FWH :: Volume #7

#685: Accident

In the sky, the scarlet pupil interesting stares at the white light that is flying to cut. 天空上,赤瞳饶有兴趣地盯着飞来的白色光斩。 The white light cuts to fly place, brings a white light leaf of white nail size, their this lives other extinguishes, when fluttering the ray sparkle glitters like the group star, is really attractive. 白色光斩飞过之处,带起一蓬蓬白色指甲大小的白色光叶,它们此生彼灭,翻飞之际光芒闪耀有如群星闪烁,煞是好看。 The present white light cuts, is he has not seen the thing. The might is good, moreover is similar to attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone, how regardless of he changes positions, it will trade a direction to clash. He remembers oneself had raised a hunting dog, is such indomitable chase game. 眼前的白色光斩,就是他没有见过的东西。威力不错,而且如同附骨之疽,无论他怎么换位,它都会重新换个方向冲过来。他想起自己曾经养过的一条猎狗,就是这么不屈不挠追逐猎物。 elemental force that the constitution light cuts is unusual, obviously practice of this world, is creating a higher level the strength. 构成光斩的元力非常奇特,显然这个世界的修炼者,正在创造出更高层次的力量。 This is place that he is interested. 这才是他感兴趣的地方。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” The scarlet pupil thought aloud that he thinks more and more interesting. When Cultivation Era ends, he once thinks that a long-time fading period starts since then. The metempsychoses later, constantly meet pleasantly surprised, instead made him start to have the interest to this time. 赤瞳自言自语,他觉得越来越有趣。修真时代落幕时,他曾以为一个长久的衰落时期从此开始。转生之后,不断遇到“惊喜”,反而让他对这个时代开始有了兴趣。 The metempsychoses are tasteless in a sad time, he likes the vigor. 转生在一个沉闷的时代多么乏味,他喜欢活力。 He has experienced spiritual power construction cultivation world, vast boundless, radiant sparkle. He experiences strangely the causes and effects have hoped the strength unpredictable, including dark fate that the time perpetual flow is unable to prevent. He has experienced overbearing and fondness of countryside of blood refining, that is extension of natural law. 他见识过灵力构建的修真世界,何等浩瀚无边,何等璀璨闪耀。他见识过因果愿力的奇诡难测,连时间长河都无法阻挡的冥冥定数。他见识过血炼的霸道和野性,那是自然法则的延续。 Five Elements elemental force in his in the eyes, too low-order, he is wheting their stone ax like the ancient times savage who looking at the hair has not fallen off. 五行元力在他眼中,实在太低阶,他就像看着毛发还没有脱落的远古野人正在磨砺着他们的石斧。 The appearance that however the white light cuts, makes him realize that this world is at circles, but on turning point. 但是白色光斩的出现,却让他意识到,这个世界正处在一个盘旋而上的转折点。 The emergence and multiplication of any force system, arrive again maturely are far from a person can be completed, it needs one generation to inherit and develop for the person unceasingly, saves the strength unceasingly. In some special time, all the strengths of saving by some special person ignition, the turbulent strength were spurted send thinly, advances the high place the entire world. 任何一个力量体系的出现、繁衍、再到成熟都绝非一个人能够完成,它需要一代代人不断地继承、发展,不断积蓄力量。在某个特殊的时刻,所有积攒的力量被某个特殊的人点燃,汹涌的力量喷薄而发,把整个世界推到更高处。 That type brand-new elemental force that fuses Five Elements elemental force to form, is best to show. 那种融合了五行元力而形成的全新元力,就是最好证明。 