FWH :: Volume #7

#632: Victory is in sight

Sword of Thunderbolt like a giant deep sea shark, silent sneaks in the deep boundless dim light of night, waited for that the game exposes weaknesses. 雷霆之剑就像一条巨大的深海鲨鱼,在深沉无边的夜色中无声潜行,等待猎物露出破绽。 Gu Xuan and Shi Zhiguang are very sober, Boss is not, they need more carefully. Sword of Thunderbolt that if the Boss manages, is the unapproachable lion, does not have Sword of Thunderbolt of Boss host, is only a young lion. 顾轩石志光很清醒,老大不在,他们需要倍加小心。如果说老大主持的雷霆之剑,是无可匹敌的雄狮,没有老大主持的雷霆之剑,只是一头幼狮。 Starts to charge from Divine Wolf Silver Frost, battlefield turns the superheating, is much more intense. 神狼银霜开始冲锋,战场边进入白热化,激烈得令人窒息。 Senior Xiaoshan Tingfeng has letter, Obviously heroical like fire, actually only gentle, such as in wind chanting in a low voice song. Duanmu Huanghun Blue Flowers entangles, Dyed the earth, shocking Vault Of Heaven, thick falling in fond dream like curtain of night. 小山前辈们的【听风有信】,明明壮烈如火,却只余温柔,如风中低吟细语。端木黄昏的【青花缠枝】,染遍了大地,惊艳了苍穹,纷纷扬扬就像夜幕里美梦一场。 Sword of Thunderbolt exceptionally is throughout peaceful, is peaceful like the spirit of dissociation outside battlefield. 雷霆之剑始终异常安静,安静得就像游离在战场之外的幽灵。 Gu Xuan and Shi Zhiguang vision, stares at Earthfire Spiderweb that in the camp is flickering throughout. They have seen Zu Yan and Master Fatty try the Cannon Tower salvo, when Earthfire Spiderweb appears, they realize Master Fatty and Zu Yan's intention immediately. 顾轩石志光的目光,始终盯着营地里忽明忽暗的地火蛛网。他们见过祖琰胖师尝试塔炮齐射,当地火蛛网出现时,他们立即意识到胖师祖琰的意图。 Sword of Thunderbolt being quietly attack run position. 雷霆之剑悄无声息进入攻击位。 When Zu Yan moves Earthfire Spiderweb, Sword of Thunderbolt starts suddenly. 祖琰拨动地火蛛网,雷霆之剑骤然发动。 The honey-comb heavy artillery gorgeous fire salvo is the best shield, when the ray clears, but Sword of Thunderbolt across the sky, incisive sword cry sweeps across the entire battlefield. Together bright as snow and huge sword aura, the day chops the place like the heavy sword, instantaneous cuts to submerge the Divine Wolf Silver Frost army center-section slantingly! 蜂巢重炮绚丽的炮火齐射是最好的掩护,当光芒散尽,雷霆之剑横空而至,尖锐剑鸣席卷整个战场。一道雪亮而巨大的剑芒,就像一把开天劈地的重剑,瞬间斜斩没入神狼银霜大军中段! Covered the war unit blood glow just to withstand the honey-comb heavy artillery salvo, was the ray is gloomy, when defense sharp decline, the Sword of Thunderbolt astonishing penetrating power showed incisively. 笼罩战部的血芒刚刚承受蜂巢重炮齐射,正是光芒暗淡、防御锐减之际,雷霆之剑惊人的穿透力展现得淋漓尽致。 Gloomy blood glow sticks general on the photographic paper, instantaneous torn to pieces. 暗淡的血芒就像纸糊一般,瞬间支离破碎。 Gu Xuan and Shi Zhiguang know one have many weights, does not dare to go to the enemy master crowded place, but toward enemy weakest center-section abdomen. 顾轩石志光知道自己有多少斤两,没敢冲着敌人高手密集之处而去,而是朝着敌人最薄弱的中段腹部。 Bright as snow sword aura outshines the nighttime sky, at once dodges to pass. 雪亮的剑芒照亮夜空,旋即一闪而逝。 Thunders but to the Sword of Thunderbolt strength is extremely heavy, sword aura is swift and fierce, is along the way easily accomplished, flesh and blood flying in all directions. divine ability blood cultivator in sword aura along the way, is sending out to roar without enough time, was ruled by force, the swift and fierce strength to twist everywhere blood rain. 轰鸣而至的雷霆之剑力道万钧,剑芒凌厉,沿途摧枯拉朽,血肉横飞。一位神通血修正在剑芒沿途,来不及发出怒吼,便被霸道、凌厉至极的力量绞成漫天血雨。 