FWH :: Volume #7

#644: Liquor and sentiment

winner is the king, loser is the villain never asked the reason, all sorts of hopeless situations and difficulties that in this period experienced always sob in the recollection the feeling, struggling of innermost feelings and come clearly into view desperately, have a lingering fear. Misery and desperate in victory, seems the time in the good wine, entrusts with its mellow and rich level the taste, the fragrance that the complex being hard word stated that making the victory so charming, was so unforgettable. 成王败寇从来不问原因,期间经历的种种绝境和困难在回忆里总是唏嘘感慨,内心的挣扎和绝望历历在目,心有余悸。苦难和绝望于胜利,好似时光于美酒,赋予其醇厚而富有层次的口感,复杂难以言述的芬芳,让胜利如此迷人,如此难忘。 Perhaps few several words in the historical records, the posterity sees here, perhaps sweeps, perhaps day-dreams. 在史籍上也许不过寥寥数句话,后人看到此处,也许一扫而过,也许悠然神往。 In Sword Formation mountain valley the sword fog surges densely, light sword has the shade, if presently, like the stars of sky twinkle, tranquil as before. However on the mountain valley ring-like mountain ridge is actually the clearly opposite scene, a bonfire of pile of flaming combustion proliferates the mountain ridge, illuminates the curtain of night, everywhere is the revelry people, everybody sings and dances, thunderous applause, extremely busy. 剑阵山谷里剑雾涌动森然,光剑有影若现,就像天空闪烁的星辰,宁静依旧。然而在山谷周围的环形山岭上却是截然相反的场面,一堆熊熊燃烧的篝火遍布山岭,照亮夜幕,到处都是狂欢的人们,大家载歌载舞,欢声雷动,热闹非凡。 Arranges the stand guard manpower, other people participate in this time revelry. 安排好警戒的人手,其他人都来参加这次的狂欢。 Most serious person, corners of the mouth reappearing smiling face. Like Fatty on the cheerful fellow, the corners of the mouth had not closed up, the eye smiles cannot see. 就连最严肃的人,嘴角都浮现笑容。像胖子这样本来就乐呵的家伙,嘴角就没有合拢过,眼睛笑得都看不见。 This fight is the most bad risk war that they experience, most person nerve at brink of collapse, if slightly has the mistake, waited for that their is the comprehensive rout. 这场战斗是他们经历的最凶险一战,大半人神经处在崩溃的边缘,如果其中稍有差池,等待他们的就是全面溃败。 Has the lucky part, what are more is the unity is strength. If no Tingfeng to have the letter, if no Duanmu Huanghun Blue Flowers to entangle, if no Sword of Thunderbolt, if no honey-comb heavy artillery salvo, if no...... 有幸运的部分,但是更多的是众志成城。如果没有听风有信,如果没有端木黄昏青花缠枝,如果没有雷霆之剑,如果没有蜂巢重炮齐射,如果没有…… They last strength that uses to be able to think, finally uses the tooth and nail like the fully-armed soldier, without any retains. 他们用上所有能够想到的最后一丝力量,就像全副武装的战士最后用上牙齿、指甲,没有任何保留。 The Loulan's eye also smiles crescent moon, he wears the apron, is taking the soup caldron, is grasping the soup ladle, shuttles back and forth to keep in the camp. The place that he passes through, will initiate cheers. 楼兰的眼睛也笑成弯月,他穿着围裙,一手拿着汤锅,一手握着汤勺,在营地里穿梭不停。他走过的地方,都会引发欢呼。 Loulan Loulan, does well!” 楼兰楼兰,干得好!” Loulan final making up blade was too simply wonderful.” 楼兰最后的补刀简直太妙了。” I guess that Helian Tianxiao is irritates actually!” “我猜赫连天晓其实是气死的!” Loulan gives everybody grinningly unceasingly a minute of soup, cheerful incomparable. 楼兰笑嘻嘻地不断给大家分汤,欢快无比。 Has saying that the Boss is really terrifying, the person has not gone out, the sword came.” “不得不说,老大真是恐怖啊,人还没出关,剑就来了。” „It is not! I scare to death! Almost thinks that must die there, Boss' sword came luckily.” “可不是!