FWH :: Volume #7

#664: Game

The gentle red garment, like the wave of rippling, slowly flutters in the breeze. 轻柔的红衫,就像荡漾的水波,在微风里缓缓飘动。 She Yu stops in the midair, the vision has swept the ground, fine charming jade face, this moment overcast sky. 佘妤停在半空,目光扫过地面,精致妩媚的玉脸,此刻阴云密布。 In the wilderness, is difficult to see water vapor now, but here residual water elemental force fluctuation, is actually so intense, looks like deeply imprints in the earth. 荒野上,如今难见一丝水汽,但是这里残留的水元力波动,却是如此强烈,就像是深深印在大地。 Shi Beihai! 师北海 Wall of North Sea was destroyed, but the Shi Beihai's whereabouts, do not have the news to the present. Must see the person exactly, dies to see the corpse, Shi Beihai is not ordinary elemental cultivator, but is North Sea Unit Leader, Expert that the world have several. She Yu has not fought with Shi Beihai, but Ye Baiyi, is Mister Bei, once gave the Shi Beihai extremely high appraisal. 北海之墙被摧毁,但是师北海的下落,到现在都没有消息。活要见人,死要见尸,师北海并非一位普通的元修,而是北海部首,天下有数的强者佘妤没有和师北海交过手,但是无论是叶白衣,还是北先生,都曾经给予师北海极高的评价。 This place residual fluctuation, is the evident proof. 此地残留的波动,亦是明证。 This place is also remaining another fluctuation, this unique Five Elements elemental force fluctuates, has a possibility, Sky Leaf Unit! Dies Sky Leaf Unit elemental cultivator on She Yu has dozens, she is familiar with this elemental force's characteristics. 此地还残留着另外一股波动,这种独特的五行元力波动,只有一个可能,天叶部!死在佘妤手上的天叶部元修有数十位,她对这种元力的特征再熟悉不过。 She even can judge, fights with Shi Beihai, most likely is Sky Leaf Unit that beautiful appearance Vice-unit leader. However, it seems like that woman as if suffered a loss, this made She Yu in the heart imposing. 她甚至能够判断出,和师北海交手的,十有八九是天叶部那位美貌的副部首。不过,看来那个女人似乎吃了亏,这令佘妤心中凛然。 The Fu Sisi strength is extremely powerful, by far Sky Leaf Unit ordinary elemental cultivator, is injured to convalesce beforehand She Yu compared with it, only feared that is also about the same. Now She Yu turns misfortune into a blessing, the strength rises sharply, but must defeat Fu Sisi, she does not have the absolute assurance. 傅思思的实力极为强悍,远胜天叶部普通元修,比之受伤痊愈之前的佘妤,只怕也在伯仲之间。如今佘妤因祸得福,实力大涨,但是要战胜傅思思,她也没有绝对的把握。 Shi Beihai is not only living, but also everybody anticipated is more formidable, this without doubt is an awful news. 师北海不仅活着,还比大家预期的更加强大,这无疑是个糟糕的消息。 However what is more awful, Ye Baiyi may fall into the Shi Beihai's hand very much! 但是更糟糕的是,叶白衣很有可能落入师北海的手中! The She Yu facial expression fluctuates erratically, a moment later, the fine charming face returns to ordinary day lazy, the beautiful pupil is profound, staring distant place. When her original intention while the Fu Sisi severe wound, strikes to kill this Sky Leaf Unit Vice-unit leader at one fell swoop. However thinks that Ye Baiyi falls into the hand of Shi Beihai, she only then sighed, looks helplessly such excellent good opportunity just missed. 佘妤神情变幻不定,片刻之后,精致妩媚的脸庞重归平日的慵懒,美眸深邃,凝视远方。她本意趁着傅思思重伤之际,一举击杀这位天叶部副部首。但是想到叶白衣落入师北海之手,她就只有叹息,眼睁睁看着此等绝佳良机失之交臂。 Comander-in-chief Ye is most important! 叶帅才是重中之重! red clothed beautiful figure of fluttering, is similar to wisp of light smog, dissipates in airborne. 飘扬的红衣倩影,如同一缕淡淡的烟雾,消散在空中。 