The armies cut off around the middle, divide into two! 大军被拦腰斩断,一分为二! Strikes Sword of Thunderbolt that goes well, does not dare any stay, vanishes in the curtain of night quickly. 一击得手的雷霆之剑,不敢任何停留,倏地消失在夜幕之中。 Opportunity of Sword of Thunderbolt sneak attack chooses very ingeniously, is the attention of all people are attracted by the honey-comb heavy artillery salvo exactly, when the ray has not cleared. Strikes to go well, immediately escapes. 雷霆之剑偷袭的时机选择得非常巧妙,恰是所有人的注意力都被蜂巢重炮齐射所吸引,光芒还未散尽之际。一击得手,立即远遁。 Duanmu Huanghun stares the big eye, the Divine Wolf army of unified whole, presented together about ten zhang (3.33 m) wide way, that is the channel that the Sword of Thunderbolt plow came out a moment ago. In the way, does not have stands, everywhere the blood cuts off limb, the whinning sound is lingering on faintly. 端木黄昏瞪大眼睛,原本浑然一体的神狼大军,出现一道大约十丈宽的路径,那便是刚才雷霆之剑犁出来的通道。路径之中,无一站立,遍地鲜血断肢,哀嚎声不绝于耳。 This...... What is this? 这……这又是什么? Duanmu Huanghun in the heart shocks incomparably, just went out, discovered that the entire world becomes earth-shaking, is so strange. The enemies are so strange, this side, similarly is strange. 端木黄昏心中震惊无比,刚刚出关,发现整个世界都变得天翻地覆,如此陌生。敌人如此陌生,就连自己这一方,同样陌生。 However he relaxes immediately slightly, he was still worried about one's own side to collapse before, now actually discovered that originally they have strength of the spelling. 不过他随即微微松一口气,他之前还在担心己方崩溃,如今却发现,原来他们还是有一拼之力。 Everybody grew! 大家都成长了很多啊! The Helian Tianxiao facial expression is somewhat vacant, a brain blank, he had not recovered from the attack of honey-comb heavy artillery salvo a moment ago. The salvo might of honey-comb heavy artillery surpasses him to estimate that an entire field of vision white piece, he felt he like maliciously ran upon by the beast group of dashing about wildly, the bonus is his strength is powerful, presents short being out of sorts. 赫连天晓神情有些茫然,大脑一片空白,他还没有从刚才蜂巢重炮齐射的打击中回过神来。蜂巢重炮的齐射威力远超他预估,整个视野白茫茫的一片,他感觉自己就像被狂奔的兽群狠狠撞上,饶是他的战力强悍,也出现一个短暂的失神。 However Helian Tianxiao is Divine Wolf most Expert, after short absent-minded, immediately responded. in his heart shocks inexplicably, thinks that both sides battled these many days, the technique of Cannon Tower they had already found out the details. 不过赫连天晓到底是神狼强者,短暂的失神之后,马上反应过来。他心中震骇莫名,本来以为,双方交战这么多天,塔炮之术他们早就已经摸清楚了底细。 Has not thought that the enemy is hiding unexpectedly also the Assassin's mace! 没想到敌人竟然还藏着杀手锏! This is one type has not presented Cannon Tower killing move, among Cannon Tower can produce marvelous resonance. This resonance, made Cannon Tower's might suddenly to increase. 这是一种从来没有出现过的塔炮杀招,塔炮之间能够产生奇妙的共鸣。正是这种共鸣,令塔炮的威力暴增。 Helian Tianxiao forces itself to calm down, the flesh and blood stump residual limb and lingering on faintly whinning everywhere, he narrows the eye to ignore, seems aloof. Casualties that although the sneak attack of Sword of Thunderbolt brings are bigger than the honey-comb heavy artillery, however in his in the eyes, the threat that the honey-comb heavy artillery salvo brings is much bigger. 赫连天晓强迫自己冷静下来,遍地的血肉残肢和不绝于耳的哀嚎,他眯着眼睛置之不顾,仿佛无动于衷。尽管雷霆之剑的偷袭带来的伤亡比蜂巢重炮更大,但是在他眼中,蜂巢重炮齐射带来的威胁要大得多。 The brand-new Cannon Tower salvo, is just like a rudely steelyard weight, has restrained the Divine Wolf's charge exactly. 全新的塔炮齐射,就好比一把势大力沉的重锤,恰好克制了神狼的冲锋。 