FWH :: Volume #7

#657: North Sea Remnants of defeated troops

Sir, we defend painstakingly here, has what use?” “大人,我们苦守在此,有何用处?” „, Waited for the opportunity.” “等,等机会。” Sir, what opportunity can have?” “大人,能有什么机会?” blood cultivator is willing erratically unable to think that we hide in this. We are the sword of ambush behind them, em, perhaps is only a thorn. However a thorn, sufficed.” 血修肯不定想不到,我们躲在这。我们就是埋伏在他们背后的一把剑,恩,也许只是一根刺。不过就算一根刺,也够了。” Sir... Can wait till really?” “大人…真的能等到吗?” Perhaps could, unable.” “也许能,也许不能。” The sound of suddenly resounding, the Fu Sisi pupil contracts suddenly, in the heart is imposing, draws back hurriedly, more than ten zhang (3.33 m) outside lives in figure. 突然响起的声音,傅思思瞳孔骤然收缩,心中凛然,急遽而退,十多丈外方顿住身形 She actually does not have the least bit to realize that some people approach! 她竟然没有半点察觉有人靠近! Depending on this, knows that the opposite party strength is not weak. 光凭这一手,就知道对方的实力不弱。 She following the sound looks. 她循声看去。 A holds a spear guy stands above hillside, because of counter sunlight, figure is inlaying in the dazzling ray, is hard to see clearly the face. However this person of figure tall and strong, imposing manner gorgeously, absorbs the person heart and soul deeply. 一个持枪大汉立在山坡之上,因为逆着阳光,身形嵌在刺目光芒之中,难以看清面孔。然而此人身形魁梧,气势深沉巍然,摄人心魄。 Fu Sisi tender body shock, loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Master... Shi Beihai?” 傅思思娇躯剧震,失声惊呼:“师…师北海?” The future shoulder is broad, the facial color is resolute, among the features and Shi Xueman quite somewhat are an excellent likeness, the thick coarse and stiff beard has almost covered half face, obviously has not handled for a long time. His badly-damaged armor, reveals inside blue long gown, on the armor covers entirely the crack and dun bloodstain. On chest armor, impressively obviously North Sea(Beihai) symbol. 来者肩膀宽阔,面色刚毅冷然,眉目间和师雪漫颇有几分神似,浓密粗硬的胡须几乎遮住了半张脸,显然是许久未曾打理。他一身残破不堪铠甲,露出里面蓝色长袍,铠甲上布满裂纹和暗褐色的血渍。胸膛铠甲上,赫然可见北海的徽记。 North Sea Unit Unit Leader, Shi Beihai! 北海部部首,师北海 Is Fu Clan the large clan, how Fu Sisi does not know Shi Beihai? Although the opposite party beard likes the savage luxuriantly, but Fu Sisi can guarantee that this savage common man is famous Shi Beihai! 傅家也是大族,傅思思如何不认识师北海?尽管对方胡须茂盛有如野人,但是傅思思敢保证,这个野人一般的汉子就是闻名天下的师北海 But... Didn't Shi Beihai die? Wasn't North Sea Unit the destruction? 可是…师北海不是死了吗?北海部不是覆灭了吗? Fu Sisi in the heart is panic-stricken, if not living Shi Beihai in her at present, some person and she said that Shi Beihai is also living, she certainly will regard as the joke. 傅思思心中惊骇绝伦,若非活生生的师北海就在她眼前,有人和她说师北海还活着,她一定会视为笑谈。 Is Shi Beihai possibly also living? 师北海怎么可能还活着? However Shi Beihai is also living, that North Sea Unit does not certainly have the destruction. Why? Why has Shi Beihai feigned death? Shi Xueman bitter experience danger, has still not made an appearance, what is he scheming? What are they scheming? 然而师北海还活着,那北海部一定没有覆灭。为什么?师北海为什么一直装死?就连师雪漫遭遇危险,也依然没有露面,他在图谋什么?他们在图谋什么? Fu Sisi is extremely bright, in an instant, in the mind flashes through the innumerable thoughts. 傅思思冰雪聪明,刹那间,脑海中闪过无数念头。 On having rank qualifications, she needs to call Shi Beihai one respectfully senior. 