In the Canon Tower Alliance conference room, the atmosphere is quite tight. 塔炮联盟的会议室内,气氛极为紧张。 Defense line all high-level backbones all attend, including Tie Bing Ren and Kun Lun Tian Feng, everybody facial expression is rouses is anxious, particularly Shi Xueman. Although she strong from restraint, keeps cool, but people on the scene is familiar with her, how to see her innermost feelings the excitement? 防线所有的高层骨干全都出席,包括铁兵人昆仑天锋,大家神情又是振奋又是紧张,尤其是师雪漫。她虽然强自克制,保持镇定,但是在场众人对她再熟悉不过,怎么会看不出她内心的激动? What in report is Gu Xuan, he also knows the situation to be unusual, the report is exceptionally careful, lest has leaked any detail. 正在禀报的是顾轩,他也知道情况非同寻常,汇报异常仔细,唯恐漏过任何一个细节。 „... At that time we were harassing Divine Spirit Unit, but the effect was not good, the opposite party could not withdraw. We discussed that thought lives in idleness is also useless in that decides toward the enemy behind thorough. Enemy who look can find the small stock, or the supplies team of enemy, this can also fish a ticket. We went forward probably more than 600 li (0.5km), what a pity along the road does not have what discovery. At that time we prepared to come back, at this time, suddenly felt a very intense elemental force fluctuation. Teacher Hua happen to Windmill Sword, he was at that time more accurate than us to the elemental force's judgment.” “…当时我们正在对神灵部进行骚扰,但是效果不好,对方龟缩不出。我们商量了一下,觉得干耗在那也没用,决定朝敌人后方深入。看看能不能找到小股的敌人,或者敌人的补给队伍,这样也能捞一票。我们大概前进了600多里,可惜沿路没有什么发现。当时我们就准备回来,就在这个时候,忽然感受到一股非常强烈的元力波动。霍师当时正好在风车剑上,他对元力的判断比我们更准。” In the conference room complete silence, everybody hears to be enthralled carefully, at this time the vision changes Hua Da in abundance. 会议室内鸦雀无声,大家听得仔细入神,此时目光纷纷转向霍达 Hua Da wholeheartedly wants to become Sword Envoy, all motions of Sword of Thunderbolt can participate. 霍达一心想成为掌剑使,雷霆之剑的所有行动都会参加。 Hua Da has not declined, is Master, he is truly more authoritative in this aspect. 霍达没有推辞,身为大师,他在这方面确实更权威。 His sinking sound track: Yes, the elemental force fluctuation is intense, should be two peerless Expert is battling. And one is water elemental force, has obvious North Sea Unit water elemental force characteristics, should be master North Sea Unit Leader. Another elemental force fluctuation is very strange, if I have not guessed that wrong, should be Sky Leaf Unit Five Elements elemental force.” 他沉声道:“是的,元力波动非常强烈,应该是两位绝世强者在激战。其中一股是水元力,有非常明显的北海部水元力的特征,应该是师北海部首。另一股元力波动很诡异,如果我没猜错的话,应该就是天叶部五行元力。” Many people reveal to worry about the color, recently strong of Sky Leaf Unit crest of wave, vibrated the world. 许多人露出担忧之色,最近天叶部风头之强劲,震动天下。 Shi Xueman at this time instead becomes very calm. 师雪漫此时反而变得很镇定。 Hua Da continued: Judges below, the water elemental force superiority is quite big, gets the winning side!” 霍达继续说:“在下判断,水元力的优势比较大,占据上风!” On everybody face reveals the happy expression, several people almost make noise to cheer, but sees Hua Da to look dignified, knows that also has the situation. 大家脸上纷纷露出喜色,几人差点出声欢呼,但是看到霍达神情凝重,知道还有情况。 