The Divine Wolf's charge can combine into one blood spiritual power of officers, the rich blood glow covers the army, making their defensive powers increase. The attack of enemy, hits in the blood glow, will be blocked by the blood glow. By the unique charge, they when facing elemental cultivator often can get the winning side. 神狼的冲锋能够把将士的血灵力合而为一,浓郁的血芒笼罩全军,使得他们的防御力大增。敌人的攻击,打在血芒上,会被血芒挡住。正是凭借独特的冲锋,他们在面对元修时往往能够占据上风。 They look like are throwing over the attacking a city vertebra of sincere shield, can brave the arrow rain of enemy to go forward. But this brand-new Cannon Tower salvo, is just like the steelyard weight, it biggest threat is not the direct casualties that brings, but can block the step that they go forward, delays the speed that they charge greatly. 他们就像是披着厚重盾牌的攻城椎,可以顶着敌人的箭雨前进。可是这种全新的塔炮齐射,好比重锤,它最大的威胁并非是带来的直接伤亡,而是能够阻挡他们前进的步伐,大大延缓他们冲锋的速度。 The thoughts phonograph, the innumerable thoughts and balances have transferred in the Helian Tianxiao brain, he falls into the region that is in a dilemma. 心思电转,无数念头和权衡在赫连天晓脑子里转过,他陷入两难的境地。 Dispersing lineup? He somewhat hesitated, breaks up the whole into parts to say easily, but the small stock team did not have the superiority facing elemental cultivator. 散开阵形?他有些犹豫,化整为零说起来容易,可是小股队伍面对元修没有优势。 Especially the space is also fluttering Duanmu Huanghun. 尤其是天上还飘着一个端木黄昏 The Duanmu Huanghun strength is astonishing, is more intrepid than general divine ability blood cultivator. A moment ago was similar to bog Blue Flowers, small stock can war unit clash, he was indefinite. Once tied down by Duanmu Huanghun, the Cannon Tower scattering becomes very fatal. 端木黄昏实力惊人,远比一般的神通血修要强悍。刚才如同沼泽般的青花,小股战部能不能冲出去,他不确定。一旦被端木黄昏缠住,塔炮散射就会变得非常致命。 On the contrary is Sword of Thunderbolt, even if sharp, if after dispersing the lineup, how many people can also kill? 反倒是雷霆之剑,纵然犀利得很,但是一旦散开阵形之后,又能杀几人? Continues maintains lineup charge? Can disregard the sky Duanmu Huanghun, but the Cannon Tower salvo adds on the combination of Sword of Thunderbolt, makes Helian Tianxiao feel thorny. 继续保持阵形冲锋?可以无视天空的端木黄昏,但是塔炮齐射加上雷霆之剑的组合,又让赫连天晓感到棘手。 The enemy not only strength surpasses his anticipated, diverse of method, makes him have the virtually impossible to guard against feeling. 敌人不仅实力超出他的预期,手段之多样,也让他生出防不胜防之感。 The split vision of corner of the eye glimpses the belt of fire of opposite Cannon Tower position to brighten, Helian Tianxiao realized that he must make the resolution. 眼角的余光瞥见对面塔炮阵地的火网正在变亮,赫连天晓意识到,自己必须做出决断。 The form dodges, he appears side Song Xiaoqian, clenches teeth saying: Two parts open, I bring Divine Wolf to face forward to clash, you bring Silver Frost to attack the opposite position flank.” 身影一闪,他出现在宋小歉身边,咬牙道:“两部分开,我带着神狼朝前冲,你带银霜攻击对面阵地侧翼。” Song Xiaoqian replied without enough time that deafening salvo thunders to resound, the ray that shines suddenly illuminates the dark night once more shines like the daytime. 宋小歉来不及回答,震耳欲聋的齐射轰鸣响起,骤然亮起的光芒再次把黑夜照得亮如白昼。 Song Xiaoqian and Helian Tianxiao whole body shakes, the tremendous strength makes the Song Xiaoqian chest one stuffy. 宋小歉赫连天晓浑身一震,巨大的力量让宋小歉胸口一闷。 Several hundred people of team front line, vanish do not see. 队伍最前方的数百人,消失不见。 