我都吓死!差点以为要死在那里,幸好老大的剑来了。” Had the person same to think with me at that time rains?” “有没有人和我一样当时以为下雨了?” My my I! Thoroughly was at that time scared!” “我我我!当时彻底傻眼了!” Loulan hears everybody to praise to Ai Hui's, in the heart is happier. 楼兰听到大家对艾辉的赞美,心中更加开心。 Shi Xueman sits on a rock, in the hand is carrying one bottle of liquor, gazes at Sword Formation that the mountain valley sword fog is surging, gently sip. She never drank before, today why however does not know, actually exceptionally wants to drink. Unknowingly, on the iced cold face are many have wiped to blush, the facial features light happy expression, making her seem like changing a person. 师雪漫坐在一块岩石上,手上拎着一瓶酒,注视着山谷剑雾涌动的剑阵,轻轻抿一口。她以前从来不喝酒,然而今天不知为何,却异常想喝酒。不知不觉,冷若冰霜的脸上多了一抹红晕,眉眼淡淡的笑意,让她看上去就像换了一个人。 Sang Zhijun also carries the beverage bottle to come, then shouted by far: Xueman Xueman!” 桑芷君也拎着酒瓶过来,远远地便喊:“雪漫雪漫!” She just gathered round the fire of high-piled firewood, danced with everybody, is at the emotional state, the voice compared with usually wants the big several points. Shi Xueman has turned the head, sees the appearance that Sang Zhijun jumps, loses one's voice to smile. She on Sang Zhijun, has not seen now so the appearance of little girl. 她刚刚围着火堆,跟着大家跳完舞,正处在兴奋状态,嗓门都比平时要大几分。师雪漫转过头,看到桑芷君蹦蹦跳跳的模样,不由失声而笑。她可从来没有在桑芷君身上,看到现在这般小女孩的模样。 Sang Zhijun somewhat is obviously slightly drunk, hey yo a jumping up rock, sits side Shi Xueman: How to dance with everybody?” 桑芷君显然有些微醺,嘿哟一声跳上岩石,在师雪漫身边一屁股坐下来:“怎么不和大家一起跳舞?” Then looked at mountain valley, hey however smiles, is suddenly enlighted: „Hasn't Ai Hui come out, does not have mood?” 接着看了一眼山谷,嘿然一笑,恍然大悟:“艾辉没出来,没心情?” Yes.” 是啊。” Shi Xueman has complied with the sound, carried beverage bottle sip. 师雪漫应了声,拎起酒瓶抿了一口。 Sang Zhijun stares, she has not thought that Shi Xueman such happily will acknowledge. However she responded quickly that the comfort said hastily: Relax, Ai Hui definitely is about to come out.” 桑芷君微愣,她没想到师雪漫会这么痛快地承认。但是她很快反应过来,连忙安慰道:“放心吧,艾辉肯定快出来了。” Mentioned Ai Hui, the Sang Zhijun facial expression also became earnest, in the vision was passing an awe. Of that day, really brings too big shock and impact on her. 说起艾辉,桑芷君的神情也变得认真起来,目光中透着一丝敬畏。那天的一幕,委实给她带来太大的震撼和冲击。 Shi Xueman smiled, raises in the hand beverage bottle to express best wishes, raised head has filled one greatly. 师雪漫笑了笑,举起手中酒瓶致意,仰头大大灌了一口。 Sang Zhijun has also filled one maliciously, has wiped the liquor mark of corners of the mouth, said directly: I know that Xueman was worried very much, was worried everybody will have the idea to Ai Hui.” 桑芷君也狠狠灌了一口,抹了抹嘴角的酒痕,直接道:“我知道雪漫很担心,担心大家会对艾辉有想法。” The sword curtain flowing light of dropping from the clouds, like nine days above falls in torrents, but below galaxy waterfall, brilliant. At that time they just ended the fight of front, happen to witnessed one that this shocked everybody. 从天而降的剑幕流光,就像九天之上倾泄而下的星河瀑布,绚烂至极。当时她们刚刚解决前线的战斗,正好目睹这惊世骇俗的一幕。 However what fearsomer then has all that. 但是更可怖的是接下来发生的一切。 