Once elemental cultivator bridged over this critical point, will discover that a broader world, they will construct a more formidable system. This system so will be formidable, even made the scarlet pupil feel to dread sufficiently. 一旦元修们跨过了这个临界点,会发现一个更广阔的世界,他们会构建一个更加强大的体系。这个体系会如此强大,甚至足以令赤瞳感到忌惮。 However that is several hundred years later matters. 不过那是数百年以后的事情。 Now this seedling is too immature, is not enough to pose any threat to him, even if his strength has not recovered in peak condition. 现在这棵幼苗太幼小,不足以对他构成任何威胁,哪怕他的力量远没有恢复到巅峰状态。 He floats in the midair, body position any change, the vision has not looked that profoundly the lasing comes directly Sky Leaf Empty Slash, Does not have the meaning of least bit avoidance. 他漂浮在半空,身体姿势没有任何变化,目光深邃看着径直激射而来的【天叶不空斩】,没有半点躲避的意思。 Sighed gently in people heart resounds, the sound was not loud, all person actually not independent hearts shook. 一声轻轻叹息在众人心头响起,声音不大,所有人却不自主心一抖。 The picture suddenly is at present dizzy, everywhere blood light, changes to blood streams, circles to well up toward the scarlet pupil. They constitute the scarlet vortex that circles unceasingly, but the scarlet pupil is at the vortex dead center. 眼前景象忽然天旋地转,漫天的血光,化作一道道血流,盘旋朝赤瞳涌去。它们构成一个不断盘旋的血色漩涡,而赤瞳正处在漩涡的正中心。 Was planning that to Fu Sisi of attack blood curtain, discovery front mountain valley and blood curtain fast revolves suddenly. The intense dizzy feeling makes her not stand steadily, the plump knees down. This cannot make her feel to feel better, she discovered that her body is hanging, the ground in her top of the head, the under foot is endless void. 正打算冲攻击血幕的傅思思,忽然发现面前的山谷、血幕飞快旋转。强烈的晕眩感让她站立不稳,扑通一声跪倒在地。这并不能让她感觉好受一些,她发现自己的身体悬空,地面在她头顶,脚下是无尽的虚空。 clear(ly) knows that this is the illusion, but Fu Sisi subconsciously closed the eye, heart dōng dōng dōng fierce beat. 明知道这是幻觉,但傅思思还是下意识闭上眼睛,心脏咚咚咚剧烈跳动。 Imaginary technique? Good fierce imaginary technique... 幻术?好厉害的幻术… The palm of Fu Sisi deeply submerges the ground, probably only then this can make her feel that is safer. She is inspired, she has not thought that one day really has the imaginary technique to make her give birth to the heart of awe. 傅思思的手掌深深没入地面,好像只有这样才能够让她感觉安全许多。她心生敬畏,她从来没有想过,有一天竟然有幻术能够让她生出敬畏之心。 However, the imaginary technique is the imaginary technique, Sky Leaf Empty Slash certainly can after all... 不过,幻术总归是幻术,天叶不空斩一定能够… She is just thinking, the corner of the eye split vision glance, the next quarter pupil opens suddenly, complexion drastic change, a head blank. 她正想着,眼角余光一瞥,下一刻瞳孔骤然睁大,脸色剧变,脑袋一片空白。 This this... Is impossible! 这这这…不可能! Sky Leaf Empty Slash seems has gotten drunk the fish, in airborne swayingly, the slow movement was incomparable, does not have the least bit imposing manner. The Sky Leaf Empty Slash speed is getting more and more slow, it looks like a dead fish float suddenly, along with scarlet vortex vortex. 天叶不空斩好似喝醉了的鱼,在空中晃晃悠悠,动作迟缓无比,没有半点刚才的气势。天叶不空斩的速度越来越慢,它忽然像一条死鱼般漂浮起来,随着血色漩涡旋。 Continuously white fog from light cuts the dissipation to come, Sky Leaf Empty Slash starts becomes thin, quick does not see on the ablation. 一缕缕白雾从光斩上散逸开来,天叶不空斩开始变得稀薄起来,很快就消融不见。 