FGOAA :: Volume #32

#3121: Dark Demon goes on a pilgrimage!

In the evening altogether nine, before 12 : 30 , renews! 晚上一共九张,十二点半前更新完毕! ...... …… Bang! 轰! Head stabbing pain instantaneous, Dark Demon has killed! 脑袋刺痛瞬间,暗魔就已经杀到! Is filled with Dark Demon of bloody road, to/clashes downward, while is regarded as the prey Li Tianming. 挤满血路的暗魔,一边往下冲,一边把李天命当做是猎物。 Dark Demon, bite to nip toward Li Tianming! 一个个暗魔,朝着李天命噬咬而来! Their also mutual competition, mutual attack! 它们还互相竞争,互相进攻! Simply is a group of giant beast, in struggling to be eating a meat, moreover in charge stance. 简直就是一大群巨兽,在争着吃一块肉,而且还是在冲锋姿态上。 "fuck!" “靠!” even/including Xuehun the storm has not made the Li Tianming state of mind blurry, this group of Dark Demon achieved. 连血魂风暴都没让李天命神魂迷糊,这帮暗魔生生做到了。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! He can only endure the stabbing pain, avoids killing of Dark Demon! 他只能忍着刺痛,躲避暗魔的袭杀! However, when these Dark Demon have arrived at him at present, even hits , on him, this flash, he high and low about, is filled is the Dark Demon flesh and blood, even the Five Sides Thunderbolt space does not have! 但是,当这些暗魔都已经到他眼前,甚至撞在他身上的时候,就这一瞬间,他上下左右,挤满的都是暗魔的血肉之躯,连五方奔雷的空间都没有! Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! What degree this does Dark Demon crowd to? 暗魔拥挤到什么程度? Li Tianming was gripped! 李天命都被夹住了! The key is, in the eyes of these Dark Demon, he with fly, was clamped is flushing downward, but these Dark Demon are still going crazy looks for him! 关键是,在那些暗魔的眼睛里,他就跟一只苍蝇似的,被夹着往下冲,而那些暗魔都还在发疯似的找他! Just the side was bloody big mouth, scared Li Tianming. 刚刚身边都是一张张血腥大嘴,都把李天命吓坏了。 Now although was gripped by the thighs of two Dark Demon, but Li Tianming also receives much. 现在虽然是被两只暗魔的大腿夹住,但李天命也不少受。 Rips! 撕拉! He with Eastern Sovereign Sword, chops to cut a flesh space directly. 他直接用东皇剑,劈斩出一个血肉空间。 Nearby Dark Demon eats the pain, discovered him, was insane equally toward him crowded, space that just killed, did not have! 旁边的暗魔吃痛,发现了他,更是疯了一样往他这边拥挤,刚刚杀出来的空间,又没了! This picture, making Li Tianming remember a word sausage! 这个画面,让李天命想起了一个词‘灌肠’! Dark Demon is a spur, actually with muddy flesh, so filled crowded downward, enabling them to have is crushed to death much while still alive! 暗魔一个个都是骨刺,却都跟肉泥似的,这般拥挤往下灌,使得它们有不少被活活挤死了! However, this could not prevent their going crazy to cause downward the crowded heart! 然而,这也阻挡不了它们发疯使得往下拥挤的心! Pushed insanely! 挤疯了! Order Starry Sky is very big, Li Tianming was gripped in the middle of Dark Demon, let alone Five Sides Thunderbolt, cannot lift including, both hands are hard to move. 秩序星空很大,李天命却被夹住暗魔当中,别说五方奔雷了,连头都抬不起来,双手都难以动弹。 He seems like a fly, in the middle of the crevice of Dark Demon flesh, was hustled, so long as surrounding Dark Demon struggles, with blind person, cannot see him! 他真像是一只苍蝇,在暗魔血肉的夹缝当中,被撞来撞去,周围的暗魔只要一争起来,都跟瞎子似的,就是看不到他! Was insane!” “疯了!” Li Tianming wants to cry but have no tears. 李天命欲哭无泪。 Does not know others, same was pushed with me?” “不知道其他人,是不是和我一样被挤进来了?” He just in the dead center, stared at directly by Dark Demon, does not have make way with enough time. 他刚好在正中心,被暗魔直接盯上,没来得及闪开。 His flesh is powerful, is all right actually temporarily, the words of others, may be crushed to death by Dark Demon while still alive! 他血肉强悍,倒是暂时没事,其他人的话,都有可能被暗魔活活挤死! Before had the Star Source war, has not had such density! 以前打恒星源战争,都没有过这样的密度! Issue is, these Dark Demon are flushing downward, will under I get so far as?” “问题是,这些暗魔都在往下冲,那我岂不是会被弄到下面去?” Yue Lanfeng has said that enters certain depth truly, will go out to become the lunatic! 樾澜枫说过,真正进入一定深度的,出去都会成疯子! Again deep, could not go out! 