“进。”Nine Dragons Emperor Burialstopsbesidethisgold/metalsilversetting sunEmperor Star.九龙帝葬停在这金银色的落日帝星之外。ButLi Tianmingbrings40nineUndying Eternal ClanClan Head, chose a directioncasually, the concealmentaura, escapesintothatsetting sunto protectinbarrier.
A Emperor Starmass, is100 milliontimes of Sun Mortal Rankworld, canadmitinitiallyplace of Sun100 millionOrder, even ifLi Tianmingtheyhave the body of several tens of thousands ofmetersUniverse God, to them, thissetting sunEmperor Staralsorelativebig.
轰轰轰!starlightsurge the bodyto bang into gold and silversea, the strength of thatgoldenpartis primarily the flame, thunder, diamondwait/etc, but the strength of silverpartis primarily the coldice, to freeze, storm, formsinbarrierstrangles to death the circleinnumerably, is very scary.
一道道星光涌动之躯体撞入金银海洋之中,那金色部分的力量以火焰、雷霆、金刚等等为主,而银色部分的力量则以寒冰、冰冻、风暴为主,在结界内形成无数绞杀圈,十分骇人。HowevertoLi Tianming that the daypolar star can also become effective, thisEmperor Heaven Rankprotects the barrierlethality is not big.
不过对天极星还能生效的李天命而言,这帝天级守护结界的杀伤力并不大。Theirthisgroup of people, at the extremelyquickspeedacrossthisgold and silverstorm, are pricking the setting sunEmperor Stardeep placelike the sharp sword.
他们这一群人,正以极快的速度穿过这金银风暴,如同利剑刺入落日帝星深处。„Thissetting sunprotectsbarriercontrol, shouldfeelourexistence.”
“这落日守护结界的掌控者,应该感受到我们的存在了。”WithoutNine Dragons Emperor Burialbombing, the entiresetting sunprotectsbarrieronsuch as the tranquillake, even if the pebblepounds, isveryobvious.
没有九龙帝葬轰炸,整个落日守护结界就如平静的湖泊,哪怕是石子砸进来,也是很明显的。But, Li Tianminghas not felt the enhancement that stops.
但,李天命并没感受阻拦的增强。„Thisalsoshowed,Sunset Godswas worriedoneselfandMeteor Gods is the same, thereforedoes not wantto fightwithme.”
“这也证明,落日神众担心自己和陨星神众一样,所以不想和我斗。”Is correctas forthisguess, immediatelytestedto know.
至于这猜测到底正不正确,马上测试一下就知道了。Facingthisgold and silverStar Sourcestorm, Li Tianming and Undying Eternal Clanbrokenwind the line, soon, Their groupstrongUniverse Godbroke throughthisEmperor Heaven Rankto protectbarrier, broke insetting sunEmperor Starsmoothly!
面对这金银恒星源风暴,李天命和不死永恒族破风而行,不久之后,他们一行超强宙神冲破了这帝天级守护结界,顺利冲入了落日帝星!Looking into the distance, thisis a broadandvasthigh-levelworld, the mountainsriversea, compared withhighest heavenEmperor Star, mustappearwithout doubtrough, more suitableUniverse Pole Beastsurvival, to run, soarandroams through!
放眼望去,这是一个宽阔、浩瀚的高级世界,无论是山川河海,比起九霄帝星而言,无疑要显得粗犷许多,更适合宙极兽生存、奔跑、腾飞、遨游!Properly speaking, such broadworld, will have the racingline/traverse of star seagiant beastfrequentlyin the line of sight, howeverLi Tianmingtakes a fast look around for a week, actuallydiscoverythisboundlessworldseemsverypeaceful, the deathly stillness, seems everywhere desolate.
按理说,这样宽阔的世界,时时刻刻都会有星海巨兽在视线中奔行,然而李天命扫视一周,却发现这个无边世界显得很安静,到处都很死寂,仿佛毫无人烟。„Hides, gets up.”Yin Chen (silver dust)said.
“都藏,起来。”银尘说道。„concealswhere? Emperor City? Ruins City? Universe City?”Li Tianmingasked.
