The slender bloodstain is dense and numerous, seems is similar to a red spider web. 纤细的血痕密密麻麻,看上去如同一张红色的蛛网。 Ai Hui covers entirely on the close bloodstain face the color of reappearing pain, he opens the mouth, but cannot make any sound. 艾辉布满细密血痕的脸上浮现痛苦之色,他张大嘴巴,但是发不出任何声音。 His eye becomes the pollution, the color starts to shoal, is similar to yellow spate of beach pollution. The yellow spate gradually becomes limpid, like yellow gem bright, the amygdaloidal pupil seems exceptionally ice-cold, reminds the Felidae animal and ophidia. 他的眼睛变得浑浊,颜色开始变浅,如同一滩浑浊的黄泥水。黄泥水渐渐变得清澈,像黄宝石一样剔透,杏仁状的瞳孔看上去异常冰冷,让人联想到猫科动物和蛇类。 The black hair starts to grow crazily, is similar to recklessly the vine of spread, in an instant on the arrived waist. Ten fingers of nails grow at the naked eye obvious speed similarly, they become are similar to the wolf claw generally thick incisive, jet black like black ink. 黑色头发开始疯狂生长,如同肆意蔓延的藤蔓,转眼间就到了腰间。十指指甲同样以肉眼可见速度生长,它们变得如同狼爪一般厚实尖锐,漆黑如墨。 She Yu's heart , the grown nail punctures deeply concavely gets down. It like the tenacious balloon, although was punctured some distortions, but sends lossless. 就连佘妤的心脏,也被长出的指甲刺得深深凹下去。它就像个坚韧的气球,尽管被刺得有些变形,但是毫发无损。 The liquid of metallic luster gushes out from the dense and numerous slender bloodstains, along his skin spread, forms piece by piece scales. They are sparkling, overlapping, wraps the Ai Hui whole body, like wrapping the fish scales of whole body. 金属光泽的液体从密密麻麻纤细的血痕中涌出,沿着他的皮肤蔓延,形成一片片鳞甲。它们闪闪发光,层层叠叠,包裹艾辉全身,就像套着全身的鱼鳞甲。 Ai Hui's had a premonition that is very often accurate. 艾辉的预感往往很准确。 This is the secret of Oh. blood strength passing on to the body is not a toxin, the body will repel to all toxins. So long as but opens these strobes, all repels can vanish, your body like the castle that does not garrison, welcome the blood strength to arrive, fundamentally accepts it. If you have not exploded the body to perish, you can become true blood cultivator! Made one yearn!” “这可是不传之秘哦。血力对身体就是一种毒,身体对所有的毒都会排斥。可是只要打开这些闸门,所有的排斥都会消失,你的身体就像不设防的城堡,欢迎血力到来,从根本上接受它。如果你没有爆体而亡的话,你就可以成为一位真正的血修!多么令人向往啊!” Black fog of tumbling gradually becomes thin, however the virulent words are similar to quench poisonous Arrows, shoots at Ai Hui. 翻滚的黑雾逐渐变得稀薄,但是恶毒的话语如同一根根淬毒的箭矢,射向艾辉 Please do not care about the appearance the ugliness, initially I want to build the most intrepid human body, why fuses the blood of ten thousand beast? Collects their essence and merits. The sharpest lackey, can see clearly ten thousand li (0.5km) eye, the superficial knowledge of invulnerability, treads the broken mountain the sole. A Sword Embryo soul.” “请不要在意容貌的丑陋,当初我想打造最强悍的肉体,为什么融合万兽之血?汇集它们的精华和优点。最锋利的爪牙,能洞察万里的眼睛,刀枪不入的皮毛,踏破山岳的脚掌。哦,还有一个剑胎的魂魄。” How wonderful picture!” “多么美妙的画面!” „, Please do not place on a par with these crude person blood cultivator. You are true blood cultivator, you to the blood hope beyond comparison, to the hatred that elemental force is from the heart, sufficiently makes them feel that blushes with shame.” “哦,请不要和那些半吊子血修相提并论。