But!” Such remarks, everybody in the heart as if by prior agreement one tight, Hua Da hesitant, Fang [say / way]: „The fluctuation of water elemental force is too intense, if master Unit Leader, I worried that master Unit Leader has the possibility that elemental force overdraws. Naturally, this is only my guess, after all my strength understanding the master Unit Leader are not many.” “但是!”此语一出,大家心中不约而同一紧,霍达犹豫了一下,方道:“水元力的波动实在太强烈,如果是师部首的话,我担心师部首元力透支的可能性。当然,这只是我的猜测,毕竟我对师部首的实力了解不多。” Everybody's vision changes Shi Xueman. Presents knows deeply about the Shi Beihai strength, is daughter's Shi Xueman. 大家的目光转向师雪漫。在场对师北海实力了解最深的,只有身为女儿的师雪漫 Shi Xueman said: Father has the possibility injured.” 师雪漫道:“父亲有可能已经受伤。” Her expression affirmed that in the iced cold eye pupil murderous aura to surge, the whole person is sending out the imposing power and influence. Thinks that Sky Leaf Unit starts to the father, in her heart is then hard to contain the killing intent ebullition. 她的语气肯定,冷若冰霜的眼眸之中杀气涌动,整个人散发着凛然威势。想到天叶部对父亲下手,她心中便难以遏制杀意沸腾。 The atmosphere becomes is depressing and angry, Shi Beihai commands troops to prevent blood cultivator, half does not draw back, is almost annihilated. Hero's soul of North Sea Unit sacrifice has not gone far away, can Sky Leaf Unit kill Shi Beihai unexpectedly? 气氛变得压抑而愤怒,师北海率部阻挡血修,半步不退,几乎全军覆没。北海部牺牲的英魂还未远去,天叶部竟然要杀师北海 North Sea Unit... 北海部 Tie Bing Ren remembered once good friend, the in the heart sigh. He knows that he must say anything, everyone on the scene is Interpine School, is only he and Kun Lun is the Madame Ye's person. This matter, has let between Interpine School and Tian Xin City, produces fissure that was unable to make up . The position of so-called elder, becomes likely a joke. 铁兵人不由想起曾经的好友,心中叹息。他知道自己必须说些什么,在场诸人都是松间派,唯独他和昆仑叶夫人的人。这件事,已经让松间派天心城之间,产生了无法弥补的裂痕。所谓的长老之位,变得像个笑话。 Is in his heart similarly unreadable, why Madame Ye must start to Shi Beihai? That is the active feudal official! Does this matter mock disappointedly? 他心中同样难以理解,为何叶夫人要对师北海下手?那是有功之臣啊!此事让人何等寒心齿冷? He does not want to be involved during the political struggle, but does not think that the defense line collapses in light of this loudly, as we all know, counter-attack of Blood of God certainly exceptionally is then fierce! 他不想卷入政治斗争之中,但是不想防线就此轰然倒塌,大家都知道,接下来神之血的反扑一定异常凶猛! The Kun Lun Tian Feng facial expression also reveals the awkward color, the cheeks has a fever, shameful. Such a long time fighting side-by-side, thoughts pure she, already regarded as the hand and foot everybody, at this time does not know how should explain to everybody. 昆仑天锋的神情也露出尴尬之色,脸颊发烧,无地自容。这么长时间的并肩作战,心思单纯的她,早就把大家视作手足,此时不知道该怎么向大家解释。 Tie Bing Ren sinking sound track: We need to aid master Unit Leader immediately! The elemental force fluctuation is so intense, blood cultivator will certainly realize. They will not look on absolutely master Unit Leader ran away the birth day, we need to move immediately, otherwise master Unit Leader will fall into tight encirclement. Windmill Sword, we use Windmill Sword, the master colleague, seeks master Unit Leader!” 铁兵人沉声道:“我们需要马上去接应师部首元力波动如此强烈,血修一定会察觉。他们绝对不会坐视师部首逃出生天,我们需要马上行动,否则师部首会陷入重围。