FWH :: Volume #7

#661: Convening

Mingxiu weaving room, Yu Mingqiu wiredrawing does cocoon, on his face is covering entirely the sweat, the whole body mist transpiration, the eye wink. 明秀织坊,郁鸣秋正在抽丝剥茧,他脸上布满汗水,浑身雾气蒸腾,眼睛一眨不眨。 Wiredrawing cocoon, is the junior apprentice brother level is highest, this aspect I am well below.” “论起抽丝剥茧,还是师弟的水平最高,这方面我都远远不如呢。” Mingxiu praised to junior apprentice brother Ai Hui's, simply was anytime and anywhere, the ear of Yu Mingqiu quickly listened to the callus. To be honest, Yu Mingqiu appreciates to the Ai Hui boy, knows that Mingxiu and Ai Hui sister and brother affectionate, does not have the sentiment of slight men and women, but cannot support the goddess to praise daily. 明秀师弟艾辉的夸赞,简直是随时随地,郁鸣秋的耳朵都快听出老茧。说实话,郁鸣秋艾辉小子还是非常欣赏的,也知道明秀艾辉姐弟情深,没有丝毫男女之情,但是架不住女神天天夸赞啊。 Envy, envy of growing to ever greater heights! Has words anything to come, the envy is the root of all evil. 嫉妒,日益高涨的嫉妒!有句话什么来着,嫉妒是万恶之源。 The envy causes his elemental force decomposition! 嫉妒使他元力分解! The envy makes his facial features ugly! 嫉妒使他面容丑陋! The envy makes his Five Elements not circulate! 嫉妒使他五行不循环! The envy enables him to draw not to have the arrow! 嫉妒使他拉弓没有箭! The envy makes him recite the poem such as the back excrement! 嫉妒使他背诗如背屎! The Yu Mingqiu both eyes hyperemia, cannot endure simply! Isn't the exhausted silk reels a cocoon? come, come, come, making outstandingly talented Mingqiu big, making you know that anything called on to carry poem 800, gets down can draw wire 3000 cocoons man! 郁鸣秋简直双目充血,不能忍!不就是剥丝抽茧吗?来来来,让才高八斗的鸣秋大大,让你知道什么才叫“上能背诗800首,下能抽丝3000茧”的男人! Damn, broke! 该死,断了! Yu Mingqiu looks in the hand the break half silk, the cheeks is twitching. 郁鸣秋看着手中断裂半截丝,脸颊抽搐。 Brother Mingqiu progresses is very big.” 鸣秋哥进步很大哩。” The Mingxiu's sound, makes the facial features that he soon twists immediately stretches, all anger vanish into thin air immediately. He coughs lightly, does intentionally to act with constraint saying: Also must try hard, diligently, disciple after marriage is not alone sad!” 明秀的声音,立即让他快要扭曲的面容变得舒展,所有的怒火立即烟消云散。他轻咳一声,故作矜持道:“还要努力,正所谓,单身不努力,婚后徒伤悲!” Mingxiu smiles, other female weavers cover the mouth chuckle all. 明秀莞尔,其他织女无不掩嘴轻笑。 Yu Mingqiu looked at time, knowing arrived must walk, is very annoying: Walked, Mingxiu will see tomorrow, everybody tomorrow sees.” 郁鸣秋看了一眼时间,知道到了要走的时候,很是懊恼:“走了走了,明秀明天见,大家明天见。” „The Little Qiu brother will see tomorrow!” 小秋哥明天见!” The time, always crosses in weaving room slides that quickly, really hopes that it can select slowly. 时间,在织坊过得总是溜得那么快,真希望它能慢点走。 Yu Mingqiu treads weaving room, after several steps, on the face, sweat then sweep away, restore the indifferent facial expression. 郁鸣秋踏出织坊,数步之后,脸上、身上的汗水便一扫而空,恢复淡然的神情。 Suddenly, the scenery in field of vision brightens by the naked eye obvious whitening, making the elemental force fluctuation of person palpitation transmit above the top of the head distantly. Then the flash, entire Emerald City falls into peacefully. 忽然,视野内的景色以肉眼可见的变白变亮,令人心悸的元力波动在头顶上方遥遥传来。那么一瞬间,整个翡翠城陷入安静。 The Yu Mingqiu complexion changes, gains ground fiercely. 郁鸣秋脸色微变,猛地抬起头。 