FWH :: Volume #6

#537: 【Netherworld River Sever】 VS 【Pointed Iron Flower】

Yang Xiaodong flies fully. 杨笑东全力飞行。 The bellow that hears distantly, is provoking his nerve. Turns head to look, even if separates, can see the distant place to spatter in all directions to the airborne red and white ray. 身后遥遥传来的轰鸣声,挑动着他的神经。回头望去,哪怕隔得很远,都能看到远方迸溅到空中的红白光芒。 Dreadful red light ominous severe tyrannical, high sea that raises like the river of the netherworld, dyes scarlet the sky. Pure white spear|gun mist , like the white flood dragon, seethe in the bloodshed. 滔天的红光凶厉暴虐,就像冥河扬起的怒涛,把天空都染成一片血色。一道道洁白的枪云气,就像白色的蛟龙,在血海中翻腾。 He looks fearful and apprehensive, is secretly distressed. 他看得心惊胆战,也暗自心焦。 To be honest, he joins Interpine Valley is just but for it, the heart unwilling sentiment does not hope. However after joining Spear of Heavy Cloud, he to the Shi Xueman's feeling view, had the earth-shaking change. Changes different from the Ai Hui's sly machine, Shi Xueman works is franker, frank. No doubt a word disagreement draws a pistol to quarrel sometimes, however all issues all put on outwardly, making one be sincerely convinced. 说实话,他加入松间谷只不过是无奈为之,心不甘情不愿。但是加入重云之枪后,他对师雪漫的感观,发生了天翻地覆的变化。和艾辉的狡猾机变不同,师雪漫做事更加直率,光明磊落。固然有的时候一言不和拔枪相向,但是所有的问题全都摆在明面上,令人心服口服。 Yang Xiaodong likes Shi Xueman's this style very much. 杨笑东很喜欢师雪漫的这种风格。 Compared with Ai Hui that type absolutely before sweeping the selfish style of snow, Shi Xueman will help person on own initiative, is bold in undertaking. 比起艾辉那种绝对自扫门前雪的利己风格,师雪漫会主动帮助身边的人,勇于承担。 Instead in Yang Xiaodong in the heart, the image of Sir Shi Xueman compared with Ai Hui is not knowing that wants high many! 反正在杨笑东心中,师雪漫大人的形象比艾辉不知道要高多少! Life of Spear of Heavy Cloud, very laborious, but Yang Xiaodong thinks very substantial. 重云之枪的生活,非常的辛苦,但是杨笑东却觉得很充实。 Adult's order is makes him bring two wounded person, he suppresses is returning to the body to support the impulsion of Sir, full speed flight. 大人的命令是让他把两位伤员带回去,他强忍着返身支援大人的冲动,全速飞行。 Yang Xiaodong approaches the position, was discovered by Jiang Wei and the others. When he descends, before Jiang Wei Sang Zhijun and the others enclose immediately. Everybody sees the stupor Fatty and severely wounded Zu Yan, the complexion changes. 杨笑东一靠近阵地,便被姜维等人发现。当他降落的时候,姜维桑芷君等人立即围上前。大家看到昏迷的胖子和重伤的祖琰,脸色不禁微变。 Fatty and Zu Yan went the treatment quickly. 胖子祖琰很快就被接下去治疗。 The Jiang Wei sinking sound asked: „Is situation what kind of?” 姜维沉声问:“情况怎么样?” Yang Xiaodong is anxious extremely: Has encountered war unit of enemy, the Sir with the opposite party fierce struggle, I help.” 杨笑东焦急万分:“遭遇了敌人的战部,大人正在和对方激斗,我去帮忙。” Jiang Wei is very calm, blocks him: How did Sir tell your?” 姜维很冷静,一把拦住他:“大人怎么吩咐你的?” Yang Xiaodong has gawked, blurted out: She makes me lead them to walk first.” 杨笑东愣了一下,脱口而出:“她让我带他们先走。” First walks? He somewhat tasted. 先走?他有些回过味来。 Jiang Wei nods saying: Sir will find the opportunity to get rid, must believe the Sir. The opposite party likely immediately must come, we must get ready for action. Which war unit is the opposite party? Can recognize? What characteristics has?” 姜维点点头道:“大人会找机会摆脱,要相信大人。对方很可能马上就要来了,我们要做好战斗准备。对方是哪支战部?