论起辈分资历,她需要恭恭敬敬称师北海一声“前辈”。 Shi Beihai is carrying the long gun|spear, along hillside, gradually under. 师北海拎着长枪,沿着山坡,缓步而下。 Thump, thump, thump. 咚,咚,咚。 His step sinks like the mountain, every step falls to the ground, the ground trembles, just likes the steelyard weight beats a drum. Both eyes that his facial expression with deep veneration, narrows slightly cannot see the happy anger, however figure tall and straight like spear|gun, is entirely still, a character, aspirates like the thunder. 他步伐沉如山岳,每一步落地,地面为之震颤,恍如重锤敲鼓。他神情肃然,微微眯起的双目看不出喜怒,然身形挺拔如枪,纹丝不动,一步一字,吐气如雷。 „Have you killed Old Wan and Ximen?” “你杀了老万和西门?” Shi Beihai each character, is similar to the steelyard weight knocks in the Fu Sisi hearts, her within the body vitality tuck dive, has the agitated meaning. 师北海每一个字,都如同重锤敲在傅思思心间,她体内气血翻腾,生出烦躁之意。 Beautiful sunlight vanishes, sky dark, above the Shi Beihai top of the head, innumerable mist from collect at the naked eye obvious speed in all directions. The sunlight beautiful weather was just cloudy immediately, the cloud layer turned wells up. 明媚的阳光消失,天空暗了下来,师北海头顶上方,无数云气以肉眼可见的速度从四面八方汇集而来。刚刚还阳光明媚的天气立刻阴了下来,云层翻涌。 As the cloud layer collects unceasingly, the snow white cloud layer turns into the grey rapidly, turns into the black again. Sky also rapid dark, the hot sun high photo turns darkly like the curtain of night. 随着云层不断汇集,雪白的云层迅速变成灰色,再变成黑色。天空也迅速暗了下来,烈日高照变成暗如夜幕。 The Fu Sisi discoloration, the secret passage is not good, presents her to fall into the opposite party rhythm from Shi Beihai! 傅思思不由色变,暗道不好,从师北海出现她就落入对方的节奏! This is Shi Beihai... 这就是师北海么… Once was considered, besides Central 3 Units, ten strongest Unit Leader! Once was regarded as, most suited wields the Five Way Heaven pillar of the state of duty of Great Elder! Constructs Wall of North Sea, blocks the blood cultivator's star by strength of the. 曾经被认为,除中央三部之外,十部最强部首!曾经被视作,最适合执掌大长老之职的五行天栋梁!修建北海之墙,凭借一己之力挡住血修的名将。 This is Shi Beihai! 这就是师北海 The depressing anger, the elemental force revolution and step, enunciated and breathe each time each time, fused perfectly in together, making his imposing manner increase at an exceptional pace. 压抑的愤怒、元力运转、步伐、每次吐字、每次呼吸,完美地融合在一起,让他的气势以惊人的速度攀升。 This is Shi Beihai, the perfect integration of experience and strength. 这就是师北海啊,经验和实力的完美融合。 Fu Sisi returns to normal from panic-stricken, in the heart cannot bear the appreciation. Although these old stick-in-the-mud were obsolete, may many renowned places. 傅思思从惊骇中平复过来,心中忍不住赞赏。这些老顽固虽然都已经过时了,可还是有不少令人称道的地方。 What a pity... 可惜了… Obsolete is obsolete, is doomed to sweep into the old fogy of garbage heap! 过时就是过时,注定被扫进垃圾堆的老家伙! Fu Sisi smiles: Right, Wan Shenwei and Ximen Caijue died. Now, is one's turn the senior you. Has the senior you to accompany, must two Sir Unit Leader on the Yellow Spring road not be lonely.” 傅思思轻轻一笑:“没错,万神畏西门裁决都死了。现在,轮到前辈您。有前辈您相陪,相必两位部首大人黄泉路上也不孤单。” Any thoughts that no matter Shi Beihai hits, but he hides, does not have chapter of Tian Xin City, without doubt has indicated his manner. 不管师北海打的什么心思,但是他躲起来,没有回天心城,无疑已经表明了他的态度。 He does not believe the madame! 