“藏什么地方呢?帝城?墟城?宙城?”李天命问道。„It is not.”
“不是。”„Where is that?”Li Tianmingasked.
“那是哪里?”李天命问。„Dispersion, the entirestar, a person, occupies, ten million/countless, ten thousandwater.”Yin Chen (silver dust)said.
“分散,全星,一人,占据,千万,万水。”银尘道。"fuck!"Li Tianmingis very speechless.“靠!”李天命很无语。Breaks up the whole into parts, hidesinto the remote mountain, isn't thisLi Tianmingoperatesfrequently?
化整为零,躲入深山,这不是李天命自己经常的操作么?Hefrom the beginning, makes the Yan and Huangdescendants in Good Fortune Rankworlddo, has the opportunity of panting for breath!
他一开始,就是让造化级世界的炎黄后裔这么干,才获得喘息的机会的!Has not thought that madethisSunset Godsgivestudy.
没想到让这落日神众给学去了。„The Emperorsbloodlines of Emperor Star, the personwere not many, partwent to the bigwood-boring insectgoing crazystar, the remainingpeoplebreak up the whole into partsagain...... byvast of thissetting sunEmperor Star, must make a substantializeharmreallyto be difficulttothem. Moreovertheydo not have the place of highest heavenmausoleumtype of life......”
The words of ancestortomb, definitelyhave, butisquitescattered, has not been making the later generationpromotePseudo ShapelikeMeteor Godssuchhappyjoyful reuniontogether.
祖陵的话,肯定是有的,但就是比较分散,没有如陨星神众那样喜欢聚在一起让后辈提升拟象。„Playsthismove? Howyoudisperseagain, has the center of gravity.”Li Tianming said that a silvercockroach that thenlooks at the palm.
“玩这一招?你再怎么散,也是有重心的。”李天命说完,然后看着手心的一只银色蟑螂。Thatsilvercockroachsaid: „Hasone, is small, after the emperor . By, them, Heavenly Emperor, was loveddeeply.”
那银色蟑螂道:“有一,个小,帝后。深受,他们,天帝,疼爱。”„Do youknowherposition? Does shehave the setting sunto protectbarrierWorld Core?”Li Tianmingasked.
“你知道她的位置?她有落日守护结界的界核吗?”李天命问道。„No.”Yin Chen (silver dust)said.
“没有。”银尘道。„After thatthis‚youngemperor,’useis not big.”Li Tianmingshakes the headto say.
After so-calledyoungemperor, is the Sunset GodsHeavenly Emperorconcubine.
所谓小帝后,就是落日神众天帝的小老婆。„Control, World Core, the person, conceals, is too deep.”Yin Chen (silver dust)said.
“掌控,界核,之人,藏得,太深。”银尘说道。Li Tianmingalsoknows,Yin Chen (silver dust)to the person who oneselfproposed, basicallywasitjudgespossibly the usefulperson.李天命也知道,银尘向自己提出的人,基本上是它判断最可能有用的人了。„, After thatusesthisyoungemperor, measuresthisSunset Godstrueattitude. Placewhere?”Li Tianmingaskedsimply.
“也罢,那就用这小帝后,测一测这落日神众真正的态度。地点在哪里?”李天命干脆问道。„Setting sun, Emperor City.”Yin Chen (silver dust)replied.
“落日,帝城。”银尘回答道。„My goodness, is the most dangerousplace the safestplace? Daresto stay in the capitalunexpectedlydirectly.”Li Tianmingsaid,turn headgreetedtheseUndying Eternal Clanone, thencrosses the skyon the body of byUniverse God, has flowninthisSunset Godsdomainfrankly and uprightly.
“好家伙,最危险的地方就是最安全的地方?竟然敢直接留在首都。”李天命说完,回头招呼了那些不死永恒族一声,然后就以宙神之体横渡天空,光明正大在这落日神众的地盘上飞过。Downwardlook, trulycanseeamongthishillsten thousandravine, in the abyssfurnacebottomworld, is hidingsomeSunset GodsUniverse God......