可认得?有什么特征?” Yang Xiaodong said: „The opposite party is riding black wolf, is that person of head, in the hand is carrying the axe.” 杨笑东道:“对方骑着黑色的狼,为首的那人,手上拎着斧头。” In Tian Feng Unit, Jiang Wei was treated as the key trained object, the high level appraises him to have the wind of senior general. 天锋部的时候,姜维就被当做重点培养对象,高层评价他有大将之风。 Jiang Wei is cool-headed, the thoughts are meticulous, usually practices good self-discipline, never idles. From early starts very much, he extremely pays attention to Blood of God war unit, hearing this said immediately: Is Violent Flower Blood Unit, Unit Leader is Xing Shan, very maneating hard to deal with fellow.” 姜维头脑冷静,心思缜密,平时严于律己,从不懈怠。从很早开始,他就对神之血战部非常关注,闻言立即道:“是烈花血部,部首刑山,很凶悍难缠的家伙。” Jiang Wei usually in does not reveal the mountain non- dew, is in the heart has the exquisite silk. Collects the Blood of God war unit information time, he once had devised, how should deal. When he makes these ponders and deductions, has not thought probably that oneself such will quickly use. 姜维平日里不显山不露水,却是心中有锦绣。搜集神之血战部情报的时候,他就曾构想过,该如何应对。当他做这些思考和推演的时候,大概也没想到,自己会这么快用到。 The critical juncture, cannot allow to ponder carefully that also does not have the time to consider slowly, most tests usually in accumulates. 危急关头,容不得仔细思考,亦没有时间慢慢斟酌,最考验平日里积累。 A hesitation, the Jiang Wei language fast fast had not said: We must increase some arrangement, Xiaoshan (small mountain), I want many pits, about one foot size. The quantity the more better, around the position has.” 没有一丝犹豫,姜维语速飞快道:“我们要增加一些布置,小山,我要很多的坑,一尺左右大小。数量越多越好,阵地四周都有。” Wang Xiaoshan is somewhat anxious, but keeps cool saying: This is very easy, does the pothole need to harden? Adds some Stone to stab?” 王小山有些紧张,但还是保持镇定道:“这很容易,坑洞需要硬化吗?或者加些石刺?” To playing mud Master, digging a hole is the simple matter, he can also make these potholes hard like the iron, when is densely covered punctures. 对玩泥巴大师来说,挖洞是再简单不过的事,他还能让这些坑洞坚硬如铁,密布时刺。 However stems from him to expect that Jiang Wei shakes the head: No, do not harden, must soften. Can pour into the mud, can be quite slippery?” 然而出乎他预料,姜维摇头:“不,不要硬化,要软化。能不能灌入泥浆,要比较滑的?” Wang Xiaoshan responded immediately that was joyful: This method is good! Has, there is a quicksand thick liquid, is slippery, is more slippery than the fat.” 王小山马上反应过来,欣喜道:“这个法子好!有,有一种流沙浆,非常滑,比油脂更滑。” Jiang Wei at present one bright: That uses the quicksand thick liquid, the speed is fast, the enemy must come immediately.” 姜维眼前一亮:“那就用流沙浆,速度要快,敌人马上就要来。” Wang Xiaoshan is neat: Relax, not over 20 breaths.” 王小山干脆利落到:“放心,不超过20息。” finished speaking turns around to go. 说罢转身就去。 Jiang Wei directs everybody methodically, arranges the position. Although arranges everybody not to understand the use, but can feel, the arrangement of Sir Vice-unit leader seems to be targeted. 姜维有条不紊地指挥大家,重新布置阵地。虽然许多布置大家还不明白用处,但是能够感受到,副部首大人的布置似乎非常有针对性。 Saw that Jiang Wei directs with ease and competence calmly, the Sang Zhijun vision different color break-up moves, can not help reveal the color of admire. 看到姜维沉着指挥若定,桑芷君的目光异光闪动,情不自禁流露出爱慕之色。 