他不相信夫人! cī lā, the electric light dodges to pass in the thick cloud layer together, illuminates the dense sky, illuminates on the Shi Beihai face to be not sad not happily, illuminates that the pupil deep place reveals to wipe the deep difficult word the sadness. 刺啦,一道电光在厚厚的云层中一闪而逝,照亮黑压压的天空,照亮师北海脸上无悲无喜,照亮眼眸深处流露出的那抹深沉难言的悲伤。 The Fu Sisi pupil actually once more contracts, Shi Beihai the hillside peak, impressively were also after death many a form. This person of figure is emaciated, like a student of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, this moment whole face grief and indignation, stubbornly sip lives in the lip. 傅思思瞳孔却是再次收缩,师北海身后山坡顶端,赫然又多了一个身影。此人身形瘦弱,就像一个手无缚鸡之力的书生,此刻满脸悲愤,死死抿住嘴唇。 She did not know, this person is of Qi Xiuyuan North Sea Unit Vice-unit leader. 她不认识,此人就是北海部副部首之一的齐修远 However, her vision has not stayed on Qi Xiuyuan, because, continuously some people one after another appear on the hillside. 不过,她的目光没有停留在齐修远身上,因为,不断有人鱼贯出现在山坡上。 These people seem like the savage, the broken mail-armor and helmet, vaguely can see the unified service pattern. 这些人看上去有如野人,残破的甲胄,依稀能看到统一的制式。 North Sea(Beihai) remnant! 北海余孽 Unexpectedly also so many North Sea(Beihai) remnant! 竟然还有这么多的北海余孽 However, when the last North Sea(Beihai) officers come out, Fu Sisi relaxes, the smiling face of revealing disdaining. Has a false alarm, originally only remaining 19 people! 不过,当最后一名北海将士出来,傅思思不由松一口气,露出一丝不屑的笑容。虚惊一场,原来只剩下19人! If these 19 people are Master, actually a not be ignored strength. 倘若这19人都是大师,倒是一股不可小视的力量。 What a pity, the world has Sky Leaf Unit! 可惜,天下只有一个天叶部 Fu Sisi in the heart proudly, new time came, these obsolete things, the dust turns over to the dust to turn over to the earth. However 19 people, under Sky Leaf Unit sword, ten thousand city kneeling clothing/taking! However Shi Beihai, Wan Shenwei and Ximen Caijue have all suffered extreme penalty, but also many Shi Beihai? 傅思思心中傲然,新的时代来了,这些老朽的东西,都尘归尘土归土吧。不过19人而已,天叶部刀剑之下,万城跪服!不过师北海而已,万神畏西门裁决俱已伏诛,还多一个师北海么? Initial panic-stricken in the past, Fu Sisi is somewhat ashamed, thought one have been short of to gain experience, a minor matter so is unexpectedly rude. 最初的惊骇过去,傅思思有些惭愧,觉得自己还是少了历练,一点小事居然如此失态。 in the eyes flashes through wisp of killing intent, raises the arm, on the hand back the Five Elements Ring mark brightens quickly, just like a monster different variegated eye. Sees only the variegated Five Elements ray circulation, suddenly, snow white such as the arm of lotus root becomes the variegated multi- colors, glittering and translucent carving, like all colors colored glaze, is really attractive. 眼中闪过一缕杀意,扬起手臂,手背上五行环印记倏地变亮,宛如一只妖异斑斓的眼睛。只见斑斓的五行光芒流转,眨眼间,雪白如藕的手臂变得斑斓多彩,晶莹剔透,有如五彩琉璃,煞是好看。 bent elbow and palm like blade. 曲肘并掌如刀。 The Fu Sisi form is disappearing suddenly same place. 傅思思的身影陡然在原地消失。 Under internal energy touches, Shi Beihai half whole tiger opens fiercely, magnificent rays of light, the right foot treads quickly half step. These half step quickly like lightning, rudely, falls to the ground actually the lonesome however silent, tall and straight straight body anteversion, in the hand a long gun|spear blossomless skillful bayonet leaves. 