Corpse everywhere melts at the naked eye obvious speed, permeates in the soil, inserts thousands the light sword light glow rises suddenly in the soil, sword cry resounds through four wildly, lingering on faintly, has continued the entire six double-hour. 满地的尸体以肉眼可见的速度消融,渗入泥土之中,插在泥土之中数以万计的光剑光芒暴涨,剑鸣响彻四野,不绝于耳,持续了整整六个时辰。 Has not escaped death by a hair's breadth including Helian Tianxiao and his mount, was slurped by light sword completely. 赫连天晓和他的坐骑都没有幸免于难,被光剑吸食殆尽。 Although everybody already saw Sword Formation to swallow the flesh and blood, the scene that but entire Divine Wolf was swallowed, really shocks the will of the people. When everybody arrives around mountain valley, sees in Sword Formation the dense and numerous woods white skeletons, everybody sucks in an cold air/Qi as if by prior agreement. 尽管大家早已见过剑阵吞噬血肉,但是整个神狼都被吞噬一空的场面,实在震骇人心。等到大家来到山谷附近,看到剑阵之中密密麻麻的森白尸骨,大家不约而同倒抽一口冷气。 Silver Frost Unit also becomes the Sword Formation nutrient. 银霜部原来也成为剑阵的养份。 The astonishment of flesh and blood quantity Sword Formation swallows, probably only then the demons in these ancient times fables can achieve. Beast Poison Temple blood refining , compared with it, is nothing to speak of simply. 剑阵吞噬的血肉数量之惊人,大概只有那些远古传说中的邪魔才能做到吧。兽蛊宫血炼,与之比起来,简直不值一提。 Everybody in the heart is grateful, is the fear. 大家心中又是感激,又是害怕。 Really extremely in shocking. 实在太过于骇人听闻。 Shi Xueman silent did not speak, likely in savoring in the taste of liquor water. 师雪漫默然不语,像是在品味口中酒水的滋味。 On the Sang Zhijun face floats off wipes to blush, the eye pupil is actually exceptionally limpid: Everybody is not afraid. Even if Ai Hui really becomes blood cultivator, everybody is not afraid.” 桑芷君脸上浮起一抹红晕,眼眸却是异常清澈:“大家一点都不害怕。就算艾辉真的成为血修,大家也不害怕。” Intense and deep-seated hatred between Ai Hui and Blood of God, many of them witness. 艾辉神之血之间的血海深仇,他们之中许多人都亲眼目睹。 Even if becomes blood cultivator, everybody was not worried actually that Ai Hui also will become blood cultivator that will bury Blood of God. In comparison, everybody worried that Ai Hui could not accept the blood cultivator's status, is unable to forgive itself, but mediated. 即使成为血修,大家其实也不担心,艾辉也会成为埋葬神之血血修。相比之下,大家更担心艾辉接受不了血修的身份,无法原谅自己而自我了断。 Sometimes Ai Hui fears death very much, sometimes Ai Hui was much more confident to the death. 有的时候艾辉很怕死,有的时候艾辉对死亡坦然得让人害怕。 We knew from Interpine City that fights side-by-side these many years. How many times has he rescued our? Is unclear.” The face of Sang Zhijun turns around, the vision looks straight ahead Shi Xueman, the facial expression is somewhat excited: We are not the friends, is the family member. The family members become blood cultivator, leaves him? Why everybody chooses at the Sword Formation surroundings mountain ridge celebration, wants to celebrate with Ai Hui, wants to tell him, in any event, we do not leave not abandoned! In any event, he is our eldest children!” “我们从松间城就认识,并肩作战这么多年。他救过我们多少次?记不清了。”桑芷君的脸转过来,目光直视师雪漫,神情有些激动:“我们不是朋友,是家人。家人成为血修,就离开他吗?大家为什么选择在剑阵周围山岭庆祝,就是想和艾辉一起庆祝,就是想告诉他,无论如何,我们不离不弃!