On the Fu Sisi face does not have the least bit scarlet, dark green white as a sheet. She has not thought Sky Leaf Empty Slash can defeat Ai Hui, but thought that at least can make some troublesome to Ai Hui, for them the opportunity that catches to escape. In order to achieve the anticipated effect, they do not have any retention, all pours into that Sky Leaf Empty Slash within the body all sky elemental force. 傅思思脸上没有半点血色,苍白如纸。她没有想过天叶不空斩能够击败艾辉,但是觉得起码能给艾辉制造一些麻烦,为他们争取到逃脱的机会。为了达到预期的效果,他们没有任何保留,把体内所有的天元力全都注入那一记天叶不空斩 But... 可是… The intense dizzy feeling makes Fu Sisi lose the control to the body, the brain is unable to ponder murkily that within the body elemental force is uncontrolled, revolves along with the scarlet vortex. 强烈的晕眩感让傅思思失去对身体的控制,大脑昏沉沉无法思考,体内元力不受控制,也随着血色漩涡而旋转。 Forms float to revolve in front of oneself, just like dead fish. Yes, with dead fish any difference, his intention has not moved, forms of these float revolving, rupturing. 一道道身影在自己面前漂浮旋转,宛如一条条死鱼。是的,和死鱼没有任何区别,他心念一动,这些漂浮旋转的身影,就会啪地爆裂。 That wisp that in God Blood contains to essence to pure blood, is he after the reincarnation, strengthens the key of host body. Has not thought that Ai Hui that precious God Blood, inducts Sword Formation to refine these blood swords unexpectedly. The blood sword seems the number is considerable, but to the scarlet pupil, does not have the least bit use. 神血之中蕴含的那一缕至精至纯的血液,是他为了转生之后,强化宿主身体的关键。可没想到,艾辉竟然把那么珍贵的神血,导入剑阵炼成这些血剑。血剑看上去数目可观,但是对赤瞳来说,没有半点用处。 He does not have practice any sword Secret Art, is unable to play the might of these blood swords, can only treat as ordinary magical treasure them. 他没有修炼过任何剑诀,无法发挥出这些血剑的威力,只能把它们当做普通的法宝 Moreover does not know that Ai Hui used any means that God Blood to fuse with these tattered same swords unexpectedly perfectly together. even/including Chitong are unable to extract once more God Blood in blood sword, is really the careless and wasteful use of nature's products! 而且不知道艾辉用了什么办法,神血竟然和这些破烂一样的剑完美地融合在一起。连赤瞳都无法把血剑之中的神血再次抽取出来,真是暴殄天物! Nourishes without God Blood, the blood cultivator war unit flesh and blood was also swallowed the absorption by the blood sword, at that time the scarlet pupil did not have the domination of body, can only look eagerly worries. If there are these flesh and blood, now this body cannot be so frail. 没有神血滋养,就连血修战部的血肉也被血剑吞噬吸收,当时赤瞳没有身体的控制权,只能眼巴巴地看得干着急。如果有这些血肉,现在这副身体也不会还是如此孱弱。 The scarlet pupil able to move unhindered world proclaims oneself emperor Wan Bang, is innumerable blood refining that depends on builds most present age the most intrepid mortal body, strange unparalleled Demonic Will. Now the powerful mortal body, the scarlet pupil cannot use, had Demonic Will. 赤瞳纵横天下称帝万邦,就是靠的无数次血炼打造出来最为当世最强悍肉身,还有诡异无双的魔念。如今没有强悍的肉身,赤瞳能够动用的,就只有魔念了。 Dead Seed Demon Thought, is he perceives through meditation the innumerable ancient book secret art later work of epitomizing. 死种魔念,是他参悟数不清的典籍法诀之后的集大成之作。 The ordinary imaginary technique, can achieve imaginary its such as, is difficult to distinguish the genuine and fake. Fierce imaginary technique, even can shield to prohibit the five senses six knowledge of person, thus achieves is not difficult to distinguish the genuine and fake, mind self-inflicted injury. 