My goodness.
A dayalsoon12double-hour, thismeow99%timeindream, no wonderis unconscious, becomeshereonlyone‚warrior’.
一天也就十二个时辰,这喵90%九的时间都在梦里,怪不得神志不清,成为这边唯一一位‘勇士’。„Invincible, thiswave of Iam willingto shoutonemeow the master!” The Bai Ye (white night)shock, grumbledwas inferior.
“无敌,这波我愿喊一声喵爷!”白夜震惊,自叹不如。Herenoisilyin abundance.
这边嘈杂纷纷。ThatthreefemaleHeavenly Emperorandthreeemperor's children, expressionbecomescolder.
那三位女天帝和三个帝子,眼神都变得更加冷冽。EspeciallythatVast Sea Star Prisonemperor's childrendark bluegodchart, in the lookdisdainedcold and gloomy, nowadded a minute/share of sinister smile: „Cannot think ofsolemnHeaven-Stealing Emperor Child, is not only conceited, but alsosocannot withstandvulgarly, haswhatqualifications to be joined toHeavenly Emperor?”
特别是那沧海星狱帝子沧神图,本来眼神中森冷不屑,现在添了分阴笑:“想不到堂堂窃天帝子,不但狂妄自大,还如此粗鄙不堪,有何资格配得上诸位天帝?”During the spoken languages, the body of his70000-meterUniverse Godstar sea, bloomsastonishingsword intent, brilliant, the power and influenceis bright.
言语之间,他高达70000米的宙神星海之躯,绽放出惊人剑意,光彩夺目,威势煌煌。That is almost similar to the essencesword auralook, fallsonLi Tianming, creates the vastpressure.
那几乎如同实质剑气般的眼神,更是落在李天命身上,带来浩瀚压力。„Joke, withdoes not matchon, theyareI‚properly married’concubine, yourwhatstatus, daresto discuss the qualificationswithme?”Li Tianminglooked that has not looked atthatperson of one.
“笑话,配不配的上,她们都是我‘明媒正娶’的小妾,你什么身份,也敢与我谈资格?”李天命看都没看那人一眼。Thissaying, letsthatfourfemaleHeavenly Emperoris the facial expressionstagnates.
这话,让那四位女天帝都是神情一滞。Properly married?
明媒正娶?Recalled that initially when camepoor, theya littleaddto stop up, butwas quicktheythennot to care, after allnowtheyplay a trick, thisLi Tianmingheadhatcould not cast offin any event.
回想起当初过来时的寒酸,她们心里都有点添堵,不过很快她们便没在意了,毕竟如今她们设局,这李天命头上的帽子无论如何是摘不掉了。Has not waited fordark bluegodto answer,Li Tianminglookedtotung oil treeHeavenly Emperor that somewhatmoesoftly: „Your humble wife, rollsto treatat the same time, turn headtidies upyouagain.”
还没等沧神图回话,李天命看向那有些软萌的桐天帝:“贱妾,滚一边待着去,回头再收拾你们。”During the spoken languages, seems to be constraining the anger?
His response, makingtung oil treeHeavenly Emperorstarestaring, butshehas not been angry, instead a littlesufferingappearance, the gooseyellowlong skirtbody under of gracefulstar seaUniverse God, moved toward the one side.
Her, clarifiesmustwatch‚good play’ the appearance.
她这样子,摆明了要看‘好戏’的样子。Originally, sheisseesLi Tianmingto return, then the planmakes the dark bluegodattemptthemfirstto walk, today the goalhas been achieved.
本来,她是见李天命归来,便打算让沧神图他们先走,今日目的已经达到。But looking back now, thisLi Tianming seems to be constraining the anger, as iffollowing?
但现在看来,这李天命似乎压抑着愤怒,似乎还有后续?„Entered the play?”
“入戏了?”RapidsHeavenly Emperoralsocomes from the front courtyard, herstaticstandingsideLi Tianming, feelshim‚anger’, smileslightly.
泷天帝也从前院进来,她静静的站在李天命身边,感受到他的‘愤怒’,淡淡一笑。Not onlyshe, anotherthreefemaleHeavenly Emperorwas musing: „Experiencesthismatter, perhapsnoman can bear. However...... thisLi Tianming, even if not wantto endure, how can also?”
不只是她,还有另外三女天帝都在暗想:“遇到这种事,恐怕没有一个男人能忍得住。不过……这李天命就算不想忍,又能如何?”Infieldregardless of, butis notthisLi Tianmingcancope, let alone, healsoon that daypolar starreceiving.