Wang Xiaoshan stands in the position edge, bends the leg partly to squat, both hands according to the ground, like the big frog that the four limbs are well-grounded. He glares angrily unexpectedly, the whole body imposing manner erupts suddenly, the whole body ascends bright brown color. 王小山站在阵地边缘,屈腿半蹲,双手按在地面,就像四肢着地的大蛤蟆。他蓦地怒目圆睁,浑身气势陡然爆发,周身升腾起一层明亮的土黄色。 The sincere earth elemental force aura, spreads along ground, the ground wriggles. 厚重的土元力气息,沿着地面扩散,地面蠕动。 Everybody has an misconception, the earth seems caving to him, seems Wang Xiaoshan the place of standing, is one deeply does not see the bottom the abyss. 恍惚间,大家生出一股错觉,大地仿佛在向他塌陷,就好似王小山所立之处,是一个深不见底的深渊。 Potholes, appear in the ground, fast spreads to all around spreads. 一个又一个坑洞,出现在地面,飞快向四周扩散蔓延。 huā lā. 哗啦 Suddenly the ground clashes together the seal brown mud column, the mud is similar to the rain gets down, in an instant, fills up the pothole. 突然地面冲起一道深褐色的泥浆柱,泥浆如同雨下,转眼间,就填满坑洞。 Is filled with the mud the pothole surface to start to congeal the shell, in an instant, the ground restores as usual, with was exactly the same a moment ago. 盛满泥浆的坑洞表面开始凝结成壳,转眼间,地面恢复如常,和刚才一模一样。 Whole body ray dim Wang Xiaoshan stands, the whole face is simple and honest, the body could not see the least bit imposing manner. If not for if personally sees, no one is able to seem the fellow like at present this farmer, contacts with earth elementalist Master. 周身光芒黯淡的王小山站起来,满脸憨厚老实,身上看不到半点刚才的气势。倘若不是亲眼所见,谁也无法把眼前这个看上去像农夫一样的家伙,和土修大师联系起来。 Wang Xiaoshan explained: I added a camouflage above, is very thin.” 王小山解释道:“我在上面加了一层伪装,很薄。” Jiang Wei said: Has to camouflage is better.” 姜维赞道:“有伪装更好。” He has estimated next time, took a deep breath, the sinking sound track: All people, get ready for action.” 他估算了一下时间,深吸一口气,沉声道:“所有人,作好战斗准备。” Flies sea of clouds below Shi Xueman, anchors figure. The split vision of corner of the eye glimpses combative Xing Shan, remains unmoved. She looks solemn, Cloud Dyeing Heaven in hand shook a spear|gun to be colored gently. 飞到云海下方的师雪漫,停住身形。眼角的余光瞥见杀气腾腾的刑山,不为所动。她神情肃穆,手中的云染天轻轻抖了个枪花。 Buzz. 嗡。 The vibrato of permeating mind most deep place. 渗入心神最深处的颤音。 The sea of clouds of top of the head flows in backward quickly, is similar to the whale attracts, the white mist white tornado, submerges in the Shi Xueman's spear|gun flower likely. 头顶的云海倏地倒灌,如同鲸吸,白色的云气像白色的龙卷风,没入师雪漫的枪花之中。 The Shi Xueman arm trembles, on the face shows the strenuous expression rarely. 师雪漫手臂一颤,脸上罕见地露出吃力的表情。 The Xing Shan corner of the eye of hot pursuit jumps suddenly crazily, the heart raises suddenly the extremely dangerous premonition. 紧追不舍的刑山忽然眼角狂跳,心头突然升起极度危险的预感。 It is not good! 不好! However at this time turns around figure already without enough time, he dares to give the opposite party the dorsal dew, following killing move will certainly hit god shape entirely to extinguish him. 但是此时掉转身形已经来不及,他敢把后背露给对方,接踵而至的杀招一定会把他打得神形俱灭。 Xing Shan is also the very ruthless role, the position of Violent Flower Blood Unit Unit Leader, is he merit that earns from innumerable battles. 刑山也是个狠辣的角色,烈花血部部首之位,也是他从无数次的厮杀中赚取的功劳。 The life and death moment, he also goes all out! 