FWH :: Volume #7

#608: 12 rounds fires

On Zhen Shen Peak of Tian Feng Unit guarding, everybody looks at the wide back bat fish army who the horizon throws nervous. The scene that 200 wide back bat fish throw, making one feel to suffocate. 天锋部驻守的镇神峰上,大家都神情紧张地看着天边扑过来的宽背蝠鱼大军。200多头宽背蝠鱼扑来的场面,令人感到窒息。 „Can Master Fatty block?” 胖师能挡住吗?” Should the energy.” “应该能吧。” Similar discussion often resounds in Zhen Shen Peak each corner, everybody is heavyhearted, lacked self-confidence at heart. 类似的议论在镇神峰的各个角落不时响起,大家忧心忡忡,心里都没有底。 In the crowd, a man is the same with other people, stares the big eye, lest misses any detail. His name was called He Huan, earliest joining one of the sword pledge members. His talent is not splendid, but wins is trying hard, therefore strength but actually also good. Kun Lun Tian Feng forms Tian Feng Unit, he is also selected, becomes one team of teams leader. 在人群之中,一位男子和其他人一样,瞪大眼睛唯恐错过任何一个细节。他的名字叫何欢,是最早加入剑盟的成员之一。他的天赋不算出色,但是胜在努力,因此实力倒也不错。昆仑天锋重新组建天锋部,他也入选,成为一队队长。 The He Huan manner is warm-hearted, in addition the temperament is good, is good because of the Tian Feng Unit personal connection. 何欢为人热心,加上脾气好,在天锋部的人缘非常好。 However nobody knows that the He Huan ancestor once was the subordinate of Ye ancestor. He Huan knows the soldier matter, the manner is competent, was selected by Madame Ye. Initially Madame Ye to protect Kun Lun Tian Feng in secret, making it join Kun Lun Sword Alliance. 然而没有人知道,何欢的祖上曾经是叶氏先祖的部下。何欢知兵事,为人能干,被叶夫人选中。当初叶夫人为了暗中保护昆仑天锋,令其加入昆仑剑盟 After establishing pearl air crossing defense line, he meets arrived new mission, the observation, records Interpine School each aspect in secret. After receiving this mission, He Huan relaxes, above also knows that now the situation is critical, will not get rid of one's capable subordinates. 在建立珍珠风桥防线之后,他接到了新的任务,暗中观察、记录松间派各个方面。接到这个任务之后,何欢松一口气,上面也知道如今情况危急,不会自毁长城。 It is not the assassination and so on mission, He Huan does not have what pressure, under he records the observed tips faithfully, will record sometimes under also the result that analyze. 不是刺杀之类的任务,何欢没有什么压力,他忠实地记录下观察到的点点滴滴,有的时候还会记录下自己分析的结果。 Member worries saying: „ Captain He, 身边的队员担忧道:“何队, You said that Master Fatty can block? ” 你说胖师能挡住吗?” He Huan has not moved out of the way the vision, along with tastes: no problem.” 何欢没有挪开目光,随口道:“没问题。” The members believe to He Huan, hearing this relaxes. 队员们对何欢非常信服,闻言纷纷松一口气。 Captain He said can block, that can certainly block!” 何队说能挡住,那一定能挡住!” Believes Captain He!” “相信何队!” He Huan mind, all in sky, in his eye a calmness. Spear of Heavy Cloud daily practice, is the important goal that he observes. The scene that the honey-comb heavy artillery thunders is very magnificent, the Tian Feng Unit officers rest likes selecting good seat observing and emulating, that scene may lighting the fireworks is more magnificent. 何欢的心神,全都在天空,他的眼睛里一片镇定。重云之枪的日常修炼,是他观察的重要目标。蜂巢重炮轰鸣的场面十分壮观,天锋部将士们休息的时候都喜欢挑个好位子观摩,那场面可比放烟花壮观许多。 Everybody will also discuss that Cannon Tower's is sharp and so on, sometimes, He Huan will also express his opinion. 