FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4002: Killing of Eight Departments Gods incurs!

Just entered Miracle Mountain shortly, Soul Demon some changes. 刚刚进入神迹山没多久,魂魔这边就有一些变化。 It melted that three heads and six arms appearance from Li Tianming's obviously, that happy front a head changed, is calling to Li Tianming, the both legs jumped unceasingly to stumble, jumped non-stop. 它从李天命的身上显化出了那三头六臂的样子,将那‘喜’的一个脑袋转到前面来,冲着李天命叫着,双腿不断蹦跶,跳得不停。 „Did you feel existence of breeze?” The Li Tianming whole face asked pleasantly surprised. “你感受到小风的存在了?”李天命满脸惊喜问。 Wū wū!” The Soul Demon crazy nod, three head beginnings, obviously it is excited. “呜呜!”魂魔疯狂点头,三个脑袋一起点,可见它是何等激动。 Yin Chen (silver dust), haven't you seen him?” Li Tianming asked hastily. 银尘,你还没看到他?”李天命连忙问。 No.” Yin Chen (silver dust) somewhat replied afraid. “没有。”银尘有些心虚回答道。 You were not known as that no one can escape from your eyes?” Li Tianming speechless say/way. “你不是号称谁都逃不出你的双眼?”李天命无语道。 It is very broad in the coverage fraction of that peak position, unexpectedly has not discovered Ye Lingfeng, this is also mysterious enough! 它在那峰顶位置的覆盖率已经很广了,竟然还没发现夜凌风,这也够神奇的! Since Soul Demon felt existence of Ye Lingfeng, at least explained that he arrived at Ancestral World from Bizarre World! 魂魔既然感受到了夜凌风的存在,起码说明他从异度界来到了祖界 Gives me, a point, time!” Yin Chen (silver dust) encountered despising, indignant, immediately polished the eyes, found the person crazily. “给我,一点,时间!”银尘遭到了鄙视,愤愤不平,当即擦亮了双眼,疯狂去找人去了。 Relaxes, all right, a point can find his.” Li Tianming comforts Soul Demon to say. “放松,没事,一点能找到他的。”李天命安抚着魂魔说道。 Un un!” Soul Demon nods. “嗯嗯!”魂魔点头。 It also is really the faithful old servant. 它还真是忠实的老仆人。 Perhaps Little Five, you can by yourself obviously, he be able to see you, knew me in the nearby.” Li Tianming thinks to say. 小五,你可以让自己明显一点,说不定他能看到你,就知道我在附近了。”李天命想了想说。 Knows, wordy!” Yin Chen (silver dust) uncomfortable say/way. “知道,啰嗦!”银尘不爽道。 After the body of achievement Universe God, unexpectedly had not found the person in the domain that oneself most excel, this stimulated its effort, if immediately hit the chicken blood to be the same, increased the fission individual quantity, everywhere staring, any lump is not letting off. 成就宙神之体后,在自己最擅长的领域竟然没找到人,这激发出了它的好胜心,当即如打了鸡血一样,增加分裂个体数量,到处盯着,任何疙瘩都不放过。 Your that brothers excel at the say/way of soul, the spirit is very definitely powerful, after we come up, I help you look, did not use Little Five this waste.” Bai Ye (white night) hehe said with a smile. “你那兄弟擅长灵魂之道,魂灵肯定很强大,等我们上去后,我帮你找,不用小五这废物了。”白夜呵呵笑道。 mother! You, with, shouted me, Little Five?” Yin Chen (silver dust) was breathless, starts to scold the vulgar language. “尼玛!就你,也配,喊我,小五?”银尘气急败坏,开始骂粗话了。 Yo, was anxious.” Bai Ye (white night) starts to taunt. “呦,急了。”白夜开始嘲讽。 It has not been idling, can fight with anyone, reviewing Bai Ling (white rise) is more single-minded, it only with the Bai Ye (white night) fight. 它没闲着,和谁都能斗起来,反观白凌还专一一些,它只和白夜斗。 Li Tianming also can only pick up the speed, brings Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran is climbing up the boundless great peak. 李天命也只能加快速度,带着紫禛微生墨染攀爬着无边巨峰。 Is stepping on this vast Holy Mountain, is thinking, if integrates Eastern Sovereign Sword it, should have what kind of might...... the Li Tianming mood fervor. 踩着这浩瀚的圣山,想着若是将其融入东皇剑,该有何等威力……李天命心情激情。 Wū wū.” “呜呜。” Without walking several steps, Soul Demon was also sad. 没走几步,魂魔就又哀伤了起来。 What's wrong?” Li Tianming asked. “怎么了?”李天命问。 It is shaking the head, expression some are not right. 它摇着头,表情有些不对劲。 „Does he disappear?” Li Tianming asked. “他又不见了?”