普通的幻术,能够做到其幻如真,令人难辨真假。厉害的幻术,甚至能够屏蔽封禁人的五官六识,从而达到未令人难辨真假,心神自伤。 But Dead Seed Demon Thought of scarlet pupil, before actually achieves, not for realm, read, but really imaginary changed. 而赤瞳的死种魔念,却达到前所未为的境界,一念而真幻变。 Within his Demonic Will prohibits, does not have absolutely real imaginary, really really imaginary, is really not real, imaginary is not imaginary, transforms really imaginary, pours to trace the causes and effects. But the strength weak one, six knows slightly is eliminated, without any strength of revolt. 在他的魔念封禁之内,没有绝对的真幻,真真幻幻,真不是真,幻不是幻,真幻变换,倒溯因果。而实力稍弱者,六识被剥夺,没有任何反抗之力。 This is not the pure imaginary technique, he is self-confident, even if pure by one Dead Seed Demon Thought, He leaves behind a posterity hard-to-pass mountain peak in the history sufficiently. 这已经不是单纯的幻术,他自信哪怕单纯凭借一部【死种魔念】,他都足以在历史留下一座后人难以逾越的山峰。 Just body possession, he had not restored, but dealt with these fellows, was just like the oxen knife to kill the chicken, was nothing to speak. 刚刚夺舍,他还没有恢复,但是对付这些家伙,好比牛刀杀鸡,不值一提。 Well? 咦? The scarlet pupil notes suddenly, in the form of float, there is a fellow body to vibrate. 赤瞳忽然注意到,漂浮的身影之中,有个家伙身体抖动了一下。 Is he thinks somewhat suspicious that middle-aged man. 是他觉得有些可疑的那个中年男子。 The scarlet pupil is somewhat surprised, six know is eliminated, the body should not have any movement to be right, could it be that this fellow also retains the consciousness of part of surviving? 赤瞳有些惊讶,六识被剥夺,身体不应该有任何动作才对,难道这个家伙的还保留一部分残存的意识? Before Five Elements elemental force of this fellow, he realized that had to restrain the effect of oneself blood spiritual power. Now this fellow in his Demonic Will, but can also remain the consciousness, making him more surprised. Two unusual matter coincidences appear on a person, does not allow him not to suspect, he who some people have been preparing to cope with the reincarnation. 之前这家伙的五行元力,他就察觉到有克制自己血灵力之效。如今这家伙在他的魔念之内,还能够残留意识,让他更加惊奇。两件反常的事情巧合地出现在一个人身上,不容他不怀疑,有人已经在准备对付转生的他。 Interesting. 有意思。 Scarlet pupil in the eyes flashes through the dangerous ray, he decides to keep a middle-aged person living witness, other people will become he will refine to cut the fresh gu the nourishment. 赤瞳眼中闪过危险的光芒,他决定留中年人一个活口,其他人就会成为他炼制斩生蛊的养料。 Quick he can control the Ai Hui's body thoroughly. 很快他就能彻底控制艾辉的身体。 Thinks that the drastic fluctuation of Ai Hui mind, scarlet pupil in the heart incomparably satisfied a moment ago, looked was more temperate to the vision of Mu Shou Association middle-aged man: Also is your merit, so long as you coordinate to select, makes you be exempt from refine the pain of soul.” 想到刚才艾辉心神的剧烈波动,赤瞳心中就无比满意,看向牧首会中年男子的目光温和了许多:“也算是你的功劳,只要你配合点,就让你免受炼魂之苦。” Excels at the blood refining scarlet pupil, has the innumerable means from the opposite party mouth the news that oneself want. 擅长血炼的赤瞳,有数不清的办法从对方口中得到自己想要的消息。 Suddenly, a wisp thin, if the sound of gossamer drills into his ear. 忽然,一缕细若游丝的声音钻入他耳中。 It is not good! Some people sneak attack! 不好!有人偷袭! The scarlet pupil complexion is pale, his present strength is too weak, links some people to approach unexpectedly had not realized. This on him, has not had the situation. 