This salvo, resonance Cannon Tower are more, the might is also more astonishing. Once were hit directly, blood cultivator like the direct evaporation, launches in salvos the opportunity of whinning not to have. 这次齐射,共鸣塔炮更多,威力也更加惊人。一旦被直接击中,血修就像直接蒸发,连发出哀嚎的机会都没有。 Incisive sword cry is similar to attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone, Sword of Thunderbolt in the spirit like dark night, but suddenly swiftly. Easily accomplished, the flesh and blood flying in all directions scene appears again. 尖锐的剑鸣如同附骨之疽,雷霆之剑就像黑夜中的幽灵,忽倏而至。一路摧枯拉朽,血肉横飞的场面再次出现。 Song Xiaoqian from Helian Tianxiao in the eyes saw rare anxious and loves dearly. If there is Sword of Thunderbolt, is not enough to break through the Divine Wolf's defense, do not say that brings the so giant casualties. However after Sword of Thunderbolt holds the Cannon Tower salvo, Divine Wolf defends the weakest opportunity, can actually bring the serious casualties. 宋小歉赫连天晓眼中看到罕见的焦急和心疼。假如只有雷霆之剑,根本不足以攻破神狼的防御,更不要说带来如此巨大的伤亡。但是雷霆之剑抓住塔炮齐射后神狼防御最虚弱的时机,却能够带来惨重的伤亡。 The situation is critical, she does not have time idle talk, the sinking sound to say: Yes!” 情况危急,她没有时间废话,沉声应道:“是!” Then she raises the arm to lift gun to shout loudly: Silver Frost, follows!” 接着她振臂举枪高喊:“银霜,跟上!” Sees is only placed Silver Frost Unit of two wings, like the mobile mercury, collects in the position toward Song Xiaoqian. But Helian Tianxiao also while these days, is divided into three teams Divine Wolf. Each team more than 2000 people, 2000 people of teams and ensure they can resist Duanmu Huanghun Blue Flowers. But after being divided into three teams, considerably increases on the pressure that the enemy position brings. 只见分列两翼的银霜部,就像流动的水银,朝宋小歉所在方位汇集。而赫连天晓也趁着这段时间,把神狼重新分成三队。每一队大约2000多人,2000人的队伍,保证他们能够抵挡端木黄昏青花。而分成三队之后,对敌方阵地施加的压力也大大增加。 Completes silver that builds up, like a round bright as snow full moon sickle, draws a huge and graceful arc, grazes to go toward the right of position circuitously. 完成重新集结的银色,就像一轮雪亮的圆月弯刀,划出一个巨大而曼妙的弧线,迂回朝阵地的右侧飞掠而去。 Is divided into three teams of Divine Wolf, seizes the chance to launch the fierce attack to the Cannon Tower position. They each other spread out, like three sharp arrows, from the different positions, outrageously dashes to go to the Canon Tower Alliance position. 分成三队的神狼,也趁机对塔炮阵地发起猛烈的攻击。他们彼此拉开距离,就像三根锋锐的箭头,从不同的方位,向塔炮联盟的阵地悍然直扑而去。 Divine Wolf officers in the heart feels suffocated. 神狼将士心中憋着一口气。 They think one-sided fight, the role inversion of both sides, instead is they are suppressed, moreover from commencing of action now, is suppressed. Their powerful battle efficiencies, are unable to play the least bit role unexpectedly, in the heart choke with rage very much. 原本他们以为一边倒的战斗,双方的角色颠倒,反而是他们被压制,而且是从战斗开始到现在,都被压制。他们强悍的战斗力,竟然无法发挥半点作用,心中窝火得很。 Helian Tianxiao's decided that turned around situation. 赫连天晓的决定,重新扭转了战局。 The attack of Earth Fire Canon Tower is still fierce, Sword of Thunderbolt still mysteriously appears and disappears, Duanmu Huanghun Blue Flowers is that bothersomely extremely bothersome, but the Divine Wolf advancement speed considerably increases. 地火塔炮的攻击依然猛烈,雷霆之剑依然神出鬼没,端木黄昏青花还是那么烦不胜烦,但是神狼推进速度大大增加。 Pressure sharp increase that Canon Tower Alliance faces, enemy becomes slyly, not only fans out in three groups, but also the route of charge also no longer comes toward, but shields alternately, moves fast. 