生死关头,他也拼命! The blood spiritual power agitation of whole body, resembles Ox Feiniu the low roar from his chest eruption, the red light that the whole body covers suddenly becomes rich viscous, just likes the blood surges. The blood edge, releases a layer upon layer light red ripple, like scarlet ripples. 全身的血灵力鼓动,一声似牛非牛的低吼从他的胸膛爆发,周身笼罩的红光骤然变得浓郁粘稠,恍如鲜血涌动。鲜血边缘,释放一层层淡红色波纹,就像一道道血色涟漪。 The boundless distant aura, arrives on Xing Shan. 苍茫悠远的气息,降临在刑山身上。 The black heavy axe in hand, does not know when turns into the dense white, like the bones of the dead that the years make decent. 手中的黑色重斧,不知何时变成森森白色,就像岁月风化的白骨。 Whole body blood rich viscous red light, rushes in his hand dense white axe, changes to everywhere blood river loudly, incarnadine half sky. 全身鲜血般浓郁粘稠的红光,涌向他手中森森白斧,轰然化作漫天血河,染红半边天空。 white axe in hand, is bringing the blood river, cuts to Shi Xueman. 手中的白斧,带着血河,斩向师雪漫 Netherworld River Sever! 冥河断】! This time Xing Shan, could not attend to captures alive Shi Xueman, in front of the huge pressure, he uses his killing move outrageously! 此时的刑山,已经顾不上是不是生擒师雪漫,巨大的压力面前,他悍然动用自己的杀招 divine ability is different from legacy, once awakens, the bloodlines spontaneity, can comprehend mystery naturally. However wants to promote, then need purer bloodlines. Although Xing Shan, only then thin Netherworld River Barbarian Ox bloodlines, before he also steps into one, has never heard world. 神通传承不一样,一旦唤醒,血脉自生,就能自然而然的领悟其中的奥妙。但是想要提升,则需要更纯正的血脉。虽然刑山只有一丝稀薄的冥河蛮牛血脉,他也踏入一个以前从未听闻过的世界。 The river of the netherworld connects life and death, pure deep river water, so long as stains one drop, will then shut off the causes and effects. 冥河连通生死,纯正的冥河水,只要沾上一滴,便会切断因果。 Anything is the causes and effects, Xing Shan was unable to understand. 什么是因果,刑山还无法理解。 The Netherworld River Barbarian Ox bloodlines of his within the body are not pure, Netherworld River Sever The blood light that on condenses naturally by far cannot achieve the deep river water like that to be likely fierce. So long as contaminates elemental force, it can shut off relation between elemental force and elemental cultivator, subsequently swallows elemental force, expands oneself. 体内冥河蛮牛血脉并不纯正,【冥河断】上凝聚的血光自然也远远做不到像冥河水那般厉害。但是只要沾染上元力,它就能切断元力元修之间的联系,继而吞噬元力,壮大自身。 Shi Xueman this spear|gun, collection elemental force is certainly astonishing, for him, is no different than a good food! 师雪漫这一枪,汇集的元力一定非常惊人,对他来说,无异于一顿美食! Shi Xueman does not know that the idea of Xing Shan, she has not even felt Xing Shan Netherworld River Sever Aura, all her mind, all on Cloud Dyeing Heaven in own hand. 师雪漫不知道刑山的想法,她甚至没有感受到刑山冥河断】的气息,她所有的心神,全在自己手中的云染天上。 Clouds Of Vault Of Heaven Iron! 苍穹铁之云 Rewinds mist that comes, submerges in her spear|gun flower, becomes it is heavy like the iron. Cloud Dyeing Heaven in hand becomes is heavy like the mountain, she needs to control Cloud Dyeing Heaven with the total involvement. 倒卷而来的云气,没入她的枪花之中,变得其重如铁。手中的云染天变得重如山岳,她需要用全身心才能控制住云染天 Black flowers, depart from the breech of rifle, regarding in the Cloud Dyeing Heaven's spear|gun's body, circles slowly. These seem likely the flowers of steel and iron casting carving, completely is the fog collection. 一朵朵黑色的花朵,从枪尾飞出,围绕在云染天的枪身,缓缓盘旋。这些看上去像钢铁铸造雕刻的花朵,全部是云雾汇集而成。 