A sky big small two Sun, that small solar reduction must look like the needle-tip general size now, seems like stars. The ray that however it sends out is so intense, was suppressed including nearby Sun, is overshadowed. 天空原本一大一小两个太阳,如今那小太阳缩小得像针尖一般大小,看上去就像一颗星辰。但是它散发的光芒如此强烈,连一旁的太阳都被压制,黯然失色。 Finally can make known? 结果要揭晓了吗? Yu Mingqiu in the heart flashes through one to worry, but quick restores as usual. To his teacher, he is confident, even if Le Buleng steps into the boundary of Grandmaster successfully, that is not the match of teacher. 郁鸣秋心中闪过一丝担忧,但是很快就恢复如常。对自己的老师,他信心十足,哪怕乐不冷成功踏入宗师之境,那也不是老师的对手。 The teacher promotes the Grandmaster many years, will these years be marking? 老师晋升宗师多年,这些年又怎么会在原地踏步? Quick, Yu Mingqiu notes, many forms go to the square lasing from Elemental Top Palace, is the teacher bodyguard. 很快,郁鸣秋注意到,许多道身影从元上宫向四方激射而去,都是老师身边的侍卫。 He realized immediately has the important matter to occur. 他立即意识到有大事发生。 A bodyguard sees Yu Mingqiu, said hastily: Next fall young master, Reverend Grandmaster has command, convenes various to enter the palace to discuss the important matter, the young master fast goes, humble officer must inform other people.” 一名侍卫看到郁鸣秋,连忙道:“明秋公子,宗上有令,召集各家入宫商量要事,公子速去,卑职还要通知其他人。” Yu Mingqiu nods: Good, I knew.” 郁鸣秋点头:“好,我知道了。” He looked at a top of the head to flaming the bright luminous spot, took back the vision, flew in the Elemental Top Palace direction. 他看了一眼头顶炽亮的光点,收回目光,朝元上宫方向飞去。 The upper air deep place, islands fireball, reduced to a ten zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area now, the color also turns from the beforehand golden color flamings white. 高空深处,岛屿般的火球,如今已经缩小到不过十丈方圆,颜色也从之前的金色变成炽白。 Flamings in the white fireball, impressively obvious jet black such as form of black ink. 炽白的火球之中,赫然可见一个漆黑如墨的身影。 Is dazzling is white including flaminging that Sun is overshadowed, is deep as if can swallow all rays the blackness, both contrast is so striking, constitutes a monster different picture. It has strange aesthetic sense beyond description, has the inexplicable attraction, making the person mind not wallow independently. 耀眼得连太阳都黯然失色的炽白,深沉得仿佛能够吞噬所有光线的漆黑,两者反差是如此强烈,构成一幅妖异的画面。它有着难以形容的诡异美感,有着莫名的吸引力,令人心神不自主沉迷其中。 The ripples that the terrifying peerless fluctuation forms not being able to see, spread to all around slowly. 恐怖绝伦的波动形成一圈圈看不见的涟漪,缓缓向四周扩散。 The elemental force fluctuation sweeps the obsolete, suffocating power and influence, like announcing god only arrival. 元力波动扫过时,令人窒息的威势,就像宣告神祇的降临。 Elemental Top Palace was very lonesome and quiet in those days, Grandmaster Dai does not like some people disturbing, did not ask the vulgar event, lived in seclusion. 元上宫往日里十分幽静,岱宗不喜欢有人打扰,也不问俗事,深居简出。 Only then Lu Chen and Yu Mingqiu few several people, have the qualifications of turnover. 只有陆辰郁鸣秋寥寥数人,才有进出的资格。 When Yu Mingqiu arrives, discovered the Elemental Top Palace front door that all day long shuts tightly opens wide at this time. 郁鸣秋抵达的时候,发现终日紧闭的元上宫大门此时敞开。 The future is continuous, is very lively. 来者络绎不绝,十分热闹。 Has the weight figure unceasingly, toward Elemental Top Palace. They outside several blocks, then quietly fall to the ground, on foot line. They each other know well, meet unable to bear talk in whispers, the facial expression doubts, discussed that what Grandmaster Dai so wages a war to convene everybody behavior. A moment ago fluctuation of terrifying, made everybody guess diversely, in the heart had not the good premonition. 