塔炮联盟面临的压力剧增,敌人变得狡猾许多,不仅兵分三路,而且冲锋的路线也不再是直来直往,而是交替掩护,更加飘忽。 Changes the flank Silver Frost Unit, is fatal killing move, Fatty or Zu Yan, are nervous and uneasy. 转向侧翼的银霜部,才是致命的杀招,无论是胖子还是祖琰,都是如芒在背。 However the tactical situation is intense, they have had no time the tube flank. Three Divine Wolf officers of position advance, exceptionally cut-throat, fierce do not fear directly one after another. The Divine Wolf officers, started to be used to the Cannon Tower salvo, Sword of Thunderbolt and Duanmu Huanghun various methods gradually. 但是战况激烈无比,他们已经无暇去管侧翼。阵地正面轮番突进的三支神狼将士,都异常的凶狠,悍不畏死。神狼将士们,开始逐渐习惯了塔炮齐射、雷霆之剑端木黄昏的各种手段。 They become have the patience, from starting the resistance Cannon Tower salvo, to tempts the Cannon Tower salvo one after another. Sword of Thunderbolt almost falls into the trap of enemy, if not Shi Zhiguang responds quickly, they only feared that is unable to run out of the trap. Was Duanmu Huanghun has caused many troubles to Divine Wolf on the contrary, he was flexible, the range that Blue Flowers covered was big. Especially the take action opportunity is exceptionally cunning, when is at the Divine Wolf evolution each time take action, virtually impossible to guard against. 他们变得更有耐心,从开始的抵抗塔炮齐射,到轮番引诱塔炮齐射。雷霆之剑差点掉入敌人的陷阱之中,如果不是石志光反应快,他们只怕无法冲出陷阱。反倒是端木黄昏神狼制造了不少的麻烦,他非常灵活,青花笼罩的范围非常大。尤其是出手的时机异常刁钻,每次都在神狼队形变换之际出手,防不胜防。 However to Helian Tianxiao, Duanmu Huanghun is just an abominable fly. 但是对赫连天晓来说,端木黄昏只不过是一只令人心烦的苍蝇。 The loss of Divine Wolf personnel has not stopped, on the contrary, the casualty is continuous. However Helian Tianxiao clearly realized that the balance of victory started to incline to their this side. An important evidence, is the Cannon Tower salvo again has not made first several rounds such giant victory. 神狼人员的损失并没有停止,相反,死伤持续不断。但是赫连天晓清楚地意识到,胜利的天平已经开始向他们这一边倾斜。一个重要的证据,就是塔炮齐射再也没有打出前几轮那样的巨大战果。 A round Cannon Tower salvo, can only bring dozens people of casualties now, looks like in Helian Tianxiao, this is the loss that can definitely bear. 一轮塔炮齐射,如今只能带来几十人的伤亡,在赫连天晓看来,这是完全能够承受的损失。 Three teams, slide like three do not keep the loach of hand, shields unceasingly alternately, attracts the Canon Tower Alliance firepower. 三支队伍,就像三条滑不留手的泥鳅,不断交替掩护,吸引塔炮联盟的火力。 Helian Tianxiao does not have the direct army to press, that is easy to give the opposite party opportunity. The defense line that the Cannon Tower salvo, Sword of Thunderbolt and Duanmu Huanghun, the three construct, Helian Tianxiao has not dared to have the least bit contempt at this time. 赫连天晓没有直接全军压上,那容易给对方可乘之机。塔炮齐射、雷霆之剑端木黄昏,三者构建的防线,赫连天晓此时已经不敢有半点轻视。 He in waiting for Silver Frost completes to outflank, that is decides the victory and defeat the time. 他在等待银霜完成包抄,那才是决定胜负的时候。 Silver Frost Unit already was separated from the enemy Cannon Tower's firing distance at this time, the bellow is flung by them behind. 银霜部此时早已脱离了敌人塔炮的射程,轰鸣声被他们甩在身后。 They have circled a big circle, the mountain ridge has prevented their way together. Said is the mountain ridge, is actually not high, is more like a small soil bank. 他们绕了一个大圈子,一道山岭阻挡了他们的去路。说是山岭,其实不高,更像是一个小土坡。 Crossed this mountain ridge, continued to proceed, can the flank of straight insertion enemy position. 翻过这座山岭,继续往前,就能够直接插入敌人阵地的侧翼。
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