大家还会讨论塔炮的犀利之类,有的时候,何欢也会发表他的意见。 The observation of He Huan, and is not only restricted in the might of honey-comb heavy artillery, his aspects to the Interpine School has very exhaustive careful observation, for example the characteristics feature of Interpine School important personage. 何欢的观察,并不仅仅限于蜂巢重炮的威力,他对松间派的方方面面都有着非常详尽细致的观察,比如松间派重要人物的性格特征。 Fatty is a underestimated goal. 胖子是个被低估的目标。 Before promoting Master, on Fatty the biggest label is is timid and timid, until becoming first Cannon Tower Master, the people have a new look to his impression. 在晋升大师之前,胖子身上最大的标签是“胆小、怯懦”,直到成为首位塔炮大师,人们对他的印象才改观。 The record and analysis of He Huan, are entirely different. 何欢的记录和分析,却截然不同。 Since Ai Hui prominence, his beforehand experience, surfaces gradually. In the past entered Savage Territories some hunting group also many people to live, their recollections pieced together Ai Hui that several years in the experience of Savage Territories. 自从艾辉声名鹊起之后,他之前的经历,也渐渐浮出水面。当年进入蛮荒的狩猎团还有许多人都活着,他们的回忆拼凑出艾辉那几年在蛮荒的经历。 However He Huan in these recollections and descriptions, discovers a neglected place. Almost all litigants, remember Fatty Qian Dai. Even some people are fuzzy to the Ai Hui's impression, but is very profound to the Fatty's impression. 然而何欢在这些回忆和描述中,发现一个被忽略的地方。几乎所有的当事人,都记得胖子钱代。甚至其中一些人对艾辉的印象非常模糊,但是对胖子的印象很深刻。 Was a pity very much that He Huan is unable to inquire them personally to the Fatty's view, incompetent that but from this point, Fatty does not imagine like the people obviously. 很可惜,何欢无法亲自询问他们对胖子的看法,但是从这一点上,可见胖子并不像人们想象的那么无能。 Except for Ai Hui, Fatty is another survivor, the people generally think that Fatty can live, completely is the Ai Hui's attendance and protects. 除了艾辉,胖子是另外一位幸存者,人们普遍认为胖子能够活下来,完全是艾辉的照顾和保护。 He Huan does not think so. 何欢不这么看。 He sees unusual vigilant on Fatty. Any slightest sign of trouble, will let the Fatty careful guard. The deceit, the Fatty's resistance forever has filled the unimportant person deceitful sinister, the sneak attack and trap are this fellow most loves. 他在胖子身上看到异乎寻常的机警。任何一点风吹草动,都会让胖子小心防范。还有狡诈,胖子的对抗永远充满了小人物的狡诈阴险,偷袭、陷阱是这家伙的最爱。 Really difficult to imagine this kind of fellow, can actually promote Master. 真的很难想象这样一个家伙,竟然能够晋升大师 Sees first round Earth Fire Canon Tower, He Huan knows that Fatty has dug the pit, he experiences to cross the might of honey-comb heavy artillery, knows, when the Spear of Heavy Cloud honey-comb heavy artillery thunders is fearful. 看到第一轮的地火塔炮,何欢就知道胖子已经挖好了坑,他见识过蜂巢重炮的威力,知道当重云之枪的蜂巢重炮一齐轰鸣的时候有多么可怕。 The sky wide back bat fish number were more than several times before, the dense piece, making He Huan in the heart shock is also having a fear. Does not fear the black red wave that the death the giant blood beast sky raised likely, was full of the angry and wild strength. 天空宽背蝠鱼数目比之前多好几倍,黑压压一片,让何欢心中震撼还带着一丝恐惧。不惧死亡的巨型血兽像天空掀起的黑红色波浪,充满愤怒和狂暴的力量。 However, He Huan in the heart somewhat anticipated inexplicably that anticipated the honey-comb heavy artillery spout the flame runs upon the black red high sea, can be brilliant! 