The sand duststormsweeps across, fightsshakesheavenshaking.
沙尘风暴席卷,战斗震天撼地。People who indistant placeNine Dragons Emperor Burial, do not know, but alsothinks that istwogiant beastsis slaughtering, everywhere that shakesis the sand storm, has the sound of shoutingindistinctly.
远处九龙帝葬内,不知道的人们,还以为是两头巨兽在厮杀,震的漫天都是沙尘暴,隐约还有嘶吼之声。How longdoes not know, just nowstands stillslowly.
不知道过去多久,方才慢慢停歇下来。In the sand duststorm, Li Tianmingkissedoneonherforehead, saidin a soft voice: „Herecurrentlydoes not haveothersounds, givesyoufirstto stare, Igo tothat side the disorderlyworldto look atone.”
沙尘风暴中,李天命在她额头上吻了一口,轻声道:“这边目前没其他动静,交给你先盯着,我去无序世界那边看一眼。”„Justfinished up, is keeping thinking about your fournewconcubine?”Zi Zhenwhitehiseyes, the hum/snortsaid.
“刚完事,就惦记着你那四个新小妾了是吧?”紫禛白了他一眼,哼声说道。„Whatwords? Whatwordsthis that saidis? Didn't makeyoupull outcleanly?”Li Tianmingis pinching her alsoruddyboth ears, saidearnestly: „Thesefourpoisonouswomen, in the fermentationwhatvirulentplan, me were just definitely steady, that sidecannotsit waiting for death.”
“什么话?说的什么话这是?不是都让你掏干净了么?”李天命捏着她那还红润的双耳,认真道:“这四个毒妇,肯定在酝酿什么恶毒计划,我这边刚稳点,那边也不能坐以待毙。”„Youwantto goto go, was needlessto saywithme.”Zi Zhenpulls openhisboth hands, saidlightly.
“你想去就去呗,不用跟我说。”紫禛拉开他的双手,淡淡说道。„Saytowell.”Li Tianmingpattedherwaistbuttocks, said: „Relax, herehas anything, the breezewill tellmemomentarily. Does not use the toomuchtimeback and forth.”
“还是说一下为好。”李天命拍了拍她的腰臀,道:“放心吧,这边有什么事,小风随时会跟我说。来回不用太多时间。”„Knew.”Sawhimto say the proper business, Zi Zhendoes not wantto makehimnot feel relieved, access road/simply said: „Youpay attention to the security, otherin the sewerscapsizes is.”
“知道了。”见他真是说正事,紫禛也不想让他不放心,便道:“你注意安全,别阴沟里翻船便是。”„IleaveyouUndying Eternal Clan, Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven here, I have also tested, Little Sixisspans the worldto limittohercontrol, but, you must be carefulher.”Li Tianmingsaid.
“我把不死永恒族留给你,皇七也在这边,我测试过了,小六对她的掌控是跨越世界限制的,不过,你也还是要小心她。”李天命说道。„Ok, nowwalks?”Zi Zhenasked.
“行,现在就走?”紫禛问。„Un. Makes the best use of the time, the hole of twoworld, somewere too big.”HelplessLi Tianmingsaid.
“嗯。抓紧时间吧,两个世界的窟窿,有些太大了。”李天命无奈道。„Yourthisbusy personmaybe really tired.”Zi Zhensnort/humsound said.
“你这大忙人可真累。”紫禛哼声道。„Abilityis bigger, the responsibilityis bigger.”Li Tianmingsaid.
“能力越大,责任越大。”李天命道。„Having the actingis the good deed, fearedyouwantto supportwere too many, cannot withstand.” The Zi Zhenvisionis spooky, the concernsaid.
“有担当是好事,就怕你想撑的太多了,顶不住。”紫禛目光幽幽,关怀说道。„Joke, do not despiseme. Myanythingcango against.”Li Tianmingsaid with a smile.
“笑话,可别小看我。我什么都能顶。”李天命笑道。„Daypolar stardid not have, reallymustbe careful. Not is only carefulthatfourfemales, behindthemthat38.” The Zi Zhenurgingsaid.
“天极星没了,真的要小心了。不只是小心那四个女的,还有她们背后那三八。”紫禛叮嘱道。Onethree, one aren't eight, 38?
“收到!”Thissituation, compelledwordyZi Zhen, Li Tianmingwill certainly not disappointher, howsheurged, listening.
“走吧。”Zi Zhendoes not wantdeep love between man and womantoo, loseshistime, thenoneselfturn aroundto departon own initiative, goesin the Nine Dragons Emperor Burialdirection.紫禛也不想儿女情长太多,耽误他的时间,便自己主动转身离去,往九龙帝葬的方向而去。„Reallygoodshe......”
“真好啊她……”Li Tianmingis looking atherback, sighs with emotionseveral.李天命望着她的背影,感慨几声。Hefelt that ownluck is very who good, the missbumps into, no matterwhattype , is really good.