无论如何,他都是我们的老大!” Shi Xueman visits her, in the heart leaps raises a heat flow, the nose somewhat turns sour. in her heart worries about the Ai Hui's safety, worried that everybody treats the Ai Hui's manner. Comes her of aristocratic family, has seen too many mistrusting each other, has seen too many favour changes in temperature, exceptionally treasures at present purely and happy. 师雪漫怔怔地看着她,心中腾地升起一股热流,鼻子有些发酸。她心中担忧艾辉的安危,也担忧大家对待艾辉的态度。出身世家的她,见过太多的尔虞我诈,见过太多的人情冷暖,异常珍惜眼前的纯粹和美好。 Walks, tip, passed over gently and swiftly in her at present. 一路走来,点点滴滴,在她眼前掠过。 150 that in the past a Training Hall Blind Competition difficult war, in the noodle restaurant extended, the firm and resolute eye in hopeless situation, in the wind and snow the warm lip and behind was bringing startled shouted curses...... 当年道场盲战难以启齿的一战,面馆里伸过来的150块,绝境中的坚毅眼睛,风雪中温暖的唇和身后带着惊慌的叫骂…… Her corners of the mouth appear the warm smiling face, the vision is limpid, she leaps to stand, makes an effort to discard the beverage bottle in hand, both hands gathers together the loudspeaker, is exhausting the whole body strength to shout to mountain valley loudly: Ai Hui, I and others you!” 她嘴角浮现温暖的笑容,目光清澈坚定,她腾地站起来,用力扔掉手中的酒瓶,双手拢成喇叭,对着山谷用尽全身力气大声喊:“艾辉,我等你!” The surrounding person is peaceful, looks at Shi Xueman. 周围的人安静下来,看着师雪漫 A moment later, on everybody face shows the smiling face. 片刻之后,大家脸上都露出笑容。 Fatty has drunk dizzy, this fights him to bear the unprecedented pressure, all pressures release, the revelry is most excited. Side him, Zu Yan has been dead drunk, on the pale face blushes completely, in the sleep also grins. 胖子已经喝得晕晕乎乎,这一战他承受着空前的压力,所有的压力释放出来,狂欢最兴奋。在他身旁,祖琰已经烂醉如泥,苍白的脸上满是红晕,睡梦中还咧着嘴。 The alcohol capacity of this fellow is too bad, has only drunk one cup. 这家伙的酒量实在太差,只喝了一杯。 Fatty hears Shi Xueman's to shout, gives birth for the first time laughs, feelings between A'Hui and Iron Girl are deep, they are the icy people. He thump while laughs, he suddenly is with a smile inexplicable wants to cry, when he as if sees Ai Hui leaves Savage Territories in the setting sun that thin lonely back. 胖子听到师雪漫的呼喊,不由开怀哈哈大笑,阿辉铁妞之间的情愫深厚,偏偏两人又都是冷冰冰的人。他一边捶地一边爆笑,笑着笑着他忽然莫名想哭,他仿佛又看到艾辉离开蛮荒时夕阳中那个消瘦孤独的背影。 He stands, to mountain valley, is shouting oneself hoarse shouted loudly: Ai Hui, lives!” 他站起来,对着山谷,声嘶力竭大声喊:“艾辉,活下来!” Fatty has tears streaming down the face. 胖子泪流满面。 Sang Zhijun stands suddenly, makes an effort to throw the beverage bottle in take action, both hands gathers together the loudspeaker, to mountain valley great shout: „Does Ai Hui, listen to arrived?” 桑芷君忽然站起来,用力扔出手中的酒瓶,双手拢成喇叭,对着山谷大声呼喊:“艾辉,听到了吗?” Jiang Wei in the heart is excited, stands. 姜维心中激动,也跟着站起来。 His destiny is meeting Ai Hui's to have the change probably at that moment. Before that he comes averagely, talent is average, before meeting Ai Hui, has nothing worthwhile. 他的命运大概就是在遇到艾辉的那一刻发生改变的吧。在那之前,他出身平平,天赋平平,在遇到艾辉之前,乏善可陈。 After meeting Ai Hui, all changed. 遇到艾辉之后,一切都变了。 He lives from the blood disaster, his life has taken an entirely different path, including with Sang Zhijun. He looked at Sang Zhijun, firm such as the vision of iron gentle like water. 他从血灾活下来,他的人生走上了一条截然不同的道路,包括和桑芷君。他看了一眼桑芷君,坚定如铁的目光温柔如水。 Jiang Wei was shouting to mountain valley: Ai Hui, thank you!” 