你是真正的血修,你对鲜血无以伦比的渴望,对元力发自内心的憎恨,都足以让他们感到汗颜。” The companion who once liked stands before you recounts the words from the heart with you, the attractive flavor that but they send out, your brain is thinking how to eat them, your body excitedly will tremble because of soon the fully drink blood. Swallows them, swallows each drop of flesh and blood, you can forever in the same place, never separate.” “曾经喜爱的同伴站在你面前和你述说衷肠,可是他们散发的诱人味道,哦,你脑子在想着怎么吃掉他们,你的身体因为即将饱饮鲜血而兴奋战栗。吞噬他们,吞噬他们每一滴血肉,你们可以永远在一起,永不分离。” Prepared for? Ai Hui.” “做好准备了吗?艾辉。” Soon becomes true blood cultivator, this is I gives your final gift, Ha Ha Ha...” “即将成为一位真正的血修,这是我送给你最后的礼物,哈哈哈…” The black fog is getting more and more thin, the sound of scarlet pupil also becomes more and more weak, however that wipes to be crazy and tyrannical, actually throughout lingers in the wind. 黑雾越来越稀薄,赤瞳的声音也变得越来越微弱,然而那抹疯狂和暴虐,却始终在风中萦绕。 Ai Hui under sword splendor is staring at the scarlet pupil stubbornly, until the last wisp of black fog dispersion invisible, last wisp of voice vanishes does not see. 剑辉之下的艾辉死死盯着赤瞳,直至最后一缕黑雾消散无形,最后一缕话音消失不见。 Becoming blood cultivator? 成为血修吗? Ai Hui is somewhat bitter and astringent and vacant, oneself unexpectedly soon will become blood cultivator. 艾辉有些苦涩和茫然,自己居然即将成为一名血修 He does not know that this described own present mood, regret? He did not regret. Does not massacre the scarlet pupil, will only have more fearful matter occurrence. Scarlet pupil to rout his consciousness, any matter can be done. 他不知道该怎么形容自己现在的心情,后悔吗?他一点都不后悔。不杀掉赤瞳,只会有更可怕的事情发生。赤瞳为了击溃他的意识,什么事情都能做得出来。 Ai Hui's seeks livehood to be never weak, if there is a opportunity extremely to go on living, he certainly will also fight to the end. But if, related to the safety of companion, he actually did not fear the death. 艾辉的求生欲从来不弱,如果有万分之一的机会活下去,他也一定会抗争到底。可是,如果涉及同伴的安危,他却不惧死亡。 From Savage Territories, he struggles in the life and death edge. 蛮荒,他就在生死边缘挣扎。 To living hope, to dying confidently. 对生渴望,对死坦然。 The destiny is so absurd, oneself must become blood cultivator unexpectedly, oneself have hated these many years, continuously with blood cultivator that it fights. 命运是如此荒谬,自己竟然要成为一名血修,自己仇恨了这么多年、一直与之战斗的血修 He is hard to accept. 他难以接受。 Perhaps, died is also an extrication. 或许,死掉也是一种解脱吧。 This thought raises, but the next quarter, the sudden fierce pain, is similar to does not have the indication dreadful rough sea waves, submerges him. 这个念头升起,但是下一刻,突如其来的剧烈痛楚,如同毫无征兆的滔天巨浪,把他淹没。 When the last wisp of black fog vanishes, She Yu eye such as dim light of night jet black removes rapidly, restores clear understanding. 当最后一缕黑雾消失,佘妤眼睛如夜色的漆黑迅速褪去,恢复清明 She Yu that restores to realize, was rocked by a piece of dazzling ray almost cannot open the eye, like at present flashes a deep Qiushui(autumn water) clear wave light. Her using energy strength, adapted to the intense ray to see clearly. 恢复意识的佘妤,被一片刺眼的光芒晃动差点睁不开眼睛,就像眼前闪动一泓秋水粼粼波光。她费劲力气,才适应了强烈的光芒得以看清楚。 