往下看,确实能看到这群山万壑之间,深渊熔炉地底世界之内,藏着一些落日神众宙神……„Emperorsbloodlines of solemnEight Departments GodsEmperor Star, becausemysquadtroopsarrive, the entirestarfrightensto hide......”
“堂堂八部神众一个帝星的帝众血脉,因为我一小队人马到来,全星吓得躲藏起来……”Thistreatment, fullyshowedEight Departments Gods, realized the Li Tianming'sterrifyingtruly.
The groupfly over the world.
一行人飞越天地。Soon , the end of form line, the setting sunEmperor StarmostNorth Poleposition, amonggold and silverappearances, the shapelikecity of the boundlessgreattowerHeavenly Emperor, appearsin the Li Tianming'sfield of vision.
The mass of thiscity, is not probably farwith the Heaven-Stealing Emperorcitydifference, butmustdiscussgrandly, Emperor City of trulyfarultradisorderlyworld.
这座城池的体量,大概和窃天帝城差不远,但要论壮阔,确实远超无序世界的帝城。„Myriad Universe Rankprotectionbarrier, opened.”
“万宙级的守护结界,开了。”EvenEmperor Heaven Rankcannot block, moreoveris notbarrierbarrier, thentoLi Tianming, existed in name only.
连帝天级的都挡不住,而且不是屏障结界,那对李天命而言,就更是形同虚设了。„Entirebeing locatedday is Emperor City, hidingherone?”Li Tianmingasked.
“整座落日帝城,就藏着她一个?”李天命问道。„Yes!”Yin Chen (silver dust)hehesmiles, „originally, the need, walksspatially. However, thisfemale, intention, by luck.”
“嗯。”Li Tianmingnods.李天命点头。Heknows,thisis not the intentionis lucky, her thislaw of hidingright, is only the luckis not good, madeYin Chen (silver dust)seize.
他知道,这也不算心怀侥幸,她这藏身之法也没错,只是运气不好,还是让银尘逮住了。After allEmperor Cityconstruction structure, intriguing, compared with the open country, more suitableYin Chen (silver dust)to be dormant.
毕竟帝城建筑结构,错综复杂,比起野外,更适合银尘蛰伏。„Youstay outside, did not use.”
“你们就留在外面,不用进去了。”Li TianmingsaidtotheseUndying Eternal ClanClan Head.李天命对那些不死永恒族族长道。Their49peoplethenstand firmsame place, no longermoves, did not speak. IntheirboneshatestoLi Tianming, butis forcedto accept the order.
A Li Tianmingpersongoes into action, thatwas more convenient.李天命一个人行动起来,那就更方便了。Sees onlyhimwith easeacrossthatMyriad Universe Rankbarrier, mixed in setting sunEmperor City.
只见他轻松穿过那万宙级结界,混入了落日帝城之中。At present the city of entireHeavenly Emperor, isin the entireuniverseBeast Masterdream the highestgodplace, at this momentactuallyfalls into the deathly stillnessbecause of the Li Tianming'sarrival, withdeadcity.
眼前整个天帝之城,原本是全宇宙御兽师的梦中至高神地,此刻却因李天命的到来陷入死寂之中,就跟一座死城似的。„The Eight Departments Godssignsurface, was getting more and more low.”
“八部神众的牌面,越来越低了。”Li TianmingmovestoEmperor City , a veryordinaryregion, thenenhanced the intonation, saidtobelowgoldenmausoleum chamber.李天命移动到帝城之中,一块非常普通的区域,然后提高了声调,对下方一座金色地宫说道。Thatgoldenmausoleum chamber, withoutsound.
那金色地宫,没有动静。„Alsosuppressing?”Li Tianmingsmiles helplessly, to sayagain: „After falling the pearyoungemperor, the long timehears the reputation, comes outto see.”
After thissaying said that underthatgolden colormausoleum chambervibrated.
这话说出后,下方那金色地宫才震动了一下。Shortly, thatmausoleum chamberseveral tens of thousands ofmetersfront doorshakesloudly, the eye-catchinggolden lightsparklehorizon, inthatray, a golden hair silvers pupil, the outstandingly beautifulUniverse Godfemale of beautiful white skinbeautiful white skin, wears the galaxylong skirt of shiningtogether, soars......
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