不断有重量级人物,朝元上宫而来。他们在几个街区之外,便悄然落地,徒步而行。他们彼此熟识,见面忍不住窃窃私语,神情疑惑,讨论岱宗如此大动干戈召集大家所为何事。刚才恐怖的波动,也让大家猜测纷纭,心中有不好的预感。 The atmosphere is dignified and depressing. 气氛凝重而压抑。 When Elemental Top Palace crawls the wall of full Lvteng fresh flower to be in sight distantly, everybody keeps silent as if by prior agreement, on the face appears respectfully, the strength of stopping over wants to be lighter, seems, lest alarms this tranquility. 元上宫爬满绿藤鲜花的宫墙遥遥在望,大家不约而同噤声,脸上浮现恭敬,落脚的力道都要轻许多,好似唯恐惊扰这片宁静。 In the front door, the palace is peaceful, is passing solemnly and respectfully. 大门之内,宫殿安静幽深,透着肃穆。 Bridges over the front door, a cool feeling of gang of seeping person heads on, only thought comfort that the whole body could not say. In palace wood elemental force compared with outside rich several fold, moreover is exceptionally mild-mannered, what legacy that regardless of studies, thought comfortable of not being able to say. 跨过大门,一股沁人的凉意扑面而来,只觉得浑身说不出的舒泰。宫殿内木元力比外面浓郁数倍,而且异常柔顺,无论修习的何种传承,都觉得说不出的舒服。 Many people first time enters Elemental Top Palace, curiously sizes up. However is quick they somewhat to be disappointed, Elemental Top Palace profound like valley, sight of green abundancy, various strange flowers and grass are innumerable, but is actually not gorgeously grand. 许多人第一次进入元上宫,不由好奇地四下打量。但是很快他们就有些失望,元上宫幽深如谷,绿意盎然,各种奇花异草数不胜数,但是却算不上华美壮丽。 Passed on a message the Emperor Saint's palace, splendid, atmosphere was boundless, lives, felt itself tiny, if dust particle. On having the luxurious degree, compared with the residence of their family, Elemental Top Palace was well below. 传言帝圣的宫殿,富丽堂皇,大气磅礴,身居其中,顿感自己渺小若微尘。论起奢华程度,比起他们家族的居所,元上宫都远远不如。 However strength profound wood elementalist, facial expression is actually exceptionally dignified. They can feel, Elemental Top Palace wood elemental force, before them wood elemental force that contacts completely is different. A palace every bit of property mountain stone, seems like simple, implied mysteriously. elemental force flows during the circulations, has subtlety that being hard word stated. 然而实力精深的木修,神情却是异常凝重。他们能感受到,元上宫木元力,和他们以前接触的木元力都完全不同。宫殿一草一木一山一石,看似简单,却暗含玄奥。元力流淌循环之间,有着难以言述的微妙。 But has come the Elemental Top Palace person, then in the heart is secretly imposing, Elemental Top Palace beforehand wood elemental force is similarly rich, is actually Peng does obeisance turbulently, the high sea such as gathers, present wood elemental force is actually the good influence of education, Run silent. 而来过元上宫的人,则在心中暗自凛然,元上宫之前木元力同样浓郁,却是澎拜汹涌,怒涛如聚,如今的木元力却是春风化雨,润物无声。 All people are respectful, just liking disciple must pay a visit the teacher. 所有人都恭恭敬敬,恍若弟子要拜见老师。 Hai Qing stands with a smile before the corridor: Grandmaster Dai waits for everybody in the main hall, please.” 海清笑吟吟地立在长廊之前:“岱宗在大殿等候各位,请。” His dark blue long gown, is very simple, on hair bun inserts one not to have the wooden hairpin of pattern, the smiling face is friendly, seems like an ordinary servant. 他一身藏青长袍,十分朴素,发髻上插着一根没有花纹的木簪,笑容和气,看上去就像一个普通的仆人。 