但是莫名地,何欢心中又有些期待,期待蜂巢重炮喷涌的火光撞上黑红色的怒涛,会是何等绚烂的一幕! He can not help turn very quiet. 他情不自禁屏住呼吸。 Spear of Heavy Cloud, Zhen Shen Peak Cannon Tower position. 重云之枪,镇神峰塔炮阵地。 tower cannoneer(s) that dashes about wildly from Earth Fire Canon Tower, is almost tumbles crashes in the honey-comb heavy artillery position, they puff, forehead belt perspiration. The loud respite subsides gradually, all people turn very quiet, stares the big eye. The air as if coagulates, big position is peaceful links a needle to fall on the ground can hear. 地火塔炮狂奔过来的塔炮手,几乎是连滚带爬地冲进蜂巢重炮阵地,他们喘着粗气,额头带汗。粗重的喘息渐渐平息,所有人都屏住呼吸,瞪大眼睛。空气仿佛凝固,偌大的阵地安静得连一根针掉在地上都能听见。 Wide back bat fish brings the generous bat wing of spur to fan the air the sound to be getting more and more clear, the air current that raises collects in together, the sky is vibrating. 宽背蝠鱼带着骨刺的宽厚蝠翼扇动空气的声音越来越清晰,掀起的气流汇集在一起,天空都在振动。 Put near hitting, listened to my password!” “放近了打,听我口令!” The Fatty's sound is low and deep, however is exceptionally striking in the peaceful position. 胖子的声音低沉,但是在安静的阵地异常醒目。 Three li (0.5km)! 三里! hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The wide back bat fish huge bat wing whips the air, like the sad air hammer pneumatic hammer, a air wave hits on the Zhen Shen Peak light screen, starts layer upon layer the ripples. 宽背蝠鱼庞大的蝠翼拍打空气,就像沉闷的空气锤,一波波的气浪打在镇神峰的光幕上,掀起层层涟漪。 tower cannoneer(s) even can feel the Zhen Shen Peak mountain massif to shiver slightly. 塔炮手们甚至能够感受镇神峰的山体在微微颤动。 Two li (0.5km)! 二里! tower cannoneer(s) can see clearly the anger in wide back bat fish scarlet both eyes, 塔炮手们能看清楚宽背蝠鱼猩红双目中的愤怒, Can see clearly on the sturdy spur the woods white trace, can see clearly like the vine pesters complicated blood mark, but can also see clearly the wide back bat fish to carry on the back the beast camp blood cultivator whole face crazy fierce. 能看清楚粗壮的骨刺上森白的纹路,能看清楚像藤蔓一样纠缠繁复的血纹,还能看清楚宽背蝠鱼背上兽营血修满脸的疯狂狰狞。 One li (0.5km)! 一里! From nearly has caused the field of vision to be extended the back bat fish to occupy completely, cannot see the sky, tower cannoneer(s) as if places oneself in the black difficult situation, the next quarter will meet a cruel death! 距离过近导致视野完全被宽背蝠鱼占据,看不到天空,塔炮手们仿佛置身于黑色的惊涛骇浪之中,下一刻就会粉身碎骨! Their forehead beads of sweat were densely covered, carry on the back already soaked. Although keeps cool diligently, but face whiten, some people often lick the lip. 他们的额头汗珠密布,背上早就湿透。虽然努力保持镇定,但是脸色苍白,有些人不时地舔嘴唇。 The position opposite, Mo Shaojun looks that the subordinate is away from Zhen Shen Peak to be getting more and more near, in his heart raises the intense restlessness. Zhen Shen Peak is too peaceful! It is not normal! Wide back bat fish has not suffered any resistance unexpectedly! 阵地对面,莫少军看着部下距离镇神峰越来越近,他心中升起强烈的不安。镇神峰太安静!不正常!宽背蝠鱼竟然没有遭受任何抵抗! Is the confidence of opposite party so strong? could it be that did not fear that is made to pay for one's evil doings? 对方的信心如此强烈吗?难道不怕玩火自焚吗? So near distance, even if Earth Fire Canon Tower, is unable to prevent the wide back bat fish! 如此近的距离,就算地火塔炮,也无法阻挡宽背蝠鱼! But, will in the heart so be why restless? 