风车剑,我们用风车剑,高手同行,去寻找师部首!” Everybody look slightly slow, knows at this time is not the internal strife time, the time is precious, fast starts to discuss. 大家神色稍缓,知道此时不是起内讧的时候,时间宝贵,飞快开始讨论起来。 Hua Da joins voluntarily: I hold the time of sword, although is not very mature, but can control reluctantly. Like this we can many Windmill Sword, be able to fan out in two groups.” 霍达主动请缨:“我掌剑的功夫虽然还不够成熟,但是勉强可以驾驭。这样我们就能多一架风车剑,可以兵分两路。” Good!” Shi Xueman not loathsome, ordered neatly: Two Windmill Sword go north separately, Huanghun (dusk), you follow in Teacher Hua Windmill Sword, meets the dangerous attention to shield.” “好!”师雪漫没有拖泥带水,干脆利落下令:“两座风车剑分头北上,黄昏,你跟在霍师风车剑,遇到危险注意掩护。” Duanmu Huanghun sinking sound track: Good!” 端木黄昏沉声道:“好!” Qian Dai, I, on another Windmill Sword. Jiang Wei, Sang Zhijun, Bing Ren and Kun Lun guarding defense line. Is careful, the enemy might seize the chance to launch the attack very much.” Shi Xueman then said: Rivers, lake and mountain valley along the way are the key points that we search. Takes the North Sea Unit signal flare, meets the rivers lake, puts , if no rivers lake, on rock drilling investment underground underground river.” 钱代、我,上另一架风车剑姜维桑芷君兵人昆仑驻守防线。要小心,敌人很有可能会趁机发起攻击。”师雪漫接着道:“沿途的河流、湖泊、山谷是我们搜寻的重点。带上北海部的信号弹,遇到河流湖泊,都放入其中,如果没有河流湖泊,就凿岩投入地下暗河。” Enemy will certainly do everything possible to pester us, we reduce the dogfight as far as possible, gets rid of them with the speed. Once receives master Unit Leader, at the maximum speed, returns to the defense line.” “敌人一定会想方设法纠缠住我们,我们尽量减少缠斗,用速度摆脱他们。一旦接到师部首,以最快的速度,返回防线。” A series of instructions issue that Shi Xueman does not have the least bit to hesitate. 一连串的指令发布下去,师雪漫没有半点迟疑。 The people acknowledged loudly: Yes!” 众人轰然应诺:“是!” In this time, suddenly a familiar sound insufflates the conference room like the wind: in addition my.” 就在此时,忽然一个熟悉的声音如风般吹进会议室:“加我一个。” Shi Xueman opens the eye fiercely, reveals the pleasantly surprised color, loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Ai Hui!” 师雪漫猛地睁大眼睛,露出惊喜之色,失声惊呼:“艾辉!” The conference room front door opens, the figure slender youth smiles to stand. 会议室大门打开,身形修长的少年微笑而立。 Just also directing with ease and competence facial expression firm and resolute Shi Xueman, the eye all of a sudden raised wipes the mist. 刚刚还指挥若定神情坚毅的师雪漫,眼睛一下子升起一抹水雾。 Above the mountain peak, the clothing flap flap makes noise, Xiao Buyu stands erect against the wind proudly, indifferently like electricity, bird's eye view below land. 山峰之上,衣衫猎猎作响,肖不遇迎风傲然卓立,冷眼如电,俯瞰下方土地。 The form electricity shoots together, but. 一道身影电射而至。 Report! The northwest direction, discovered that some people move the trail!” “报!西北方向,发现有人活动踪迹!” His figure has not moved, the corners of the mouth appear wipe to sneer: Key search! Pays attention to the underground underground river! Previous North Sea(Beihai) remnant, sneaks off from the underground river! This time turns the sod three chi (0.33 m), must look for Shi Beihai!” 身形未动,嘴角浮现一抹冷笑:“重点搜寻!注意地下暗河!上次北海余孽,就是从暗河溜走的!这次挖地三尺,也要把师北海找出来!” Yes!” “是!” The subordinates receive an order to go. 下属领命而去。 