However facing this Emerald Forest's real power character, everybody does not dare to neglect, goes forward to salute. Hai Qing serves about Grandmaster Dai dozens years, is deep the Grandmaster Dai's trust, this was anybody cannot compare. 然而面对这位翡翠森的实权人物,大家不敢怠慢,纷纷上前行礼。海清侍奉岱宗左右数十年,深得岱宗的信任,这是任何人都比不了的。 The Elemental Top Palace main hall named responsibility made palace, this was responsibility makes palace first invocation. 元上宫的大殿名叫荷令殿,这还是荷令殿第一次启用。 With the atmosphere of Emperor Saint palace palatial compared with, responsibility made the palace simple and elegant like the family treasure. The main hall midpoint, is an upright and giant basin. The basin extends to the main hall deep place, the Lotus King neat float of table size by water surface. Above each piece of Lotus King, is placing a white rush cushion. 帝圣宫殿的大气巍峨相比,荷令殿素雅得就像小家碧玉。大殿正中央,是一片方正而巨大的水池。水池向大殿深处延伸,桌子大小的王莲整齐漂浮在水面两侧。每一片王莲之上,摆放着一个白色蒲团。 The basin center, the lotus flower is in full bloom, delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. 水池中央,莲花盛开,幽香扑鼻。 All around of basin, the careful water screen dangles, its white as snow. 水池的四周,细细水帘垂下,其白如雪 The vault in main hall is a complete emerald, glittering and translucent carving, water Run wants to drop. The water glare in basin, produces an inverted image in the vault, the wave light is clear, is really attractive. 大殿的穹顶是一块完整的翡翠,晶莹剔透,水润欲滴。水池中的水光,倒映在穹顶,波光粼粼,煞是好看。 After basin above water screen, visibles faintly a form to sit well. 水池上方水帘之后,隐约可见一个身影端坐。 Grandmaster Dai! 岱宗 Everybody restrains the mind hastily, the step speeds up, walks toward the basin. The water screen separates spontaneously, just like having a pair of invisible hand opens out gently general, the people take a step to step on the Lotus King lotus leaf, taking a seat rush cushion. 大家连忙收敛心神,步伐加快,朝水池走去。水帘自发分开,宛如有一双无形之手轻轻拨开一般,众人举步踏上王莲莲叶上,落座蒲团。 Yu Mingqiu arrives under Grandmaster Dai the second rush cushion place, salutes to the teacher: Teacher!” 郁鸣秋走到岱宗下方第二个蒲团处,向老师行礼:“老师!” Grandmaster Dai smiles toward him: Sits, your senior apprentice brother also quick arrived.” 岱宗朝他微笑:“坐吧,你师兄也快到了。” Yu Mingqiu should be honestly, in the heart secretly is actually flabbergasted, it seems like teacher time is real thing, shouted including big senior apprentice brother. The big senior apprentice brother Lu Chen personality lives simply, did not ask the vulgar event, the common matter will not pay attention absolutely. 郁鸣秋老老实实应是,心中却是暗自咋舌,看来老师这次是动真格啊,连大师兄都喊过来。大师兄陆辰性情淡泊,不问俗事,一般的事情绝对不会理会。 After a while, Lu Chen really arrives in the main hall, sits side Yu Mingqiu. They look at each other one, sees each other doubts of in the eyes. In they opinion, even if Le Buleng promotes Grandmaster, is insufficient to cause so a weaponry? 过了一会,陆辰果然抵达大殿,坐在郁鸣秋身旁。两人对视一眼,都看到彼此眼中的疑惑。在两人看来,就算是乐不冷晋升宗师,也不至于弄出这般阵仗吧? Quick, the main hall is filled, many people have to stand the corridor after water screen. 很快,大殿就坐满,许多人不得不站在水帘后的长廊。 Everybody's complexion ten segregate heavily, some are even heavyhearted. Emerald Forest almost all great people were all convened, if said that Yu Mingqiu does not appear astoundingly, then usually did not ask that Lu Chen of humans affair also appears, is rare. Major rich and powerful family aristocratic family heads of household impressively in row, Lu Clan, Duanmu Clan, powerful families wait / etc.. 