气机触动之下,师北海半阖虎目猛地睁开,光芒大盛,右脚倏地踏出半步。这半步快如闪电,势大力沉,落地却寂然无声,挺拔笔直的身体前倾,手中长枪毫无花巧一枪刺出。 Just like the variegated the monster different palm of colored glaze and shining, resists the lance point. 一只宛如斑斓琉璃、流光溢彩的妖异手掌,抵住枪尖。 The Wang Erdan complexion changes, falls face down fiercely, keeps off Ye Baiyi in the head. 王二蛋脸色一变,猛地趴下,把叶白衣挡在头上。 Naked eye obvious ripples, flood open from palm and lance point, lonesome however silent spreads to all around. When surrounding area of half a Zhang ripples ripple expansion, the transparent invisible ripple quickly becomes the pollution, a wisp of organing seems under nine quiet Yellow Spring ascends, rupturing, changes to the incisive organing hurriedly, the ripple changes to the bucket thick storm, sweeps away to all around. 肉眼可见的涟漪,从手掌和枪尖之间泛开,寂然无声向四周扩散。涟漪波纹扩大之方圆半丈时,透明无形的波纹倏地变得浑浊,一缕啸音好似九幽黄泉之下升腾而起,急遽爆裂,化作尖锐的啸音,波纹化作水桶粗的风暴,向四周横扫。 crackle and rattle! 噼里啪啦 All around ground even/including grass brings the soil to be raised flies, shatter, was pinched to bind by the storm, is similar to the rainstorm toward all around lasing. 四周地面连草带泥土被掀飞、破碎,被风暴挟裹,如同暴雨般朝四周激射。 Fu Sisi before lance point changes to light phantom, vanishes does not see, when does not know, she returns to the beforehand place. 枪尖前的傅思思化作淡淡虚影,消失不见,不知何时,她又回到之前的地方。 Is Fu Sisi some unbelievable, to be how possible? Does Shi Beihai possibly block this to strike? 傅思思有些难以相信,怎么可能?师北海怎么可能挡住这一击? That cut a moment ago, she did not have the least bit to keep the strength... 刚才那一斩,她可是没有半点留力… Including Wan Shenwei, isn't own match, Shi Beihai is possible? could it be that is Shi Beihai stronger than Wan Shenwei? 万神畏,都不是自己的对手,师北海怎么可能?难道师北海万神畏更强? When her vision falls on the Shi Beihai under foot, the pupil shrinks once more. The Shi Beihai surrounding ground is similar to by innumerable iron plow maliciously plow over, is from his, to behind North Sea(Beihai) officers, is actually complete lossless, presents a striking covering of fan! 而当她的目光落在师北海脚下,瞳孔再次一缩。师北海周围地面如同被无数铁犁狠狠犁过一遍,可是从他脚下,到身后的北海将士脚下,却是完整无损,呈现出一个醒目的扇面! This is... battle formation? 这是…战阵 So that's how it is! 原来如此! Shi Beihai arm sour bulge, a moment ago Fu Sisi just liked ghosts and gods cut, implication strength extremely fearsome. Shi Beihai has not contacted so the monster different and overbearing strength, if not his spearplay is quite solid, that spear|gun must meet with a disaster a moment ago. 师北海手臂酸胀,刚才傅思思恍如鬼神般的一斩,蕴含的力量极为可怖。师北海从来没有接触过如此妖异而霸道的力量,若非他的枪术极为扎实,刚才那一枪就要遭殃。 Trades to be other people, runs into the so strange formidable enemy, not necessarily the heart lives to dread, but will be certainly discrete. 换作旁人,遇到如此诡异强大的敌人,未必心生畏惧,但一定会谨慎起来。 However Shi Beihai has not actually flinched, just likes the face that the rock chisells is solemn as usual, his mind has not even shivered, because he immerses in the indescribable sadness and anger. 然而师北海却没有丝毫退缩,恍如岩石凿成的面孔冷峻如常,他心神甚至没有丝毫颤动,因为他沉浸在难以言喻的悲伤和愤怒之中。 Wan Shenwei and Ximen Caijue, he is acquainted for dozens years, regardless of everybody has what difference, but is Five Way Heaven war unit. They have not died on blood cultivator, actually dies in own person of hand, Shi Beihai in the heart what kind grief and indignation! 