FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4055: Eternal-Type!

In Immemorial Permanent Sand entrance defense line another broader fortress, altogether 30,000 many Heaven-Fighting God Clan accumulations. 太古恒沙入口防线另一处更恢弘的堡垒中,一共有三万多的战天神族聚集。 They gave a name to here, is called Emperor Arrival Palace. 他们给这里取了一个名字,叫做‘帝临宫’。 The meaning is, here is the place that the emperor arrives. 意思就是,这儿乃是帝降临的地方。 In High Star Ruins, as long as involves emperor character, means that is Emperor Heaven Rank, is the Emperors bloodlines, is the Eight Departments Gods peak, is the ordered universe peak! 上星墟,但凡牵扯到‘帝’字,意味着就是帝天级,更是帝众血脉,是八部神众的顶峰,更是有序宇宙的巅峰! Universe highest Ruler! 宇宙至高主宰者 At the present in this Emperor Arrival Palace somewhere, over a hundred Heaven-Fighting God Clan waits for outside a palace, they have notified, only waits for the key man to appear. 而今在这帝临宫某处,共有上百个战天神族在一座宫殿外等待,他们已经报信,只等关键人物出现。 Emperor's Daughter!” 帝女!” As awes shout spread, that palace front door opens, a white dense fog store front. 随着一声声敬畏之呼喊传出,那宫廷大门打开,一阵白色的迷雾铺面而来。 Eternal-Type......” 永恒种……” An numerous Heaven-Fighting God Clan delay looks, sees only in that dense fog, presents one to bathe kilometer Universe God in white starlight, her physique exquisite like the artware, the appearance is beautiful, is elegantly beautiful and noble, like a pure universe, is very proud. 一众战天神族呆滞看去,只见那迷雾之中,出现着一个沐浴在白色星光中的千米宙神,她身姿玲珑如艺术品,长相绝美,冷艳而高贵,如同一个纯净宇宙,无比傲人。 Eternal-Type and Emperor's Daughter......, when these phrases appear, means that the Eight Departments Gods highest Heavenly Emperor descendant appeared. 永恒种帝女……当这些字眼出现时,意味着八部神众至高天帝们的后裔出现了。 They are this universe truly highest bloodlines! 他们是这宇宙真正最高的血脉! In this side universe, not compared with they more honored new student/life. 在这一方宇宙里,没有比他们更尊贵的新生者了。 Asked Emperor's Daughter to arrive at Black Spread Palace, put to death three skunks.” An numerous Heaven-Fighting God Clan intention respect, kneels down, the look incomparably respects. “请帝女降临黑撒宫,诛杀三只臭鼠。”一众战天神族心怀崇敬,纷纷跪下,眼神无比敬仰。 Three skunks, this is new Eight Departments Gods to the name that Li Tianming they give, means that they hide the mouse that does not dare to come to the hidden place, so long as appears, is chased by all. 三只臭鼠,这便是新来的八部神众李天命他们取的名字,意味着他们是藏在暗处不敢现身的老鼠,只要出现,人人喊打。 When the person finishes speaking in the presence of everyone next, the front has no sound. 当众人话音刚落下时,前方却没任何动静。 They raise the head startled, when actually the discovery does not know, the white female in that dense fog disappears unexpectedly at present. 他们愕然抬头,却发现不知道何时,那迷雾中的白色女子竟然消失在眼前。 Emperor's Daughter may escape into the eternal road, elusive, even if that three skunks have the garrison, cannot detect her arrival!” 帝女可遁入永恒之路,来无影去无踪,那三只臭鼠就算有警备,也察觉不到她的降临!” Reason that elders make Black Spread Star Furnace these people tie down these three skunks, because of Emperor's Daughter in nearby......” “长辈们之所以让黑撒星炉那些人缠住这三只臭鼠,也是因为帝女就在附近吧……” Look, this issue is not absolutely big!” “看吧,这次问题绝对不大!” Not only they are confident, in fact makes this Eternal-Type vanish when the Heavenly Dao Arena field of vision, many Star Furnace boiled, this is also the first time that these Eight Departments Gods had the opportunity to witness Emperor Heaven Rank World the performance of true Emperors bloodlines with own eyes. 不只是他们有信心,实际上让这永恒种消失在天道竞技场的视野当中时,很多星炉都沸腾了,这也是这些八部神众第一次有机会亲眼见证帝天级世界的真正帝众血脉之表演。 