场中无论哪一个,可都不是这李天命能对付的,更何况,他还将那天极星给收起来了。In their eyes, thiswave of Li Tianming can only remain silentto suffer a loss, lookswith own eyesownwifewithothermen‚amusement’, actuallycannot do tothesemen, thisis the shame of man.
在她们看来,这波李天命只能闷声吃亏,亲眼看着自家媳妇跟其他男人‘玩乐’,却奈何不了那些男人,此乃男人之耻辱。Oncepasses on, is the shame of heaven-stealing, isas for the shame of entireZero Degree Star Prison.
一旦传出去,便是窃天之耻辱,乃至于整个零度星狱之耻。This is their timegoals.
这就够了。„Haha.” The dark bluegodchartsees that thenalsorelaxed, sprinkleshoweversmiles, after allheknows,whotoday the angriestpersonis: „, Since the youngemperor's childrencame back, we should also save face...... the forestemperor's childrento the youngemperor's children, the dragonemperor's children, did yousay?”
“哈哈。”沧神图见状,便也缓和了下来,洒然一笑,毕竟他知道,今天最愤怒的人是谁:“也罢,既然小帝子回来了,我们也该给小帝子留点面子……林帝子,龙帝子,你们说呢?”„Hehe, whatthinghisLi Tianmingis, saves facetohim?”NearbyLin Xiaotingstands up, a facelaughs: „, Cannot playinthisothers'domain, wefirstwalk, turn headinvitedSirHeavenly Emperor, comingmyPurple Electricity Star Prisonto be a guest.”
“呵呵,他李天命算什么东西,给他留面子?”一旁林潇霆站起身来,一脸嗤笑:“也罢,在这别人的地盘玩不开,咱们先走吧,回头邀请诸位天帝大人,来我紫电星狱作客。”„Thatdark bluesome, in advanceasks to be excused.”
A dark bluegodchartfaceis affectedly virtuous, turns roundto bowto salutetowardthattung oil treeHeavenly Emperor.
沧神图一脸道貌岸然,回身朝着那桐天帝躬身行礼。In his pair of look, was full of the affections and respect, the formernaturallylookstoLi Tianming, the latterisitsconscience.
他一双眼神之中,充满了爱意和尊敬,前者自然是给李天命看的,后者才是其本心。In fact, thisdark bluegodattemptsalsoclearly, withhisaptitude, thistung oil treeHeavenly Emperoris really impossible to have a liking forhim, will otherwise not wait tillnow......
事实上,这沧神图也清楚,以他的资质,这位桐天帝真不可能看得上他,要不然也不会等到现在……Hisfunction, thencoordinatesfourHeavenly Emperorhere, disgustingLi Tianming!
他的作用,便是在这里配合四位天帝,恶心一下李天命!„Wait, does the dark bluegodattempt?”Li Tianminglifts the hand, Eastern Sovereign Swordaims atthat70,000metershighVast Sea Star Prisonemperor's childrensharp: „Comes tomydomainto be the clumsy mischief-doer, does not leave behind anything, do not wantto roll.”
When spokethissaying, hisEastern Sovereign Sword seems shivering, swordsharpbuzzhowever.
说这话时,他的东皇剑仿佛都在颤抖,剑尖嗡然。RapidsHeavenly Emperorthey, orLin Xiaotingthey, veryobviouslooks, this does Li Tianming, seem at the extremelyangrycondition?
无论是泷天帝她们,亦或是林潇霆他们,都很明显的看出来,这李天命,似乎是处于极度愤怒的状态?Thisletstheirlooks, all of a suddenbecomessubtle.
这让他们的眼神,一下子变得微妙起来。„Did youngemperor's children, youdetermine?” The dark bluegodattemptschuckleone, but alsodeliberatelyaggravated„slightly”character, meaning of tauntis full: „Dark blue some are the emperor's children of Vast Sea Star Prison, ifyou make one blockme, butwantsto violate the command of forewordlord, triggers the disorderlyworld war?”
“小帝子,你确定?”沧神图轻笑一声,还刻意加重了“小”字,嘲讽之意味十足:“沧某乃沧海星狱之帝子,你若让人拦我,可是想违背序主之令,引发无序世界大战?”„Whosaid that I can blockyou?”