Each iron picture, over thousand jin (0.5 kg) heaviness! 每一枚铁花,都超过千斤之重! Unique skill that Shi Xueman creates, iron picture 】! 师雪漫所创的绝技,铁花】! The people described that the spear|gun always likes with the pear short spear trick, the bright as snow spear|gun flower seems pear flowers is in full bloom. But another path that Shi Xueman actually takes, selects its heavily, receives heavily its! 人们形容枪总是喜欢用梨花枪,雪亮的枪花好似梨花朵朵盛开。而师雪漫却走的另外一条道路,择其重,承其重! When six black black deep iron pictures, circle around pure white bright Cloud Dyeing Heaven, the imposing manner of Shi Xueman whole body vanishes suddenly. 当六朵黑黝深沉的铁花,盘旋在洁白剔透的云染天周围,师雪漫浑身的气势陡然消失。 Her vision moves out of the way from Cloud Dyeing Heaven, looks to Xing Shan. 她的目光从云染天上挪开,看向刑山 Maps her field of vision great axe to coerce everywhere blood glow together, just likes breaks through the red mighty current of stream bank together, is having the power and influence of moving mountains, toward her crush. 映入她视野一道巨斧裹挟着漫天血芒,犹如一道冲破河堤的红色洪流,带着排山倒海的威势,朝她碾压而来。 Sigh. 呼。 Shi Xueman aspirates slowly, aspirates like sword, the sea of clouds of her top of the head seemed also divided into two by together the sharp sword. 师雪漫缓缓吐气,吐气如剑,她头顶的云海也仿佛被一道利剑从中一分为二。 Her eye pupil change, the mighty waves are not outmoded, sink to congeal motionless, firmly like iron. 她的眼眸没有一丝变化,波澜不兴,沉凝不动,坚决如铁。 Coming blood river, as if has not seen general. 迎面而来的血河,仿佛没有看见一般。 The stride, punctures the spear|gun! 跨步,刺枪! Is skillful without any flower, incurs like the most common spear|gun. But is the so simple basic movement, in the Shi Xueman hand, is actually passing the indescribable aesthetic sense, resembles all rays to collect on her at this moment, does not capture all attention independently. 没有任何花巧,就像最普通不过的枪招。但就是如此简单基本的动作,在师雪漫手中,却透着难以言喻的美感,就好像所有的光线此刻都汇集在她身上,不自主吸引所有的目光。 This seems like an ordinary thorn, changes to the cold glow, around it, six iron picture stars surrounding the moon circles slowly, flies to the dreadful blood river. 这看似再平凡不过的一刺,化作一点寒芒,在它周围,六枚铁花众星拱月般缓缓盘旋,飞向滔天血河。 Compared with Netherworld River Sever The power and influence is scary, Shi Xueman's iron picture 】 It is ordinary ordinary. 比起【冥河断】的威势骇人,师雪漫的铁花】平凡普通得很。 Why however does not know, this power and influence does not seem any special spear|gun, attracts everybody's mind. 但是不知为什么,这威势看上去没有任何特殊的一枪,吸引大家的心神。 All people do not get rid of breath independently. 所有人不自主摒住呼吸。 Six iron pictures are surrounding and protecting the cold star, bangs into the ominous severe air/Qi dreadful blood river. 六枚铁花拱卫着一点寒星,一头撞入凶厉之气滔天的血河之中。 The Xing Shan complexion changes suddenly, the present blood river blasts out suddenly. He makes any response without enough time, is grasping the palm hemp of great axe, just was also sending out the fearful power and influence heavy axe like the crisp biscuit, changes to the powder powder instantaneously. His palm explodes blood rain directly, he even without enough time feels the pain. 刑山的脸色突然大变,眼前的血河突然炸开。他来不及做出任何反应,握着巨斧的手掌一麻,刚刚还散发着可怕威势的重斧就像酥脆的饼干,瞬间化作齑粉。他的手掌直接炸成一蓬血雨,他甚至来不及感觉到痛。 Then sees only the right arms of remaining halves. 然后看见只剩下半截的右臂。
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