Has not seen monster. 一个从来没有见过的怪物。 Its whole body by close scale package, the dazzling ray is these scales reflects sunlight to create. The black long hair is similar to the waterfall, until waist. The wind has stroked, the long hair flutters, is bringing strange nimble and resourceful. Why does not know, She Yu does not associate to the snake group of distortion independently. 它全身被细密的鳞片包裹,刺眼的光芒就是这些鳞片反射阳光造成。黑色长发如同瀑布,直到腰间。风拂过,长发飘扬,带着诡异的灵动。不知为何,佘妤不自主联想到扭曲的蛇群。 Its body tall and strong like Xiaoshan (small mountain), the arm is sturdier than the thigh of common person, the thigh exaggerates. The palm is common like the rush-leaf fan, ten fingers are thick and long, making her think of these ape class savage beast. The jet black incisive nail, like a dagger, can cut open the body of person effortlessly. 它的身体魁梧得就像一座小山,手臂比寻常人的大腿都要粗壮,大腿更加夸张。手掌就像蒲扇一般,十指粗而长,让她想到那些猿类荒兽。漆黑尖锐的指甲,就像一把匕首,能够毫不费力切开人的身体。 Dagger at this moment is arriving at her heart. 一根“匕首”此刻正抵着她的心脏。 Is could it be that this scarlet pupil main body? 难道这是赤瞳本体? The She Yu mind trembles, oneself wrestle finally, failed? 佘妤心神一颤,自己最后一搏,还是失败了? She is somewhat disappointed. 她有些失望。 In the final moment, she thinks that arrived her heart, she detains all hopes on within the body this heart of unknown origin. In her feeling, the heart has swallowed anything probably. 在最后关头,她想到了自己的心脏,她把所有的希望都押在体内这颗来历不明的心脏上。在她的感觉中,好像心脏吞噬了什么。 She thought to win, has not thought that failed. 她以为赢了,没想到,还是失败了。 No, does not have the failure. 不,没有失败。 She notes the scarlet pupil eye pupil, at this moment does not have the focal distance. She Yu revealed the color of forced smile, heart has played the role, otherwise, oneself died. 她注意到赤瞳的眼瞳,此刻没有焦距。佘妤露出苦笑之色,心脏还是发挥了作用,否则的话,自己已经死了。 No matter what, oneself are also living. 不管怎么样,自己还活着。 She extends the take action palm, wants arriving moves out of the way in the finger of own heart place, but discovered how, regardless of she makes an effort, is unable to move the slightest. The palm of scarlet pupil, copper pouring is strong. 她伸出手掌,想要把抵在自己心脏处的手指挪开,但是发现无论她如何用力,都无法挪动分毫。赤瞳的手掌,铜浇铁铸一般。 She can only clench teeth to move her body, attempts to crawl. The heart of beat, has brought the strength to her. She can feel, the heart has changed, but is not studies this time now. The black nail paddles on her heart, the intense pricking makes her suck in the cold air/Qi. 她只能咬牙挪动自己的身体,尝试着爬出来。跳动的心脏,给她带来了力量。她能感受到,心脏有所变化,但是现在不是去研究这个的时候。黑色的指甲在她的心脏上划动,强烈的刺痛感让她倒抽冷气。 Ai Hui... Died? 艾辉…死了吗? The blood sword that finally the moment, presents silently, helping her keep off most impacts. Otherwise, she met a cruel death, does not have the possibility of returning alive certainly. 最后关头,无声无息出现的血剑,帮她挡下绝大多数的冲击。否则的话,她已经粉身碎骨,绝无生还的可能。 She works loose difficultly, stands. Because is injured seriously, her movement is strange, the posture of standing is also very strange. Injury, making her feel alarmed, but why does not know, she has not felt the pain. 她艰难地挣脱,站来起来。