李天命问。 Un un!” Soul Demon nods. “嗯嗯!”魂魔点头。 All right, after we come up, can look for him by the soul fluctuation.” The Li Tianming comfort said. “没事儿,等我们上去后,能靠灵魂波动找他。”李天命安慰道。 Soul Demon continues to nod, however the sadness in forehead cannot cover. 魂魔继续点头,然而眉宇之中的哀伤掩盖不住。 ...... …… Great Darkgreen Universe City, Heavenly Demon Palace! 太苍宙城,天魔殿 The confusion of that Miracle Mountain entrance, triggering here elder one is not satisfactory. 神迹山入口的混乱,引发了这里的长辈一阵不满意。 What does?” “搞什么呢?” What big sickness do these small brat brains have? Can this struggle?” “这些小兔崽子脑子有什么大病?这都能争起来?” Is who first stirs up trouble!” “到底是谁先挑事的!” Elders faces are black, is quite really speechless. 长辈们一张张脸都是黑的,着实相当无语。 Is good because of the scene, although is chaotic, but what casualties, and quick subsided, the person of causing trouble was compelled to come out to admit mistakes, settled a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved finally. 好在场面虽然混乱,但并没出什么伤亡,且很快就平息了下去,闹事的人被逼着出来认错,总算息事宁人了。 But on that round table, one crowd of mountain top Universe God also saw this. 而在那圆桌上,一群高山般的顶尖宙神也看到了这一幕。 They stern, looked, some slightly doubts, but had not said. 他们目中森严,看了许多,稍微有些疑惑,但并没有多说。 That three Yan and Huang, have not appeared again.” The Original Sin God appearance chill/yin cold said. “那三个炎黄,没有再出现了。”原罪神面目阴寒道。 „The trail somewhat is at present difficult to seek.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord said. “目前踪迹还是有些难寻。”太苍魔主道。 If he close to the peak, your Demon Heaven disciple, can open Heavenly Eye to look for them actually. Might as well put them to go in?” Original Sin God asked. “若他靠近峰顶,你们魔天的弟子,倒是可以开天眼找一找他们。不如放他们进去?”原罪神问。 Does not need, first looked that the situation of that peak sword hole said again. Since they are Ancestral World indigenous, definitely understands......” the Demon Lord desolate say/way to this sword hole compared with others. “没必要,先看那峰顶剑洞的情况再说。他们既然是祖界土著,对这剑洞肯定比别人了解……”魔主冷淡道。 It seems like do you think this Universe God Item importance above the small beast ball?” Original Sin God smiles. “看来你认为这宙神器的重要性在小兽球之上?”原罪神莞尔。 „It is not.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord shakes the head, is only because the small beast ball had been shifted, but Universe God Item, is hopeful...... as for capturing the matters of these three juniors, I just obtained the positive news.” “不是。”太苍魔主摇了摇头,“只是因为小兽球已经被转移走了,而宙神器还在,是有希望的……至于擒拿这三个小辈的事,我刚得到了确切消息。” What news?” The lords of several other Myriad Universe Rank stars looked. “什么消息?”其余几位万宙级星辰之主都看了过来。 Heavenly Dao Arena has laid down thoroughly in this lower-level vestige, pressed in this Miracle Mountain, basically did not have the dead angle. And a mask person brought our Heavenly Punishment Protection Seed, we can find each Heavenly Punishment Protection Seed position through the Heavenly Dao, distinguishes this Yan and Huang odd/surplus Nielai, so, his small beast ball hiding place, could not escape from our eyes.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord sinking sound said. 天道竞技场已经在这下层遗迹彻底铺设完毕,也压进了这神迹山,基本无死角了。其中一个面具人带了我们的天罚护道种,我们通过天道可以找到每一个天罚护道种的位置,识别出这个炎黄余孽来,如此,他那小兽球的藏身之处,也逃不出我们的眼睛了。”太苍魔主沉声道。 „Is this news that side Emperor Heaven spreads?” Original Sin God asked. “这是帝天那边传来的消息?”原罪神问。 Right!” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord said. “对!”太苍魔主道。 This boy has not thought, oneself was planted Heavenly Punishment Protection Seed, will make him ascend the sky roadless, enters the sea impossible? The key was this gadget cannot remove, only if he left the lower-level vestige, three years no longer went.” Original Sin God cannot help laughing. “这小子万万没想到,自己被种下了天罚护道种,会让他上天无路,入海无门吧?