万神畏西门裁决,他相识数十年,无论大家有何分歧,但都是五行天战部。他们没有死在血修手上,却死在自己人手中,师北海心中何等悲愤! He treads fiercely once more one step, the long gun|spear punctures once again, glares angrily, in the mouth calls out: Kills!” 他猛地再次踏出一步,长枪再度刺出,怒目圆睁,口中暴喝:“杀!” Kills!” “杀!” He behind the North Sea(Beihai) officers with one voice roar, simultaneously treads one step, wields the weapon in take action. They follow Shi Beihai these many years, never sees the oversized person to be so rude so sadly. 他身后北海将士齐声怒吼,齐齐踏出一步,挥出手中的兵器。他们跟随师北海这么多年,从未见过大人如此失态如此悲伤。 In their chests has one group of flame to burn similarly. 他们胸中同样有一团火焰在燃烧。 In order to prevent the blood cultivator army, North Sea Unit only puts together the remaining 19 people. They have not known, Shenwei Caijue rare achievement, but also knows that Shenwei Caijue rushes to the front lines, two Unit Leader actually die under the elemental cultivator's butcher knife. 为了阻挡血修大军,北海部拼得只剩下19人。他们还不知道,神畏裁决的不世之功,但是也知道神畏裁决奔赴前线,两位部首却死在元修的屠刀之下。 Their shall be grateful as a personal favor, shares a common hatred! 他们感同身受,同仇敌忾! hōng lóng, is a lightning cuts the expansive sky, illuminates the earth, illuminates these to moisten the full gunsmoke fierce and angry face. 轰隆,又是一道闪电划破长空,照亮大地,照亮这一张张沾满硝烟狰狞而愤怒的脸庞。 19 elemental force surge to sweep across, under the war internal energy hauling, combines into one, changes to together the gloomily blue spear|gun glow. 19股元力激荡席卷,战争气机牵引之下,合而为一,化作一道幽蓝的枪芒。 Everywhere organing vanishes suddenly, the gloomily blue spear|gun glow is similar to the stars that crashes, flies to Fu Sisi. 漫天啸音骤然消失,幽蓝的枪芒如同坠落的星辰,飞向傅思思 Locked intense internal energy is covering itself, Fu Sisi knows which direction, regardless in dodge, the spear|gun glow will be closely associated. 被锁定的强烈气机笼罩着自己,傅思思知道无论自己往哪个方向闪躲,枪芒都会如影随形。 However, does she need to hide? 不过,她需要躲吗? beautiful pupil suddenly one cold, on face the cold frost is densely covered, the monster different variegated arm raises. Five Elements corona, shine along her arm, is similar to five color ring poisonous snakes raises the snake head. Every time shines together Five Elements Ring, then the terrifying strength emerges her arm, the arm becomes transparently. 美眸骤然一冷,脸上寒霜密布,妖异斑斓的手臂扬起。一圈圈五行光环,沿着她的手臂亮起,如同五彩环毒蛇扬起蛇首。每亮起一道五行环,便有一股恐怖的力量涌入她的手臂,手臂就变得透明一些。 When last Five Elements Ring in her slenderness refers to shining, just was also similar to the arm of all colors colored glaze, transparently has been similar to the crystal. 当最后一圈五行环在她的纤纤指间亮起,刚刚还如同五彩琉璃的手臂,已经透明如同水晶。 It seems the arm of pebble carving, is this in society most perfect masterpiece, does not have the least bit slight defect. 好似透明水晶雕刻的手臂,是这世间最完美的杰作,没有半点瑕疵。 It has the inexplicable attraction, is attracting this world all rays. The arm surrounding air, by this shocking beautiful deep attraction, was stopped flowing probably. 它有着莫名的吸引力,吸引着这片天地所有的光线。手臂周围的空气,好像都被这惊世之美深深吸引,停止流动。 The transparent busy crystal finger, picks dexterously, the blue stars fall to refer. 透明无暇的水晶手指,轻巧一摘,蓝色星辰落入指间。
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