If Qin Wangchuan, Youyou and the others, are only the first step of Emperors bloodlines, that such as Emperor's Daughter this Eternal-Type, is the end point of Emperors bloodlines, both's disparity, is considerably large. 如果说秦忘川沋沋等人,只是帝众血脉的第一步,那如帝女这种永恒种,则是帝众血脉的终点,两者的差距,也是相当大的。 Eight Departments Gods Star Source World, have turned very quiet, that is looking at the battlefield look, already extremely gloomy and cold. 一个个八部神众恒星源世界,已然屏住呼吸,那望着战场的眼神,已然极度阴冷。 ...... …… Black Spread Palace. 黑撒宫 Didn't have the reinforcements?” Li Tianming kills leniently, cannot bear the doubts ask Yin Chen (silver dust). “还没援军到?”李天命杀到手软,忍不住疑惑问银尘 No, sees!” Yin Chen (silver dust) feels strangely, without the reinforcements, these Heaven-Fighting God Clan is not possible also in the entanglement. “没有,看到!”银尘感觉奇怪,因为如果没有援军的话,这些战天神族是不可能还在纠缠的。 But the issue is, its subfield has proliferated the surrounding permits Yuan distance, had not discovered that some people approach! 但问题是,它的子体已经遍布周围许远的距离,也没发现有人靠近! Killed to 6000 quickly! The hatred effect has drawn, small eight have eating, first walked!” Li Tianming had the doubts at heart, immediately decides to quit when you're ahead. “快杀到六千了!仇恨效果已经拉到了,小八也有吃的了,先走吧!”李天命心里有了疑惑,当即决定见好就收。 He made Weisheng Moran install completely all the Universe God sources of dying, this act to Eight Departments Gods, provocation that also most is unable to tolerate. 他让微生墨染把所有死去的宙神本源全部装走,此举对八部神众来说,也是最无法容忍的挑衅。 These Heaven-Fighting God Clan summoned the hell malicious ghost, finally was flickered to kill by Li Tianming, causing Hell Wheel to lock, now these malicious ghosts are stranded in the Universe God source that they died, can only push Hell Wheel to go back little, but required the time. 这些战天神族召唤出了地狱恶鬼,结果被李天命瞬杀,导致地狱轮锁住,现在那些恶鬼都被困在他们死去的宙神本源里,只能一点点挤开地狱轮回去,但需要时间。 These days, is small eight enjoys the time of grand feast. 这段时间,就是小八享受盛宴的时间。 Quick, they tidy up! 很快,他们就收拾完毕! But remaining is less than 3000 Black Spread Star Furnace Heaven-Fighting God Clan, at this moment had been killed stupidly, they stand in the distant place in a panic, such as silly looks at Li Tianming generally they, the eyeball is trembling, had just like been scared. 而剩下不到三千的黑撒星炉战天神族,此刻已经被杀傻了,他们仓皇站在远处,如傻了一般看着李天命他们,眼球都在震颤,俨然已经被吓破了胆。 Walks!” “走!” The effect achieves, the harvest is full, Li Tianming first and Weisheng Moran gathering, then shouted Zi Zhen of distant place. 效果达到,收获满满,李天命先和微生墨染汇聚,然后再喊了一声远处的紫禛 Knew.” “知道了。” Last Ghost God of Zi Zhen in the hand tears into shreds. 紫禛将手里最后一个鬼神撕碎。 She at this moment, annotated anything to be called true Ghost God to this Heaven-Fighting God Clan perfectly. 此刻的她,向这战天神族完美诠释了什么叫做真正的鬼神 She scared one crowd of Heaven-Fighting God Clan! 她吓坏了一群战天神族 But at this time, she also relaxed slightly, toward Li Tianming. 而这时,她也稍微放松了一些,朝着李天命而来。 In this instant, behind her transmits the fatal crisis suddenly! 就在这电石火光之间,她背后陡然传来致命的危机! This crisis also surpassed the expectation of Li Tianming and Yin Chen (silver dust)! 这危机也超出了李天命银尘的预料! Bang! 轰! A dazzling white light sparkles behind Zi Zhen suddenly, in that ray, dignified, lofty and indifferent kilometer Universe God appears suddenly! 一道刺眼的白光陡然在紫禛背后闪耀,那光芒之中,一个威严、崇高、冷漠的千米宙神猛然出现! She is Heaven-Fighting God Clan, but is extremely sacred, honored, his facial features incomparably cold proud, only one appearance, a control dignity arrives at the audience. 她是战天神族,但却无比神圣、尊贵,其面容无比冷傲,只一出现,一股主宰般的威严降临全场。 