再深,就出不去了! That was finished! 那就完蛋了! Therefore, Li Tianming can only clear the way with Eastern Sovereign Sword, in the middle of this Dark Demon flesh jungle, kills a bloody channel upward! 于是,李天命只能用东皇剑开道,就在这暗魔的血肉丛林当中,往上杀出一条血腥通道! Kills a crevice! 杀出一条夹缝! ...... He soon discovered, the speed that oneself kill upward, fundamental ratio Dark Demon the speed that he hits downward! 只是……他很快就发现,自己往上杀的速度,根本比不过暗魔们把他往下撞的速度! Too many! 太多了! Does not kill cleanly! 杀不干净! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Nearby Dark Demon, but also attacks him with the soul storm unceasingly. 附近的暗魔,还不断用灵魂风暴冲击他。 Ended, grass!” “完了,草!” Lets four final word air/Qi, gave to build me!” “让四个煞笔气的,把我自己给搭进来了!” Speechless! 无语啊! Li Tianming clenches jaws. 李天命咬牙切齿。 Is thorough, he had felt profoundly that feeling that Yue Lanfeng they said! 越是深入,他已经深刻感觉到了樾澜枫他们说的那种感觉! Compared with the blood soul storm, the one soul strength of now in this cavern flooding, is outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, but also seizes every opportunity, it in the soft way, crosses Heavenly Spirit Tower, enters Li Tianming brain star organ, strives with the evil thought by a peaceful way coexistence. 比起血魂风暴,现在这洞窟中充斥的一种灵魂力量,更加阴柔,但也无孔不入,它以温和的方式,越过天灵塔,进入李天命大脑星脏,争取和邪念以一种和平的方式共存。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Rumor! 风声! Various disorderly sounds. 各种杂乱声音。 The world in Li Tianming eye, starts to twist, shouting of Dark Demon, near the ear, probably is obviously getting more and more remote. 李天命眼中的世界,开始扭曲,暗魔们的嘶吼,明明就在耳边,却又好像越来越遥远。 „Is this might of bloody road deep place?” “这就是血路深处的威力么?” Li Tianming felt, world from oneself, more and more. 李天命感觉,世界距离自己,越来越远。 The surroundings are obviously noisier, innumerable Dark Demon are roaring, however he actually felt, all even more are probably peaceful. 周围明明更吵闹,无数暗魔在咆哮,然而他却感觉,一切好像愈加安静。 Arrived finally, the whole world as if lost the sound. 到最后,整个世界仿佛都失去了声音。 The vision, sense of hearing and sense of touch, draw close in the fuzziness, this is sensation to world, by the feeling of the body stripping. 视觉、听觉、触觉,趋近于模糊,这是一种对世界的感知,被从身体上剥离出去的感觉。 That is......” “那是……” He knows, he also downward. 他知道,他还在往下。 Although the eyes are fuzzy day after day, however Heaven-Stealing Eye on Li Tianming palm, is very clear, this is on him the present only foreign sensation! 虽然双眼日渐模糊,然而李天命手掌上的窃天之眼,是非常清楚的,这是他身上现在唯一的对外感知! All sensations are dissipating, that this only vision, becomes even more clear. 一切感知都在消散,那这唯一的视觉,就会变得愈加清楚。 He saw! 他看到了! Under him, the deep place of this bloody road, in the blood fog, appeared let the thing of his shock. 在他下方,这血路的深处,血雾之中,出现了让他震撼之物。 This thing of shock, instead lets Li Tianming day after day depressed brain star organ and Life Soul, received the stimulation, lets his whole person, instead became sobered much. 正是这震撼之物,反而让李天命日渐消沉的大脑星脏命魂,受到了刺激,让他整个人,反而变得清醒了不少。 „The eye of Immemorial Evil Demon!” 太古邪魔之眼!” These six characters, making the Li Tianming spirit shake! 这六个字,让李天命精神一震! Under, the blood fog fills the air, a giant blood-color eye, mounts. 下方,血雾弥漫中,一个巨大的血色眼睛,镶嵌其中。 If Li Tianming does not have Heavenly Spirit Tower, evil thought and Heaven-Stealing Eye, he anything cannot see, to lose the sense of hearing, sense of taste, sense of touch and feeling now inevitably, falls into the eternal deathly stillness! 如果李天命没有天灵塔、邪念和窃天之眼,他现在必然什么都看不见,失去听觉、味觉、触觉、感觉,陷入永恒死寂! This, Yue Lanfeng had not said, here will have a reason of eye of Immemorial Evil Demon, because of others, cannot see it!” “这,正是樾澜枫没说,这里会有一只太古邪魔之眼的原因,因为其他人,根本看不见它!” Li Tianming not only saw it, but also is very clear. 