赤瞳脸色铁青,他现在的实力还是太弱,竟然连有人靠近都没有察觉。这在他身上,是从来没有出现过的情况。 Chī! 嗤! It seems the cloth by sound that the sharp knife blade separates, in scarlet vortex that behind him revolves, presents a scar impressively. The scar is thin, if sends the silk, actually crosses the entire scarlet vortex, divides into two it. 好似布帛被利刃割裂的声音,在他背后旋转的血色漩涡,赫然出现一道伤痕。伤痕细若发丝,却横贯整个血色漩涡,把它一分为二。 Scoffs, is a light sound. 嗤,又是一声轻响。 Similarly is together thin, if sends the silk the fissure to appear on the scarlet pupil, divides into two his body. 一道同样细若发丝的裂痕出现在赤瞳身上,把他的身体从中一分为二。 Shouted, body that the scarlet pupil split changed to two blood streams, submerged the break in the scarlet vortex. 呼,赤瞳裂开的身体化作两股血流,没入断裂的血色漩涡之中。 The form of scarlet pupil presents beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m) again. 赤瞳的身影再次出现数十丈外。 Hee hee, really worthily is the scarlet pupil!” “嘻嘻,果然不愧是赤瞳!” A charming female voice does not know that which from transmits, the complexion of scarlet pupil sank. The beforehand guess makes known at this time, his worry and guess, are absolutely correct. The opposite party said his name, obviously was clear to his origin. 一个娇媚的女子声音不知从哪传来,赤瞳的脸色沉下来了。之前的猜测此时揭晓,他的担心和猜测,完全正确。对方直呼他的名字,可见对他的来历一清二楚。 The scarlet vortex rapidly changes pale, in an instant vanishes disappear without trace. 血色漩涡迅速变淡,转眼间消失得无影无踪 Body of float revolving loses the strength, crashes in mountain valley in abundance, pēng pēng raises piece by piece dust. 漂浮旋转的身体失去力量,纷纷坠落在山谷,砰砰扬起一片片尘土。 The deep blue sky appears again, mountain valley and was exactly the same a moment ago, without any change. 蔚蓝的天空再次出现,山谷和刚才一模一样,没有任何变化。 The vision of scarlet pupil falls on unexpected visitor, the pupil shrinks once more, unexpectedly is two people! 赤瞳的目光落在不速之客身上,瞳孔再次一缩,竟然是两个人! He only realized a person a moment ago... Was is negligent, did the opposite party have the special method? 他刚才只察觉到一个人…是自己过于大意了,还是对方有特殊的法门? The mind phonograph, the facial expression on scarlet pupil face does not seem any change, chuckle: Unexpectedly knows that the name of my scarlet pupil, was really is too pleasantly surprised. It looks like, your preparations, me expected that is fuller. Hasn't consulted two names?” 心神电转,赤瞳脸上的神情看上去没有任何变化,轻笑一声:“居然知道我赤瞳之名,真是太令人惊喜了。看起来,你们的准备,比我预想还有更充分。还未请教两位之名?” While speech time, scarlet pupil takes a look at them carefully. 趁着说话的时候,赤瞳仔细打量两人。 The male facial expression is lonely, black big mao is binding his thin body, seems somewhat is crushed with grief, but that appearance exceeds the woman fine. Another, is an acme of beauty and deportment female, the standing tall and erect chest and snow white thigh, makes her seem exceptionally sexy enchanting. However on her face does not have the least bit expression, does not have the life sculpture like one. 男子神情冷清,黑色大髦裹着他消瘦的身体,看上去有些郁郁寡欢,只是那容颜精致胜过女人。另外一位,是一位千娇百媚的女子,高耸的胸部和雪白的大腿,都让她看上去异常性感妖娆。然而她的脸上却没有半点表情,就像一具没有生命的雕塑。 The vision of scarlet pupil falls on the female shoulder the young clay figurine, the in the eyes ray shines suddenly. 赤瞳的目光落在女子肩膀上小小的泥偶,眼中光芒骤然亮起。
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