大家的脸色十分凝重,有的甚至忧心忡忡。翡翠森几乎所有的大人物全都被召集,倘若说郁鸣秋出现不让人惊奇,那么素来不问世事的陆辰也出现,则可谓少见。各大豪门世家家主都赫然在列,陆家端木家、权家等等。 So a weaponry, never has in Emerald Forest. 如此阵仗,在翡翠森从未有过。 What serious important matter did could it be that exactly have? 难道到底发生了什么不得了的大事? Everybody in the heart guessed secretly that somewhat is on nettles. 大家在心中暗自猜测,有些忐忑不安。 The above water screen opens slowly, reveals the Grandmaster Dai's form. 上方水帘缓缓张开,露出岱宗的身影。 People simultaneously sets out to salute: Reverend Grandmaster completely secure!” 众人齐齐起身行礼:“宗上万安!” Grandmaster Dai raises slightly to return a courtesy slightly: Well.” 岱宗微微欠身回礼:“各位安好。” After the people take a seat, he smile start to talk: Very long had not met with everybody, seeing everybody facial expression to be good, is really happy. This time calls everybody, has not informed beforehand, has disrupted everybody's itinerary, but also asked everybody to excuse me.” 待众人重新落座之后,他才微笑开口:“很久没有和大家见面了,看见大家气色不错,甚是开心。此次召集大家,也没事先通知,打乱了大家的行程安排,还请各位见谅。” The Grandmaster Dai's sound is mild, makes person, if washes the spring breeze. 岱宗的声音温润和气,令人如沐春风。 The people said continually does not dare. 众人连说不敢。 Grandmaster Dai then said: This time calls everybody, is something needs to confess 12. Happen to also has the front combat report feedback, many weight news, although is war of Heaven Outside Heaven and Blood of God, my Emerald Forest rules in one corner of the kingdom, is difficult to run away to involve,” 岱宗接着道:“此次召集大家,是有些事情需要交代12。正好又有前方战报回传,还有诸多重量消息,虽然是天外天神之血之战,我翡翠森偏安一隅,也难逃牵扯,” He sighed slightly: Emerald Forest , since the independence, it may be said that gentle peaceful. Looks at everybody facial expression, the day crosses well. But the tumultuous times, is temporary secure, how long-time at present? I also do not want to stir everybody's interest, however the current political situation changes, today past, simply made everybody listen differently together.” 他微微叹息:“翡翠森自从自立之后,可谓平和安宁。看大家气色,日子都过得不错。可眼下乱世,一时之安,如何长久?我亦不想搅了大家的兴致,然时局之变,今日不同往时,索性让大家一起听听。” People hearing this, is all imposing, the stiff lumbodorsal region, the lapel sits well. 众人闻言,无不凛然,纷纷挺直腰背,正襟端坐。 Grandmaster Dai looks calm, said: President Quan, reports to everybody, current event that recently had.” 岱宗神情自若,道:“权会长,向大家汇报一下,最近发生的时事吧。” Everybody's vision, falls on Quan Weide as if by prior agreement. Quan Weide is President Deep Sea Merchant Guild, news channel is numerous, everybody in the heart curious, can make Grandmaster Dai think that needs to call everybody, what extraordinary matter recently had? 大家的目光,不约而同落在权惟德身上。权惟德深海商会会长,消息渠道众多,大家心中大为好奇,能够让岱宗觉得需要召集大家,最近发生了什么了不得的事情吗? The war of pearl air crossing defense line, quite spreads in Emerald Forest, spare time everybody also love to talk about, but many places are either insufficiently detailed, either is torn to pieces, either the inconsistency, is difficult to peep true colors. 珍珠风桥防线之战,在翡翠森颇有流传,茶余饭后大伙也津津乐道,但是许多地方要么语焉不详,要么支离破碎,要么前后矛盾,难窥其中真面目。 President Quan Weide knows, is really certainly more detailed. 权惟德会长所知,一定更为详细真实。
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