“谁说我要让人拦你?”Li Tianmingis seemingly tranquil, in the look is actually similar tomustspout the fire, is staring atthatdark bluegodchartstubbornly: „Selectsonly, wholoseswhodies, dares!”李天命看似平静,眼神中却如同要喷出火来,死死盯着那沧神图:“单挑,谁输谁死,敢不敢!”Thissaying, the surroundingspeopleallcomplexionconcentrates, completelyhas not thought,Li Tianmingwill proposesorequests.
这话一出,周围众人全都面色一凝,全然没想到,李天命会提出如此要求。After all, even ifwas the dark bluegodattempts is also notLi Tianmingcancopedecidedly.
毕竟,哪怕是沧神图也决然不是李天命能够对付得了的。Althoughsaid,Li Tianmingthisreturn, the body of thatabout20,000metershighUniverse God, grew about 40,000meters, thenbutwith70,000meters that the dark bluegodattempted, stillhadaboutonetime of disparity!
虽然说,李天命此次归来,那将近两万米高的宙神之躯,成长到了将近四万米,但那跟沧神图的七万米,仍然有将近一倍的差距!"oh?"“哦?”Thatwears a red skirtwarmly, such asfirebitter edible plantHeavenly Emperor, a pair of beautifulpupilhas the smile: „Husband, mustcrack a jokenot, everyoneis a friend, should not be so hot tempered.”
那身穿一袭红裙、热烈如火的荼天帝,一双美眸带着笑容:“夫君,莫要开玩笑了,大家都是朋友,不要这么暴躁嘛。”NearbyrapidsHeavenly Emperoralsostands, having the Emperordignifiedsound saying: „Good, nowdisorderlyworldworldDatong, cannoteasilyconflict. Li Tianming, youare not the opponent who the dark bluegodattempts, ifunder the impulsiondieshere, to provoke the war?”
一旁泷天帝也站出来,带着帝皇威严的声音道:“不错,如今无序世界天下大同,不可轻易冲突。李天命,你并非沧神图的对手,若冲动之下死在这里,岂不是挑起战争?”Shespokethissaying, is probing.
她说这话,是在试探。Has saying that ifunder the Li Tianmingreallyanger, mustattempt the life and deathdecisive battlewith the dark bluegod, thatto herdefinitelyis the good deed.
不得不说,如果李天命真的愤怒之下,要跟沧神图生死决战,那对她而言肯定是好事。Regardingbattle strength that the dark bluegodattempts, sheunderstands.
但……After allLi Tianmingwas without place of ruinsto create the miracle, makingherquitevigilant.
“呵呵。”Li Tianminglooked at the siderapidsdayEmperor Oneeye, in the heartwas clear that the idea of thiswoman, has not paid attention toherfrom the start.李天命看了身侧的泷天帝一眼,心中清楚这女人的想法,压根没理会她。In fact, hisjust‚anger’is naturally false, is the performing skill.
事实上,他刚刚的‘愤怒’自然是假的,全是演技。Seeminglydisplays the detailto makethemfeeltranquillyandactually, hisangry, thustempts the opposite partyto swallow the bait.
看似平静、却表现出细节让她们感受到,他内心的愤怒,从而引诱对方上钩。This must breaknowthis‚greenhat’ the bureau, the only means that splashEmperor Palaceby the opposite party one of them blood!
这也是要破如今这‘绿帽’之局,唯一的办法,以对方其中一人血溅帝宫!Butifheis too calm, the opposite partywill definitely realizeto have the issue, the resulthas not thought,even so, thisrapidsHeavenly Emperorissovigilant.
而他要是太镇定的话,对方肯定会意识到有问题,结果没想到,即便如此,这泷天帝还是如此警觉。Such being the case, hisalsobeing disinclinedrubbish.
既然如此,他也懒得废话。„The Vast Sea Star Prisonwasteemperor's children, rollto selectonly!”
“沧海星狱的废物帝子,滚出来单挑!”HegraspsEastern Sovereign Sword, the body of 40,000metersUniverse Godfliesquite the same asto the Heaven-Stealing Emperorcitysky over, ‚eggis broken’ the golden-blackdoublepupil, by the look of looking disdainfully, contains the endlessanger, occupies a commanding positionto looktothatdark bluegodchart.
他手持东皇剑,四万米宙神之躯浑然飞向窃天帝城之上空,‘蛋碎’的金黑色双瞳,以睥睨之神色,蕴藏着无尽的怒火,居高临下看向那沧神图。At this moment, the entireHeaven-Stealing Emperorcityboiledloudly!
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