As scheduled, the Divine Tiger Unit large unit rushed toward defense line, with the Divine Spirit Unit convergence that He Nanshan commanded, left behind one person in the rear area, draws in squad that was lost. The sudden elemental force fluctuation has disrupted this plan. 按照原计划,神虎部大部队奔赴防线,和贺南山统率的神灵部汇合,留下一人在后方,收拢走失的小队。突然爆发的元力波动打乱了这个计划。 So astonishing water elemental force fluctuation, only then a possibility, Shi Beihai is also living! 如此惊人的水元力波动,只有一种可能,师北海还活着! Dan Xiong takes the bull by the horns, sending Xiao Buyu to lead six divine ability Expert, elite, remains to intercept Shi Beihai. Dan Xiong has issued dead order to Xiao Buyu, in any event, must strike to kill Shi Beihai! 单雄当机立断,派肖不遇率领六位神通强者,还有一支精锐,留下来截杀师北海单雄肖不遇下了死命令,无论如何,必须击杀师北海 Dan Xiong does not know that Ye Baiyi on Shi Beihai, he has his consideration. 单雄并不知道叶白衣师北海手上,他有自己的考虑。 If Shi Beihai is also living, means before them wins, is a joke. One's own side's command does not know trace, the command of opposite party is also actually living, what isn't the joke is? 如果师北海还活着,意味着他们之前胜利,就是个笑话。己方的统帅不知所踪,对方的统帅却还活着,不是笑话是什么? Shi Beihai is Expert that the world have several, nobody dares to look down on. Now this North Sea(Beihai) beast of prey, actually hides in their back, goes into hiding in the darkness. Once they expose weaknesses, waits for their, will be the danger, but fatal will strike. 师北海是天下有数的强者,无人敢小瞧。如今这头北海猛兽,却藏在他们的背后,隐匿在黑暗中。一旦他们露出破绽,等待他们的,将是危险而致命的一击。 Shi Beihai overawes the world, Xiao Buyu has experienced his fierce, does not dare to have the least bit to despise to neglect. However this time, Xiao Buyu a little grasps, he guessed that Shi Beihai may be wounded very much. 师北海威震天下,肖不遇见识过他的厉害,不敢有半点轻视怠慢。不过这次,肖不遇还是有点把握,他猜测师北海很有可能负伤。 Yesterday's water elemental force fluctuation was intrepid, but combined also similarly powerful elemental force fluctuation. In other words, Shi Beihai has encountered Expert of same rank. That elemental force fluctuation is unusual, which line of elemental force very difficult judgment is in Five Elements, Xiao Buyu guessed that may be recent crest of wave vigor Sky Leaf Unit. 昨日的水元力波动强悍无匹,但混杂其中还有一股同样强悍的元力波动。也就是说,师北海遭遇了一个同级别的强者。那股元力波动非常奇特,很难判断是五行之中哪一行的元力,肖不遇猜测有可能是最近风头正劲的天叶部 Sky Leaf Unit appears after behind, makes Dan Xiong feel to worry similarly, but this issue he planned that gives Your Highness She Yu to worry. 天叶部出现在身后,同样也让单雄感到担忧,不过这个问题他打算交给佘妤殿下来烦恼。 Xiao Buyu has not thought that many, he is ready to fight, excited, because he knows that at this time is to hunt and kill the Shi Beihai best opportunity. 肖不遇没想那么多,他摩拳擦掌,兴奋不已,因为他知道此时是猎杀师北海最好的机会。 However, he does not know, besides this team, several team number numerous blood cultivator Expert, toward the position search of Wall of North Sea. 然而,他并不知道,除了这支队伍,还有好几支队伍数目众多的血修强者,都在朝北海之墙的方位搜寻而来。 That intense elemental force fluctuation, in Sun like dark night, is striking and dazzling. 那场强烈的元力波动,就像黑夜中的太阳,醒目而耀眼。 Shi Beihai this game, can provoke blood cultivator fighting intent easily. 师北海这个猎物,能够轻易挑动血修们的战意 As if feels the meaning of withering, the temperature sharp drop of wilderness, the sky has hiked up the heavy snow. 似乎感受到肃杀之意,荒野的温度大幅度下降,天空飘起了大雪。
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