可是,为什么自己心中会如此不安? The smiling face of Mo Shaojun corners of the mouth vanishes, the forehead reappearing beads of sweat, he can not help grip the tight fist, does not know quite the same as the knuckle pinches turns white. Stares the big eye not to dare to wink, lest misses any detail. 莫少军嘴角的笑容消失,额头浮现汗珠,他情不自禁攥紧拳头,浑然不知指节捏得发白。瞪大的眼睛不敢眨动,唯恐错过任何细节。 A hundred zhang (333m)! 一百丈! Kills!” “杀!” The Fatty's sound is exceptionally low and deep, even is passing cloudy and cold, but falls in the tower cannoneer(s) ear of close collapse, actually not less than startling thunderclap. 胖子的声音异常低沉,甚至透着一丝阴冷,但是落在接近崩溃的塔炮手耳中,却不啻于一记惊雷。 Almost subconscious, all Cannon Tower thunder with one voice! 几乎下意识,所有的塔炮齐声轰鸣! The red ray that shines suddenly, like suddenly truthfully qualitative red light sword, pierces the wide back bat fish collection the black red high sea. 骤然亮起的红色光芒,就像一道道恍如实质的红色光剑,刺穿宽背蝠鱼汇集的黑红怒涛。 Red light? 红光? The Mo Shaojun complexion changes, the heart jumps crazily, is not Earth Fire Canon Tower! 莫少军脸色一变,心脏狂跳,不是地火塔炮 Too near! 太近了! Spear of Heavy Cloud tower cannoneer(s) have not shelled so near goal, does not need any aiming, wide back bat fish huge figure, covers their fields of vision. 重云之枪塔炮手们从来没有轰击过如此近的目标,不需要任何瞄准,宽背蝠鱼巨大的身形,笼罩他们的视野。 Crazy! 疯狂! They have not fallen into so crazy region, the enemy is away from is getting more and more near, intense and fear of tower cannoneer(s) in the heart approached the critical point, when finally Master Fatty password, all frightened and intense thorough eruptions. Everyone at this time in the brain is a blank, they fall into crazily, launches the craziest attack to all black red objects that in their field of vision can see. 他们从来没有陷入如此疯狂的境地,敌人距离越来越近,塔炮手心中的紧张和恐惧已经接近临界点,终于等到胖师的口令,所有的恐惧和紧张彻底爆发。每个人此时脑中都是一片空白,他们陷入疯狂,向他们视野中所能见到的所有黑红色物体发起最疯狂的攻击。 They have made unprecedented attack frequency. 他们打出了前所未有的攻击频率。 Bright red heavy artillery tube, is sending out the monster different ray, like heat iron. 鲜红色的重炮管,散发着妖异的光芒,就像烧红的烙铁。 The honey-comb inner tube of super revolving exudes humming sound the sound, mixes in lingering on faintly thundering. 高速旋转的蜂巢内管发出嗡嗡声,夹杂在不绝于耳的轰鸣之间。 Red flame that the honey-comb heavy artillery spout, like a red gassed thread. In the usual training, the fire of honey-comb heavy artillery after the flight some time, will disperse, like a light net, covers a big range. 蜂巢重炮喷涌出的红色火光,就像一蓬蓬红色的光丝。平时的训练中,蜂巢重炮的炮火经过飞行一段时间,就会散开,像一张光网,笼罩一大片范围。 However at this time the distance of both sides is too near, the fire disperses radically without enough time, like red light sword, instantaneously pierces the wide back bat fish of front line. 但是此时双方的距离太近,炮火根本来不及散开,就像一把红色的光剑,瞬间洞穿最前方的宽背蝠鱼。 More than ten of front line extend the back bat fish, suddenly was submerged by several hundred fires. 最前方的十多只宽背蝠鱼,眨眼间就被数百道炮火淹没。 The wide back bat fish formidable vitality does not have any function in front of the honey-comb heavy artillery, the wide back bat fish of front line whins without enough time, the body was ripped the fragmentation by the terrifying fire. 