因为受伤严重,她的动作非常怪异,站立的姿势也很奇怪。身上的伤势,让她感到触目惊心,但是不知为何,她并没有感觉到痛楚。 She is staring at front monster, the monster is motionless, like a sculpture. She can actually feel, in this body is containing astonishing blood spiritual power. 她凝视着面前的怪物,怪物一动不动,就像一尊雕塑。她却能感受到,这具身体里蕴含着惊人的血灵力 Ai Hui, died. 艾辉,死了。 On front monster, does not have the least bit Ai Hui's aura. 面前的怪物身上,没有半点艾辉的气息。 in her heart raises a wisp of nondescriptive mood, is very complex. 她心中升起一缕难以名状的情绪,很复杂。 They are the enemies, is the match, is in the hostile camp. When Interpine City first time meets, Ai Hui also small and weak incomparable. His rare progressive speed, making She Yu see his astonishing potential and talent, plants on him Life & Death Flower Sacrificial Technique. The Ai Hui's legend, that starts. However afterward the master and slave transposed, making She Yu be panic-stricken, day and night is difficult to sleep. 两人是敌人,是对手,处于敌对的阵营。松间城第一次见面时,艾辉还弱小无比。他超乎寻常的进步速度,让佘妤看到他惊人的潜力和天赋,在他身上种下【生灭花祭术】。艾辉的传奇,那只是开始。但是后来主奴易位,让佘妤惊慌失措,日夜难眠。 In the She Yu innermost feelings, to some Ai Hui appreciation and admirations. 佘妤内心,对艾辉有些欣赏和敬佩。 Ai Hui died, the legend ended. 艾辉死了,传奇结束了。 If she is an observer, at heart will only be sighing with emotion one, thought that somewhat regrets. Dies on one generation of Demonic God scarlet pupil, does not have what shame, is not to bring disgrace on. 若她是旁观者,只会在心里感慨一声,觉得有几分惋惜罢了。死在一代魔神赤瞳手上,并没有什么丢人,不算辱没。 May its be rescued in the final moment... 可偏偏在最后关头被其所救… Front monster within the body courage vigor tuck dive, even if stands in the one side, She Yu can feel blood spiritual power that monster within the body rushes to surge. Present she, has not killed its ability. She needs to leave, when its within the body blood spiritual power subsides, is its awaking revolutions. 面前的怪物体内血气翻腾,哪怕站在一旁,佘妤都能感受到怪物体内澎湃激荡的血灵力。现在的她,没有杀死它的能力。她需要离开了,等到它体内血灵力平息下来,就是它醒转的时候。 She realized that the scarlet pupil resurrected thoroughly. 她意识到,赤瞳彻底复活了。 Ai Hui anything has not stayed behind. 艾辉什么都没留下。 Her corner of the eye split vision glimpses the ground, suddenly bent the waist, she like the anchylosis puppet. The palm puts in the ashes, holds anything, pulls out. 她眼角余光瞥见地上,忽然弯下腰,她就像个关节僵硬的木偶。手掌伸进灰烬之中,抓住什么,拔出来。 In her hand were many a blood sword. 她手上多了一把血剑。 The sword blade is gloomy, does not see the beforehand least bit point, the alarmed crack is worrying it momentarily possibly to break to pieces, scatters place. 剑身黯淡无光,不见之前半点锋芒,触目惊心的裂纹令人担心它随时可能碎掉,散落一地。 She is looking at carefully the broken blood sword moment. 她端详着残破的血剑片刻。 Keeps as a memento. 留个纪念吧。 Gained ground deeply looked at a monster, the She Yu in the eyes murderous intention was densely covered, turned around to leave without hesitation. 抬头深深看了一眼怪物,佘妤眼中杀机密布,毫不犹豫转身离开。 Now have killed not scarlet pupil, but will happen one day, will hold a memorial service for your blood sword with the scarlet pupil. 现在自己杀了不赤瞳,但是终有一天,会用赤瞳来祭奠你的血剑。
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