李天命不但看见了,而且还很清楚。 However, even if Heaven-Stealing Eye saw, he cannot make anything probably, because he has no feeling of strength. 然而,就算窃天之眼看见了,他好像也不能做什么,因为他已经没有任何力量的感觉了。 Even the feeling of Order and Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power, as if lost. 秩序周天星海之力的感觉,仿佛都失去了。 Obviously this eye, has started from brain star organ, affected his body all stars particles, cuts off relation between his Universe Great Chart. 显然这一只眼睛,已经从大脑星脏开始,影响了他身体所有的星辰微粒,切断他宇宙宏图之间的联系。 Including Ying Huo (Firefly) they, could not relate. 包括荧火它们,都联系不上了。 Did not say their deep sleep, but was they are perhaps same as oneself, lost all sensations. 不是说它们沉睡了,而是它们或许和自己一样,也失去了一切的感知。 Li Tianming can only look! 李天命只能看! Looks at itself, from this eye, more and more nearly. 看着自己,距离这一只眼睛,越来越近。 Looks at these Dark Demon, but also is flushing downward, close to the eye of that Immemorial Evil Demon, feeling of pilgrimage. 看着那些暗魔,还在往下冲,靠近那一只太古邪魔之眼,有一种朝圣的感觉。 Blood soul storm, is attracts Dark Demon to become this crowded, signal that comes to go on a pilgrimage?” “血魂风暴,就是吸引暗魔们拥挤成这样,前来朝圣的信号么?” Li Tianming suspected. 李天命猜想。 From the size contrast of eye, the master of eye of this only Immemorial Evil Demon, surely compared with Dark Demon, is much bigger. 从眼睛的大小对比来看,这只太古邪魔之眼的主人,必定比暗魔,要大得多。 This eye!” “这只眼睛!” More approaches, he sees even more clearly. 越是靠近,他看得愈加清楚。 Before, the eye of Immemorial Evil Demon Li Tianming obtained, somewhat was dried out, historical probably passing many years. 以前,李天命得到的太古邪魔之眼,都有些干瘪瘪的,历史好像过去很多年了。 However, at present this eye, fresh/live feelings. 但是,眼前这一只眼睛,有一种鲜活的感觉。 Therefore its soul impact cholera, so will be terrifying! 所以它的灵魂冲击霍乱,才会如此恐怖! Inside many small eyes!” “里面好多小眼睛!” A point, he saw clearly again downward thoroughly. 再往下一点,他彻底看清楚了。 The eye of this Immemorial Evil Demon, is a giant compound eye, it has eye of compositions 100 small Immemorial Evil Demon, dense and numerous, making one have the intensive phobophobia. 太古邪魔之眼,是个巨大的复眼,它有一百只小的太古邪魔之眼组成,密密麻麻,让人产生密集恐惧症。 The key is, these small eyes, live probably are being same, have the different looks and vision, is not very law-abiding, roves in the different directions. 关键是,这些小眼睛,就好像都活着一样,有着不同的眼神、目光,很不安分,朝着不同的方向转来转去。 The picture is very terrifying! 画面很恐怖! Especially, Li Tianming now only then an intuition of eye, when his all sensations, when only then under this big eye, over a hundred toward different direction chaotic revolutions small eye, seemed stranger. 尤其是,李天命现在就只有一只眼睛的直觉,当他的一切感知,就只有这大眼睛下,上百个往不同方向乱转的小眼睛时,就显得更加诡异了。 Self- this gadget, vanished! ‘自我’这玩意儿,都消失了! Only has the time, but also is passing. 只有时间,还在流逝。 He is away from that eye to be getting more and more near! 他距离那眼睛越来越近! Suddenly, the Li Tianming's eye, saw that these Dark Demon are not proceeding. 忽然,李天命的眼睛,看到那些暗魔都不在往前了。 They clash altogether, is away from a place of eye of distance that Immemorial Evil Demon, stops suddenly completely, each stares the big eye, is reverent looks at the eye of Immemorial Evil Demon, if really like going on a pilgrimage. 它们一股脑冲进来,就在距离那太古邪魔之眼一段距离的地方,全部戛然而止,每一个都瞪大眼睛,虔诚得看着太古邪魔之眼,果真如同在朝圣。 This group of Dark Demon sound, calculates finally did not have. 这帮暗魔的动静,终于算没了。 However, Li Tianming has not actually stopped, he from the Dark Demon crevice, looks like a leaf, is light to fall, the eye of that Immemorial Evil Demon, in his Heaven-Stealing Eye angle of view, enlarges unceasingly. 但是,李天命却没有停止,他从暗魔的夹缝当中,就像是一片树叶,轻飘飘得落下来,那太古邪魔之眼,在他的窃天之眼视角当中,不断放大。 More puts is bigger! 越放越大!
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