宽背蝠鱼强大的生命力在蜂巢重炮面前没有任何作用,最前方的宽背蝠鱼来不及哀嚎,身体就被恐怖的炮火撕裂成碎片。 Without the honey-comb heavy artillery fire of dispersing, has manifested heavily this character perfectly. If Earth Fire Canon Tower like the penetrating power astonishing awl, the fire of honey-comb heavy artillery does not have dispersing time, like a steelyard weight. 没有散开的蜂巢重炮炮火,完美地体现了“重”这个字。如果说地火塔炮就像穿透力惊人的锥子,蜂巢重炮的炮火没有散开的时候,就像一把重锤。 When mass-criticizes again on the wide back bat fish, the wide back bat fish will present a short stagnation, obviously the strength of heavy artillery is what kind terrifying. 当重炮轰在宽背蝠鱼身上,宽背蝠鱼会出现一个短暂的停滞,可见重炮的力量是何等恐怖 Before wide back bat fish , the tendency of flushing stops, was torn to crush. 宽背蝠鱼前冲的势头一遏,紧接着被撕裂粉碎。 remaining power fire certainly, has not submerged after the wide back bat fish, the second round fire follows on somebody's heels, the front wide back bat fish stop and tearing, remaining power fire certainly has not submerged after the wide back bat fish...... 余势未绝的炮火,没入更靠后的宽背蝠鱼,紧接着第二轮的炮火接踵而至,前方的宽背蝠鱼停顿、撕裂,余势未绝的炮火没入更靠后的宽背蝠鱼…… The third round! 第三轮! The fourth round! 第四轮! ...... …… They make are 12 rounds! 他们一口气打出是12轮! This is an unprecedented result, they in the training has not realized the result. 这是一个前所未有的成绩,一个他们在训练中从来没有实现过的成绩。 The position of honey-comb heavy artillery, falls into the short peace. 蜂巢重炮的阵地,陷入短暂的安静。 The tower cannoneer(s) big mouth place puffs, the whole body sweat soaks, the transpiration water vapor is filled, their vision are vacant, obviously has not recovered from the impact. They like swayed back and forth in death edge, still shaken. 塔炮手们大口地喘着粗气,浑身汗水湿透,蒸腾的水汽四处弥漫,他们的目光茫然,显然还没有从刚才的冲击中回过神来。他们就像在死亡的边缘打了个滚,惊魂未定。 The sky transmits a wail, awakens everybody, recovers gradually. 天空传来一声哀鸣,把大家惊醒,渐渐回过神来。 Looks up, the sun-blocking red black high sea vanishes does not see, only the wide back bat fish of remaining incomplete half bodies in struggling to call out in grief, it creakies, the half body vanishes, the blood flows along its body, from airborne drops. 抬头望去,遮天蔽日的红黑色怒涛消失不见,只剩下一只残缺半边身子的宽背蝠鱼在挣扎悲鸣,它摇摇欲坠,半边身子消失,鲜血沿着它的身体汩汩流淌而下,从空中滴落。 In defense line front quicksand, the hashed meat stump residual limb of innumerable width back bat fish scatters everywhere is, just like is Asura hell. Gust blows, the rich smell of blood combines strange fragrant and sweet to head on, and crazy just worked loose tower cannoneer(s) that unable to bear from the death fear again, squats as if by prior agreement the vomit. 防线前方的流沙之中,无数宽背蝠鱼的碎肉残肢散落到处都是,俨然是修罗地狱。一阵风吹过来,浓郁的血腥味混杂着奇异的甜香扑面而来,从死亡的恐惧和疯狂中刚刚挣脱出来的塔炮手们再也忍不住,不约而同蹲下来呕吐。 In them behind, other Spear of Heavy Cloud members, Bing Ren Unit and Tian Feng Unit, some cannot believe the eye. 在他们身后,重云之枪其他队员,兵人部天锋部,都有些不敢相信眼睛。 But opposite blood cultivator, Mo Shaojun, is rear Divine Wolf and Silver Frost high and low, the facial expression on face is exactly the same, is unbelievable. 而对面的血修,无论是莫少军,还是后方的神狼银霜上下,脸上的神情如出一辙,皆是难以置信。 At once, player and enemy, fall into the strange peace. 一时之间,敌我双方,都陷入诡异的安静之中。
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