他感觉自己运气很好,碰上的姑娘,不管什么类型,都还真是不错。Even ifWeisheng Morandeparts, Li Tianmingstillneverblamesheranything, hebelieves that certainlyhas the change of having no recourse.
就算微生墨染离去,李天命也从不怪她什么,他相信一定是有迫不得已的变化。„, Next!”
“出发,下一步!”Inchannel that hearrives atthatordereddisorder, inthatvortex, thatMu Qingqing there he, sheas if the time that returns tothat100,000yearsto defendhimto paint a portraithas been same, suchsilentlyis waiting......
他来到那有序无序的通道之中,那一个漩涡内,那沐晴晴一直都在那里等他,她仿佛回到了那十万年守着他画像的时刻一样,就这么默默的等着……„Broke through? Reallygood.”Mu Qingqingstands up, be with smile on the face.
“又突破了?真好。”沐晴晴站起身,面带微笑。Li Tianminglooks at the bodies of this more than 10,000metersUniverse God, said: „Yourthisminute/share of universebody, mustcome outfrommain bodythatminute/share.”李天命看着她这一万多米的宙神之体,道:“你这分宇宙体,又要从本尊那分一些出来了。”Thismisspreparesto wait on the bedroomfrequently, letsLi Tianming many are a littlespeechless.
这姑娘时时刻刻准备侍寝,让李天命多少是有点无语的。Mu Qingqingshakes the headto smile, said: „Actuallyis not good, the presentwas the upper limit of clone, later...... the concubinebodycannotalong withshoutingalong withcomplying.”沐晴晴摇头笑了笑,道:“其实不行了,现在是分身的上限了,以后……妾身不能随呼随应了。”„Opensyourmain body, Isufficeon.”Li Tianmingsaid.
“把你本尊开过来呗,我够得上。”李天命道。Mu Qingqinglowered the headto smile, had not said,looked at this expression, shouldhide something.沐晴晴只是低头笑了一下,却没多说,看她这表情,应该是藏着一些东西的。„Isn't main bodyconvenient?”Li Tianmingasked.
“本尊不方便呢?”李天命问道。„Saidagain, youare still growingin any case.”Mu Qingqingdiscussed the one breathslightly, saidtoLi Tianmingagain: „MoreoverIknow,youare far frombeing ableto acceptmydegree, therefore, does not needto teaseme.”
“再说吧,反正你还在成长。”沐晴晴微微谈了一口气,再对李天命道:“而且我知道,你远没有到能接受我的程度,所以,没必要调侃我。”Li Tianmingtrulyjokeswithher, buta littleinjuredtoherprobably, herealizedthisissue, thensaidone: „Sorry.”李天命确实和她开个玩笑,但好像有点伤到她了,他意识到了这个问题,便说了一声:“抱歉。”„...... Mu Qingqingdo not say”hastily: „Iunderstandyour, after all all are to you strange, youas one desiresthen.”
After saying, shesmiled, was happier , to continue saying: „Wedo not waste the time, youtransform the strengthquickly. Zero Degree Star Prisonrecentlysomesituations, makingsomewere unattractive, must youto act.”
“情况?”Hearsthissaying, Li Tianmingthenmakes the best use of the time, startsto transform the strength.
听到这话,李天命便抓紧时间,开始转化力量。From the orderto the disorder, the strengthnaturechanged, howeverhisfightadditionalso.
从有序到无序,力量性质变化了,但是他的战斗加成都还在。Hetransforms the strengthtime, Mu Qingqingin the , is then staring athimsilently, whenshesaw when Li Tianminghas removed a day of polar starasaccepting as a memento, heranxietyincreasedmuch.
他转化力量的时候,沐晴晴便在边上,默默的凝视着他,当她看到李天命已经撤下天极星作为留念时,她的忧虑又增加了不少。Shortly , the strengthtransforms.
“走吧。”Li Tianmingleadsher, goesin the Zero Degree Star Prisondirection, whileasked: „Does the situation that you said that have the relationswiththatfourfemaleHeavenly Emperor?”李天命带着她,一边往零度星狱方向而去,一边问道:“你说的情况,和那四位女天帝有关系吧?”„Un.”Mu Qingqingnods.
“嗯。”沐晴晴点头。„Whatboredmatter do theydo?”Li Tianmingcoldlyasks.
“她们又搞什么无聊的事?”李天命冷冷问道。„That......”Mu Qingqingsomewhatstarts to speak but hesitates, said: „Words that I said that should not be angry.”
“那个……”沐晴晴有些欲言又止,道:“我说出来的话,你可别生气。”„Cracks a joke, so long astheydo not injuremyintimateperson, howIam possibly angryforthem?”Li Tianminghehesaid.
“开玩笑,只要她们不伤我亲近的人,我怎可能为她们而生气?”李天命呵呵道。„Thatis good.”Mu Qingqingrelaxes.
“那就好。”沐晴晴松了一口气。„Exactlywhat happened?”Li Tianmingasked.
“到底发生了什么事?”李天命问。„Theiryouwere probably green.”Mu Qingqingsaid.
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