关键是这玩意儿根本去除不了,除非他离开下层遗迹,三年不再进去。”原罪神哑然失笑。 Immediately started?” Other Universe God asked. “马上就启动了?”其余宙神问。 Entire Heavenly Dao Arena, had been starting completely, the core position will arrive in that peak, even if has no way to put to death the opponent, can still help our children open some fields of vision, locks the opponent.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord quiet cold say/way. “整个天道竞技场,已经在完全启动了,核心位置会降临在那峰顶,就算没法诛杀对手,也能帮我们的小孩开一些视野,锁定对手。”太苍魔主幽冷道。 „On the day of finally waited till.” “终于等到这一天了。” These Eight Departments Gods juniors had arrived at the peak, is actually still refusing to compromise with Immemorial Permanent Sand, in fact also and other Heavenly Dao Arena radical starts, increases some invisible advantages to them, to reduce casualties. 那些八部神众子弟早就到了峰顶,却还在和太古恒沙僵持,实际上也是在等天道竞技场彻底启动,给他们增加一些无形的优势,以减少伤亡。 Corresponds......” Original Sin God smiled one, then did not use Image-Recall Ring, Heavenly Dao Arena will disseminate all images in global field of view, synchronously presented on our Ten Desolate Star Furnace all Star Source World? So, under so many eyes, no matter the Immemorial Permanent Sand ancient Yan and Huang, were unable to escape even with wings.” “相对应的……”原罪神笑了一声,“接下来就不用追影戒了,天道竞技场会将全局视野里的一切影像传播出来,在我们十荒星炉所有恒星源世界上同步呈现?如此,在这么多双眼睛下,不管是太古恒沙还是古炎黄,都插翅难飞了。” Yes.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord nods. “是的。”太苍魔主点头。 Previously Illusion Heaven God Clan Siming Shengshi and other group of people lost seriously, but Eight Departments Gods still knew nothing about the enemy , because the opposite party ruined Image-Recall Ring from the beginning. 此前幻天神族司命生世’等一群人损失惨重,但八部神众这边仍然对敌人一无所知,就是因为对方一开始就毁掉了追影戒 But now, the Heavenly Dao Arena radical start, presses in Miracle Mountain, even all in Nine Lives Cave any cavern, cannot escape the eyes of Eight Departments Gods, their juniors with the aid of the eye of this Heavenly Dao Arena, no matter treasure hunts pursues the person, will be very easy. 而现在,天道竞技场彻底启动,压入神迹山,甚至连九命窟任何洞穴内的一切,都逃不过八部神众的双眼,他们的小辈借助这天道竞技场的眼睛,不管是寻宝还是追人,都会特别容易。 That side Emperor Heaven will send out some talent Universe God to go, even if they died in battle, cannot be inexplicable, therefore the overall situation start of Heavenly Dao Arena is very to them important. Really must have an accident, we did not need to be a scapegoat.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord sinking sound said. 帝天那边会派出一些天才宙神进去,他们就算战死,也不能不明不白,所以天道竞技场的全局启动对他们来说很重要。真要出了事,我们也不用背锅了。”太苍魔主沉声道。 Demon Lord chatted.” The color of Original Sin God eye of reveal esteem, Emperor Eight Departments Gods the level bloodlines from Emperor Heaven, that may be the ordered universe crown prince masters and star sea princesses, these future can attack the evildoer/monstrous talent of road of entire world Heavenly Emperor, how to be restrained Immemorial Permanent Sand that help/gang rebels?” 魔主说笑了。”原罪神目露推崇之色,“来自帝天八部神众帝级血脉,那可都是有序宇宙的太子爷和星海公主们,这些未来都能冲击寰宇天帝之路的妖孽,怎会受制于太古恒沙那帮逆贼?” Immemorial Permanent Sand truly has no big threat. Mainly this Yan and Huang evils......” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord quiet sound said. 太古恒沙确实没什么大威胁。主要还是这炎黄余孽……”太苍魔主幽声道。 Also yes! But said no matter how, the Heavenly Dao Arena overall situation begins using, so long as this group of odd/surplus evil appears, its depth will also come to light.” Original Sin God ferocious sound said. “也是!但不管怎么说,天道竞技场全局启用,这帮余孽只要出现,其深浅也将水落石出。”原罪神狞声道。
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