姜维对着山谷大喊:“艾辉,谢谢你!” Everybody stands, to mountain valley great shout. Talked at once, anything could not hear clearly. 大家纷纷站起来,对着山谷大声呼喊。七嘴八舌,什么也听不清。 Ai Hui is invincible!” 艾辉战无不胜!” Boss Boss!” “老大老大!” ...... …… Voice loudly, seems must throw off the mountain ridge. The Loulan eye happily curved becomes two crescent moons, everybody likes Ai Hui very much. He tilted the head listened, the eye one brightly. 轰然的声浪,好似要把山岭掀翻。楼兰眼睛开心地弯成两条月牙,大家都很喜欢艾辉啊。他歪头听了一下,眼睛一亮。 In the noisy voice, a sand group blasts out sky over mountain valley, at once changes to two characters Ai Hui. 嘈嘈杂杂的声浪之中,啪地一声,一个沙团在山谷上空炸开,旋即化作两个字“艾辉”。 The voice is peaceful, everybody looks is Loulan, understands that laughs. 声浪安静下来,大家一看是楼兰,明白过来,哈哈大笑。 Everybody cheers uniform loudly: Ai Hui!” 大家整齐划一大声欢呼:“艾辉!” mountain valley above sand character fluctuates four characters invincible. 啪,山谷上空的沙字变幻成四个字“战无不胜”。 Everybody smiled to turn, shouted loudly loudly: Invincible!” 大家笑翻了,跟着大声高喊:“战无不胜!” Sand Word changed. 啪,沙字又变了。 Many people see the sand character content, smiles at the same time beats the place, one is covering the belly. The mountain valley above sand character, turns into the figure, starts to beat. 许多人看到沙字内容,笑得一边捶地,一遍捂着肚子。山谷上空的沙字,变成数字,开始跳动。 3...... 2...... 1......” “3……2……1……” The happy expression on everybody face not being able to conceal, lets loose the throat, shouts to shout loudly: Ai Hui likes Shi Xueman!” 大家脸上掩饰不住的笑意,放开喉咙,扯着嗓子高喊:“艾辉喜欢师雪漫!” Always is iceberg Shi Xueman, at this moment almost blushes to infiltrate to bleed, she shames hides in Sang Zhijun behind, both hands are covering the face. 从来都是冰山般的师雪漫,此刻脸红得几乎能渗出血来,她羞得躲在桑芷君身后,双手捂着脸。 As if is responding, mountain valley ten thousand swords sounds together, far and near may hear. 仿佛是在回应,山谷万剑齐鸣,远近可闻。 Ha Ha Ha Ha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Everybody laughs all. 大家无不开怀大笑。 The Loulan's sand character fluctuates, everybody shouted loudly with the rhythm with one voice. 楼兰的沙字变幻,大家跟着节奏齐声高喊。 Sword of Thunderbolt, inexpensively irreversible!” 雷霆之剑,贱不可挡!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Thinks that Sword of Thunderbolt dreadful fighting method, everybody is overjoyed. 想到雷霆之剑猥琐的打法,大家乐不可支。 Spear of Heavy Cloud, practices the internal injury!” 重云之枪,练成内伤!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Spear of Heavy Cloud member could not bear has smiled first, the Spear of Heavy Cloud practice intensity was fearful, other people were takes pleasure in other people's misfortune. 重云之枪的队员自己忍不住先笑了,重云之枪修炼强度非常可怕,其他人更是幸灾乐祸 Canon Tower Alliance, basically by ignorant!” 塔炮联盟,基本靠蒙!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Fatty smiles most exaggerates, other Canon Tower Alliance members are covering the face, smiles pumping air, the Canon Tower Alliance novice are too many. 胖子笑得最夸张,其他塔炮联盟的队员捂着脸,笑到抽气,塔炮联盟新手太多。 „Is Loulan graceful?” 楼兰帅不帅?” Everybody with one voice: Handsome!” 大家异口同声:“帅!” Ha Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈哈……” The laughter passes on the dim light of night is very very far. 笑声在夜色中传得很远很远。
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