Be careful!” The Li Tianming complexion is startled changes, roared hastily, charged into Zi Zhen. “小心!”李天命脸色惊变,连忙吼了一声,冲向了紫禛 The Zi Zhen complexion changes, turn head, actually sees that kilometer female Universe God to be very indifferent suddenly, in her hand grips a dark green white long spear/gun, kills suddenly! 紫禛面色微变,猛然回头,却见那千米女宙神无比冷漠,她手中握住一把苍白色长枪,猛然杀出! Zi Zhen changes to the shield to keep off with that Thousand Machine Changes! 紫禛用那千机变化作盾牌一挡! kuang~dang~! 哐当 A grating loud sound, that long spear/gun pierced Thousand Machine Changes unexpectedly, then pierced the chest of Zi Zhen! 一声刺耳巨响,那长枪竟然洞穿了千机变,尔后又洞穿了紫禛的胸口! Petty people.” “鼠辈。” That female Ghost God sneers, puts out a hand to turn, the terrifying strength passes through to come, changes to the white tornado in a flash, rips the fragmentation fireworks the Zi Zhen body at the scene! 那女鬼神冷笑一声,伸手一扭,恐怖的力量贯穿而来,一瞬间化作白色旋风,当场将紫禛的身躯撕裂成碎片烟花! Bang! 轰隆! She blasts out the purple smoke and fire, then congeals the Universe God source! 她炸开成紫色烟火,尔后凝结成宙神本源! This white female Ghost God, is astonishing! 这白色女鬼神之强,何等惊人! Zi Zhen does not have the throat, suffered such big, Li Tianming looked grievedly incomparable. 紫禛一声都没吭,就吃了这么大的亏,李天命看得心痛无比。 Yin Chen (silver dust)!” 银尘!” He finishes speaking, some innumerable Yin Chen (silver dust) wrapped by Zi Zhen that Universe God source, at the same time Li Tianming coldly is staring that female Ghost God, in pink a spheroid the hand pounded suddenly! 他话音刚落,就有无数银尘包裹在了紫禛宙神本源旁边,与此同时李天命冷冷瞪着那女鬼神,陡然将手里一个粉色的球体砸了出去! After this is returned to solar recharge to finish Ji Ji! 这可是回到太阳充能完毕后的姬姬 With the Li Tianming promotion, it is also promoting. 随着李天命提升,它也在提升。 Pink Star Source, pounds suddenly in that female Ghost God at present. 一枚粉色恒星源,陡然砸在了那女鬼神眼前。 Emperor's Daughter, be careful!” Some Heaven-Fighting God Clan recognize this is Li Tianming breaks through the Illusion Heaven God Clan Illusion Spirit Formation method, immediately shouted. 帝女,小心!”有些战天神族认出这是李天命攻破幻天神族幻神大阵的手段,当即大喊。 But also late! 但也晚了! Bang! 轰隆! An earth-shaking burst, the pink stars ray sparkle world, this explosion happened between that white female Ghost God and Zi Zhen Universe God sources at the scene, the nature shakes in the different directions both sides! 一声惊天动地的震爆,粉色星辰光芒当场闪耀天地,这爆炸发生在那白色女鬼神紫禛宙神本源中间,自然将双方往不同的方向震荡开来! Some massive Yin Chen (silver dust) first step grasped Zi Zhen! 有大量银尘先一步抱住了紫禛 Under this explosion, Li Tianming found her, hugged her at the scene in the bosom, borrowed potential to leave with Weisheng Moran again! 这爆炸之下,李天命找到了她,当场将她抱在了怀里,再和微生墨染一起借势离开! Rumble- 轰隆隆- The terrifying burst destroyed the entire black fortress directly, Li Tianming did not have the time to look whether that Emperor's Daughter was injured, the urgent matter made Zi Zhen be out of the danger! 恐怖的震爆直接摧毁了整个黑色堡垒,李天命没工夫去看那帝女是否受伤,当务之急还是让紫禛脱离危险! All right?” “没事吧?” The explosion thunders, Li Tianming is hugging her, changes to the lightning thunder to leave. 身后爆炸轰鸣,李天命则抱着她,化作闪电雷霆离开。 Has the matter!” Zi Zhen that ice-cold sound conveys. “有事!”紫禛那冰冷的声音传来。 What matter?” Li Tianming asked. “什么事?”李天命问。 Is uncomfortable, I must revenge!” In the Zi Zhen sound contains the dreadful anger. “非常不爽,我要报仇!”紫禛声音里蕴含滔天怒火。 "geh." “呃。” Li Tianming knows, her was enraged thoroughly. 李天命知道,她被彻底触怒了。 That is a very dreadful matter. 那将是一件很可怕的事情。
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